Page 1: Innovation in Government

Delivering the future

Innovation in Government

Page 2: Innovation in Government

© 2007 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu


• Innovative Government

• Sustaining Innovation in Government

• Getting ideas for the future

• Leading and executing

• Be part of the open source world

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© 2007 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Innovative Government

Barack Obama described Washington as “the place good ideas go to die”

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But government does innovate

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… with groundbreaking solutions

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… and can lead the private sector

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A platform for innovation

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But does it sustain

• Tends to be “one-off”

• Big Bang approach

• No examples of regular innovation

• Doesn’t go across processes

• Seen as specialist domain, not a core value

• Seen to be more around generating ideas not focused on generating results

– UK National Audit Office, Review of Innovation in Government Agencies, July 2006

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So what is the problem

• The real problem is that few governments take a systemic view of the innovation process – Bill Eggers, Deloitte Research

• The alibis

– We can’t because we are government

– The front page of the Herald Sun

– We don’t have the budget

– We can’t take risks

– We have a rigorous process we must follow

– <Add your own here>

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Ask your people

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Ask the community … also borrow these ideas there are some great ones

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Ask both

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Have a conversation

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Where else can you find what is new?

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Certainty vs Exploration – the predictability issue

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Business Case – The standard for investing…or the ally of inertia

Or if you don’t know, don’t guess: prototype and test

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Leveraging innovation as a structured program can improve the sustainability and predictability of growth

Submitted Ideas

All raw ideas

Active Concept

Ideas selected for further


Funded Prototype

Following successful

application, given funding for

prototype development


successful prototype,

approved for expansion


Implementation of idea

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Idea : Deliver Business Education in Planes

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The initial prototype

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The real thing

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“I love it when a plane comes together”

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Now version it and extend partners

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Open is better than closed

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Open data = new opportunities

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Open Source and UGC – in Victorian Government

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• Government can innovate – but can it do it repeatedly

• Establish a process and some funding

• Get diversity of knowledge and thinking around problems and ideas

• The future is ambiguous – a river not a railway track

• Prototyping and testing – contains scope, maintains focus, doesn’t cost the earth

• Open is better than closed

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