Page 1: Int J Ayu Pharm ahara, abhighata, prapidana are the causes of majjadusti and also ruksha ahara leads to majjakshaya
Page 2: Int J Ayu Pharm ahara, abhighata, prapidana are the causes of majjadusti and also ruksha ahara leads to majjakshaya

Greentree Group Publishers

Received 21/02/20 Accepted 19/04/2020 Published 10/05/2020


Rathiya and Nayak Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020 Vol. 12 Issue 3 208 [e ISSN 2350-0204]


e-ISSN 2350-0204


Gridhrasi among the Nanatmaja Vata Vyadhi is characterized by Stambha, Ruka, Toda and

Spandana which is described by Acharya Charaka, in Sutrasthan 20 (Maharoga Adhyaya).

Such symptoms initially affect Sphika (buttock) as well as the lateral aspect of Kati (waist) and

then eventually radiate to the later aspects of Uru (thigh), Janu (knee), Jangha (calf) and Pada

(foot). Acharya Sushruta mentioned for Gridhrasi most of the Hetu from which ‘Vata

Vaigunya’ is very important for causing pain. Vata is the main factor that causes the Gridhrasi

disease and may include other Doshas. In the course of the affected portion, it ultimately plays

a role in the over stimulation of the nerve as caused by severe pain. In modern medical science,

Gridhrasi can be compared to sciatica according to its signs and symptoms. However,

prolapsed intervertebral disc are the most common among the galaxy of sciatic causative

factors; and thus, many of the descriptions of sciatic pathophysiology are mostly centered

around this single entity. Sciatica is not a single disease entity, but rather a series of symptoms

that can be triggered by any of the multiple diseases that affect the sciatic nerve or its roots.

Samprapti helps in the diagnosis of contributing factors present in the disease, which in turn

indicates the disease name. Samprapti of disease help for prescribing samprapti vighatana

chikitsa. It is also helpful in planning samsodhana, samsamana and langhana therapy based

on morbidity of doshas.


Gridhrasi; Sciatica; Samprapti; Vata; Kapha; Pathogenesis

A Patho-Physiological Study on Gridhrasi: Ayurvedic and

Modern Review

Kavita Rathiya1* and Nikhila Ranjan Nayak2 1,2Post Graduate Dept. of Roga Nidana evum Vikriti Vigyan, Govt. Ayurveda College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh,


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Locomotor system disorders are increasing

in this present era, which in terms of social

and professional life limits human activity.

Gridhrasi is one of the serious debilitating

diseases amongst these disorders.

Gridhrasi is a frequently encountered

problem generated commonly in the present

era due to the changed lifestyle. Gridhrasi

is a nanatmaj vata vyadhi in which patient

experiences pain mainly in sphik Pradesh

(low backache) that later radiates down to

kati (lumbar), backward appearance of uru

(thigh), janu (knee), and jangha and pada

(foot). For proper cure of disease, the full

knowledge of its pathogenesis is must. The

term ‘Samprapti’ means 'Samyak Prapti of

Roga' which is the correct understanding of

the disease process.


Detailed patho-physiological study of

Gridhrasi in Ayurvedic and Modern



The Basic Ayurvedic and Modern texts,

Original clinical texts of various authors,

Reference books, Internet, Latest journal

along with Latest research papers were

referred and compiled for conceptual part

of study.


The way in which the Dosha gets Vitiated

and the course it follows for the

manifestation of disease is called

Samprapti. The synonyms are Jaati and

Aagati. A proper understanding of

Samprapti is vital for the treatment1.

The term Samprapti is applied to express

the course of the appearance of disease right

from Nidana sevana to Vyadhi Utpatti. The

knowledge of Samprapti helps in the

comprehension of the specific features of a

disease like Dosha, Dushya, Srotodushti,

Ama and Agni etc. The study of Samprapti

Vighatana is said to be done by treatment.

As explained in the Ayurvedic text, Chikitsa

is nothing but Samprapti Vighatana.


Agati, Nivritti and Nispatti are synonyms of



Acharya Charka has described six types of

‘Samprapti’ namely Sankhya, Pradhnya,

Vidhi, Vikalpa, Bala, Kala.

1. Sankhya Samprapti : It deals with

the number or subclassification of disease

like 2 types of Gridhrasi.

2. Pradhanya Samprapti : It indicate

whether the disease is primary or

predominant and Secondary or associated.

It helps for the identification of dominance

of doshas in case of two or more doshas

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involved. Gridhrasi is Vata Pradhana

dwidoshaj vyadhi.

3. Vidhi Samprapti: It deals with the

variety of disease like two varities of

disease i.e. Nija and Agantuja; Based on

prognosis of disease i.e. curable, inurable,

mild and acute. In Gridhrasi 2 varities

(vataja Gridhrasi and vatakaphaja

Gridhrasi) on the basis of doshas


4. Vikalpa Samprapti: It indicate the

Ansansa kalpana (proportional analysis) of

the qualities of doshas involved. It also help

to detect the quantitative, qualitative,

functional and aggravation of the doshas. In

case of Gridhrasi out of 5 types of vata,

only 2 apana and vyana vata are involved.

5. Bala Samprapti: It helps in

understanding the strength of the disease

based on Nidana panchaka, area of

involvement, organ involved, age etc. for

the assessment of strength of disease.

6. Kala Samprapti: It indicates the

time of aggravation of doshas in relation to

season, various timing of day, night and

intake of food. It helps to understand the

Aggravating and Relieving factors of the

disease. Shishir and Varsha ritu, daily

variations such as aparhana, bhojana

jirnakala also cause vata prakopa. All these

factors aggravets the symptoms of


A. Acharya Sushruta has described

Samprapti process in six stages Sanchaya,

Prakopa, Prasara, Sthanasanshraya,

Vyakti and Bheda known as Satkriyakala3.

These are the reasons that though Nidana of

all the Vatavyadhi are same but only due to

the Samprapti Vishesha of disease Vata can

produce so many Vata disorders.

1. Sanchaya: In Sanchayavastha there

is gradual accumulation of doshas in their

respective seats. It is the earliest stage to

plan the suitable preventive measure.

Rukshadi Ahara and Vihara, Atimatra

bhojna, ajeerna bhojana and vishamashan

etc. leads to Agnimandya. Due to

Agnimandya the production of rasa dhatu is

impaired and thus results in dhatu kshaya

which later causes vata prakopa in


2. Prakopa: It is the second stage of

kriyakala where accumulated dosha started

to move other than its main site. Atyadhhika

bhar vahan, diwasapna, atiprajagarna,

abhigataj (trauma), marmaghataja etc. are

the Prakopak hetu associated with


3. Prasara: In prasaravastha there is

overflowing of doshas from their respective

seats to other place like fermented material

comes out after keeping mixture of yeast,

water and flour in a vessels for overnight.

In Gridhrasi Vitiated Vata spreads at

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Vatasthana Kati, Sakthi, Pada, Asthi of the

lower limb.

4. Doshadushya Sammurhhana and

Sthanasansraya : During Sthansanshraya

Avastha the vitiated Dosha are said to have

reached to particular Sthana due to Kha-

vaigunya and get obstructed here and

intimately mix with and vitiate one, two or

more Dushyas in that particular portion of

body. If vitiated Vata is accumulated in

Kati and lower extremities by Srotosanga it

produces Gridhrasi.

5. Vyakti (vyaktavastha): In this

stage cardinal sign and symptoms of the

disease are appears. Vyadhipratyanika

chikitsa may applied in this stage of

disease. Ruka, Toda, Stambha etc. in Sphik,

Kati, Pristha, Janu, Jangha and Pada

region in Gridhrasi.

6. Bhedavastha (updravastha): In

this stage specific sign and symptoms of the

diseases manifests. This particular stage of

manifestation is very difficult to cure and if

not treated at the earliest stage may become

incurable. Khanjata, Shosha,

Dehapravakrata, inability to walk and

crippling are the other Upadrava associated

with Gridhrasi.

B. Conventionally the Samprapti

can be categorized in two types :

(1) Samanya (General) Samprapti:

This is a common pathogenesis among

various types of a single disease.

(2) Vishishta (Specific) Samprapti : This

is a specific pathogenesis for a particular

sub type of disease.

The two main reasons for vata prokopa are

dhatukshaya and margavarana.

Continuous ingestions of food materials

which are ruksha, sheeta, laghu, suska in

nature, ratri-jagarana, vegavidharana,

pramitasana, and all such causes lead to

Dhatu kshaya. This Dhatukshaya leads to

vata prakopa and this fulfills the empty

sortas. It occurs specially in Asthi, majja,

meda, mamsa dhatu kshaya. Vatik ahara

vihara is the cause of Asthi dusti.

Asthidhatu and vata dosha are related by

Ashraya ashrayi bhava hence asthikshaya

specially deals to vataprakopa. Viruddha

ahara, abhighata, prapidana are the causes

of majjadusti and also ruksha ahara leads

to majjakshaya as majjadhatu is snigdha in

nature. Ruksha ahara can’t nourish meda,

mamsa because they are also snigdha, guru

dhatu and ruksha, suska, Laghu ahara can’t

nourish them properly. Hence the meda and

mamsa dhatukshaya occurs. In the

lakshanas of asthi, meda and mamsa

kshaya, sandhisaithilya and in asthi and

majjakshaya, asthi sausirya (porosity of the

bones), asthi daurbalyas and laghuta are


Samprapti Chakra : Samprapti Chakra of

Vataj Gridhrasi is described in Figure 1 and

Vata-Kaphaj Gridhrasi in Figure 2.

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Figure 1 Samprapti of Vataja Gridhrasi

Figure 2 Samprapti of Vata-Kaphaj Gridhrasi

Samprapti Ghataka : Samprapti Ghataka

are the different factors which are

responsible for the pathogenesis of any

disease. On the basis of symptomatology

given in classics, the probable Samprapti

ghataka of Gridhrasi can be traced out as

below –

Dosha - Vata – Especially Vyana and

Apana, Kapha

Dushya - Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda,

Asthi, Majja, Sira, Kandara, Snayu

Srotasa - Annavaha, Rasavaha, Raktavaha,

Mamsavaha,Medovaha, Asthivaha,


Srotodushti Prakara - Sanga

Agni - Jatharagni and Dhatwagni

Ama - Jatharagnijanya and


Udbhavasthana - Pakwashaya

Sanchara Sthana - Rasayanis

Adhisthana - Kandaras of Parsani and

Pratyanguli and Sphika, Kati, Uru, Janu,

Jangham, Pada

Vyakta Rupa - Ruka, Toda, Stambha in

Adhosakthi, Uru, Janu, Jangha and Pada,

Arochaka, Tandra, Gaurava

For better understanding of involved

factors, it is necessary to understand each

and every individual factor -

1)Dosha: According to the texts, Vata is the

essential dosha for the manifestation of

disease Gridhrasi. Kapha is in the form of

Anubandha. It is also well known that the

Prakopa of Vata may occur in two ways -

due to Dhatukshaya and Margavarodha5.

Continuous ingestion of food materials

which are Ruksha, Laghu, Sheeta, Sushka,

Ratrijagarana, Vegavidharana,

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Pramitasana and all such causes lead to

Dhatukshaya and it leads direct Sanchaya

and Prakopa of Vata. In the case of

Margavarna, Kapha is an important factor,

particularly for producing Vata-kaphaja

Gridhrasi. Pittaja Gridhrasi aren't noticed

according to the commentators. There may

be burning sensation along with discomfort,

though in rare cases. According to

Sushruta, in Gridhrasi “Sakthi Kshepam

Nigrahaniyat” is found. The Kshepana,

Utkshepana etc. are the Karma of Prakrita

Vyana Vayu. Causes and Adhisthana of

Gridhrasi are resembling to causes and

Adhisthana of Apana Dushti. Of the five

forms of Vata, Vyana and Apana are thus

the most vitiated.

2) Dushya: According to Acharya

Sushruta, in Gridhrasi the vitiated Doshas

affects the Kandara and thus manifestation

of the disease occurs. Kandaras, according

to Charaka, is Raktadhatu of Upadhatu.

According to Charaka, Mulasthana of

Mamsa is Snayu and Snayu is an Upadhatu

of Meda6. Chakrapani and Yogratnakar

mention that Sthula Snayu may be taken as

Kandara (tendon)7.

On the other hand Vayu’s Sthana was stated

as Asthi and there is an inverse relationship

between Vayu and Asthi. For example,

increasing Vayu causes Asthikshaya and it

leads to the further Prakopa of Vata. As

Gridhrasi Nadi vitiated in this disease,

some Acharyas correlate nervous tissue

with Mastulunga and thus to Majja. So, in

Gridhrasi disease, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda,

Asthi, Majja, Sira, Kandara, and Snayu

could be taken as Dushya.

3) Srotasa : Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi

and Majja Dhatus are vitiated here, as

mentioned above. So, their respective

Srotasa may also be vitiated in this disease.

Hence, the Srotasa involved may be taken

as Raktavaha, Mamsavaha, Medavaha,

Asthivaha and Majjavha Srotasa.

4) Srotodushti Prakara: Sanga type of

Srotodushti is found in Gridhrasi. Sanga of

Dosha produces lakshana of Vata-kaphaja

Gridhrasi like Stambha, Gaurava,

Sphurana, etc. Margavarodha leads to

symptoms of Vatika type of Gridhrasi like

Toda, Ruka etc.

5) Agni: This disease may vitiate

Jatharagni and Dhatwagni of Rakta,

Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, and Majja Dhatu.

6) Ama: When the Agni is vitiated

automatically respective Ama is formed.

So, in this disease Jatharagnijanya and

Dhatwagnijanya Ama of Rakta, Mamsa,

Meda, Asthi and Majja Dhatu is produced.

7) Udbhavasthana: Pakvashaya is the

primary Udbhavasthana of this disease. As

it is a Nanatmaja Vatavyadhi – Amashaya

may be considered as an Udbhavasthana of

Vatakaphaja Gridhrasi.

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8) Sanchara Sthana : Here, Sanchara

sthana of the vitiated Dosha is the Kandara

which is situated in either side of the limb

between Parshni and Anguli as mentioned

by Sushruta.

9)Adhisthana : According to Acharya

Charaka, Kati and Sphika are the initial

sites from where the disease starts and then

respectively affects Uru, Janu, Jangha and

Pada. According to Acharya Sushruta,

vitiated Dosha affects Kandara of

Parshani, Pada and Anguli. Thus, Sphika,

Kati, uru, Janu, Jangha, Pada and Kandara

of Parshani, Pada and Anguli may be taken

as Adhisthana of the Gridhrasi disease.

Specific Samprapti of Vataja Gridhrasi:

According to Charaka, the Vataja

Gridhrasi is separately produced by Vata

Prakopak or Vata Vriddhi having symptom

of Stambha, Ruka, Toda and

Muhuspandanam. Vata Prakopak Ahara

Vihara gives rise to aggravation of Vata and

at the same time, Ruksha, Khara, Laghu,

Sheeta, Daruna, Vishada, Chala Guna of

Vata suppresses the Snigdha, Guru, Mridu,

Pichchhila and Sandra Guna of Kapha

which leads to decrease of Sleshma.

Decreased Sleshma in Kati-Pristha, Sakthi

and in Kandara in turn result into

aggravation of Vata. This way, Vata located

in Kandara and produces the symptoms viz.

Stambha, Ruka, Toda, Spandana in Kati,

Pristha, Uru, Janu, Jangha and Pada in

respective order.

Specific Samprapti of Vata-Kaphaja


Acharya Charaka explained the signs, that

is to say, Aruchi, Tandra, and Gaurava in

addition to the Vataja symptoms during the

explanation of Vata-Kaphaja Gridhrasi.

Along with Vata Prakopaka Nidana,

Kapha Prakopaka Nidana gives rise to

Agnimandya, which leads to production of

Ama. This condition also affects the Agni of

Rasa Dhatu, resulting in the production of

Kapha abundantly as it is Mala of Rasa

Dhatu. In the Samprapti of Vata-Kaphaja

Gridhrasi, Prakupita Vata does not

suppress the Kapha as explained in Vataja

type of Gridhrasi. Here Prakupita Vata also

leads to Agnimandya and ultimately assists

in accumulation of Kapha. On the other

hand Kha-vaigunya occurs due to Nidana

Sevana in Kati, Pristha, Sakthi and

Kandara. Thus, both vitiated Vata and

Kapha by spreading get localized at the

place of Kha-vaigunya. In the condition of

Sthana-sanshraya that vitiated Vata gets

masked (cloaked) by Kapha and produces

symptoms of Vata-Kaphaja Gridhrasi.


A syndrome characterized by pain radiating

from the back into the buttocks and into the

lower extremities along its posterior or

lateral aspect and most commonly caused

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by prolapse of intervertebral disc is called

sciatica. The term is also used to refer the

pain anywhere along course of Sciatic


Figure 3 Root value of Sciatic Nerve

The Sciatic nerve is the largest & longest

nerve in the human body, around as big as

the thumb (2cm) in diameter at its

commencement. It derives its fibers from

all the roots of the sacral plexus, namely L4,

L5, S1, S2 and S3. The nerve is really

composed of two loosely bound portions,

the tibial and the common peroneal nerves

bound together by connective tissue.

The nerve originates in the pelvis and

passes through the greater sciatic notch

usually below the piriformis into the

buttock. Here the nerve runs vertically

downwards under cover of gluteus

maximus, lying on the short muscles of the

gluteal region midway between the greater

trochanter and the ischial tuberosity.

Emerging from the covering gluteus

maximus, it is soon crossed by the long

head of biceps as this muscle passes

laterally. At about the junction of the

middle and lower thirds of the thigh, it

divides into its two terminal branches, the

tibial and the common peroneal nerves.

These two nerves are, in fact, really

separate adherent structures, sometimes

they emerge from the pelvis separately and

remain so. The point midway between the

ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter

indicates the site of the nerve on the body

surface, above this it passes in a gentle

curve medially. It is important for injections

not be given into near the nerve, for this

reason most injections are given in the

upper and outer quadrant of the gluteal


Root Value : The tibial part of the sciatic

nerve derives its fibers from the ventral

division of the ventral rami of L4, L5, S1,

S2 and S3; whereas the common peroneal

part of the sciatic nerve derives its fibers

from the dorsal division of the ventral rami

of L4, L5, S1 and S2 (Figure 3).


This condition is the principal cause of

lesions of the spinal nerve roots. The term

disease is rather misleading for by the age

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of 60 years the great majority of the

population shows some radiological

evidence of degenaration of the spine. The

condition is not necessarily symptomatic

and it is perhaps best regarded as a normal

aging process which advances at different

rates in different individuals. This fatigue

causes muscle insufficiency as a result of

which the spine sags putting the strain on

the ligaments and posterior articulating

facets. Changes occur at the facet joints and

the lumbosacral junction. Posture of the hip

joint is the key to that of the whole body

because it determines the pelvic inclination,

the pelvis being the foundation for the spine

and rotation of the legs.

The pathological basis of the condition lies

in degeneration of the intervertebral discs.

These structures act as buffers and fulcra

between the verterbral bodies. They permit

movement between the vertebrae while

cushioning longitudinally acting stress. The

discs are thickest at those parts of the spine

which are most mobile and which about

fixed sections, namely the lower cervical

spine and the lower lumbar spine. In these

regions the discs are subjected to the

greatest stress and are most prone to

symptomatic degenerative change. In the

young adult the nucleus of the

intervertebral disc is a tense well hydrated

structure with holds apart the adjacent

intervertebral bodies.

Degeneration begins to appear in the third

decade and consist of a progressive

desication and collapse of the nucleus,

which may begin to fissure and break up

into fragments. By old age the process of

fibrosis may lead to what amounts to a

fibrous ankylosis between the vertebral

bodies. Disc degeneration appears to be

normal, wear and tear phenomenon and

bears only a limited relationship to heavy

occupational stress. Collapse of the disc,

leads to a number of secondary phenomena.

The annulus of the disc bulges outwards,

lifting the periostium of the vertebral bodies

and giving rise to the deposition of marginal

osteophytes. The narrowing of the disc

space leads to a misalignment of the

posterior facet joints, which may

accordingly show hypertrophic,

osteoarthritic change. As the vertebral

bodies come closer to each other, the

posterior longitudinal ligament and the

ligamenta flava buckle up. Finally, the disc

narrowing and facet joint misalignment

may permit some degree of forward or

backward subluxation of one vertebral upon

another. This happens most often at the L4,

L5 level, where the axes of the facet joints

in some individuals may permit the

development of a forward


All the above changes, osteophytic ridges,

swellon facet joints, and concertinaed

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ligaments, may intrude into the spinal canal

and intervertebral foramina and cause cord

or root compression. Collectively these

chronic degenerative changes leads to the

pain in lumber region.

Etiological factors

(Ageing degeneration, Accidental injury)

Progressive Desication and

Collapse of the nucleus

Fibrous ankylosis between the vertebral bodies

Heavy stress

Collapse of the disc

Disc bulges outwards

Deposition of marginal osteophytes

Narrowing of the disc space

Hypertrophic, Osteoarthritic change

Facet joint misalignment

some degree of forward or backward

subluxation of one vertebrae upon another

Development of forward

spondylolisthesis at the L4-L5 level


Nerve root Compression

Radiated pain in lumber region and lower limb

Figure 4 Pathogenesis of Sciatica


In the Samprapti of Vataja Gridhrasi,

Vata Prakopak Ahara Vihara gives rise to

aggravation of Vata and at the same time,

Ruksha, Khara, Laghu, Sheeta, Daruna,

Vishada, Chala Guna of Vata suppresses

the Snigdha, Guru, Mridu, Pichchhila and

Sandra Guna of Kapha which leads to

decrease of Sleshma. In turn, decreased

Sleshma in Kati-Pristha, Sakthi, and


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Kandara resulted in aggravation of Vata.

This way, Vata located in Kandara and

produces the symptoms viz. Stambha,

Ruka, Toda, Spandana in Kati, Pristha,

Uru, Janu, Jangha and Pada in respective

order. Prakupita Vata does not suppress the

Kapha in the Vata-Kaphaja Gridhrasi

samprapti, as stated in Gridhrasi form of

Vataja. Here too, Prakupita Vata leads to

Agnimandya which leads to Ama

development. This condition also affects

the Agni of Rasa Dhatu, resulting in the

production of Kapha abundantly as it is

Mala of Rasa Dhatu and ultimately helps in

accumulation of Kapha. On the other hand

Kha-vaigunya occurs due to Nidana Sevana

in Kati, Pristha, Sakthi and Kandara. Thus,

both vitiated Vata and Kapha by spreading

get localized at the place of Kha-vaigunya.

In the condition of Sthana-sanshraya that

vitiated Vata gets masked (cloaked) by

Kapha and produces symptoms of Vata-

Kaphaja Gridhrasi. From modern point of

view in sciatica there is Irritation of the 4th,

5th lumbar and 1st sacral roots, which form

the sciatic nerve that causes pain which

extends, mainly down the posterior and

anterolateral aspects of the leg and into the

foot. This disorder is mainly caused by

aging degenerative changes in the L4, L5,

S1 intervertebral discs and hectic lifestyle

of today.

Page 13: Int J Ayu Pharm ahara, abhighata, prapidana are the causes of majjadusti and also ruksha ahara leads to majjakshaya


Rathiya and Nayak Greentree Group Publishers © IJAPC Int J Ayu Pharm Chem 2020 Vol. 12 Issue 3 219 [e ISSN 2350-0204]


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