Page 1: Infusion for the birds

Colin Clark, Lead Software Architect,Inclusive Design Research Centre

Infusion For The Birds

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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Stuff we’ll talk about• What is Infusion and why did we make it?

• JavaScript tools: compare and contrast

• DOM Agnosticism

• Model, View, but no Controller

• Play nice with others

• Inspired by the Web

• What’s our mission?

• Where we’re going

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World, Meet Infusion

• Application framework built on top of jQuery

• The culmination of our work helping others

• Designed for usability and accessibility

• Open architecture: everything is configurable

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What’s in Infusion?

• A development framework for building apps

• UI components you can reuse and adapt

• Lightweight CSS framework for styling

• Accessibility tools and plugins for jQuery

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Why bother?

• We didn’t build a framework because they’re fun to write. They’re not.

• We built a bunch of components, suffered, and then built a framework that addressed real challenges.

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Building Great UIs Is Hard

• Your code gets unruly as it grows

• UIs are hard to reuse or repurpose

• Design change requires big code change

• Accessibility is confusing

• Combining different code/libraries doesn’t always work

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Flexible User Interfaces

Infusion is an application framework designed to provide unprecedented flexibility while preserving interoperability.

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Types of JavaScript Tools

• Foundational Toolkits

• Application Frameworks

... compare and contrast

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Foundational toolkits

• Totally presentation focused

• DOM manipulation

• Event binding

• AjaxjQuery


Dojo core

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Application frameworks

• Model notifications “something changed here”

• Views to help keep your presentational code clean

• Data binding to sync the display with your model




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Infusion is Different

• Accessibility baked right in

• Carefully designed interactions

• Markup is in your control

• Not the same old MVC

• Supports portals, mashups and CMS’s

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Open Architecture

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Markup Agnosticism

• HTML is so fundamental to Web UIs

• Others lock away markup in a black box

• Markup should be totally free to edit, adapt, or replace

• Libraries shouldn’t bake in assumptions about your markup

• Unobtrusiveness everywhere

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Handling Markup: Dojo<div class="dijitDialog" tabindex="-1" waiRole="dialog" waiState="labelledby-${id}_title"> <div dojoAttachPoint="titleBar" class="dijitDialogTitleBar"> <span dojoAttachPoint="titleNode" class="dijitDialogTitle" id="${id}_title"></span> <span dojoAttachPoint="closeButtonNode" class="dijitDialogCloseIcon" dojoAttachEvent="onclick: onCancel, onmouseenter: _onCloseEnter, onmouseleave: _onCloseLeave" title="${buttonCancel}"> <span dojoAttachPoint="closeText" class="closeText" title="${buttonCancel}">x</span> </span> </div> <div dojoAttachPoint="containerNode" class="dijitDialogPaneContent"></div></div>

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Handling Markup: jQuery UI

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Handling Markup: Infusionfluid.defaults("fluid.fileQueueView", { selectors: { fileRows: ".flc-uploader-file", fileName: ".flc-uploader-file-name", fileSize: ".flc-uploader-file-size", fileIconBtn: ".flc-uploader-file-action", errorText: ".flc-uploader-file-error"},

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• Infusion components aren’t black boxes

• They’re fundamentally adaptable:

• Change the markup

• Restyle with CSS

• Add/replace actual behaviour

• Everything is super-loosely coupled

“Components suck. Apps built with components look like it”

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Component Families: Reorderer

Infusion components come in families

lists images layouts

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Traditional MVC




State ChangeState Query

View Selection


ge N




User Gestures

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The Problem with Controllers

• Controllers are the least defined

• What’s “glue?”

• Always referred to as the non-reusable part

• MVC has been warped over the decades

• The framework should take care of the glue

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Infusion Models & Views

State ChangeState Query



Change Noti!cation


• Controller is replaced by events

• Reads to the model are transparent

• State changes and notification are just events

• Transparent architecture: you can use the same events we use

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Model, View... but not Controller

• MVC is a given in most framework

• JavaScript’s functional idioms offer alternatives (hint: events)

• Infusion has no controller layer at all

• ... and none of the classical inheritance cruft that usually goes with it

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Plain Old Models

• M is the most important thing in your app

• Data needs to travel seamlessly between client and server

• Most toolkits force a model to extend some base class or particular structure

In Infusion, models are just plain old JSON

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Playing Nice With Others

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Portals, Mashups, and CMS’s

• These days, diverse code and markup coexists

• Most JavaScript is written as if it owns the whole browser

• As you combine stuff, things can break

• Namespacing and privacy is essential

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Keeping it to Ourselves

• Infusion takes namespacing seriously

• We won’t steal your names

• Components are carefully scoped

• We won’t accidentally grab the wrong stuff

• Infusion doesn’t expect control of the page

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Tying it All Together

• Infusion helps you with accessibility

• Components you can really work with

• Simple structure so your code can grow

• Totally transparent, event-driven design

• Markup and models are under your control

• No inheritance or controller cruft

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The Web

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Architecture of the Web

• Separation of structure from presentation

• Declarative

• Stateless

• Interoperable

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Structure vs. Presentation

<ul class="fl-list-menu"> <li> <a href="#">Link Text</a> </li>  <li> <a href="#">Link Text</a> </li>  <li> <a href="#">Link Text</a> </li></ul>

.fl-list-menu li { padding:0;}.fl-list-menu li a { display:block; padding: 12px 0px 12px 12px; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; outline: none;}

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Declarative Programming



howSunday, January 9, 2011

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Compare & Contrast

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Compare & Contrast


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Imperativeif (!highlighted) { ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;} else { // Draw the scroll track rectangle. var clientLength = this._getClientLength(); ctx.fillStyle = theme.scrollTrackFillStyle; ctx.fillRect(NIB_PADDING + 0.5, 0.5, clientLength - 2*NIB_PADDING, thickness - 1); ctx.strokeStyle = theme.scrollTrackStrokeStyle; ctx.strokeRect(NIB_PADDING + 0.5, 0.5, clientLength - 2*NIB_PADDING, thickness - 1);}

var buildHandlePath = function() { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(handleDistance + halfThickness + 0.5, // x halfThickness, // y halfThickness - 0.5, Math.PI / 2, 3 * Math.PI / 2, false); ctx.arc(handleDistance + handleLength - halfThickness - 0.5, // x halfThickness, // y halfThickness - 0.5, 3 * Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, false); ctx.lineTo(handleDistance + halfThickness + 0.5, thickness - 0.5); ctx.closePath();};buildHandlePath();

// Paint the interior of the handle path.var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(handleDistance, 0, handleDistance, thickness);gradient.addColorStop(0, theme.scrollBarFillGradientTopStart.replace(/%a/, alpha));gradient.addColorStop(0.4, theme.scrollBarFillGradientTopStop.replace(/%a/, alpha));gradient.addColorStop(0.41, theme.scrollBarFillStyle.replace(/%a/, alpha));gradient.addColorStop(0.8, theme.scrollBarFillGradientBottomStart.replace(/%a/, alpha));gradient.addColorStop(1, theme.scrollBarFillGradientBottomStop.replace(/%a/, alpha));ctx.fillStyle = gradient;ctx.fill();

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<form class="fl-thumbnailContainer">...


.fl-thumbnailContainer { position: absolute; top: 0pt; left: 0pt; bottom: 0pt; overflow: auto; width: 185px; z-index: 100;}

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“The Web is broken. It can’t remember me between requests”

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• Web formats are:

• Plain text

• Declarative

• Openly published and standardized

• This means they are adaptable and extensible

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Context is Everything

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Our Mission

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Where We’re Going

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Goals and Next Steps

• Accessibility sprint

• Make it mature and production-ready

• Mobile

• Authoring

• Context-based transformation

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Goals of OO

• Define a system in real-world terms

• Hide away the guts of an implementation

• Create small, useful modules

• Enable reusability

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Three Pillars of OO

1. Inheritance

2. Encapsulation

3. Polymorphism

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Inheritance• A way of structuring dependencies and

reusing code

• Defines the identity of an object (is a)

• Mammals, Felines, Cats and Lions

• Vehicles, Cars, and Trucks

• Fruit, Apples, Oranges

• Lots of other contrived examples...

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Method M





Method M

ethod Data



Method M





Method M

ethod Data



Method M







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• Hide away the internals of an object

• Define a contract through methods

• Traditionally, data is considered opaque

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Encapsulated Object




Method Method

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• The ability for different objects to respond to the same method in different ways

• Interface vs. implementation

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Crumbling Pillars

• Inheritance is brittle and ineffective

• Composition (has a) works better

• Encapsulation leads to overzealousness:

• Cuts off access to useful information

• Assumes custom structures are better than plain old, interoperable standards

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Model View Controller

• Model is the application data and associated behaviour

• View presents the model and drives the interaction logic

• Controller is glue, mediating access between model and view

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Traditional MVC




State ChangeState Query

View Selection


ge N




User Gestures

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The Problem with Controllers

• Controllers are the least defined part of the equation

• What’s “glue?”

• Always referred to as the non-reusable part

• MVC has been warped over the decades

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Controllers and Frameworks

• Orginally, in Smalltalk, the Controller managed the low-level event loop for an application

• In Web apps, they’re usually responsible for parsing requests and dispatching

• These are both things that high-level frameworks do for us now

• E.g. The event loop in a Web browser

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Model View (controller)

State ChangeState Query



Change Noti!cation


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Sunday, January 9, 2011

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