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1. Name? 2.Age?

4. Position in family?

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3. Where were you born? 7. What is the most beautiful thing in the world?

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5. What are your hobbies?

8. What is Graphic Design?6. Where do you live now?

44. What is the purpose of design?

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9. Re-draw a famous logo from memory with your eyes closed

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10. Make an image using thumbprints

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11. What annoys you the most in others?

12. Print a T-shirt design that promotes something inappropriate.

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15. Learn a new skill and record yourself doing it

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16. What is psychology?

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18. What is your favourite colour? 20. What in your life is your greatest source of pleasure?

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22. What is abstraction?

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23. Using info Graphics, construct a portrait of yourself.

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25. Make a large folded-paper aeroplane, paint a slogan on it which you think will revolutionize your life and film it flying somewhere.

28. Destroy an iconic image

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27. What is profane?

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30. Make a structure out of paper and photograph it.

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31. What makes you happy?

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32. Make a film of yourself being an animal

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34. What happens after death?

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35. Make a contemporary memento-mori/ vanitas image

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36. What is greed?

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37. What is waste?

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38. Make a pin-hole camera out of something disposable and take a picture with it.

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39. What is success? 40. What is failure?

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43. Make a piece of work using a book.

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45. Design and make something to sell

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46. What is leisure?

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47. Make a looped animation sequence of a mundane activity.

48. What is re-appropriation?

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49. Make a video from content lifted from the Youtube homepage.

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52. What is a shaman? 53. Design a gravestone for a famous designer

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56. Complete the project you outlined in response to question 21.

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seemed that the simplicity and short time it took to do it made it more appealing. Even more so was that it then became a talking topic between groups of people.

From doing this, I was keen to get people to see something which made them stop and stare, ask questions, and talk about. So I took a great leap and took the biggest canvas I could find: my horse. She is a grey mare and was the perfect starting point to making people stop and look. Whenever I go out riding up through Claygate, I always get people who either look as they drive by, come up and say hello, turn their heads to watch... it seems that horses are animals which in the 21st Century, the public don’t see as much. Machines, computers and humans now replace the jobs that they once did. Inspired by my own growing confidence and research of the Native Americans painting their horses, I painted a zebra pattern and typography over her body, which I then realised, became responses to a handful of Questions.

When riding down through Surbiton high Street at 4pm when people were arriving back from work and children were out from school, I had such a wide audience! I arranged with the Council that I would parade up and down the high street for half an hour, and they kindly arranged for a police car to patrol the area during this time to make sure that everything was under control. I had to pay for public liability insurance in case of an accident too! It was like I was an event manager with all the things I had to do. People were standing outside shops and peeking through their windows. There were people taking photographs using cameras and mobiles, people pointing and waving, laughing and talking about it. My horse was very well behaved with all the traffic and buses going past, trains clattering as they came into the station, it was such a buzz! I had a friend who was photographing the whole experience which was how I documented it. People were reading the slogan ‘What is Graphic Design?’ out loud and some even asking me what I thought, what I was doing, why ect. Graphic Design is creating a communication tool and pushing limitations. It’s creating for the people. I feel that this piece of work truly explored getting my work ‘out there’ and finding new audiences. Whilst expanding my target audiences and finding new and different ways to get people to interact and see my work, I have


I have explored public opinion and reaction through various pieces of work I have made during this project. Being in the presence of the public eye has taken my methods of practice onto a platform where I have been able to capture an audience, explore and examine reactions and critique, thus enabling me to explore the boundaries either visually cerebrally and/or physically within the briefs. Given the flexibility and freedom of these briefs, I have been able to incorporate my own personal interests and values within my work. I have also been able to network and am now a provisional member of the Chelsea Arts Club. I have started to develop contacts and recognition within the club, which shall be a great stepping stone to stone to my future as an artist.

During this semester, a great achievement for myself has been growing confidence within my work. I was at first, scared to show people my work, thinking it wasn’t good enough or that it didn’t answer a question, or it was just simply not good enough. But when I did a drawing by the Thames river for Question 3. Place of Birth, people were coming up to me as I was drawing commenting on how good and accurate it was. At first it made me feel embarrassed, thinking that they were only being polite and nosy, but I then came to realise that actually, it didn’t matter so much whether it was ‘good’ or not, it was the fact that people were looking at my work and commenting on it; I was getting a reaction. From that moment, it gave me the confidence to be more involved with expanding the grounds of my audience instead of locking myself away. I incorporated both my leisurely activities and interests with the briefs, which then became my main focal point of how I could get my work seen.

The collection of post-it notes I collected for Question 31. ‘What makes you happy?’ Was quite enjoyable as I went to a local pub and asked everyone inside to write down a response. My prediction being that the majority of the answers were going to be to do with getting drunk/ sports/ smoking ect, was actually completely wrong. I had stereotyped my audience of participation. Some people wrote more than one response and others wrote one-word answers. I was surprised that people were going to even take part as it was an unusual request, but it

also had friends participate within my work. I had one of my brother’s friends model the T-shirt for me and wear it to Saturday drama school for the day and I had a family friend agree for me to throw powder paint at him for the video I made for What is your favourite colour? I also had a friend who had a house which you could get onto the top of the roof, and so we filmed the paper aeroplane project from the top. I have been exploring ways of working, particularly film as I have found this as a great way of documenting work. All my videos I have posted onto Youtube, and then created links from my Facebook page, Twitter and also using an app on my iPhone called Instagram where I can upload pictures which then go onto a news feed that shows up on friends’ phones. I have used this as an efficient way of people seeing my work. I found that it is similar to blogging, only with pictures, and so I have also set up a blog website that I link all my work to when I post things onto other websites. I found that the best way of getting people to comment on your work is to comment on theirs, and so I have been posting on others work, so they can then look at my work. For the Question which was to make something to sell, I made brooches using broken bits of jewellery, gems and coloured melted glue. I then sold them on a website called Etsy which I found that is very popular for hand-made items being sold by artists, and I also used Ebay for a couple. I have only sold 4 out of the 7 that I made, but I did get lovely feedback, one person saying, ‘Very unique and quirky, goes great with my new hat...’

I can conclude that I have pushed my confidence in getting my work seen, and my next step would be to try and understand my audience more, for example with the painted horse, I could have had small business cards made to give out so people could then follow my work further. I could be a lot more pro-active with blogging and recording of people commenting on my work. I think I lack developmental feedback, I have focused too much on final product, where-as I could have created mock-ups of semi-final pieces of work so the final productions are better improved. I feel that I need to look more into social networking sites and getting my work seen across the internet. It seems the quickest and new form of communication, and I need to look at how successful bloggers and networkers do it so I can get my work seen more too.

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Name, Age & Position in familyI flattened out some black sand on top of glass and wrote out my name, age and that I am child number 1 out of me and my brothers. I feel that they work well as a set, although I now realise that I wrote my age as 21, but I am actually 20! I don’t feel however, that the position in family is clearly communicated as it could stand for something else.Place of birth?After having a row with my mum, I walked to the Thames river, and I sat on a bench and spent 2 hours drawing out the area which I was born. It was such a lovely view, and I like how it is not quite finished. I used black fine liner pens to draw it , and pencil to lightly mark out perspective. I had a lot of comments from passers by which helped me with my confidence in my work.What are your hobbies?I incorporated my passion for horse riding with my work by painting my horse and riding it through Surbiton high street. A hobby is doing something you enjoy in your spare time, but it’s always something you talk about and even bring into your work.

Where do you live now?By riding through the area I live in, and going past my house, down the main road to the high street, I feel that this was more of a tool that I used to communicate other answers to the Questions.What is the most beautiful thing in the world?I feel that life is the most beautiful thing in the world, and so took a quote my boyfriend said to me and wrote it out in pen using written typefaces I was trying to copy from my computer.

What is Graphic Design?Graphic Design is what you make it, but I think that every piece

Re-draw a famous logo from memory with your eyes closed.The Playboy logo is an immediately recognizable symbol of sophistication and style, and I realised that by drawing this with my eyes closed, it would eradicate these elements it holds as it no longer holds it’s recognizable form and neat lines. The outcome put humour into the logo.Make an image using thumb-printsAfter playing around with different ways of using my thumb to print, I found that drawing on top of them made it easier to see a fun simple and easy to communicate drawings. I added googly eyes onto some which was humorous. I then used this to make a Birthday card for a friend.

What annoys you the most in others?I was watching tv with my family and saw my brother picking his nose. It was so repulsive, I decided from that moment, nose picking is what annoys me the most in others. I drew from memory my brother picking his nose in a close-up and negative light. The dark shading and lines of expression on his face really show this habit in a bad light.

Print a T-shirts design that promotes something inappropriateFrom the drawing I did for What annoys me the most in others, I realised that I could use it to promote something inappropriate. I was going to screen-print it, but as time was not on my side, I found another way of doing it, which was creating an iron-on transfer. I got a plain white T-shirts an ironed on the drawing, and got a family friend to wear it to drama school for the day. He said that people were shocked at his T-shirts and it looked like a mad-man.

Learn a new skill and record yourself doing it.I was asked by a friend to help dred someone’s hair, so spent hours researching how to do it using videos on Youtube, and step by step help guides too. We bought some special dred wax and powder and took us over 7hours to do half the head! It was such a long task, my hand were hurting at the end of it, but gradually I learnt a technique of how to do it efficiently and that sped things up a bit. We documented it by taking photos and I made it into a video using iMovie.

What is psychology?Firstly, I took a picture of someone shouting and worked on top of it using melted wax and pen. I then wrote out some words that first came into my head when I though of psychology and overlapped it in Photoshop. I feel the result almost reflects my busy, messy, jumbled up brain and the merging colours resemble parts of the brain. I then mirrored the image, which made me think of ink blot tests. I started researching into Rorschach ink blot tests, bought a set of inkblot test cards and from that, made my own versions. I asked people in Kingston High Street what they saw and made predictions for my tests. It made me understand more about how

What is your favourite colour?My favourite colour is blue, and so I found a family friend who was willing enough to allow me to throw coloured powder paint on him. I made a video of the process using iMovie and posted it on Youtube. I found that playing the clips backwards and having it in slow motion really created a sense of an epic moment. I added a song in the background which also reflected this. The lighting on the filming could have been a lot better, and I would have wanted a lot more blue powder to be thrown at a larger scale. The quote I say at the end of the video relates to me also using green powder paint and coloured editing of the clips. Blue will always stay true!What in your life is your greatest source of pleasure?I made a quick collage of images I found in magazines which depict sex. Sex is indeed a great source of pleasure and this was a starting point to perhaps creating a subtle piece of work that communicates this.

If you were a teacher, what brief would you propose?I found a website which thousands of people had contributed to drawing, all you had to do was continue the drawing from the outlines from the last person’s drawing. This game was called Exquisite Corpse, and I then decided that I wanted to create my own drawings. It was great seeing how the imagination can wonder from one moment of drawing a line to

form and colour relate. If in black and white, people concentrated more on the structure and what it resembled. Using colour made people associate them with things that were also a similar colour. My findings lead me on to look at how Leonardo Da Vinci found inspiration in the dirt on walls or the streaked patterns in stones.

of design needs an audience and every design will ask it’s reader to acknowledge it’s presence. I painted my horse and turned the question back at them, which in a way was a rhetorical question. I has the horse painted like a zebra all over with the typography printed on one side and ‘Exit’ and ‘Entrance’ on the other. I wanted to use image, (being the horse painted as a Zebra) sign (arrows pointing towards the mouth and tail) and symbol (the typography). All these are key elements to graphic design. I wanted my message to be fun and playful which I feel it was. I used children’s face paint which I had to make sure was nontoxic, washable and wasn’t an irritant. The thick black lines and lettering really stood out on her white coat, and was easy to read from a distance. I feel I should have given out business cards so the public could follow my

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Why are you here?After doing the video of being an animal, I wanted to draw out a memory of being on stage in front of flashing camera lights and having such an exhilarating and over-whelming rush of being centre stage in a theatre production. I used this drawing as the base to this question, using typography which has a 3D echo effect, reflecting how when I spoke loudly on stage, I could hear my voice fill the auditorium and ring back to me.What happens after death?I did a drawing on a role of paper last year of a mass of monsters and creepy deathly images. I realised that this could be a piece of work that could be unrolled to slowly reveal what is lined up in the realms of hell. I filled up the whole roll and finished it. I feel that the dripping black ink helps to create a sense of being trapped in a hell-like world.

Make a contemporary memento-mori/ vanitas imageI painted using body paint, a piece of art work I

What is greed?I bought a packet of 5 doughnuts and realised that there was none left for anyone else in my family as I had eaten all 5. But with the last one I decided to do a simple stop motion of bites being taken out of it. This is a starting point into looking at what is greed, and although food consumption being an obvious form of it, I had found a way to show it.

What is waste?I often find that there are pennies and 2p coins lying around in handbags, jean pockets, the bottom of my purse, under my rug, by my make-up, everywhere! The copper coins seem to be a little valued currency and so I collected all the ones I could find in my house and put them down the toilet and photographed them. I think everyone can relate to this form of waste.Make a pin-hole camera out of something disposable and take a picture with itUsing a pin-hole camera I had made in the past using an old match-box and film canister, I used

What is abstraction?I made a painting of the letter A, with paint on top which covers over the letter. This is more abstract approach, but what I wanted to try and communicate was that I was taking all the perfect outlines and form of the letter A, and disrupting that by going over it. Whilst this may not be physically ‘taking away’ characteristics, I was trying to cover up parts of it. However I feel I could have been a lot more brave in going over the letter and covering it up.

Using info-graphics, construct a ‘portrait’ of yourself.I have such a passion for listening to music, either on the go, when I am sleeping or working, it’s always in my mind, and if not, I am tapping out a beat. I decided to construct a DJ mixing program image and write text that related to the parts of the music editing, like Sex Drive, or names of songs about What is going on in my life.

the next, and how the differences of each section of drawings, somehow manage to link together. I feel that this would be a brief that any person of any capability of drawing can do, it does not require skills, just imagination.

Make a large, folded paper aeroplane, paint a slogan on it which you think will revolutionize your life and film it flying somewhere.I wanted to be up high and film the paper aeroplane flying down to the ground so I filmed it on top of a friend’s house roof and got a full view of where the plane would fly. Unfortunately, it was getting dark when I filmed and the video I made doesn’t have good lighting, but the concept of burning the plane with an image of Che Guevara on it showed that he revolutionised our lives, and by burning it, I was burning the past to start a future.

What is profane?What could be more profane and repulsive than hanging a bloody tampon out of a guys blood-smeared mouth? Well that is exactly what I did using ketchup and Red current squash. I then used a program called Colour Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro to alter the lighting and colouring in the picture. The final outcome made people very shocked and horrified, saying how realistic it looked. Profanity is sometimes reality.

Destroy an iconic imageI realised during the paper aeroplane filming that Che Guevara is an iconic image and destroyed it by burning it. There was one point during the filming though that the aeroplane fell onto my friend’s windowsill, and because we had poured petrol, BBQ lighter fluid and nail varnish remover onto it, it was burning a lot, and we had to pour water over the side of the house to stop it burning!

Make a structure out of paper and photograph itI went to the Natural History Museum and saw a section inside of deer antlers which and skulls which I found quite beautiful. I then made cut out outlines on paper and folded them up to resemble the outline of them. I photographed them using shadows to create a slight sense of eeriness and death of the skulls.

What makes you happy?I went to a local pub and got people inside to write down what made them happy onto post-it notes. From this, I then stuck them onto a wall and made the outline of a smiley face and photographed it. I feel that this is a clear communication of answering the question, whilst interacting with the public.

Make a film of yourself being an animal.I found a fury hat in my cupboard and realised that I could use that to make myself look and act like an animal. With acting being something I used to do and love, but stopped to do this course, I thought maybe I could incorporate this old skill I rediscovered in myself, and use to portray an animal. I made a series of different animals, but found it hard to stay in character. I wanted to create a human/ animal living being, as humans are also animals. I was an animal acting like another animal. The music I had playing helped me to create a playful creature-like role. In the last clip, I play a talking cow which I really enjoyed.

designed which in all honesty looked better on paper. It had the Adam’s apple at the top of the spine of the tree, and the Serpent spiralling around the spine. But the paint I was using was too watery and I couldn’t keep consistent amounts of paint on my brush. I would definitely use the children’s face paint to paint on the body if I was to do this again. I was inspired by tattoos that people have, and I painted on the body to show that our body is the canvas that makes us remember our death as we grow old in age. The religious symbols I used are recognised as death always being upon us.

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Make a piece of work using a bookI found a book in a charity shop which had the title, Gone with the wind. It immediately sprung to mind that I could personify this in how I deconstruct it, and so I used a scalpel and cut out each individual line of words, and folded them out of the book, as if they had ‘Gone with the wind.’ I was then asked by Rebecca West if her and I wanted to collaborate on this question and construct a mountain of books, and have a structure which you could read a book on. We experiment by using projections of light and videos of a starry sky. The end product was a collection of photos that showed one of us reading a book on top of the book mountain. We experimented with the formation of our book structure, making steps and different levels.

What is the purpose of design?When horse riding with the What is Graphic Design slogan and zebra stripes painted on, I feel that the purpose of design was answered within this, being that it’s getting a response and communicating something.Design and make something to sell. Make 12 of them, sell 11.I made several different brooches which I then sold on The brooches were made from broken bits of jewellery, melted coloured glue and gems. The were all different and nothing like them had I seen before. I only managed to sell 4 in the end on the website, and sold a couple to friends.

What is leisure?Leisure is something you enjoy doing in your spare time. My friend Marcelo has a passion for Basketball, and so I spent a few hours photographing him playing. I managed to get a set of images which flow well and show quite intriguing body movements and facial expressions.Make a looped animation of a mundane activity.The first thing that came into my head when I thought of mundane was flushing the toilet. Not that one has to do it repeatedly, but I realised that women probably flush more than men so maybe I should put out a Questionnaire to go with this video and send it to people, asking who flushes more, men or women, and see what people say.What is re-appropriation?I found a pile of photocopies of old images from books which was from a drawing workshop last semester. I cut out text and images from each page and experimented with mixing them together. It then became a simple way of creating a collage. The final images and text responses I created are humorous, and I like how some of them are juxtaposed with what they are paired up with. Make a video from content lifted directly from the Youtube homepage.When logged into Youtube, the Youtube homepage becomes a suggestion page of videos related to videos that you have watched previously. So I downloaded a selection from my home page and cut up all the clips and used iMovie to create simple effects. The music is from the Damien Walters extreme sports promotion video. This really helped

What is a Shaman?I found an image in one of my brother’s text books of a holy man in a village tossing small stones into a bowl to predict the future. I re-drew it free-hand and drew it in water-colour pencils, and then added the water to the drawing afterwords. The drawing feels like its a photo because of it’s realistic lines and vibrant colours. Design a gravestone for a famous designer.My favourite artist is David Choe, and I wanted to create a gravestone for him. So using his book that I have of his work, I took elements from his work and put it onto a rough design for a gravestone for him. An element I really like is the hand coming out from the ground holding a spray can which is writing onto the gravestone. I also went to a graveyard and took pictures of different types of gravestones.Complete the project you outlined in response to Question.21I made several Exquisite Corpse game drawings, which all challenged my imagination. I like how each drawing of each section has a different style of drawing.

this to take pictures which turned out to be quite successful. I love how eery the pictures turned out, and how ghostly the two figures are.

me become a lot more confident with iMovie and I was able to find out how to do a lot of things I didn’t know how to.

Video links:

Learn a new Skill:

What is your favourite colour:

Make a large folded paper aeroplane:

Make a film of yourself being an animal:

Make a looped animation sequence of a mundane activity:

Make a video from content lifted directly from the Youtube Homepage:

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