
Innovation at AWS

Eric [email protected]

Principal Database EngineerAmazon Redshift

The Amazon Flywheel

Focus on things that stay the same




Applying this at AWS

Amazon Redshift

Focus on things that stay the same




Adopt a retail mindset

Customers have choice Delight them and they’ll stay

Earn their business one hour at a time

Start with the CustomerWork Backwards

What Do Customers Want?

• What problems are customers facing?

• How will my service alleviate this pain?

• Why will this idea delight customers?

• Why can I do this better than anyone else?

What we heard from customers about DW

• Complicated to install, maintain, operate

• Require large upfront payments

• Too expensive

• Always running out of capacity

Press Release

Describe the product in terms of customer value

Why will customers care?

Is it newsworthy?

How is this differentiated?

FAQAnswer customer questions

How does this help me?

How do I get started?

How will this work with my ETL/BI tools?

When should I use this vs. Hadoop?

2 pizza teams• An individual team should be no larger than can be fed

by two pizzas.

• Beyond this size, you define contracts and interfaces with other teams

• Attention is a scarce resource. Time is a scarce resource

• Apply attention and time to changing reality, not communicating status.

Assemble a Team Build Internal

BetaPrivate Beta Launch Iterate

Build the Product


Add Features that matter

Raise ValueIncrease Adoption

Get Feedback

Redshift pushes a new DB version every two weeks. 120+ features since launch

Service Launch (2/14)

PDX (4/2)

Temp Credentials (4/11)

Unload Encrypted Files

DUB (4/25)

NRT (6/5)

JDBC Fetch Size (6/27)

Unload logs (7/5)

4 byte UTF-8 (7/18)

Statement Timeout (7/22)

SHA1 Builtin (7/15)

Timezone, Epoch, Autoformat (7/25)

WLM Timeout/Wildcards (8/1)

CRC32 Builtin, CSV, Restore Progress (8/9)

UTF-8 Substitution (8/29)

JSON, Regex, Cursors (9/10)

Split_part, Audit tables (10/3)

SIN/SYD (10/8)

HSM Support (11/11)

Kinesis EMR/HDFS/SSH copy, Distributed Tables, Audit

Logging/CloudTrail, Concurrency, Resize Perf., Approximate Count Distinct, SNS

Alerts, Cross Region Backup (11/13)

SOC1/2/3 (5/8)

Sharing snapshots (7/18)

Resource Level IAM (8/9)

PCI (8/22) Distributed Tables, Single Node Cursor Support, Maximum Connections to 500


EIP Support for VPC Clusters (12/28)

New query monitoring system tables and diststyle all (1/13)

Redshift on DW2 (SSD) Nodes (1/23)

Compression for COPY from SSH, Fetch size support for single node clusters, new system tables with commit stats,

row_number(), strotol() and query termination (2/13)

Resize progress indicator & Cluster Version (3/21)

Regex_Substr, COPY from JSON (3/25)

50 slots, COPY from EMR, ECDHE ciphers (4/22)

3 new regex features, Unload to single file, FedRAMP(5/6)

AWS Database Migration Service






Direct Connect

Machine Learning


DynamoDB AWS IoT

AWS Import/Export Snowball





AWS Glue

Collection & Storage• Store anything

• Object storage

• Designed for 99.999999999% durability

• Scalable & Cost effective; $0.023/GB-Mo

• Integrated with Amazon Glacier

• Support for multiple encryption methods; integrated with AWS KMS, with support for external HSMs

Amazon S3

Data Management & ETL

• Hive Metastore-compatible data catalog with integrated crawlers for schema, data type, and partition inference

• Generates Python code to move data from source to destination

• Edit jobs using your favorite IDE and share snippets via Git

• Runs jobs in Spark containers that auto-scale based on SLA

• Serverless with no infrastructure to manage; pay only for the resources you consume

AWS Glue

Amazon RDS for Aurora• MySQL compatible with up to 5x better performance on the

same hardware: 100,000 writes/sec & 500,000 reads/sec

• Scalable with up to 64 TB in single database, up to 15 read replicas

• Highly available, durable, and fault-tolerant custom SSD storage layer: 6-way replicated across 3 Availability Zones

• Transparent encryption for data at rest using AWS KMS

• Stored procedures in Aurora can invoke AWS Lambda functions

• MySQL & PostgreSQL compatible engines

Structured Data Processing• Petabyte-scale relational, MPP, data warehousing clusters with the

ability to join across Exabytes of data in S3 using Redshift Spectrum, a serverless scale out query layer that charges $5/TB scanned

• Fully managed with SSD and HDD platforms

• Built-in end to end security, including customer-managed keys

• Fault tolerant. Automatically recovers from disk and node failures

• Data automatically backed up to Amazon S3 with cross region backup capability for global disaster recovery

• $1,000/TB/Year; start at $0.25/hour. Provision in minutes; scale from 160GB to 2PB of compressed data with just a few clicks

Amazon Redshift

Semi-structured / Unstructured Data Processing• Hadoop, Hive, Presto, Spark, Tez, Impala etc.

– Release 5.3: Hadoop 2.7.3, Hive 2.1, Spark 2.1, Zeppelin, Presto, HBase 1.2.3 and HBase on S3, Phoenix, Tez, Flink.

– New applications added within 30 days of their open source release

• Fully managed, autoscaling clusters with support for on-demand and spot pricing

• Support for HDFS and S3 filesystems enabling separated compute and storage; multiple clusters can run against the same data in S3

• HIPAA-eligible. Support for end-to-end encryption, IAM/VPC, S3 client-side encryption with customer managed keys and AWS KMS

Amazon EMR

Serverless Query Processing• Serverless query service for querying data in S3 using standard SQL,

with no infrastructure to manage

• No data loading required; query directly from Amazon S3

• Use standard ANSI SQL queries with support for joins, JSON, and window functions

• Support for multiple data formats include text, CSV, TSV, JSON, Avro, ORC, Parquet

• Pay per query only when you’re running queries based on data scanned. If you compress your data, you pay less and your queries run faster


Serverless Event Processing• Server-less compute service that runs your code in

response to events

• Extend AWS services with user defined custom logic

• Write custom code in Node.js, Python, and Java

• Pay only for the requests served and compute time required - billing in increments of 100 milliseconds

AWS Lambda

Stream Processing• Real-time stream processing

• High throughput; elastic

• Highly available; data replicated across multiple Availability Zones with configurable retention

• S3, Redshift, DynamoDB Integrations

• Kinesis Streams for custom streaming applications; Kinesis Firehose for easy integration with Amazon S3 and Redshift; Kinesis Analytics for streaming SQL


Search and Operational Analytics• Distributed search and analytics engine

• Managed service using Elasticsearch and Kibana

• Fully managed; Zero admin

• Highly Available and Reliable

• Tightly integrated with other AWS services



Predictive Applications• Easy to use, managed service built for developers -

Deploy models to in seconds

• Robust, powerful technology based on Amazon’s internal systems

• Create models using your data already stored in the AWS cloud; deploy models in batch and real time modes

• Spark on Amazon EMR also available for custom machine learning applications

Amazon ML

Business Intelligence• Fast and cloud-powered

• Easy to use, no infrastructure to manage

• Scales to 100s of thousands of users

• Quick calculations with SPICE

• 1/10th the cost of legacy BI software


Amazon Redshift





AmazonS3 AWSKMS AmazonRoute53



PostgreSQL AmazonRedshift

Redshift Cluster Architecture

• Massively parallel, shared nothing• Leader node

– SQL endpoint– Stores metadata– Coordinates parallel SQL processing

• Compute nodes– Local, columnar storage– Executes queries in parallel– Load, backup, restore

10 GigE(HPC)


SQL Clients/BI Tools


16TB disk

16 cores

S3 / EMR / DynamoDB / SSH



16TB disk

16 coresCompute Node


16TB disk

16 coresCompute Node


16TB disk

16 coresCompute Node


Brute force only takes you so far…

Designed for I/O Reduction

• Columnar storage

• Data compression

• Zone mapsaid loc dt1 SFO 2016-09-012 JFK 2016-09-143 SFO 2017-04-014 JFK 2017-05-14

• Accessing dt with row storage:

– Need to read everything– Unnecessary I/O

aid loc dt

CREATE TABLE audience (aid INT --audience_id,loc CHAR(3) --location,dt DATE --date


Designed for I/O Reduction

• Columnar storage

• Data compression

• Zone mapsaid loc dt1 SFO 2016-09-012 JFK 2016-09-143 SFO 2017-04-014 JFK 2017-05-14

• Accessing dt with columnar storage:

– Only scan blocks for relevant column

aid loc dt

CREATE TABLE audience (aid INT --audience_id,loc CHAR(3) --location,dt DATE --date


Designed for I/O Reduction

• Columnar storage

• Data compression

• Zone mapsaid loc dt1 SFO 2016-09-012 JFK 2016-09-143 SFO 2017-04-014 JFK 2017-05-14

• Columnsgrowandshrinkindependently

• Effectivecompressionratiosduetolikedata

• Reducesstoragerequirements

• ReducesI/O

aid loc dt



Designed for I/O Reduction

• Columnar storage

• Data compression

• Zone mapsaid loc dt1 SFO 2016-09-012 JFK 2016-09-143 SFO 2017-04-014 JFK 2017-05-14

aid loc dt

CREATE TABLE audience (aid INT --audience_id,loc CHAR(3) --location,dt DATE --date


• In-memoryblockmetadata• Containsper-blockMINandMAXvalue• Effectivelyprunesblockswhichcannot

containdataforagivenquery• EliminatesunnecessaryI/O


MIN: 01-JUNE-2013

MAX: 20-JUNE-2013

MIN: 08-JUNE-2013

MAX: 30-JUNE-2013

MIN: 12-JUNE-2013

MAX: 20-JUNE-2013

MIN: 02-JUNE-2013

MAX: 25-JUNE-2013

UnsortedTableMIN: 01-JUNE-2013

MAX: 06-JUNE-2013

MIN: 07-JUNE-2013

MAX: 12-JUNE-2013

MIN: 13-JUNE-2013

MAX: 18-JUNE-2013

MIN: 19-JUNE-2013

MAX: 24-JUNE-2013


Zone Maps

Data Distribution

• Distribution style is a table property which dictates how that table’s data is distributed throughout the cluster:• KEY: Value is hashed, same value goes to same location (slice)• ALL: Full table data goes to first slice of every node• EVEN: Round robin

• Goals:• Distribute data evenly for parallel processing• Minimize data movement during query processing



Slice1 Slice2


Slice3 Slice4


Slice1 Slice2


Slice3 Slice4


Slice1 Slice2


Slice3 Slice4


What is next?

When your data sets become so large and diverse that you have to start innovating around how to collect, store, process, analyze and share them

1990 2000 2010 2020

Generated DataAvailable for Analysis

Sources: Gartner: User Survey Analysis: Key Trends Shaping the Future of Data Center Infrastructure Through 2011 IDC: Worldwide Business Analytics Software 2012–2016 Forecast and 2011 Vendor Shares

Data Volume


The Dark Data ProblemMost generated data is unavailable for analysis

The tyranny of “OR”

Amazon EMR

Directly access data in S3

Scale out to thousands of nodes

Open data formats

Popular big data frameworks

Anything you can dream up and code

Amazon Redshift

Super-fast local disk performance

Sophisticated query optimization

Join-optimized data formats

Query using standard SQL

Optimized for data warehousing

Customers wantsophisticated query optimization and scale-out processing

super fast performance and support for open formats

the throughput of local disk and the scale of S3

Amazon Redshift Spectrum

Amazon Redshift SpectrumRun SQL queries directly against data in S3 using thousands of nodes

Fast @ exabyte scale Elastic & highly available On-demand, pay-per-query

High concurrency: Multiple clusters access same data

No ETL: Query data in-place using open file formats

Full Amazon Redshift SQL support



Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


Query is optimized and compiled at the leader node. Determine what gets run locally and what goes to Amazon Redshift Spectrum

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


Query plan is sent to all compute nodes

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


Compute nodes obtain partition info from Data Catalog; dynamically prune partitions

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


Each compute node issues multiple requests to the Amazon Redshift Spectrum layer

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


Amazon Redshift Spectrum nodes scan your S3 data

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


7Amazon Redshift Spectrum projects, filters, joins and aggregates

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore

Final aggregations and joins with local Amazon Redshift tables done in-cluster

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


Result is sent back to client

Life of a query

Amazon Redshift


...1 2 3 4 N

Amazon S3Exabyte-scale object storage

Data CatalogApache Hive Metastore


Running an analytic query over an exabyte in S3

Now let’s run a query over an exabyte of data in S3

Roughly 140 TB of customer item order detail records for each day over past 20 years.

190 million files across 15,000 partitions in S3. One partition per day for USA and rest of world.

Need a billion-fold reduction in data processed.

Running this query using a 1000 node Hive cluster would take over 5 years.*

• Compression ……………..….……..5X• Columnar file format……….......…10X

• Scanning with 2500 nodes…....2500X

• Static partition elimination…............2X• Dynamic partition elimination..….350X• Redshift’s query optimizer……......40X

---------------------------------------------------Total reduction……….…………3.5B X

* Estimated using 20 node Hive cluster & 1.4TB, assume linear* Query used a 20 node DC1.8XLarge Amazon Redshift cluster* Not actual sales data - generated for this demo based on data format used by Amazon Retail.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum is fast

Leverages Amazon Redshift’s advanced cost-based optimizer

Pushes down projections, filters, aggregations and join reduction

Dynamic partition pruning to minimize data processed

Automatic parallelization of query execution against S3 data

Efficient join processing within the Amazon Redshift cluster

Amazon Redshift Spectrum is cost-effective

You pay for your Amazon Redshift cluster plus $5 per TB scanned from S3

Each query can leverage 1000s of Amazon Redshift Spectrum nodes

You can reduce the TB scanned and improve query performance by: Partitioning dataUsing a columnar file format Compressing data

Amazon Redshift Spectrum is secure

End-to-end data encryption

Alerts & notifications

Virtual private cloud

Audit logging

Certifications & compliance

Encrypt S3 data using SSE and AWS KMS

Encrypt all Amazon Redshift data using KMS, AWS CloudHSM or your on-premises HSMs

Enforce SSL with perfect forward encryption using ECDHE

Amazon Redshift leader node in your VPC. Compute nodes in private VPC. Spectrum nodes in private VPC, store no state.

Communicate event-specific notifications via email, text message, or call with Amazon SNS

All API calls are logged using AWS CloudTrail

All SQL statements are logged within Amazon Redshift



Amazon Redshift Spectrum uses standard SQL

Redshift Spectrum seamlessly integrates with your existing SQL & BI apps

Support for complex joins, nested queries & window functions

Support for data partitioned in S3 by any key Date, Time and any other custom keyse.g., Year, Month, Day, Hour

Defining External Schema and Creating Tables




RegisterexternaltablesusingAthena,yourHiveMetastoreclient,orfromAmazon RedshiftCREATEEXTERNALTABLEsyntax


Amazon Redshift Spectrum – Current support

File formats

• Parquet• CSV• Sequence• RCFile • ORC (coming soon)• RegExSerDe (coming soon)


• Gzip• Snappy• Lzo (coming soon)• Bz2


• SSE with AES256• SSE KMS with default


Column types

• Numeric: bigint, int, smallint, float, double and decimal

• Char/varchar/string• Timestamp• Boolean• DATE type can be used only as a

partitioning key

Table type

• Non-partitioned table (s3://mybucket/orders/..)

• Partitioned table (s3://mybucket/orders/date=YYYY-MM-DD/..)

Converting to Parquet and ORC using Amazon EMR

You can use Hive CREATE TABLE AS SELECT to convert dataCREATE TABLE data_convertedSTORED AS PARQUET

ASSELECT col_1, col2, col3 FROM data_source

Or use Spark - 20 lines of Pyspark code, running on Amazon EMR • 1TB of text data reduced to 130 GB in Parquet format with snappy compression• Total cost of EMR job to do this: $5

Is Amazon Redshift Spectrum useful if I don’t have an exabyte?

Your data will get biggerOn average, data warehousing volumes grow 10x every 5 yearsThe average Amazon Redshift customer doubles data each year

Amazon Redshift Spectrum makes data analysis simplerAccess your data without ETL pipelinesTeams using Amazon EMR, Athena & Redshift can collaborate using the same data lake

Amazon Redshift Spectrum improves availability and concurrencyRun multiple Amazon Redshift clusters against common dataIsolate jobs with tight SLAs from ad hoc analysis

Over 20 customers helped preview Amazon Redshift Spectrum

The Emerging Analytics Architecture

AthenaAmazon AthenaInteractive Query

AWS GlueETL & Data Catalog


Serverless Compute

Data Processing

Amazon S3 Exabyte-scale Object Storage

Amazon Kinesis FirehoseReal-Time Data Streaming

Amazon EMRManaged Hadoop Applications

AWS LambdaTrigger-based Code Execution

AWS Glue Data CatalogHive-compatible Metastore

Amazon Redshift SpectrumFast @ Exabyte scale

Amazon RedshiftPetabyte-scale Data Warehousing

Resources• Amazon Redshift Engineering’s Advanced Table Design Playbook

•– Admin scripts

Collection of utilities for running diagnostics on your cluster– Admin views

Collection of utilities for managing your cluster, generating schema DDL, etc.– ColumnEncodingUtility

Gives you the ability to apply optimal column encoding to an established schema with data already loaded


Thank You !

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