  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios



    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSA Webinar Hosted By Deloitte

    March 25, 2009

    1:00 PM

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


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  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


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    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


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  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Asking QuestionsAttendee lines are muted

    Questions may be submitted using the Q&A iconon the right hand panel

    Questions will be answered after the formalpresentation

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Welcome & Introduction

    Dr. Raef Lawson

    VP of Research andProfessor-in-Residence

    Institute of ManagementAccountants

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Featured Presenter

    D.J. Gannon

    Partner, Audit andEnterprise Risk Services

    Deloitte & Touche LLP

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    D.J. Gannon - Bio

    In July 2000, D.J. Gannonjoined Deloitte & Touche LLP as apartner where he specializes in international accounting andfinancial reporting, as well as global regulatory and professionalissues.Mr. Gannon is the leader of the International Financial ReportingStandards (IFRS) Centre of Excellence for the Americas region.Prior to that he was the leader of International Financial AccountingServices, a group within the organizations Global IFRS andOfferings Services Group that assists companies in implementing orconverting to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).Mr. Gannon is chairman of the American Institute of Certified PublicAccountants International Practices Task Force and the AICPAsAccounting Standards Executive Committees Short-TermInternational Convergence Task Force. He is a Certified PublicAccountant in the District of Columbia and a member of theAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He is active inspeaking and writing on a variety of global financial reporting topics.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Featured Presenter

    Randall Sogoloff

    Partner, Audit andEnterprise Risk Services

    Deloitte & Touche LLP

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Randall Sogoloff - Bio

    Randall Sogoloff is a partner in the National Office of Deloitte &Touche LLP in Wilton, Connecticut (USA). His role involvesdeveloping firm accounting guidance, responding to standard-settingproposals, and providing accounting consultation services.Randall is also a participant in Deloittes Global IFRS LeadershipTeam and part of Deloittes IFRS Centre of Excellence for theAmericas region. He specializes in the accounting for leases,consolidation, and income taxes under both International FinancialReporting Standards and U.S. GAAP.Randall is also a member of the AICPAs Accounting StandardsExecutive Committee (AcSEC).

    Randall is Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the States of Floridaand Connecticut.Randall has been a frequent speaker at seminars, conferences, andexecutive-level meetings and has authored articles in accountancyand finance periodicals, including Journal of Accountancy,Derivatives Financial Products Report, and Deloitte Heads Up.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    AgendaBackground and Regulatory Developments

    Global move towards IFRS

    Recent SEC activity

    Early adoption provisions

    IFRS for non publicly accountable entities

    IFRS Implementation Considerations

    Key impacts of IFRS implementation

    IFRS 1 considerations

    Key benefits of IFRS adoption

    Lessons learned


    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Learning Objectives

    Upon completing this webinar, you will be able to:

    Describe the global momentum toward IFRS identifythe regulatory background of IFRS and recent SECactivity

    Follow the proposed timelines for transition and earlyadoption options

    Discuss the First Time Adoption considerations of IFRS

    Summarize the IASBs project on IFRS for PrivateEntities

    Understand key benefits of IFRS adoption and lessonslearned to date

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Background and Regulatory


    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS

    The Global Move Towards IFRS




    South Africa2005

    United States


    Current or anticipated requirement

    or option to use IFRS (or equivalent)









    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    IFRS Today and Tomorrow

    Today, IFRS is used in more than 100countries: Required for all listed companies in EU

    countries, starting in 2005 Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, India,

    Korea, and Mexico all have announcedmandated use

    Japan currently considering allowing IFRSbeginning 2010, with a requirement in 2015

    FPIs can now use IFRS in the U.S. SEC Roadmap contemplates use of IFRS

    beginning in 2014

    By 2011, it is expected that: All major countries will have adopted IFRS to

    some extent Certain U.S. public companies will have the

    option to use IFRS SEC decision on IFRS mandate for all U.S.

    public companies










    U.S GAAP IFRS Other

    Account ing Standards Usedby Global Fortune 500

    About 40% of t he Globa l For tune

    500 Companies cur rent ly use I FRS.

    That number is expec ted to grow as

    more count r ies adopt IFRS over t he

    nex t f ew years .

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    What is IFRS?

    IFRS is a set of established accounting standards that is rapidlygaining worldwide acceptance

    Standards are promulgated by the London-based InternationalAccounting Standards Board (IASB)

    IASB includes representatives from major countries, including theU.S.

    Generally more focused on objectives and principles and less relianton detailed rules and interpretations than U.S. GAAP

    IFRS currently consists of a single volume of approximately 40

    standards and 25 interpretations

    Standards include IASs and IFRSs

    Interpretations include SICs and IFRICs

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Summary of Proposed Rule on Early Use of IFRS

    Provides information on how to assess eligibility

    Instructs issuers to submit their criteria for eligibility to the Division of

    Corporate Finance and receive a letter of no objection permitting the

    use of IFRS

    Must prepare financial statements using IFRS, as issued by the IASB

    Must provide three years of financials in the year of adoption

    Proposes alternatives on providing additional U.S. GAAP financial


    Proposes amendments to the rules and regulations

    Establishes a new class of issuer an IFRS Issuer

    Proposed new Article 13 of Regulation S-X

    Addresses other disclosure issues such as Guide information

    May not use IFRS for the first time in quarterly reports, IPOs, proxy orinformation statements

    Not impact filing dates

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Poll Question #2

    By 2014, what percentage of total eligible U.S.public companies do you believe will have usedthe early adoption option?

    A. Less than 10%

    B. Between 10% and 25%

    C. Between 26% and 50%

    D. Between 51% and 75% E. Between 76% and 90%

    F. Substantially all

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    IFRS for Non Publicly Accountable Entities

    Modifies the full set of IFRS

    Self-contained principles

    based standard

    Topics irrelevant to private

    entities omitted

    Simplifies the recognition and

    measurement principles

    Less fair value measurement

    Simplifies policy alternatives

    Simplifies transition from US


    Reduces f i nanc ia l repo r t ing bu rden fo r sma l l and med ium en te rp r i ses

    Back g r ou nd Ov er v iew o f Ex posu r e Dr a f t

    IASB issued an Exposure Draftof IFRS for NPAEsin Feb.07

    and proposed to issue the finalstandard in the 2009

    Any entity that publishes general

    purpose financial statements for

    external users and does nothave public accountability can

    use the IFRS for NPAEs.

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    IFRS ImplementationConsiderations

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Illustrative Adoption Timeline

    Al ignment w i th o ther in i t ia t ives and t ra in ing fo r appropr ia te personne l




    Rat iona l izat ion and s tandard iza t ion o f s ta tu t ory repor t ing

    Trans i t ion date

    Repor t ing date

    2 0 0 9

    2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0

    2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1

    2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3

    2 0 1 4

    Awareness Assessment Plann ing

    I n i t ia l Tra in ing Roadmap

    TargetedSta tu toryI m p l e m e n t a t i o n

    Sys tem &Process

    redes ign

    Statu toryI m p l e m e n t at i o n

    SelectExempt ions

    Prepare I FRSOpening BS

    Dry Runs

    U.S. GAAP & I FRSopen ing ba lance

    I n v e s t o rCommunica t ions

    Audi t P rocedures Change


    Trans i t ion toI FRS

    Quar ter lyRepor t ing

    I n v e s t o r

    Communica t ions

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    First-time Adoption of IFRS Overview

    General RequirementsExemptions from Retrospective

    ApplicationImplementation Considerations

    Primary standard IFRS 1

    Applicable when an entity makesits first explicit and unreservedreference to IFRS

    Guidance addresses the processaround adopting IFRS for thefirst-time; generally apply allIFRS effective at the reportingdate retrospectively

    Provides certain electiveexemptions from retrospectiveapplication; some exceptionsfrom retrospective applicationmust be followed, including useof estimates, hedging andderecognition of financial assets

    Only requires one year ofcomparative financial information

    Effect of transition adjustments isrecognized in retained earnings

    Requires a reconciliation ofequity and income; narrativediscussion of transitionadjustments

    Business combinations

    Fair value as deemed cost

    Employee benefits reset ofcorridor

    Cumulative translation adjustments

    Compound financial instruments

    Subsidiary, associate and jointventure reporting

    Designation of previously recognizedfinancial instruments

    Share-based payment transactions

    Insurance contracts

    Decommissioning, restoration andsimilar liabilities

    Leases may follow IFRIC 4

    Key dates such as the reporting dateof the companys first IFRS financialstatements, and the transition date toIFRS

    The overall approach to IFRSimplementation

    Differences between existingaccounting policies and IFRS

    Areas where extensive disclosureswill be required

    Election and application of optionalexemptions; application of mandatoryexceptions

    Processes and data capture aroundfirst-time adoption will need to bedeveloped

    Key Quest ions to Ask What are the repor t ing and t r ans i t ion dates? What vo lun t ary e lec t ions f rom re t rospec t ive app l ica t ion have we

    made? Are the cur rent in fo rm at ion sys tems capab le o f captur ing the

    in form at ion necessary fo r f i r s t - t ime adopt ion o f I FRS?

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Poll Question #3To what extent have you been involved in IFRS scopingand planning discussions?

    A. Scoping and planning activities have not beeninitiated

    B. No involvement

    C. Participate in a passive role

    D. Actively participate, looked upon as subject matterexpert

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Key Benefits of IFRS Adoption

    St ream l in ing f i nanc ia l repo r t ing p rocess th roug hou t g loba lope ra t ion e l im ina t es d ive rgen t accoun t ing sys tem, enab lesg rea te r cons is tency resu l t i ng in reduced costs & inc reasedope ra t iona l e f fec t i veness

    ReducedComp lex i t y

    Compan ies a lso may need to conve r t to I FRS i f they a re asubs id iary o f a fo re ign company tha t m us t use I F RS, o r i ft hey have a fo re ign inves to r tha t m us t use IF RS

    I m p r o v e dTransparency

    P resen ta t ion o f f i nanc ia l s ta temen ts on the same bas is as i t sfo re ign compe t i t o rs mak ing compa r isons eas ie r

    EnhancedComparab i l i t y

    Greater m arket e f f ic ienc ies can be rea l ized. I FRS encouragesbo th compan ies and inves to rs t o have eas ie r access tom u l t i p l e / f o r e ig n m a r k e t s t h u s s t i m u l a t i n g i n v es t m e n t a n dcross border cap i ta l f low

    I nc reasedEff ic iency

    Compan ies w i th subs id ia r ies in coun t r ies th a t requ i re o rpe rm i t I FRS may be ab le to use one accoun t ing languagec o m p a n y - w i d e

    GreaterCons is tency

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Lessons Learned The Rear View Mirror

    Views ofpreparers,users, andauditors

    Most EU investors believe IFRS has improved the quality of consolidated financialstatements

    Large multinational companies that rely more heavily upon equity financingperceive the benefits of IFRS to be greater than other companies

    Larger companies in the EU converted earlier and devoted considerable resourcesto educating and training their boards, staff, and investors

    Views ofCFO/CIO


    Systems impacts of IFRS conversions were underestimated Its not just about accounting, its about the Process, People, Controls and


    Lessonslearned from


    Primary lesson learned is not to treat IFRS as a purely technical accountingexercise

    Effort to convert was often underestimated Lead time from announcement to reporting date was short Late start to converting often resulted in escalation of costs, especially after

    transition date Many companies did not achieve a stable state for IFRS reporting Often companies neglected to take a holistic approach towards IFRS conversion

    resulting in an imperfect conversion effort

    Reaction ofsecuritiesmarkets

    In the EU, there is widespread agreement that IFRS has made financial statementseasier to compare across countries and competitors

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS



    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Poll Question # 4Which of the following do you think would be the mostsignificant area in IFRS for management accountants?

    A. Analyzing the impact of IFRS on financial reporting

    B. Assessing the impact of IFRS on working capital, ratios and

    capital budgeting decisions

    C. Discussion on accounting policy choices with management

    D. Focus on technical accounting differences

    E. Technology changes due to IFRS implementation

    F. All of the above

    G. None of the above

    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Suggested Near-Term Action StepsAction Step Immediate Benefits Long Term Benefits

    Develop and analyze statutory

    reporting baseline

    Immediate understanding on statutory

    reporting requirements, processes, and

    related resources, and the existing

    implications of IFRS

    Reduced costs due to increased

    standardization and centralization of

    statutory reporting

    Analysis of initial accounting

    implications of IFRS

    Immediate high-level understanding of

    the impact of IFRS adoption on your

    financial statements

    Reduced risk of error or surprises in the

    ultimate conversion to IFRS

    Preliminary analysis of significant

    IFRS tax provision and planning


    Immediate high-level understanding of

    the impact of IFRS adoption on your

    significant US and foreign tax positions

    Identification of significant tax issues

    important in planning for conversion and

    developing a roadmap to readiness

    High level impact analysis (process,

    systems) and related workshops

    Immediate high-level understanding of

    specific IFRS impacts on your processes,

    technologies, and other businessactivities

    Provide realistic estimate regarding long-

    term effort of IFRS implementation

    Increased executive consensus and

    reduced risk of surprises

    Technical training sessions Increase exposure and knowledge of key

    finance resources or IFRS standards

    Increased knowledge and familiarity of

    team regarding IFRS requirements

    Consideration of IFRS impact on

    specific long-term finance initiatives

    High-level assessment of IFRS

    implications on company-wide finance or

    major system initiatives

    Reduced risk of IFRS-related surprises

    as long-term financial initiatives are


    Copyright 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Questions & AnswersUse theQ & A Panel to send your questions to our panelists

    Dr. Raef LawsonVP of Research and

    Professor-in-ResidenceInstitute of

    Management Accountants

    D.J. GannonPartner, Audit and

    Enterprise Risk ServicesDeloitte & Touche LLP

    Randall SogoloffPartner, Audit and

    Enterprise Risk ServicesDeloitte & Touche LLP

    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Thank You to Our Featured Presenters

    D.J. GannonPartner, Audit and

    Enterprise Risk ServicesDeloitte & Touche [email protected]

    Randall SogoloffPartner, Audit and

    Enterprise Risk ServicesDeloitte & Touche [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Certificate of Completion will be emailed toeligible participants within 3-5 business days

    Record 1-hour of CPE credit in Your CPE onIMAs website in Members Only section within30 days or send information to your ChapterPresident; allow 24 hours for event to appear

    IMA Members may view recording of thisbroadcast and download presentation byvisiting IMA Website


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS


    Inside IFRS2009 Calendar of Events!

    IFRS Financial Reporting LiabilitiesNovember 2009


    IFRS Financial Reporting Assets and RevenueSeptember 23, 2009

    IFRS Financial Reporting EntitiesAugust 13, 2009

    IFRS Financial Reporting Presentation ConsiderationsMay 20, 2009

    New IFRS Course Package

    IMA IFRS Series: Embracing IFRS: A Background Primer

    2 NASBA-approved CPE Credits

  • 7/31/2019 Inside IFRS March 25 Overview of IFRS Draft FINAL With Bios


    An Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRSAn Overview of IFRS

    This presentation contains general information only and is based on the experiences and research ofDeloitte practitioners. Deloitte is not, by means of this presentation, rendering business, financial,investment, or other professional advice or services. This presentation is not a substitute for suchprofessional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affectyour business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you shouldconsult a qualified professional advisor. Deloitte, its affiliates, and related entities shall not be responsiblefor any loss sustained by any person who relies on this presentation.

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