Page 1: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


NAPC MeetingMay 13, 2005

Washington, D.C.

Christopher HoenigChairman, Executive Committee

Page 2: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


“If we could first know where we are and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it …”

-- Abraham Lincoln

Page 3: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Strengthen 21st Century Democracy By …

Disseminating the USA’s “Vital Signs” to Help The American People Answer Essential Questions

- What key facts measure national progress?- What’s going well and what isn’t?- Who is being affected and how?- Compared to what?- Where might things head in the future?

Page 4: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


The Need and the Opportunity

• Factual information on conditions in the USA is so fragmented, inconsistent or overwhelming that it’s hard to know where we are, how we are doing and where we might be going.

• Large investments have produced much valuable data on the US, but they are not easy for most people to find and use.

• There is a pressing need for more independent, reliable, transparent and high-quality information sources.

• Important national and individual choices are too often framed, discussed and made based on inadequate, incomplete or biased information without a widely shared base of factual knowledge.

Page 5: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Initial Audiences

• Civic leaders, nonprofit organizations and foundations.

• Editors, journalists and media organizations.

• Government policy makers at all levels of society.

• Business leaders and wholesale information providers.

• Interested and engaged citizens and interest groups.

Page 6: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Now is the Time for a U.S. Key Indicator System

• Information infrastructures offer true economies of scale.

• Major new investments being made in data collection / availability.

• The practice of key indicator systems is developing quickly.

• The next generation of systems and products is ready to be built.

• There is a window of opportunity for international leadership.

• Marginal investments in dissemination have high potential payoffs.

Page 7: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


A Viable Solution – The State of the USA

• Provide a single source of the essential indicators of U.S. position and progress, with both a local relevance and global context.

• Develop a civic and scientific process to select and continually improve a “State of the USA” indicator set.

• Provide products and services to improve the understanding and decision-making of targeted audiences.

• Help make a lasting contribution to American democracy through an enduring public/private partnership.

Page 8: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


State of the USA Indicator Set Framework (v.0.8)

THE ECONOMYEmploymentConsumptionProductivityInfrastructureMoney & FinanceBusiness and marketsGovernmentThe World Economy

THE PEOPLEHealthShelterEducation, science and innovationSafetyChildren, Families and AgingCommunities & Civic EngagementDemocracy & Governance National SecurityValues & Culture

THE ENVIRONMENTThe American LandscapeSoils, Water and AirAnimal and Plant LifeGoods and Services from the Environment

•Quality of Life•Growth•Opportunity•Liberty•Diversity•Mobility•Poverty•Sustainability•Justice

Page 9: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


State of the USA – Web Site Features

• Serves needs of diverse agendas• Covers multiple levels of society• Constantly updated• Always available, one-stop shop• Interactive and engaging• Rigorous quality assurance• Allows self-customization• Continually improves over time• Highly transparent to all• Multimedia approach






Page 10: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Guiding Principles

• Open, inclusive and transparent process

• Content shaped by extensive dialogue and diverse perspectives

• Grounded in a broad-based public/private partnership

• Independent reporting of quality, reliable data

• Non-partisan, non-ideological, fair and balanced

• Assembly not collection, dissemination not interpretation

• Accessible, valuable and user-friendly products

Page 11: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Impact and Value

• Broader audience understanding of changing conditions

• Improved base of shared factual knowledge

• Enriched civic dialogue

• More informed choices

• Enhanced collaboration and problem solving

Page 12: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Goals for CY 2005

I. Create version 1.0 State of the USA indicator Set

II. Develop advanced pilot of indicator set for “Safety”

III. Demonstrate prototype web and print-based products

IV. Understand required technical architecture and infrastructure

V. Lay institutional foundations

Page 13: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Current KNII Organizational StructureDevelopment Phase

Steering Committee

Executive Committee

Indicator Set Design

Product/Service Design

Public Outreach

Board of Governors National Coordinating Committee

Page 14: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


National Coordinating Committee Role

To Help Shape the Direction of the KNII by Representing and Serving as a Bridge to American Society

• Provide guidance and feedback

• Facilitate outreach and stimulate engagement

• Promote awareness and education

• Participate in KNII activities

Page 15: INFORMING DEMOCRACY NAPC Meeting May 13, 2005 Washington, D.C. Christopher Hoenig Chairman, Executive Committee


Contact Information for Follow-Up

• Jane Ross, Project Director, The National Academies, 202.334.2092 or [email protected]

• Christopher Hoenig, Chairman – KNII Executive Committee, 202.265.1468 or [email protected]

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