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April 11 - April 17, 2011 • MN Metro Vol. 37 No. 15 • The Journal For Community News, Business & The Arts •


LifestyleBudget bedroom updates


EducationAlexander Glaze “beats the odds”

TechnologyComputer lab helps Glendale residents toward self-suffi ciency


HealthWhy teenage girls should love breakfast


Elizabeth Ann SamuelsFreedom Fighter

American Cancer Society says “Let’s Talk about It”

On April 18th, the American Cancer Society plans to honor eight distinct organizations for their work in the community with the educational program called Let’s Talk About It. This program designed to inform men, and some women, on the effects of colorectal and

prostate cancer, and ways they can make life-style changes to improve their health and delay, or put off entirely, having one of these forms of cancer. Over the past two years these groups have worked to reach out to over 2000 Minnesotans, predominantly African American men, giving them knowledge through laughter, love, prayer and personal experience.

The organizations that will be honored are Community Fitness Today, Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, Kofi Services, NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center, Open Cities Health Center, Q Health Services, Shiloh Temple International Ministries, and Vision Church. Each has provided education within their organizational structures

as well out in the community at treatment facilities, shelters, and half-way houses. Prostate cancer affects African American men at a higher rate than any other racial group in the United States and Colon cancer is the second most common cause of cancer related deaths among African American men. Though these results may seem alarming, the initiative has set out to

prove there is still hope, as long as the African American community works together to help identifying these illnesses before they become grim. “Nothing else takes more lives of black people in Minnesota than cancer,” said Lou Harvin, Communications Manager at the Minnesota branch of the American Cancer Society. “It is the number one killer of black people in

Minnesota; it is the number one killer of all people in Minnesota.” Both he and Keith Allen, Project Coordinator of ACS believe that many cancers can be prevented if detected early. It merely requires going to the doctor and being tested. Though the Let’s Talk About It program makes it clear that promoting cancer screenings

We have lost a true champion in our ongoing struggle for social justice. We, who knew Liz Samuels, during her very

brief 80-year excursion on this earth, should consider ourselves lucky, for we are the privileged ones who knew, and learnt from, and are inspired by her. This lady was a wondrous example of living what Martin Luther King called the committed

life: a life of service, a life of giving, caring, and sharing. She was in perspective, a beautiful person, and a beautiful spirit. She taught us by example how to struggle against injustice and oppression in her own quiet persistent way.

There are no words big enough, or clever enough, to describe and defi ne the labors that she did for her beloved Minneapolis Northside community.

By Mahmoud El-Kati

A tribute to Liz Samuels

By Chris GarnerContributing Writer



studiotobechiLiz Moore; H.R.M. Abumbi II, Fon of Bafut; Queen Mother Elizabeth Ann Samuels and Ora Hokes

following elders meeting with the King at Sunnyside Café.

Queen Mother Elizabeth Ann Samuels at her 80th birthday party

Death is the end of all life in the individual or the thing; if physical, the crumbling of the body into dust from whence it came. She who lives not uprightly, dies completely in the crumbling of the physical body, but she who lives well, transforms herself from that which is mortal to immortal.-- Marcus Garvey

Life is not a “brief candle,” it is a splendid torch that I want to make burn as brightly as possible before handing on to future generations. -- George Bernard Shaw

Rights advocate and freedom fi ghter Elizabeth A. Samuels, 80, died Saturday

April 2, 2011. Minneapolis. Samuels, esteemed by the community as Queen Mother Liz Samuels, championed civil and human rights, and nurtured the African American community. “Liz had inner strength, quiet dignity and a Godlike spirit. Her faith in God was important,” community elders said in tribute to a community leader who had become an institution in her own right. She was a towering personality in Minnesota and nationally who claimed and nurtured young leaders as her sons and daughters. She was a beacon of inspiration whose life and work defi ned integrity, courage and fortitude. Samuels passed away quietly Saturday

morning, at Augustana Health Care Center in Minneapolis. She died from complications of a stroke she suffered the previous week, March 22. She was hospitalized briefl y at Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) and transferred to the Augustana facility. Samuels provided leadership in the Coalition of Black Churches and African American Leadership Summit, the Willard Homewood Organization, and District and State DFL Party. She received numerous civic and community service awards in recognition of her work. She served on the Boards of Directors of The Way,


MORE ON PAGE 7Step show celebrates youth, educationPhoto: 8th Annual Midwest Greek Step Show winners Kappa Alpha Psi


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Page 2 • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Insight News


Celebrating and protecting health reform for children

Unemployment down, Black unemployment up

Investigate standardized testing

A year ago President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the “Affordable Care Act”), guaranteeing access to health coverage for 32 million uninsured people in America including 95 percent of all children. Racial minorities are disproportionately uninsured today and the Affordable Care Act will have a particularly positive impact in communities of color if allowed to go forward. The fi rst pieces of the Affordable Care Act to

take effect have brought critical relief to millions of children and young adults. As implementation of the law proceeds insurers can no longer deny coverage to children with pre-existing conditions, impose annual or lifetime caps on coverage, or revoke coverage when someone gets sick. Insurers must cover preventive services for children without co-payments or cost sharing. Parents can keep children on their insurance until age 26 helping more than 1.2 million young adults as they graduate from school and work. The hundreds of stories in a new book by Moms Rising about how health reform has improved the lives of children and families refl ect the many failures that have been fi xed. We must continue to move forward not backwards. Yet even as we celebrate health reform, the Affordable

Care Act and one of its cornerstones, the Medicaid Program, are under attack. Medicaid is a health lifeline for millions of children and vulnerable people. Opponents of the Affordable Care Act have promised to repeal, roll back, or defund the law and have targeted Medicaid for “reform” that would actually cripple the program and the lives of the children and low income people who depend on it. Medicaid currently covers close to 60 million people, including many children with disabilities or special health care needs, pregnant women, low income adults, and seniors. Under the Affordable Care Act in 2014 Medicaid will expand to reach 16 million more children, parents, and childless adults with incomes below 133 percent of poverty ($29,400 for a family of four). Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance

Program (CHIP) together provide health coverage for more than one in three children and more than four in 10 births. In February, the House of Representatives passed a bill that prohibits funding for implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Next week the House is expected to take up legislation that would allow states to cap spending for Medicaid decimating all current guarantees of coverage. In a further assault on children’s health care, the House is expected to consider legislation to repeal the maintenance of effort provision which prohibits states from cutting back on Medicaid and CHIP coverage for children until 2019. Failing to invest in children’s health through the Medicaid program will put our nation on exactly the wrong economic track. Research has shown that an uninsured child costs the

local community $2,100 more than coverage for a child with Medicaid or CHIP. Sacrifi cing the health and achievement of the next generation is penny-wise and pound foolish when other nations are pulling ahead and leaving our children behind. Medicaid has served as an important safety net for hundreds of millions of children in the almost 50 years since it was enacted and played a critical role in keeping children covered during the recent recession. Children constitute more than 50 percent of total Medicaid benefi ciaries but only about 20 percent of the program’s cost. The program is effi cient, with administrative costs about half that of private insurers, and lower per child costs. The low cost of covering children compared to the high costs of dealing with the consequences later is

a no brainer: efforts to cut children’s coverage by capping federal Medicaid spending, repealing the maintenance of effort provision, or defunding the Affordable Care Act are all shortsighted and would be harmful to our nation’s future economic security. Strengthening our nation fi nancially need not and must not come at the expense of our most vulnerable children’s health; strengthening our nation requires investing in children.

Marian Wright Edelman is President of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to

More than 200,000 jobs were created last month, 216,000 to be exact. Coming after the February lift of more than 200,000 jobs, there are those who are saying

that economic recovery is around the corner. I don’t know what corner they are standing on, but the African American corner took a hit in March, and the Black unemployment rate rose from 15.3 to 15.5 percent. No other racial/ethnic group saw unemployment rates rise. Some will say the slight increase is statistically insignifi cant. Try telling that to the African Americans who don’t have jobs, or to those who are not in the labor force. Indeed, while the number of Whites who had

dropped out of the labor force went down, the number of African Americans out of the labor force went up. The government is on the brink of closing down, with obstructionist Tea Party members determined to shrink the size of government no matter what. They have focused on government workers, but too many of these workers are African American, Latino, and female. Yes, an attack on government workers is an attack on equality, because those who work for governments are more likely to fi nd a fair deal, have a good job, and be paid equitably. The government is on the brink of closing down, but on their way to down time, they have not found time to introduce one piece of legislation that speaks to job creation. Given the numbers that we see this month, this really means they have been unwilling and unable to deal with the jobs crisis in the African American community, as the situation in other communities is getting better. Better does not mean

acceptable. There are 13.5 million offi cially unemployed people in our nation, and the number that have not worked for half a year has risen from 43.9 percent to 45.5 percent in the past month. Labor force participation is at an all time low of 64.2 percent which means that too many people have left the labor force because they think they can’t fi nd work, or they can’t afford to look. This is the story for all Americans, with the most severe measure of unemployment, the measure that accounts for those who work part time when they want full time work or are only “marginally attached” to the labor market, a whopping 15.7 percent. This means, in real terms, that nearly one in six of us is unemployed. It gets worse, of course, for African Americans. The employment population ratio for adult Black men, at 57.2 percent, is nearly eleven points lower than the employment population ratio for adult White men, at 68.0 percent. In some communities, scarcely half of African American men are

working. The same data that takes the overall population from 8.8 percent to 15.7 percent, takes the African American population from 15.5 percent to 27.6 percent, a Depression-era level unemployment rate. Why is this okay? Why has it sparked no national discussion? What does it mean that it is acceptable for the employment situation in an entire community can be imperiled? Why is it that nobody really cares? There is joy in some quarters about the fact that signifi cant employment has been created two months in a row. But, there is a cliché that says it takes more than a swallow to bring spring. In other words, we fi rst of all know that at the rate we are going, it is will take until 2018, seven years from now, for us to get back to the number of jobs we had in 2007. With populating growth, even then we won’t reach the unemployment rate of 5 percent that we experienced in December of 2007. Secondly, pessimistic economists, like former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, are suggesting that there

is the possibility of a “double dip” recession, and that numbers could turn back down in a few months if more money is not pumped into the economy. Bankers are keeping their bailout money, having failed to address the foreclosure situation, or to lend small businesses money they need for inventory and revitalization. They are cautiously waiting for better times, but what if Congress had exercised their caution on them? The bottom line is that while some data suggest economic recovery, the African American community is still riding on the back of the bus. It will take targeted job creation programs to improve on the new unemployment numbers. Is there anyone in Congress who will step up to say that these unacceptably high unemployment rates cannot continue?

Julianne Malveaux is President of Bennett College for Women and author of Surviving and Thriving: 365 Facts in Black Economic History (

For several years, ever since the No Child Left Behind Act took effect, students, teachers, and school districts have felt the pressure that comes from living in a nation that uses standardized tests as its sole method for measuring student profi ciency. When too many students at one school perform poorly on these tests, teachers can be fi red, principals replaced and schools closed. Hundreds of teachers were fi red in D.C. schools because of poor performance by students on test. The stakes are high. But, no one would have guessed that the pressure would lead to alleged cheating on these exams. An investigation by

USA Today into drastic test score turnarounds at Noyes elementary, a Washington, D.C. public school, it was revealed that seventh grade students in one classroom at the school each had, on average, nearly 13 wrong answers that were erased and changed to the correct answer. Coincidence? Maybe not. In 2006, 10% of the school’s students “passed” the standardized math test. In 2008, nearly 60 percent did. Tests scores showed the school made similar gains on the reading portion of the test. Perhaps the teachers simply worked harder and ensured students absorbed the lessons? Maybe. But it’s important, for comparison, to note that the average wrong to right erasure for seventh graders throughout the D.C. public school system was less than one. Noyes elementary school isn’t the only one with questionable score improvement. Fifty-eight Atlanta schools are under investigation because high rates of wrong answers

changed to right on student answer sheets raised fl ags. Similar occurrences have raised red fl ags in Detroit as well. If this is, in fact, cheating, who is responsible? Teachers? School principals? No one is sure but one thing is certain: if it’s happening in D.C., Detroit, and Atlanta, it is happening in other cities. Changing test answers to fake improvement doesn’t help our students. It hurts them. That is why a federal task force needs to be formed to investigate drastic improvement on standardized tests at our nation’s public schools. We want to believe that our teachers and principals are honest but we also know that fear - of being fi red if students perform poorly – or greed – teachers and principals at Noyes received bonuses when scores improved – are powerful motivators. There also needs to be another way to measure student performance. We cannot simply rely on standardized tests. Periodic monitoring

can easily show how students and teachers perform in the classroom. Required essays and math ‘projects’ will show us that students can actually apply what they are taught. Diversifying the way we measure student performance – and deciding the fate of teachers, principals, and schools - will also help keep things honest.

Judge Greg Mathis became the youngest judge in Michigan’s history and was elected a Superior Court Judge for Michigan’s 36th District. He has been called upon as a regular contributor to national television programs, including “Larry King Live,” “Politically Incorrect,” CNN’s “Talk Back Live,” “Showbiz Tonight” and “Extra” to discuss his opinions on complex issues of the day, such as national security, unique sentencing, affi rmative action and celebrity scandals. He also offers his take on high-profi le legal cases.

Child Watch

By Marian Wright Edelman


By Julianne Malveaux

The state of Black America: Washington are you listening?

“Welcome to America in the second decade of the 21st century. An army of long-term unemployed workers is spread across the land, the human fallout from the Great Recession and long years of misguided economic policies.” - Bob Herbert’s fi nal column for the New York Times

Last week, the nation’s leading historic civil rights organization, the National Urban League, came together with the nation’s leading

historic Black university, Howard University, to hold the fi rst ever State of Black America town hall meeting focusing on the jobs crisis in urban America. The Town Hall, hosted by Howard President, Sidney Ribeau, culminated two days of meetings with Congressmen and Senators on Capitol Hill where Urban Leaguers from across the country made the case: There can be no complete economic recovery as long as already too high unemployment for African Americans continues to go up even as the overall unemployment rate gradually ticks down. Yes, we were pleased to learn last week that the unemployment rate has fallen to 8.8 percent, the lowest level in two years. And, we applaud the actions by the Obama Administration – the Stimulus bill, Health Care Reform and

Bank Reform – that have kept the mighty titanic of the American economy from sinking to the bottom of the sea. But, this is no time for a victory

party. As the National Urban League’s 2011 Equality Index reveals, there remain large and widening gaps between the status of African Americans and whites in this country, particularly in the areas of economics and children’s health. For Hispanics there are big gaps too, especially in

the area of college enrollment. And, with Black unemployment now at 15.5 percent and Hispanic unemployment at 11.3 percent, clearly, it is time

to declare war on inequality and unemployment in urban communities of color. As we stated at the Town Hall, we must not let other major concerns, including war and partisan fi ghts about defi cit reduction, distract us from the number one issue facing the American people – jobs,

jobs, jobs. The National Urban League’s nearly 100 affi liates across the country haven’t lost that focus. We remain economic fi rst responders for millions of Americans desperately seeking to rebuild their lives, families, and communities in the wake of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. We highlighted three outstanding examples at our Town Hall. Lonnie Grayson, President of Environmental & Safety Solutions, Inc. has been able to win new contracts and double his workforce with the help of the Entrepreneurship Center of the Urban League of Cincinnati. The Urban League of Philadelphia helped David Simms, owner of Eatible Delights Catering, develop new branding and marketing tools that have boosted his business. And Donna Hodge Harper of Newark, an unemployed casualty of the great recession,

said that were it not for the job training and job placement assistance she received from the Urban League of Essex County, she doesn’t know where she would be today. Lonnie, David, and Donna show us how to dig urban America out of the great recession: Training for 21st century jobs. Putting investments in people over the politics of defi cit reduction. Summer jobs for teens. All of these solutions are part of the National Urban League’s 12-points jobs plan. Washington, are you listening? To view the town hall webcast and fi nd out how you can obtain a copy of the 2011 State of Black America Report log on to

Marc H. Morial is the President and CEO of the National Urban League

To Be Equal

By Marc H. Morial


By Judge Greg Mathis

“... it is time to declare war on inequality and

unemployment in urban communities of color”

Page 3: Insight News ::: 4.11.11 Insight News • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Page 3

BUSINESSNo one reads the cover letter (and other HR secrets)

Talking to children about money

HR Secret #1: People who hire people for a living are practical. They will eventually get around to scrutinizing your application, but at fi rst they will glance over the cover letter, open the resume,

and never again will the two documents appear side by side. You will sweat over the details of your vast successes, but these are your words. As your resume is passed around, the people you want to work for will use it and your interviews to form their own impressions. Secret #2: Late in the hiring process, a good cover letter serves as a writing sample and a demonstration of your thought process and communications ability. If it contains spelling or grammatical errors, those will count against you. If it is missing

altogether, that will count against you. If it’s perfect, no one will pay much attention to it. Send it anyway. Secret #3: Phone interviews are meant to be two-way conversations If the interviewer asks me a question and I ramble beyond about a 30 second answer (think TV commercial), the interviewer will either end the interview or start checking emails. Either way, the job will go to someone else. Secret #4: No means no. Really. Candidates who gracefully and gratefully accept

the no-hire decision will be remembered as professional. When the next, better job comes along, that representative will remember and may call you back in for the new role. Don’t argue and don’t demand an explanation. Think about the baseball player who argues a bad call. All the noise in the world is not going to change the umpire’s decision. It just gets the player ejected. Your objective is to stay in the game. Accept the decision and be ready for the next play. Secret #5: The front desk is your friend. Candidates do not

always realize how powerful the administrative assistant at the front desk can be. If you are rude, loud, or simply ignore the receptionist, he or she will be reporting back and fast. If you are normal, he or she will say nothing. If you are unfriendly, the whole company is going to hear about it. HR Secret #6: HR people are people, too. They want to be professionally treated and occasionally thanked. And they want to hire you. After someone screens you over the phone and coordinates times for you to come

in and meet the team, HR has a vested interest in making the hire happen. If it does not, then we are back to the beginning of the process. Ask us what you need to know. We will tell you. We have seen something valuable in your background or personality. Let us help you through the hiring maze.

Julie Desmond is a recruiter with Specialized Recruiting Group in Minneapolis, MN. Write to [email protected] or follow on twitter @mncareerplanner.

April is National Financial Literacy Month, a time to increase our knowledge about personal fi nancial education. It’s a perfect time for parents

to begin teaching their children about fi nances. A 2008 survey by The Hartford Financial Services Group reported that nearly 72 percent of the parents surveyed acknowledged that they are their children’s primary source of personal fi nance education, although 44 percent said they need more guidance on how to best teach their children the skills necessary to become fi nancially responsible and successful adults. A 2008 Parents and Money survey by Charles Schwab showed that nearly 70 percent of parents surveyed felt less prepared to give their teens advice about investing than they did about sex. Sara Croymans, a family resource management educator

with University of Minnesota Extension, explains that some parents don’t teach their kids about money because they think they shouldn’t talk about money with children, don’t have the time, or think children don’t have enough money to have a need to manage it. “However, there is value in teaching children good money habits, and parents can start this education when their children are young,” said Croymans. The early, formative years are ideal for talking with children about money because this is when life habits and skills are developed. In addition, when parents are involved with helping their children learn wise use of fi nancial resources, the parents typically increase their ability to manage their

own fi nancial resources. Reading young children stories with fi nancial concepts and discussing money matters can help children learn about money and become responsible money managers. The book Berenstain Bears and Mama’s New Job, for example, teaches about allocating resources, while the book A Bargain for Francis teaches about setting goals. Visit your local library this month and ask for children’s books related to fi nancial management. A list of appropriate books and other resource materials, including conversation starters to use with your children, are available from University of Minnesota Extension at

By Julie [email protected]

Plan Your Career

is not its primary focus, it does want the community to take their health in their own hands. This can be as simple as exercising regularly, cutting down animal and dairy fat intake, and adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet. Some of the people that stand out in promoting these healthy behaviors are First Lady Shirley Marie Graham of Macedonia Baptist Church and executive director of Community Fitness Today, Pastor Andre Crockett of Vision Church, Rudy Rousseau director of Kofi Services at the Wilder Foundation and Ora Hokes president of Health Initiatives at Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. Hokes believes African Americans health disparities started once they got off the slave ship and touched American soil. She hopes that if these men have a better understanding of their family history and their environment they will understand what they can’t change and what they can about their current state of health. She and Graham both believe that the current unemployment rate has a signifi cant role in men’s health. The disadvantage of not having health insurance deters many men from fi nding out if they may have cancer before it gets to an advanced stage. As African American women, they feel it is their job to encourage African American men to take care of their health, whether that means getting screened, changing their diet, exercising or going for yearly doctor’s check-ups. Graham knows from personal experience how important it is as a woman to support this effort. Her husband, Pastor Charles Graham, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006. He speaks at many of her sessions and is a living testament to the fact that 87% of African American men diagnosed with prostate cancer survive if detected early. Along with African American men being uninsured there is another setback—fear of doctors; cause of which is the well known poor relationships with health care providers. Graham, Crockett, and Hokes all mentioned that the men they spoke to referred to the Tuskegee Experiment as one of the reasons they don’t go to the doctor. They all hope that by educating these men, they are arming them with information on how to approach their health care providers so that they always get proper care. This effort has sparked

other initiatives within some of these organizations. Since starting Let’s Talk About It, Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church has begun a Men’s Circle where they talk about their health. Vision Church has formed Barbershop Initiatives to strike up conversations about health

and have also partnered with their neighboring Mayo Clinic for the Church Olympics. And Community Fitness Today has continued to work in their efforts to push HIV and AIDS prevention. For those who are unable to afford healthcare, there are resources Let’s Talk About It

provides, like Minnesota’s Sage Screening Program, and sources provided through partnering organizations NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center and Open Cities Health Center. Allen says that he is extremely proud of what the community providers are

doing by bringing education to various facilities. He loves the fact that they have been working hard at this effort and giving their communities a sense of empowerment to willingly talk to their health care providers about their issues.

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Page 4 • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Insight News


Paola Reira to attend Harvard secondary school program

Glaze “beats the odds”

Pell Grant reduction too costly to students

Paola Riera, an eleventh-grade student at Thomas Edison High School, will attend the Harvard College Secondary School Program in the summer of 2011. The program seeks mature, academically motivated students who expect to enter college in 2011, 2012 or 2013. Admission is based on each individual student’s interests, ambitions and background. Riera was nominated for the program by Edison counselor Kris Baumgartner. “Paola is a highly motivated, charismatic, positive leader among her peers,” said Baumgartner. “She has the maturity and thoughtful determination to take advantage of the challenge and opportunities that the Harvard Secondary School Program provides.” At Harvard, Riera will be able to choose from 300 courses in more than 60 liberal arts fi elds such as biology, math, creative writing and drama. Many of the classes are taught by Harvard faculty who teach

the same courses to Harvard undergraduates during the academic year. “I am determined to attend an Ivy League school and being accepted into the Harvard Secondary School Program is a great privilege for me,” Riera said. Riera was born in Ecuador and immigrated to the United States with her family when she was fi ve years old. Although she could not speak English when she arrived, she is currently fl uent in English, Spanish and French. She is ranked second in her class of 180 students and is a member of the National Honor Society. At Edison, Riera is pursuing the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma, a world-renown educational program designed to increase all students learning with a global perspective. “I have worked hard for every single A that I have received,” said Riera. “I never gave up on my goals.”

Southwest High School senior Alexander Glaze on March 11 was awarded a $4,000 “Beat the Odds” scholarship from Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) – Minnesota. Glaze not only ‘beat the odds’ tackling his high school assignments and tests over the past four years, but was also recently granted acceptance to Stanford University, which he plans to attend in fall 2011. “I am extremely proud to be a part of the Stanford class of 2015,” Glaze said. “I am very excited and it feels good to know that whatever direction I choose to take, Stanford will help me get there.” CDF – Minnesota recognizes four local teens annually who have overcome extreme adversity including painful family separation, poverty, illness, loss of family and abuse to succeed in school and life. Glaze’s high school counselor, Mary Morseth, who nominated him for the award, said, “In my 30 years as an educator, Alex is one of the most outstanding students I have ever known.” Glaze has dealt with family addiction, rejection and homelessness but has managed to become a leader and scholar. He and his twin sister were removed from their mother’s home when they were eight years old due to

her addiction. Their father was granted custody, but, in Glaze’s words, “My father never really cared about me.” His mother died from a drug overdose when he was in ninth grade. “Although my mother was an addict,” Glaze said, “she supplied me with more love and care than I could have asked for.” Glaze has worked part-time to provide for his own food and clothing since he was in ninth grade. On his eighteenth birthday,

his father asked Glaze and his sister to leave and never return. A family friend took them in, allowing them to stay in school. “Although my life has been fi lled with adversity, in my opinion, it has made me a better person,” Glaze said. “I learned early on that hard work in high school would be the only way I could improve my situation. I made up my mind that I would try to get the best grades I could, no matter what.”

Glaze’s hard work has paid off. He will graduate from Southwest High School this spring with a 3.5 GPA and a 30 on his ACT. He has taken numerous advanced courses, been involved with student government, played football and was nominated twice to attend the national Youth Leadership Council. After college, he plans to attend graduate school or law school. Glaze will be the fi rst person in his family to attend college.

The proposed 15 percent decrease to the Pell Grant, a fi nancial award to low-income students, will have signifi cant impact on the more than 153 eligible students and families in Minnesota who desire access to college. Preserving the maximum level of Pell Grant funding is vitally important not only to maintain and raise the number of college graduates in Minnesota, but also for the healt h and growth of Minnesota’s economy. Without increasing the percentage of Americans who have a college degree or

other postsecondary credential, the U.S. will have a labor market shortage of 23 million college-educated adults by 2025. In Minnesota alone, 70% of all jobs will require postsecondary education by 2018. Minnesota College Access Network (MCAN) joins the National College Access Network in urging Congress to protect Pell grants at its maximum level of funding at $5,550. “In Minnesota, the proposed reduction will cost our state $93,300 in fi nancial aid for the students most in

need,” says Amanda Ziebell-Finley of MCAN. “It is critical that funding for the Pell Grants remain at its current level to allow all of our students access to the education they deserve.” “Pell Grants have served as the cornerstone of college opportunity for our lowest income students,” Kim Cook, executive director of the National College Access Network, said. “The proposed cut of $845, roughly the amount of a semester of community college tuition, will threaten college attendance and graduation for

thousands of students.” The delay of this decision is further detrimental to students because colleges are unable to make fi nal fi nancial aid offers. Many students may have to decide where to go to college without knowing how much fi nancial aid they will receive, creating uncertainty and potential fi nancial. For more information on Pell Grant funding, visit the web site at http://www.mncollegeaccess.o r g / P r o t e c t _ P e l l _ G r a n t _Funding.html

Photo courrtesy of the studentPaola Reira

Children’s Defense Fund – MinnesotaMinneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson and Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak accompanied Glaze to the Beat the Odds awards event, held at The Depot in Minneapolis in March,

where he was one of four students chosen from almost 100 applicants across the Twin Cities.

Page 5: Insight News ::: 4.11.11 Insight News • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Page 5

AESTHETICSBorn to be Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman fi nally won an Academy Award in 2005 in the Best Supporting Actor category

for his work in Clint Eastwood’s Million Dollar Baby, for which he also won a Screen Actors Guild Award. In 2009, he reunited with Eastwood to portray Nelson Mandela in the true-life drama Invictus, for which he garnered his latest Oscar nomination. Freeman had previously been honored with three other Academy Award nominations, for Street Smart, Driving Miss Daisy and The Shawshank Redemption. And he is set to star next in the

family adventure Dolphin Tale opening in September. Morgan’s long list of fi lm credits includes Red, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Bucket List, Gone Baby Gone, Bruce Almighty, Evan Almighty, Along Came a Spider, Deep Impact, Amistad, Kiss the Girls, Se7en, Glory, Lean on Me and Brubaker. And he’s lent his distinctive voice to Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds and the Oscar-winning documentaries March of the Penguins and The Long Way Home. Here, he talks about narrating Born to Be Wild 3D, an endangered species documentary chronicling the extraordinary efforts of a couple of conservationists to save orphaned elephants and orangutans.

Kam Williams: Hi Mr. Freeman, I’m honored to have another opportunity to speak with you. Morgan Freeman: Hey, Kam.

KW: I told my readers I’d be interviewing you again, and they sent in more questions than I’ll ever be able to get to, so I’d appreciate your keeping your answers brief, so we can get to as many as possible.MF: Okay, no problem. Are you telling me you just want “Yes” and “No” answers? [LOL]

KW: Sorry, no, not quite that concise. Leon Marquis asks: what interested you in narrating another documentary? Was it the fact that March of the Penguins and The Long Way Home went on to win Academy Awards?MF: Well, I wasn’t really thinking about those at all. I just felt that what these two ladies’ [Daphne Sheldrick and Birute Galdikas] are doing is extremely important. I believe in helping the planet survive, and that includes reaching out to help some of the disappearing creatures whose habitats we’re destroying. It’s up to us to somehow reverse that trend. I don’t know how we’ll

achieve it, but we need to.

KW: Editor/Legist Patricia Turnier asks: What message do you want the public to take away from the movie?MF: How critical it is that we pull together and focus some attention and energy on alleviating the plight of endangered species.

KW: Patricia mentions that upon emancipation, many American ex-slaves named themselves ‘Freeman‘ to show their pride and gratitude for their freedom. Do you know whether that is how your family lineage got the last name?MF: I have no idea. I’ve tried to research it, but couldn’t fi nd

anything to tell me.

KW: Harriet Pakula Teweles says that when movies went from silent to sound, they were called “Talkies”, and that now we have “Voicies”, where unseen narrators play a pivotal role, as you do again in Born to Be Wild. MF: That’s not exactly a question, but rather an interesting observation, and a new term that Harriet’s coined, “Voices”. And it’s a good one. [Chuckles] Most documentaries today are narrated by somebody commenting in the background.

KW: Harriet also says: It was great to see you on Broadway in The Country Girl. Would you

consider returning to Broadway?MF: In a word, “No.” KW: Keith Kremer asks: If a person unfamiliar with your work wanted to watch just one of your fi lms, which one would you suggest?MF: I think I would recommend Invictus.

KW: Ilene Proctor has a related inquiry: Since you’ve contributed your immense talents to so many great fi lms, I’d like to know which one is your favorite.MF: Glory.

By Kam [email protected]


imdb.comMorgan Freeman


Page 6: Insight News ::: 4.11.11

Page 6 • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Insight News

HEALTHWhy teenage girls should love breakfast

Getting screened saves lives

Through their ‘I Heart Breakfast’ initiative (represented as ‘I <3 BRFST’), General Mills wants African American teenage girls to know the importance of a healthy breakfast. The campaign was launched to prove that teen girls who eat cereal tend to have healthy body weight, which in turn helps to live healthful lives. Studies show that over 38% of teenage girls in America don’t eat breakfast. While there are many reasons for this, the two most common ones are: a jam packed schedule and the exposure to images on television, magazines, and the internet that entice girls

to want to be thin. General Mills hopes that with their campaign they will not just highlight the importance of eating breakfast, but the nutritional value the girls will receive from a breakfast consisting of cereal. This is General Mills fi rst African American social media campaign, said Pamela Diaz, Multicultural Community Relations Planning Associate. The campaign is being promoted on the social networks: Facebook and Twitter. In addition, the popular teen star, KeKe Palmer has also been enlisted. Though the original plan was to reach out to older teenage girls, it was soon evident parents were being drawn in. “Parents are the gate keepers for such decisions

as eating breakfast,” said Diaz. “I’m excited to see parents getting involved and inviting other parents.” Now they are also working with some bloggers to get more parents involved. Palmer also wrote about ‘I Heart Breakfast’ on her Facebook page, Tweeted, and posted blogs about healthy cereal breakfasts. Diaz appreciated that Palmer and her mother saw the signifi cance of this initiative and got readily involved in this effort. Michelle Tucker, one of General Mill’s BIHN researchers says that studies show that cereal eaters have an overall healthier eating pattern, which includes regularly eating breakfast, and an increased consumption of micronutrients, whole grains and

fi ber. “We hope to see a positive response from this campaign among African American teen girls—and support from parents and educators—by adopting healthier food consumption patterns that include: fi rst, eating breakfast, and secondly, recognizing that ready to eat cereal is a good choice,” said Tucker. In the ‘I <3 BRFST’ initiative UCLA Cardiologist, Dr. Karol E. Watson has also contributed greatly, as the spokeswomen. Watson got involved primarily because she saw the importance of promoting breakfast eating to teens from the health standpoint. She has worked with other studies with the BIHN in the past. These studies show that choosing whole-grain cereals can help meet Dietary Guideline recommendations which states that half the grains we consume in a day, must be whole grains. In addition to this, ready to eat cereals will contribute signifi cantly to overall nutrient intake, like iron, folic acid, and fi ber. Research also indicates that those who eat cereals tend to have robust physical activity, which is, of course, related to maintaining a healthy body weight. To emphasize the signifi cance of healthy breakfast, General

Mills partnered with Grace House, a boarding home located in Birmingham, Ala. “We wanted to empower girls to make better choices for themselves but also with that choice to help other girls,” said Diaz. All of the proceeds from the initiative

have gone to providing the girls of Grace House with $10,000 donation for breakfast foods. BIHN researchers plan to continue to explore the association between cereal consumption and body weight by ethnicity—next on the Hispanic population.

Colon cancer has hid in the shadows of other cancers because people are too embarrassed to openly discuss the disease because it deals with part of the body that the general public is uncomfortable talking about. Sadly, many individuals suffer needlessly. Understanding risk factors, symptoms, and screening options will not only help in avoiding the disease, but could mean the difference between

life and death. The stigma associated with this cancer still looms large. Colon cancer kills nearly 50,000 Americans yearly and almost 150,000 new cases of colon or rectal cancer will be diagnosed this year. Colon cancer doesn’t discriminate. It affects everyone, no matter race, gender or economic status. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an average citizen or of celebrity status, you have a 1 in 19 chance of getting colon cancer. This disease has a signifi cant

impact on all races. New fi gures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that African American men and women have the highest incidence rates among all races with 62 out of every 100,000 Black men being diagnosed with colon cancer and 47.1 Black women being diagnosed with the disease. Caucasian men and women had an incidence rate of 51.5 and 38.5 respectively followed closely

By Chris GarnerContributing Writer

Courtesy of General MillsDr. Karol Watson, medical expert spokesperson for I <3 BKFST

By Andrew Spiegel


Page 7: Insight News ::: 4.11.11 Insight News • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Page 7

Step show celebrates youth, educationThe 8th Annual Midwest Greek Step Show at the Northrop Auditorium was promoted as a “spectacular” event. I’ll be darned if the excess of 1,600 attendees wouldn’t say that the show over-delivered on that promoted promise. The 9th Annual Midwest Greek Step Show will be held on April 23 at the Ted Mann Concert Hall (2128 4th Street South) on the University of Minnesota campus, due to much needed renovations at the Northrop Auditorium. The most important thing everyone needs to know about that adjustment is that there are 400 less seats available, and thus timely ticket purchase may be prudent. If there were a theme name for this years’ Midwest Greek Step Show, then “Success

breeds Success” would seem to fi t the ingredients coming into it. With a show purely rooted in the celebration of youth and education, it is befi tting that the strong leader of the events recent resurgence is a pinnacle example of what all the youth touched by the event can and should emulate. Delphanie Daniels is not only one of the best and biggest smiling employees of the Fortune 500 company that goes by the name of Best Buy; and she is not only the savior of an event that simply has to be present for a successful big city, minority, collegiate populations to celebrate in an organized historically based fashion; and she is not only the founder and owner of FaceTime, a community focused event production company; but she has been doing all of this while going through the rigors of completing her MBA with Cardinal Stritch University! And as if that isn’t enough, Daniels is completing

this last session of classes and event preparations on a torn ACL, with surgery on the horizon. It wouldn’t seem that anyone could blame Daniels if she took the profi ts from the sure to be sold out event and fl ew to Hawaii for

a stretch. But as superwomen go, Daniels will be pouring that profi t right back into the community and the success of our children. As the kids say, “How’ya love that?!” As if the faithful event following didn’t love the presence of famed Finesse Mitchell of Saturday Night Live as the host of last years’ MGS, this year the emcee will hit the hometown crowd with the beloved touch of the one and only Bachelor Boy himself, Mr. Debonaire McNeal. Once again, timely ticket purchase may be prudent if your desire is to successfully get a seat when the Bachelor Boy tribe comes fl owing through event doors. Each group in last years’ MGS production can be proud of their individual performances, though it was the well-known pretty boys of Kappa Alpha Psi that took home the championship crown; with a Super Mario Brothers video game theme and fl awless execution. This year there will be

7 competing step teams, which may quickly solve the one minor complaint of last years’ show running slightly long. That being said, it is likely that most in attendance would consider having certainly gotten their money’s worth last year. Providing monetary sponsorship support are the usual suspects in FaceTime, Best Buy, and the U of M Offi ce of Equity & Diversity. The focal benefactor of the events’ proceeds remains the Minneapolis Public Schools 100 Strong Who Care Program, which travels throughout the city bringing successful mentors into the classroom to provide the districts’ youth with the additional role models they need to succeed. The importance of Black Greek Letter Organizations goes back to the turn of the century, with Alpha Phi Alpha being established and recognized on the campus of Cornell University in 1906, Alpha Kappa Alpha

Sorority in 1908 at Howard University, Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi Phi Fraternities in 1911, and Delta Sigma Theta nearing 100 years as well, having been established in 1913 (Phi Beta Sigma 1914, Zeta Phi Beta 1920, Sigma Gamma Rho 1922, Iota Phi Theta 1963). Together all of those organizations are recognized as The Divine Nine, and the unity of purpose that their organizations provide to their memberships breeds the type of minority cooperation that is seen through large successful events such as the Midwest Greek Step Show. Community service is broadly a stern theme of their operational and participatory purposes. Don’t miss the show. For ticket information, see: or call (612) 624-2345. For more information, contact: [email protected] or call (651) 335-9839.

By Ryan T. ScottContributing Writer

Photos: Delphanie Daniels8th Annual Midwest Greek Step Show winners Delta Sigma Theta

Inc., Ruth Hawkins YWCA, Black Women United, Phyllis Wheatley Community Center and T.A.C.T.I.C.S., the governing board Pilot City Regional Center (now NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center.) She was a co-founder of Northside Childcare Association. During her professional career, Elizabeth Samuels was employed by Power’s Department Store and Fingerhut. She was Outreach Coordinator for the Minneapolis Red Cross for 13 years (1969-1982). She was a consultant for The Way Opportunities Unlimited and, through the Senior Guild, she worked as a receptionist/coordinator at Stairstep Foundation and Emerge. Her spiritual presence, twinkling eyes, and contagious smile permeated every room she entered. She enjoyed watching movies, listening to music, trips to Mystic Lake Casino, reading books, dining out, shopping, and spending quality time with family and her circle of close friends. She was not shy about putting a person “in check.” Positive memories of Mother Liz will live forever in our hearts and minds, said friends and family members refl ecting on her lifetime of courageous leadership. “We feel devastated by her absence. But we know this impeccable warrior now reunites with kindred Liberators. She joins Fannie Lou Hamer, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Crazy Horse, Brothers Martin and Malcolm, Sekou Toure, Kwame Nkrumah, Bernadette Anderson, and the unnamed sheroes and heroes on whose shoulders we stand today,” community elders said. Samuels was born on September 13, 1930 to Maude Armstrong and William Seymore in Minneapolis, MN. A graduate of North High School, she pursued course work in Management and Administration at Augsburg College. She married Booker Samuels and gave birth to their

beautiful daughter Gloria. She lived each day of her life with humility and compassion for others. She was deeply dedicated to her family, friends and community and touched the lives of many people through her work, volunteering and generosity. A revolutionary, Mother Liz believed it’s our duty to carry the struggle for freedom and dignity forward an entire lifetime. One of her greatest concerns was that we as African people love and respect each other, her daughter Gloria Samuels said. Samuels is preceded in death by her parents Maude Armstrong and William Seymore; brothers

William (Dub) Seymore, Linden Rayford, and James Rayford; and her sister Alzalee Jackson. She is survived by her daughter Gloria Samuels of Chicago, IL; brothers William Seymore of Milwaukee, WI, and Harry Seymore of Cincinnati, OH; niece Olivia Jackson; nephew Charles Jackson; best friend Doris Christopher and many loving relatives and friends. The community celebrated her life and work in 11am services Saturday, April 9th at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church Funeral and interment services following at Crystal Lake Cemetery in North Minneapolis.

Liz was involved in almost everything that concerned building community. She knew almost everyone who helped to defend the honor, integrity and dignity of a community that was all too often besieged by unfair images, messages, and symbols by a partially blind and unfair mass media. To many, Liz Samuels was that loving and caring sister that they never had. To others, she was a great den mother, embracing all of her children, especially her sons. The relationship between Liz Samuels and Spike Moss was simply magical. It is more than a mere cliché to say that her work was, “well done”. She raised Gloria, a beautiful

daughter, to use that keen and insightful intelligent mind to hinder none and help all. She involved herself in a broad spectrum of community activities in social service, politics and culture. She kept it real, which is to say, she kept the faith. She is now gone into the silent realm of eternity. There is an African belief

and value which teaches us that a person who is a member of a community will never really die as long as she is remembered by that community, now and the future. From spirit she came to fl esh, and to spirit she must return. Liz, we will never forget you.

Debonaire McNeal

SamuelsFrom 1

ServiceFrom 1

Left to right: Elizabeth Samuels, B.P. Ford, Betty Harpole and Doris Christopher

Page 8: Insight News ::: 4.11.11

Page 8 • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Insight News

LIFESTYLEBudget bedroom updates

Tasty and creative dinner roll ideas

I stopped by Macy’s Furniture Showroom in Bloomington to check on a kitchen table that I had seen online (it’s was on sale, of course). While I was waiting for my salesperson to check whether they would meet or beat their competitor’s (even cheaper) price, I wandered up to the clearance area. Leaning on the wall, straight ahead was a stylish two-tone headboard with my name written all over it—I had been looking for a new, low-cost one for a while. Upon further inspection, I was delighted to discover that it was a steal—its price of $90 was scribbled on the large red attached

sticker! Score! Long story short, I excitedly paid for my headboard, and began to make mental notes about how I would maximize my mini bedroom makeover project. Now that it’s springtime, and most of the snow has melted, you may be itching to do the same. Even if you only have a small budget to work with, you can achieve big results in the bedroom, (which may set the stage for more ‘big bedroom results’). Take cues from my mini makeover ideas and see how they may inspire your own creative juices.

If you have just $25, think paint—it can completely transform a space. A gallon will usually cover one room, but if you have commitment issues, consider painting a single wall in a coordinating accent color—the one the headboard rests on. Plants are another way to get a big bang for your buck. I just stopped by Home Depot [] , and saw a good variety of

tropical fl oor plants for only $9.99 each. Also featured were fi ve-foot palm trees for only $19.99. Not only will you have a fresh look, the plants can help naturally fi lter the air.

If you have just $50, consider stopping by Ikea [], for a duvet cover. By sliding your old bedding into the duvet cover, you have instant gratifi cation for only about $39.99. Many styles are available and they include matching pillowcases. For prices starting at $15, you could breathe new life into your bedding with luxurious, textured accent pillows. Another high-impact option for your bedroom is an accent rug. Find great selections at your local discount retailer Target or Walmart and don’t forget Craigslist or your local consignment shops.

If you have just $100, with a little patience, you could snag a headboard (like me)—new or used, either works. If it’s used,

remember the power of paint can bring dramatic new energy. The same can be said about a pair of lamps or side tables. Remember, they don’t have to be matchy-matchy; add a little pizzazz. As long as they are the same scale, it keeps the look more interesting. So, you see, you can do a lot with a little. When it comes to refreshing your bedroom, or any room, relatively small changes can make a huge impact. The key is to always keep your eyes open for a good deal; they usually surface when you least expect it. Also, have patience and compare prices, and then you’ll know when to make your move. After your hard work is complete, you can then unwind and relax in your newly updated retreat. Enjoy!

Marcia Humphrey is an interior decorator and home stager who specializes in achieving high style at low costs. A native of Michigan, she and her husband, Lonnie, have three children.

Time to shed your winter woolies and spring into action with these delicious recipes. A brunch for family and friends is guaranteed to create a comfy-cozy gathering. Many have discovered that when they come together to eat, they share lots more than a meal. Even though sitting down together links body and soul of a family in a special way, it’s also important to spare the cook a major production. That’s what’s behind this collection of easier-than-it looks dishes. The shortcut is using Warm-N-Serv rolls found in your grocer’s freezer. They’re already baked and you can just heat and enjoy. Convenient and easy Warm-N-Serv rolls from the freezer and these fun recipes are sure to produce brunch bravos. Can you think of anything to do with the time you saved making these simple, soon-to-be favorites?

Personal Buffalo Dip Bowls6 Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Soft Dinner Rolls, baked according to directionsolive oil

Dip:8 ounces cream cheese, softened1/2 cup sour cream1/4 cup buffalo sauce(i.e. Frank’s Red Hot Sauce)1 cup grated cheddar cheese1/4 cup blue cheese crumblescelery

Cut the top off of three rolls. Hollow out to form a personal dip bowl. Cut the remaining 3 rolls into 6 slices each. Place

these plus the tops from the fi rst 3 rolls on a baking sheet. Brush both sides lightly with olive oil. Toast both sides under the broiler until lightly browned. In a sauce pan, combine cream cheese, sour cream, hot sauce and cheeses. Stir until heated through. Fill each dip bowl with hot dip and serve with the toasted roll slices and celery.

Ham and Swiss Nibbles1 pan Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Garlic Butter Rolls1 cup cubed, cooked ham, divided1 cup grated Swiss cheese, divided

Allow rolls to thaw enough that you can cut each one into 8 equal pieces to make 1-inch cubes. Place half of the bread cubes in the bottom of a sprayed 9x9-inch baking pan. Sprinkle with half of the ham and half of the cheese. Repeat with remaining roll cubes, ham and cheese. Bake at 325°F 10-12 minutes.

Chocolate Filled Beignet1 Package Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Buttery Dinner Rolls4 cups canola oil1 cup cream cheese frosting1/2 cup Nutellapowdered sugar

Remove rolls from pan and thaw in microwave for 1 minute on 50% power. Heat oil in a sauce pan to about 220°F. Fry one roll at a time until golden brown, about 1 to 2 minutes on each side. Remove from oil to drain. Mix cream cheese frosting

and nutella until thoroughly combined. Place in a frosting gun or pastry bag and inject into each roll. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Lemon Pull-Aparts1 pan Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Buttery Dinner Rolls1 tablespoon butter, melted1/4 cup sugar1 lemon rind, grated

Citrus glaze:1/2 tablespoon butter, melted3/4 cup powdered sugar2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Remove rolls from pan and brush bottom and sides with butter. Place back in pan and brush top with butter. In a bowl, combine sugar and lemon rind and sprinkle over top of rolls. Bake at 350°F 15 minutes. Remove from pan and place on cooling rack. Combine glaze

ingredients and drizzle over rolls while still warm.

Crusty Bruschetta6 Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Crusty Rollsolive oil8 roma tomatoes, diced2 cloves garlic, minced6-8 large fresh basil leaves cut into small pieces1 teaspoon dried oregano2 teaspoons salt1/2 cup olive oil

Place 6 crusty rolls on a plate. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave on high for 20-30 seconds. Cut each roll into 4 diagonal slices. Place rounds on baking sheet and brush the tops with olive oil. Bake at 450°F about 5 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Remove from oven to cool. Mix tomatoes, garlic, basil, oregano, salt and 1/2 cup olive oil. To serve, spoon tomato mixture on top of rounds.

Peach Bread Pudding6 Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Soft White Dinner Rolls, baked and day old3 eggs1 1/2 cups milk1/3 cup sugar1 teaspoon almond extract21 ounce can Peach Pie Filling

Cut rolls into 1/2 inch cubes. Place cubes in a sprayed 8-inch square baking pan. In a bowl, combine eggs, milk, sugar, almond extract and 1 cup peach pie fi lling. Mix well. Pour over roll cubes. Press down with a spoon to make sure all of the roll cubes are covered with egg mixture. Bake at 350°F 30-40 minutes. Heat remaining pie fi lling and serve over warm pudding.

Southwest Veggie Sliders

6 Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Whole Wheat Rolls, baked according to directions on packageVeggie Patties:15 ounce can black beans, drained & rinsed thoroughly4 ounce can diced green chilies3/4 cup bread crumbs1 teaspoon smoked paprika2 cloves garlic, fi nely chopped1 egg whitesalt & pepper, to taste1 tablespoon olive oil

Slaw:1 tablespoon olive oil1 red or green pepper, fi nely chopped1/2 large yellow onion, fi nely chopped1 jalapeno pepper, fi nely chopped1 clove garlic, fi nely chopped

Sauce:1/3 cup low-fat sour cream1/2 large avocado, mashed2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

Toppings:cilantropepper jack cheese

Veggie Patties:Mash black beans, with a fork, in a medium size bowl. Stir in chilies, bread crumbs, paprika, garlic and egg white. Divide mixture into 6 equal portions and form into patties. Season with salt & pepper and cook in olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat until nicely browned on both sides.

Slaw:Saute all ingredients in olive oil over medium-high heat for about 4 minutes or until tender.

Sauce:Mix sour cream and mashed

By Marcia [email protected]

Style on a Dime

Courtesy of Bake-N-ServPersonal Buffalo Dip Bowls


Page 9: Insight News ::: 4.11.11 Insight News • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Page 9


Residents and neighbors of Glendale Townhomes, part of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) in southeast Minneapolis, can now look for employment and take classes to improve their computer skills thanks to a fully-updated public computer center that features high-speed Internet, free computer classes, and staff to help individuals who want to learn more about computers. The addition of high-

speed Internet along with new computer equipment and support services through the University of Minnesota Broadband Access Project (BAP) ( increased Glendale Townhomes’ abilities to meet the needs of its residents. Last summer the Glendale Townhomes computer center received its BAP updates with a goal of better serving adult job seekers. The computer center is open to the public fi ve days a week (Monday, noon-5 p.m.; Tuesday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m.) with priority given to Glendale Townhomes residents and Prospect Park

neighbors. “We see this as an enhancement, because not only will it provide onsite computers with the latest equipment, there will be training for residents and opportunities for residents to become self suffi cient,” says Evelyn LaRue, director of the resident initiatives department, MPHA. The BAP is a $3.6 million program of the University of Minnesota to provide high-speed Internet and broadband access awareness, in partnership with University of Minnesota’s Offi ce for Business and Community Economic Development (BCED) and the

Minnesota Multicultural Media Consortium (MMMC). The BAP, envisioned as a service to bridge the digital divide for under-resourced sections of the Twin Cities, has created computer centers in four federally-designated poverty zones: north Minneapolis, south Minneapolis, southeast Minneapolis, and St. Paul. The community groups in these areas are typically African American, Latino, Native American, Somali, and Hmong. The training available at all the centers covers computer fundamentals, use of the Internet and email. The BAP computer centers also provide help with

writing and critiques, and assists residents with job searches. “Glendale will also have an apprenticeship program which will provide training and work opportunities for the residents within the computer center,” LaRue says. “Residents said they wanted to have a computer lab and training. They really want training for jobs. The computer center is a win-win for everyone--Glendale residents, the community, and MPHA-- because it addresses residents’ concerns and needs and supports the University’s desire to increase its engagement efforts.” Glendale Townhomes

currently has 184 houses that accommodate 552 residents, the majority of whom are African American, Laotian, Hmong, Somali, Latino, Native American, and Ethiopian. The community’s commitment to cultural competence is refl ected in how services are provided, including classes that teach English as a second language. Glendale Townhomes is also the site of a PICA (Parents In Community Action) Head Start program for families with preschool children. The neighborhood’s Luxton Park Recreation Center has a separate computer lab geared for youth.

By Ivan B. PhiferMMMC Technology Reporter

Suluki FardanZulfa Fara, Joy Rashad and Saharla Salah

Computer lab helps Glendale residents toward self-suffi ciency

Page 10: Insight News ::: 4.11.11

Send Community Calendar information to us by: email, [email protected], by fax: 612-588-2031, by phone: (612) 588-1313 or by mail: 1815 Bryant Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411, Attn: Andrew Notsch. Free or low cost events preferred.

EventsJammin 4 Japan - Apr 11Japan relief concert. Ft: ForeverFamous, Wize Guyz, 3Way Ent. ft. FevR, Margeaux Davis,Darnel Alexander, Mike Dreams, Special Appearance by Quentin “Q” Moore, And of course, DJ Advance on the wheels of steel. Mon. Apr. 11; Fine Line Music Cafe 318 1st Ave. N, Mpls. Doors @ 7pm, show @ 8pm. $5 donation. 18+.

King: Man Of Peace In A Time Of War - Apr 13As a man who remains an inspiration for social change nearly forty years after his assassination, King offers a glimpse into the waves of change that were created during Dr. King’s life. 6:30pm at St. Anthony Main Theatre 115 Southeast Main St. Mpls. $5.

Ruby Bridges to Speak at Bethel University Chapel Service - Apr 13In 1960, Ruby Bridges became the fi rst Black student at a formerly all-white elementary school in New Orleans. Amid protesters, six-year-old Ruby was escorted to her new school by four federal marshals, helping to create the fi rst desegregated school in the Deep South under a landmark federal court order. Wed. Apr. 13 10:15am @ Benson Great Hall, Bethel University Campus, 3900 Bethel Drive, St. Paul, MN. Contact: Amanda Wanke at 651.638.6266 for more info.

Prisoner of Her Past: Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion - Apr 14This powerful and moving fi lm tells the story of a son’s quest to understand

his mother’s frightening and heroic childhood. Thur. Apr. 14 6:30-9pm @ The Center for Changing Lives 2400 Park Ave. S. Mpls, MN

Beast on the Moon - Apr 14By Richard Kalinoski, will be performed Apr. 14,15,16&22 at 7pm, plus matinees Apr. 16&23 at 1pm. Performances are at the Stagedoor Theater, located in the Whitney Fine Arts Center on the Mpls Campus of Metropolitan State University and Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC), off Loring Park at 1424 Yale Place. The parking ramp is at 15th Street and Hennepin Avenue.

Minnesota native shares stories of her Zambian children - Apr 14Hear an inspirational story fi rsthand about one woman and the difference she is making in hundreds of children’s lives. On Thur., Apr. 14, 6:30 the public is invited to a reception at a home in the Minneapolis’ historic Johnson Rowhouses in the Whittier neighborhood to view a fi lm, bid on African art and hear the personal story of Minnesota native, Carol McBrady. For more information about directions to the event or McBrady’s organization, call (612) 242-7995.

Experimenting with concepts in Text, Typography and Graffi ti Art - Apr 15Peyton will be at Alesci showcasing a new body of work. Peyton has been creating “graffi ti as art,” for over 20 years. Fri. Apr. 15 5-9pm @ Alesci Gallery 116 S. Main St. Stillwater, MN 55082.

Palabras al viento (Words in the Wind) - Apr 15-17Deborah Elias takes the lush and thrilling beauty of fl amenco into a place where time, memory, dreams, and ecstatic events unfold. 8pm Fri., Apr. 15 & Sat., Apr. 16; 7pm Sun., Apr. 17 at Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Ave S. Mpls, MN. TICKETS: $10 advance/students/seniors $12 door. Call us to inquire about group sales! For tickets and info: 612.871.4444 or [email protected]

Eritream Fashion and Cultural Dance Event - Apr 16Join us for a fun day of Eritrean Fashion show, dance presentation, music, food, traditional coffee, and fabulous art, crafts and clothing up for a silent auction. All proceeds from the event will benefi t the Eritrean Community Center of Minnesota. Sat. Apr 16 4:30-8pm. Tickets includes shows, food and drinks: $20 each. Limited number of

tickets, reserve your spot early! 1935 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN.

Justice 4 All Fair Hiring Campaign Launch - Apr 16Fair hiring practices for people with criminal records support healthy people, healthy neighborhoods, and a healthy state. Join us to learn about the criminal justice system, discuss how we can work together to change it, and take action to tackle employment barriers as we move forward. Apr 16, 12-2:30pm @ Urban Research and Outreach/Engagement Center, 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Mpls. Contact Terin Mayer to RSVP or for more information at 651-379-0762 or [email protected].

The Gospel According to Jerry - Apr 16-May 8New comedy about spirituality, stereotypes, bias and Jewish-African American connections.Wed. and Thur. at 7:30pm; Sat. at 8pm; Sun. at 1pm with one Sunday at 7pm on Apr. 17. Hillcrest Center Theater 1978 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116. . For ticket reservations call 651-647-4315, or e-mail [email protected] Responsible Housing and Household Financing Resource Fair - Apr 16Learn about several responsible affordable housing, budgeting, and fi nancing opportunities. The resource fair will highlight affordable rental and homeownership opportunities in the Twin Cities, as well as sessions on improving household fi nances. Sat. Apr. 16 9:30am-2pm at the Minneapolis Urban League 2100 Plymouth Ave. N. Mpls.

MPS Family Enrichment Network Conference - Apr 16All families and community members are encouraged to attend. There is no cost to attend and lunch and childcare will be provided. Sat. Apr 16 9:30am-1pm at South High School 3131 19th Ave. S. Mpls.

Step-Parenting/Issues Within the Blended Family - Apr. 18FREE African American Parenting Workshops & Support Group. Mon. Apr 18, 7:30-8:45PM @ Sunray Library 2105 Wilson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55119. For more information please contact Shatona Groves @ 612-568-6326 or visit

Pre Adoption Free Information Session for Minnesota’s Waiting Children - Apr 19Downey Side, families for youth, invites community members to attend a FREE information session regarding adoption and Minnesota’s Waiting Children. Downey Side’s next information session will be Tue., Apr. 19, 6:30-8pm at Downey Side Minnesota, 450 North Syndicate Street, Suite 90, St. Paul, MN 55104. Pre-registration required. To register, email [email protected] or call 651-228-0117.

Jamaican Activists to discuss human rights issues in Jamaica - Apr 19Dr. Carolyn Gomes, UN Prize in Human Rights recipient, along with Susan Goffe, prominent activist, will talk about issues facing the island and their experience defending human rights in Jamaica at 5:30pm Tue., Apr. 19 in John B. Davis Auditorium at Macalester College, 1600 Grand Ave.

The Court’s Role with Children and their Families - Apr 19Our second Perspectives Breakfast will focus on the Courts. Learn about the philosophy of our Courts in making decisions affecting children and relative caregivers. How do the Courts decide what is the best interest of the child?

There will be time for you to ask questions. Tue. Apr. 19 7:30-9am @ St. Paul College Faculty Dining Room 235 Marshall Ave. St. Paul. RSP by Fri. Apr. 8 to or call 877-917-4640

Draw the Line Minnesota - Apr 19We’d like to invite you to join us to get an update on what is currently happening at the legislature and to fi nd out about new ways you can be engaged. Apr. 19 9:30-11am at Minnesota Council of Nonprofi ts - 2314 University Ave. W., Ste. 20, St. Paul, MN.

Uniting Hmong America: Invoking the Power Within - Apr 22-24It is a crucial time for the Hmong community to participate in a national dialogue to discuss the future of our community. You can be a part of the conversation by attending the Hmong National Conference, which will be held on Apr. 22-24, at the Marriott City Center Hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information and to register, please visit:

Get Started Vegetable Gardening - Apr 23Does the idea of growing your own vegetables interest you? Do you just need someone to tell you how to begin? This is the class for you! Join us on Sat., Apr. 23, from 9am-12pm, at Gale Woods Farm in Minnetrista. Cost is $6 and reservations are required. Call 763-559-6700 to make a reservation and reference activity #237409-00. This program is for ages 11 and older.

Botanical Illustration: Spring Flowers - Apr 23-May 28

The promise of spring, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and other spring-fl owering bulbs will be the subject of this six-week class. Students will explore plant morphology as they draw and paint the whole plant from bulb to fl ower. Classes run Sat. Apr. 23-May 28, from 9:30am-noon, at Silverwood Park in St. Anthony. Cost is $215 for the series and reservations are

required. Call 763-559-6700 to make a reservation and reference activity #237811-00. This program is for ages 14 and older.

Sabathani to Host Community Meeting - Apr 26Sabathani Community Center will host a public meeting to discuss a proposed Hennepin County Regional Services site at Sabathani. Users of county services or anyone interested are encouraged to attend. 6-8pm Tue., Apr. 26 at Sabathani. 310 E. 38th Street, Mpls. For more information, call Pam Young, 612-821-2308.

I’m Not Black, I’m Coloured - Apr 27Local fi lmmaker Kiersten Dunbar Chace of Mondé World Films presents her award winning historical documentary fi lm I’m Not Black, I’m Coloured – Identity Crisis at the Cape of Good Hope at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Film festival on Apr. 27 at 7:00pm - St. Anthony Main Theater. Special guest appearance - Actress Lesley Ann Brandt (Spartacus / CSI-NY)

SPARK: The Fundraising Event for Young Professionals - Apr 28United Way Emerging Leaders invite you for an evening of State Fair amusement. Thur., Apr. 28; 6:30-10pm @ Nicollet Island Pavilion. Register by 5p. on Mon., Apr. 11 and be entered into a drawing for a round-trip airline ticket courtesy of Delta Airlines! To register, visit:

Compost Bin and Rain Barrel Sale - Apr. 30 & May 7By composting organic waste (vegetable scraps and yard waste) and capturing rainwater from the roof, you can reduce the need for expensive fertilizers, reduce your water bill, help keep waterways clean, and reduce waste. The Recycling Association of Minnesota will have its sale in Saint Paul on April 30 and May 1 (pre-registration required). The City of Roseville, in partnership with several other cities in Ramsey County, will have its sale on May 7. For more information, go to and

Page 10 • April 11, - April 17 , 2011 • Insight News

Classifi eds / Calendar PHONE: 612.588.1313 FAX: 612.588.2031 EMAIL: [email protected]

TELEMARKETING POSITION Insight News is seeking applicants for a part-time Classified Sales Telemarketing Representative.

This position is perfect for a college student or someone looking for part time employment. Hours are Mon-Thursday, 10 – 2 PM, not to exceed 20 hours per week.

Position Duties:

• Deliver prepared sales talks, reading from scripts that describe Insight News and, in order to secure classified advertising.

• Contact businesses by telephone in order to solicit sales.

• Adjust sales scripts to better target the needs and interests of specific individuals.

• Answer telephone calls from potential customers who have been solicited through advertisements.

• Telephone or write letters to respond to correspon-dence from customers or to follow up initial sales contacts.

• Maintain records of contacts, accounts, and orders.

This position requires a high school diploma, previous telemarketing experience and the ability to produce results.

Please submit resume with three references to [email protected]

NO WALK-INS and no PHONE CALLS, please.

Building Bridges: Reconnecting communitiesRecent race-based dialogue about a dog park has highlighted our need to build stronger relationships and understandings between neighbors of diverse race, culture, and age.

The mission of Building Bridges is to understand how race and racism impact our communities and to build the future of our neighborhoods together. Building Bridges is a project led by neighbors from South Minneapolis neighborhoods East and West of I-35W, including Central, Bryant, Kingfi eld, Regina and Northrop. Attend these events:

On Tuesday, April 12: New Conversations about Race and Racism (participants watch scenarios and complete activities designed to help them explore and understand their perspectives and behaviors on the issue of race and racism.)

Sabathani Community Center, 310 E 38th Street, 3rd Floor (Conference Room J)6-6:30 pm – Light dinner and social time6:30 pm – Workshop beginsSaturday, April 30: New Conversations about White Privilege (designed for individuals and groups who have begun to explore racism and want to learn more about the various facets of the issue. The white privilege tool draws on the work of author Dr. Peggy McIntosh, who defi nes privilege as unearned advantage)Park Ave Methodist Church, 3400 Park Avenue(attendance at the Race & Racism workshop is a prerequisite to attend the White Privilege workshop)9-9:30 am – Breakfast and social time9:30 am – Workshop begins

RSVP Your Attendance: [email protected]

Soup with the Supe Join Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson for dinner and conversation at Soup with the Supe on Thursday, April 21, from 6-8 p.m. at North Commons, 1800 James Avenue North in Minneapolis. Johnson and members of her leadership team will share more about the vision for Minneapolis Public Schools and hear questions and comments from the public.

Food and childcare will be provided at no charge. All children are welcome and childcare is available for children ages 3 and up. Hmong, Somali and Spanish interpreters will also be available.

Soup with the Supe is hosted by the parent and community council for MPS Area A comprised of schools in north and northeast Minneapolis.


Magistrate Judge Judicial AssistantThe U.S. District Court, District of MN is accept-ing applications for a full-time Judicial Assis-tant to a U.S. Magistrate Judge. Starting salary $48,663 - $60,827; range to $79,073 DOQ. For a complete description visit the court’s website,, Employment.

An Equal Opportunity Employer

* * POLICE OFFICER * *The Maplewood Police Civil Service Commission is ac-cepting applications to create an eligibility list for FT police officer. Salary: $48,075 - $68,678/yr + longevity & exc benefits. Must have AA in law enf, crim. justice or equiv & must be P.O.S.T. licensed (or eligible for licensure) as a peace officer in MN by 6/30/11. Valid driver’s license and US citizenship required. For appl. packet call (651) 249-2000 or download from Deadline: 04/22/11. EOE

A new exhibit coming to the skyway level of the Government Center — hopes to put a face to the word “homeless” using families of all shapes and sizes. On display on the Public Service (skyway) Level of the Hennepin County Government Center Apr. 4-30. 300 S. Sixth St., Mpls.

Credit: Hennepin County Public Affairs

Homeless is My Address, Not My Name - Apr 4-30

Town Square Apts.East Grand Forks MN

HUD subsidized hsg for persons 62+ or with disability. For application contact 218-773-3631 or [email protected] “Equal Housing Opportunity Provider”

Page 11: Insight News ::: 4.11.11 Insight News • April 11 - April 17, 2011 • Page 11

SPORTSLukewarm start on the fi eld, but hot in the stands

Last year the Minnesota Twins had the honor of being the toast of the nation with the introduction of Target Field, and the subsequent #1 stadium ranking by ESPN. Often it seems that the ‘cool’ people in this country don’t have immediate notions that Minnesota is a hip place to be. You would think that there might be enough recognition from the fact that there are more per capita Fortune 500 companies (21) than any other state in the union. You would also think that people from across the country would recognize how cool I am and be drawn to examine Minnesota closer. As local comedian Cy Amundson said in a recent show at Acme Comedy Club, after a similar bragging type of joke, “Welcome to the show”. (I’m guessing that type of joke sounds better on stage than in print.) The Twins seem to always manage to put on a good show on the fi eld of play. But when it comes to the stadium, it’s not just about the striking downtown view, or the convenient light rail access,

but also, and for some most appreciably, in the concession stands. The ‘foodie’ and chef culture is growing worldwide, and with a new stadium the Twins are positioned to be forward and aggressive with their concessions approach. Said Twins President Dave St. Peter, “We believe the vast menu variety is consistent with our fans’ expectations, and we remain committed to ensuring Target Field’s food and beverage offerings rate among the most diverse in Major League Baseball.”

“We’re not taking our foot off of the gas pedal. We want to have the best of any venue, anywhere,” he added prior to sending the media on a concessions sampling tour. In the spirit of St. Peter’s words the Twins have added several menu items to their concessions offerings this year, together with their retail partner Delaware North Companies Sportservice. The focus of the overall aggressive concessions approach remains centered on local Minnesota favorites, and the locals likely say, “Amen.”

Now if you have ever been anywhere—I suppose like the Minnesota State Fair—in which you eat both several and various items, then you know that typically one item unforgettably stands out like the Dukes of Hazard rolling through North Minneapolis. Well if those same Dukes happened to be driving with a saucy turkey sandwich from Turkey To Go, then the memorable image would be complete, both to the eyes and taste buds. Turkey To Go’s ’Giant Juicy Turkey Sandwich‘

deserves an added nickname: ’The Truth‘. OMG as the kiddos might say. And as if the famous Nicollet Mall mobile food truck item wasn’t good enough on its own, the Twins and Sportservice brought in the local champion of barbeque sauce, Ken Davis BBQ, to top the sandwich off. On a balancing note, it’s a sad day for turkeys indeed. President Obama doesn’t have the arsenal of pardons necessary to save their kind. The strong list of laudable new items goes on from there,

including a wonderfully steaming array of sausages with various condiments, provided through a partnership with locally known Kramarczuk’s and none other than the Food Network itself. The Food Network cart will be located at section 114. Being a smart fella since birth (that probably got a bigger laugh than my opening funny) I started and fi nished the much-appreciated sampling of new Twins fare with dessert. The banana cream pie served at Hrbek’s on the main concourse was a bit pretentious, but so am I considering the plate was left clean. Yet the Minneapple Pie imported from the Cottage Grill just outside the Twin Cities was anything but pretentious, and its fl aky, hearty, sugary consistency had me looking to see if Serta mattress had a storefront on the concourse as well. Thus the truth is that I ended the concessions tour leaned back with a cup of Minneapolis-based Caribou Coffee. The Twins fi rst couple of away game series to start the season left a little to be desired, but the required mention at this point in the season is that there are over 150 games left to play. My fear is that Twins ownership my have to add seat ejection buttons for ushers to access in order to get people to go home after all the good food and sunshine. Rain, rain, go away, the winter’s been long enough.

Mr. T’s Sports Report

By Ryan T. [email protected]

Wikimedia CommonsTarget Field stadium

KW: Ilene also asks: Did you have a role model, whenever you played God?MF: Yes.

KW: And who was that?MF: Me. [Laughs heartily]

KW: Peter Keough asks: Are you the voice of God, or do you just play him in movies?MF: What the heck kind of question is that? Tell Peter that I AM the voice of God and that he better listen to me. [LOL]

KW: Mike Pittman wants to

know whether you ever felt like giving up and doing something different at anytime during your acting career. MF: Oh yes, many times, however, not during my career, but while trying to get my career going. Absolutely! I have many friends, and Providence itself, to thank for not having given up.

KW: Mike wants to know if you have any advice for young actors desiring to become actors.MF: Well, if they’re already actors, then there’s no desire to become actors. What they’re looking for now is success, to become paid actors. And the only advice I have for them is to persevere. Just keep plugging away. Keep going! Don’t give up!

The surest way to fail at anything is to give up.

KW: John Zippert would like to know whether there are any community-based, charity organizations you’re working with in Mississippi?MF: My own. I have a charity dedicated to education.

KW: Larry Greenberg is curious about how your plans to make historical dramas about the Black experience in America are coming along?MF: Slowly.

KW: Judyth Piazza asks: After what movie did you fi nally say to yourself, “I have arrived!”MF: Street Smart.

KW: Attorney Bernadette Beekman, says that she’s not only also a Gemini but that you two share the same birthday, June 1st, as well. She wants to know, if you’ve been to any exotic animal orphanages like those shown in the documentary? MF: No, but I have foster-parented seven cats.

KW: Bernadette has a follow-up: How does your country home life in Mississippi compare to the citifi ed Hollywood environment you enter into for work?MF: It’s preferable. That’s why I’m there.

KW: Hisani Dubose says: I would like to know what gets you interested in a script and if you

ever turn down movie roles? MF: Oh, I’ve turned down a lot of stuff. And what interests me is the same thing that would interest you in a book. If a book doesn’t hold your interest after several pages, what do you do?

KW: I put it down. MF: It’s the same thing with a script.

KW: What is your guiltiest pleasure?MF: Playing solitaire on my computer. I’m totally addicted to it.

KW: The bookworm Troy Johnson question: What was the last book you read? MF: I just read a book called 1,000

White Women, which is based not on a story but on an actual event. In the 1850s, a Cheyenne chief apparently asked the President of the United States for white women, saying that peace could be achieved if whites and Native Americans became one through the offspring of intermarriage.

KW: The Dulé Hill question. To what do you attribute your success?MF: Perseverance, luck and just a little bit of talent.

KW: Well thanks again for the interview, Mr. Freeman, and I hope to talk to you about Dolphin Tale in the fall.MF: Alright, babe, take care.

FreemanFrom 5

avocado in a small bowl until smooth. Add lime juice. Slice baked rolls in half. Lightly toast roll halves in oven. Place patties on toasted buns and top with cheese, slaw, sauce and cilantro.

Fruit Bruschetta6 Rhodes Warm-N-Serv™ Crusty Rolls, thawed2 tablespoons butter, melted2 tablespoons sugar1/2 teaspoon cinnamonfresh diced, strawberries, pineapple & kiwi1/2 cup sour cream

2 tablespoons honey1 teaspoon lemon zest2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice

Slice crusty rolls into 1/2-inch thick slices. Place on a baking sheet and brush with melted butter. Combine sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over slices. Bake at 400°F 5-10 minutes or until edges are toasted. Set aside to cool. Place strawberries, pineapple and kiwi in a bowl and toss gently to combine. Place about 1 tablespoon fruit mixture on top of each toasted roll slice. Combine sour cream, honey, lemon zest and lemon juice and mix well. Drizzle over fruit.

RecipesFrom 8

by Hispanics and Asian/Pacifi c Islanders. These numbers are alarming…and avoidable through a screening. A screening test such as a colonoscopy is a preventative measure that works. When you turn 50, get screened. If you have risk factors such as a family history of the disease, talk to your doctor. You may need to be screened earlier. The results of screening are undeniable. By being screened, colorectal cancer deaths could be reduced by more than 80 percent. This disease is the second

leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. but is one of the most preventable diseases and is a very curable cancer...if it’s caught early. Sadly, most cases are diagnosed in the later stages of the disease when treatment is challenging. The Colon Cancer Alliance recently released highlights of fi ndings from a new survey, Colonoscopy Perceptions. The goal of the survey was to identify concerns and knowledge gaps about colonoscopies and to use those fi ndings to better educate the public. One of the salient points highlighted was the fact that seven out of 10 people age 50 years or older for whom the test was recommended, still had not had a colonoscopy primarily due to fears.

We must move past those fears and get screened. Screening involves a relatively simple procedure that takes a couple hours of your time…but those hours spent getting screened could potentially save your life. Prior to getting screened, it’s important for you to be armed with knowledge. I encourage everyone over 50 years of age or those with high risk factors to talk to their doctor. Asking simple questions such as how many colonoscopies has the doctor performed, how do I prepare for the procedure and what are the complications and risks will put you at ease and help alleviate fears. Following your colonoscopy, ask your doctor if he/she was able to view your entire colon, what did they fi nd during

the screening and what are the next steps. Getting people to ask questions and to talk about the disease is a step in the right direction to making colon cancer a thing of the past.

Andrew Spiegel is the Chief Executive Offi cer of the Colon Cancer Alliance, a national patient advocacy organization dedicated to ending the suffering caused by colorectal cancer. In order to increase screening and survivorship rates, the CCA provides education and patient support, furthers research efforts, and conducts advocacy work across the country.

ScreeningFrom 6

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