Page 1: Instructional design competencies for secondary online ... · Please contact Christopher Rozitis ( if you have any questions. Name: Please review the

Instructional design competencies for secondary online designers-by-assignment: A Delphi Study

Welcome to Round 1 of 4 This survey contains possible instructional design competencies for secondary online designer-by-assignment. These are taken from - ibstpi Instructional Design competencies (2000), - ibstpi Instructional Design competencies (2012) - iNACOL Instructional Design Standards for Quality Teaching (2011), - Standards for Digital Learning Content in British Columbia (2010) - Wilson’s description of skills and expertise needed by designer-by-assignment (Merrill and Wilson, 2007). - Southern Regional Education Board (2006) - National Educational Association – Skills of Online Teachers (2006) - AECT Standards for Professional Education Programs (2012 version) Definition: designer-by-assignment ....A secondary designer-by-assignment is given a course that has already been developed, however the course needs some changes. The designer-by-assignment is also the instructor of the course.

Instructions Please read each of the competencies in the left column, then decide whether you believe the statement should be a competency for a secondary online designer-by-assignment. Use the Likert Scale: Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree to indicate whether the designer-by-assignment requires the competency to alter the course content, assignments, learning objects etc. Likert Scale Definitions: Strongly Agree - the competency should be required Agree - it is a suggested competency, but not required Neutral - do not have an opinion Disagree - probably should not be a competency Strongly Disagree - the competency should NOT be required Space is provided at the bottom of the survey for your comments. Upon completion of this survey, the initial list of competencies will be revised based on participant's feedback. The revised list of competencies will then be sent to participants. This will occur a maximum of four times. Please contact Christopher Rozitis ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Page 2: Instructional design competencies for secondary online ... · Please contact Christopher Rozitis ( if you have any questions. Name: Please review the


Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

1. Communicate effectively in visual, oral and written form.

2. Apply current research and theory to the practice of instructional design.

3. Update and improve one's knowledge, skills and attitudes pertaining to instructional design and related fields.

4. Apply fundamental research skills to instructional design projects.

5. Identify and resolve ethical and legal implications of design in the work place.

6. Conduct a needs assessment.

7. Design a curriculum or program.

8. Select and use a variety of techniques for determining instructional content.

9. Identify and describe target population characteristics.

10. Analyze the characteristics of the environment.

11. Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging technologies and their use in an instructional environment.

12. Reflect upon the elements of a situation before finalizing design solutions and strategies.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

13. Select, modify, or create a design and development model appropriate for a given project.

14. Select and use a variety of techniques to define and sequence the instructional content and strategies.

15. Select or modify existing instructional materials.

16. Develop instructional materials.

17. Design instruction that reflects an understanding of the diversity of learners and groups of learners.

18. Evaluate and assess instruction and its impact.

19. Plan and manage instructional design projects.

20. Promote collaboration, partnerships and relationships among the participants in a design project.

21. Apply business skills to managing instructional design.

22. Design instructional management systems.

23. Provide for the effective implementation of instructional products and programs.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

24. The online teacher is able to review materials and Web resources for their alignment with course objectives and state and local standards and for their appropriateness on a continuing basis.

25. The online teacher is able to create assignments, projects, and assessments that are aligned with students’ different visual, auditory, and hands-on ways of learning.

26. The online teacher knows and understands appropriate use of technologies to enhance learning.

27. The online teacher is able to create assignments, projects, and assessments that are aligned with students’ different visual, auditory, and hands-on ways of learning.

28. The online teacher is able to create and modify engaging content and appropriate assessments in an online environment.

29. The online teacher is able to use and incorporate subject-specific and developmentally appropriate software in an online learning module.

30. The online teacher knows and understands critical digital literacies and 21st century skills.

31. The online teacher is able to modify and add content and assessment, using an online Learning Management System.

32. The online teacher is able to incorporate multimedia and visual resources into an online module.

33. The online teacher is able to arrange media and content to help transfer knowledge most effectively in the online environment.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

34. The learning object meets universal design principles.

35. Content is presented in a logical sequence based on the learning outcomes.

36. The learning object organizes and sequences content in a way that is appropriate for the subject matter and age of the intended audience, and uses age/grade appropriate language.

37. A wide range of learner choice is accommodated (for example: multiple methods of completing assignments or progressing through the content).

38. Ongoing interaction between learner(s) and content is fostered.

39. Different modes (pictorial, verbal) for presentation of essential information are incorporated.

40. Learning object activities require students to manipulate information and ideas to comprehend, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate new knowledge, and provide opportunity for practice and transfer of learning in a variety of ways.

41. A wide range of learning styles is supported (i.e. visual, auditory, kinesthetic).

42. The learning object provides examples of activities, assignments and reflections.

43. Facts and ideas are applicable to the real world and are authentic for students.

44. Information presented in the learning object is accurate.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

45. High level questioning strategies are evident in the interactions set up in the learning object.

46. Students are given opportunities to apply knowledge to meaningful and authentic problems.

47. The learning object clearly identifies the relevant learning outcomes.

48. The learning object provides summaries of key information as learners navigate content.

49. The learning object indicates suggested time required to complete it and clear and accurate directions for all activities and/or assignments are provided.

50. The learning object is socially, culturally, and age appropriate for the intended audience (i.e. is representative of a range of gender, age, cultural, ethnicity and religious diversity as well as family situations and socio-economic status in its examples, activities and multimedia elements).

51. Design elements contribute to efficient learning without unnecessary or redundant content.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

52. Research: no particular research skills. Appreciates value of empirical testing and validation.

53. Theory: Minimally familiar with basic ID theory. No formal theory development skills.

54. Technology-based tools: Relying heavily on tools, designs and develops instruction.

55. Conceptual tools: Relying on forms and performance supports, applications, conceptual models and procedures.

56. Critical Review: Draws on content expertise and experience as an insider to design fair and equitable experiences for learners.

57. Artful Design: Uses knowledge of content and local environment to create meaningful experiences for learners.

58. The teacher demonstrates competencies in using data and findings from assessments and other data sources to modify instructional methods and content and to guide student learning.

59. The teacher understands and is responsive to students with special needs in the online classroom.

60. The teacher demonstrates competencies in creating and implementing assessments in online learning environments in ways that assure validity and reliability of instruments and procedures.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

61. The teacher develops and delivers assessments, projects and assignments that meet standards-based learning goals and assesses learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals.

62. The teacher plans, designs and incorporates strategies to encourage active learning, interaction, participation and collaboration in the online environment.

63. Communicate with students, parents, school administrators, and other teachers via a variety of online and traditional means.

64. Design, evaluate and deliver online course to appropriate online design and content standards.

65. Design, evaluate and deliver online course to appropriate online design and content standards.

66. Revise/write course documents in Content Management Systems.

67. Use CMS elements effectively to facilitate course design.

68. Revise course documents to maintain accuracy and currency.

69. Design, evaluate and deliver online course to appropriate online design and content standards.

70. Use technology to support course design.

71. Foster student-to-student discussion.

72. Foster student-to-student collaboration.

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Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

73. Communicate effectively in visual, oral and written form.

74. Apply research and theory to the discipline of instructional design.

75. Update and improve knowledge, skills, and attitudes pertaining to the instructional design process and related fields.

76. Apply data collection and analysis skills in instructional design projects.

77. Identify and respond to ethical, legal, and political implications of design in the workplace.

78. Conduct a needs assessment in order to recommend appropriate design solutions and strategies.

79. Identify and describe target population and environmental characteristics.

80. Select and use analysis techniques for determining instructional content.

81. Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging technologies and their potential use.

82. Use an instructional design and development process appropriate for a given project.

83. Organize instructional programs and/or products to be designed, developed, and evaluated.

84. Design instructional interventions.

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Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

85. Plan non-instructional interventions.

86. Select or modify existing instructional materials.

87. Develop instructional materials.

88. Design learning assessment.

89. Evaluate instructional and non-instructional interventions.

90. Revise instructional and non-instructional solutions based on data.

91. Implement, disseminate, and diffuse instructional and non-instructional interventions.

92. Apply business skills to managing the instructional design function.

93. Manage partnerships and collaborative relationships.

94. Plan and manage instructional design projects.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

95. Candidates demonstrate the ability to create instructional materials and learning environments using a variety of systems approaches.

96. Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use technological resources and processes to support student learning and to enhance their pedagogy.

97. Candidates demonstrate the ability to assess and evaluate the effective integration of appropriate technologies and instructional materials.

98. Candidates demonstrate the ability to effectively manage people, processes, physical infrastructures, and financial resources to achieve predetermined goals.

99. Candidates demonstrate the contemporary professional ethics of the field as defined by various professional organization such as ibstpi and AECT.

100. Candidates apply content pedagogy to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance outcomes.

101. Candidates implement appropriate educational technologies and processes based on appropriate content pedagogy.

102. Candidates demonstrate an inquiry process that assesses the adequacy of learning and evaluates the instruction and implementation of educational technologies and processes grounded in reflective practice.

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Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

103. Candidates design and select media, technology, and processes that emphasize the diversity of our society as a multicultural community.

104. Candidates create instructional design products based on learning principles and research-based best practices.

105. Candidates make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate processes and resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles, theories, and effective practices.

106. Candidates use multiple assessment strategies to collect data for informing decisions to improve instructional practice, learner outcomes, and the learning environment.

107. Candidates establish mechanisms for maintaining the technology infrastructure to improve learning and performance.

108. Candidates foster a learning environment in which ethics guide practice that promotes health, safety, best practice, and respect for copyright, Fair Use, and appropriate open access to resources.

109. Candidates foster a learning community that empowers learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.

110. Candidates collaborate with their peers and subject matter experts to analyze learners, develop and design instruction, and evaluate its impact on learners.

111. Candidates lead their peers in designing and implementing technology-supported learning.

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Please review the competencies and indicate the choice that describes your opinion using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

112. Candidates analyze and interpret data and artifacts and reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of technology-supported instruction and learning to enhance their professional growth.

113. Candidates design and implement assessment and evaluation plans that align with learning goals and instructional activities.

114. Candidates demonstrate ethical behavior within the applicable cultural context during all aspects of their work and with respect for the diversity of learners in each setting.

115. Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of the contribution of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and technology.

116. Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice.

117. Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance.

118. Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.

119. Candidates manage appropriate technological processes and resources to provide supportive learning communities, create flexible and diverse learning environments, and develop and demonstrate appropriate content pedagogy.

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