Page 1: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments
Page 2: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments


Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 2 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


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Page 3: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments


Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 3 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


TABULATION OF REVISED PAGES .................................................................................................................. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................... 3

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5

1.1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.2. DEFINITION .............................................................................................................................................. 5

1.3. ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................................................ 6

1.4. SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT ....................................................................................................................... 6

1.5. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 7

1.5.1. General Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 7

1.5.2. Construction Procedures and Specifications ...................................................................................... 7

1.5.3. Drawings ............................................................................................................................................ 7

2. SITE DESCRIPTION FOR EXPORT PIPELINE ....................................................................................... 7

3. CONCRETE MATTRESSES SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................... 8

4. MARINE FLEET ............................................................................................................................................. 9

4.1. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION VESSEL ........................................................................................... 9

4.2. TRANSPORTATION VESSEL ....................................................................................................................... 9

5. RESPONSIBILITIES OF KEY PERSONNEL .......................................................................................... 10

5.1. SUPERINTENDENT .................................................................................................................................. 10

5.2. FIELD ENGINEER ..................................................................................................................................... 10

5.3. DIVING SUPERINTENDENT ...................................................................................................................... 10

5.4. SURVEY PARTY CHIEF ........................................................................................................................... 10

5.5. VESSEL CAPTAIN ................................................................................................................................... 10

6. MATTRESS FABRICATION ...................................................................................................................... 11

7. MATTRESS INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... 11

7.1. WEATHER CRITERIA .............................................................................................................................. 11

7.2. SURVEY DEFINITION OF THE CROSSING POINTS ..................................................................................... 11

7.3. MOBILIZATION ....................................................................................................................................... 11

7.4. TRANSPORTATION .................................................................................................................................. 12

7.5. CALIBRATION OF SURVEY EQUIPMENTS ................................................................................................. 12

7.6. OFFSHORE INSTALLATION SEQUENCE .................................................................................................... 12

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

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FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

7.6.1. Locating the Crossing Point ............................................................................................................. 12

7.6.2. Crossing Point Verification .............................................................................................................. 12

7.6.3. Transfer the Mattresses to the Deck of Installation Vessel ............................................................... 12

7.6.4. Installation of Positioning Equipment .............................................................................................. 13

7.6.5. Installation of Rigging Items ............................................................................................................ 13

7.6.6. Vessel Positioning On Mattress Installation Coordinates ................................................................ 13

7.6.7. Lifting and Lowering the Mattress.................................................................................................... 13

7.6.8. Lead the Mattress to the Exact Coordinates on Seabed ................................................................... 13

7.6.9. Detach Installation Equipment ......................................................................................................... 13

7.6.10. Continue Installation of Other Mattress ........................................................................................... 14

7.6.11. Perform Final Diver Visual Survey for Crossing Location .............................................................. 14

7.6.12. Preparation of Installation Reports .................................................................................................. 14

7.6.13. Proceed to the Next Crossing Location ............................................................................................ 14

7.7. INSTALLATION ENGINEERING AND CALCULATION ................................................................................. 14

7.8. FINAL REPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 15

ATTACHMENT 1: LIST OF CROSSINGS ........................................................................................................ 16

ATTACHMENT 2: MATRRESS DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................... 17

ATTACHMENT 3: GERIMAL SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................ 18

ATTACHMENT 4: CRANE CHART .................................................................................................................. 19

ATTACHMENT 5: DIVING PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................... 20

ATTACHMENT 6: SURVEY QUALITY PLAN ................................................................................................ 21

ATTACHMENT 7: PROJECT TIME SCHEDULE ........................................................................................... 22

ATTACHMENT 8: LIFTING FRAME ARRANGEMENT .............................................................................. 23

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

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Procedure For

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Page 5 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


1.1. General

Petroiran Development Company (PEDCO) intends to further develop the Foroozan

Oil and Gas Fields located in Iranian waters of the Persian Gulf. The Foroozan

Field is located in the Persian Gulf, approximately 100km south-west of the Kharg

Island. The field straddles the Iran-Saudi Arabia border. The integrated

development project foresees the construction of up to 2 new platforms (EPC 1).

PEDCO has commissioned IOEC to design and construct the new Foroozan

pipeline scope under the EPC 2 contract. IOEC has contracted INTEC Engineering

BV for the detailed design of the submarine pipelines, risers and power-Opto cable

(functional requirements by EPC 1 contractor Saipem Triune).

The new Foroozan pipelines to be installed include:

24" Gas Export Pipeline between the Foroozan Field and Kharg Island

18" Sour Gas Transfer Pipeline between Foroozan production complexes

8" Crude Oil Test Lines to test the production of wells at Wellhead Platforms

4", 6" and 8" Gas Lift pipelines to increase production at Wellhead platforms

One subsea Power-Opto cable is included in EPC2 Scope of Work, within the

Foroozan Field from FZ-A to FX.

1.2. Definition

IOOC: Owner - Iranian Offshore Oil Company

PEDCO: Client - PETROIRAN Development Company

IOEC: Contractor-Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company

SPEC: Subcontractor-Subsea Pipeline Engineering Company

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

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Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 6 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

1.3. Abbreviation

KP Kilometer post

DSV Diving support vessel

DP Dynamic positioning

LUSBL Long and Ultra-Short Baseline

SAT Saturation diving system

1.4. Scope of this document

This document presents the requirements for the existing pipeline crossing

installation activities for FOROZAN 24” export gas Pipeline. Scope of this document

comprises required procedures, calculation, specification and drawings for

fabrication, transportation and installation of crossings.

The document contains brief description of site in the second part and after that

Mattress specification in the third part which has been supported by attachment 2.

The marine fleet is addressed in the fourth part and responsibilities of key

personnel presented on fifth section. The sixth part is fabrication which has been

supported by mattress document presented in attachment 2. Next section is

demonstration of operation sequence in offshore. Also, the detail procedure of

diving and positioning activities in addition to sketches, specifications and tables are

provided in attachments of this document.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 7 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

1.5. References

1.5.1. General Specifications

1. GL Noble Denton – Guidelines for Marine Lifting Operations 0027/ND Rev9

1.5.2. Construction Procedures and Specifications

1. Pipeline Crossing Design Report FE560-0000-PL-RT-1038/D2

1.5.3. Drawings

1. Typical pipeline crossing layout FE560-0000-PL-DW-1040/D0

2. Pipeline crossing location overview FE560-0000-PL-DW-1039/D2

3. Route overview in field lines FOROZAN field FE560-0000-PL-DW-1301/D3

4. Alignment sheet FE560-GEXP-PL-DW-1301

5. Crossing support arrangement FE560-0000-PL-DW-1657/D0

Note: All basic references subject to be provided or updated by contractor.

Consequently, this procedure may have major changes in upcoming revisions.


Offshore site where installation work is to be carried out is Foroozan field, located

100 Km farther of Kharg Island. 24" Gas Export Pipeline between the Foroozan Field

and Kharg Island will cross existing pipe lines and cables in abut 11 points, the

approximate water depth range is from 0 to 55 meters.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

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FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


FOROZAN pipeline crossing will be carried out by using the concrete mattresses,

which will be supplied by SPEC, manufactured by ULO. Mattresses are fabricated in

two types of side lift flexible, based on concrete mix table (attachment 2). One of

them equipped with rubber and will be in direct contact with pipelines. The other type

will be placed on top of the first type and will not be in direct contact with pipe line.

Concrete density is 2400 kg/m3, class 40. Ropes are 16mm polypropylene UV

resistance for lateral in addition to 20mm for longitudinal, and lifting. The dimension

of the mattresses is 6m by 4m as shown in below sketch and total weight is 10.9 ton

in air and 6.2 ton in water. The mattresses drawings are presented in attachment 2.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

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FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


4.1. Construction and Installation Vessel

GERIMAL (Attachment 3) a DP-2 diving Support vessel has been nominated as

installation vessel. The vessel has been equipped with a HITACHI KH230 built in

crane with 40 tons lifting capacity and another KOBELCO CKE1350 mobile crane

with 135 tons lifting capacity (Attachment 4). Also, SAT diving equipment to support

operation during 24 hours is ready to use on board of GERIMAL. In addition to all

above equipments, a small fabrication workshop will be mobilized to support minor

fabrication activities. This vessel has enough deck space and accommodation to

support operation.

4.2. Transportation Vessel

Considering design limitation and availability of vessels on market, subcontractor will

use a suitable vessel to deliver the mattresses to installation site.

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FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


5.1. Superintendent

The superintendent is responsible for all installation operations; therefore, he will

review and note all installation documents and shall perform the job accordingly. Any

probable issue with respect to engineering has to be checked by field engineer and

will be sorted out by assistance of the superintendent.

5.2. Field engineer

The Field engineer is overall responsible for monitoring mattress installation activities

in accordance with engineering procedures, specification and construction drawings.

The field engineer should supervise all installation jobs and issue the reports.

5.3. Diving Superintendent

The Diving Superintendent qualified & certified for all diving jobs, shall supervise the

diving activities and endorse the reports which are prepared by diving team. The

diving safety procedure shall exactly be followed by him according to the

international codes and standards.

5.4. Survey Party Chief

As the leader of the surveying team, the party chief is responsible for all survey

activities. Also, He is responsible for final reports preparation. Party chief will

manage survey activities in corporation with captain and superintendent.

5.5. Vessel Captain

According to the marine rules and regulations the vessel Captain is generally

responsible for the all activities which is going to be performed onboard of vessel. He

is responsible through all personnel lives; therefore, he will be informed about every

activity in general on daily basis and in a short brief meeting. Also the captain notifies

the project coordinator all requirement of the vessel to be prepared.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 11 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


All mattresses will be fabricated by ULO, complete information about the fabrication

is provided in Attachment 2


Upon completion of the documentation, mobilization of the installation vessel, the

installation vessel shall move into the field, meanwhile transportation of the

mattresses shall be arranged. The installation of mattresses will be carried out by

assistance of the positioning and the diving teams. The general procedures of each

discipline are presented separately in attachment 5 for diving and 6 for positioning.

7.1. Weather Criteria

The lifting and lowering operation has to be performed in safe condition. Considering

the vessel, diving and crane limitations, superintendent or his deputy are responsible

to make assessment regarding sea state and start of the operation in safe condition.

During whole operation, the weather forecast reports shall be provided to Installation

Vessel and Project Team by MET Marine Forecast.

7.2. Survey Definition of the Crossing Points

The location of the crossing points are as shown in the Attachment.1 with the defined

coordinates in reference (to be provided by contractor) prepared by (to be provided

by contractor). Diver will check the location of each crossing point and existing

pipelines to verify the information provided by client. In case of any nonconformity

diver will try to find the pipeline within a range of 20 meter. The new data will be sent

to positioning team on surface enabling them to prepare corrective report and after

obtaining approval of the new point by contractor, new coordinates will be applied to

continue the operation.

7.3. Mobilization

Based on the presented Project Time Schedule (attachment 7), SPEC will mobilize

the DSV DP2 GERIMAL in Port KHALID, SHARJAH, UAE. The diving, positioning,

and marine crew will join the vessel during mobilization. All equipment fabrication,

equipment tests and trial operations will be carried out alongside the jetty and during

this period.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

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Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 12 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

7.4. Transportation

As part of the project scope of work, subcontractor will mobilize the transportation

vessel and load mattresses on it based on fabricator instruction. Mattresses will be

delivered to installation site prior to start of the operation.

7.5. Calibration of survey equipments

Prior to installation operation the positioning team will carry out calibration operation

for their equipment. The detail information for this part of the project is provided in

attachment 6

7.6. Offshore Installation Sequence

Consequently, and upon completion of preparatory works and contractor permission

for sail out, vessel will sail to the offshore site. The installation sequence

demonstrates the main activities of the target operation and the relations between

each activity. The general procedures of diving and positioning activities are attached

to this document. The sequences of work when the vessel at location shall be as


7.6.1. Locating the Crossing Point

As the first step of installation activity, and based on positioning team instruction, the

vessel takes position on top of the crossing point defined and provided by the client.

7.6.2. Crossing Point Verification

After positioning the vessel on top of the crossing point, diver will check the exact

position of existing pipe line by using beacon and assist of sector scan sonar. If diver

couldn’t find the existing pipe or cable a visual survey will carry out in the range of 20

meter. This data will be sent to the surface and positioning team compares it with

client data. In case of any nonconformity the operation will be held on standby for

client instruction. During the verification, positioning team will record two coordinates

on pipeline and use these coordinates as reference to recheck the position of


7.6.3. Transfer the Mattresses to the Deck of Installation Vessel

After verification of the crossing final coordinate the installation vessel will go along

side of transportation vessel and by using on board cranes transfers mattresses to

installation vessel deck. It should be noted that the first mattress must have rubber to

prevent any damage to pipeline

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

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Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 13 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

7.6.4. Installation of Positioning Equipment

The positioning equipment will set up on a lifting frame prior to the lifting. This

equipment contains two compatts in each side of the frame. By using these two

compatts surveyors will be able to locate the exact coordinate of crossing point and

match it with the proposed coordinate.

7.6.5. Installation of Rigging Items

Riggers will install the mattress lifting frame by connecting the side lifting ropes to the

frame and secure the pins. On the other side the frame will be connected to the

crane hook with 4 wire slings and will be prepared for lifting. The arrangement is

shown in attachment 8

7.6.6. Vessel Positioning On Mattress Installation Coordinates

Positioning team will lead vessel to the coordinates, which has been adjusted

according to crane geometry on the vessel and sea bed position of the crossing. In

this way when the vessel stands on this position, the mattress will be lowered down

directly to the final installation position.

7.6.7. Lifting and Lowering the Mattress

After confirmation of the vessel position by surveyors, lifting operation will start under

supervision of the superintendent. In this part the mattress will lift off from deck and

smoothly guided to the lowering position. Mattress will lower down to the sea bed up

to 1.5 meter above the sea bed. The surveying team will assist superintendent, using

sector scan sonar and LUSBL to monitor lowering operation real time. This device

will show the relative position of the support and the existing pipe line. Meanwhile

diver will monitor the arrival of mattress on sea bed and assist superintendent to start

the next level of operation.

7.6.8. Lead the Mattress to the Exact Coordinates on Seabed

In this stage diver will adjust mattress position and orientation with instructions he

receives from the superintendent and the surveyor on surface. Again LUSBL system

gives the exact coordinates and sector scan sonar visually shows the situation. After

final check and confirmation of the position by surveyors, support will lower down to

the sea bed.

7.6.9. Detach Installation Equipment

By completion of the previous stage of operation the load will be released from crane

and diver proceed to detach mattress from the frame. Also, the positioning

equipment will be released and recovered to the surface.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 14 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

7.6.10. Continue Installation of Other Mattress

Considering the fact that most crossing location consist more than one mattress, the

above operation has to be repeated for each support.

7.6.11. Perform Final Diver Visual Survey for Crossing Location

The final visual check after completion of installation will be performed to prepare a

video report.

7.6.12. Preparation of Installation Reports

Different types of reports will be prepared during installation, detail information of

each report provided in attached procedures. These reports comprise daily progress,

activity completion or data confirmation.

7.6.13. Proceed to the Next Crossing Location

After completion of the surveys and approval of the installation condition by client,

the installation vessel will shift to the next crossing location. Obviously above steps

will be repeated until the whole project scope of work accomplished satisfactorily.

7.7. Installation Engineering and Calculation

Engineering calculation carried out to select proper rigging and crane. These

calculations are in accordance with reference

Below table shows the results of lifting calculation

Sling Design Unit Net Weight above water 10.9 ton

Net Weight under water 6.2 ton

Rigging weight 2.2 ton

Static Hook Load 13.1 -

Dynamic Amplification Factor 1.3 -

Dynamic Hook Load 17.03 ton

no. of slings 4

Skew load factor 1.25

Sling Angle 1.047198 rad

Sling Vertical Load 4.2575 ton

Sling Load 10.64375 ton

Safety Factor 2.25 -

Termination Efficiency Factor 0.5 -

Bending Efficiency Factor 1 -

Wire Rope MBL 92 ton

Sling Unity Check 0.130155 -

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

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Procedure For

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Document Number Sheet NO.

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FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

These calculations are based on rigging presented in attachment 8 and using1.5 inch

wire slings. In addition to above calculation the calculation regarding the mattress

rope verification is provided in attachment 2.

According to installation vessel and position of the crane maximum required radius

for lifting operation is not more than 16 meter. On the other hand the maximum

expected load of the mattress is 13.4 tons. Consequently, as the crane chart shows

(Attachment 4) the crane is suitable to handle this load.

7.8. Final report

After completion of project a complete report will be prepared based on client

request. This report contains all documents, DPRs, completion reports, drawings,

survey reports, etc.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 16 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


(To be clarified by CONTRACTOR)

Page 17: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Crossing Pipeline/cable ID Quantity support No. Support Type KP Easting ioec Northin ioec Easting ioec Easting hsc difference Northin ioec Northin hsc difference to Route to North Grid

FE-C01 Unknown 4+4 FE-S01 A 7.690 424921.52 3232569.47 424918.86 424957.00 -38.14 3232565.29 3232561.00 4.29 33.00 82.00

FE-C02 KHARG to LAVAN,SIRI cable 1+1 FE-S02 A/Neoprene 8.705 424372.42 3231718.20 424372.42 424372.00 0.42 3231718.20 3231718.00 0.20 33.00 93.00

FE-C03Terminal AC2882/Oil pipeline

ARDESHIR to DARIUS1+1 FE-S03 A/Neoprene 18.957 418814.96 3223103.16 418814.96 418815.00 -0.04 3223103.16 3223104.00 -0.84 33.00 68.00

FE-C04 Falcon-S07a-RPL-PL06-Abridged 1+1 FE-S04 A/Neoprene 69.113 391626.85 3180956.18 391626.85 391627.00 -0.15 3180956.18 3180957.00 -0.82 33.00 73.00

FE-C05 FOG cable 1+1 FE-S05 A/Neoprene 73.880 389042.86 3176950.49 389042.86 389043.00 -0.14 3176950.49 3176950.00 0.49 33.00 69.00

FE-C06 Falcon-S06b-RPL-PL01-Abridged 1+1 FE-S06 A/Neoprene 74.827 388529.03 3176153.95 388529.03 388529.00 0.03 3176153.95 3176154.00 -0.05 33.00 71.00

1 FE-S07 A/Neoprene 96.804 376609.94 3157672.59 24.00 66.00

1 FE-S08 A/Neoprene 96.804 376613.94 3157681.76 24.00 66.00

1 FE-S09 A/Neoprene 96.804 376617.94 3157690.92 25.00 69.00

1 FE-S10 A/Neoprene 96.804 376622.20 3157699.95 25.00 69.00

1 FE-S11 A/Neoprene 100.513 375075.20 3154330.30 34.00 56.00

1 FE-S12 A/Neoprene 100.513 375081.31 3154339.46 34.00 56.00

1 FE-S13 A/Neoprene 100.513 375087.42 3154348.63 34.00 56.00

1 FE-S14 A/Neoprene 101.010 374850.37 3153883.41 21.00 67.00

1 FE-S15 A/Neoprene 101.010 374854.30 3153892.61 21.00 67.00

1 FE-S16 A/Neoprene 101.010 374858.38 3153902.99 21.00 67.00

1 FE-S17 A/Neoprene 101.010 374862.01 3153912.24 21.00 67.00

1 FE-S18 A/Neoprene 101.802 374557.73 3153154.64 67.00 25.00

1 FE-S19 A/Neoprene 101.802 374561.20 3153162.94 67.00 25.00

1 FE-S20 A/Neoprene 101.802 374564.67 3153171.25 67.00 25.00

1 FE-S21 A/Neoprene 101.802 374568.14 3153179.55 67.00 25.00

3+3 FE-S22 B 101.960 374523.84 3152924.33

Support Angles

16" product flow line F-17 to FZ 374856.34 3153897.80

Client Supplied Crossing Details -24"FZA-KHARG

Sub sea Cable for



376615.94 3157686.34


Sub sea Cable for






FE-C11 374530.48 3152966.87-0.52374531.00



16" product flow line F-17 to FZ 374563.05

Crossing Coordinates



Support Coordinates







FE-C10 -1.97







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3+3 FE-S23 B 101.960 374227.75 3152949.70

4+4 FE-S24 A 101.960 374532.64 3152980.55

FE-C11 374530.48 3152966.87-0.52374531.00 -4.133152971.00

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ENTER TEST CUBE No. only when test cubes are made of the batch of concrete delivered This document shall be completed by the onsite Supervisor during the fabrication for each type of FLXMAT listed within the SOW F-79

FLXMAT CAST __________________m

FLXMAT CAST __________________m








QR2PROJECT SPEC Ship Management Concrete Mattresses Job No. 0029-05-2010-B

LOCATION Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, UAE IGO SUPERVISOR Simon Jones

Serial Numbers

Serial Numbers

Page 44: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

This document shall be completed by the onsite Supervisor during the fabrication for each type of FLXMAT listed within the SOW F-80




QR1 PROJECT SPEC Ship Management Concrete Mattresses Job No. 0029-05-2010-B

LOCATION Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, UAE DATE


Item Prestart Activities Check

1. New employees (if any) inducted?

2. Review with staff of latest mattress drawing to be assembled?

3. Reviewed currently location on working ITP to ensure work can commence?

4. Stock numbers checked and enough material to complete scope?

5. Daily toolbox and safety meeting

Item Assembly Activities FLXMAT SERIAL NUMBER

1. Clips placed in correct locations (Base).

2. Check correct length/width (Base).

3. Install long. Ropes and check correct rope Ø.

4. Install Lat. Ropes and check correct rope Ø.

5. Fix top shell, check positive connection with all clips to upper shell.

6. Set lifting rope length as per design specification.

7. Splices are correct and within centre of mattress and shell.

8. Recheck all clips and screw any broken or insufficient clips.

9. Lay mattress on PVC sheet checking ground for loose debris.

10. Clearly mark mattress according to Execution Plan.

Item Casting Activities

11. Check concrete truck docket and note truck number discharged into mattress.

12. Fill each shell with concrete and vibrate carefully.

13. Trowel tops off neatly and wash down all blocks with water including lifting ropes.

14. Check FLXMAT shells for any openings or excessive distortion.

15. Leave mattress to cure for 3 days prior to stacking or relocating

Page 45: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Lifting & Placing Frame ULO No : LPF 009, LPF 011, LPF 012, LPF 013

Capacity (SWL) : 25 Tons Self Weight : 2.0 tons O’All Dimensions : 6020 W x 3000 / 2000 D x 1040 H

©, ULO Systems LLC, 1 June 2001

Working Dimensions are shown in Millimetres – as required ON DECK



ULO Policy on Testing Equipment and certified by 3rd party Load Test to 2.5 times SWL at New Fabrication Visual Inspection: Every 12 months Lifting Slings & Wire Rope as per DAC 2006. LOLER 1998 and article (20) decree32, 1982 Non Destructive Test at New Fabrication Visual Inspection : Every 6 months

This photograph is indicative of the equipment for the above description but ULO Systems LLC reserve the right to make any alterations deemed necessary.

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Page 1 of 4




S = SAMPLE REQUIRED CLIENT = SPEC Ship Management SSM IGO = International Grout Operations INC SS = Onsite Supervisor Eng = Project Engineer Mgmt = Project Management


SPEC Ship Management Concrete Mattresses 30No. 6x4x0.3m Concrete Mattress (Standard) 23No. 6x4x0.3m Concrete Mattress with Rubber base 10205PO-01 FLX-ITP-0029-05-2010-B - REVA

Prepared By: Jackson Dryne Signed: Date: Approved By: Harvey Lee Signed: Date: Client Approval By: Signed: Date:







CODE IGO Client Asset



Mattress Construction Drawings 0029-05-2010B-DWG-071110-01-REVA (No rubber) 0029-05-2010B-DWG-071110-01-REVC (Inc rubber)

IGO Eng Client Approval H R, A A

1.2 Lift Rope Verification IGO Eng Client Approval FLX-ENG-LIFT Calculation in accordance to DNV Pt 2, Ct 5

H R, A

1.3 Execution Plan IGO Mgmt

Client Approval FLX-EP-0029-05-2010-B

H R, A

1.4 Rope Certification IGO Mgmt

Item 1.2 ITP DNV Pt 2, Ct 5

Vendor Supplied Certification

H R, A

1.5 Concrete Mix Design IGO Mgmt

Client Approval Vendor Supplied Report


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Page 2 of 4










2.1 Supervisor reviews all documents within Section 1.0 of ITP with Project Manager.


Section 1.0 ITP all approved


2.2 Check component stock and ensure sufficient quantities are onsite in order to complete scope of work


DPR Record stock levels within DPR I

2.3 Select suitable FLXMAT assembly and casting area IGO SS

Section 4.2 Execution Plan


2.4 Completion of Personnel Site Induction including Tool Box Safety Meeting

IGO SS Execution Plan DPR M


3.1 FLXMAT shells are laid out and clipped together. The bottom half of the mattress is clipped together until the length and width match that of the construction drawing.

IGO SS Mat Dwg, Execution Plan

QR1 I, A R

3.2 Lateral and longitudinal ropes are pre-cut. IGO SS Mat Dwg, Execution Plan QR1 I, A M

3.3 Lateral and longitudinal ropes are installed throughout the bottom half of the clipped mattress. IGO SS Mat Dwg,

Execution Plan QR1 I, A M

3.4 Rope ends are terminated using an open splice toward the centre of the mattress and shell.

IGO SS Mat Dwg, Execution Plan

QR1 I, A M

3.5 If design includes edge lift ropes then these should be installed as per instruction noted on mattress construction drawing.

IGO SS Mat Dwg, Execution Plan QR1 I, A M

3.6 Lifting ropes are set to designed length. IGO SS Mat Dwg, Execution Plan


I, A M

3.7 Top shell is fixed to the bottom shell creating complete block. IGO SS

Mat Dwg, Execution Plan QR1 I, A M

3.8 Mattresses are relocated to casting area and positioned on polythene sheets. Remaining QR1 checks are complete. IGO SS

I, A M

"Review" for the client
"Monitoring" for the client
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Page 3 of 4









3.9 Mattress is clearly marked according to Section 5.4 of Execution Plan

IGO SS Section 5.4 of Execution Plan

QR1 I, A M


4.1 Concrete delivery to site in mixer trucks. Check, approve and collect delivery receipt.

IGO SS Section 4.4 of Execution Plan

Concrete delivery docket, QR2

I, A M

4.2 Discharge concrete and fill mattresses. Record mattress serial number each truck commences and finishes on.


4.3 Cubes are made at concrete batching plant (6 No. per truck) and crushed at 7 & 28 day (3 No. per test). 3rd Party

Section 5.2 of Execution Plan, ASTM C109, BS 1881 Part 108 1983

Vendor Supplied Report M M

4.3 Cast blocks, screed off top and wash down to complete fabrication. Check FLXMAT shells for any openings or excessive distortion.

IGO SS Section 4.4 of Execution Plan

QR2 I, M M

4.4 Confirm Number of Cast Mattress – Daily activity IGO SS DPR I, M M

4.5 Record of Daily progress onsite including man hours and any lost hours activities, accidents or industrial dispute. IGO SS DPR M M


5.1 3 Days curing of mattresses IGO SS Section 4.5 of Execution Plan


5.2 Stacking of mattress using correct SWL handling frame and rigging equipment IGO Eng Section 4.5 of

Execution Plan I

5.3 Mattresses should be stored in a shaded/covered area for long periods (greater than 3months).

IGO Mgmt

Section 4.5 of Execution Plan


"Monitoring" for the client
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6.1 Mattress Rigging and Installation Procedure IGO Eng Client Approval FLX-IP-0029-05-2010-B

M R, A

6.2 Installation Frame inc Mattress drawing IGO Eng Client Approval M R, A

6.3 Installation Frame and Rigging certification documents IGO Mgmt, 3rd Party

Client Approval

Frame and rigging certification witnessed by 3rd party

M R, A

6.3 Submission of MRB (Manufacturer Record Book) IGO Mgmt

Section 7.0 of Execution Plan



7.1 Delivery Mattresses to Client IGO Mgmt

Purchase Agreement Delivery Docket M M

7.2 Submission of MRB (Manufacturer Record Book) IGO Mgmt

Section 7.0 of Execution Plan MRB M A

Page 50: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Document No: FLX-EP-0029-05-2010-B Document Title:

Precast Concrete Mattress EXECUTION PLAN

A 22/11/10 Issued for client approval JD HL


Page 51: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 1 


1.0  INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................2 

2.0  REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................2 

2.1  APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS .............................................................................................................................. 2 

2.2  INTERNAL QA/QC DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 3 

2.3  PROJECT SPECIFIC ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................... 3 

2.4  EXTERNAL CERTIFICATION AND DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................... 3 

3.0  SCOPE OF WORKS ........................................................................................................................4 

4.0  FLXMAT MANUFACTURE ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................4 

4.1  PRE-EXECUTION ACTIVITES .................................................................................................................................................... 4 

4.2  SITE ESTABLISHMENT.................................................................................................................................................................. 5 

4.3  FLXMAT ASSEMBLY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 

4.4  FLXMAT CASTING .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 

4.5  FLXMAT STORAGE AND HANDLING ................................................................................................................................... 8 

4.6  ONSITE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 8 

5.0  FLXMAT QA/QC ACTIVITIES .....................................................................................................8 

5.1  FLXMAT QUALITY PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................. 8 

5.2  FLXMAT CONCRETE TESTING ................................................................................................................................................. 9 

5.3  FLXMAT MARKING PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................... 9 

6.0  INSPECTION AND REPAIR PROCEDURE ............................................................................ 10 

7.0  FLXMAT DELIVERABLES ......................................................................................................... 10 

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 2 

1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to provide International Grout Operations with a suitable procedure to cover all necessary standards, specifications and methodologies required to successfully manufacture FLXMAT (pre-cast concrete mattress) to client specification. 2.0 REFERENCES


FLXMAT may be used to provide support or stabilisation to the subsea pipelines or other locations or instances described in the project specific scope of work. The necessary standards to be used in conjunction with the fabrication of the mattresses are given below:

Code or Standard Title Remark

BS 1881 Pt 108 Methods for Testing Concrete Method of Making Test Cubes from Fresh Concrete

Followed by CONMIX LTD

BS 1881 Pt 111 Methods for Testing Concrete Method of Normal Curing of Test Specimens (20ºC Method)

Followed by CONMIX LTD

BS 1881 Pt 116 Methods for Testing Concrete Method for Determination of the Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes

Followed by CONMIX LTD

BS 4027 Specification for Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement

Followed by CONMIX LTD

BS 5328 Methods for Specifying concrete including Ready Mixed Concrete

Followed by CONMIX LTD

ASTM C33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates Followed by CONMIX LTD

ASTM C39 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens

Followed by CONMIX LTD

ASTM C150 Specification for Portland Cement Followed by CONMIX LTD

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 3 


Quality Assurance is overseen on site by an experienced International Grout Operations representative throughout the duration of the project. The Supervisor will ensure the correct Quality Checks have been made to each individual mattress guaranteeing the final product matches client request stated within the purchase agreement.

IGO Documentation Description Remark IGO DPR

Daily Progress Report Daily event recordings onsite


Inspection Test Plan – Project Specific


QR1 – Quality Report 1 (Assembly checklist) QR2 – Quality Report 2 (Casting checklist)


FLXMAT Engineering is conducted in house using International Grout Operations Engineers. Mattress design and Engineering is always complete and agreed with client prior to construction commencement. The following documentation refers to client requested specific engineering requirements.

IGO Documentation Description Remark FLXMAT Construction Drawings

- 0029-05-2010B-DWG-071110-01-REVA (No rubber)

- 0029-05-2010B-DWG-071110-01-REVC (Inc rubber)

Approved FLXMAT drawing for construction

Construction does not commence until client has approved final design. See ITP for more details

IGO Lift Rope Verification FLX LIFT

Calculation to verify lifting point conform to DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations (1996) – Part 2 Ch 5/6


FLXMAT is made from 3 main components (HDPE Mould, PP Rope and Concrete). Rope Mill Test Certification is very important so that International Grout Operations Engineers can verify the correct rope has been used according to DNV Pt2, Ch5. Polypropylene Rope is purchased specifically for each project from an approved vendor. Similarly, concrete is purchased and delivered onsite by preferred supplier. Delivery dockets are collect by the supervisor and recorded. Concrete compressive strength tests are conducted at vendor’s laboratory. Final results from laboratory tests are sent to International Grout Operations and filled accordingly. The following summarises relevant external documents

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 4 

Document Description Remark

Polypropylene Mill Test Certificate

Certificate that proves a specific rope diameter Minimum Breaking Load (MBL)

Required to ensure FLXMAT lifting rope conform to DNV Pt2, Ch5

Concrete Mix Design

1 page document that includes all relevant properties including strength, type of cement, slump aggregate size etc..

Mix design is required to be pre-approved by client prior to commencement of FLXMAT casting.

Concrete Delivery Dockets Delivery receipt to confirm grade and volume of concrete entering site.

Compressive Strength Tests

A test conducted whereby sampled cylinders are cast and crushed at certain period of curing.

See Section 2.1 for applicable codes and standards for testing.

3.0 SCOPE OF WORKS The following table represents the physical requirements for each type of FLXMAT to be constructed.

FLXMAT Qty End/Side Lift

Long. Rope Ø

Lat. Rope Ø

Concrete Mix

Drawing Ref

6x4x0.5m 30 END 22mm 16mm C13DNS 0029-05-2010B-DWG-071110-01-REVA

5x3x0.3m 23 SIDE 16mm 16mm C13DNS 0029-05-2010B-DWG-071110-01-REVC



Prior to the execution program the final design and price is agreed upon and a purchase order is received by International Grout Operations outlining a date for completion or mattress delivery. The project manager will then organise freight of components (if necessary) schedule a starting date. An experienced supervisor is nominated and sent to location for site establishment. Work will continue to finalise all relevant documentation necessary to commence work according to International Grout Operations quality procedure.

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 5 


Upon the supervisor arriving to site a project brief is given from the project manager outlining the scope of works. All approved documentation is given to the supervisor in order to commence the fabrication according to this Execution Plan. The supervisor will firstly check all stock numbers of shells, clips and rope to ensure there are enough quantities of each to complete the order. If the quantities are incorrect the Supervisor will alert the Project Manager immediately to rectify the situation. The supervisor should have the following items in mind when initially setting up site. Suitable area for FLXMAT Assembly

o Select shaded or enclosed area if possible (avoids heat exhaustion) o Select high ground is possible (avoids potential flooding, which is uncomfortable to staff) o Enable forklift entrance/exit if possible (reduces heavy man handling of objects)

Suitable area for FLXMAT Casting

o Fall of land when considering flooding (water must run away from work area) o Monitor unsettled dust during windy conditions (risk of eye injury to staff) o Avoid any rocky outcrop or remove if possible (reduces the risk of trip hazards) o Sufficient room for concrete trucks entering/exiting site (traffic management and safety)


Following points refer to assembling each mattress up until casting.

1. FLXMAT shells are laid out and clipped together either on ground level or on specially built clipping tables.

2. The bottom half of the mattress is clipped together until the length and width match that of the construction drawing.

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 6 

3. Lateral and longitudinal ropes are pre-cut to determined length as noted on the construction drawing.

4. Lateral and longitudinal ropes are installed throughout the bottom half of the clipped mattress according the roping detail shown on construction drawing.

5. Lifting ropes are set to designed length as

per construction drawing. Perimeter top shells are fastened first in order to contain rope lattice.

6. Rope ends are terminated using an open splice which should always be positioned toward the centre of the mattress and centre of shell. If design includes edge lift ropes then these should be installed as per instruction noted on mattress construction drawing.

7. Once all longitudinal and lateral ropes are tight remaining central blocks are clipped together to complete the mattress. Shells must be positioned carefully to locate each clip’s top half ensuring a positive connection.

8. The mattress is then lifted and relocated to the casting area via folk lift or a team of men. The mattress is carefully positioned on polythene sheet. The newly laid mattress is inspected and undergoes QR1 (Quality Record 1). QR1 is a set of quality checks required to be carried out prior to casting each mattress. On approval of QR1 the assembled mattress is clearly marked according to Section 5.4.

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 7 


1. Concrete is ordered by Supervisor ensuring the correct mix design is conveyed to the nominated

vendor. The quantity is calculated based on the number of empty mattresses anticipated to be cast.

2. The concreting team prepare the initial casting location with shovels, trowels, vibrators, wheelbarrows, shadow boards and buckets.

3. The concrete truck is directed to drive alongside the assembled mattresses with chute full extended to aid filling distant blocks. The shadow boards mask all areas not requiring concrete guiding flow directly into each block.

4. Each mattress block is vibrated until full and no additional settlement is noticed.

5. Shadow boards are continually relocated as the process moves forward allowing the finishing team

to trowel off the newly filled mattress and wash down any excess concrete. Lifting rope shall be washed free of any concrete spillage.

6. The mattress should be allowed to cure for a minimum of 3 days prior to lifting or confirmation of min. 14 MPa strength.

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 8 


1. Mattresses are only lifted with a suitable lifting frame of known capacity. Prior to lifting the

supervisor will check with International Grout Operations Engineering that nominated frame and rigging is suitable to lift cured mattresses.


All personnel shall attend any required site induction program to become familiar with the site and client method of operation. Personnel shall comply with all client rules and regulations. Company equipment includes a comprehensive first aid kit. Personnel will be briefed during the initial site induction on the hazards of manufacturing FLXMAT and handling cement products. The IGO supervisor will be responsible for site safety and conduct regular toolbox meetings with all personnel The following PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is required for the 3 Manufacturing activities outlined above.

Manufacturing Activity

Minimum PPE Requirement Optional

FLXMAT Assembly Covered steel capped boots, coveralls and sun protection. Gloves

FLXMAT Casting Covered steel capped boots, eye protection, coveralls, gloves and sun protection and gloves Hardhat

FLXMAT Handling Covered steel capped boots, eye protection, coveralls, gloves and sun protection, gloves and hardhat



Prior to commencement of manufacturing (PRE-EXECUTION) the following documentation must be approved by client. Inspection Test Plan Mattress Construction Drawing Lift Rope Verification Execution Plan Rope Certification Concrete mix design

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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 9 

During assembly and casting activities the quality of FLXMAT is built around the ongoing surveillance of the below documents. Project activities are monitored by International Grout Operations and/or Client depending on the rank of the inspection surveillance code listed within the approved ITP. QR1 (Quality Record 1) QR2 (Quality Record 2) Daily Progress Report (DPR) Concrete delivery docket Concrete Compressive Strength Results As-Built weight records

In summary to maintain an organised quality program the following chart describes the simple process.

Approve and file Result Follow Surveillance Codes


Concrete vendor will take 12No. test cubes each day from random trucks delivered to casting yard (6No. cubes are allocated for each 7 day and 28 day tests respectively). All test cube samples are taken at the batching plant and stored in the dedicated laboratory where all testing is performed.


Each precast concrete mattress shall be permanently marked with the following data: Individual Serial Number Contract Number Weight in Air






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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 10 

6.0 INSPECTION AND REPAIR PROCEDURE During assembly of the mattresses all shells and clips are inspected for faults. If a shell has any cracks or is deficient they are immediately discarded, and similarly clips are discarded if they are deficient. Any clips that are not holding shells together satisfactorily are reinforced with screws. After casting all mattresses are inspected by the International Grout Operations site supervisor and the inspection details are recorded within QR1. The mattresses are checked for any casting deficiencies that may compromise integrity. If after curing the mattress integrity is found to be affected or faults exist that impinge safe handling or risk mattress longevity, it will be discarded immediately.

7.0 FLXMAT DELIVERABLES The following documents make up and complete the Manufacturer Record Book (MBR)

Manufacturer Record Book

1.0 FLXMAT Execution Plan 2.0 FLXMAT QA/QC Records 2.1 Signed ITP 2.2 Compiled QR1 (Quality Report 1) 2.3 Compiled QR2 (Quality Report 2) 2.4 Concrete Delivery Dockets 2.5 Concrete Compressive Strength Test Results 2.6 As-Built Weight Records 2.7 Onsite Daily Progress Reports (DPR) 3.0 FLXMAT Engineering 3.1 Concrete Mix Design 3.2 Mattress Construction Drawings 3.3 Lift Rope Verification 4.0 FLXMAT Rigging and Installation Procedure 5.0 FLXMAT Brochure

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Client: SPEC Management LLCProject:Project Number: 0029-05-2010BDate: 7/11/2010

Introduction:The following calculations assess the mattress rope MBL for offshore lifting and are completed in accordance with DNVRules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations (1996) - Part 5&6

Variables: RemarkLoad Factor [γf] Assume 1.3

Consequence Factor [γc] Assumed 1.3 whereby sling failure would not incur a total loss

Splicing/Bending Factor [γr] Assumed 1.0 when splice consumed in concrete block

Wear Factor [γw] Assume 1.0

Material Factor [γm] Assume 3.0 for fibrous rope

Maximum Breaking Load [MBLActual] Actual Maximum Breaking Load of the rope supplied

Methodology:The minimum required MBL is calculated by the following:

MBL required = Maximum Dynamic Rope Load x Nominal Safety FactorMaximum Dynamic Rope Load is back calculated from rope properties and lift geometry

Dynamic load = (Mattress mass [MT] x DAF x Skew load)

Nominal Safety Factor [γst]

- γ st = γ c .γ r .γ w .γ m .γ f

Finally for the lifting rope to be safe the following equation must be satisfied

53No. 6x4x0.3m Concrete Mats

Factor of Safety [FOS] ≥ MBLSpecified / MBLRequired


Mattress Properties Mattress Particulars

Shell type [T1 or T2] Block volume [Vb] 0.047 m3

Mattress Width [MW] 4 m Block mass [Mb] 113 kg

Mattress Length [ML] 6 m Total mattress volume (VT) 4.53 m3

Mattress Height [MH] 300 mm Total Mass of Mattress [MT] 10.87 t

Concrete Density [ρc] 2400 kg/m3Total Submerged Mass [MSUB] 6.23 t

Concrete Grade (Min) 40 MPa Lift Rope Particulars

Nominal Safety Factor 5.070

Lift Rope Properties

Type of Rope Lifting Particulars

Diameter of Rope [Dr] 22 mm Dynamic load 23.13 t

Angle of Sling [θs] 20 ° Required MBL 3.66 t

Consequence Factor [γc] 1.3 FOS (Over Designed by-) 1.856 PASS

Splicing/Bending Factor [γr] 1.0

Wear Factor [γw] 1.0

Material Factor [γm] 3.0

Load Factor [γf] 1.3

Breaking Load [MBLActual] 6.8 Te

Lifting Properties

Dynamic Amplification Factor [DAF] 2.00

7/11/2010 JDDate By Checked





Revision Issue0 Issued for Approval

Date By Checked ApprovedRevision Issue

Page 62: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments


Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 18 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


Page 63: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Halani International Ltd. DSV Gerimal

Particulars given are entirely without warranty as to correctness and interested parties must satisfy themselves by inspection of the vessel

PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Registry : Kingstown St. Vincent Call Sign : J8B3528 Official No. : 10001 Year Built : 1981-Refurbished in Aug 2007 Class : American Bureau of Shipping Notation : A1, AMS, DPS-2 Type : Diving Support /accommodation 76 Pax Vessel Class No. : 8125016 IMO No. : 7932240 Hull No. : 837 Flag : St. Vincent & Grenadines, Kingstowns

DIMENSION Length Overall : 76.14 m Moulded Breadth : 16.4 m

Depth Moulded : 4.90m Draftc : 4.00 m GRT : 2008 Mt NRT : 602 Mt Deadweight : 954 Mt

DISCHARGE RATES Fuel Oil : 97m3 /hour Fresh Water : Not known Mud : delete no mud tanks

PROPULSION SYSTEM Main Engine : 2 x Guleco DC Motors

Main Generator : 5 x 900 Kw, 600V, 60Hz Emergency Genset : Propeller : 2 x 5Blade, Fixed pitch 102” in Kort Nozzle

Bow Thruster : 4 nos. Fwd: 2nos:- 1 x GEI 752 Kamewa Ulstein Transverse T Thruster, TT 1300, 500KW. electric drive, 485kW Stern 2nos:-2 x Kamewa Ulstein Transverse, TT 1300, 500KW

PERFORMANCE Maximum speed :8.0 kn Economical speed : 7.0 ln Type of fuel :Marine Gas Oil

FIRE FIGHITING EQUIPMENT Internal Fire Pump : 14M 3 (3800USG Per/M)

Emer. Fire Pump : 24 M 3(6400USG Per/M) Fixed System in E/R: C02 Firemain : 2” Fire Detection Sys. : Heat & Smoke detectors Fireman’s Outfit : 4 nos Fire Blankets : 2 nos Fire Axe : 2 nos

NAVIGATIONAL /COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT GMDSS SSB : 1 x Sailor HT 4500MF/HF VHF DSC : 2 x Sailor RT2058 Inmarsat -C : 2 x Sailor H2095C transceivers Satellite Comms : FLEET 77

Tel – 00873 761155141 Fax –00873 761155142

Satellite EPIRB : 1 X McMURDO E-3 SART : 2McMURDO RT9-3 VHF Radio : 3 x Sailor Compact Rt2048 Portable VHF Radio : 6 x Motorola GP 340 : 3 x ICOM IC GM 1500E Navtex Receiver : 1 x JMC NT-900 X-Band Radar : Furuno FR 2115 Echo Sounder : Koden CVS 118 Mk II Gyrocompass : 3 x Sperry mk 37 Weather Fax : 1 x Furuno Fax-207,8” delete not fitted Speed Log : Delete, none fitted Magnetic Compass : Saura keiki AIS : JRC KHS 182


Hospital : 1 bed complete

CARGO CAPACITIES Deck Strength : 10 t/m2

Clear Deck Area : 650 m2

Fuel Oil : 502.4M3 Fresh Water : 794.0 M3

Ballast/Drill Water : 473.9 M3 Freezer : 10 m3

Chiller : 9.5 m3

Mud : Delete

DP2 DYNAMIC POSITIONING SYSTEM DP System : KPOS DP 21, Dynamic Positioning System

KPOS-2 3 Gyro compass 2Wind Sensor 3MRU 2DGPS 2UPS 1 LW TAUTWIRE MK15 1 HIPAP – 450 2K-POS – OS 2 JOY-OT C WING - OT

Page 64: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Halani International Ltd.. DSV Gerimal

Particulars given are entirely without warranty as to correctness and interested parties must satisfy themselves by inspection of the vessel

DECK EQUIPMENT Windlass : IP 66 / IM 10001 Anchor : 2 x 1.18t Anchor Chain : 9 shackles each side Main Crane : 40t @ 5.5 m 18t @ 9.0m 6.5t @ 20.0m 4.7t @ 24.0m Auxiliary Crane : 0.5t Gangway : 1 Nos

LIFE SAVING APPLIANCE Search Lights : 3 nos Floodlights : 2 x overboard Liferafts : 4 x 45 persons 6 x 25 persons Lifebuoys : 12Ring Buoys with smoke

floats and signal lights Life jackets : 150 Ncs Rescue boat : 1 x Watercraft R-5 Air Breathing App : 4 nos EEBD : 6 nos Parachute Distress : 12 Smoke Signal : 6

Page 65: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments


Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 19 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0

Attachment 4: CRANE CHART

Page 66: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments


Unit: metric tonCrane Boom Lifting Capacity


(m)Workingradius (m)

4.5 m/135.0131.1110.4 95.1 79.5 67.7 58.4 44.3 33.5

14.8 m/29.3


5.1 m/128.4110.1 94.8 79.9 68.8 59.0 45.7 37.1 30.0

17.5 m/24.8


5.6 m/117.2109.6 93.3 79.1 68.5 59.0 45.6 37.0 31.0 26.6 21.7

20.1 m/21.3


15.2 18.3 21.3

6.1 m/107.891.177.467.258.845.436.830.826.423.019.9

22.8 m/18.5



6.7 m/95.189.375.966.058.345.236.630.626.222.820.118.0

25.4 m/16.0



7.2 m/84.274.664.957.445.236.530.526.122.720.017.916.114.2

28.1 m/14.1



7.7 m/75.372.462.556.545.136.530.426.022.619.917.716.014.513.2

30.7 m/12.5



8.2 m/67.861.555.044.936.330.225.822.419.717.515.714.212.911.8

33.3 m/10.9



8.8 m/61.760.053.644. 9.7



9.3 m/56.352. 9.8 8.9

38.6 m/8.6



9.8 m/51.850.942.035.629.925.422.019.317.115.313.812.511.410.4 9.6 8.8 8.1

41.2 m/7.5



10.4 m/47.841.034.729.825.321.919. 9.4 8.7 8.0 7.4

43.9 m/6.54


4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0


Boomlength (m) Working

radius (m)

4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0



(m)Workingradius (m)

10.9 m/ 9.2 8.5 7.8 7.2 6.7 5.9

46.5 m/5.7


11.4 m/ 9.1 8.4 7.7 7.1 6.5 6.0 5.3

49.2 m/4.8


11.9m/38.438.232.528.124.621.518.816.614.713.211.910.8 9.8 8.9 8.2 7.5 6.9 6.4 5.9 5.4 4.7

51.8 m/4.1


51.8 54.9 57.9

12.5 m/35.831.727.424.021.218.616.414.613.111.710.6 9.6 8.8 8.0 7.3 6.7 6.2 5.7 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.6

54.4 m/3.4



13.0 m/33.430.926.723.420.718.416.214.412.911.610.4 9.4 8.6 7.8 7.1 6.5 6.0 5.4 4.9 4.5 4.1 3.6 3.0




13.5 m/26.726.726.323.020.418.116.214.412.811.510.4 9.4 8.5 7.8 7.1 6.5 5.9 5.3 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.6

59.7 m/2.22


14.1 m/26.725.722.519.917.715.814.212.711.410.2 9.2 8.4 7.6 6.9 6.3 5.7 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.8 3.4 3.0 2.5 2.1



14.6 m/24.422.720.618.817.115.413.812.411.210.0 9.1 8.2 7.4 6.7 6.1 5.5 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4



15.1 m/20.419.417.515.814.313.011.810.7 9.7 8.8 8.0 7.2 6.5 5.8 5.2 4.6 4.0 3.5 2.9 2.4




Boomlength (m) Working

radius (m)


Counterweight: 53.0 t, Carbody weight: 10.0 t

Note:Ratings according to EN13000.Ratings shown in are determined by the strength of the boom or other structural components.Refer to notes P12.

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 20 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


Page 68: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments




Page 69: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments


SAT DHRUV 2 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification


General Description 3 Summary of the Module Inventory 3 Diving System Components 4

1. Three Men Diving Bell 4

2. Single Lock Decompression Chamber (4-man) DDC-013 5

3. Single Lock Decompression Chamber (6-man) DDC-021 6

4. Single Lock Hyperbaric rescue Chamber (12-man) HRC 6

5. Single Lock TUP Chamber with four spool connection doors 7

6. Environmental Control System (in Life Support Equipment Container) 8

7. Hot Water System-electric (in Life Support Equipment Container) 8

8. Saturation Control Container 9

9. Bell Dive Control Container 9

10. Electrical Distribution Panel (in Sat/Bell Container) 9

11. HRC Trunk 9

12. Potable Water System (in Life Support Equipment Container) 10

13. Umbilical Module 10

14. Spool Piece between Chambers (DDC013 & DDC 021) 10

15. Spool Piece between TUP & Chamber (DDC 013) 10

16. Spool Piece between HRC & TUP 10

17. Spool Piece TUP to Diving Bell mating clamp 10

18. Sanitary System 11

19. ‘A’ Frame Assembly 11

20. Clump Weight System 11

21. Hydraulic Bell Winch 11

22. Newly build Hydraulic Power Pack Module 11

23. Main Bell Umbilical Power Sheave 12

24. Workshop/Spares Container 12

25. HRC Control Van 12

26. Certification 12

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SAT DHRUV 3 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

General Description The saturation diving system is of modular construction, meaning that the major components of the diving system are built into individual crash frames which will also allow the system to be configured in different configurations to make maximum use of the space available on the barge or proposed dive ship. The saturation diving complex and associated equipment is capable of supporting a 12 man diving team in 1 x 4 plus, 1 x 3 man bunk &12 sitting HRC & 1 x 6 men chambers to a maximum working depth of 200 meters. The design and certification for the diving system will be for a maximum design pressure of 200 meters. The diving bell will be equipped for three divers. It will be used for saturation mode only. The bell has one side mating position. The bell will be handled by a simple ‘A’ Frame assembly, with two hydraulic rams and the trolley will bring the bell in to the side mating position. For deployment, the bell will be trolley out and will be hoisted in to the catcher deployment system, the ‘A’ Frame will be boomed out to the launch position. The handling system for the bell will also incorporate a hydraulic bell winch and a Hydraulic driven clump weight winch. The hydraulic main bell winch will be the primary means of recovery and deployment. This will use the hydraulic motor as the primary means of operating the winch and the air motor will be the secondary means of operating the winch and the clump weight winch will act as another means of recovery. The operation of the hydraulic handling system and winches will be from the hydraulic control consul, which is situated on top of the living chamber (DDC 013) Skid package.

Summary of the Module Inventory

1. Single Lock Decompression Chamber (4-man) DDC 013 2. 6 Man Living Come Out Chamber (DDC023) 3. Diving Bell (3 man) 4. 12 x Man Hyperbaric Rescue Chamber with (1 x 3 bunk) living chamber

(HRC) 5. TUP (Transfers under pressure) with spool four doors for chambers

connection. 6. Four Environmental Control System (in Life Support Equipment Container) 7. Two Hot Water System-electric (in Life Support Equipment Container) 8. Saturation Control container with Potable Water System hot & cold water

supply to all chambers. 9. Bell Dive Control Container with client office.

10. Bell Umbilical Basket C/W 250m new Main bell umbilical 11. Electrical Distribution Panel (in Sat / Bell dive Container) 12. HRC Trunk on TUP 13. Bell mating trunk on TUP. 14. DDC-013 mating trunk on TUP. 15. DDC-021 mating trunk on DDC-013. 16. Sanitary System 17. ‘A’ Frame Assembly with bell trolley assembly. 18. Clump Weight System 19. Hydraulic Bell Winch

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SAT DHRUV 4 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

20. Hydraulic Power Pack Module 21. Main Bell Umbilical hyd. Power Sheave 22. Hydraulic clump weight winch. 23. Workshop/Store Spares container 24. Secondary Divers Hot water unit diesel powered 25. HRC control unit with chillier unite 26. Life Support Equipment Container Transit frame Diving System Components 1. Three Men Diving Bell The diving bell will be equipped for three divers. It will be used for saturation mode only. The bell has one side mating position. The bell will be handled by a simple ‘A’ Frame assembly with two hydraulic rams and the trolley will bring the bell in to the side mating position.

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SAT DHRUV 5 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

2. Single Lock Decompression Chamber (4-man) DDC-013 Four-man single lock living decompression chamber with TUP Trunk, having 4 bunks, Medical lock and Man way to living decompression chamber DDC-021. This chamber was built in 1977 by Aqua Logistic and has an internal diameter of 2.2-mtr diameters, inside length 4.2 metres, internal volume 16,9 M3 and safe working depth-200 metres. The Design code BS1515 Part1-1965. Certifing authority Lloyds. However the chamber has been fully refurbished and recertified by ABS in March 2009 along with the complete spread. The chamber is mounted in a heavy-duty transit frame, which forms part of the base for the A-frame bell deployment system, winch package and hydraulic power pack.

1. Pipe work and valves (JIC & NPT) 2. Electrical system 24V. DC 3. One internal conditioning system 4. Four C02 scrubbers 5. One sound power phone 6. One speaker bull horn 7. Four call button 8. Four diver personal communication 9. Four hyperbaric bunk lights

10. Two hyperbaric chamber lights 11. One caisson gauge 12. One temperature and humidity gauge 13. Four bunks 14. Chamber aluminium flooring 15. Four overboard dump mask connection points, two manifold blocks and one

tescom back pressure regulator 16. One temperature sensor 17. Medical lock with interlock 18. One toilet system 19. One shower system 20. One sinks

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SAT DHRUV 6 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

3. Single Lock Decompression Chamber (6-man) DDC-021 Six-man single lock living chamber with having 6 bunks, Medical lock and Man way to living decompression chamber DDC-013.This chamber was built 1977 by Seafoth and has an internal diameter of 2.2-mtr diameters, inside length 7.6 metres, internal volume 36,8 M3 and safe working depth-200 metres. The Design code BS1515 Part1-1965. Certifing authority Lloyds. However the chamber has been fully refurbished and recertified by ABS in March 2009 along with the complete spread. The chamber is mounted in a heavy duty transit frame.

1. Pipe work and valves (NPT) 2. Electrical system 24V. DC 3. Two internal conditioning system 4. Six C02 scrubbers 5. One sound power phone 6. One speaker bull horn 7. Six call button 8. Six diver personal communication 9. Six hyperbaric bunk lights

10. Four hyperbaric chamber lights 11. One caisson gauge 12. One temperature and humidity gauge 13. Six bunks 14. Chamber aluminium flooring 15. Six overboard dump mask connection points, two manifold block and one

Tescom back pressure regulator 16. One temperature sensor 17. Medical lock with interlock 18. One toilet system 19. One shower system 20. One sinks 4. Single Lock Hyperbaric rescue Chamber (12-man) HRC 1 x 3 man bunk &12 sitting HRC chambers to a maximum working depth of 300 meters. Three-man single lock living chamber with having three door for mating clamp and 3 bunks, Medical lock and Man way to TUP. This chamber was built in 1982 by Aqua Logistic international ltd. and has an internal diameter of 2.2-mtr diameters, inside length 4.6 metres, internal volume 16,8 M3 and safe working depth-300mtrs. The Design code BS1515 Part1-1965.Certifing authority Lloyds. However the chamber has been fully refurbished and re-certified by ABS in March 2009 along with the complete spread. The chamber is mounted in a heavy-duty transit frame and launching skid with HRC Bottom four wheels which allow HRC to slid itself into water.

1. Pipe work and valves (JIC & NPT) 2. Electrical system 24V. DC 3. One internal conditioning system 4. Four C02 scrubbers 5. One sound power phone

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SAT DHRUV 7 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

6. One speaker bull horn 7. Three call button 8. Three diver personal communication 9. Three hyperbaric bunk lights

10. Two hyperbaric chamber lights 11. One caisson gauge 12. One temperature and humidity gauge 13. Three bunks 14. Chamber aluminium flooring 15. Three overboard dump mask connection points, two manifold blocks and one

Tescom back pressure regulator 16. One temperature sensor 17. Medical lock with interlock 18. One toilet system 19. One shower system 20. One sink

5. Single Lock TUP Chamber with four spool connection doors. Single lock TUP chamber with having four spool connection doors, Man way to living decompression chamber DDC-013, Man way to HRC chamber, Man way trunk to Diving bell and top door closed & blanked from out side. This chamber was built by Seafoth and has an internal diameter 1.7mtr, inside height 1.9 metre, internal volume 5.6 M3 and safe working depth-200 metres. The Design code BS1515 Part1-1965.Certifing authority Lloyds. However the chamber has been fully refurbished and certified by ABS in March 2009 along with the complete spread. The chamber is mounted in a heavy-duty transit frame. Which forms part of the base for the A-frame bell deployment system, winch package and hydraulic power pack.

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SAT DHRUV 8 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

1. Pipe work and valves (JIC & NPT) 2. Electrical system 24V. DC 3. One internal conditioning system 4. One C02 scrubbers 5. One sound power phone 6. One speaker bull horn 7. One call button 8. Two hyperbaric chamber lights 9. One caisson gauge

10. Chamber aluminium flooring 11. One toilet system 12. One shower system 13. One sink 6. Environmental Control System (in Life Support Equipment Container) This consists of four individual Kinergetic CMU units. The four units will be stacked in the life support equipment container complete with reservoir receivers mounted on the wall. These units will be configured as unit 1 and 2 as the primary operational units and unit 3 to be used as a stand-by unit. The system will maintain complete automatic control of the temperature and humidity in the chambers and will also remove CO2 produced by the divers in the chamber. The system provides control of heating, cooling and dehumidification of the diver’s Breathing gases. The pipe work from the reservoirs to the penetrate plates in the container will be hard plumbed with a series of pipe work and valves to interconnect all the CMU units. All the internal habitat control units (HCU) in the chamber are connected to the penetrator plate by suitable deck hoses. 7. Hot Water System-electric (in Life Support Equipment Container) A single boiler/heater tank is supplied using a single pressure vessel with over pressurization devices. This heater unit will be electrically powered and capable of heating seawater and freshwater with a flow of 10 gpm @ 4 bar inlet water pressure, the unit should have a temperature range of 30°c to 70°c with +/- 2°c control. A grundfoss pump is incorporated within the skid to boost this hot water supply to the divers at 27 bar. The hot water incorporate the following:

1. Inline water filtration. 2. Electrical isolation control. 3. Earth leakage trip system. 4. Low flow alarm. 5. High temperature alarm. 6. Pump motor start/stop delay. 7. Digital temperature control and display.

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SAT DHRUV 9 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

8. Saturation Control Container The saturation control room has the following services included in the system:

1. Depth monitoring system DDC’s , HRC and Trunks. 2. Pressurization and vent DDC’s, HRC and Trunks. 3. Bib control panel DDC’s and HRC. 4. CO2 and O2 analyzer panel DDC’s and HRC. 5. Calibration gas panel DDC’s and HRC. 6. O2 injection panel DDC’s and HRC. 7. Environment control panel DDC’s. 8. Temperature monitoring panel DDC’s & HRC 9. Communication control panel to all compartments

10. Diver personnel communication system to all bunks in the chambers 11. On line gas storage panel (distribution).

• Pressurization. • Bibs. • Treatment mix.

12. One B/A hose line connection. 13. Electric distribution Panel. 9. Bell Dive Control Container The bell control room shall have the following services included in the system:

1. Depth monitoring system internal, external. 2. Depth monitoring system internal, diver 1 and 2. 3. Depth monitoring system internal, trunk to TUP. 4. Pressurization and vent of bell and trunk. 5. On line (gas supply) monitoring for divers. 6. CO2 and O2 analyzer panel for divers and bell. 7. Gas calibration panel. 8. Communication panel for bell and divers. 9. On line mix gas distribution panel.

10. One B/A hose line connection. 11. Electric distribution panel and isolation panel for total bell system. 10. Electrical Distribution Panel (in Sat/Bell Container) Isolation control boxes will be situated in bell control container; all electrical services from the diving system are terminated at a breaker panel along side the main isolation panel and linked together. An earth leakage trip system is incorporated in the panel. 11. HRC Trunk A HRC Trunk is supplied. This is connected to the TUP. The clamp will be an Hinge-type hand-operated clamp. All penetrations for the pressurization, vent and depth monitoring are fitted to the trunk.

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SAT DHRUV 10 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

12. Potable Water System (in Life Support Equipment Container) The potable water system supplies hot and cold water at 7 bars over the working pressure in continuous operation and consist of two systems including: ● Hot & Cold water tanks ● Gas Panel ● Temperature and Pressure Indicators 13. Umbilical Module A main bell umbilical is provided comprising of the following specification: 5 x ¼ Inch Pneumos 1 x ¾ Inch Hot Water Hose 1 x ¾ Inches Reclaim Hose 1 x ½ Inch Divers Gas Hose 1 x ½ Bell Blow Down 2 x Comms/TV & Power cables. Close mesh polythene monofilament over braid. An umbilical storage basket is provided. The storage basket will be of steel construction with four lifting lugs and a four point lifting sling. 14. Spool Piece between Chambers (DDC013 & DDC 021) A spool piece between the DDC-1 and DDC2 incorporates pressurization, vent and depth monitoring in the trunk. The other spool piece will connect the TUP & DDC-013 living chamber. 15. Spool Piece between TUP & Chamber (DDC 013) A spool piece between the DDC-1 and TUP incorporate pressurization, vent and depth monitoring in the trunk. The other spool piece connects the TUP & HRC living chamber. 16. Spool Piece between HRC & TUP. A spool piece between the DDC-1 and HRC mating clamp incorporates pressurization, vent and depth monitoring in the trunk. The other spool piece will connect the TUP & BELL mating clamp. 17. Spool Piece TUP to Diving Bell mating clamp The spool piece between the diving bell mating clamp and TUP is positioned on the side man way on the TUP. This incorporate a hydraulically operated type clamp with safety interlock. This spool piece also equipped with: 1. Pressure and vent penetrator 2. Depth sensor line penetrator

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SAT DHRUV 11 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

18. Sanitary System The DDC’s sanitary system has a connection to connect to the ships sanitary system via a holding tank with all necessary valves and safety devices situated on the main skids. 19. ‘A’ Frame Assembly a) The ‘A’ boom frame is constructed of 290 x 260 mm heavy-duty I beam steel and fabricated with ladder runs up the ‘A’ Frame to assist with the maintenance and inspection of the unit. A main bell lift wire sheave is located under the top/centre section of the “A” frame and in association with this there are pulley and stop-end for use with the clump weight and clump weight wire. b) The ‘A’ boom davit is powered by two hydraulic rams which move the bell over the ship’s side. 20. Clump Weight System A guide wire system is fitted to provide stability to the bell. This system also acts as a secondary means of recovery of the bell to the interface and a means of supporting the bell clear of the bottom. The system consists of: - a) One hydraulic winch rated at 7 ton load / 13.6 ton pull b) 450 meters of 28mm spin resistant wire c) One clamp weight. 21. Hydraulic Bell Winch The winch itself is a hydraulic man riding winch and is situated over the TUP & Single lock living chamber upper skid. The winch has a spooling device for the wire rope to prevent any over-laying of wire. The pneumatic air motor with gearbox and chain drive will give twice the full load capacity to safely retrieve the bell in the event of electric power failure. Air auxiliary drives 10 tons at 6m/min. Air consumption 350 cfm at 80 psi. installation of the hydraulic system is geared to be of the shortest duration with all fittings of quick (Aero quip) disconnect type. 22. Newly build Hydraulic Power Pack Module The hydraulic power pack utilizes 2 x 50 KW (100 HP) 3 Phase electric motor. This power pack provides sufficient power to run the system. The power pack delivers hydraulic pressure to the bell winch, the main ‘A’-Frame rams, trolly ram,umb. Sheave and to clamp weight winch.

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SAT DHRUV 12 12 MEN Saturation Diving System Specification

23. Main Bell Umbilical Power Sheave This consist of a 1.5 meter dia steel fabricated sheave to accommodate the main bell umbilical. The sheave is driven through Lucas type reduction gear box and driven by an independent hydraulic motor. This unit is mounted on a pedestal so it can be positioned along side the main bell umbilical and ‘A’ Frame to deploy and recover the main bell umbilical with the bell movements. The controls for this power sheave are located with the bell handling system controls above the main DDC Package. 24. Workshop/Spares Container This will contain spares and tools for the saturation system. 25. HRC Control Van This unit is fitted with a decompression panel including depth gauges, O2 and CO2 Analyzers, communication system and a Habitat control unit. 26. Certification All documentation and certification is in accordance with the H.S.E. & IMCA. (Code of Practice on the Initial & Periodic Examination, Testing and Certification of Diving Plant & Equipment DO18).

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 21 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


Page 81: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Survey Quality Plan

Positioning Survey Services

In Support of the Installation Pre-Lay Crossing Supports Proposed 24” Export Pipeline, FZ-A to Kharg Island

Foroozan Field

Persian Gulf, Offshore Iran


SPEC Ship Management L.L.C

Revision: 0

Project Date: December 2010

Prepared By

Horizon Survey Company (FZC)

P.O. Box 68785 Sharjah International Airport Free Zone (SAIF Zone)

Sharjah United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 6 557 3045 / Fax: +971 6 557 3047

[email protected] HSC Project No.: CP-SPE-0566A HSC Document No.: CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0



Page 82: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Page: i CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

Project Information

Project : Positioning Survey Services.

Client : SPEC Ship Management L.L.C

Contract Reference No. : SPE/HOR/10/001

HSC Project No. : CP-SPE-0566A

HSC Document No. : CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

Issued To: SPEC Ship Management L.L.C

For the Attention of : Mr Afshin Parsaie

Address : SPEC Ship Management L.L.C

Floor No.4, No. 54

2nd Street, Mirzayehshirazi St.

Karimkhab Blv.



Tel : +98 21 8892 2417

Fax : +98 21 8834 8030

Email : [email protected]

Issued By: Horizon Survey Company (FZC)

Project Manager : Hamid Ardalany

Address : Horizon Survey Company (FZC)

P.O. Box 68785

Sharjah International Airport Free Zone (SAIF Zone)


United Arab Emirates

Tel : +971 6 557 3045

Fax : +971 6 557 3047

Email : [email protected]

Page 83: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Page: ii CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

Horizon Survey (HSC) Revision Control

Revision No. Description

Prepared By

Checked By

Approved By

Issue Date

0 Issued for client comments JB KB/VK AD 27.12.2010

Survey Procedures Volume Description

Volume No. Volume Title Contents

n/a Survey Quality Plan Project information, scope of work, detail of the methodologies, procedures and resources for the project.

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Page: iii CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

Table of Contents Page

1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Reference Documentation 1 1.2. Scope of Work 1 1.3. Client Supplied Information 2 1.3.1. Crossing positions of the proposed Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg export pipeline 2 1.4. Crossing Support Locations 3 1.4.1. Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg – Pipeline Crossing Support Locations 3 1.5. Survey Line Plan 4 1.5.1. Pre-Installation Survey 4 1.5.2. As-Built Survey 4

2. SURVEY AND REPORTING METHODOLOGIES 6 2.1. Mobilisation 6 2.2. Geodetic References, Datums and Tidal Reduction 6 2.2.1. Geodetic References 6 2.2.2. Vertical Datum 7 2.2.3. Tidal Reduction 7 2.3. Vessel Offsets, Horizontal and Height References 7 2.3.1. Horizontal Reference 7 2.3.2. Vertical Vessel Reference 7 2.4. Field Operations 7 2.4.1. Pre-Installation MBES Survey 8 2.4.2. Surface Positioning 8 2.4.3. Underwater Positioning 8 2.4.4. Sector Scan Sonar 8 2.4.5. As-Built MBES Survey 8 2.4.6. Bathymetric Acquisition 9 2.5. Real Time QC Monitoring 9 2.6. Data Processing/Analysis and Reporting 10 2.6.1. Daily Survey Logs 10 2.7. Reporting 10 2.7.1. Project Daily Reports 10 2.7.2. Pre-Installation Reports 10 2.7.3. Crossing Installation Reports 11 2.7.4. Final Survey Report 12 2.8. Report Delivery Schedule 12 2.9. Demobilisation 12 2.9.1. Project Demobilisation 12 2.9.2. Project Backup 12

3. QUALITY CONTROL 13 3.1. Quality Policy and Objectives 13 3.1.1. Quality Policy 13 3.1.2. Quality Objectives 13 3.2. Horizon Survey Organisation 13 3.3. Standard QC Check List 13


5. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 15 5.1. HSE Policy 15 5.2. Environmental and Waste Management Policy 16 5.3. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy 16 5.4. Stop Work Policy 16

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Page: iv CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

List of Appendices Page



APPENDIX C – SURVEY PARAMETERS, TIDES AND UNITS 20 GPS Geodetic Parameters 21 Project Geodetic Parameters 21 Geodetic Computation Check 22 Survey Units 26

APPENDIX D – SYSTEM VERIFICATIONS & CALIBRATIONS 27 In-Port Verifications 28 - Vessel Offset Measurements 28 - Static DGPS Health Verification 28 - Gyrocompass Alignment Calibration 30 - Static USBL Calibration 32 In Field Calibrations 32 - Transit Fix Check 32 - Sound Velocity Measurements 32 - Dynamic USBL Calibration 33 - MBES Calibration 36 True/Grid Headings and Convergence Calculations 37 - Area / Line is West of Central Meridian 37 - Area / Line is East of Central Meridian 37





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Page: v CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

List of Tables Page Table 1: Personnel Responsibilities and SQP Awareness viii Table 2: Survey Sensors/Equipment 1 Table 3: 24- Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg - Pipeline Crossing Locations 2 Table 4: Foroozan 24" FZ-A-Kharg – Pipeline Crossing Support Locations 3 Table 5: Survey Line Plan 4 Table 6: Equipment Onboard DP 'Gerimal' 6 Table 7: Pipeline Crossing Report Volumes (CP-SPE-0566A) 11 Table 8: Report Delivery Schedule 12 Table 9: CP-SPE-0566A - Deliverable Check List 14 Table 10: GPS Geodetic Parameters 21 Table 11: Project Geodetic Parameters 21 Table 12: Geodetic Computation Check 22 Table 13: Project Survey Units 26 Table 14: Horizon Survey’s Standard QC Check List 47 Table 15: HSC Management Contact Details 49

List of Diagrams Page Diagram 1: Survey Location 5 Diagram 2: DGPS Verification Diagram, First Method 29 Diagram 3: DGPS Verification Diagram, Second Method 29 Diagram 4: DGPS Verification Diagram, Third Method 29 Diagram 5: Gyro Calibration Diagram, First Method 31 Diagram 6: Gyro Calibration Diagram, Second Method 31 Diagram 7: Gyro Calibration Diagram, Third Method 31 Diagram 8: Dynamic USBL Calibration, First Method, Stage 1 34 Diagram 9: Dynamic USBL Calibration, First Method, Stage 2 34 Diagram 10: Dynamic USBL Calibration, Second Method 35 Diagram 11: Convergence Calculations 37

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Page: vi CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

Abbreviations & Acronyms

The following list of abbreviations and acronyms may be present within the document: CRP Common Reference Point (Datum) CTDS Conductivity, Temperature, Depth and Salinity (to compute VoS) DA Data Acquisition (CODA DA System). DGPS Differential Global Positioning System DSV Dive Support Vessel GMT Greenwich Mean Time GPS Global Positioning System HSC Horizon Survey Company HSE Health, Safety & Environment IP Intersection Point L.A.T. Lowest Astronomical Tide LFP Landfall Point MBES Multi Beam Echo Sounder ms Milli-second m/s Metres per second MSL Mean Sea Level NTS Not To Scale PC Party Chief PM Project Manager PDR Project Daily Report ppm Parts per million PPS Precise Positioning System pps Pulse per second ppt Parts per thousand QC Quality Control s Second SM Survey Manager SoW Scope of Work SPM Single Point Mooring System SQP Survey Quality Plan TBA To Be Announced TBC To Be Confirmed TM Transverse Mercator TP Turning Point TVG Time Variant Gain USBL Ultra Short Base-line (underwater acoustic positioning system) UTC Coordinated Universal Time UTM Universal Transverse Mercator v/l Survey Vessel VoS Velocity of Sound in Seawater VRU Vertical Reference Unit Reference Colour Code The following reference colour coding may be used within this document: XXX Reference to an independent external document. XXX Reference to another section or article within this document. XXX Important Note / Caution

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Page: vii CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

To : Horizon Survey Company - Survey Manager

Fax Number : +971 6 557 3047

Date: :

Subject : Project Responsibilities and SQP Awareness

Project Details

HSC Project Number: CP-SPE-0566A

Barge / Rig / Barge: DP 'Gerimal'

Client: SPEC Ship Management L.L.C

PM: Hamid Ardalany

Table 1 lists the survey personnel and their responsibilities for the execution of the project. The survey personnel must ensure that they are fully conversant with the contents of this SQP. This table (Table 1) must be reviewed and signed by all personnel and be transmitted to the PM prior to commencement of the project activities which confirms their acknowledgement and understanding of the survey tasks at hand.

Personnel Responsibilities and SQP Awareness

Ser No Activity

Person Responsible Name(s)

Signature for Awareness and Accountability

1 Survey Procedures

QC & Approval Survey Manager Ashraf Deyab

2 Survey Procedures QC QC Surveyor Ursula Bell

3 Survey Procedures Creation Base Surveyor Karina


4 Survey Procedures QC &

Overall Project Leader Project Manager Hamid Ardalany

5 Offshore Project Leader Party Chief

6 Client Liaison Party Chief

7 PDR Creation Party Chief

8 Online Configuration Setup Senior Surveyor

9 Geodesy Verification Senior Surveyor

10 Online Configuration QC Check Party Chief

11 Sending Project Check List to Office

Party Chief

12 Gyro Calibration Senior Surveyor

13 Position Verification Senior Surveyor

14 Transit Checks Senior Surveyor

15 Velocity Casts (CTDS) Senior Surveyor

16 Offset Measurements Senior Surveyor

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Personnel Responsibilities and SQP Awareness

Ser No

Activity Person Responsible

Name(s) Signature for

Awareness and Accountability

17 Calibration Reports Party Chief

18 Logbook Keeping Senior Surveyor

19 Sensor Interfacing Senior Surveyor

20 Navigation strings to sensors Senior Surveyor

21 Data Logging Senior Surveyor

22 Overall Project QC Party Chief

23 Project Data Backup Party Chief

24 Returning Project Data to Office Party Chief

25 Returning Project Field File to

Office Party Chief

26 Report Writing Party Chief /

Senior Surveyor

Table 1: Personnel Responsibilities and SQP Awareness

If there is any conflict between the said procedure and the requirement for the field operations or an instruction from the client, the PC must contact the PM and inform him of the situation and discuss an alternative solution/methodology which will not influence the quality of the survey results. Any variation/alteration to the said procedure in the field must be compiled in a variation by the PC and approved (signed off) by the client / representative. A copy of the variation will be transmitted to the PM. In addition to the offshore staff, the necessary administration, logistics, mobilisation, demobilisation and technical support staff will support the project to ensure efficient performance of data acquisition operations It is the responsibility of all personnel to conduct the survey operations in accordance with the said procedures and within the contract specifications. All equipment is to be used within their specification limits and in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and the standard operating procedures. All survey personnel are responsible for the optimum use of the survey equipment mobilised as well as the responsibility for the quality of the data gathered and are to ensure that the data is of maximum achievable quality. All data must be appropriately documented and labelled for inclusion in the associated reports and charts. The following personnel will be involved in this phase of the project:

• One (1) Party Chief. • Two (2) Surveyors. • Two (2) Engineers. • One (1) MBES / CAD Processors.

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1. INTRODUCTION SPEC Ship Management L.L.C (Client) has contracted Horizon Survey Company (FZC) to provide surface and subsurface positioning services during the installation of supports for the proposed Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg export pipeline project, Persian Gulf, offshore Iran.

1.1. Reference Documentation

1. SPEC Ship Management LLC and HSC agreement reference no. SPE/HOR/10/001 dated November 2010.

2. Client supplied table entitled “crossing list” received 20th December 2010 3. Client Supplied Drawing no.: FE560-0000-PL-DW-1657, Sheets 1-12, Revision D0

1.2. Scope of Work

A total of eleven (11) steel structure supports (mattresses) are to be installed for the proposed Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg export pipeline. The objectives of this project can be summarised as:

• To assist with the installation of the mattresses using USBL underwater positioning and underwater gyrocompass.

• To cross check the position of the mattresses against the existing pipeline, by deploying a Sector Scan Sonar.

• To measure the final as-installed position of the mattresses using USBL underwater positioning and underwater gyrocompass.

• To measure the final as-installed position of the mattresses by using MBES. • To provide a report on the final as-installed positions of the mattresses (including a 3D image of

the mattresses using the MBES data).

Refer to Diagram 1 for the project location diagram and the proposed pipeline locations. This SQP (CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0) outlines the project SoW, detailed methodologies / procedures and resources required to efficiently complete the SoW and fulfil the client requirements. The above mentioned objectives will be achieved by utilising the instruments/equipment listed in Table 2 onboard the DP 'Gerimal' for their associated application:

Survey Sensors/Equipment

No Sensor / Equipment Application

1 C-NAV DGPS Positioning

System (PPS mode) Provide precise surface positioning to the DP 'Gerimal'.

2 TSS Gyro Compass Provide precise heading to the DP 'Gerimal'.

3 Navigation and Data Logging

Computer Provide logging and on screen navigation (heading).

4 Reporting Computers Provide Report station.

5 Remote Monitors Additional stations for processing.

6 USBL system To provide underwater positioning during mattress support installations.

7 Underwater Gyro Compass To provide underwater heading, pitch & roll during mattress support installations.

8 CTDS Probe To provide sound velocity through the water profile.

9 Sector Scan Sonar Seafloor imagery system.

10 MBES & Motion Sensor To provide as-installed positions of structure supports.

11 IP Thuraya System (TBC) Internet/phone access.

Table 2: Survey Sensors/Equipment

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A full equipment list and specifications are attached as Appendix A. All offshore elevations and bathymetry will be reduced to L.A.T. The positioning accuracy is required to 1 m on a horizontal plane, and 1 degree in heading during crossing support installation. The following measures will be taken to reduce error and achieve this accuracy;

a. Utilise PPS mode for the C-Nav DGPS systems. b. Final position logging of at least 15 minutes using USBL. c. Sector scan image to confirm the distance of the installed support with the existing pipeline/cable d. MBES survey results to be compared with USBL logging.

1.3. Client Supplied Information

1.3.1. Crossing positions of the proposed Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg export pipeline

The crossing positions along the proposed Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg export pipeline, as per Table 3 were supplied by the client (Reference 2 and Reference 3).

Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg - Pipeline Crossing Locations

Crossing No.

Sequence Pipeline / Cable Name Crossing Location

Easting (m) Northing (m) KP

FE-C01 1 Unknown 424 918.86 3 232 565.29 7.690

FE-C02 2 KHARG to LAVAN,SIRI cable 424 372.42 3 231 718.20 8.705

FE-C03 3 Terminal AC2882/Oil pipeline ARDESHIR to DARIUS

418 814.96 3 223 103.16 18.957

FE-C04 4 Falcon-S07a-RPL-PL06-Abridged 391 626.85 3 180 956.18 69.113

FE-C05 5 FOG cable 389 042.86 3 176 950.49 73.880

FE-C06 6 Falcon-S06b-RPL-PL01-Abridged 388 529.03 3 176 153.95 74.827

FE-C07 7 Sub sea Cable for


376 615.94 3 157 686.34 96.804

FE-C08 11 Sub sea Cable for


375 081.31 3 154 339.46 100.513

FE-C09 8 16" product flow line F-17 to FZ 374 856.34 3 153 897.80 101.010

FE-C10 9 16" product flow line F-17 to FZ 374 563.05 3 153 167.03 101.802

FE-C11 10 20” M.O.L to Kharg Island 374 530.48 3 152 966.85 101.960

Spheroid: WGS84, Datum: ITRF 2000 to epoch 1997.0, UTM Zone: 39N, CM: 51° E

Table 3: 24- Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg - Pipeline Crossing Locations

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1.4. Crossing Support Locations

1.4.1. Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg – Pipeline Crossing Support Locations The crossing support coordinates for the Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg export pipeline are presented in Table 4, were provided by the client (Reference 2 and Reference 3).

Foroozan 24" FZ-A to Kharg – Pipeline Crossing Support Locations

Support ID

Support Type


Centre of Mattress Coordinates

Support angles KP

Easting (m)

Northing (m)

To Route

To Grid North

FE-S01 A 4+4 424 921.52 3 232 569.47 33° 82° 7.690

FE-S02 A/Neoprene 1+1 424 372.42 3 231 718.20 33° 93° 8.705

FE-S03 A/Neoprene 1+1 418 814.96 3 223 103.16 33° 68° 18.957

FE-S04 A/Neoprene 1+1 391 626.85 3 180 956.18 33° 73° 69.113

FE-S05 A/Neoprene 1+1 389 042.86 3 176 950.49 33° 69° 73.880

FE-S06 A/Neoprene 1+1 388 529.03 3 176 153.95 33° 71° 74.827

FE-S07 A/Neoprene 1 376 609.94 3 157 672.59 24° 66° 96.804

FE-S08 A/Neoprene 1 376 613.94 3 157 681.76 24° 66° 96.804

FE-S09 A/Neoprene 1 376 617.94 3 157 690.92 25° 69° 96.804

FE-S10 A/Neoprene 1 376 622.20 3 157 699.95 25° 69° 96.804

FE-S11 A/Neoprene 1 375 075.20 3 154 330.30 34° 56° 100.513

FE-S12 A/Neoprene 1 375 081.31 3 154 339.46 34° 56° 100.513

FE-S13 A/Neoprene 1 375 087.42 3 154 348.63 34° 56° 100.513

FE-S14 A/Neoprene 1 374 850.37 3 153 883.41 21° 67° 101.010

FE-S15 A/Neoprene 1 374 854.30 3 153 892.61 21° 67° 101.010

FE-S16 A/Neoprene 1 374 858.38 3 153 902.99 21° 67° 101.010

FE-S17 A/Neoprene 1 374 862.01 3 153 912.24 21° 67° 101.010

FE-S18 A/Neoprene 1 374 557.73 3 153 154.64 67° 25° 101.802

FE-S19 A/Neoprene 1 374 561.20 3 153 162.94 67° 25° 101.802

FE-S20 A/Neoprene 1 374 564.67 3 153 171.25 67° 25° 101.802

FE-S21 A/Neoprene 1 374 568.14 3 153 179.55 67° 25° 101.802

FE-S22 FE-S22 4+4 374 523.84 3 152 924.33 64° 73° 101.960

FE-S23 FE-S23 4+5 374 527.75 3 152 949.70 64° 73° 101.960

FE-S24 FE-S24 4+6 374 532.64 3 152 980.55 59° 43° 101.960

Spheroid: WGS84, Datum: ITRF 2000 to epoch 1997.0, UTM Zone: 39N, CM: 51° E

Table 4: Foroozan 24" FZ-A-Kharg – Pipeline Crossing Support Locations

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1.5. Survey Line Plan

1.5.1. Pre-Installation Survey Prior to installation a single MBES line is to be run to confirm the position of the existing pipelines. This line will be parallel to the pipeline and the length of the line will be a minimum of 50 m. If there is a group of crossings, a single MBES line will be run to combine these locations.

1.5.2. As-Built Survey A 50 m x 50 m survey is to be conducted, centred on the as-built position of the mattress supports. Table 5 states the line plan requirements.

Survey Line Plan

Lines Line Spacing (m) Number of Lines Orientation

Main Lines 50 2 Parallel to pipeline

Cross Lines n/a 1 Perpendicular to pipeline

Table 5: Survey Line Plan

The boundary coordinates are to be calculated by the PC, based on the as-installed position of the mattress support.


As 100% coverage is required, the line spacing may be reduced in shallow water depths. On the other hand the line spacing in deeper areas can be increased based on the actual acquisition from the MBES and water depths. Both actions can be decided in the field by the Party Chief and client representative. The survey lines shall be terminated / diverted when approaching existing structures.

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Diagram 1: Survey Location

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2.1. Mobilisation A full equipment list is attached as Appendix A. As a minimum the following equipment, as per Table 6 will be mobilised.

Equipment Onboard DP 'Gerimal'

Ser No. Equipment Number (+ Spare)

1 C-Nav DGPS with spares on EA or AP Sat (PPS Service) 2 (+ 1)

2 TSS Meridian Gyro Compass 1 (1 +)

3 Navigation and Data Logging Computer 2 (+ 1)

4 Reporting Computers 1 (+ 1)

5 MBES System & Motion Sensor 1 (+ 1)

6 USBL System (6 Beacons) 1 (+ 1)

7 TSS Meridian Subsea Gyrocompass, with frame and 150 m cable 1 (+ 1)

8 Sector Scan Sonar System 2 (1 +)

9 CTDS probe 1 (+ 1)

Table 6: Equipment Onboard DP 'Gerimal'

During mobilisation all calibrations and verifications (in accordance with Appendix D) will be conducted prior to the commencement of any work. The verifications, calibrations and checks to be completed during mobilisation and in the field prior to the start of survey operations are as follows:

• All vessel and sensor offset measurements. • DGPS verification - primary and secondary positioning systems. • Gyro alignment calibration. • CTDS wet test • USBL calibration. • Velocity cast. • Transit check. • Draft measurement for underwater sensors (MBES & USBL transducers). • MBES patch test calibration.

The geodetic computation check shall be cross checked (coordinate transformations) and shall be signed off by the PC and the Client/representative. The geodetic parameters and the QINSY setup parameters are to be transmitted to the office for verification PM and SM.

2.2. Geodetic References, Datums and Tidal Reduction

2.2.1. Geodetic References The primary grid coordinate system to be adopted is the ITRF 2000 to epoch 1997.0 reference system as follows:

• Spheroid name : WGS84 • Datum name : ITRF 2000 to epoch 1997.0 • Projection name : Universal Transverse Mercator: (UTM) Zone 39N.


If any of the verifications/calibrations are unable to be conducted during mobilisation or prior to the vessel sailing, the client, PM and SM must be informed.

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Refer to Appendix C for geodetic details parameters and geodetic computation check.

2.2.2. Vertical Datum All offshore elevations and bathymetry will be referenced to L.A.T.

2.2.3. Tidal Reduction All bathymetric data acquired during the survey will be reduced to the L.A.T. by the simplified harmonic method of tidal prediction. The harmonics and tidal constituents for the survey area were derived from the Admiralty Co-tidal Atlas for the Persian Gulf, NP 214 (refer to Appendix C for details).

2.3. Vessel Offsets, Horizontal and Height References

2.3.1. Horizontal Reference The CRP from which all offsets are to be measured is the primary C-Nav antenna which will where practically possible be located above the vessel bridge on the fore and aft centreline of the vessel. All offsets will be measured using land survey techniques and verified with tape measure during mobilisation. All measurements will be reduced logged and entered into the navigation system and verified by the surveyor / PC.

2.3.2. Vertical Vessel Reference Height references will be related to the main deck level adjacent to the MBES pole. The vertical reference for all sensors is variable based on the vessel draught and freeboard to the main deck. The draught measurement shall be recorded at the following times:

• Upon the completion of mobilisation before leaving the port. • Any time the vessel is alongside. • Any time the vessel takes on fuel or water.

The draught measurements are to be logged and provided to the CAD processors onboard.

2.4. Field Operations Prior to sailing to site, the surveyor will complete the Personnel Responsibilities and Survey Procedures Awareness form located at the front of this procedures document. This form along with the survey system configuration printout should be faxed back to the Survey Department for checking and approval. Data is to be recorded within QINSy database files throughout the project operations, this is includes (but not limited to) the diving operations. Positioning of the vessel is to be recorded in QINSy on a 24 hour basis while the vessel is in the field. These QINSy database files are to be submitted to the client at the end of the project.


Regular draught readings are to be conducted and recorded in the log book and offsets are to be applied in all relevant software during acquisition. Any discrepancy of observed data must be brought to the attention of the PC onboard and investigated. Any doubt on the validity of the data must be communicated to the PM and SM.

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To accurately position the supports during installation, surface and subsurface positioning systems will be used as follows:

2.4.1. Pre-Installation MBES Survey Prior to installation a MBES line is to be run to confirm the position of the existing pipelines against the client supplied information. If the pipeline is within tolerance (±2 m) verbal confirmation can be given to the client for approval. If the positions of the pipelines DO NOT match within tolerance (±2 m), a field report will be created and approved by the client. Once client approval is obtained, the mattress installation can commence.

2.4.2. Surface Positioning The DP 'Gerimal' will accurately setup over each of the support installation positions, the mattress supports will be lifted and deployed using the DP 'Gerimal' supplied crane wire / frame. Two fixed offsets for both mattress support ends should be accurately measured by the survey crew and added to the positioning and navigation system. Prior to the mattress support deployment, a DGPS position logging will be undertaken to determine the deployment position and heading. The mean position and heading will be calculated upon completion of the logging session.

A dedicated subsea gyro, mounted on a temporary support on the mattress and aligned with the mattress’s axis, shall provide the mattress heading and inclination (pitch/roll). A CNAV system is to be installed on the crane boom to monitor the position of the crane head at all times. Screen shots for the deployment position and heading of the mattress supports on the navigation display should be recorded.

2.4.3. Underwater Positioning The DP 'Gerimal' will accurately setup over each of the support installation positions; prior to installation a MBES line will be run to confirm the position of the existing pipelines within the tolerance stated above in the Section 2.4.1. To provide a continued relative measurement between the mattress and the existing pipeline two USBL beacons are to be installed onto the existing pipeline. As a simultaneous independent positioning system, two (2) USBL beacons will be installed, two at opposite ends of the mattress support to monitor its position while being lowered to the seabed. An underwater gyro will be installed on the mattress to provide heading and inclination (pitch / roll). Once on the seabed, logging of position fixes for a minimum of 15 minutes will be acquired to determine the as installed position and heading of the mattress support. Mean position, heading and inclination will be calculated upon completion of the logging session of both surface and underwater positioning systems. Upon client acceptance of the final position, heading and inclination (pitch / roll), the USBL beacons and underwater gyro will be recovered by the divers, and the as-built position will be observed using MBES.

2.4.4. Sector Scan Sonar A sector scan sonar is to be deployed during the mattress installation. This will provide a real-time visual observation of the installation. When the mattress support is lowered to the seabed, the distance of the mattress with respect to the existing pipeline is to be measured. A screen shot is to be taken and included as part of the mattress installation report.

2.4.5. As-Built MBES Survey

Upon completion of installation of the group of mattresses, a MBES as-built survey is to be conducted to observe the as-built position of the mattress support, in accordance with section 1.5. The PC will advise

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the client on the best line plan for achieving the required results and reducing potential infill work. Any deviation from the stated plan must be recorded in a variation and transmitted to the PM and the SM. On-Line Navigation and Acquisition Systems The on-line navigation and acquisition systems (QINSy,) will be setup to comply with the following criteria as a minimum:

• Date, time and position tagging. • Sampling and computation of all positioning system data. • The cycle time shall not exceed 2 seconds. • Processing and real time display of sensor data. • QC and verification of data (with hardcopies printouts of non-conforming events/data). • Logging of all raw data acquired from the various sensors. Off-Line Processing Systems

The off-line processing and charting systems (QINSy, AutoCAD, CARIS etc) shall be used to provide an accurate and complete output from the survey data acquired. In addition to data processing and merging systems, charting systems, standard word-processing and spreadsheet programs, the onboard software programs will be capable to provide the following:

• Geodetic transformations. • Tidal computations. • Reduction of bathymetric data for tides. • VoS computations. • Editing, approved smoothing and merging routines. • Re-computation of surface positioning data from raw data.

2.4.6. Bathymetric Acquisition

The bathymetric survey shall be conducted utilising MBES system. A motion sensor will be interfaced to the MBES to compensate for heave, pitch and roll effects. All data shall be digitally recorded for processing. Acquired data digitally logged using QINSy system, will be analysed after processing by the geophysicist, who will produce a detailed report describing the seafloor bathymetric information within the survey limit. The report will be illustrated with bathymetry images of the crossing locations.

2.5. Real Time QC Monitoring The following sensor information will be displayed in a time series plot on the online navigation computer which will be continuously monitored by the online surveyor:

• Primary positioning system. • Secondary positioning system • Sensor updates rates.

The following sensor data will be shown in a time series window for real time comparison:

• Comparison between primary and secondary positioning systems. • Comparison between the surface and underwater positioning systems.

End of Line QC Procedure:

PC on board the vessel need to make sure that on each end of line, the acquired survey data is to be QC’d against the project requirements and quality of data.

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2.6. Data Processing/Analysis and Reporting All project interfacing, documentation and reporting will be in the English language. The MBES / CAD processor will process the bathymetric and associated data acquired onboard, in accordance with the methodology outlined in Appendix E. The MBES / CAD processor must keep a daily updated processing log for future references and handover. The PC must ensure that all data acquired during the survey is processed in a timely manner and the PC must communicate a daily project status to the PM/SM and client representative.

2.6.1. Daily Survey Logs Daily survey logs shall be maintained and kept in both soft copies and hard copies in the online operations centre and these shall be made available to the client representative on demand. The daily survey log shall record all the survey activities and factors that may affect the survey operations including:

• Details of survey lines (start fix & time, end fix & time, heading, vessel speed, etc). • Equipment setup, acquisition parameters, failures and changes. • Software setup, failures and changes. • Changes in the geodetic details (if any). • Hard copies roll details. • Brief weather information and survey line alteration.

The logs shall be concise, neat and kept in a hard bound volume.

2.7. Reporting

2.7.1. Project Daily Reports The party chief shall compile the project daily reports (PDR) which shall be distributed to all parties concerned with the project. The report shall cover the previous 24 hour period and include the following:

• DP 'Gerimal' location and date. • Operations and work progress for the past 24 hours with details on work time and accumulative

statistics. Survey percentages completed should be broken down to individual components. • Work planning for the next 24 hours. • Standby/downtime periods with causes and details. • Formal communications. • Equipment failures and changes. • Software modifications. • Changes in the equipment setup and parameters • Personnel movements • Current and forecast weather information. • Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) issues and incidents including accumulated project

safety statistics. • Representative comments, Vessel Superintendent and Horizon PC.

The format of the PDR shall be approved by the client prior to mobilisation. The daily content of these reports shall be agreed by the client / representative and the PC and emailed to the client / representative and HSC office prior to 08:00 hours the next day.

2.7.2. Pre-Installation Reports The pre-installation MBES reports are only required when the observed pipelines do not match with the client supplied information (within the specified tolerance of ±2 m). The report is to be short (one to two pages), containing a comparison between the client supplied pipeline locations and the MBES observed pipeline locations. This is to include a MBES image illustrating the differences. The report is to be submitted to the client within one working day from completion of the MBES line.

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2.7.3. Crossing Installation Reports There are eleven (11) crossing locations along each pipeline. A report will be issued for each crossing location. These are to be submitted within one day of completion of as-built survey and are required to contain the following;

• Introduction and summary of operations. • Table of final as-built mattress coordinates. • Diagram showing the location of the mattress positions in relation to the existing pipeline. • A sector scan sonar image showing the mattress in relation to the existing pipeline. • MBES image showing the mattress in relation to the existing pipeline.

A crossing installation report will be issued for each crossing location. The volume numbers and report descriptions are as per Table 7. Pipeline Crossing Report Volumes

Pipeline Crossing Report Volumes (CP-SPE-0566A)

Volume Description

1 FE-C01 Crossing report

2 FE-C02 Crossing report

3 FE-C03 Crossing report

4 FE-C04 Crossing report

5 FE-C05 Crossing report

6 FE-C06 Crossing report

7 FE-C07 Crossing report

8 FE-C08 Crossing report

9 FE-C09 Crossing report

10 FE-C10 Crossing report

11 FE-C11 Crossing report

Table 7: Pipeline Crossing Report Volumes (CP-SPE-0566A) Survey Report

A survey and operational report template will be issued by the SM to the survey personnel. For this project a survey report will be issued to cover the technical results and operational details of the whole project. Volume 1 of 1, Survey Report, Rev 0 This volume will include a detailed description of the survey activities and results. This report will include but not be limited to the following:

• Introduction and scope of work. • Description of survey objectives. • Description of utilised equipment, software, system parameters, barge/vessel, etc. • Detailed positioning results. • Mobilisation reports, detailing trials and calibrations. • Summary of field operations. • Personnel and equipments. • Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) issues. • Geodetic and navigation parameters. • Vessel offset diagram.

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• Project daily reports.

2.7.4. Final Survey Report Within seven (7) days from the receipt of client comments on the draft final survey report, HSC should submit the final survey report, which shall include any revisions or amendments requested by client. A Comment Resolution Sheet shall be transmitted along with the final report. In the event that of any corrections are not applied; HSC shall give a justification clearly stating why these were not implemented. On completion of the final report, HSC shall provide digital copies of all final reports, AutoCAD as-built pipeline drawings and other relevant information on CDs/DVDs in native and pdf formats.

2.8. Report Delivery Schedule

Table 8 shows the delivery schedule and number of copies of the as-laid survey reports to be issued to the client on completion of the survey activities.

Report Delivery Schedule

Report Revision Schedule No. of Copies/Format

Crossing Installation Report

To be issued within twenty four (24) hours from the completion of each as-built survey.

N/A (To be submitted onboard).

Draft Final Survey Report

Within twenty eight (28) days from date of demobilisation of survey equipment from the vessel/

One (1) soft copy

Final Survey Report Within seven (7) days from the receipt of client comments. One (1) soft copy

Table 8: Report Delivery Schedule

2.9. Demobilisation

2.9.1. Project Demobilisation

Upon completion of all survey activities to the client’s satisfaction, the survey vessel will proceed for demobilisation. The demobilisation will commence upon receipt of the written ‘permission for demobilisation notice’ from the client to confirm that all required survey has been completed.

2.9.2. Project Backup Project data will be backed up on a daily basis to a suitable media (i.e. RDX Tapes/CDs/DVDs), thought the entire duration of the survey project. Two (2) separate copies of the project will be made and brought back to the Horizon Survey office.


On completion of survey operations the project directories will be cleaned of any temporary files. The project folder/files must be completed and up to date at the time of demobilisation prior to final backup and returning to the office. The project debriefing form is to be completed prior to the demobilisation and handed/transmitted to the PM at the first available opportunity.

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3.1. Quality Policy and Objectives

3.1.1. Quality Policy The Management of Horizon recognises the need to ensure that its services conform to customers' specified requirements in all aspects including professional, legal, safety and environmental criteria. Accordingly, Horizon has developed a Quality Management System to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008/29001:2007. Horizon is committed to provide our customers with the highest quality survey and geotechnical services. We will enhance customer satisfaction by;

• Employing qualified and experienced managerial and technical personnel who will ensure our work is performed to the highest professional standards and in accordance with the customer specifications.

• Providing training to the staff. • Providing positive and comfortable working environment. • Providing safe work place. • Providing contemporary equipment. • Submitting reports on time. • Continually improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System through periodic

Management Reviews and Internal Audits.

3.1.2. Quality Objectives Horizon Survey’s Quality Management System has been implemented to achieve and sustain the following objectives:

• Increase knowledge base for personnel. • Improve equipment tracking efficiency for projects. • Reduce equipment downtime on projects. • Submit proposals on time. • Submit reports on time. • Improve project performance awareness. • Reduce insurance claims.

3.2. Horizon Survey Organisation

HSC is one of Horizon Group of Companies which provides survey services to the offshore industry in the Middle East and India. The management and company staff have resided and worked in the region for several years, and their experience, track record and regional knowledge is well established. HSC is being managed through an organization which proves of being efficient and successful (Refer to Appendix F for details).

3.3. Standard QC Check List It is HSC’s standard QC practice that at least two senior staff members should ensure all activities are checked against standards and project requirements and that each particular activity is approved. Generally, any activity which has not been approved will have to pass in a loop of re-execution and QC till it gets approved. The quality control check list referenced in Appendix G is being employed as a QC reference during the execution of all HSC projects

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4. PROJECT DELIVERABLE CHECK LIST Table 9 states the list of deliverables to be transferred from the vessel to HSC’s office throughout the duration of the project and at the time of demobilisation.

CP-SPE-0566A - Deliverable Check List

Item Formats / Media Required Completed

Project Setup

Personnel responsibilities and SQP awareness Hard copy

QINSy configuration PDF

Vessel offset diagram AutoCAD 2000 & PDF

Geodesy computation check PDF

Calibrations & QC

DGPS health verification report MS-Excel & PDF

Gyro calibration report MS-Excel & PDF

Transit check report MS-Excel & PDF

MBES patch test calibration report MS-Word & PDF

Survey line logs Hard copy/MS-Excel/PDF

USBL calibration PDF


Pre-installation reports (only where exceed tolerance) & related diagram MS-Word & AutoCAD

Mattress installation summary reports MS-Excel

Crossing installation reports & related diagram MS-Word & AutoCAD

Survey reports (one per site/route) MS-Word

Project daily reports Signed hard copies/MS-Excel/PDF

Project Data

Complete project directory RDX tapes (2 Copies)

Project check list Hard copy

24 hr data logging DVD / HDD

Table 9: CP-SPE-0566A - Deliverable Check List

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Page: 15 CP-SPE-0566A - Survey Quality Plan - Rev 0

5. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT All work shall be performed in a safe and efficient manner. All personnel shall be familiar with the Horizon Survey Health and Safety system. At the most basic level, offshore staff shall take sensible responsibility for their personal health and safety, and that of their co-workers. When venturing out on deck appropriate safety gear shall be worn at all times, this will include, but not limited to:

• Coveralls. • Safety helmet. • Safety boots. • Safety glasses. • Ear defenders. • Gloves. • Work vests/life jackets. • Safety harness.

Life jackets and continuous monitoring are mandatory when working near the side of the vessel or on the aft deck. HSC personnel shall abide by the company environment, health and safety policies and procedures whilst onboard and shall attend all relevant safety meetings, toolbox talks and drills.

5.1. HSE Policy HSC recognises that the safety of people and the protection of the environment is a critical element of our business, and we are committed to conducting our operations in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

This will be achieved by adherence to a structured HSE Management System which addresses the responsibilities of the company’s management, staff, subcontractors and other parties involved in the performance of our operations.

With regard to the Horizon Survey HSE Management System, we commit ourselves to the following:

• Provide our employees and sub-contractors with a safe environment in which to perform their

work. • Provide a formal set of HSE related rules, procedure and guidelines within which our operations

are to be performed, and demand strict compliance from our staff and sub-contractors. • Provide training and advice to our employees in matters of HSE compliance. • Encourage feedback and suggestions, and seek effective ways to implement them. • Enforce a clear system of HSE accountability within our organisation. • To continuously learn from all feedback and experiences by considering ways to prevent a future

re-occurrence, and improving the way we deal with the relevant HSE issue. • To execute all our work in such a way as to minimise the impact to the environment and

preventing pollution. • Comply with Statuary Government and Industry Legislation, Industry Best Practice and Client

policies relating to Health and Safety and Environmental Protection.

Managing Director of Horizon Survey has the overall responsibility for ensuring this policy is implemented and fully supported. The system will be reviewed on an annual basis to assess its effectiveness.

It is the responsibility of all HSC staff and contractors to ensure that the health and safety of all colleagues is maintained at all times.

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5.2. Environmental and Waste Management Policy Horizon Survey’s Management System has been established with the objective to protect the environment and reduce and manage waste in accordance with local and international environmental practices. HSC actively maintains these standards to ensure that the survey services provided to the client are conducted in an environmentally safe and efficient manner. We commit to managing our environmental effects and wastes in compliance with our legal obligations. Furthermore, we will strive to continually improve all our operations and specifically commit to:

• Work to achieve the environmental expectations of our staff, customers, suppliers and local

community. • Apply best practice standards for environmental management. • Improve efficiency of operations to minimise water and raw material use, energy consumption,

waste and pollution generation. • Create awareness among our staff and suppliers of the potential environmental effect of

operations with which they are involved, and how they can work towards minimising these environmental effects.

• Continue to conduct regular assessments of the environmental effects of our operations to identify potential areas for improvement, and to follow through with programs to achieve these improvements.

5.3. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

HSC takes drug and alcohol abuse as a serious matter and will not tolerate it. HSC absolutely prohibits the use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs at the work place or while on company premises. It also discourages non-work place drug and alcohol abuse. The use, sale or possession of alcohol or non-prescription drugs while on the job or on company property may result in immediate suspension or discharge. HSC reserves the right to demand a drug or alcohol test of any employee based upon reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion includes, but is not limited to, physical evidence of use, involvement in an accident, or a substantial drop off in work performance. Failure to take a requested test may lead to discipline, including possible termination. HSC also cautions against use of prescribed or over-the-counter medication which can affect your work place performance. You may be suspended or discharged if the company concludes that you cannot perform your job properly or safely because of using over-the-counter or prescribed medication. Please inform your supervisor prior to working under the influence of a prescribed or over-the-counter medication which may affect your performance. HSC will make every effort to assist its employees who wish to seek treatment or rehabilitation for drug or alcohol dependency. HSC will consider continued employment of such an employee as long as the employee adequately addresses continued concerns regarding safety, health, production, communication or other work related matters. You may also be required to agree to random testing.

5.4. Stop Work Policy HSC believes that all accidents are preventable and empowers all employees, contractors, clients and guests to:

• Stop any job if they believe that it may cause harm to people the environment or assets. • Refrain from actions that are considered a threat to HSE. • Contact line managers in a culture of openness and trust to advise of any safety concerns that

they have with regards operations they are involved in.

All HSC staff and contractors have a duty to stop any operation if to ensure that the health and safety of all colleagues is maintained at all times. Failure to stop an operation that is believed to be unsafe may make the individual culpable in the event of future investigations.

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Survey Equipment

The following survey equipment / software (or similar) will be present during this phase of the project:

a. Surface Positioning and Orientation Systems:

• C-Nav dual frequency DGPS. • TSS Meridian Surveyor gyrocompass.

b. Underwater Positioning System:

• Sonardryne 7707, USBL system. • TSS Meridean Subsea gyrocompass (Including pitch & roll).

c. Digital Logging and Processing Systems:

• QPS hydrographic survey software (QINSy 8.0). • Reporting computers. • Remote monitors. • AutoCAD drafting package. • Digitizing, printing and plotting equipment. • RDX tapes. • Digital camera.

d. Bathymetric Systems:

• Valeport CTD Monitor CTDS sensor. • Simrad EM 3002 MBES system.

e. Seabed Imaging Systems;

• Sector Scan Sonar.

f. Communication Facilities:

• SAT phone. • Thuraya phone. • GSM phones (if within range). • Internet connection with independent computer.

g. Land Survey Equipment:

• Theodolite with tripod and solar filter (during land related calibrations only).


During survey operations, the back-up C-Nav system will be installed/set-up to ensure continuity in the event that the primary system fails.

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GPS – C-Nav2000 GPS Hardware

The C-Nav [2000 RM] GPS receiver unit provides performance of several decimeters at either 1 or 5 updates per second. The receiver is ideally suited for positioning of dynamic and static vessels or vehicles on a global basis.

The C-Nav [2000 RM] receivers feature 10 channels of continuous GPS satellite tracking contained within a compact, rugged, weatherproof housing. For ease of operation and system integration, the C-Nav GPS unit has a single, rugged, waterproof 8-pin connector that provides RS-232 serial ports, a CAN BUS and D.C power. During operation, the C-Nav GPS System can output a subset of NMEA-0183 messages, including QA/QC data, and RAW GPS measurement binary data, for archiving and post-mission kinematic post-processing analysis.

The C-Nav [2000 RM] receivers are a single integrated package combining; antennas, geodetic quality dual frequency GPS receiver, communications link, data demodulator, and or control processor, which is rugged, reliable and able to withstand the offshore environment. The system is capable of receiving differential corrections from AP satellite as well as EA satellite. In the Middle East, the primary system will use AP satellite and the secondary system will use EA satellite.


Note: This specification is subject to change without notice.

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The new Meridian has been designed to be the smallest, lightest, most flexible and accurate mechanical gyrocompass available to commercial users. The new Meridian Surveyor boasts a wide range of interfaces to enable use on any marine vessel. The unit utilises a DTG gyro element which provides exceptional performance with accuracy unmatched by even the latest fibre optic designs. Unlike conventional spinning mass gyrocompasses, the Meridian Surveyor uses a dry tuned element (DTG) that removes the need for routine maintenance thereby significantly reducing cost of ownership. Hence the Meridian Surveyor provides reliable, maintenance free operation with an MTBF in excess of 30,000 hrs.


Display type 360° compass card and VFD display

Settle point 0.1° secant latitude

Static accuracy 0.05° RMS secant latitude

Dynamic accuracy 0.2° secant latitude

Follow up speed 200°/sec

Settling time <40 minutes, to within 0.7°

Latitude input Automatic – via RS232 or RS422, NMEA 0183 from GPS or Manual

Speed input Automatic – via RS232 or RS422, NMEA 0183 from log or pulse/contact closure at 100, 200 or 400 per NM from log or manual

Latitude compensation 80N to 80S

Speed compensation 0 – 90 knots

Operating temperature -15°C to +55°C

Storage temperature -25°C to +80°C

Gimbal limits ±45° pitch and roll

Shock 10g

Mean time before failure 45,000 hours

Service interval No schedule maintenance, calibration recommended every 2 years

Input voltage 24VDC (18-36 VDC)

Start-up current 1.8A at switch on

Dimensions 344mm (h) x 267mm (w) x 440mm (d)

Weight 15.5 Kg

Accessories included Operators handbook, transit case, spare connectors

Options Repeaters and ancillaries

Standards IMO A 424 (X1), IMO A 821 (1bv9), BS EN 60945, BS EN ISO 8728 1994, BS 6217 1981, CE Marking, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive and the Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC

Warranty 18 months international warranty including parts and labour

‘S’ type output format Step by Step (5V TTL) 6 steps/1°

Synchro output format 1 x 26V, 400Hz, 360° (1:1 ratio) 11.8V line to line

Serial data output format 5 x RS422; 5 x RS232; 5 x 20mA loop

Analogue output ROT ±20°/sec (±10mA); 1x 5V TTL system ready ; 1 x 5V TTL power fail/gyro fail

Note: This specification is subject to change without notice.

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USBL – Sonardyne Scout

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USBL – Sonardyne Scout

Note: This specification is subject to change without notice.

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TSS Meridian Subsea Gyrocompass

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TSS Meridian Subsea Gyrocompass

Technical Specifications


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Software – Qinsy 8

QINSy – A Total Hydrographic Solution! QINSy 8 provides a user-friendly turnkey solution for all types of marine navigation, positioning and surveying activities. From survey planning to data collection, data cleaning, volume calculations and chart production, QINSy offers a seamless data flow from a large variety of hardware sensors, all the way to a complete chart product. QINSy runs on a standard PC platform under the Windows (NT/2000/XP) operating system. The software is not only independent of sensor manufacturer, but also hardware independent. You are free to buy your own off-the-shelf hardware components and QINSy will work with them. You are not tied to specific hardware in any way. Extreme Versatility - Survey Applications From scraping diamonds off the seabed to dumping rock on pipelines, from anchor handling to bathymetric or Side Scan Sonar surveys, its modular design and inherent flexibility makes QINSy perfect for a wide variety of applications. For example, it can be configured to perform: • Hydrographic and Oceanographic Surveys • Offshore Pipeline Inspection and Pipe-laying • Dredging, Marine Construction including Offshore Oil and Gas • ROV and AUV Tracking and Data Collection • Barge,Tug and Fleet Management • Chart and ENC Production Since its launch in 1997, QINSy has been installed on over 500 vessels around the world. In other words, QINSy is setting the standard in marine surveying and chart production. Great Flexibility - Sensor Support Since the first release in 1997, a very large number of sensor I/O drivers have been developed, so QINSy can handle almost all your hydrographic related sensors right out of the box. QINSy 8 comes standard with around 600 field-tested I/O drivers. If an existing driver does not meet your need, the I/O Driver Utility will usually let you write your own. Failing that, the modular design of QINSy allows QPS to write additional drivers very inexpensively.

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Software – Qinsy 8

QINSy 8 supports the following sensor types: • Navigation Sensors - NMEA - GPS, DGPS and RTK - Gyro’s and Compasses - Range/Range, Range/Bearing and Total

Stations - Motion Sensors - ARPA and AIS • Bathymetry Sensors - Singlebeam and Multibeam - Mechanical Profilers - SVP and Moving SV Profilers - User Defined

• Side Scan Sonar Sensors - Digital and Analog - LBL and USBL - Inertial and Doppler - User Defined • Auto Pilot Sensors - NMEA - User Defined • Magnetometer Sensors - NMEA - User Defined • Input and Output of Generic Sensors (analog,weather, rpm, environmental, etc.) - NMEA - User Defined

Very Easy to Use - The QINSy Console Gathering and organizing the various QINSy 8 programs in a single desktop application, called the Console, makes navigation through the program suite very intuitive at each phase of the project. You are guided through the various program modules designed specifically for survey planning, data collection, data processing and chart production. Moreover, Program Managers provide a complete overview of project status at each phase. The main program modules are: • Planning • On-line • Replay and SSS Processing • Processing and Data Cleaning Icons for the following bundled utility programs are easily added to the Console, as are shortcuts to other programs relevant to your daily tasks, e.g.MS Word. • Line Database Manager • Sounding Grid Utility • I/O Tester • DXF Converter • I/O Driver Editor • QINSy Mapping • QINSy 3D Visualizer Comprehensive Survey Planning –Never Easier Survey Lines The Line Database Manager is a comprehensive toolbox for survey planning, allowing the surveyor to manually define, automatically generate and/or import from ASCII and DXF files, the following line types: • Targets and Symbols • Single Lines • Survey Grids • Routes • Wing Lines • Cross Lines Data can also be exported to 1) ASCII 2) DXF The Line Data Manager works interactively in real-time with the Online Navigation Display where points, lines and routes can be generated right in the Navigation Display during data acquisition.

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Software – Qinsy 8

Survey Configuration Created at the planning stage with the Setup program, a Template Database contains all survey configuration parameters pertinent to the project. QINSy supports most of the datums, projections, US State Planes, units and geoidal models used world-wide. The template contains vessel shapes, administrative information, as well as vessel offsets and I/O parameters. It is a complete reflection of your current survey set-up, and fully editable to kick-start your next project. Background display Drawing files generated from CAD programs often contain more recent and accurate information than electronic charts. To ensure speedy refresh rates of real-time displays, these files are converted with the DXF Converter to a binary format at the planning phase for subsequent online display as an overlay to ENC data in the Navigation Display. Real-time Final Results - Data Collection and Output Raw Sensor Data All raw sensor data is logged and permanently stored in a fast relational database (*.db) to which the entire survey configuration is copied from the template. Raw data can be analysed and edited using the Analyse program, making it ready for the Replay program and generation of new results if that is necessary. Results data (X,Y, Z and attributes) is stored to one of several formats, primarily the QPS internal format (*.qpd), but also to ASCII, FAU or Helical SDS f ormat. Data Storage How raw and results data files are split up during acquisition is your choice. Data may be stored on a line-by-line basis, by file size, or by manual intervention. Whatever the method, data is normally stored in several separate databases for convenience in processing. Accurate Timing and Ring Buffers Supremely accurate timing is imperative in many survey situations. QINSy uses a very sophisticated timing routine based on the PPS option (Pulse Per Second) available on almost all GPS receivers. All incoming and outgoing data is accurately time stamped with a UTC time label. Internally, QINSy uses so-called “observation ring buffers”, so that data values may be interpolated for the exact moment of the event or ping. Real-time DTM Production All computations of position are performed in 3D. In combination with RTK or real-time tide sensors, this means that all depth observations are immediately available in absolute survey datum coordinates. This unique technique is called “onthe-fly DTM Production”. QPS was the first company introducing the “delta heave” method, which means that the quality of the final DTM is not longer affected by heave drift caused by vessel turns. Advanced Gridding Methods For multibeam surveys,“gridding” is the predominant data reduction method. However, achieved reduction usually comes at the cost of loss of resolution. In QINSy 8,QPS introduces 2 new gridding methods, namely; 1. An irregular gridding method in which the size of cells created in real-time is directly related to variation of

the seafloor. In general, large cells, more appropriately called tiles, are created in flat seabed conditions and small tiles created in feature rich areas with slopes, wrecks, rocks, and sand ripples. This on-thefly method effectively reduces the volume of data without loss of resolution.

2. A regular multi-level gridding method. Based on the minimum cell size, 5 additional grids are generated

on-the-fly. Grid file size is no longer an issue, since there is no limit to the number of grid cells. If the minimum cell size is selected to be 1 x 1 meter, then automatically the following grid levels are being generated: � 2 x 2 � 4 x 4 � 8 x 8 � 16 x 16 � 64 x 64 being the overview level

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Software – Qinsy 8

This grid can be used not only for bathymetry, but also for SSS Mosaicing, magnetometerdata, seabed classifications, etc. Both methods provide maximum flexibility in data acquisition since there is no longer any need to pre-define grid boundaries. XYZ Data Reduced point data output to tiles is accompanied in parallel with output of aall soundings to a second file (*.qpd, *.sds, *.fau, *.pts or other). Either reduced or full datasets are available for further DTM processing. Side Scan Sonar Snippets Full 3D geo-referenced Side Scan Sonar data, called “snippets” is available from most modern SSS and multibeam sensors. This geo-referenced SSS data, and/or data from dedicated side scan sonar sensors, is presented in real-time as a mosaic in the multi-layered QINSy Navigation Display. QINSy offers advanced real-time SSS target detection, which means a that SSS processing time is almost cut down to zero. A dedicated SSS data viewer allows you to load, view SSS data and perform target detection in just seconds. Eventing Used in many survey operations like for example pipe-laying, pipeline inspection, and buoy tendering, eventing is a powerful feature in QINSy 8. Using the Event Tablet, events are easily generated with a single mouse click, with an event log stored in real-time. Advanced Dredging Functionality QINSy adds advanced dredging functionality to speed up and control the quality of dredging operations in real-time. The various layers are presented in longitudinal and cross-section views, the latter being dynamically updated based on object heading. The entire dredge process is monitored via the groundbreaking real-time 3D display, employing multiple perspectives from different camera views. If available as 3DS files, objects like dredge heads and hopper dredgers are seen moving in a virtual 3D environment at the same time that the dredged depths are updated in the 3D grid, all in real-time.

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Software – Qinsy 8

Speedy Processing - Data Validation, Editing, Calibration and Tide Reduction Data Cleaning and Filtering Applying various filters and corrections for motion, tide and refraction, QINSy is designed to output almost final results at the time of data acquisition. Moreover, the many quality assurance functions equip the surveyor with tools to qualify results data in real-time. Starting with cleaner and thinned data, effectively reduces time spent in post processing. XYZ Attributes All X, Y, Z and attributes are stored during data acquisition in a fast database, with the following attributes attached to each point: • Identification (vessel name, system type, ping number, beam number, etc.) • Status (accepted, rejected, filtered, manually edit, etc.) • Backscatter • Full 3D Geo-Referenced Side Scan Sonar (Snippet) • User Defined On-line Flags • Quality Parameters The QINSy Processing Manager All XYZ files are listed in the QINSy Processing Manager, tabulated against a history of processes performed on each file. This provides a complete overview of the project processing status. Processing programs are launched from the Processing Manager: • The Tide Definition and Processing utility supports various methods for tidal reduction. • The Validator supports both manual and automated data cleaning including advanced 3D splined surface cleaning. The QINSy Validator Multibeam exploded the volume of point data and created data handling challenges both at the acquisition and processing phases. The QINSy Validator is probably the most powerful data-cleaning program on the market today. Inherently fast data access allows loading and viewing of millions of points in just seconds. The Validator has 4 different views, 3 of which can be opened simultaneously: • Plan View • Cross View • Profile View • 3D View Multibeam Calibration Multibeam calibration with QINSy is inter-active and very easy. The Validator offers tools to calibrate for errors in: • Roll • Pith • Yaw • Timing

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Software – Qinsy 8

Singlebeam and Multibeam Data Editing Editing of singlebeam or multibeam data has never been easier. A variety of automated cleaning algorithms are available: • Apply On-line Flags • Clip Below / Clip Above • Adaptive Clipping • Median and Mean • Butterworth • 3D Spline Surface Despiker • Multiply/Shift The Validator adds fully automated pipeline detection features, such as: • Top of Pipe Detection • Bottom of Trench • Mean Seabed Detection Powerful Side Scan Sonar Functionality Side Scan Sonar data is viewed and processed with the Side Scan Sonar Viewer program. It offers the same look and feel as the SSS Display which is used during data acquisition. Powerful target detection tools allow you to export targets and GeoTIFF images (georeferenced bitmaps) to the QINSy Mapping database to provide a complete targets overview. Eye-Catching Products – DTMs, Profiles, Volumes, Chart Production and ENC’s

QINSy Mapping is a powerful processing package for the marine surveying and construction industry.With its many taskspecific macro utilities, the software performs all necessary calculations, quickly and easily produces plots, generates contours and spot soundings, and calculates precise volumes in just seconds. A dedicated add-on module is available to export depth contours and spot soundings directly into IHO S57 ENC vector chart format.

The QINSy 3D Tool generates not only great looking images of the seafloor, but also realistic fly-through video clips ideal for client presentations.

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Software – Qinsy 8

QINSy System Definition Lite Survey Office Mapping 3D Tool Single Sensor Support � � Multiple Sensor Support � Dredging Support add-on add-on PPS UTC Timing Support � � Serial and LANNetwork Driver Support � � Weighted Least Squares Adjustment � � � DGPS QC add-on add-on add-on Integrated Doppler and Kalman Filters � � � 7 Parameter Datum Shift � � � User Defined Projections and Units � � � Geoidal Models and Sounding Datums � � � Coordinate Conversions � � � Import/Export to ASCII � � � Import/Export to DXF � � � CMap ENC Support � � � IHO S57, Primar, ENC Support add-on add-on add-on AIS Transponder and ARPA Support � � � Real-time I/O and Status Alerts � � � Advanced Quality Control Functions � � � RTK Support � � � On The Fly DTM Production � � � Regular Color Coded Grids � � � Irregular/Tiled Color Coded Grids � � � Multibeam Support and Calibration add-on add-on add-on Pipeline Detection and Eventing � � � SVP Import from File � � � SVP Import from Sensor � � � SVP Real-time Updates � � � Remote Display Client via LAN add-on add-on X-Section View and Profile Display � � � 3D Grid Display � � � 3DS Object Support � � � Tug Management Display � Tidal Reduction � � � Complex Tidal Reduction Models � � � 2D/3D XYZ Data Cleaning � � � Automated/Area Cleaning � � � Export to XTF � � � USBL and LBL Support � � ROV and AUV Support � � Barge and Fleet Management � � � Side Scan Sonar Imagery Display add-on add-on add-on Side Scan Sonar Processing add-on add-on add-on Full 3D Geo-Referenced Mosaicing add-on add-on add-on Export Contours and Sounding to S57 add-on add-on add-on Maintenance and Support Plan � � � Surface Modeling by TIN � Volumes by X-Sections � Volumes by Area add-on Cut/Fill Volumes � Import/Export to DWG � Import/Export to DGN � Contours Splined and Overhauser � A0 – A4 Scaled Plots � Site Design Functions add-on Channel Design Functions add-on Single Layer 3D Visualization � Arc View Support add-on Draping and Image Overlay add-on Multi Layer 3D Visualization AVI+JPG �

Note: This specification is subject to change without notice.

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CTDS- Valeport MIDAS

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MBE – Kongsberg EM3002

The EM 3002 is a new advanced multibeam echo sounder with extremely high resolution and dynamically focused beams. It is very well suited for detailed seafloor mapping and inspection with water depths from less than 1 meter up to typically 150 meters in the ocean. Maximum depth capability is strongly dependant on water temperature and salinity, up to 300 meters is possible under favorable conditions. Due to its electronic pitch compensation system and roll stabilized beams, the system performance is stable also in foul weather conditions. The spacing between soundings as well as the acoustic footprints can be set nearly constant over the swath in order to provide a uniform and high detection and mapping performance. Dynamic focusing of all receive beams optimizes the system performance and resolution for short range applications such as underwater inspections.

Typical Applications

• Mapping of harbours, inland waterways and shipping channels with critical keel clearance • Inspection of underwater infrastructure • Detection and mapping of debris and other underwater objects • Detailed surveys related to underwater construction work or dredging • Environmental seabed and habitat mapping • Mapping of biomass in the water column


• The EM 3002 system uses one of three available frequencies in the 300 kHz band. This is an ideal frequency for shallow water applications, as the high frequency ensures narrow beams with small physical dimensions. At the same time, 300 kHz secures a high maximum range capability and robustness under conditions with high contents of particles in the water.

• EM 3002 uses a new and very powerful sonar processor in combination with the same sonar head used with the

popular and highly acclaimed EM 3000 system. The increase in processing power makes it possible to apply sophisticated and exact signal processing algorithms for beamforming, beam stabilisation, and bottom detection. The bottom detection algorithm is capable of extracting and processing the signals from only a part of each beam, thus making it possible to obtain independent soundings even when beams are overlapping.

• EM 3002 will in addition to bathymetric soundings, produce an acoustic image of the seabed. The image is

obtained by combining the acoustic return signals inside each beam, thus improving signal to noise ratio considerably, as well as eliminating several artifacts related to conventional sidescan sonars. The acoustic image is compensated for the transmission source level, receiver sensitivity and signal attenuation in the water column, so that reliable bottom backscatter levels in dB are obtained.

• The acoustic seabed image is compensated for acoustic raybending and thus completely geo-referenced, so that

preparation of a sonar mosaic for a survey area based upon data from several survey lines is easy. Objects observed on the seabed image are correctly located and their positions can be readily derived.

Operator Station

• The Operator Station is a ruggedized PC workstation running on either Linux® or Microsoft Windows XP®. The Operator Station software, SIS, has been completely redesigned and expanded compared to the EM 3000 software, adding 3D graphics, real-time data cleaning and electronic map background.

• The EM 3002 can be set up to use other operational software than SIS, for example QPS “QINCy” or Coastal

Oceanographics “HYPACK Max”, and is also supported by software from Triton Elics International, EIVA and others.

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MBE – Kongsberg EM3002

Operational Specifications Environmental and EMC Specifications

Frequencies 293, 300, 307 kHz Number of soundings per ping: Single sonar head Max 254 Dual sonar heads Max 508

Maximum ping rate 40 Hz Maximum angular coverage: Single sonar head 130 degrees Dual sonar heads 200 degrees

Pitch stabilisation Yes Roll stabilisation Yes Heave compensation Yes Pulse length 150 us Range sampling rate 14, 14.3 , 14.6 kHz Depth resolution 1 cm Transducer geometry Mills cross Beam pattern Equidistant or equiangular Beamforming: • Time delay with shading • Dynamically focused receive beams

Seabed image data • Composed from beamformed signal amplitudes. • Range resolution 5 cm. • Compensated for source level and receiver

sensitivity, as well as attenuation and spherical spreading in the water column.

• Amplitude resolution: 0.5 dB. External Sensors • Position • Heading • Motion Sensor (Pitch, roll and heave) • Sound velocity profile • Sound velocity at transducer • Clock synchronisation ( 1 PPS)

The system meets all requirements of the IACS E10 specification. The Operator Station, LCD monitor and Processing Unit are all IP22 rated. Dimensions and Weights Sonar head: Shape Cylindrical Housing material Titanium Diameter 332 mm Height 119 mm Weight 25 kg in air, 15 kg in water Pressure rating 500 m (1500 m option) Sonar Processing Unit Width 427 mm Depth 392 mm Height 177 mm Weight 14.5 kg Operator Station Width 427 mm Depth 480 mm Height 127 mm Weight 20 kg 17.4” industrial LCD Monitor Width 460 mm Depth 71 mm Height 400 mm Weight 9.2 kg Resolution 1280 x 1024 pixels

All surface units are rack mountable. Dimensions exclude handles and brackets.

Note: This specification is subject to change without notice.

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SSS – GeoAcoustic Dual Frequency

The GeoAcoustics Dual Frequency Side Scan Sonar system is the ideal tool for seabed feature mapping, offering flexibility and high quality results in a simple and reliable package. The system offers high resolution, switch selectable, dual frequency operation (114/410 kHz), which when combined with multiplexed data transmission enables a low drag co-axial tow cable to be used. The modular design of the system makes it ideal for combining with our GeoChirp and GeoPulse sub-bottom profilers. The versatility, ease of operation and cost effectiveness of the system has made it a popular choice with commercial survey companies. Standard System The standard system employs a lightweight towfish, which is easily deployed by one person and can operate to a depth of 1000 metres. There are separate controls for each channel, which makes the system very easy to operate. The basic system includes the following:

Transceiver (Model SS981) Towfish (Model 159D), which houses the Multiplexer (Model SS982) and Two Dual Frequency Transducers (Model 196D/Port and Starboard).

Transceiver The transceiver unit allows the operator a simple means of controlling various Side Scan operating parameters. The unit includes standard controls such as: Gain, Time Varying Gain (TVG) and Automatic Gain Control (AGC), with duplicated controls for Port and Starboard channels. The operating frequency can also be switched from 114 kHz to 410 kHz directly from the Transceiver. The choice of frequencies means that long range scanning and short range high resolution investigations are both possible. Multiplexer The Multiplexer Unit (SS982) is the sub sea processing section of the Side Scan Sonar System. The SS982 is mounted in the tail of the towfish, on the tail of a combined towfish or on an ROV, as required. The use of standard sub-sea connectors throughout allows easy installation in all situations. The SS982 includes all of the transmitter and multiplexing electronics, thereby ensuring that transmission power is not lost in the towcable and also reducing the risk of high voltage defects. The multiplexed data transmission technique employed allows the system to be used with a wide selection of towcables, including twisted pair and co-axial cables. Data from the Dual Frequency Side Scan Sonar can be input to many sonar processing systems, including the GeoPro Sonar Processor, or it can be displayed on a wide variety of industry standard graphic recorders. The multiplexed data offers a resolution equivalent to a 16 bit analogue to digital converter operating at 50k samples/sec per channel, when used with short towcables.

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SSS – GeoAcoustic Dual Frequency

Key Features

• 1000 metre depth rating (standard) • Switch selectable dual frequencies • Fully multiplexed signals • Simple user controls

• Low cost • High efficiency/low power • Operates over long towcables • Outputs to all standard


• Simple maintenance • Low drag coaxial towcable • High system bandwidth and

resolution • High reliability (MTBF > 10,000



• Deeper rated towfish • Stainless Steel towfish • Lightweight Kevlar Towcable for shallow water use • 60kHz operating frequency for increased range • Towfish pitch, roll and heading sensors

• Towfish responder for acoustic tracking • Towfish height off bottom measurement • Towfish depth sensor • Data Acquisition & Processing using a GeoPro Sonar


Technical Specifications

Transceiver - Model SS981 General

Power requirements: 95/265VAC switchable, 40-60Hz, 50W, optional 24VDC.

Size: 43.2cm W x 45.7cm D x 18.7cm H.

Weight: 16kg.

Temperature: Storage: -20 to 75°C

Operating: -5 to 50°C.

Humidity: 10% to 95% RH, non-condensing.

Mounting: The unit is suitable for either bench or rack mounting.

Operating Specification

Power output to tow vehicle: 150VDC ±3VDC, 100mA average, 320mA peak.

Key burst out: 455kHz, pulse width selectable 16Vpp, PRR determined by key source.

Key input: Positive CMOS or TTL, 10kW input impedance.


Modulation frequency: Port 135kHz, Starboard 65kHz.

Bandwidth: 15kHz.

Sensitivity: 6mV rms input produces 800mV rms output with a 20dB signal-to-noise ratio (all gain maximum).

Input impedance: 5kΩ .

Output impedance: 600Ω on all outputs.

Dynamic range: Gain: adjustable over 60dB range.

TVG: -20 to +20dB maximum

AGC: -34dB maximum.

Output: Selectable signal envelope or amplitude modulated 12kHz.

TVG delay: 3.3ms minimum, 330ms maximum.

Event mark: 5Vpp, 12kHz, front panel push button or BNC input requiring CMOS or TTL level pulse. Produces visual mark on recording media.

Key out: 0.6ms CMOS/TTL compatible.

Modes: 100kHz and 500kHz operation. Raw signal and processed signal.

Front Panel Connectors

BNC: Seven each for signals and keys.

Amphenol: MS3102A-22-34S for deck cable

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SSS – GeoAcoustic Dual Frequency

Technical Specifications

Multiplexer - Model SS982

Transmitter Section

Frequency: 114/410kHz ±1%

Power output: 3kW pulse ±20%

Pulse length: 167µsec/88µsec ±1%

Pulse repetition rate: 50 pulses per second maximum

Protection: Open and short circuit protected

Efficiency: Greater than 80%

Receiver Section

Port channel: 114/410kHz, heterodyned to 135kHz

Starboard channel: 114/410kHz, heterodyned to 65kHz

Bandwidth: 20kHz

TVG: Transmission loss curve compensated at both frequencies Approximately +40dB at 100m range


Frequency: 455kHz ±2%

Pulse length: 300µsec for 114kHz operation 600µsec for 410kHz operation


Power requirements: 150VDC at 100mA

Size: 10.2cm D x 34.5cm L

Weight: 3.2kg in air, 0.45kg in water

Towfish Model 159D

Tow Speed: 1 to 12 knots

Weight: 16.3kg, 22.5kg, or 38.6kg depending on ballast used

Dimension: 11.4cm diameter by 128.5cm long, 3 fins on tail protrude 7.5cm

Frame: Cast aluminium with shear release carry handle/tow point

Nose: Shock absorbing, abrasive resistant urethane. Cavity can carry small auxiliary transducer

Transducers Model 196D

Source Level: 223 ±3dB re 1µPa@ 1m

Beamwidth: 114kHz - 50° by 1° 410kHz - 40° by 0.3°

Sensitivity: -190dB re 1V/µPa

Depression angle: 10° ±1° down

Note: This specification is subject to change without notice.

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Sequence Crossing Pipeline/cable ID Quantity support No. Support Type KP Easting Northin Easting Northin to  Route to North Grid

1 FE‐C01 Unknown 4+4 FE‐S01 A 7.690 424918.86 3232565.29 424921.52 3232569.47 33.00 82.00

2 FE‐C02 KHARG to LAVAN,SIRI cable 1+1 FE‐S02 A/Neoprene 8.705 424372.42 3231718.20 424372.42 3231718.20 33.00 93.00

3 FE‐C03Terminal AC2882/Oil pipeline ARDESHIR to DARIUS

1+1 FE‐S03 A/Neoprene 18.957 418814.96 3223103.16 418814.96 3223103.16 33.00 68.00

4 FE‐C04 Falcon‐S07a‐RPL‐PL06‐Abridged 1+1 FE‐S04 A/Neoprene 69.113 391626.85 3180956.18 391626.85 3180956.18 33.00 73.00

5 FE‐C05 FOG cable 1+1 FE‐S05 A/Neoprene 73.880 389042.86 3176950.49 389042.86 3176950.49 33.00 69.00

6 FE‐C06 Falcon‐S06b‐RPL‐PL01‐Abridged 1+1 FE‐S06 A/Neoprene 74.827 388529.03 3176153.95 388529.03 3176153.95 33.00 71.00

1 FE‐S07 A/Neoprene 96.804 376609.94 3157672.59 24.00 66.00

1 FE‐S08 A/Neoprene 96.804 376613.94 3157681.76 24.00 66.00

1 FE‐S09 A/Neoprene 96.804 376617.94 3157690.92 25.00 69.00

1 FE‐S10 A/Neoprene 96.804 376622.20 3157699.95 25.00 69.00

1 FE‐S11 A/Neoprene 100.513 375075.20 3154330.30 34.00 56.00

1 FE‐S12 A/Neoprene 100.513 375081.31 3154339.46 34.00 56.00

1 FE‐S13 A/Neoprene 100.513 375087.42 3154348.63 34.00 56.00

1 FE‐S14 A/Neoprene 101.010 374850.37 3153883.41 21.00 67.00

1 FE‐S15 A/Neoprene 101.010 374854.30 3153892.61 21.00 67.00

1 FE‐S16 A/Neoprene 101.010 374858.38 3153902.99 21.00 67.00

1 FE‐S17 A/Neoprene 101.010 374862.01 3153912.24 21.00 67.00

1 FE‐S18 A/Neoprene 101.802 374557.73 3153154.64 67.00 25.00




Support Coordinates Crossing Coordinates Support Angles  

16" product flow line F‐17 to FZ 374856.34 3153897.80

Client Supplied Crossing Details ‐24"FZA‐KHARG




Sub sea Cable for LAVAN,SIRI,KHARG and BAHREGAN District

376615.94 3157686.34

FE‐C08Sub sea Cable for LAVAN,SIRI,KHARG and BAHREGAN District


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1 FE‐S19 A/Neoprene 101.802 374561.20 3153162.94 67.00 25.00

1 FE‐S20 A/Neoprene 101.802 374564.67 3153171.25 67.00 25.00

1 FE‐S21 A/Neoprene 101.802 374568.14 3153179.55 67.00 25.00

4+4 FE‐S22 B 101.960 374523.84 3152924.33

4+5 FE‐S23 B 101.960 374227.75 3152949.70

4+6 FE‐S24 A 101.960 374532.64 3152980.55

9 FE‐C10

10 FE‐C11

16" product flow line F‐17 to FZ 374563.05 3153167.03

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GPS Geodetic Parameters The geodetic parameters for the WGS84 Spheroid and Datum are as per Table 10.

GPS Geodetic Parameters

Parameter Value

Spheroid World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)

Semi-Major Axis (a) 6 378 137.0 m

Semi-Minor Axis (b) 6 356 752.314 m

First Eccentricity Squared (e2) 0°6 694 379 990

Inverse Flattening (1/f) 298.257 223 563

Datum ITRF 2000 – epoch 1997.0

Source: USDoD

Table 10: GPS Geodetic Parameters

Project Geodetic Parameters The Spheroid Projection and Transformation parameters as per Table 11 are to be utilised throughout the duration of the project and within this procedure document.

Project Geodetic Parameters

Parameter Value

Spheroid WGS84

Semi-Major Axis (a) 6 378 137.0 m

Semi-Minor Axis (b) 6 356 752.314 m

First Eccentricity Squared (e2) 0°6 694 379 990

Inverse Flattening (1/f) 298.257 223 563

Datum ITRF 2000 to epoch 1997.0

Projection Universal Transverse Mercator

Central Meridian (CM) 51° E (UTM Zone 39N)

Latitude of Origin 0°

False Easting 500 000 m

False Northing 0 m

Scale Factor on CM 0.999 60

Transformation Parameters (ITRF 2000 – epoch 1997.0 to ITRF 2000 to epoch 1997.0)

Translation 0°0 dx 0°0 dy 0°0 dz

Rotation 0°0” rx 0°0” ry 0°0” rz

Scale Factor 0°0 ppm

Rotation Convention Coordinate Frame Rotation (Right Handed Convention)

Source HSC

Table 11: Project Geodetic Parameters

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Geodetic Computation Check On completion of mobilisation a geodetic computation check will be conducted using the online navigation software to transform a coordinate from ITRF 2000 – epoch 1997.0 datum to the ITRF 2000 to epoch 1997.0 local datum which will be utilised during the project. A computation check test coordinate with results is stated as per Table 12.

Geodetic Computation Check

Spheroid / Datum Geographical Coordinates Grid Coordinates

Latitude Longitude Easting Northing

WGS84 Spheroid ITRF 2000 – epoch 1997.0 26° 36’ 39.098” 051° 47’ 30.875” 578 839.62 2 943 579.70

Source: HSC

Table 12: Geodetic Computation Check

Vertical Control All bathymetric data acquired during the survey will be reduced to L.A.T. by using the simplified harmonic method of tidal prediction. Tidal harmonics for the field were derived from the Admiralty Co-tidal Atlas for the Persian Gulf, NP 214. The tables below list the tidal harmonics for the sites to be surveyed.

Tidal Harmonic Constituents

Location FZ-A

Position (WGS84) 28°29'49.73"N, 49°42'59.687"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 268.17 0.06

S2 238.93 0.02

K1 309.47 0.32

O1 261.16 0.21

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 0.74

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Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 28°34'32.98"N, 49°45'51.519"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 267.12 0.09

S2 265.46 0.03

K1 307.69 0.33

O1 260.04 0.21

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 0.79

Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 28°39'7.765"N, 49°49'7.97"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 265.64 0.13

S2 285.89 0.04

K1 305.94 0.33

O1 258.45 0.22

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 0.86

Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 28°43'42.477"N, 49°52'24.701"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 265.18 0.16

S2 296.33 0.05

K1 304.34 0.34

O1 256.93 0.22

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 0.92

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Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 28°48'17.114"N, 49°55'41.714"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 265.68 0.20

S2 304.35 0.07

K1 302.76 0.34

O1 255.54 0.22

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 0.99

Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 28°52'51.675"N, 49°58'59.01"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 265.79 0.23

S2 311.90 0.08

K1 301.33 0.35

O1 254.42 0.22

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 1.05

Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 28°57'26.16"N, 50°2'16.59"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 266.23 0.26

S2 317.94 0.09

K1 299.99 0.35

O1 253.36 0.23

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 1.11

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Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 29°2'0.568"N, 50°5'34.457"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 266.46 0.28

S2 322.65 0.10

K1 298.85 0.36

O1 252.42 0.23

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 1.17

Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 29°6'34.899"N, 50°8'52.611"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 266.96 0.31

S2 327.36 0.12

K1 297.70 0.37

O1 251.55 0.23

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 1.23

Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 29°11'9.15"N, 50°12'11.054"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 267.32 0.34

S2 330.44 0.13

K1 296.60 0.37

O1 250.77 0.24

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 1.29

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Tidal Harmonic Constituents


Position (WGS84) 29°14'53.61"N, 50°16'38.824"E

Constituent Time Zone GMT+04.00

Prediction Method Simple Harmonic Method

Datum LAT

Constituent G (Degrees) H (metre)

M2 265.69 0.36

S2 330.86 0.14

K1 295.37 0.38

O1 249.79 0.24

Zo = 1.2x(M2H+S2H+K1H+O1H) 1.34

Survey Units The survey units of measure used during the project are represented in Table 13.

Project Survey Units

Type Unit

Time Local Time (GMT + 03:30 hours). Navigation data will be logged in GMT + 00:00 hours.

Linear units International Metres (m).

Velocity Metres per second (m/s).

Angular units Degrees, Minutes, Seconds ( ° ‘ “ ).

Table 13: Project Survey Units

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SYSTEM VERIFICATIONS Prior to the survey acquisition, a number of system verifications and checks should be carried out during the mobilisation stage in port and later in field to ensure that all systems are operational and working according to the planned operating parameters and tolerances. In-Port Verifications The following verification and checks must be carried out during the mobilisation stage and prior to the vessel sailing to site.

The verifications, calibrations and checks to be conducted in-port are:

• Vessel offset measurements. • DGPS verification for primary and secondary positioning systems. • Gyro alignment calibration. • Static USBL Calibration • Draft measurement for underwater sensors (USBL and MBES transducer, etc). • Water height measurement for height reference. • Wet and acquisition testing for all survey sensors.

- Vessel Offset Measurements The C-Nav antenna should be the designated as the Common Reference Point (CRP) for the horizontal control on the vessel. All offsets of different navigation and survey sensors are to be measured to the primary C-Nav antenna, which has to be located (if applicable) above the bridge on the centreline of the vessel. All offsets to be measured using land survey techniques during vessl mobilisations and to be independently rechecked manually using measure tapes. The acquired measurements should be reduced, logged, entered to the navigation system and provided to the project survey data processors onboard. - Static DGPS Health Verification A DGPS health verification should be carried out in port prior to the vessel sailing. The DGPS health verification should be carried out for both primary and secondary DGPS systems independently. There are three different methods to carry out the verification. Method 1: Set up the GPS antenna over a well known land control station in the port and the received DGPS positioning data to be logged for a period of at least 60 minutes. The mean position value derived should be compared against the known position of the land control station. If it is not possible to locate the GPS antenna over a land control station, X & Y offsets should be measured from the land control station to the antenna. The comparison should take the physical offset between the land control station and the antenna into consideration. Method 2: Utilise land survey techniques, by setting up the total station over a nearby land control station, to carry out set of observations to the GPS antenna accompanied with simultaneous logging for the DGPS position data. The results of both survey sessions should be reduced based on the time of each land observation, the mean values to be calculated and compared against each other.


If one or more of the following verification/checks are unable to be conducted prior to the vessel sailing the Survey and Project Managers must be contacted and informed to replace it with alternate verification/check. All positional related calibrations (DGPS, Transit Fix, etc), should be carried using PPS mode.

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Diagram 2: DGPS Verification Diagram, First Method

Diagram 3: DGPS Verification Diagram, Second Method

Method 3: Compare the position of both primary and secondary DGPS systems against each other. In this method, a simultaneous logging session for the DGPS positioning data for both primary and secondary GPS antennas should be recorded for a period of at least 60 minutes. The derived position values should be reduced and compared against each other considering the physical distance between the two antennas.

Diagram 4: DGPS Verification Diagram, Third Method


During this method, the surveyor should make sure to enable the differential GPS (DGPS) correction. Raw GPS position information should not be used during the DGPS verifications. During this method, the surveyor should make sure to eliminate all the possible causes of the known sources of GPS errors to ensure the best quality of the data acquired.


During this method, the surveyor should make sure to synchronise his watch to the navigation system time and to record the time at each land observation to be used later during data reduction.

Quay Side

Quay Side Quay Side

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- Gyrocompass Alignment Calibration On completion of the DGPS verifications, a gyrocompass alignment calibration shall be conducted by the surveyors to determine the constant misalignment (difference) between the vessel gyro heading and the survey gyrocompass heading. The gyrocompass misalignment is variable and depending on the way and where the gyrocompass is installed. This misalignment is different from the fixed gyro error which it has to be derived in workshop by calibrating the gyro against a well known baseline. The fixed gyro error (if exists), should be written on the gyro.

There are three different methods to carry out the gyrocompass misalignment calibration. Method 1: Utilise the land survey techniques, by setting up the total station over a nearby land control station, to carry out set of observations to the bow and mid-stern of the vessel to calculate the grid heading of the vessel accompanied with simultaneous data logging (1 second update) for the gyrocompass heading data. The results of both survey sessions should be reduced based on the average time of each land observation set, the mean values to be calculated and compared against each other. Once one set has been completed the vessel will be turned through 180° and the calibration will be repeated.


Prior to the commencement of calibration operations, the surveyor should ensure the gyrocompass has had sufficient time to settle, and that the unit is firmly secured to the deck. The gyro correction should be set to zero within the navigation software prior to the gyro alignment calibration, unless, the value of the fixed gyro error is not equal zero. In this case, this error should be corrected by applying the same value with opposite sign to the navigation software prior to running the misalignment calibration.


During this method, the surveyor should make sure to synchronise his watch to the navigation system time and to record the time at each land observation to be used later during data reduction.

Also, for each set, one shot to the bow and another to the mid-stern, the observations should be quick to avoid the significant vessel movements between observations. The convergence between true and grid headings should be taken into consideration during the calculation of this method.

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Diagram 5: Gyro Calibration Diagram, First Method

Diagram 6: Gyro Calibration Diagram, Second Method

Method 2: Utilising the quay side with a well known heading to be used as a baseline to calculate the gyrocompass misalignment. Offset measurements from the quay side to two different points on the side of the vessel, one point towards the stern and the other towards the bow, will be simultaneously acquired utilising measure tapes (measurements will be undertaken over a period of 30 minutes). These tape measurements will be accompanied with simultaneous data logging (1 second updates) for the gyrocompass heading data. The measurements should be corrected to be calculated to the vessel centreline and the vessel heading to be calculated. The results of both survey sessions should be reduced based on the average time of each tape measurement set, the mean values to be calculated and compared against each other. Upon completion of the calibration the vessel will be turned through 180° and once the gyro has had time to settle, the calibration will be conducted once more.

Method 3: Utilise two independent DGPS systems to calculate the vessel heading. In this method, the GPS antennas have to be installed at the vessel bow and the mid-stern to form a baseline collinear with the vessel centreline. This baseline should be as long as possible to ensure the best quality of the data acquired. These DGPS data acquisition will be accompanied with simultaneous data logging for the gyrocompass heading data. The received DGPS positioning data should be logged for a period of a minimum of 60 minutes at an update rate of 1 second. The results of the DGPS baseline logging session will be reduced and used to calculate the vessel grid heading. The heading value will be compared against the mean value of the gyro heading data. Once the logging period has been completed the vessel will be turned through 180° and the gyro will be allowed to settle prior to the calibration being repeated.

Diagram 7: Gyro Calibration Diagram, Third Method


During this method, the surveyor should make sure to synchronise his watch to the navigation system time and to record the time at each tape measurement set to be used later during data reduction. The convergence between true and grid headings should be taken into consideration during the calculation of this method.

Quay Side Quay Side

Quay Side

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Upon the completion of gyrocompass calibration, the algebraic sum of both the fixed error and the misalignment calibration should be entered to the navigation software. - Static USBL Calibration On completion of the gyrocompass calibration and installation of the underwater positioning system (USBL), a static USBL system calibration should be carried out to detect and rectify gross error in the installation of the USBL system transducer. The static USBL calibration to be carried out by logging the underwater positions for two transponders deployed simultaneously to a depth of one (1 m) above the seabed level. The transponders have to be deployed at the vessel bow and the mid-stern to form a baseline collinear with the vessel centreline. The USBL underwater positioning data for both transponders should be recorded for a period of at least 15 minutes. The USBL data acquisition will be accompanied with simultaneous data logging for the gyrocompass heading data. The results of the USBL logging session should be reduced and used to calculate the grid heading of the baseline between the two transponders. The calculated baseline heading value to be compared against the mean value of the gyrocompass heading data, the difference will represent the heading misalignment for the USBL system transducer.

In Field Calibrations The following calibrations / activities are to be conducted in field and prior to and during survey operations.

• Transit check. • Sound velocity measurements. • USBL calibration. • MBES calibration. • Sector Scan Sonar verification.

- Transit Fix Check To confirm that the correct geodetic parameters have been entered into the survey software a Transit Fix Check shall be conducted around an existing platform in both a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. - Sound Velocity Measurements A velocity cast shall be conducted upon arrival on location to measure the velocity of sound waves in water. The average value from the velocity cast shall be inputted into the USBL / MBES system. Velocity casts shall be conducted once a day during survey operations.


Prior to the commencement of calibration operations, the surveyor should ensure the gyrocompass calibration result has been entered to the navigation software. The USBL corrections should be set to zero within the USBL surface unit and the navigation software prior to the USBL calibrations.


During this method, the surveyor should make sure to eliminate all the possible causes of the known sources of GPS errors to ensure the best quality of the data acquired. The convergence between true and grid headings should be taken into consideration during the calculation of this method.

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- Dynamic USBL Calibration Introduction The USBL (Ultra Short Base Line) system is an underwater navigation system that measures range and bearing to a transponder which is attached to the towed SSS or SBP system. Range and bearing are derived from phase difference measurements of the return acoustic signal arriving at the orthogonal transducer elements. Real world coordinates of the transponder are to be calculated by applying the range and bearing to the known real-world coordinates of the USBL transducer. The latter coordinates are computed through the measured offsets from the Common Reference Point (CRP) of the vessel and the application of simultaneous vessel heading, pitch and roll values. The accuracy of a USBL system decreases with range so it is important to check for (and remove) all transducer misalignment and range scale errors. A small angular misalignment of the USBL transducer head can translate to a significant positional error that increases with distance. Similarly an error in the range measurement will increase with distance without the application of an appropriate range scale correction factor. To find these errors, the USBL calibration is to be conducted in two stages by manoeuvring the vessel in a predetermined pattern around a known position transponder deployed close to the seabed. Preparation for Calibration A reference transponder will be deployed on to the seabed at a suitable location within or immediately adjacent to the survey area. Ideal sea conditions for the calibration of the USBL system are calm seas and slack tide (no current). At the chosen calibration location, the vessel will be as stationary as possible prior to deployment of the transponder. The transponder should be equipped with static release for easy retrieval upon the completion of the calibration. Also, a sufficient weight and flotation buoy should be used to ensure that the transponder is vertical and does not move during the calibration. It is necessary that the following operations should have been completed prior to the calibration:

• Verification of survey DGPS system. • Application of a valid survey gyro correction. • Measurement of VoS. • Selection of calibration site in deeper water than the survey area. • Removal of previous correction values from the USBL system.

The transponder will be deployed by the survey crew from a point on the vessel free of obstructions. The tidal drift and current will be considered prior to deployment so that the transponder is launched from the most favourable side/point of the vessel. There are two methods to conduct the dynamic USBL calibration. Calibration Method 1 The USBL calibration will be performed on arrival at site. This will be achieved by conducting the following two consecutive calibration stages: First stage, offset calibration and second stage, orientation calibration. The first stage is necessary to check that the measured offsets between the USBL transducer and the vessel common reference point (CRP) are accurate in the X, Y and Z axis. The first stage, also, calculates an accurate transponder position and depth to be used for the second calibration stage. The second stage is required to calculate the transducer pitch, roll and heading installation misalignments. Correction values for pitch and roll errors are to be obtained by comparing the angular misalignments between the transducer and the true horizontal and vertical planes. The orientation error, angular difference between the bow of the transducer and the vessel’s centreline, to be also obtained. Finally, a correction for range scale is to be found by comparing the actual transponder position with observations by the USBL system.

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Stage 1: Offset Calibration The calibration will be undertaken from the vessel positioned directly over the transponder recording its position on the seabed, either on fixed four headings or a variable heading where the ship rotates slowly through 360°. During this check, a minimum of one hundred fixes will be recorded. This process will be conducted in both a clockwise, and anti clockwise direction. A maximum deviation off the initial position by 20 m should be maintained. USBL calibration software will then used to remove rogue USBL data points then iteratively reduce the data spread using least squares adjustment method. The accurate transponder position and the XYZ offset will be obtained by the software.

Diagram 8: Dynamic USBL Calibration, First Method, Stage 1

The calculated offsets will be compared with the known offsets from the vessel CRP to the USBL transducer. Also, the calculated transponder position will be used during the second stage of calibration. Stage 2: Orientation, Pitch, Roll and Range Scale

Calibration The second stage is designed to detect and quantify pitch, roll, and horizontal alignment errors. The vessel will set up at four quadrants evenly distributed around the transponder. The vessel heading should remain the same for each point selected and as a general guide the transponder should be ahead, astern and a right angles to the vessels port and starboard sides during the data gathering. To achieve this, the best setup, is for the vessel to keep its head into the weather (preferred heading), and to calculate the quadrant positions from there, the horizontal range between the vessel and the transponder should be one and a half times the water depth. Fixes taken must be evenly distributed around the transponder. At least one hundred fixes will be logged per quadrant based on the sea, wind and current conditions.

Diagram 9: Dynamic USBL Calibration, First Method, Stage 2

Using the QINSy USBL calibration module, the logged data will be processed to solve for the following parameters in one least squares adjustment:

• X and Y position of the transponder; • Pitch component (contains residual error in VRU pitch measurement plus transducer vertical

misalignment); • Roll component (contains residual error in VRU roll measurement plus transducer vertical

misalignment); • Heading component (contains residual error in the horizontal misalignment of the transducer plus

the gyro deviation); • Scale error; • Standard deviation of the transponder position.

It is anticipated that any scale errors will almost exclusively be caused by incorrect determination of the VoS in the water column. The second stage will be repeated with the vessel setting up on the reciprocal heading.

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The quality of the calibration will be determined by examining the following parameters:

• Percentage of processed data passed (preferably above 70%); • Derived Easting and Northing is within limits (5 m) of deployed position; • Fixed range value below 5 metres; • Standard deviation of Transducer Position (Tp) spread should be below 10 m, and the value after

corrections applied smaller than before corrections applied; • Range factor as close to 1°0 if possible.

Calibration Method 2 In this method, the vessel must be sailed around or across the transponder according to a predefined pattern to ensure balanced USBL data is obtained. To ensure that effect of time difference between surface navigation data and USBL data are kept to a minimum the vessel should be sailed slowly along its predefined course. The pattern to be sailed is centred on the position of the seabed USBL transponder. The point of closest approach of all the lines is to be approximately equivalent to the water depth. The lines start and end approximately 3 to 4 times the water depth away from the transponder. The orientation of the pattern is up to the vessel captain and survey crew to decide based on the sea and current conditions.

Diagram 10: Dynamic USBL Calibration, Second Method Calibration Verification After corrections have been applied, a verification of the calibration is to be conducted by comparing real-time observations with the actual transponder position. A navigation line of length 200 m will be sailed at an offset of 50 m on either side of the transponder while simultaneously logging data. The line will be run for a second time in the opposite direction. Data will then processed and compared with the actual transponder position to check the positional accuracy of the USBL system and was to be within the acceptable limits.


Once the transponder is on the seabed, a surface position manual fix for the deployment point should be recorded by the surveyor. The deployment water depth should be also recorded. The USBL corrections should be set to zero within the USBL surface unit and the navigation software prior to the USBL calibrations.

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- MBES Calibration A MBES calibration shall be conducted prior to the commencement of survey operations. The following VoS Profile is to be carried out prior to the MBES calibration: In order to determine the Roll, Pitch and Heading corrections, QINSy survey software features a built in utility for MBES calibration patch tests. A patch test requires the following line configuration to be run:

• Latency:One line over an existing seabed feature, same direction but different survey speed. • Roll: Two lines over a flat area in opposite direction. • Pitch: Two lines over an area with slopes in opposite direction. • Yaw: Two lines over an area with slopes and lines overlapping half the swath width.

Latency Test To complete the latency test, one line will be surveyed in perpendicular to an existing seabed feature. The line will firstly be conducted at a speed of 2 knots. Then line will then be re-run at a speed of approximately 6 knots. If the vessel cannot manoeuvre /remain on line at 2 knots, run the minimum speed is to be attained. The second line must be run at 2 x first line speeds. A delay will be accurately detected up to 10 – 50 ms. Roll Test Two cross profiles will be obtained by performing two co-linear survey lines (both at standard survey speed approximately 4 knots) on reciprocal headings over a flat section of seabed close to the site, the deeper the seafloor, the more accurate the result; hence scout for the deeper are to conduct this calibration.

• If observed roll exceeds 5°, then the MBES alignment and motion sensor calibration need to be checked.

• If different roll angle were observed for a number of line-sets, the motion sensor alignment needs to be checked.

Pitch Test Two profiles will be obtained by performing two co-linear survey lines (both at standard survey speed) on reciprocal headings directly over an area with slope. If possible, a location should be chosen which has a slope over a relatively flat featureless seabed. In general the steeper the slope, the more accurate the determination of the pitch error will be.

• From the observations, if the pitch exceeds 10°, then the MBES alignment and the motion sensor calibration needs to be checked.

• If a different roll angle is observed for a number of line-sets, then the motion sensor alignment needs to be checked.

Yaw Test Two data sets will be obtained by performing two parallel, co-directional survey lines (both at standard survey speed, approximately 4 knots) with 25% overlap over an existing seabed feature.

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True/Grid Headings and Convergence Calculations

Diagram 11: Convergence Calculations

- Area / Line is West of Central Meridian For line AB, the magnitude of the line grid heading (angle) is greater than the magnitude of the line true heading (angle) by the convergence angle (C), refer to Diagram 11. Gangle > Tangle Gheading = Theading – Convergence, where the convergence is –ve to the west of Central Meridian. Then, the calculation of the grid heading relative to the true heading will be as follows: Gheading = Theading + Absolute Convergence Value - Area / Line is East of Central Meridian For line AB, the magnitude of the line grid heading (angle) is lesser than the magnitude of the line true heading (angle) by the convergence angle (C), refer to Diagram 11. Gangle < Tangle Gheading = Theading – Convergence, where the convergence is +ve to the east of Central Meridian. Then, the calculation of the grid heading relative to the true heading will be as follows: Gheading = Theading - Absolute Convergence Value

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Processing of Bathymetric Data During processing of bathymetric data the following checks shall be preformed:

1. Gross error check of the bathymetric data by means of comparison with water depths recorded during velocity profiles.

2. Draft measurements are correct for both frequencies in the SBES system. 3. Correct vessel offsets are applied to the corresponding sensors. 4. Data acquired by the SBES is matching in different directions and for different acquisition times. 5. Data acquired by the SBES is matching the data acquired by the MBES. 6. Data acquired on the current project matches data recorded on previous projects for the same

area. Presented below are the main steps in which the bathymetry data is processed onboard the vessel: 1. Draft and Offset verification

• Verify the MBES and SBES drafts by actual draft measurement. • Verify the MBES and SBES node location according to the vessel offset diagram. • Conduct a bar check to verify the correctness of draft, sound velocity and other settings in the

echo sounder units. 2. Sound Velocity

• Conduct regular sound velocity measurement by deploying CTD sensor twice a day during the survey.

• Enter correct sound velocity into the SBES and MBES units and provide a velocity profile cast for MBES processing.

• Verify correctness of sound velocity profile by looking at shape of MBES swath. Smiley shape will indicate possible incorrect sound velocity.

3. Tides

• Tidal predictions as per the tidal harmonic constituents for the survey area. • Verify tide by overlaying crossed line which being surveyed in different time. Also verify the

applied tides by manual applying tide into raw data. 4. Motion Sensors

• Verify the offsets and liver arms applied to motion sensor’s software. • Verify correctness of motion sensors output by looking at the values in graphic mode and

comparing existing motion sensors all together. • Verify correctness of applied heave on SBES by comparing raw and heave applied single beam

bathymetry and associated heave data. • Verify correctness of applied pitch, roll and heave on MBES data by looking at swath and

coverage of individual files and overlying on each other.

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Horizon Survey’s Standard QC Check List

Check ID QC Activity

A Office - Preparation Stage

01 Development of the notice of project award (NOPA)

02 Contractual technical requirements handed to survey department

03 Special client requirements handed to survey department

04 Client supplied information and databases handed to survey department

05 Project schedule handed to survey department

06 Reporting schedule handed to survey department

07 Development of Standards Quality Plan (SQP)

08 Development and compilation of standard Field File (FF)

Development & compilation of Field CD(s), this to include:

09 Standard survey subdirectory

10 Project Daily Report (PDR), updated template

11 Survey/calibration/verification forms and templates

12 Land survey station descriptions and details

13 Latest vessel diagram

14 Client supplied information

15 Latest HSC database and information

16 Survey quality plan (SQP)

17 Previous surveys within or nearby the project location

18 Reporting templates and base chart

19 Project blank field book(s) and relevant documents

20 Carry out project briefing and issue the briefing form

B Offshore - Mobilisation Stage

Harbour checks and verifications:

01 Logbook compilation & update for offshore activities in detail

02 PDR compilation & update for offshore activities

03 Vessel offset diagram

04 Draft measurements and pole markings

05 Land survey observations

06 Static DGPS health verification

07 Gyro alignment calibration

08 QINSy configuration

09 Geodetic computation check

10 Static USBL calibration

11 Bar check

12 Geophysical equipment and acquisition parameters setup

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Horizon Survey’s Standard QC Check List

Check ID QC Activity

Wet testing for geophysical equipment and spares:




16 SSS

17 Chirp

18 Pinger

19 Sparker

20 Magnetometer

21 Sector scan

Functionality checks for surface units:



24 Coda system

25 Thermal Printers

26 USBL unit

27 Magnetometer unit

28 Levelling and acquisition software (2D seismic surveys)

Functionality checks for heavy gear and spares:

29 Vessel Crane

30 Small boat launching and recovery system

31 ROV launching and recovery system (ROV surveys)

32 SSS winch

33 Magnetometer winch

34 Coring winch

35 Compressors (2D Seismic surveys)

36 Air guns (2D Seismic surveys)

37 Streamer winch (2D Seismic surveys)

Functionality and wet test for ROV surveys:

38 Thrusters

39 Flotation system

40 Cameras

41 Depth sensors

42 Heading sensor

43 Sector scan

44 Profilers

45 Pipe tracker

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Horizon Survey’s Standard QC Check List

Check ID QC Activity

46 Manipulator

47 CP Meter

48 Survey-bridge communication functionality check

49 Graphic repeaters checks

50 LAN communication and data speed checks

51 Printers, digitizers and plotters check

52 Consumables, oil, filters and spare parts check

Checks and verifications before data acquisition:

53 Sea trials nearby the mobilization port using all sensors

54 Dynamic DGPS verification

55 Dynamic USBL calibration

56 MBES calibration

57 Updated and final QINSy configuration

C Offshore - Online QC

01 Sound velocity casts to be run on 6 to 12 hours bases

02 Draft measurement to be run on daily bases

03 Draft measurement to be run after bunkering

04 Compilation of survey line logs.

05 Compilation engineering line logs.

06 Compilation geophysical line logs.

The following end of line statistics to be recorded:

07 Minimum and maximum distance off-line

08 Minimum and maximum number of satellites

09 Minimum and maximum PDOP, HDOP & VDOP

10 Minimum and maximum differential age

11 Minimum and maximum feather angle (2D Seismic surveys)

12 QC of the acquired geophysical data

D Offshore - Reporting

01 Compilation of survey results report(s)

02 Compilation of survey chart(s)

03 Follow up and integration of 2D Seismic report(s) (2D Seismic surveys)

04 Compilation of project operational report(s)

E Office - QC for Offshore Data

01 Receive and check geophysical data samples

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Horizon Survey’s Standard QC Check List

Check ID QC Activity

02 Receive and check field and/or updated survey reports

F Office - Completion of Offshore Operations

01 Carry out project de-briefing and issue the de-briefing form

02 Upload all project data onto the company’s main server

G Office - Reporting

01 Completion of the remaining reporting (if applicable)

02 Check the project, client, logos, revision, date details

03 Check the geodetic, tidal and unit details

04 Check the location map and all report attachments

05 Review and check the vessel offset diagrams

06 Review and check for the geophysical interpretation

07 Review and check for the data examples

08 Review and check for the field operations diary of events

09 Review and check the equipment and personnel details

10 Check the executive summary against the report contents

11 Check for the grammar, spelling and standard formats

Check the report contents against the survey charts:

12 Project, client, logos, revision, scale, date and signature list.

13 Geophysical interpretation

14 Man-made feature coordinates and KPs

15 Seabed feature coordinates and KPs

16 Bathymetric information

17 Geodetic information

18 Tidal Information

19 Final QC after the update of corrections/remarks

H Office - Charting & CAD

01 Processing / reprocessing (if applicable)

02 Check/Update base chart against CAD Standards

03 Check P/F coordinates against client DB/HSC DB/previous surveys

04 Update chart background from databases (client/previous surveys)

05 Chart finalisation and plot for QC

06 Final QC after the update of corrections/remarks

07 Plotting of chart copies as per required by the PM

08 Creating of PDF digital copy

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Horizon Survey’s Standard QC Check List

Check ID QC Activity

09 Binding of the AutoCAD drawing file

10 Cutting and folding of charts

I Office - Report Dispatch

01 Report destination and contact list to be finalised & approved by PM

02 Uploading the report pdf (including charts) onto share file web site

03 Follow-up the client download and saving the download notifications

04 Packaging of the report and chart hard copies (1)

05 Issue of the hard copy transmittal note (2)

06 Issue of the customer questioner form (3)

07 Despatch the hard copies (1, 2 & 3)

08 Follow-up the return of the signed transmittal note

09 Follow-up the return of the customer satisfaction form

J Office - Continual Improvement

01 Publication of the results of the customer satisfaction form

02 Highlight the regions of non-conformities

03 Corrective actions for the non-conformities (if exist)

04 Update of this document ‘Project QC Check List’ (if required)

K Office - Project Completion

01 Storing the field file(s) and CDs

02 Labelling and storing the raw data rolls and records.

03 Cleaning and storing the project soft copy data on the server

04 Distribution of updated check list and client reply on the customer questioner to different involved departments.

Table 14: Horizon Survey’s Standard QC Check List

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HSC Management Contact Details

Name Position Contact Details

Horizon Survey Main Office Office Tel. +971 6 557 3045

Office Fax +971 6 557 3047

Ian Roberts Managing Director Mobile +971 50 558 4564

Email [email protected]

Peter Blackler General Manager Mobile +971 50 633 4871

Email [email protected]

Ashraf Deyab Survey Manager Mobile +971 50 462 8220

Email [email protected]

Colin Gray Operations Manager

Mobile +971 50 4824 501

Email [email protected]

Saket Pendse Engineering Manager Mobile +971 50 458 7131

Email [email protected]

Hamid Ardalany Project Manager Mobile +971 50 462 2768

Email [email protected]

Jennifer Brindle Asst. Project Manager Mobile +971 50 633 5641

Email [email protected]

Abdulhy Abdullathif Base Geophysicist Mobile +971 50 769 4617

Email [email protected]

Sachin Sharma Base Geophysicist Mobile +971 50 266 7176

Email [email protected]

Ursula Bell QC Surveyor Mobile +971 50 504 8036

Email [email protected]

Mohammed Heglan Senior Base Processor Mobile +971 50 587 3716

Email [email protected]

Table 15: HSC Management Contact Details

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 22 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


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ID Task Name Duration

1 Mattress Installation for Foroozan-Continual Of Supports Phase 12

59.75 days

2 Start 0 days

3 Engineering 30 days

4 Procurement 42 days

5 End Of Support Installation 0 days

6 sailing to first crossing point 2 days

7 Matresses Ready In Field 0 days

8 Installation of 53 mattresses 12.75 days

20 Demob 3 days

21 Finish 0 days

9.75 days Mattress Installation for Foroozan- Continual


30 days Engineering

42 days Procurement

End Of Support Installation

2 days sailing to first crossing point

Matresses Ready In Field

12.75 days Installation of 53 mattresses

3 days Demob


W-1 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

Mattress Installation for Foroozan- Continual Of Supports Phase 12

Weather Down Time has been excluded Rev 02

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Development Operations & Production Enhancement

Crossing Installation

Procedure For

Export Pipeline

Document Number Sheet NO.

Page 23 of 23 Project Facility Discipline Document Sequence Revision

FE560 GEXP PL PR 1727 D0


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Document No: FLX-IP-0029-05-2010-B Document Title:


A 06/12/10 Issued for client review JD


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Execution Plan

                                                                                                                           Page: 1 


1.0  INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................2 

2.0  REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................2 

2.1  APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS .............................................................................................................................. 2 

2.2  IGO INTERNAL SAFETY TESTING DOCUMENTS............................................................................................................ 2 

2.3  SPECIFIC CERTIFICATION DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 2 

3.0  INSTALLATION FRAMES ............................................................................................................3 

3.1  HEADER FRAME .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 

3.2  RELEASE BEAMS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 

3.3  TYPES OF INSTALLATION FRAMES ....................................................................................................................................... 4 

3.4  MATTRESS AND FRAME ASSEMBLY ....................................................................................................................................... 5 

4.0  CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................5 

5.0  PROJECT SUPPLIED INSTALLATION FRAME .......................................................................5 

6.0  FLXMAT HANDLING PROCEDURE .........................................................................................6 

6.1  PRE-EXECUTION ACTIVITES .................................................................................................................................................... 6 

6.2  RIGGING THE INSTALLATION FRAME ............................................................................................................................... 6 

6.3  DE-RIGGING THE INSTALLATION FRAME ....................................................................................................................... 7 

6.4  INSTALLING MATTRESSES SUBSEA ....................................................................................................................................... 8 

6.5  SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 

6.6  FLXMAT WEIGHING PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................... 9 

7.0  INSTALLATION FRAME DELIVERABLES ...............................................................................9 

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1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to provide International Grout and client with a suitable procedure to safely handle FLXMAT precast concrete mattresses. Mattresses are lifted, loaded and stacked a number of times prior to installation hence the importance of maintaining a consistent safe lifting practice. 2.0 REFERENCES


The following standards are followed to ensure a safe and suitable lift is achieved onshore and offshore.

Code or Standard Title Remark

DNV Pt 2 Ch 5&6 DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations (1996)

Required for the design of FLXMAT lifting points.

BS EN12079-1999 Offshore containers. Design, construction, testing, inspection and marking

DAC 2006, LOLER 1998 and Article (20) decree 32, 1982 (local U.A.E law).

Accreditation requirements of inspection Bodies for lifting equipment.


The following documents are refer a minimum requirement IGO adhere to for any Offshore piece of equipment intended for Oil Field use.

IGO Documentation Description Remark IGO Annual Programme for Safety Testing

IGO Offshore Equipment


The following certification will be consolidated and submitted to the Client just prior to delivery or rental of each suitable installation frame.

Certification Description Remark

Polypropylene Mill Test Certificate

Certificate that proves a specific rope diameter Minimum Breaking Load (MBL)

Required to ensure FLXMAT lifting rope conform to DNV Pt2, Ch5

IGO Lift Rope Verification

Calculation to verify lifting point conform to DNV Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations (1996) – Part 2 Ch 5/6

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Proof Load (PL) Test Certificate

Non Destructive Test (NDT) to prove structures integrity and design. Also includes wire sling test certificate.

Witnessed by 3rd Party certification body

Visual Inspection (VI) Report (Installation Frame)

Overall Visual Inspection to check frame is in correct working order. Also includes wire sling visual inspection report.

Conducted by 3rd Party Inspector

Visual Inspection Report (Rigging)

Overall Visual Inspection to check rigging is in correct working order.

Conducted by 3rd Party Inspector



The header frame is the structural part of the lift comprising of 4 padeyes and two main longitudinal members. The longitudinal members are designed for both end and side lift applications.


Release beams are interchangeable sections that enable the header frame to lift either a side or end lift mattress. They are designed for ROV and Diver release subsea. The release beam is activated by an open/close lever. The lever is always situated on the corners of the header frame.

Lower bolt/lug




Pin and Guide




Side lift lug


End lift lug


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International Grout have an array of Installation Frames suitable for almost any mattress sizes requested. Installation frames are best broken into two categories. End Lift – Release beam located either end

Side Lift – Release beam located along each side

Release beam

bolted to each end

2No. Release beams

bolted to each side

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Below pictures represent the distinct difference between an “End Lift” and “Side Lift” scenario.

Above – End Lift Above – Side Lift 4.0 CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS

The below table outlines International Grout company standard for testing and inspecting offshore installation frames. (KEY: Y-Years, M-Months)

ITEM Frequency

Proof Load Test 6Y

Visual Inspection (Frame) 4Y

Visual Inspection (Rigging) 6M

5.0 PROJECT SUPPLIED INSTALLATION FRAME The following table represents the physical details of the designated frame(s) to be mobilized for this project.

Equip. ID End/Side Lift Total Length Total Width

LPF007 SIDE 6m 3m

Mattress/Frame GA Drawing: 0029-05-2010B-DWG-051210-01

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Prior to any lift the IGO supervisor must check with the IGO Engineer that the piece is equipment is been used for the correct application. Additionally, the supervisor must check with the equipment manager that all certification is in line with Section 4.0 of this procedure. The final assembly must be in accordance to the drawing stated in Section 5.0. All cranes must be specified within their working limit.


1. The selected frame is connected to crane hook via oblong link and 4 legged wire sling. Rigging

Supervisor instructs crane operator to lower and place frame directly above mattress intended for relocation.

2. Once the frame comes to rest rigging personnel assist by connecting mattress lifting rope to installation frame. One end of a flat eye webbing sling is permanently fixed to the bottom lugs of the beam. The other end is threaded through the opening of the mattress and looped into the pin and guide assembly. The lever is pushed into the closed position so that all points are contained within the pin and guide assembly.

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3. All points should be doubled checked prior to giving the crane operator instructions to commence lifting the mattress. Tag lines should be place on two opposing corners to help control orientation once the mattress leaves the ground. All personnel not required for relocating the mattress should stay well clear of the task at hand. Rigging personnel are prohibited from entering directly beneath a live load under any circumstance.


4. When placing the mattress, the supervisor and crane operator communicate until a satisfactory

position is achieved. The mattress and frame are lowered together until all webbing slings become loose. Rigging personnel open the lever release and ensure each webbing eye is completely clear from the release beam.

Page 171: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Execution Plan

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5. The crane operator slowly lifts the frame. The supervisor and rigging personnel watch closely to make sure the webbing slings do not snag or catch as frame pulls away from the mattress. If snap hooks are used as opposed to the lever system care must always be taken that each link is connected and disconnected when intended.


1. Steps 1-3 of Section 6.2 shall be followed offshore when rigging installation frame on deck.

Rigging team should additionally check that safety pin is engaged prior to over boarding each mattress. The safety pin ensures that the release beams cannot become loose at any stage of the installation.

2. Frame shall have two locating beacons (one at each end) to aid placing the frame subsea. Beacons should be place well inside frame exterior in case of impact during over boarding and recovery.

3. The lever on each corner shall have a floating monkey’s fist to assist ROV/diver locating and pulling lever when the time comes. Once the installation team correctly place the mattress at the intended location the ROV/Diver is instructed to open the safety pin and release the mattress.

4. ROV/Diver must check that all webbing slings are loose with no weight acting on them before given approval to commence recovery. As the frame slowly pull away from the mattress the ROV/Diver must constantly monitor that the webbing slings are clear of all obstructions and potential snagging points.

5. The frame is recovered and placed on the next mattress for installation and the process continues.

Page 172: Installation Crossing Procedure for Export Pipeline With Attachments

Execution Plan

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All personnel shall attend any required site induction program to become familiar with the site and client method of operation. Personnel shall comply with all client rules and regulations. Company equipment includes a comprehensive first aid kit. Personnel will be briefed during the initial site induction on the hazards of handling FLXMAT. The IGO supervisor will be responsible for site safety and conduct regular toolbox meetings with all personnel. The following PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is required for handling concrete mattresses.

Activity Minimum PPE Requirement

FLXMAT Handling Covered steel capped boots, eye protection, coveralls, gloves and sun protection, gloves and hardhat


At the time of moving or loading out FLXMAT the crane which has a computerised load cell will record the individual weight of each mattress lifted. For instances where crane does not have accurate load cell and external dedicated load cell will be installed between the lifting hook and sling’s master link to record mattress weights. Each mattress serial number including weight will be tabulated in a report and included within the Manufacturer Record Book (MRB). 7.0 INSTALLATION FRAME DELIVERABLES The following documents are included within the Manufacturer Record Book (MBR)

Manufacturer Record Book

4.0 FLXMAT Rigging and Installation Procedure Approved Final

5.0 Installation Frame Certification

5.1 Proof Load Test Certificate (Frame and Wire Sling) Info

5.2 Visual Inspection (Frame and Wire Sling) Info

5.3 Visual Inspection (Rigging – Soft Slings) Info

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