Page 1: Integrating A Web3d Interface into an E-learning Platform

24 July 2010


Integrating A Web3d Interface into an E-learning Platform

Francesco Di Cerbo+, Gabriella Dodero+, Laura Papaleo*^

+ Free University of Bolzano-Bozen* G3 Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Genova^ ICT Department, Provincia di Genova

Web3D International Conference, Los Angeles 2010

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24 July 2010


Introduction The DIEL e-learning platform Our approach Web3D interface for DIEL

Examples, results Concluding remarks

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The Web has grown, allowing richer and interactive content Web technologies are becoming more stimulating

➢ collaborative spaces. Web-based knowledge transfer is becoming important We foresee a research trend in studying and designing e-

learning collaborative systems where interactions among users can be done in a 3D environment, as a game-like immersive virtual reality.

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What we have done

Present our interactive e-learning platform DIEL developed as an extension to Moodle

Focus the attention on the design, development and implementation of an innovative 3D client interface which uses the X3D standard in combination with WebGL and X3DOM

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Related Work

A number of studies has been focusing on effectiveness and benefits brought in e-learning by the use of metaverses, especially with Second Life. [Abbatista et al. 2009, De Lucia et al. 2008, 2009, Sancho et al. 2008].

In those works, a positive tendency emerges, especially for substituting direct face-to-face communications.

Previous works using different technologies [e.g. Pfister et al. 1998] focus on virtual learning spaces, that ease the fruition of contents, providing➢ representational and mnemonic method on mapping

semantic onto spatial relations.

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Authoring &Visualizing Web3D Content Several technologies exist to create 3D content for the web.

Most of them are plug-in based systems This adds more complexity for the end user

O3D: a Google attempt to establish an open standard for 3D graphics on the web.

X3D: open ISO standard for creating specifications for representing 3D graphics

WebGL: a new cross-platform, royalty-free web standard for a low-level 3D graphics API

X3DOM: an open-source framework developed with the aim to bring the X3D standard to HTML5 on top of WebGL.

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The DIEL e-learning platform

DIEL is an e-learning platform developed for providing new ways of user interactivity and data representation in a web-based real-time environment

Extension of Moodle Use of the social translucence concept Virtual learning space

Components: Rooms, Doors, users, resources MOODLE




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The Social Translucence Concept

How would you open this door, if you are in a hurry?

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The Social Translucence Concept

If we know that someone is on the other side, very carefully!

Social translucence is a set of principle and design guidelines for designing social applications.

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The Social Translucence Concept

Three main properties: visibility: make socially significant information

visible; awareness: visibility supports social awareness; accountability: individuals are socially accountable for

their actions. DIEL design approach:

mimetic: application represents social cues from the physical world, as literally as possible, in the digital domain.

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Previous DIEL 2D and 3D Interfaces Interactions: via chat Visible:

students, tutors door Resources

Ffilmation (Adobe) Prototype tested Visible: the

same items as in 2D

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DIEL In Action

Course conceptual representation (left) and DIEL implementation (right): 3 main topics analyzed with 4 common activities.

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Web3D Interface for DIEL

Technologies used: X3D, WebGL and X3DOM for HTML5

Designed and developed to ensure: Portability Extensibility License Simplicity of use

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Web3D Interface: Foundation Framework developed as an AJAX based web application using the

Closure JavaScript library [Google] modular and object-oriented

Responsible for handling basic operations Everything related to 3D is handled by the X3D standard.

Architecture: three main layers Client Communication User interface.

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Web3D Interface: X3D scene modeling X3D scenes can be modeled using

the XML syntax Scenes are generated dynamically at

client side, according to the directives specified by the DIEL server and conveyed with specific JSON messages

Room: X3D scene representing a Floor

Users: X3D scene representing Avatars

The Web3D Interface with a single room (floor) integrated into Moodle.

Two predefined different avatars

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Concluding Remarks

We presented a Web3D interface for supporting interactions in social constructivistic learning communities of students and teachers, inside a web-based e-learning environment.

The interface is very flexible and extensible. has been developed using X3D, WebGL

and X3DOM, among the most promising technologies in Web3D.

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Future works

Improve the interface functionalities: Avatar personalization, more sophisticated environments, more descriptive

objects for the resources, and so on…

Embed videos directly in the 3D interface, in panels or surfaces, exploiting HTML5 & X3Dom library such a functionality would be important to implement user video chats

Encode teachers’ knowledge (learning paths) into an ontological schema, supporting knowledge sharing on the web

Analyze patterns in the usage of the virtual environment, with Social Network Analysis techniques, to evaluate and assess interactions quality from an educational point of view

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X3DOM projectWEB3D community

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Thanks for the attention

WE ARE LOOKING FOR PARTNERS! Contacts: For: E-learning, Social Transulence, DIEL

Dr. Francesco Di Cerbo, [email protected] For: 3D graphics, Semantics and Knowledge formalization

Eng. Laura Papaleo, [email protected]

Coming soon: AGPL release @

This work has been partially supported by FP6 QUALIPSO project (IST- FP6-IP-034763), founded by the European Commission, and by a grant from University of Genoa CARED research centre.

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