Page 1: Inner Pages Research

The title of the contents page “NME

CONTENTS” is placed at the top of

the page. The letters NME are filled

in red and outlined in white

depicting the brand of NME

magazine by using the traditional

colours of red, black and white. The

whole contents title is placed on a

black background, making it easier

for the viewer to see the text and

recognise the magazine.

The main image is of British indie rock band Arctic

Monkeys performing live. This image demonstrates the

genre of the music magazine, as in the mise-en-scene we

can see guitars being used possibly connoting the rock

genre. The main singer Alex Turner is the main focus of

the image. Audiences are most likely to know him over

the other band members, therefore making him the main

focus of the image to generate more sales of the


On the right hand of the page is the listed

contents. The content is grouped into

sections, such as News, Reviews and Features.

These titles of the sections are on a black

background and in bold capital writing. This

feature helps the reader to more easily

navigate their way around the page to find

what they are looking for.

In the bottom centre of the contents page

there is a promotional offer “Subscribe today

and save” This is to attract the reader to

subscribe to the magazine. The text in this

section of the page is on a black background,

in yellow and white capital bold letters. This is

to immediately attract the audience to this

part of the page, causing them to consider

paying money to subscribe therefore

generating more sales of the magazine.

The colour scheme followed on this contents page

is red, black and white with some text in yellow.

These colours are quite commonly used on music

magazines of this genre. I think this is because the

colours are bold, eye catching and loud, possibly

suggesting the rock genre of music.

On the left hand of the page there is a band

index, featuring a list of all the bands that

are in this current issue of the magazine.

This would be to show the audience how

much the magazine has to offer, and this

feature will generate more sales of NME as

the viewer will not only get to see a list of

contents but also a list of bands that are in

the magazine. If the viewer sees a band

they like or listen to, they are more likely to

be interested in purchasing the magazine.

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