Page 1: INFORMATION PACK FOR VISITORS · Headteacher (DCPO) e.g. concerns about a child protection issue). Treat all children equally; never confer favour on particular children, or build


This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of

children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment

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Welcome to St. Peter’s. We hope that you find this pack informative and useful, should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff. General Information By signing the visitor register you are agreeing to abide by our school policies including those on Acceptable Use of Information Technology & Mobile Phones and Child protection & Safeguarding. Car Parking The car park is situated at the rear of the school. Please do not park on the zig-zags at the front of the school. On Arrival Please ensure that you sign in at the office (and out again) and wear your visitor’s badge at all times whilst on the premises. Please ensure that you shut doors behind you and that the playground gates are locked using all three bolts. Emergency Evacuation Procedures The main alarm is a continuous bell. On hearing it you must leave the building by the nearest and safest exit and report to the gate at the front of the playground by the Village Hall.

Do not re-enter the building until you are told you may do so

Do not try to go to your car and leave the premises as this may hamper the access of the emergency services.

Do not stop to collect personal belongings Toilets The ladies toilet is located through the school office. The gentleman’s/disabled toilet is to the rear of the school hall. Tea/Coffee Hot drinks are to be consumed in the staff room – NO hot drinks are to be carried around school. DBS disclosure If you will be working unsupervised with any children you must have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. Application details are available from the school office and you will need to provide proof of identity e.g. passport, driving licence and a current utility bill. No volunteer must undertake to work with children unsupervised before this check is complete.

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Confidentiality Confidentiality should be maintained at all times. Please read the attached Confidentiality Policy and sign and return the Confidentiality Agreement. First Aid The following staff are trained paediatric first aiders: Mrs A. Frost – Paediatric first aider (School Secretary) Mrs A. Fair – Paediatric first aider (H.L.T.A. Reception Class) All other staff receive regular basic first aid training as appropriate. Safeguarding Our children’s safety is paramount. Please read the attached Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Advice leaflet carefully. Should you have a concern about a child or learn of any information that relates to a welfare or child protection issue then this must be discussed with the class teacher at the end of the lesson. Health and Safety Our Health and Safety Policy is enclosed, please familiarise yourself with its contents. Also attached is our health and safety information booklet. Thank you for taking the time to read this information pack.

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This confidentiality agreement is to be signed by each individual who works on the school premises (including teaching and non-teaching staff, permanent and temporary staff, and any volunteers authorised to provide help or support).

I understand that, in the course of my duties at St. Peter’s C of E Infant School, I may encounter, learn or have revealed to me personal information of a confidential nature relating to the pupils or their families. This information may be imparted to me orally, in writing or electronically, at any time or place.

I will respect the confidentiality of such information

I will not use or disclose such information except lawfully and in accordance with the school’s confidentiality policy.

Where I have access to such information, I will access it only where necessary for my duties, including my duty of care.

I will take all reasonable steps to ensure that no other person gains access to such information in my possession and to inform my line manager/a member of staff immediately if I learn that unauthorized access has occurred.

This undertaking will continue to apply in the future, even after I have left my position at the school.

This undertaking does not apply to information in the public domain. Signed: …………………………………. Full name: …………………………………. Position: …………………………………. Date of signature: ………………………………….

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This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

I understand that I have been given use of the school internet and/or school ICT systems in order to carry out a specific job for the school.

I understand that it is a criminal offence to use a school ICT system for a purpose not permitted by its owner.

I will only use the school’s email/internet/intranet/Learning Platform and any related technologies for the purpose for which I have been given access.

I will comply with the ICT system security and not disclose any passwords provided to me by the school or other related authorities.

I will not install any hardware or software without the permission of Miss Lenia Greenaway.

I will not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory whilst using the school ICT systems.

I understand that all my use of the internet and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available, on request, to the Head teacher or my employer.

I will respect copyright and intellectual property rights.

I understand that if I disregard any of the above then it will be reported to my employer and serious infringements may be referred to the police.

User Signature I agree to follow this code of conduct and to support the safe use of ICT throughout the school. Full name …………………………………………………………………………(Printed)

Company ……………………………………………………………………………………

Signature ……………………………………………….. Date ………………………….

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St. Peter’s school highly values parents and others who volunteer to help out with school activities. We hope to encourage your support, contributions and assistance. Many school activities would be at risk if it weren't for your help and many of our pupils benefit greatly from it. It is our duty to ensure that whilst you are engaged in voluntary activities for the school that we care for you and ensure your safety. We also, of course, have a duty to ensure that our pupils' welfare is promoted, they are cared for appropriately and they are safeguarded from any harm. This booklet is to inform you of what measures we need to apply to ensure that all volunteers and pupils are safe and cared for. Disclosure and Barring Services Checks We have a responsibility to ensure that all adults working for the school are suitable people to work with children. The Department for Children Schools and Families and the Local Authority set out guidance regarding when adults working on behalf of the school must be subject to these checks. This means that depending on the nature and regularity of your help and the level of contact you have with children, we may need to ask your permission for a DBS check. This check is to ensure that you are not included on the Independent Safeguarding Authority list of those people who have been barred from working with children, you do not have relevant convictions, and the police do not have any other information about you which suggests that you may be unsuitable to work with children. We appreciate that some volunteers find this intrusive and unacceptable, however, we wish to reassure you that this information is solely for the purpose of ensuring that our pupils are safe from unsuitable people. We can further assure you that this information will be kept confidential to those who 'need to know' (usually the headteacher and the Local Authority) and securely stored. If you do have convictions this does not mean that you will be considered unsuitable, usually this would only apply if a person has convictions for offences against children, sex offences or offences of serious violence. No checks will be undertaken without your agreement and you will receive a copy of the check. In some instances we may ask for your permission to seek information from another person regarding your suitability to work with children e.g. from an employer. If you have any concerns or would like further information about checks, please discuss these with Headteacher.

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Welfare and Safety of Volunteers and Children We undertake to ensure that any activities which you are involved with are planned properly and safely, also that you are consulted on and informed of these plans. This helps us to make sure that you are happy and comfortable with the arrangements, also that you have the opportunity to make us aware of any anticipated difficulties, reservations or problems which arise. We further undertake to ensure that at all times you will have access to a member of the school staff should any emergencies arise or you need to talk to someone immediately regarding any difficulties. Code of Safe Conduct It is essential that we acknowledge that the vast majority of volunteers behave appropriately whilst working with our pupils. However, expected conduct of adults working in or for a school is sometimes different to that which applies whilst caring for our own children. Conduct is also governed by certain laws and government guidance. Further, staff and volunteers sometimes express uncertainty as to what is and isn't acceptable and ask for guidance regarding those behaviours which, whilst most probably innocent, may be considered illegal, improper or could be misconstrued by another person. The following, therefore, gives a guide to appropriate conduct whilst working in or on behalf of the school (e.g. residential visits, out of school activities). Adherence to this code will ensure that both children and adults are safe, including from the possibility of allegations being made against them.

You should always:

Adhere to all school policies, many of which are specifically written with safeguarding in mind. For

example: Child Protection & Safeguarding, Behaviour Management, Physical Intervention, Anti Bullying, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, Acceptable Use of ICT, Disability Discrimination, E safety…. These can be found on the school website and in the office.

Behave in a mature, respectful, safe, fair and considered manner at all times.

Provide a good example and ‘positive role model’ to the pupils.

Observe other people’s right to confidentiality (Unless you need to report something to the Headteacher (DCPO) e.g. concerns about a child protection issue).

Treat all children equally; never confer favour on particular children, or build ‘special relationships’ with individual children, except where one to one working is part of a plan agreed with your manager (e.g. for counselling, tuition, mentoring or other purpose).

Report to the Head teacher (or in the case of an allegation concerning the Headteacher, the Chair of Governors): (As soon as possible)

Any behaviour or situation which may give rise to complaint, misunderstanding or misinterpretation, against yourself.

Any difficulties that you are experiencing, for example, coping with a child presenting particularly challenging behaviour; situations where you anticipate that you may not be sufficiently qualified, trained or experienced to deal with or handle appropriately.

Any behaviours of another adult in the school which give you cause for concern or breach of this code of conduct or other school policies and procedures

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You should never:

Behave in a manner that could lead a reasonable person to question your conduct, intentions or suitability to care for other people’s children.

Touch children in a manner which is or may be considered sexual, threatening, gratuitous or intimidating.

Discriminate either favourably or unfavourably towards any child.

Give personal contact details, text, email or telephone, or make arrangements to contact, communicate or meet children outside of school.

Develop ‘personal’ relationships with children.

Make inappropriate* remarks or jokes of a personal, sexual, racial, discriminatory, intimidating or otherwise offensive nature.

Be sarcastic, embarrass or humiliate, make remarks or “jokes” to children of a personal, racist, discriminatory, intimidating or otherwise inappropriate* or offensive nature

Give or receive (other than ‘token’) gifts unless arranged through the Headteacher, for example, outgrown sports kit, football boots or uniform.

Undertake any work with children when you are not in a fit and proper physical or emotional state to do so. For example: under the influence of medication which induces drowsiness; with a medical condition which dictates that you should not be caring for children; under extreme stress which is likely to impair your judgement.

* Please note: It is the perception of the person subject to a remark or action rather than your stated intention that defines ‘appropriate’ or ‘inappropriate’. I ________________________ have read the school's information for volunteers and agree to abide by the School’s Code of Conduct . Signed: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Q. Am I allowed to get to know the children in this school? If you work in our school for some time, you may get to know some of the children, a few of them may talk to you a lot, and treat you as a friend. To protect yourself and children you should remember the following: If you find you are working alone with a child please make sure you are visible to staff If you find that a child seeks to talk to you on a regular basis, you should let the class teacher know. Never exchange phone numbers or agree to contact a child who you have met through your work at school. If you are unsure then please refer to the Safer Working Practices Guidance in the visitor signing in book, or speak to the class teacher.

Q. How would I know if a child was being harmed? Young people will sometimes tell an adult if they are being harmed. They might tell you, for example, that their Mum had hit them, or that they are very frightened of their Grandad when he is drunk. Or they could tell you that they are being bullied at school, or even that an adult in the school was treating them badly. It is also possible that you might notice something that made you think a child might be being harmed at school. If you think that a child may be being harmed, you must not keep it a secret, even if the child asks you to. You have a duty to pass the information on to protect the child in the future. You won’t get into trouble if you do.

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If you are worried that a child in our school may be being harmed you must: Tell Miss Greenaway or Mrs Beestone who are the teachers responsible for Child Protection as soon as you can. If you can’t find either of them, tell another member of staff as soon as possible. Write down the things that are worrying, you including the child’s name [if you know it] or as good a description as you can give of the child. If a child has told you that they are being harmed, write down exactly what they said. Add your name and the date and give this to Headteacher or another member of staff

All children have the right to grow up safe from harm No child should suffer harm, either at home or at school. Everyone who works in our school has a responsibility to make sure that all our children are safe. This leaflet has been give to you to make sure you understand what is expected of you. Please ask a member of staff if you are not clear about anything in it. Please keep the leaflet in a safe place, so that you can read it again if you need to. If you have any worries / concerns about the safety of any child[ren] in our school, you must report this to the people named on the back of the leaflet. The teachers responsible for Child Protection who you should speak to if you are worried about the safety

of a child are:

Miss L Greenaway Miss E Beresford-Ward

Mrs N Hellard [Governor]

If they are not available, speak to a member of staff who will pass on the details to Miss Greenaway

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This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

FIRE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS are situated in the following areas: Staff toilets –1 x CO2 Main office –1 x CO2 Staff kitchen – 1 x CO2, 1 x powder Group room – 1 x CO2 Lobby by disabled toilet – 1 x water School kitchen – 1 x CO2 New building entrance lobby – 1 x CO2, 1 x water Corridor outside new building toilets – 1 x water Reception storeroom – 1 x water Reception corridor – 2 x water Fire extinguisher uses

Type Use for: Do not use for:

CO2 Flammable liquids Live electrical equipment

Wood, paper, textiles. Flammable metal fires

Water Wood, paper, textiles Live electrical equipment Flammable liquid Flammable metal

Powder Wood, paper, textiles Flammable liquids Gaseous fires Live electrical equipment

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FIRE BLANKETS Fire blankets are used to smother chip pan fires, deep fat fires, waste bin fires and clothing fires. Clothing fires – wrap tightly around person whose clothes are burning to extinguish flames. Fire blankets are situated in the following areas: Staff room Staff kitchen Library FIRE ACTION If you discover a fire:

1. IMMEDIATELY operate the nearest alarm call point. 2. Attack fire, if possible, using the appliances provided but without taking personal risk

IF IN DOUBT, GET OUT! Call points are located in the following areas: Group room by exit doors Reception corridor by exit doors Lobby outside disabled toilet Hall by doors to field New building entrance lobby Library, by exit doors Corridor outside new building toilets FIRE EVACUATION The fire alarm is a continuous siren. On hearing it you should ensure that you and the children in your care leave the building by the nearest and safest exit. The children should line up by the gate at the front of the playground by the village hall. The headteacher and fire wardens will co-ordinate the evacuation and ensure that no-one is left in the building DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO DO NOT STOP TO COLLECT PERSONAL BELONGINGS FOLLOW THE GREEN FIRE EXIT SIGNS Please ensure that fire exits are kept clear at all times.

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FIRST AID BOXES The main first aid boxes are situated in the office and on the wall in the hall. First aid ‘bum bags’ are kept on the whiteboards in the classrooms. These must be used for outdoor activities, break times, school trips, etc. The medical bag is kept in the staff kitchen and contains ice packs, accident reporting forms and head bump notes. ACCIDENT REPORTING If a child has an accident then the reporting form must be completed and returned to the school office and the Pupil Incidents record completed. Should a child have a head bump then a head bump note must also be completed and sent home in the book bag. Serious accidents must be reported on-line to Surrey County Council. Significant ‘near misses’ must be reported to the headteacher. Pediatric first aiders: Mrs A. Fair and Mrs A. Frost

HEALTH AND SAFETY Please refer to our health, safety and welfare policy and arrangements for more detailed information. GENERAL POINTS

Ensure areas are kept tidy

Fire exits to be kept clear at all times

Ensure all visitors have signed in

Ensure all parent helpers have an up-to-date, enhanced DBS check

Do not overload electrical sockets

Check the condition of wires and plugs before use – report any defects (frayed wires/loose connections, etc.) to the school office

Never use boiler rooms for storage of combustible materials

Ensure gates are checked and locked before children enter playground/field.

Report any health and safety issues to the school office CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH (COSHH) Data sheets are available for all cleaning products and kept in a file in the group room cupboard. Should a child swallow/come into contact with cleaning chemicals then the relevant data sheet must be consulted for the appropriate treatment. Personal protective equipment (mask, goggles, aprons) is available in the group room cupboard. This is provided for your own protection and should be used with the appropriate cleaning materials as detailed on the COSHH data sheets.

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RISK ASSESSMENTS The following risk assessments are available in the file in the staff room: Access control Administering medicines Cleaning COSHH Electrical Safety Fire Games (P.E.) Lone working Manual handling Office use Outdoor play equipment Playground safety Pond feature Premises/site safety Prior to DBS checks Snow and ice Staff computer use Working at heights In addition to these, risk assessments MUST be completed and signed before a school trip/visit and reviewed afterwards. These are also kept in a file in the staff room. Risk assessments are also required from external providers e.g. school clubs, village fete/bonfire, Friends (discos, etc.) prior to each event.

MANUAL HANDLING For detailed procedures please refer to the manual handling leaflet.

Think before lifting/handling Plan the lift. Can handling aids be used? Where is the load to be placed? Will I need help?

Keep the load close to the waist Keep the load close to the body for as long as possible while lifting.

Adopt a stable position The feet should be apart with one leg slightly forward to maintain balance. Avoid tight clothing or unsuitable footwear.

Get a good hold Where possible the load should be hugged as close as possible to the body.

Start with a good posture At the start of the lift, slight bending of the back, hips and knees is preferable to fully flexing the back (stooping) or fully flexing the hips and knees (squatting)

Don’t flex the back any further while lifting this can happen if the legs start to straighten before starting to raise the load.

Avoid twisting the back or leaning sideways

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Keep the head up when handling

Move smoothly

Don’t lift or handle more than can be easily managed

Put down, then adjust If precise positioning of the load is necessary, put it down first, then slide it into the desired position.

A trolley is available for heavy items. This is stored in the corner of the playground by the grit bin. Should you have any questions or concerns about any areas of health and safety please speak to any of the following people: Headteacher Health and Safety Co-ordinator (School Business Manager) Health and Safety Governor

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