Page 1: Infrastructure = Code

Infrastructure = Code

Georg M. Sorst


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What’s the challenge?

Who has already setup 1 server?

2 servers?

10, 1.000, 10.000?

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Danger zone

● Setup: Manual shell commands

● Testing: Manual

● Multiple admins: Overwrite each other’s fixes

● Updates: Different versions on every server

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Develop like it’s 1999

● Software Development has solved these issues:

● Installation: Deployment Scripts

● Testing: Unit Tests

● Multiple developers: git merge

● Updates: Version tagging

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Infrastructure = Code?

● Define the desired state of the servers

● In human readable form

● Commit to VCS

● Automatically run tests

● Setup / Update server with single command

● Fail, fix and deploy

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- hosts: webservers


- name: ensure apache is at the latest version

yum: name=httpd state=latest

- name: write the apache config file

template: src=/srv/httpd.j2 dest=/etc/httpd.conf


- restart apache

- name: ensure apache is running (and enable it at boot)

service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes


- name: restart apache

service: name=httpd state=restarted

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● “Ansible” = fictional instantaneous hyperspace communication system

● Michael DeHaan 2012 / Red Hat

● Python

● Declare desired state, not how to get there○ name=apache state=present○ Idempotent

● Agentless○ Just needs SSH access

● Plain YAML○ Can be versioned

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● Inventory: Which hosts / hostgroups are available?

● Hosts: Which hosts to run on?

● Vars: Use in config files, tasks etc.

● Tasks: What to do?

● Handlers: Restart service on config change

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git clone

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Demo: Ansible + Vagrant

● vagrant up

● vagrant provision○ Idempotent

● http://localhost:8080/

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Demo: Ansible + Docker

● Docker image with SSH + Python

● docker build -t ansible-meetup .

● docker run -i -t -p 8080:80 ansible-meetup

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Testing, 1 2, Testing

● Use Ansible test modules○ Get response from port○ Check log file contents

● Jenkins: vagrant up

● Travis CI ○

● Automatically build Docker image / Vagrant box

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What else

● Ad-hoc tasks: Reboot multiple servers

● Roles: This is a Web-Server, DB-Server, SSH

● Templates: Replace value in config file

● Conditionals: Run only on Ubuntu

● Loops: Install packages, create users

● Vault: Encrypt passwords, private keys

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Lessons learned

● Use .d files, eg. /etc/apache2/conf.d/

● Takes a while to have really robust playbooks○ Absolutely requires automated testing

● Don’t make local changes on servers○ Commit to repo, run tests, deploy (just like code)

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● Ansible Galaxy: More than 5.000 roles available

● Ansible Tower: Centralized control panel, $$$

● Works well with OpenStack (both Red Hat)

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What are my options?

● Puppet (requires agent, Ruby DSL)

● Chef (requires agent, Ruby based configs)

● Salt (agentless,YAML config)

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● 11.05.

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