Page 1: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)


ISSUE NO. 11/2010 23 June 2010

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Issue 11 – 23 June 2010

Information Bulletin

Issue No. 11/2010

Inside this Issue

CCoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee &&


PPiinnkk DDiivviiddeerr

WA Local Government Association (WALGA) News

Issue No.23.10 – 14 June 2010 .....................................................................................COR-1 Issue No.24.10 – 21 June 2010 ....................................................................................COR-3 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) News 11 June 2010 .................................................................................................................COR-5 21 June 2010 ...............................................................................................................COR-17 Miscellaneous Federal Campaign Plan put to WA MPs .....................................................................COR-27

2010 Australian Masters Rowing Championships Thank You Letter.........................COR-28

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm HHuummaann RReessoouurrcceess

Blue Divider

Employee Movements..................................................................................................... HR-1

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ttoo SSttaannddiinngg CCoommmmiitttteeeess

TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess

GGrreeeenn DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Technical Services Committee .................................... T-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Technical Services Works Programme .............................................................................. T-2 Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees

Bungendore Park Management Committee – May 2010 ................................................. T-10 Bushcare and Environmental Working Group – March 2010.......................................... T-14

Miscellaneous Local Government Sustainable Development 2010......................................................... T-25 WALGA Winter Sprinkler Ban ....................................................................................... T-27 MWAC Information Bulletin – E-Waste ......................................................................... T-29

CCoommmmuunniittyy SSeerrvviicceess

BBeeiiggee DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Community Services Committee ................................. C-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Library & Heritage Services General Monthly Report – May 2010 ................................. C-2 Manager Ranger & Emergency Services Monthly Report – May 2010............................ C-9

Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees History Reference Group – 4 February 2010 ............................................... C-17/”CA-3”-24

Miscellaneous Millenium Kids ............................................................................................................... C-18

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-1 Correspondence & Papers


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The WALGA Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday. 7 August

SubmisSions from Members for InctuSlon on the AGM Agenda close Monday. 14 June

For further mformal/on. please comacl Governance Policy Officer. Meredith Nellsell on 92132013 or email [email protected]


The 2010 annual Local Government Convenllon and Trade Exhibition win return 10 the Perth Convenllon ExhibitIOn Centre - commencing on Thursday. 5 - Saturday. 7 August. With the evenl culminating With the very popular Convention Gala Dinner on Saturday night. An Advanced Discounted rate of 5107500 is available for those reglsteflng by Monday. 14 June

This year. for the lirst time, registratlons for the Convention and the parallel Officers' Program are to be made online. Further details on how to do this are contained in the Information brOChure. The registrallon brOChure is available in electronic format if reqUIred and can be downloaded from the WAlGA website at

For further mformallon. pleese con/aci Markolmg and Events Officer, Emily Ward on 9213 2097 or email eward@walqa asn au


This year at the Local Government Convention and Trade Exhibition. a parallel and dedicated Local Government Officers' Program will be

running, speCifically created to support Directors. Managers and Polley Officers

All OffICers are encouraged to attend the Program to gain valuable information across various policy ;;Ireas, as well as a fantastic networking opportuni ty With fellOW Local Government representallves

The Program encompasses an Officers' Day on Thursday. 5 August. and on Friday. 6 August, a Fleet Day and HR Forum have been scheduled

Reglstrahons for thiS event are to be made online on the WALGA websrte at www.walga.asni!1) A nyer on the Officers' Program has been Included in thiS week's mailbag

For further mforma/lOn. please can/ect Markellng and Events O"ice,~ Emily Ward on 92132097 or email [email protected]


A fourth concurrent session has been added for Session 8 • Friday. 6 August - presented by Edith Cowan University in partnership with the Australian Centre of Excellence for local Government (ACELG).

Entitled Rural-Remote and Indigenous Local Government - Doing Business Differently. this session win repor1 the key findings from the seoping WA Study and the priorities 01 thiS collaborative group of universities and professional Local Government bodies.

This option has been added to the online registration form - however for those already registered. who wish to change the selected concurrent session. please emait Emily Ward at [email protected]

For further information. please contact Marketing and Events Officer, Emily Ward on 9213 2097 or

~==~ __ ~W

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The Assoclalron is pleased to advise Ihat the current round of vacancies is now open The closing date is~ 5:00pm, Monday, 19 July Ptease email completed applications - including a completed nomination form, a statement addressing the selection crltella and a short CV - to [email protected] Current vacancies are

WA Local Government Superannuation Board Swan River Trust Road Salely Council Rural and Remote Edl)calion AdVISOry Committee L<lndgate Customer Service Council

Local Health Authorities Analytical CommlHee For further information, please Vlsil hUp.l!wwlv. walga. asn.aulaboutlpOJicvlgovernancelvaca ncies or contact Governance PolICY Officer, Tim Lane on g213 202g or email /lane@walqa asnau


Hear an update on the latest financial developments from Commonwealth Bank Senior Economist Michael Workman at the next of the WALGA breakfast speaker series

As a Semor Economist With the Commonwealth Bank. Mr Workman is responsible for communicating the Bank's vrews on trends in the Australian and Internalional economies as well as the likely effect on interest rates and currencies Mr Workman's presentation will look at what the current economic chmale means for you and your Local Government.

Datc. Wednesday. 7 July

Time 7:30am· 9 OOam (Registration 7:15am)

Venue: Hyatt Regency Perth.

gg Adelaide Tce. Perth

COSt. $72.00 (excl GST)

RSVP Wednesday, 30 June A registration lorm lor this event is available from the WALGA website at v.wwwalga

For further information, please con/act Marketing and Evenls Officer, Emily Ward on 9213 20g7 or email [email protected]


Applications for funding are now being called for the Federal Governmenl"s 2010 round of the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce Best Practice and Innovation Project

This second round of funding is aimed at one~off projects which explore best practice andlor innovative projects aimed at supporting early childhood development, especially in the context of the National Quahty Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework. Grant amounts of up to $50,000 are available. Applica tions close 3:00pm Friday, 18 June.

For further information, please visit ht!pJlwww.deewr.qov aulEarlyChildhood!POlicy Aqend ilIPagoslECEGWorkforceProjecls aSPJl


The West Austrahan newspaper is partnering With the State Government to hold a Skills Expo at the Perth Convention and E~hlbi!ion Centre from Friday, 3 September to Sunday, 5 September

The West wi ll promote the expo with an insert in the newspaper of which exhibitors are allocated advertising space depending on the booth package they select.

In <lddillOn, WALGA has negotiated With organisers that if sufficient Loca! Governments take a booth. they Will create a Local Government ' vlllage" at the expo to maximise the exposure for the sector

Pllces for a booth and minimum advertising space allocation start at 54020 for those who confirm and make payment before Wednesday, 30 June

For fur/her information, please contacl Executive Manager, Marketing and Communications, lac Donovan on 9213 2000 or email zdonovan@watqa,asnau


A consuUation paper has been released by the Department of Local Government ahead of the development or a Domestic Cat Act. The consultation paper is available from the Department of Local Government's webSite and WAlGA has distributed an info page In thiS week·s ma!lbag The proposal, which Will requile micro·chIPPlng, registration and s\efllizatlon of new cals. will impact on Local Government in a number of ways. Accordingly, the Association is seeking feedback from Local Governments on the proposal in order to develop a representative sector response

For further mformalion please vlsil hltplJ\yww.lValqa,asn.aulabQyVeollcylqovernance or contact Governance PoliCY Officer, Tim Lane on gz13 202g or [email protected],B(I


I\'s tess than two weeks to go until . the Vinnies CEO Steepout where CEOs in WA will experrence what it IS like to tive homeless. from 7.00pm - 7:00am. on Thursday. 17 June in the iCOniC surroundings of the WACA

Congratulations to all participants so far, as WA has already raised over 5100,000 with the current total silting at $131 ,208. The aim in WA is to raise S200,000, so the challenge is on to raise an addillonal S70.000 in the next two weeks.

City of Rockingham CEO Mr Andrew Hammond is participating in this year's Sleepout, and has currently ra ised just under 51000, To support Mr Hammond by making a donation, please visit 0::262&

For further mformalion, please visi, the Vinnies CEO S/eepoul website at http://wWw.ceosleepoutora aul

9 June

9 June


Funding Method Review to Assis t Community Infrastructure

WALGA Awarded Best in Biodiversity

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Issue No. 24.10 21 June 2010

;lIld distribute to Imerested readers





CO"'<.115510 11 REVIE'I. .... " INfO PAGE - LOCAL GOVERNMENT






<I FlYER-HR S£MltiAR 2010


This year at the Local Government Convention and Trade ExhlbitJon, a parallel and dedicated Local Government Officers' Program Will be running, speCifically created to suppol1 Directors, Managers and Policy Officers

AU Officers are encouraged to attend the Program to gain valuable InformCl!lOn across various policy areCls. as we!! as a fantastic networking opportumty With fellow LoeClI Government representallves

The Program encompasses an Officers' Day on Thursday. 5 August and on Fnday, 6 August , a Fleet Day and HR Forum have been scheduled

Registrations lor thiS event are to be made online on the WALGA website at www.walgaasnau

For further informalion, please contact Marketing and Events OffICer, Emily Ward on 9213 2097 or emCii/ [email protected]


The Waste & Recycle Conference 2010 will run from Tuesday. 14 - Friday, 17 September.

The theme of Ihe Conference IS Our Generallon: How does it measure up' A range of timely and innovative topics will be covered. along with a


WALGA Will host the WA Roads Forum on Wednesday, 13 October. With the National Local Roads and Transport Congress being presented by ALGA on Thursday, 14 and Friday, 15 October Further progrClm Clnd ClccommodCltion detClils Will be available shortly.

For further IIIformallOn, please contacl Marketing and Events Officer, Emily Ward on 9213 2097 or email [email protected]



On Friday. 11 June, the Strategic library PClrtnership Agreement WClS signed by Minister lor Culture and the Arts, Hon John Day MLA and WAlGA PreSident. Mayor Troy Pickard. This is great news and is a testament to the wo~ of the StrategiC library Partnership Agreement Steering Committee (SLPASC). Whilst it has taken some lime, the endorsement of the Agreement by Cabinet and the funding support for 2010'11 should strengthen the outcomes.

For further information, please conlact E:K.ecu/ive Man&ger Planning & Community Devolopment, Allison Hailes on 9213 2018 or email [email protected],au

selection of tours and workshops. EARLY YEARS FORUM REGISTRATIONS

Registrations for the Conlerence are now open, CLOSING SOON

with early bird registrations closing Wednesday, Local Governments are reminded to regIster for 30 June. the Early Years Forum to be held on Friday, 2

July at the Town of Vincent from g:OOam-A registrallon brochure has been included in this 3:00pm. This Iree event will provide essential week's mailbag. or alternatively can be information on how Local Governments can best downloCided from utilise a range of resources to benefit young For further information, please conlact Manager, children in their communities, Including the Wasle & Recycling, Rebecca BroWn on 9213 Australian Early Development Index, playgroups,

"!!-!!~~~~[iiI~ mapping· . real t\IbrisIIIdbfftwe.temA<l:ltrll!anI1lClll~~ POIIoJc 1~ 1Y=sIr.rrn WA 6IIn Ttl (llBI9321 50~ fa. (OeJ 9112 21ir l. ~. ~w. \'iebill!e ~~u,,1Ij

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opportunity to share and d,scuss strategies in this very tOPlCat area

for further mform,;lIon or to register. pteaso contact Adminis/ration Officer, Jacque Taylor on 92132058 or email jlaylor@wal9tJ .;


Hear an update on the latest financia l developments from Commonwealth Bank Senior Economist Michael Workman at lhe next of the WALGA Breakfast Spe<lker Senes Mr Workman's presentation will look at what the current economic climate means for you and your Local Government.

Date: Wednesday, 7 July Time. 7.30am - 9.00am (Registration

7:15am) Venue: Hyatt Regency Perth.

99 Adelaide Tee, Perth Cost 572.00 (excl GST) RSVP Wednesday, 30 Juno

A registration form for this event is available from the WALGA website at W'NW.walgaasn au

for funher informal/on. please canlaet Markellng and EvelJ/s Officer, EmIly Ward on 9213 2097 or email eward@walqa \lsn ay


Preparing Agendas and Minutes in Local Government

Date: Thursday, 1 July Time: 9.00am - 4:30pm Venue: WALGA, West Perth Cost: 5395.00 (GST exempt)

Award Interpretation lor Olficers Date: Wednesday. 7 July Time 9:00am - 4:30pm Venue: WALGA, West Perth Cost: 5352 00 (GST Inc)

For further information. please contact Training Coordinetor, Melika Aydin on 9213 2098 or email [email protected]


The West Australian newspaper is partnenng With the State Government to hold a Skills Expo at the Perth Convention and EXhibition Centre from Friday, 3 September 10 Sunday, 5 September The West will promote the expo With an insert in the newspaper of which exhibitors are allOC<lted advertising space depending on the booth package they select In addition, WALGA has negotiated with organisers that if suffICient Local Governments take a booth. they will create a Local Government "village" at the expo to ffialC imise the elCposure for Ihe sector. Pflces for a booth and minimum advertising space allocation start at 54020 for those who confirm and make payment before Wednesday, 30 June.

For further information. please contact Executive Manager, Marketing end Commullications, Zac Donovan on 9213 2000 or email IdonovSIl@walqa.{!snau


As part of the Locat Government Safe System Project every Locat Government will have the opportunity to partiCipate in road safety workshops dUfing 2010. The workshops, Towards Zero. what does it mean fOf LOC81

Governments?, will help iden\lfy the barriers and opportunities for locat Government to embed safe system pnnciples In policy and practice, and develop the changes necessary to Implement Towards Zero. the road safety strategy tor WA 2008-2020

Date Time Venue RSVP

Spaces at the are essential

Friday, 25 June 8:30am - 12noon City of Joondalup Thursday, 24 June workshops afe limited so registrations

For fU/lher information or to register a place please confact Safe System Coordinetor, Ruth Wern!lam on 92132008 or email rweml)


Main Roads IS currently reviewing Its Roadside Memorial Policy As part of this review, Main Roads is consulting with Ihe wider community and is seeking views on roadside memorials on the State road network. Local Governments also have to deal with these issues on tocal roads, and a new Main Roads policy may ultimately assist Local Governments In dealing With these matters WALGA will look to develop a policy With the sector, following the fillalisation of the Main Roads poliCy

The survey can be found on the Main Roads website at http://W'NW.researchpanelcomau/survey.aspx?lob=J11 98r, with Comments due by Friday. 25 June.

For further informatIon, please con/act Po/ICY Manager Transport & Roads, Warren Pearce on 9213 2033 or emalt wpearce@walgaesn_Bu


Following on from information provided III an Info Page lasl week, recent correspondence from Millister Terry Redman's office (lead NRM Minister). has made known that Ihere will be no formal consulta tion process before the finatisa tion of the strategy and investment priority documents ConseQuently, the current feedback period will be the only oppor1unity for Local Governments 10 provide their response to these documents

The documents can be downloaded from htm and feedback and comments C(ln be provided to the Office at The closing date for feedback IS Wednesday, 30 June

For further information, please con/act Natural Resource Management Facilitator, Jossica Sheppard, on 9213 2027 or email [email protected].


16 June Federal Campaign Plan put to WA MPs

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11 June 2010 National General Assembly

Only four days to go until the National General Assembly! If you have not already done so, it is not too late to register. At the NGA, leaders of the major parties and a panel of leading journalists will comment on their past election experiences and their thoughts on how the election and the leaders will play out later this year.

Writer and Comedian Wendy Harmer will lead debate on the issues facing women in politics as ALGA's tribute to the Year of Women in Local Government, followed by the launch of a book relevant to that debate.

Other highlights will be an update on constitutional reform, by former Labor Minister Robert Ray and constitutional expert Professor George Williams. There will also be the launch of a set of communications material which councils can use to promote the messages of constitutional reform over the coming year.

The three concurrent sessions are on the following stimulating topics: Abandon or Adapt (coastal), Not in my Backyard, otherwise known as NIMBY, (planning and high rise) and Fit for the Future (regional development). Each has a panel of experts to facilitate the debate. And with Barack Obama's visit being delayed, the ACLG meeting is back on schedule, occurring on Friday 18th. Sports without Borders

Several barriers sometimes prevent young people from newly arrived migrant and refugee families from participating in community sport and recreation activities. These barriers include cost, cultural appropriateness, transport, language, and simply lack of familiarity with the rules.

Sports Without Borders (SWB) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing support for these young people who would like to get involved in sport. It provides direct grants to individuals and teams from different backgrounds to assist with social cohesion. SWB receives financial support from the Scanlon Foundation and is working with Melbourne's Cities of Hume and Moonee Valley, who are also providing grant support. SWB also receives funding from the Victorian Government, through the provision of a Victorian Community Support Grant. It collaborates with 20 councils across Victoria.

SWB is also commencing work with groups in New South Wales and has put a funding application before the Federal Government for an expanded state by state plan to roll out an SWB managed SITS (Social inclusion through Sport) program.

Interested recreation and sport managers can contact [email protected] for further information. Regional Arts Australia

Regional Arts Australia is the key national body representing the interests of those working with and for the arts in regional, rural and remote Australia. As an advocate, the body has

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-6 Correspondence & Papers won better recognition and support for the vast contribution that regional arts make to the cultural, economic and social well-being of the nation.

Regional Arts Australia's national conference will be an explosion of ideas and creativity. This year, it is in Launceston, from 26-29 August. The gathering of arts professionals will draw 1,000 delegates from all over Australia, including artists, arts workers, volunteers, policy makers and those who want to learn how the arts can connect communities to a vibrant future.

The program features workshops on topics such as 'The role of arts in bushfire recovery', 'Dance like a man' and 'The top five disruptive technologies'. Speakers include three of the world's leading community development thinkers: Francois Matarasso, who specialises in community practice, Ernesto Sirolli, an Italian-born expert on social enterprise and sustainable economic development, and Mike White, an authority from the UK, on the role of the arts in health promotion and community health. Australians, Mark Peche, Marcus Westbury and Jane Bennett will be there too.

Part of the conference is the Junction Arts Festival. This encompasses theatre, opera, visual arts, cabaret, writing, installation and more, plus offerings from Australia, Canada, Indonesia and other countries.

Early bird discounts are available for those who sign up before 18th June. From the President With only four days until the National General Assembly it is still possible to book for the NGA. Registration numbers are moving up towards the 700 mark now.

The Business Papers are also available on the website. They will give you an idea of the debate that will occur on this year's themes of population, participation and productivity, or "the 3 Ps" - the focus of the recent Intergenerational Report.

Against the background of the Intergenerational Report, the Henry Tax Review, the Federal Budget, and with a federal election looming, this will be an important year to be at the NGA and a chance to debate motions and agree on solutions which can contribute to local government's national direction for the coming parliamentary term.

It is also shaping up to be the biggest and best line up of speakers ever assembled at an NGA.

With President Obama's visit to Australia now officially postponed, the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG) meeting between mayors and the Prime Minister is now confirmed for the Thursday evening and Friday following the NGA. If you are attending the ACLG, why not come to Canberra a day or two early to attend the NGA as well?

Please note that in order to report on all that happens at the NGA, next week's ALGA News will be issued on Monday 21st June rather than next Friday.

Cr Geoff Lake ALGA President

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ATO launches new webpage on fuel tax credits

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has contacted ALGA and all councils to advise that it has a new webpage, Fuel tax credits - travel and other activities for heavy vehicles. This webpage is designed to assist councils to work out their fuel tax credits for heavy vehicle road use.

The information covers a range of topics related to heavy vehicle road use including:

• what is and isn't considered 'travel' • the impact of metropolitan boundaries • the difference between 'incidental travel' and 'incidental use' • what rate to apply to an activity or vehicle • how the road user charge affects the fuel tax credit rate • several examples of heavy vehicle activities and rates • what records to keep.

This is a welcome development for councils and ALGA is pleased that the ATO is keen to communicate with councils on these important and complex matters.

In addition, the ATO will be available to talk with council delegates next week at the ATO stand at the National General Assembly. This is a great opportunity for councils to raise any issues of concern either to them or their local and regional communities, with ATO staff.

Disability Ministers endorse Australian Disability Parking Scheme

Disability Ministers meeting in Adelaide on 4 June endorsed the eligibility criteria, concession provisions, and proposed timeline for the roll out of the Australian Disability Parking Scheme. The Scheme has now been referred to Australian Transport Council for endorsement.

The Scheme will unify the individual schemes and the 100 different permits that currently exist across Australia. It will deliver a national permit, eligibility criteria and minimum concessions - making it easier for people with disability to use the system.

Community and Disability Services Ministers are committed to support the roll-out of the new Australian Disability Parking Permit by the end of 2010. They have agreed to some minimum standards to disability parking concessions, but the Scheme will allow states and territories to retain their own concessions if they would like them to be more generous than the minimum.

The Scheme will introduce a new national disability parking permit design, the Australian Disability Parking Permit, which will replace the different permits issued across Australia. This will make things clearer for parking enforcement officers and will help permit holders travelling interstate. Existing permit-holders will not need to be re-tested or to reapply to receive the new national permit and will receive the new permit through the mail by the end of 2010.

Disability Ministers also agreed to national eligibility criteria for the permit. Application forms for the new permit will include a nationally consistent set of questions, but states and territories will make their own determinations about which applicants receive permits.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-8 Correspondence & Papers States and territories would be able to include their own additional diagnostic information to ensure specific medical conditions, such as blindness, continue to be recognised. Once the Scheme was been approved by the Australian Transport Council, it will be incorporated in the Australian Road Rules and then each state and territory will amend their local laws and regulations, as necessary, to reflect the new arrangements.

The Australian Disability Parking Scheme has been developed after wide consultation with permit holders, medical associations, peak organisations and state, territory and local governments to ensure it meets the community's need.

What the people want - Population Growth

On-line opinion is conducting a survey for the Local Government Association of Queensland which has been inquiring into population growth in Queensland. The survey is live at: . (If the link will not open when you click on it, please copy and paste it into your browser address bar.) The survey will only be open until midnight Friday, June 11, 2010 EST. The results of the LGAQ research will be published on our What the people want site. If it is too late to participate in the survey, it will still be interesting to discover what other people think, and the On Line Opinion home page is below. On Line Opinion - Australia's free Internet journal of social and political opinion.

Premises Standards Awareness Seminars

Registrations are now open for a series of Seminars on the Premises Standards that the Australian Human Rights Commission is presenting in partnership with the Australian Building Codes Board. Cost is $115. Seminars are at the following places:

• Perth 30, 31 August

There will be a heavy demand for places so please register early.

Strategic planning focus at BEMP

Coming together under the umbrella of the Built Environment Meets Parliament (BEMP), experts from the built environment industry, together with Australia's Commonwealth Parliament, will explore how Australia's capital city metro strategies measure up to COAG's nine performance criteria.

This year's summit, on Wednesday, 16 June, at Parliament House in Canberra, will focus on strategic planning for Australian cities now and for the future. The results of a groundbreaking capital city strategic plans audit, commissioned by the BEMP host organisations, will be released during the summit. The audit measures current major city strategic plans against COAG's future capital city strategic planning criteria.

For further information and to register, please visit

NSW coastal residents could pay protection levies

Proposed legislation would enable owners of threatened properties to take emergency measures to protect their own properties for the first time, and open the door for councils to impose coastal protection levies. The emergency measures include permitting

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-9 Correspondence & Papers sandbagging where severe erosion results from storms or "an extreme or irregular event" or when such beach erosion is imminent.

The president of the Local Government and Shires Associations, Genia McCaffery, said: "We remain concerned about the ability of local councils to deal with climate change and rising sea levels." She said that the federal government should have overriding responsibility for the issue.

The executive officer of the Sydney Coastal Councils Group, Geoff Withycombe, said: "Emergency work for the individual property should be the responsibility of that property owner but large-scale works for a beach should be [funded] across the rate base."

Mr Withycombe said that, while individual properties might need works to be undertaken to protect them, they needed to look at the bigger picture, citing problems at Byron Bay, where a number of properties had already been lost to the advancing sea front.

Public Art seminar at Shoalhaven

Shoalhaven City Council is presenting a free seminar for artists, cultural officers, engineers, urban planners, landscape architects and others interested in public art and local government on 21 June.

Speakers include the following:

Andrew Overton - Winner of a Churchill Fellowship, Andrew has travelled the world investigating public art. He was in instrumental in developing Parramatta City Council's unique approach - requesting Arts Plans with Development Applications.

Celeste Coucke is a ceramist and sculptor experienced in private and corporate commissions, exhibition works and public art projects. Celeste will speak about Storyline - a contemporary pavement artwork.

Sue Bessell (Wollongong City Council) coordinates large scale projects, as well as providing advice to business and local organisations.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Registration details below:

Limited seats so RSVP essential by 16 June 2010. Phone 4422 0648, or email [email protected]

The seminar is proudly presented by the Shoalhaven City Council with support from the Shoalhaven Arts Board and the Local Government Association of NSW and Shires Association of NSW.

Running a choir?

Do you run a choir for the disadvantaged or people with special needs... or would you like to start one? Then get yourself along to Sing-posium Victoria 2010, to be held in Melbourne from 2-4 July 2010. Thanks to the support of organisations such as VicHealth, The British Council, Federation Square and St Vincent's Hospital, places are FREE!

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-10 Correspondence & Papers "Here is a great opportunity to learn and network with pioneering leaders working in this field of special needs choirs, for the first time, says MPFL campaign supporter Dr Jonathon Welch, the man behind Sing-posium and the founding director of the Sydney Street Choir and Choir of Hard Knocks, now known as Choir of Hope and Inspiration.

Joining Jonathon to share their skills and lead workshops and training sessions over the weekend will be: Matthew Peacock, StreetWise Opera from the UK; Heather Gridley, Community Psychology, Honorary Fellow Victoria University; Michelle Trevorrow, Fundraising and Marketing Consultant, and Keynote speaker, our very own Music in Communities Award winner and campaign stalwart, Pat Rix, from Adelaide's groundbreaking Tutti.

Supporting Indigenous youth

The first of a number of community events around the nation focusing on Indigenous youth has begun, as part of the Rudd Government's National Binge Drinking Campaign. The Minister for Indigenous Health, Warren Snowdon, said the campaign called Your Life, Your Culture, YOU CHOOSE! had been tailored to bring Indigenous youth together at events with their local communities and health professionals to put the focus on alternatives to binge drinking.

"Almost a quarter of Indigenous people aged 18-24 report binge drinking at least once a week. Simply telling them not to drink won't work in the absence of anything else. We want young people to think about things like sport and music - things that will fit in with their culture and strengthen their communities, their families and above all their health," Mr Snowdon said.

"This campaign encourages young Indigenous people to talk about alcohol issues and how they can look after their family and friends when they find themselves in difficult situations. Communities need to work together to address binge drinking - but we need to support those communities," Mr Snowdon said.

The Your Life, Your Culture, YOU CHOOSE! Campaign began in December with audio and print advertising and public relations activities to give Indigenous youth positive messages and images about strong culture, families and healthy choices.

The National Binge Drinking Campaign is just one element of the Rudd Government's plan to tackle binge drinking. The Government is also investing:

• $14.4 million in community-level initiatives to confront the culture of binge drinking, in partnership with sporting and community organisations;

• $19.1 million to intervene earlier to assist young people and ensure that they assume personal responsibility;

• $20 million advertising campaign, Don't Turn a Night Out into a Nightmare, confronting youth with consequences of binge drinking.

You can also contact the Department of Health and Ageing about the campaign on (02) 6289 7400.

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Modernisation key to survival

The Shires Association of NSW has reiterated the need to modernise the Local Government sector in order to ensure its survival in the future.

"Major health reforms, climate change, variable economic cycles, population growth, changes to information technology and an ageing population will all have a significant impact on Local Government - and we need to be prepare ourselves for any challenges they may bring," said President Cr Bruce Miller in his opening address at the annual Shires Association Conference in Sydney this week.

He said that they were working towards the formation of One Association to represent Local Government in NSW because having a unified voice would help to strengthen the sector. He also spoke about getting State and Federal governments on board.

The need to be vigilant during upcoming health reforms was another key point outlined by Cr Miller.

The conference also featured The Hon Barbara Perry MP, Minister for Local Government; The Hon Tony Kelly MLC, Minister for Planning; Chris Hartcher, Shadow Special Minister of State and Shadow Minister for Inter-Governmental Relations; and Gladys Berejiklian MP, Shadow Minister for Transport. The Minister for Community Services, the Hon Linda Burney MP and Minister for Water, the Hon Phil Costa MP also addressed delegates.

NSW Councils play key role in Aboriginal community upgrades

Councils across the state are helping improve access to cleaner water and better sewerage services for Aboriginal communities by taking part in a $205 million initiative of the NSW Government and NSW Aboriginal Land Council.

61 communities now have, or soon will have, upgraded facilities through the Aboriginal Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Program. President of the Shires Association Cr Bruce Miller congratulated councils for their involvement in the program.

President of the Local Government Association Cr Genia McCaffery stressed the importance of the program for local Aboriginal communities. "Access to clean safe drinking water is a basic human right that a lot of us take for granted," she said. "Many Aboriginal communities were found to have water and sewerage services that did not reach basic Australian standards, and didn't have the skills or funds to operate and maintain them. Councils were very eager to form a partnership with the State Government and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, and it's great to see them ... providing safe and reliable drinking water."

Councillor Miller highlighted a number of councils, such as Moree Plains Shire and Liverpool Plains Council, which were working with local communities to improve services and reduce costs.

Rural towns take measures to boost populations

The NSW Shires Association has called on other spheres of government to undertake assessments of rural towns to determine their ability to accommodate projected population booms. The Association moved the motion at its annual Shires Association in Sydney this week.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-12 Correspondence & Papers "By 2050, our population is projected to increase to 36 million," said President of the Shires Association, Cr Bruce Miller. "At the same time, populations in rural and regional councils are rapidly declining, which is a real shame because they have so much to offer potential residents."

Mayor of Cootamundra Cr Paul Braybrooks, who moved the motion, said many rural and regional towns have the physical capacity to accommodate much larger populations than they presently have.

"Cootamundra for example, would have the capacity to increase its present population by 20%," said Cr Braybrooks. It just makes perfect sense to encourage more people to live in these areas, rather than duplicating services in already-congested cities to cope with population growth."

Councils also opposed the decision of Tourism NSW to alter its funding model for regional tourism organisations, compelling them to be self-funded by 2011.

Rural councils welcome commitment to decentralisation

The NSW Shires Association has welcomed Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell's commitment to a 'Decade of Decentralisation.'

In his opening address to delegates at the annual Shires Association Conference this week, Mr O'Farrell outlined a need for grassroots governance - returning important services to the frontline and giving rural and regional councils a louder and more active voice.

President of the Shires Association, Cr Bruce Miller was particularly pleased with Mr O'Farrell's emphasis on placing more trust in Local Government.

"Local Government is perfectly capable of making timely and transparent decisions, and I thank Mr O'Farrell for reinforcing this in his address today. Giving councils and their communities ample opportunity to participate in decision making across a number of issues was another key factor highlighted by Mr O'Farrell this morning.

"He's promised a review into our current planning system which will see planning powers returned to councils, giving residents a chance to shape their own communities. We fully support any policies or methods that make Local Government stronger and more resilient," said Cr Miller.

Mr O'Farrell also promised to give regional NSW a more prominent stance.

"The needs of rural and regional councils are sometimes overshadowed by what happens in Sydney, which is unfair on both councils and their communities. Mr O'Farrell has made a commitment to move away from the Sydney-centric way of thinking and bring country NSW into the forefront - this is a very important consideration for us. I look forward to working with the Opposition should they be successful at the upcoming election," he said.

Launch of online community on creating inclusive societies

Rio de Janeiro, May 27th 2010 - A unique global online community on migration and integration was launched today at the UN Alliance of Civilizations Forum in Rio de Janeiro.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-13 Correspondence & Papers Developed jointly with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), this website will convene a worldwide community of policy makers, practitioners and civil society activists who work together to improve relations among migrants and host communities.

This online community features ideas and innovative projects from around the world, highlighting successful models and inspiring new initiatives. It also illustrates the positive impact of migration and the benefits it can bring to host societies, as migrants contribute to the economic, cultural and social life of their new country.

The migration and integration website includes a global interactive map, links to resources on migration policies and relevant events, a gallery of socially engaged artists and a forum allowing migrants and professionals who offer answers to complex integration issues.

From fighting racism with humour in France to welcoming Sudanese refugees in Australia, from using graphic design as an integration tool for migrant women in Germany to enhancing the role of religious leaders in mediation, from promoting the right to health in South Africa to enhancing bilingual education in Phoenix, Arizona, the online community connects a wide range of partners to help migrants adapt to their new home and host communities to integrate newcomers in an increasingly diverse environment.

Tasmanian takes on the Presidency of LGMA

The General Manager of Kingborough Council in Tasmania, Paul West, is the new national President of Local Government Managers Australia. Mr West takes over the role from City of Kwinana Chief Executive Officer, Neil Hartley, who was President for the past 12 months.

Mr West has been a member of LGMA for the past 17 years and a member of the national board since 2006. He is a past president of LGMA Tasmania and has participated in a number of state-wide issues, including state and local government financial reforms working party; Local Government Act (Governance) review working party; and Local Government Board (reviewing the potential voluntary merging of two councils on Tasmania's east coast).

Mr West says that as President, he will focus on delivering initiatives, including the professional development of women in the Year of Women in Local Government; environmental awareness programs in regional communities; training and development opportunities; and continuing support of the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government.

He says that LGMA plays an important role by providing leadership, policies and guidance to assist professional managers to meet these challenges and continues to be at the forefront of change and innovation in local government.

Surf Life Savers help rescue their beaches from rubbish

Surf Life Savers on the Sunshine Coast are not only saving lives, but also rescuing their beaches and local marine life as part of a Do the Right Thing, Use the Right Bin trial recycling campaign.

As part of the recycling trial, funded by EcoSurf, the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and AFGC's Packaging Stewardship Forum, there are new recycling bins, clear bin signage and education programs at Mudjimba (Maroochy North Shore) and Dicky Beach, Caloundra.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-14 Correspondence & Papers Don Parry, EcoSurf Coordinator and member of the Mudjimba Surf Life Saving Club founder, said that the recycling campaign aimed to use the trials as a basis for the full implementation of recycling to all 15 Surf Clubs along the Sunshine Coast Branch, from Bribie Island to Rainbow Beach.

Sunshine Coast Councillor and regular beach-goer Keryn Jones is a major supporter of the campaign and is extremely proud of the commitment being shown by the public and the Surf Life Saving volunteers.

"The recycling and waste bins are filling up each weekend and through strong messaging, reinforced by Surf Life Savers, contamination in the recycling bin is less than 10 per cent - not bad for a first time trial," Cr Jones said.

"Visibly, there is hardly any litter on the beach at all anymore, whereas before litter became buried in the sand and was left to be washed out to the sea when the tide came in, causing big problems for our precious marine life. I encourage all beach-goers to enjoy their time at the beach, but keep in mind this important message - Do the Right Thing, Use the Right Bin."

The trials are due to end in May with results announced at the inaugural EcoSurf Forum, a program which encourages surf lifesavers to work together with corporate and government partners and other community groups to have a positive impact on the environment. To find out more about the Eco Surf Forum or recycling trials please contact Don Parry at [email protected].

Quote of the week "Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening." - Dorothy Sarnoff

International news The alarming rate at which species are being lost could have a severe effect on humanity, conservationists have warned, as reported in The Guardian Weekly 21 May. Targets set eight years ago by governments to reduce biodiversity loss by 2010 have not been met, experts confirmed at a UN meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The third Global Biodiversity Outlook report said loss of wildlife and habitats could harm food sources and industry, and exacerbate climate change through rising emissions.


23-25 June 2010 - Gold Coast International Hotel, Surfers Paradise

The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) 2nd National Local Government Environment Conference is shaping up to be this year's key event for Local Government elected members and staff grappling with the complex issues presented by climate change to our environment and core business. Now is the time to be adapting and changing systems to enable local government to meet the challenges of the impacts of climate change in a capable and positive way. As with all change, there are opportunities and the conference will be exploring innovative and creative responses to environmental sustainability and management and how they deliver in the broader context of climate change. This conference is an opportunity to access new thinking, design, technology and methodologies emerging across the country and builds on the work presented two years ago in Cairns.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-15 Correspondence & Papers For further information and registration please visit our website under Events or contact Bron Browning, Event Co-ordinator LGAQ (07) 3000 2220 or email [email protected]


Achieving Best Practice and Minimising Risk Sydney: Wednesday 23rd June, 8.30am - 4.30pm

Council Officers are increasingly involved in contract administration, particularly given the widening responsibilities of Councils and the greater emphasis on outsourcing.

For this reason, it is important to develop a fundamental knowledge of commercial contracts. Australian Industry Group is pleased to be presenting this seminar to provide a solid introduction to contract management and the tools to assist in minimising risks in procurement and contracting.

The format of the seminar will be interactive and practical, and will specifically be aimed at helping participants to:

1. Protect against unduly harsh agreements presented for signature 2. Recognise the essential elements of contract law 3. Obtain more favourable contractual terms 4. Identify the key clauses and conditions of contract 5. Understand the main issues regarding Government tendering 6. Manage disputes and deal with breach of contract 7. Identify common problems and how to avoid them


The Heart Foundation encourages local councils to start walking groups in their area and help improve the health of their communities by encouraging them to start a Heart Foundation Walking group.

Walking groups provide local residents with a fun and safe way to take their first steps to a healthier life, whilst becoming part of their community by getting active and meeting new people. Providing them with an easy and social fitness solution in their local area, will show how easy it is to build walking into their daily routine.

The top six reasons to start a Heart Foundation Walking group in your area:

1. An easy and cost-efficient way to implement walking groups in your community 2. Helping to increase regular physical activity in Australia to prevent potential health problems 3. A simple way to fulfil related aspects of organisational work plans and assistance in national

accreditation processes 4. An opportunity to work collaboratively with the Heart Foundation 5. Remain up-to-date on health information through Heart Foundation resources 6. Recognition for your organisation from the community

To find out about starting a Heart Foundation Walking group in your local area visit or telephone 1300 36 27 87 (local call costs).

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2010 Benchmarking Best Practice in Local Government Conference Wednesday 7 & 8 July 2010

Novotel Brighton Beach, SYDNEY

CEOs, General Managers and senior directors of a number of Australia's most innovative councils will address the 2010 Benchmarking Best Practice in Local Government national conference, to be held in Sydney on July 7 & 8.

These speakers will provide local government managers with detailed insights into innovative and successful management tools being used by Australia's leading councils to cut costs, increase organisational efficiency, and optimise the delivery of services to their communities.

Conference attendees will be provided with information they can immediately use to help drive continuous improvement and achieve a culture of excellence within their own local government administration.

The 3rd Annual Benchmarking Best Practice in Local Government Conference will focus on local government best practice in areas such as: organisational development and performance improvement; staff productivity & workforce culture; management structures & systems; financial & asset management; technology implementation; and sustainability improvements

In recognition of the Benchmarking Best Practice in Local Government Conference serving as a key national forum for discussions on local government innovation and best practice, this year's conference will be followed by a meeting of councils participating in the Local Government Business Excellence Network, which will also be held at the Novotel Brighton Beach.

Summit attendance enquiries should be directed to: Denise McQueen, Hallmark Conferences + Events, Ph: (03) 8534 5021; Email: [email protected].

Summit sponsorship and exhibition enquiries should be directed to: Ben Hutchison, Conference Director, Ph: (03) 8534 5025; Email: [email protected].

Further information, including access to online registration, is available on the conference website

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ALGA NEWS 21 June 2010 Australian Council of Local Government

More than 400 of the nation's 565 mayors met the Prime Minister and senior ministers, including the Hon Anthony Albanese (pictured), at Parliament House in a meeting of the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG). Speaking at the meeting, the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), Cr Geoff Lake, welcomed the close partnership that was continuing to develop between the national and local levels of government.

"Over the course of the Rudd Government, there has been a deepening partnership between our two levels of government," he said. "Never before has there been such a formal link between Australia's local councils and our national government.

"Over the past 18 months, councils have been delivering thousands of local projects worth more than $1 billion as part of the Rudd Government's stimulus spending. This has been the single biggest injection of funds into local government in decades.

"Not only have these projects boosted local employment in communities across the nation, but they have provided the sort of community infrastructure which makes our suburbs, towns and rural areas much more liveable."

Cr Lake launched a new publication, Stimulating Local Economies booklet -RLCIP showcasing a selection of the local projects funded under the stimulus package which demonstrate the strength of the emerging partnership between the two levels of government. Continuing funding for the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program (RLCIP) is one of the key elements of ALGA's 10 Point Plan for the federal election, released earlier this week at the National General Assembly of Local Government.

The Prime Minister announced a further $100 million investment into community infrastructure at the ACLG meeting. The $100 million will be shared between all councils. Each local government will be allocated a similar amount of funding to the amount allocated under round 2 of the RLCIP. Minister Albanese also announced that the Government will fund a $250,000 education campaign to promote a referendum to include local government in the Australian Constitution. State of the Regions launched

ALGA President, Geoff Lake, launched the 2010-2011 State of the Regions Report at the National General Assembly last Wednesday. The State of the Regions Report is the most important annual analysis of Australia's regional economic development. This year, the Report focused on Australia's housing crisis and its impact on the nation's regions and economic development.

The State of the Regions Report divides Australia into 65 regions, analysing the probable consequences of current circumstances on the different zones. ALGA and National Economics have been teaming up to produce the State of the Regions reports for over 10 years now. Dr Peter Brain, who predicted the 1997 Asian financial meltdown, and Dr Ian Manning, represented National Economics at the launch.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-18 Correspondence & Papers Cr Lake stated that the evidence in the Report indicated that the significant causes of Australia's housing problems are decades of insufficient infrastructure funding and weak government intervention in job creation in many of the greenfield and regional centres.

Councillor Lake thanked Dr Peter Brain for his expertise in regional economics by presenting him with a certificate of appreciation. Dr Brain (right) is pictured with Geoff Lake and Dr Ian Manning.

The Report is available to buy from the ALGA website: Roads and bridges

Cr Lake welcomed the announcement late last week at the National General Assembly of Local Government by Warren Truss, the Leader of the Nationals, that if the Coalition was elected at the Federal election it would create a $600m program to fund the replacement of decaying and ageing bridges.

The need to replace the estimated 30,000 old timber bridges across Australia is a major cost that is beyond the capacity of rural and regional councils.

"Local government has been calling for a program to replace timber bridges for many years and this was included in ALGA's Local Roads and Transport Agenda launched this week as one of local government's funding priorities," Cr Lake said. "The replacement of old bridges will have very significant economic benefits to local economies by allowing farmers to use the higher productivity trucks that will improve the efficiency of farming operations. It will also benefit local communities by improving access to schools, health and other community facilities."

Mr Truss said that the new program, which could be called Bridges to Recovery, would provide $300m over four years with matching funding required from local government and the State Governments. Funding under the proposed Program would be distributed on a competitive application basis with priority given to community needs and economic returns.

Cr Lake also welcomed Mr Truss's commitment to the Coalition continuing the Roads to Recovery Program and to supporting a referendum in the next parliamentary term to include local government in the Australian Constitution.

"Roads to Recovery is vital to local government and I am pleased that Mr Truss has clarified the Coalition's policy," Cr Lake said. Roads and bridges

Cr Lake welcomed the announcement late last week at the National General Assembly of Local Government by Warren Truss, the Leader of the Nationals, that if the Coalition was elected at the Federal election it would create a $600m program to fund the replacement of decaying and ageing bridges.

The need to replace the estimated 30,000 old timber bridges across Australia is a major cost that is beyond the capacity of rural and regional councils.

"Local government has been calling for a program to replace timber bridges for many years and this was included in ALGA's Local Roads and Transport Agenda launched this week as one

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-19 Correspondence & Papers of local government's funding priorities," Cr Lake said. "The replacement of old bridges will have very significant economic benefits to local economies by allowing farmers to use the higher productivity trucks that will improve the efficiency of farming operations. It will also benefit local communities by improving access to schools, health and other community facilities."

Mr Truss said that the new program, which could be called Bridges to Recovery, would provide $300m over four years with matching funding required from local government and the State Governments. Funding under the proposed Program would be distributed on a competitive application basis with priority given to community needs and economic returns.

Cr Lake also welcomed Mr Truss's commitment to the Coalition continuing the Roads to Recovery Program and to supporting a referendum in the next parliamentary term to include local government in the Australian Constitution.

"Roads to Recovery is vital to local government and I am pleased that Mr Truss has clarified the Coalition's policy," Cr Lake said.

Greens commit to referendum for local government

The Australian Greens will move for an amendment to section 96 of the Constitution - the section that sets out that the Commonwealth may grant financial assistance to the states on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit - to add the words "and local government".

Addressing the ALGA NGA on 16 June Senator Brown said that recognising local government in the Constitution is ALP policy but that there had been no action about it.

"At the start of the next period of Government, the Greens will present a bill to the Senate for this referendum. Previous attempts, in 1974 and 1988, to have the status of local government recognised through a referendum, failed because of the confusing nature of the questions put to the Australian voters."

Consultation with local communities the key to successful NBN roll-out

The President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), Cr Geoff Lake, has presented NBN Co, the government owned enterprise responsible for building the National Broadband Network (NBN), with a set of principles for the engagement of councils and local communities in the NBN roll-out.

"Local government realises the significant transformative potential of a high-speed, reliable, affordable and accessible broadband network to the lives of all Australians," Cr Lake said.

"However, as the NBN begins to be rolled out in more and more local communities, it is imperative that the Australian Government and NBN Co consults effectively at the community level so that the implementation is as unobtrusive as possible. The principles stress the importance of observing local planning controls, the need to preserve as many land and road reserves as possible and the desirability of flexible business models in order to minimise disruption to communities as the roll-out gains momentum.

"The experience of the roll out of pay TV cable in the 1990s provides a good point of reference on what not to do when it comes to working with local communities. We need to

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-20 Correspondence & Papers make sure we learn from those mistakes and work in partnership to get the NBN deployed efficiently and with minimal disruption to local neighbourhoods."

Cr Lake welcomed NBN Co's engagement to date with local councils and communities in the current five mainland trial sites.

"Local government acknowledges that there is already a good level of adherence to the principles we have outlined today. However, we want to make sure that this will continue through the next few years of the massive implementation task as well.

Cr Lake also noted that the principles will help to set the framework for continuing discussions with the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy.

National Awards for Local Government

Last Friday, the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd and Minister for Local Government Anthony Albanese announced the winners of the prestigious National Awards for Local Government. The awards were presented on Thursday evening at the nation's largest annual gathering of mayors and shire presidents, the Australian Council of Local Government.

The two winners of the National Award for Excellence were presented their awards by the Prime Minister. The winners are:

• Brewarrina Shire Council for their Brewarrina Rural and Remote Dental program. The program provides free dental services to children under the age of 18 and Health Card Holders, a mobile service for patients with travel limitations and valuable rural and remote work experience for dental students.

• Byron Shire Council which won in the small council range, with their Brunswick Area Sewerage Augmentation Scheme: Waltzing the Billabong project. This project began with the improvement of sewerage works but has now been expanded into a comprehensive approach to the restoration of a large area of degraded swampland.

In addition, 20 councils and shires received awards across 12 categories. Mr Albanese said that the National Awards were about highlighting the great work of local governments in their communities.

Coalition promises direct funding

A Coalition Government will cut out the state government middle man and fund councils directly, Shadow Minister for Finance and Debt Reduction, Andrew Robb, told The National General Assembly of Local Government last week. Delivering a speech on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Robb said: "We will continue the reforms we began between 1996-2007 which gave local government unprecedented recognition and direct funding to fulfil councils' core responsibilities.

"In office we will take the next step. So today I want to announce that the Coalition will take action to fund councils directly. We will cut out the 'middle man' of state governments which get in the way of efficient spending at the local level. The shift towards direct funding will be part of a broader policy to place local government on a more sustainable financial footing."

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-21 Correspondence & Papers At the Assembly Mr Robb also rebuted claims by Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese in relation to the future of the successful Roads to Recovery Program under a Coalition Government.

"We remain 100 per cent committed to the program. In fact we are going to go further than just maintain Roads to Recovery, we are going to expand it," Mr Robb said. "I wholeheartedly endorse Warren Truss's announcement that a Coalition Government will expand the program to include bridges. This will cost an additional $300 million over four years.

Expert panel for strategic planning review

The Prime Minister announced the membership of the Expert Panel for the review of capital city strategic planning systems, at the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG). The Panel will be Chaired by the Hon Brian Howe, a pioneer of urban development who, through the Building Better Cities program, brought the Commonwealth back into city policy two decades ago. The Deputy Chair will be Ms Lucy Turnbull who brings real-world local government experience as a former Lord Mayor of Sydney.

Members of the Panel are: Mr Rod Pearse OAM, Ms Jude Munro AO, Mr John Denton, Ms Sue Holliday, Professor Duncan Maclennan CBE FRSE AcSS, and Ms Meredith Sussex AM. Dr Geoff Gallop, Deputy Chair of the COAG Reform Council, will also take a particular responsibility on behalf of the COAG Reform Council for this initiative.

Winners Announced - Australia Award for Urban Design 2010

The winners of Australia's most prestigious award for excellence and innovation in urban design were announced at the National Portrait Gallery on Tuesday, 15 June 2010. The Australia Award for Urban Design highlights the best of design in the built environment and acknowledges the critical role of good urban design in the development of our towns and cities. The Prime Minister is patron of the Award.

Award winner 1 was Geelong City Council, the City of Greater Geelong, for the Geelong Youth Activity Precinct. The judges praised its responsiveness to the specific requirements of youth - often marginalised in our public and private spaces.

"The park is designed to respond to changing needs; to be evolutionary, ensuring cross-generational ownership and usage over time. The park of today will evolve into a park of the future," they said.

The judges said that the territory encompassed by the Australia Urban Design Awards was wide-ranging and that the awards were able to recognise infrastructure, a building, a place or a plan for the future. The submissions this year covered the full gamut and presented work by leading Australian designers. From superbly realised buildings, bridges and feats of engineering to policy documents setting out a better and more sustainable future.

Cuts to infrastructure funding

The Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW are supporting councils in opposition to the NSW Government's dramatic new changes to infrastructure funding that will force councils to increase their rates or defer basic community infrastructure.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-22 Correspondence & Papers "The (NSW) Government made these changes with minimal consultation with councils, no transitional arrangements and no understanding of the magnitude of the financial impact on many councils, ratepayers and local communities. Blacktown has estimated that for the Riverstone development, ratepayers in the area would need to unfairly fork out an extra $249 every year for 20 years. For Wollongong's West Dapto release, it means a potential shortfall of $400 million in community infrastructure and for Camden, a potential overall funding gap of $1.3 billion over 20 years," said President of the Shires Association, Cr Bruce Miller.

BushMob a Finalist in the National Drug and Alcohol Awards

BushMob Inc, a grass roots community-driven alcohol and other drugs (AOD) service for young people in and around Alice Springs in the Northern Territory is a finalist in the Excellence in Services for Young People Category of the 2010 National Drug and Alcohol Awards.

This outreach service aims to provide a safe house/non-medical detox residential service and "adventure therapy" type outdoor programs for young people affected by alcohol and other drugs.

The programs are for young people who are at risk of being disengaged and marginalised through substance abuse, violence, unsafe living environments, or disempowerment. This includes where young people are affected by someone else's drug use, not just their own.

BushMob's unique approach to working with young people and their families is through the power of respect, supporting self-advocacy, and the freedom to choose their future.

The concept was initiated in 1999 when young people from Alice Springs town camps asked for a program where they could have a say in its design, and which would support them to go bush, and where they could feel safe and supported. Since then, BushMob has worked with thousands of young people and their families in Central Australia, and it considers its work as intergenerational and long-term.

It began as a pilot program with one staff member, and has since grown to now have eight staff, an active volunteer team, and peer group mentors (StrongMob). The BushMob residential service provides 24-hour care, case management, counseling brief interventions, life skill development programs, and education and training opportunities.

The other two Finalists in this Category are the Hello Sunday Morning online blog program (, and the Newcastle City Council's Loft Youth Program.

The Winner will be announced at the National Drug and Alcohol Awards Dinner on Friday 25 June 2010 at the Citigate King George Square Hotel in Brisbane.

For more information on the National Drug & Alcohol Awards, and to make a reservation for the Dinner visit:

Housing affordability - who's to blame?

Councils say they are not to blame for the state's housing affordability crisis, reports the Illawarra Mercury, 17 June. But the property industry claims they are playing a role.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-23 Correspondence & Papers The Australian Local Government Association argues in its State of the Regions report, released last week, that decades of under-investment and infrastructure and "misguided industry policy" have led to housing shortages.

The association's president, Councillor Geoff Lake, said all levels of government and industry needed to work together on the problem rather than engaging in old-fashioned "council bashing" and that investment in commuter and freight transport would have supported jobs in regions with greenfields sites.

However, Urban Taskforce chief executive Aaron Gadiel, argued that "every credible assessment of this problem" concludes that the shortage flows from systematic flaws in town planning laws.

Chair of the Illawarra chapter of the Property Council, Geoff Jones, said all levels of government needed to accept some responsibility. Mr Jones said the fundamental shift towards having developers pay for infrastructure in the past 30 years was a key issue, with costs simply being passed on to buyers.

The 289-page report also provides a snapshot of development in the Illawarra. In the 12 years from 1998 to 2010 there was virtually no change in the national incidence of structural unemployment. But it rose in the Illawarra, as the region still suffered the lingering effects of the decline in manufacturing and other economic restructuring of the 1980s and 1990s.

Along with the Hunter, the Illawarra's rates of earnings growth in this period had been less than half the national average, it said. Earlier this year, an international study of housing markets found that the Illawarra had the fifth least affordable market in Australia.

The survey showed that wages growth in the region was failing to keep pace with the growth in median house prices. The region's close proximity to the Sydney market has been cited as one reason for the trend.

Mr Jones said it is estimated that about one in three properties sold in the Illawarra are purchased by a Sydney buyer to either live in or use as an investment.

Quote of the week "Someone said "Life is a beach" - well, on the beach of life, you can choose to sit on the sand or in the safe shallows or take the plunge to risk the deep water ... Be courageous enough to be out there in the deep water, ready for the waves. You may get the one that gives you the ride of your life." - Councillor Yvonne Jennings, an Australian Ambassador of the Year of Women in Local Government 2010

International news

Nine Commonwealth cities are met last week in Ahmedabad, India to discuss the challenges of providing basic services at a time of increasing population, urbanisation and mass migration, and to share solutions.

This was the first major meeting of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum Inclusive Cities Network, held in Ahmedabad from 10-12 June. The meeting's aims were to:

• identify and share good practice in the promotion of inclusiveness • identify opportunities for further research and capacity building support • gain insight into the approach adopted by Indian inclusive cities, and consider a future roadmap and

work program for the Network.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-24 Correspondence & Papers Cities represented at the meeting included: Brisbane City Council, Australia; City of Surrey, Canada; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; and Birmingham, UK. Each city presented a case study on how they dealt with issues such as: homelessness, community engagement, gender, young people, immigrants and refugees, poverty and local economic development.


Come and network with the experts in local government sustainability! August 24-25, Dockside Convention Centre, Sydney

The Local Government Sustainable Development Conference 2010 is designed to assist local government practitioners to identify, plan and implement best practice sustainable development solutions.

The peak national local sustainable development conference will showcase leading edge examples of outstanding environmental initiatives by Australian local governments, including the current winner of the Australian Sustainable Cities award, and the Community Sustainability award winner at the UN-endorsed International Liveable Communities Awards.

Over 200 senior local government managers will be attending the Conference and Expo.

Speakers include:

• Chris Davis, Commissioner, National Water Commission • Cr Paul Bell, President, Local Government Association of Queensland • Professor Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute • Professor Gary Jones, Chief Executive, eWater CRC • Mary-Anne Wilson, Director, National Waste Policy Implementation Team, Department of

Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts • Rod Welford, CEO, Australian Council of Recyclers • Dave West, Founder, National Recycling Group • Martin Brennan, Deputy CEO, ICLEI Oceania • Wayne Wescott, Chair, Local Government Task Group, Green Building Council of Australia • Pete Williams, CEO, Deloitte Digital • Cr Angelo Tsirekas, Mayor, City of Canada Bay • Shayne Silcox, Chief Executive Officer, City of Melville

To view the full agenda and to register go to or contact Denise McQueen on 03 8534 5021 or [email protected]


Rural and regional Australia has seen a decline in population growth as a result of the drought, but for those that stay, access to critical government services - health, education, legal advice, funding and community services - is becoming increasingly important.

Attend Tonkin's Rural, Regional and Remote Service Delivery Road Show (Townsville, 30th & 31st August and Wagga Wagga, 1st & 2nd September) to examine strategies for making these services available and accessible, discuss the challenges of distance, time, cost and developing local capacity.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-25 Correspondence & Papers With a strong focus on regional case studies, regional perspectives and regional experiences, this event is designed to provide delegates with an engaging, relevant and practical learning experience by seeing how other's are getting the job done. Key discussion points include:

• Innovative models for regional service delivery, including a look at self-service models, the role of technology, the one-stop shop and collaborative models

• How to develop local capacity through investment, education and training • Attracting and retaining staff in regional and rural areas • Engaging communities to identify gaps in service delivery and effect policy change

Early bird and group discounts are available. Secure your calling 02 9224 6060 and quote ALGA news.


The Heart Foundation encourages local councils to start walking groups in their area and help improve the health of their communities by encouraging them to start a Heart Foundation Walking group.

Walking groups provide local residents with a fun and safe way to take their first steps to a healthier life, whilst becoming part of their community by getting active and meeting new people. Providing them with an easy and social fitness solution in their local area, will show how easy it is to build walking into their daily routine.

The top six reasons to start a Heart Foundation Walking group in your area:

1. An easy and cost-efficient way to implement walking groups in your community 2. Helping to increase regular physical activity in Australia to prevent potential health problems 3. A simple way to fulfil related aspects of organisational work plans and assistance in national

accreditation processes 4. An opportunity to work collaboratively with the Heart Foundation 5. Remain up-to-date on health information through Heart Foundation resources 6. Recognition for your organisation from the community

To find out about starting a Heart Foundation Walking group in your local area visit or telephone 1300 36 27 87 (local call costs).

2010 Benchmarking Practice in Local Government Conference

Wednesday July 7 and Thursday 8, Novotel Brighton Beach, Sydney

CEOs, General Managers and senior directors of a number of Australia's most innovative councils will address the 2010 Benchmarking Best Practice in Local Government national conference, to be held in Sydney on July 7 & 8.

These speakers will provide local government managers with detailed insights into innovative and successful management tools being used by Australia's leading councils to cut costs, increase organisational efficiency, and optimise the delivery of services to their communities.

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-26 Correspondence & Papers Conference attendees will be provided with information they can immediately use to help drive continuous improvement and achieve a culture of excellence within their own local government administration.

The 3rd Annual Benchmarking Best Practice in Local Government Conference will focus on local government best practice in areas such as: organisational development and performance improvement; staff productivity & workforce culture; management structures & systems; financial & asset management; technology implementation; and sustainability improvements

In recognition of the Benchmarking Best Practice in Local Government Conference serving as a key national forum for discussions on local government innovation and best practice, this year's conference will be followed by a meeting of councils participating in the Local Government Business Excellence Network, which will also be held at the Novotel Brighton Beach.

Summit attendance enquiries should be directed to: Denise McQueen, Hallmark Conferences + Events, Ph: (03) 8534 5021; Email: [email protected].

Summit sponsorship and exhibition enquiries should be directed to: Ben Hutchison, Conference Director, Ph: (03) 8534 5025; Email: [email protected].

Further information, including access to online registration, is available on the conference website

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-27 Correspondence & Papers

Media Release

16 June 2010 Federal Campaign Plan put to WA MPs Local Government’s 10-Point Plan for Federal Election commitments was launched to Western Australian Members of Federal Parliament at a breakfast event in Canberra this morning. Hosted by the WA Local Government Association, the breakfast event brought together Members of Parliament with Local Government representatives from WA attending the current National General Assembly. Developed by the Australian Local Government Association, in consultation with state Local Government associations, the 10-Point Plan sets out the sector’s priorities to be delivered from the coming Federal Election. WALGA President Mayor Troy Pickard said the intention of the 10-Point Plan was for Local Government to have a united position when seeking commitments from candidates in the Federal Election expected later this year. The components of the 10-Point Plan are:

• Establish a Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into adequacy of Local Government revenue • Continued investment in the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program • Make the Roads to Recovery Program permanent and maintained in real terms with Local

Government to be consulted transport planning including proposed road user charges • Renewed and strengthened Intergovernmental Agreement to promote collaboration and

prevent cost shifting so as to recognise Local Government as an equal partner in planning and delivery of outcomes

• Referendum with funded awareness campaign to recognise Local Government in the Australian Constitution and ALGA to be consulted on the referendum question

• Direct funding to assist Local Government work with the community to plan for and adapt to the impacts of climate change

• Local Government waste management expertise be engaged to develop national policies • Recognised planning must be coordinated between Federal, State and Local Government

sectors • Maintain and strengthen Local Government services to Indigenous communities • Work with Local Government for the equitable roll out and installation of the National

Broadband Network

Mayor Pickard said of the components of the plan, the six – concerning Roads to Recovery, infrastructure program funding, Indigenous services, climate change, proposed referendum and inquiry on revenue – were those most important to Western Australia. “The 10-Point Plan is a national strategy that addresses the objectives of the entire Local Government sector and in different states there will be a differing order of priority,” Mayor Pickard said. “What is most important is that Local Government has clearly outlined where it sees critical areas of need and encourages Federal Election candidates to consider these when campaigning in local communities.”

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Information Bulletin Page Cor-28 Correspondence & Papers


9 June 2010

Mayor Linton RC}1\Olds City of Annadale Locked Bag 2 ARMADALE \VA 6990

20 I 0 AUSlral ian J\ laSI(lfS Ro\\ ing Championships

IISIa:Ao GPQ& .. l",llfP", ,/,. It't't~C

11 JUN ••• , ,- , I '

Thank you for ;:l\Icnding the Welcoming Ceremony on Thursday J June 201 0 and for your support of the cI'cnt

I am pleased to reporl thattllc 2010 AMRC was conducted to the standard demanded by Rowing Australia and Ihe Masters competitors and thai Champion Lakes Regatta Centre was very much appreci3tcd lUld admired by those who allended, Many complimentary statements were made of both thc \'Cllue and the organization of the event,

Paul Guest a retired Judge of the Fnnllly Court of Austrnlia, a fine oarsman llnd multiple medal winner al 2010 AMRC, described thc vcnue as '"accessible" both in tcnns of its proximity to accommodation and for the phY1'ical proccss ofbo:lIing and procceding 10 Ihe start zone,

I was very proud to be able to ~h!lre the H'IlUC with rowers from outside uf Western Australia and also privileged to hale Chairctl the Commil!CC that organised the first Championship event in this Slatc for 15 years. The Organising Committe<: ensured a quality eH'111 that catered for all of thc nceds of the compctitors and spectators. It was a valuable rehearsal for Ihc 2013 Australian Rowing Championships and one from which we have Icanll.

I was extremely fortunate to havc a group of capable leaders who worked well as a team. [ sense that they arc n(l\\ all challenged to take on the larger 201 J cven!.

Western Australian crews were prominent in the Interstate events finishing first in the Women's Interstate Eights, second in the Women's Interstate Quadruple Sculls and the Mcn's htlerStlltc Eights and third in the Men's Interstate Quadruple Sculls.

Michael SCOtl (Barbam Sco\l's husb;md) agl.-a 70, won the Champion ofChllmpions Single Scull - a handicapped race between at! category winners of sinsIe sculling events.

Yours sincerely •

Crdi9 Jame; Prq§ident


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Issue 11 – 23 June 2010

Information Bulletin

Issue No. 11/2010

Inside this Issue

CCoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee &&


PPiinnkk DDiivviiddeerr

WA Local Government Association (WALGA) News

Issue No.23.10 – 14 June 2010 .....................................................................................COR-1 Issue No.24.10 – 21 June 2010 ....................................................................................COR-3 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) News 11 June 2010 .................................................................................................................COR-5 21 June 2010 ...............................................................................................................COR-17 Miscellaneous Federal Campaign Plan put to WA MPs .....................................................................COR-27

2010 Australian Masters Rowing Championships Thank You Letter.........................COR-28

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm HHuummaann RReessoouurrcceess

Blue Divider

Employee Movements..................................................................................................... HR-1

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ttoo SSttaannddiinngg CCoommmmiitttteeeess

TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess

GGrreeeenn DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Technical Services Committee .................................... T-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Technical Services Works Programme .............................................................................. T-2 Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees

Bungendore Park Management Committee – May 2010 ................................................. T-10 Bushcare and Environmental Working Group – March 2010.......................................... T-14

Miscellaneous Local Government Sustainable Development 2010......................................................... T-25 WALGA Winter Sprinkler Ban ....................................................................................... T-27 MWAC Information Bulletin – E-Waste ......................................................................... T-29

CCoommmmuunniittyy SSeerrvviicceess

BBeeiiggee DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Community Services Committee ................................. C-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Library & Heritage Services General Monthly Report – May 2010 ................................. C-2 Manager Ranger & Emergency Services Monthly Report – May 2010............................ C-9

Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees History Reference Group – 4 February 2010 ............................................... C-17/”CA-3”-24

Miscellaneous Millenium Kids ............................................................................................................... C-18

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Information Bulletin Page HR-1 Information Items from Human Resource Management 1.1 EMPLOYEE MOVEMENTS New Staff:

Trainee Environmental Health Officer (casual, 1 month appointment) – commenced 22/6/10.

Staff Leaving:

Shop Supervisor 2IC, Resource Recovery Centre – ends 30/6/10.

Other Staff Movements (Internal):

Communications Manager, successful in 12 month extension of contract.

Current Recruitment Activity:

Asset Management Coordinator – position on hold.

Engineering Surveyor – position on hold.

Senior Projects Engineer – applications closed 25/3/2010 – no applications received.

ICT Support Officer – Recruitment Complete.

Drafting Officer – applications closed 29/4/10. Re-advertised applications closed 10/6/10.

Communications Manager – recruitment complete.

Projects Planning Engineer – (advertised internationally), closes 28/6/10.

Subdivision Engineer – (advertised internationally), closes 28/6/10.

Assistant Subdivision Engineer – (advertised internationally), closes 28/6/10.

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Issue 11 – 23 June 2010

Information Bulletin

Issue No. 11/2010

Inside this Issue

CCoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee &&


PPiinnkk DDiivviiddeerr

WA Local Government Association (WALGA) News

Issue No.23.10 – 14 June 2010 .....................................................................................COR-1 Issue No.24.10 – 21 June 2010 ....................................................................................COR-3 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) News 11 June 2010 .................................................................................................................COR-5 21 June 2010 ...............................................................................................................COR-17 Miscellaneous Federal Campaign Plan put to WA MPs .....................................................................COR-27

2010 Australian Masters Rowing Championships Thank You Letter.........................COR-28

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm HHuummaann RReessoouurrcceess

Blue Divider

Employee Movements..................................................................................................... HR-1

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ttoo SSttaannddiinngg CCoommmmiitttteeeess

TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess

GGrreeeenn DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Technical Services Committee .................................... T-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Technical Services Works Programme .............................................................................. T-2 Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees

Bungendore Park Management Committee – May 2010 ................................................. T-10 Bushcare and Environmental Working Group – March 2010.......................................... T-14

Miscellaneous Local Government Sustainable Development 2010......................................................... T-25 WALGA Winter Sprinkler Ban ....................................................................................... T-27 MWAC Information Bulletin – E-Waste ......................................................................... T-29

CCoommmmuunniittyy SSeerrvviicceess

BBeeiiggee DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Community Services Committee ................................. C-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Library & Heritage Services General Monthly Report – May 2010 ................................. C-2 Manager Ranger & Emergency Services Monthly Report – May 2010............................ C-9

Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees History Reference Group – 4 February 2010 ............................................... C-17/”CA-3”-24

Miscellaneous Millenium Kids ............................................................................................................... C-18

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Information Bulletin T1 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate




BBQ facilities CBD and speeding traffic in Jull Street Refer T20/3/08

Technical Services

Future report to the Technical Services Committee

Clifton Street – Traffic Calming Devices Refer T70/8/09

Technical Services

Report to Council – expected Q4/10

Verge Clearing Refer D88/7/090

Development Services

Future report to the Technical Services Committee – expected Q4/FY10/11

Lefroy Road Refer T84/10/09

Technical Services

Future report to the Technical Services Committee – expected Q4/10

Sporting Reserves Refer T11/2/10

Technical Services

Future report to the Technical Services Committee – expected Q4 FY10/11

Armadale Road – Speed Limit Refer T36/6/10

Technical Services

Future report to the Technical Services Committee – expected Q1FY11/12

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Information Bulletin T2 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTORATE Works Programme – May – July 2010

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010

Civil Works Construction: • Ranford Road – Stages 1 and 2. • Champion Drive. • Warton Road – Stages 1 and 2. • Footpath/Programme. • BC Programme. • Champion Centre Car Park. • Church Avenue. • Wungong Road. • Orchid Drive (Car Park). Maintenance: • Routine maintenance as per

programme. • Contract road sweeping. • Footpath defects. • Painting traffic islands.

Construction: • Champion Drive/Williams Road

roundabout. • Warton Road – Stages 1 and 2. • Footpath/Programme (90%

complete). • BC Programme/ • Church Avenue. • Orchid Drive (car park). Maintenance: • Routine maintenance as per

programme. • Contract road sweeping. • Footpath defects. • Painting traffic islands.

Construction: • Warton Road – Stages 1 and 2. • BC Programme. • Church Avenue. • Frye Park Carpark. • Jull Street channelisation. Maintenance: • Routine maintenance as per

programme. • Contract road sweeping. • Footpath defects.

Development • Newhaven Precinct 1D. • Newhaven Precinct 4B. • Newhaven Precinct 5B. • Newhaven Precinct 5C. • Newhaven Precinct 6 (School

Site). • Newhaven Precinct 6A.

• Newhaven Precinct 1D. • Newhaven Precinct 4B. • Newhaven Precinct 5B. • Newhaven Precinct 5C. • Newhaven Precinct 6 (School Site). • Newhaven Precinct 6A. • Newhaven Precinct 6B.

• Newhaven Precinct 1D. • Newhaven Precinct 4B. • Newhaven Precinct 5B. • Newhaven Precinct 5C. • Newhaven Precinct 6 (School

Site). • Newhaven Precinct 6A.

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Information Bulletin T3 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 • Newhaven Precinct 6B. • Newhaven Precinct 9. • Vertu – Stage 4A. • Vertu – Stage 4B. • Vertu – Stage 4C. • Vertu – Stage 5A. • Heron Park – Stage 4A. • Heron Park – Stage 6. • Heron Park – Stage 6A. • Heron Park – Stage 7. • Heron Park – Stage 8A. • Lot 15 Brooks Road. • Lot Pt 6 and 7 Carradine Road. • Lot 9000 Westfield Road. • Lot 51 Salter Road. • Lot 9000 Gribble Avenue. • Lot 501 Holden Road. • Lots 4 and 160 Irymple Road. • Lot 681 Canns Road. • Lot 604 Waterwheel Road – Stage

4. • Lot 56 Birtwhistle Place. • Lot 11 Ivanhoe Way. • Lot 9504 Kilkenny Loop – Stage 2. • Lot 701 Eighth Road. • Lot 151 Wright Road. • Lots 113 and 114 Warton Road. • Lot 1006 Nicholson Road. • Lot 22 Nicholson Road. • Lots 88 and 89 Turner Place.

• Newhaven Precinct 9. • Vertu – Stage 4A. • Vertu – Stage 4B. • Vertu – Stage 4C. • Vertu – Stage 5A. • Heron Park – Stage 4A. • Heron Park – Stage 6. • Heron Park – Stage 6A. • Heron Park – Stage 7. • Heron Park – Stage 8A. • Lot 15 Brooks Road. • Lot Pt 6 and 7 Carradine Road. • Lot 9000 Westfield Road. • Lot 51 Salter Road. • Lot 9000 Gribble Avenue. • Lot 501 Holden Road. • Lots 4 and 160 Irymple Road. • Lot 681 Canns Road. • Lot 604 Waterwheel Road – Stage

4. • Lot 56 Birtwhistle Place. • Lot 11 Ivanhoe Way. • Lot 9504 Kilkenny Loop – Stage 2. • Lot 701 Eighth Road. • Lot 151 Wright Road. • Lots 113 and 114 Warton Road. • Lot 1006 Nicholson Road. • Lot 22 Nicholson Road. • Lots 88 and 89 Turner Place. ARA Works:

• Newhaven Precinct 6B. • Newhaven Precinct 9. • Vertu – Stage 4A. • Vertu – Stage 4B. • Vertu – Stage 4C. • Vertu – Stage 5A. • Heron Park – Stage 4A. • Heron Park – Stage 6. • Heron Park – Stage 6A. • Heron Park – Stage 7. • Heron Park – Stage 8A. • Lot 15 Brooks Road. • Lot Pt 6 and 7 Carradine Road. • Lot 9000 Westfield Road. • Lot 51 Salter Road. • Lot 9000 Gribble Avenue. • Lot 501 Holden Road. • Lots 4 and 160 Irymple Road. • Lot 681 Canns Road. • Lot 604 Waterwheel Road –

Stage 4. • Lot 56 Birtwhistle Place. • Lot 11 Ivanhoe Way. • Lot 9504 Kilkenny Loop – Stage

2. • Lot 701 Eighth Road. • Lot 151 Wright Road. • Lots 113 and 114 Warton Road. • Lot 1006 Nicholson Road. • Lot 22 Nicholson Road. • Lots 88 and 89 Turner Place.

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Information Bulletin T4 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 ARA Works: • Forrestdale Business Park – Spine

Roads. • FBP – Lots 5056 Armadale Road,

5057 Allen Road, and 54 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 5054, 130 and 131 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 3 and 53 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 4, 82, 296 and 406

Ranford Road. • Champion Lakes – Stage 2. • Wungong Urban Water – Cell K –

Preliminary earthworks and filling. • Wungong Urban Water – Cell 1A –

preliminary earthworks and filling. • Lots 34, 35 and 800 Westfield

Road. • Lots 10 and 11 Gillam Drive.

• Forrestdale Business Park – Spine Roads.

• FBP – Lots 5056 Armadale Road, 5057 Allen Road, and 54 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 5054, 130 and 131 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 3 and 53 Ranford Road. • FBP – Lots 4, 82, 296 and 406

Ranford Road. • Champion Lakes – Stage 2. • Wungong Urban Water – Cell K –

Preliminary earthworks and filling. • Wungong Urban Water – Cell 1A –

preliminary earthworks and filling. • Lots 34, 35 and 800 Westfield

Road. • Lots 10 and 11 Gillam Drive.

ARA Works: • Forrestdale Business Park – Spine

Roads. • FBP – Lots 5056 Armadale Road,

5057 Allen Road, and 54 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 5054, 130 and 131 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 3 and 53 Ranford Road.

• FBP – Lots 4, 82, 296 and 406

Ranford Road. • Champion Lakes – Stage 2. • Wungong Urban Water – Cell K

– Preliminary earthworks and filling.

• Wungong Urban Water – Cell 1A – preliminary earthworks and filling.

• Lots 34, 35 and 800 Westfield Road.

• Lots 10 and 11 Gillam Drive.

Design and Engineering

Design and Engineering: • Armadale/Seville Drive (MRWA –

signal approval). • Orchard Drive – cul de sac. • Railway Avenue – Merrifield to

Design and Engineering: • Parking – Civic Precinct. • Railway Avenue – Merrifield to

Westfield. • Armadale/Abbey/Railway Avenue.

Design and Engineering: • Warton Road/Armadale Road –

Install TCS and modify intersection to provide two through lanes on Armadale Road

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Information Bulletin T5 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 Westfield Road – reconstruction.

• Armadale Road/Abbey Road. • Church Avenue – Armadale Road

to Prospect Road – reconstruction. • Nicholson Road (Armadale Road

to Wright Road) – dual carriageway.

• Wungong Road, reconstruction. • Nicholson Road (Armadale Road

to Wright Road) – dual carriageway.

• Lake Road/Henderson Drive, LATM.

• Jull Street, access to Civic Precinct.

• Cross Park – access to pavilion. • Gillam Drive/Champion Drive –

Blackspot. • Canning Road – street light


• Nicholson Road – dual carriageway. • Lake/Henderson. • Jull Street – Access to Civic

Precinct. • Cross Park – Access to Pavilion. • Gillam/Champion –Blackspot.

and left slip lane in Warton Road. • Canning Road – Install edge

lines. • Wungong Road – Install edge

line. • Wungong Road – Upgrade

lighting to AS1156 V Category. • Railway Avenue/Streich Avenue

– Part 3 - Install painted RT pocket, install median island on south approach, install LT lane.

• Champion Drive/Gillam Street – Install pre deflection of Gillam Street (east approach).

• Canning Mills Road – Upgrade lighting to AS1156 Category V (ie lighting to intersections and curves.)

• Neilson Avenue/Forrest Road – Install median island.

• Westfield Road – Upgrade lighting to AS1158.

• Railway Avenue/Champion Drive – Install pre deflection of Champion Drive (west approach).

• Challis Road/Seville Drive –

Install roundabout. • Seville Drive/Poad

Street/Salamanca Boulevard/Seville Grove – Pre

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Information Bulletin T6 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 deflection on Seville Drive (south approach).

• Railway Avenue/Streich Avenue – Part 2/Railway Crossing Kelmscott – Install protected RT pocket, install median island on north approach.

• Railway Avenue/Streich Avenue – Part 1 – Part 1 – Install protected RT pockets, install median islands, install left turn lanes.

Parks and Reserves

Capital Works: • Playground Strategy. • Public Open Space Strategy –

Reserve Developments. • Park lighting – Memorial Park. • Park lighting – Minnawarra Park. Asset Works: • Playground - soft fall and repairs

Citywide. • Reticulation preservation. • Cross Park tank preservation. • Park lighting – Fancote Park. Maintenance: • Scheduled mowing. • Irrigation maintenance. • Bushland maintenance.

Capital Works: • Playground Strategy. • Public Open Space Strategy –

Reserve Developments. • Park Lighting – Memorial Park. • Park Lighting – Minnawarra Park. Asset Works: • Playground – Soft fall and repairs

Citywide. • Reticulation preservation. • Cross Park tank preservation. • Park Lighting – Fancote Park. Maintenance: • Scheduled mowing. • Irrigation maintenance. • Bushland maintenance.

Capital Works: • Playground Strategy. • Public Open Space Strategy –

Reserve Developments. Asset Works: • Playground – Soft fall and repairs

Citywide. • Reticulation preservation. • Cross Park tank preservation. Maintenance: • Scheduled mowing. • Irrigation maintenance. • Bushland maintenance.

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Information Bulletin T7 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 • Civic Precinct maintenance. • New estate maintenance. • Street tree pruning - Precinct 4. • Citywide streetscape maintenance. • Customer requests. • Vegetation control – road reserves.

• Civic Precinct maintenance. • New estate maintenance. • Street Tree Pruning – Precinct 4. • Citywide Streetscape maintenance. • Customer requests.

• Civic Precinct maintenance. • New estate maintenance. • Citywide Streetscape

maintenance. • Customer requests.

Property Management

Capital works: • Roleystone Theatre – Electrical

upgrade. • Champion Centre – refurbishment. • Conversion of Old Library to

Offices. • Reallocation of offices within

administration. Asset Preservation: • Administration – internal

refurbishment. • Seville Grove Library – air

conditioner replacement. Maintenance: • Scheduled cleaning – Council

buildings. • Building maintenance – all

Capital Works: • Roleystone Theatre – Electrical

upgrade. • Champion Centre – Refurbishment. • Conversion of Old Library to

Offices. • Reallocation of offices within

Administration Building. • Designs for community Services

additional space. Asset Preservation: • Administration – internal

refurbishment. • Seville Grove Library – air

conditioner replacement. Maintenance: • Scheduled Cleaning – Council

buildings. • Building Maintenance – all

Capital Works: • Roleystone Theatre – Electrical

upgrade. • Champion Centre –

Refurbishment. • Conversion of Old Library to

Offices. • Reallocation of offices within

Administration Building. • Designs for community Services

additional space. Asset Preservation: • Administration – internal

refurbishment. • Seville Grove Library – air

conditioner replacement. Maintenance: • Scheduled Cleaning – Council


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Information Bulletin T8 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 buildings. buildings.

• Building Maintenance – all


City Projects Capital Works • Frye Park – Stage 1. • Frye Park – Stage 2. • Youth Activity Area. • Aquatic Centre.

Capital Works: • Frye Park – Stage 1. • Frye Park – Stage 2. • Youth Activity area. • Aquatic Centre.

Capital Works: • Frye Park – Stage 2. • Youth Activity area. • Aquatic Centre.

Property Management

Capital works: • Roleystone Theatre – Electrical

upgrade. • Champion Centre – refurbishment.• Conversion of Old Library to

Offices. • Reallocation of offices within

administration. Asset Preservation: • Administration – internal

refurbishment. • Seville Grove Library – air

conditioner replacement. Maintenance: • Scheduled cleaning – Council


Capital Works: • Roleystone Theatre – Electrical

upgrade. • Champion Centre – Refurbishment. • Conversion of Old Library to

Offices. • Reallocation of offices within

Administration Building. • Designs for community Services

additional space. Asset Preservation: • Administration – internal

refurbishment. • Seville Grove Library – air

conditioner replacement. Maintenance: • Scheduled Cleaning – Council


Capital Works: • Roleystone Theatre – Electrical

upgrade. • Champion Centre – Refurbishment. • Conversion of Old Library to

Offices. • Reallocation of offices within

Administration Building. • Designs for community Services

additional space. Asset Preservation: • Administration – internal

refurbishment. • Seville Grove Library – air

conditioner replacement. Maintenance: • Scheduled Cleaning – Council


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Information Bulletin T9 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Department May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 • Building maintenance – all

buildings. • Building Maintenance – all


• Building Maintenance – all buildings.

City Projects Capital Works

• Frye Park – Stage 1. • Frye Park – Stage 2. • Youth Activity Area. • Aquatic Centre.

Capital Works: • Frye Park – Stage 1. • Frye Park – Stage 2. • Youth Activity area. • Aquatic Centre.

Capital Works: • Frye Park – Stage 2. • Youth Activity area. • Aquatic Centre.

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Information Bulletin T10 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate


MEMBERS PRESENT Cr Gucnter Bl.'5t (Chainnan) Mr Dun Griffill'5 Mr Ron Withnell



Mr Kim Sani (Projects Co-ordinator) Mr Craig Noc~

Mr Matt Hamilton


Ms Miriam Stanborou~1I (Weeds Co-ordiuJ.lOr) Mrs ITl"le Ml)rcombe (Trt:asurer) Mrs KCIT) Batt (Secr.::tlU)& Dicb:Jc~ Co-ordinator) Mr Gavin Fancme (Annadale CFO)

ABSENT Mrs l'el1n)' VerSteeg MrSimon Da,,~ins

Councillor Best dedured the meeting open at 7:47 pm. Ct Best welcomed ne" committ~e member Mr Cmig Nod: Minutes of the meeting held 28'" April 2010 accepted a5 being correct .

Griffiths I Sani Carried.

BUSINESS ARISING I. Feral P'I! Research FollO\1 ins from last momh·s meeting. Dr Adams sem recommended pcninel11 anid.-s

on pig research to Ms Ilaro which was fon\"3rded to Mr Dawkins.

2. Updming Bungcndore Par\., mDo - Mr Sani Tl'poncd funher arnemlmcnt5 are still r""{[uired Dml ehe"~ing" ith Mr Faneote before members· copics printed,

3. CQJnlnjnet:s 30'" ~QmlDemQfllliQn - 2011 is Commiuee·s 30'" anniversary; the folluwing ideas to be considered to celcbrate this milestone: Lions Club nalioOlaI I./{m rnagll7.ine: Wildflower Socicr) of \VA newslener (Mr Sani has alrndy been as~ed tQ do an ankle for Feb Qr May i~sue): Art (ompclil;Qn in cotuunclion \lith Hilts Heanbeat Festil"al- theme Bungendore Par\., (sponS9rs?); Astronomy actil·it) (Dar~ in Ihe ['ark); Si mply Green "r Simply Red in\itation-only dinner in tile pari<: Rotal)-~ponsored cvent. OthN ideas required.

4 2010 [,Ian!in!:. PrN:.r!unme _ Mr Withnell advised thm last year"s plan!; ,'g in the Diebac~ Irial area was nOI succes~ful (lots of animal chellings). This year's plantin£. prosranune ~till 10 be detenni~. Mr Sani reported that Ihis year". seedlings were growing wdl when he contacted the plnnl m'rsel)' last wcc:k.

~. Fence Rewirs and Ihe replaccnWllI pf Gat~ M - Gate M has be<:n replaco:<! wilh a smull pedestri:1Il gate and adjoining fence re,slrnincd. Gavin FanCQle estimlltcd it wilt cost S2,OOO lu bUI) I"()(:~S in from ufboth seclion, of fence. Mr San; has detennined lhm onl} SI.J62 funding is av~ilable up to 30· Jutle. Ms Stanoorough has sugse,tcd that lie r~qucsi I'ar~s and Ganlens to unden3~c the 11011; (with supervision by Committee), Mr Withneilio contaci Mike O·Ncitito se<> whether he can undertake Ihe worl.:.

6 Proposed chnnges 10 Comminec·, Tcnns of Refcrence Cr Bl.'5t lIill arrnngc ft mecting. lIith CrTi7.1lnt Ms !laro and Mr Sani to compare documents and addl'l:ss the issues mise/! in Comminee·s le1t~r 10 Coum,il 0(2""

lkccmber 2009. Cr 8o:stto folloll up.

7. !!ills Ileaabcat ftMi \'al & Pancal;C$ in the PArk 2010 Mr Withnel1 rtponed an estim31ed 6,000 10 7.000 people atteudo:<! o\er the \l'ee~end. Mr Sani reponed no II-alkers on Saturday and 3 "-al~~rs on Sunda) lead b} Mr Fletcher for the Armadalc Wildtlollcr Socict) bU5hwal~. l'.1r Griffiths repone<1 the I ions Ch,b made an ol·cmll profit for Ihc 2 dft}!!. The festil'al II ill be held "gain in April 20 II.

8, 201012011 Budgc! alioemiQo updated budget proposal. Allachment ·'C·. includes additional construction and firc control eStil1late~. Mr Sani 11;11 send the budget proposal 10 the cllI'ironmental Officer k Manager I'arks.

9. Prmeglil·e m"!ii!ic b!lrniog Mr Faneote was not present to .... port on the protccti\·c bUill conductcd on g & 9 Ma) in the Landscape Prole<:tion Arta (LPA) sub· unit 4c (tolal area Qf "' 40 hectares). CQtJ1milt« was a"ar~ that the fire got out of control and a scries of questions IIcre posed: Total area burned (thought 10 be 50 ha), IIh> & ho,," controlled bum gut oul of control. extra tracks made in LPA, were resources 31ailable on the day adequate, SMS communicatiQn tn neighbours ofplanued bum & durin:; the bum. lac~ of communication b) Cit) of Armadale 10 BVfl3 and Commillee about Little Athletics group met'ting at Admiral Road entral1ee, reason for unneccs.>af} cleanng of bushland on Dryandra Drive nur Gate ·C· and sIan of TkS, reason f(lr knocking OI'er of some stag trees in cool bUllied area along. Tk5. IIho lI'a5 incident controller that Hlahori,cd

Page 44: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T11 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

May 2010 meeting - 2 - Meet'ng No 312

bush damage by bulldozer operator. has the BVFB ~nt an incident rcpo" to the City of Am,adale? Committee RW-ce<I to an on-site meeting I :OOpm Saturday 29th Ma) to discuss aspects of. and Co,nmin«'s toncems about. th~ recem burn I,ith Mr Faneote. Mr Faneotc is nOli ChicfFire Officer replacing Mr Ray Barnett Bedfordalc Volunteer llushlirc Urigadc Captain is Mr Dave Vic~ef}·1 [olle.

10_Fire Are'!ss Tracks Mr Fnncotc not present to rcpon on the widening ofTk20 (W4) from 2 metres to 3 metres.

II /'Idmir~1 Rood Entrance Mrs Ban Obtained ~ quote from Williams Kural Fencing for 5594_00 to fabricate the gate and modify the existing boom-gate. with labour at S75 p'hour. Commmee agr«d to the quotation. 10 a ma~imum of J hours' labour Mr Williams sub5l'qu~nt l} advised it 11m ta~e at tea,t 6 hours' IIor~ 10 fabricate and install the gate. possibl) longn : . minimum S1.0-I4 (5594 '" S450). Budget allocation rev;e" is that only 51.362 funding is a"ailable up to 30" June (refer Item 5 above)_ Agret'd to defer to next financial year.

12.!lkJ!,<..JJ/..8",,:c,md(}(l! P"rk ao"ork ptmlltation of the anist's proof copies of the Red-tailed Black Coc~atoo and Western Spin~bill p3inting~ to Full Council m,'~ling on 10·5·2010 WlIS attended by Messrs Griffith:;, Sani, Withnell and Ms Stanborough Mayor Kc)'nolds g.1I'e a comprehensive background s~cch prior lu the pre5Cntmioo. Mcmb<:rs were invited to join the councillors for dinner alier the mteting.

13. Astronomy in Bungcndorc I'ark - Ms Stan borough suggested the possibility of an evem in 2011 and has made contDct \I ilh Richard Tonello (Astronomy Education Ser\';ces - Ph: 0417 961 357) www.aslnKd·SCfljCO.WIll. COSI IIuuld b(' 5400 for 2 10 2~; hours IIith four of his telcscopes. Usual\} g largets arc 5hollll (III 0 "ie"s through Ihe four telescopes) in lin ewning. Afler about g,30pm most parents ",ant to get the ,iddies home to bed. If the c"(ning SI~r1s at say 6:30 and ('nishes al 8:30 - 8:45ish that would wor~ out "I'll. Ms Stanborough thought it best when the nights are nOt quite so cold (altbough Once the nights get warmer. tIle sun sets Imer meaning Ihe e'ent IIould hal·", to start and finish lat~r IIhich may be a disincentive for families "ith kids to auend). A nominal f~~ per persort. or per family, to be charged to co'·cr somc of the cost. if not e,en m3~e 3 small profil. depending upon numbers. Mr Tonello Slated he could cater for up to 130 people. although III' should limit il 10 less th~n this to ensure el"eryone had a good go at the telescopes. We could put on t ~afcofTec Milo and it would be a great cwm 10 get people into the park:. A note ill the Ar11l8dalc Cltristi~n College 3"d Pioneer Village School newsletters would be ~ure 10 gct a lot ofintercst

14_ Voluntao' I lour:; mrmbers loo"ged t!lcir hours since last meeting.

15. volunteer "or~ authortSDtton 1h~ follolling mOlioll was put for Ihe ~n~uing year. B,mg""'/ore I'm·1; MmoogcTII<'1II COlllmill~e ollthorises mrmbcrs m,d "ollmleers 10 perform ml<;mentlllce ,,.orb (md "'l<IIl<!!~"'Mtllcti,·;tieJfor 1101' ""SU;,,!! ye(lr us. (lnd ,,·/'ell. r"'l""""_ Mo,,~d : St3noorougll /GrifJitlis. Carried 27/01f.20 10.

Acti, it)' s inCf last mee ting includes: Messrs Withnell. Griffiths. BeSI & Sani. M5 Stanborollgh p.1trolling; Messrs Sani & Flctclwr bush walk acthity; Mr Withnell monitoring.1lld cducalion~1 activit>.

AWAITING COMPLETION ANDIOR REPLY [)iebac~ treal ment infonnation Mr Sarti has met with l'alll.1 Haro re drafting.1 flycr which Ms Stanborough is prep~rcd to deli'er neighbours of ijungend<.>re P~rk. Th~ <.>utline has been a)lfl'ed and tnt is being prepartd_

2. l)iebnck intc'11rc1i,-c sj.£.!.!s Mr Wi1hncll still to instull one sign tOllnrds Ihe Albany lJ'ghway entranu in consu1t~tio"" ith Mr TufTnell. r.,·lr Withnellto email Mr Tllffnel\to confirm desired locati<.>n.

GRANTS IN PROGRESS I. AIcO<l Bravo! Grdm2005 2. Alcoa Bra,·o~ Grant 20011 3. Alcoa Brnvo! Omnt 2009 4 Swan Alcoa l...Ilndcarc Program 2008 (08S06) 5. SlI"l\n Alcoa Landcare Program 2009 (07509) 6. Regional Parks Commutlit> Oram2008 '09 pan-funded 7. DEC En\ironmental Communi1> Gnmt2009 8. DEC Regional I'arks C<.>mmunity gIlInt 2009 part-fulltkd 9. S"an Alcoa I...mdcare I'rog1'3m 2010 (08SI0)

CORRESPONDENCE IN 1. Ton) Kirhby Fau,,~1 Surl"e) repon 2. BE.AC - Minules for M~reh meet ing and agcnd~ for Ma> mceting

$305.35 S289.14

USS2S0.00 56.210 55.010 53.500 56,490 S2.000 S-I.260

rXT63] [XT63] [XT6J] [XT59] [XT56] [XT57] [XT55] [XT541 ]XTS31

J. Neil Burbridyc. CoA EIII iron,nental Co-ordi"alor _ BEAC Grnnt~ 20 1012011: applications due b} June 30.

Page 45: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T12 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

May 2010 meeting




- 3-

BUSHCARE & ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITIEE REPORT Mrs Versteeg not preso:nt 10 r~pofl on meetinlo\ hdd It" May 2010.


Meeting No 312

L Faunal reoon on Ihe a,<if~una and Ihc ground \'cnebrmc fallna (thm eommcn~ed in 1993) has bc\:n received frnm Tony Kirkb) and Ron JohnStone - \.cc Attachm~nt "A -', Payment was approved in prindpte "t the Feb['1.larJ 2010 meeling and Mrs Morcombe n«ds to process the aCCOUnt, for I)aymen!.

2. Bat survey _ Mr Sani has spoken 10 Paul Webala "ho WIll Oe undertaking the bat sur.·ey. He returned the previous 5100 cheque and "ill be wailins for wanner "eather before he commences Ihe survey. lie is cum:ll1l) wriling his dOCtOrale thesis on bms.

3. I'adl""k yandalism - padlocks ha'~ becn damalo\ed and remo'cd at Gat~ 'L' and Gatc '1' leading to the waler lank. A DEC key has now been obmined for Mr Treasure HI do the weed contTol On DEC land without ho, ing to .... place the Bungendo .... Park padlock. Mr Sani to Bl"Tllltge repair of dnmaged lockS.

4. Truck signage Mr Sarli was aUlhorised 10 arrange manufacture of sign age 10 ma.x;mum value ofSl,OOO (rcf~r BU.liness Arising ilem 5) for fi re acees.! track, Dieback Bnd other sign3ge.

5. DEC 200'l Environmental Gram rcnons arc TC(juired by end of Junc. Mr San, has contacled DEC 10 uplain Ihal s.:edl;ngs would nOt Ix: delivered and some !>Iher "or~ would nOt Ix: complC1ed b} Ihal date. Mr San; ",ill arrange for 3n eMension inlo mid-Augusl: DEC" ill nO! allow an) e.,tension aller Ihat.

6. Diebaek Infonnntion Group confcrence 10 Ix: held rridQ) 16'" Jul) at Murdoch Uni\'crsil), ad"auu notice.

7. pre:;enlatiWJ!o Pi"neer Vil lage School Mr Griffiths report~d on 2! " "by he presenled copies of Birds (if n''''SellJou Park books and some artworl.: 10 the school On behalf ofColnIUittl'e.

2010 Enlils Courses available MA Y 29 I :DOpm Admiral Rd cnlrnncc for On-Sill'

meel;lJ' 10 discuss LPA burn, ' UL 16 Diebaek Informal ion Group conference,

Murdoch Un;\'Crsit ' UL " Rel'c elalion 13nlino 1:00 ml03:DO m

SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING ACTION POINTS c= I Meeling declared closed at 9:46 pm.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING (411) Wednesday)

COllltniU« Meeting Room 7;30 pm, 23ft! June 2010

Mr Kim Sarti (arg Minutes Se.:rcIM))

Page 46: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T13 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

May 2010 meeting

S ig lled : ........................... . . Date: .....

Chainnan"Acting Chaimlan - Bungendorc Park Management CommiUee


Bungcndol'c 1'!II'k 2009

R.E. JohnSl0ne ~nd T. Kirkby

MfJ(!1Jng No312

Attachment "A"

Studies on Ille avifauna and the ground ventbratc fauna (that commenced in 1993) conlinued in 2009. A digital database orall bird records for Bungendorc Park, Ihe adjacent Wungong Vallcy and the Wungong Catchlllcm was (omplcttd in 2009 and fanned the basis for publications on the Wungong CntchmCnI and Bungendore Par!.. The re,<ised Birds (If 811I1gc",lor~ ParA included data from over I~OO "isits 10 tile park from the carly 199()s to 2009 and provides information on the relative abundance, habitat preferences. breeding and movcmCnlS for Ihe 98 sjXcies reliably recorded from the part.. 11 aho 'ummarisc~ the chango:s in >latus of many speciu follo\\ ing efwironmenl8l changes including the devastnting "ildfire in 199~ amI the invasion of some e~otic species. One new species for the par\.:, Ihe Horsfield's BronlC Cuckoo (a rare ,isitor to the region), was added to Ihe list in September 1009. A publication dealing wilh the birds of Ihe Wungong Catchm~nt (John$1ont: and Kirkby 11' .. $1

AU$I. Alii 26: 219-274) was also published in 2009 and this compliments the 8mh of BlIIlg~lId{Jl"~ P'lI"k and highlighlS Ihe high conservation "3Iuc oroolh Hreas.

During 2009 wor\.: also continuC1l in Bllngcndore Park documenting the local distributiOfl. habitat prefi.'renccs. roost sitC$. breeding sca~on and food for all thT<:<: species of endangered black cockatoos namely: Baudin's Cockatoo. Camnb)'s Cockatoo and the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo , All ncst hollows located in previous }cats "ere ehecked for signs of brct'ding and Forest Red·tails were recordC1l breeding in March and April from three hollo\\5. A paper deating wilh lhc br~..,ding biolog)' of the Fore.>1 Red -tai l Black Cockaloo is in prepamtion The seros of Marri represent a "cr) imponant food for all three black cockaloos and we continued to mOll itor the nowering lind nUlling qclc of some ITte$ in lhe park.

OUT \\0", on documenting the ground ver1cbmte fauna of the park is also ongoing. The pit·fall Imp suncy sites were opened in lk<:embeT 2009 Bnd ahhollgh species numbers were low. some poorly repre«ented spcdes including the legless lizard Lillfir bl/rlollis and the snakes NlIlllphOlypltlups a<ld PIIFIISIlIiI IIIgriC"ps \leTt lrapped arK! released . Ovemll Bungcndore Pan, remains lhe beSt sun'e)'cd area of the Jarrah foresl inlhe Penh Metro Area and thb ~tlld) "ill provide a useful comp'lrison \l ith Olher sites being monitored on th~ Swan CoastRI l'lRin,

UnfOr1l1nately our lmpping sile UP) "115 destroyed "hen tile new fire aceess track W5 from Gate C to the "estern boundary "as inStalled. Only 2 oflhe pit . fall tmps ,,('Te umouched 3nd Ihis study sile will be re·located in 2010.

COMMENT NEWS, Tuesday. May 18, 2010

New book celebrates Bungedore birdlife THE "bundant and dt\'eTM' bird life round In the City nf ArmlldaJe's BWJgl"ndom Park has boon relebr.t"" with 0 n'·'" book_

IJIrdJ Q/ R,mlltrulon! PorI.. b)· loeB] ornltlwlO­~!sts I-:on Johnstm,,> and Touy Kirkby and pul). h~hed by l h~ \lungcndoro J>ark Managemenl Committee, prov;Ms Informatioll on the ~ spedlllloCbirds known to Inhabit too park ,n Bed· fomale. Artwork b~ Hob ~'emlnc WaS commls­.ionl'd ror the bouk.

Birr!so! Rllnflmtion Pllrt can be! purchlll!Cd fOT $20 from lh<l Amllld.~~ Visitor Centre, the Soulh F.asl RllfIoMI Cenlre of Urban Lamkare, Becken· ham, or by mall front Uurq:en<\ore !'<Irk ManaII'> mem Committee. PO Hox;53/\. Anna4al ... 699'2,

Page 47: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T14 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Oushcare and En\·ironmcnlal Minutes Working Gruup,'-____________________ ,I0"".,"e"',h"2"""'''-O


MINUTES Wednesday 10 March 2010-6 PM

Commitlee Room ~ City of Armadale Administration Centre CONTENTS I. ATTENDANCE, ,\POLOGIES & LEA"}: OF ABSENO: ..................................................... 2

2. DEC LAltATION m' M}: MHEllS' INT[REST ........................................................................ 2

3. CON"'IRMATION OF l\lINUTES .............................................................................................. 2

~. PROJECTS FOR COUNCIL·S NOTICE .................................................................................. 2

5. GUEST S I'EAKER ............................................................................ ............. ..... ......................... 3

6. BUSIN}:SS ARISING FROM MINUTES .................................................................................. 3 7. CORR}:SPONDENCE ANI) INFORMATION ......................................................... ~

7.1. CORRLSI'O'\l)I.:t\C[ I".................... ....................... . ............ , ......... 4

7.2. CORRESrol"DCl\'C'!;OUT. .. - .~ ,. COUNClL RELATE!) BUSINF:SS ...................................................................................... ..... 01

8.1. AK\,AI)\1 I. SII nlcRS CO\1\10N UPORADl: or TRAil \ .. .. .............. . .... .4

9. OTHEH UUSINESS .................................................................... .. ................................................ ..

9.1. CO\l\lIrnl VAC/\I'ClE<; ,,__ .......................... ......................... .. .......... .4

9.2. CO""i'KOI, BI-RN CAIC~DAK l OR 20 10 ..... . .............................. 5

10. INFORl\·IATION ......................................................................... .................................................. 6

10.1. P I.A'''>; 11'>0 APPLICATIONS & SellE\'!' A~U '-![)~ U' N I SOli rOK I'U)UC CO~'\II"'I .................. .. 6

1 0.2.1n<\IS 01 1"1 r~ K~_<;l rRO\! Tlil COlJl'>CI! CO\1\HITn:./ COtNC'lL ~1I"1(jTF.s/ AGP"I)A TO 1\0lE. 6

10_3.GM"I1 \\AICIIINrORMATlON REPORT................. .. ..................................................... 6

10.4.01 IIrK Il'>rORMATIO'>l ITF~I~ (L~ .. I'ROGR":SS KEPOKl S RI·H,VA)->T TO PR£VIOUS UUSI''lSS) TO 1'>011:........ ............................ ......................... , .......................... 6

10.5. PRESS REI.£Asrs ...... .................................... . ......... . .. ...... ......... ......................... ..


.............. 6 __ ....... 6

IO.7.AROu~!)1111:: TAHLL .. ............ ........... ' .... .................. .. ....................... 7

II. NEXT l\1.: ETING & CLOSURE ................................................................................................. 9

A1TACllill£i"/T II-I ............................................................................................................................. 10

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Information Bulletin T15 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Rushc~lI·c !tnd Em·ironml'ntul 2 l\·linutes WQrkill~ G"'~.O.,p ____________________ --,10 Murch 2010

I. ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES & LEAVE OF ABSENCE . , • " . Membl'r Affilia tions Cr Pat Han Chair - Annadllie Cit Ri\ er Care Grou Cr G Best Councillor City of Amladak [6.00 to 7.2


MrCam Clay Deputy Chair . Dedforda1c Volunteer Fir Brigade and Amlada1e Gosm:lls Landcar GrouD

Ms Beth Laurie Ammdalc Gosncl1s Lundcare Grou Ms Gwen Watson Armadale Cit ' Rivcrcarc Group Mr Ki m Fletcher Fricnds of Annadalc Shalc ( uaIT

rM-~ David James Friends of FOITcstda1c Ms Geraldinc Colle 7.25 to 7.30 pm

Ms Paula Haro EnvironmentalOllicer Cit of Annadalc r--tt=s. Yvonnc Ward Minute SecretarY Cit of Amludale

A )010 'irs ; Dr Ian Colquhoun Roleybushcare





That 1he Minutes of th e 8ushcare II l1tl EII,·i'·Ollmenl:.1 Workin~ Groull Mrl'ting held on 13 January 2010 be atlolltct.l.

MOVU) Mr I):)"itl ,i:lm rs SECONDED Mr Kim !-"Imher



Thc following projccts arc listcd for Cuuncil's not ict:. Thc Project! Group leader for all projects listed in the table below has Ilgrced to conduct the works \\ith due regard to the City·s S:lfcty and training rcquircmcllIs for bushcare activi ties as described ill the Ci ty"s Friends Group Manual.


T hai Council he ~Itl\"is('d IIml Ihr !'rojerll Croull kll.derlislct.l in Ihe tabk beloll has heen co-oJilcd to Ihe Uushcnrc lind En\·ironmcnlal \\'orkin~ Croup I\) prOlrl"1 0'· ... ;habilitatc bushland by racilitalin~ works by \'olunlre rs fo r this Commiltrr 10 eslent of thr 5eolll' or works and \·olunleer duties descrihed.


Page 49: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T16 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Bushcare and [ n\' ironmentlll Working Gro uJl

J Minutes 10 March 2010

Project/ Group (irany) Span or dates Scope or worksl '"olunleI'Ts Group duties leader

Mr Adrian Friends of Fonniglnl) Wiltering and mulching Choules GoolamruJl seedlings at Goolamnlp


Dr Ian Rolcybushtare 21 March 2010 Dieb.1ck field dOl) Colquhoun Midgcgoroo National Park

C/mn Up 7 March 2010 AuS/mlio Day

--Friends Groups, 11'110 ClirlJl 01/1 011 ground works 111/"0/11;11 mil IIIl' yellr hul whu are affiliated fo olher grol/p.1 (Jlld (Iff! 1101 shOll"/! (tbon', should be ({cknowledged for Iheir

hard work and ac1iiel"(Jmelll.




• Waler Cllrporlllioll WllllgOllg Tri(l/ - Waler Corpor.ltion to itt!end Mil) meeting. fu n her infonlJalion 10 comc. The ElIl"ir{}/lmenlal Officer 10 comliCI Ihe WlIIer Corporalioll 10 COli firm Ihe

(Jl/el1(kmce of (/ repri!se/llal il'e 10 IIpd(lle lIIelllbers Oil lite WUIIKOIIK Trial (1/ Ihe May meelillg 11/ BE1I'G. II \1m slIggeMed Ihallite preseliialiollm' adl"/!/'Iised 10 all BEff'G lIIembe,·s. nil! .I"ubjeci of a bll.\' 10/lr fa il1.~pecl IIII' Will/gong Triol to be eom·ideri!(1 allhe ,\Ill)' meelillg oj BE /f"G, fo//Olillg Ihe preSCIIUllioll hy Ihe Waler COl7wrmioll,

• BEAC AII'llrelle.H Wll/h - Roleyslone Reserves (linking reservcs in Rolcyslonc) in Junc. Connell Avenue Reserve in July. and Fletcher Park and Lambert Lane in A ugu~1.

For IIII' FIt'lelwr /'ark lI'(Jlk, II.wr grollps 10 be '·OII,lIIlled ollille rime whell ellosell /IJ ensure el·elll.l" do 111)1 elm·1t.

• Ph-lIllry Senioll P/mlllillg Worll~"()ps- Birds Australia workshops 10 be discussed and held latcr in the year. All I'III/iliry filiI· been r{'("''om Bird\" A/l.l"lmlia ellqlliri/l~ whelher B£1f'0 li"ould be recepliI'l' 10 (I IlIlk (llId bini idelllijini limi h)' Ih/! orgalliSalioll III ~·um;'

fillure dme" Melllber l emlorJecllhr .\"Ilgge~lioll IIwl Ihe Plellw') ' Session inclllde (I /(Ilk by Bird, ;llIslmlia. The E//I"imlllllelllill q(jicer 10 discu,ls lIill1 Birds .. Iu.'"/ra!ia {lmlwill pro1'ilie IIpliulC at (/ lmer (/(1/(' .

• ilUIIIII/II'urff/ f"e.dil"ll/ - 21 March 20 I O. Volunteers arc rcquesled 10 help man the I3EAC/AGLG slall or 10 help sel-up and p;\ck down on the day. The EnvirorUllcnwl Officer wi ll orgllnisc ull of the infOnllUtion for the da). including posters. flycrs and animals. 7111' I:.."I/I"irollll/elllal Officer .I/llIghl c(lIIflnl/alioll ji·om memberl oj Ihe SIlRJWSlioll JlUlI (I qni:: 1I"ith II pri::e be Iif[el"ed (1/ the Mimwl1"(//"/"a Feslinll .\femher.l" 11'{'/"e

Page 50: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T17 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

lJushcare and Em·ironm tn lal 4 Minules

Workin~,. G"'-,·o"""p"-____________________ ,� "O~M"'~'"'~hC2"O"'IO

,I/lPI)()rliI'e of 'he ,l'IIxgeslioll Ih(ll fhe 550 !"Ollcher from Ihe Locfll Nature SpOI PrQjecf be used {/S (I qlli: (J,.i~1! at Ihl' Minm/ll 'arrll FI'slil'{fl


7.1, Correspolldellce ill • Local Waler QualilY Improvement Plun Southern Ri\er Catchment • Environmcntal Wecds Action Nct\\ork Volume 15 No I February 201 0 • Jmmhdale Forest ProtC{:tOTl> Bulletin!. 2010 • Water Corporation Ground watcr Replenishment Trial Newsleller

7.2. Corfl:spullliellce (1ll1


8.1. Arl/lud(tle Settlers COIIIIIIOII Upgr(t(le of Trails

An item \\ith be presented 10 Coullcil at its March meeting fol1o\\ing thc public comment period relating to the upgrading of tmils on the eastern side of the Armadalc Settlers· Common, A final map of tmils to be closed und rehabilitated ilnd upgrading trails \\ill be taken up to Cowlei\' A Lotterywest gran! \\ ill be applied for. lor the construction of the disabled access trail lo()p. The £lIl"irolllll('/I/(// Officer adl'ised /lwi (III {/ppliclI/iollfur LOller)1I'I!SI fimdillX lI·ill be m(u/e for (I I km loop /0 COlls/rIiC/ a wheelchair pram lICCI'H /roil m ArIIllIda/c Scllh~r~ 'COIIIIIIOII.


9.1. COllllllifft!l! Vl/cIlI/rin

One nomination has been reccivcd for the advertised \acancies on (he Group. InfomHlt ion regarding, the nomination will be provided at lhe March meeting for discussion. Following acceptance of the nomination. the Environmental Officer \\ ill contact the nominee and invile her (0 (he ncxt 1ll(,.'Cting. Mcm"('rs endorsed Ihe /lOmillatioll l"I'!cl.'il"f.!d Fum M.\ Claire Roberl~OIl for appointll/ell/ I(! Ihe BlI.\hcure & Em'il'OlIlI1ellla/ Workillg GrOllI'

RECOMMEND Tha t the nom inftlion rcech ·ed frol11 C ll.ire l{ohc.·lsnn fur a IJOsiliun on the Bushcllrc lmd En\'ironmcnll.1 " 'urking (;rou l' h{' :l{'l·l'IIICd,

MOVED I\1r Cam CIa,. SECO NUEIl Mr Kim Fleldlcr Ci\ nJUEIl

, This pan of (he agenda is to focus on pro\·iding ad\'ke to ~ouncil on cre~(i " g a"d rc, it" inc polic), and str8 t cg~, and 011 the Commillee·s ollinioll ami allilU,l\' on ~n';runm~"lul issues. Recommenda(ions 10 Council. 1 This pan of the allemb is fllr discussion purposes. Items requlrin£ decisiom are to be presented In ·!Jusin~s Itl.'ms for Discu5sion" on foilo,,·in:; ngendl'·S. AdminiSlrnli,'~ mnilCTS.

Page 51: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T18 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

BllshcHre lind Elwirllnillental Worki n j!. Gro ull

9.2. ColI/rof 811m Cllil!lItlflr for 2010

5 Minutes 10 March 2010

In 2006, the City of Armndale Friends Group Manual was amended to reflect nell fire brcak maintenance and control bum procedures for the City of Annadale lind community I·olunteers.

This procedure includes the presentation of fuelloadin£ as<;cssments Ihat nre

undcrtaken annually hy City Rangers to the March meeting ofBEAC.

A summary of fuel IOllding assessments undertaken is provided beloll. I) E rrol Green Reser.e on Carriek noad, Mt I~ichon

• Northern section fuclloading (recorded 2008)" 8.346 tlha

• Southern section fuc110ading (recorded 2008) = 5.808 2) Crerk Park 0 11 lilian Avenue, Kclmscolt

• Northern section fuel loading (recorded 2007) :eo 8.318 tlha • Southern section fuclloading (re<:orded 2007) '" 11.396 tllla

3) Morrison I)r Resen'c 0 11 Ibmerslty Street, Kelmscott • Fuclloading (recorded 2009) '" 6.888 tlha

-I) Goohllll ruf1 Rt'wrYt' on Buckingham Road, Kelmscott • Fuel loading (recorded 2009) "" 6.682 tlhu

5) Possum 1>1 Rcsen't.' on Grade Road Kclmseott • Fuel loading (recordcd 2009) '" 14,53 tlha

6) Dob DJa~kbunl J(es~n'c 011 Champion Orive, Seville Gro\'c • Northern seclion fucl loading (recorded 2007) ~ 6.4R2 t/ha • Northern section proposed bum 2009. • Southern <;cction fuel loading (rccorded 2007) '" 3.446 tlha

7) Hirtwistle Rcsen '(' on I'eet I~oad , I{oleyslonl' • Fuclloading (recorded 2007) .. 6.078 tlha

R) lIolden Road Rcsen 'c on Wygondll ROlltl , Rolcystollc • hc1loading (recorded 2007) = 7, 184 tlb;l

9) Nolting Uill f{csen'c on l\lichucl Rmul, Koll'~ "'I O I1 C

• Fuel loading (recorded 2007) =- 8.929 tlha UI) Wal'\\ ick Slll'ag{' 1':lrk on Thorp I>Jace, Koley.~ tonc

• Nonhem section fuel lmlding (rt'Corded 200S) ~ 10.668 tlha • SOlllhem section fuel loading (recorded 2007) -'" 3.972 tlha

11) Herbel·t I~d l~cs(' r\'C on Conifl'r I{(md, Ka rragullell • Fuel loading (recorded 2007) '" 10.050 tlh;)

12) Roley Pools, !{oleystone • Soulh I = 6.384 tlhs • North 2 = 10.602 tlha • North 4 = S.700 tlha

13) Wright Brook, Kclmscott • Fuc1loading (recorded 200S) - 12.936 tlha

14) Dryer Street Reserel'c, ftlf1rmi()n SI, Kdlll!Jcoll • Fill'! foo(fjlll! (record(!(1 Odober 2008) /0.25/ 1m

15) Cfllllifio Rest!rJ·t'. Railway A I'e, Camiflo • Fllel foading (reC(Jrdell Dc/aher 2008) 9,36//hll

Page 52: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T19 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

lJushc:lre :Inti Envirunmental Workin~ Group

6 l\'linlltes 10 March 2010

71le ObSerl'lllioll !I'{I\ made Iha! weed iI!(e:>llIIiulI joflolt'in).: burll:> call be lIlIill! dew/slaling 10

{III area, so cWllioll It'as lIeedr" whell cQlllr/llplalillX Ihe conlmllt'll buminX oj rrSl"rI'rs,

When' jeasibll!, all accompallying prowall/ ojlllonilOl'iJlg (llId l'emOI'(I/ o.(weeds should oeC/lr jiJI/OlrillK (I nllllm/ bl/I'II pro).:nI/II.



/0. I. I'ltllll/illg applielllirlllS & sdlellll! Ulllt!llrilllellis olilfor public COII/lllem. Nit

10.2. Ilems 0/ illlerestjrolll the COlillcil Comlllilled COImcil mil/Illes! agell(it/ 10

lIote. Nil

1(J.3. GN/III ,,'/11£"11 illjUrllllltioll reporl

• Dcpanrnent of Environment and Conservation Community Grants 20 I 0 -For c,~amph: projects illl'ol\'ing conservation, interpretation and sustainable recreation, J'('gional parks. Bush Forever sites. protection of high-valU!: areas by landowners on prh'a!e land. More infonniltion can be found at \ Applications dose 8 April 2010,

lOA. Other IlIjiJrlllllfioll items (i.e. prugre.u report.I' relel'fllll /l) prr,,;Olls hllSillt'uj 101l0fe • The Nntural Rc~ourcc Management Ministerial Council (Department of

Environment. Watcr. Heritage and Arts) Australia's Nillivc VegctDtion Framework opcn for public comment until 31 March 20! O. infonlllltion can be found a \1'\\ w,enl',<lu/nati\,e-vegclalion-rcvic\\.

• Watcr Corporation Ground water Replenishment Trilll - 3 )ear 1riul 10 investigate the safety and viability of replenishing groundwatcr supplics \Iith recycled water. More infonn:uion can Ix: found at the Water Corpomtion' s \1 ebsile.

• IUn'I' (jll(lrdium - 8 .. '(/// Hi"cr 7;"1$1 PreWfI/ulion by Dr Kerry Traxler (\1'ho II ill III/lock Ihc lII)'s/rIJ' 0/ I'erlh '~. kOllic Rinn) UII Hi .\lorch 2010 RSI'P by I·i"ido)'. 12 March 2010.

• Bird\ AIIJlmli(1 & Depl. 0/ fl/rirowl/e/ll & Conser\'(/Iioll - Great Cocky COIIIII 2Uff) Wedm:,\(/oy.'" April 2010. A.\~i.\/C/Ilt·e is n''1l1ired for Ihe ('/JllIII,

/(}.5. I're.u Rell!(I.I'e.f

I3EAC members to tablt: any information relating 10 po~sib!c upcoming press releases.

/0,6, H.elllilll/a fisl - ilt'lII$ ill progre$$ (Ir scl/edllle(l/ar IlItlire ml!etillg.f


Analysis of be" practice Firebreak Maintcrmnce Research ill p,.o~ress, procedures. Watch on Ef' ACI for roadside regulations (BEAC April 2004)

vegetation clearing Re1;lIluliolls ).:(/zelled 30 .JIII/l!.

Consider opportunities fOf a cross agency response to Oppol'/lIl1islic

Page 53: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T20 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Uusbcllre lind Em ironmculal 7 Minules W k· G or · In~ ro up 10M hZ010 ,

'" 1tl'1II rrog rt!SS

preventing rubbish dumping in the City.

$50 Voucher from Local Nature Spot Projeci J::xpiry ,Iale: OY2UlO T /) IN 1I~"('(lror

(. IIi: eri::e ,\1i1mUlt"(./rr(l F(!slil"Cl/

Beuena) Reserve and Sylvania Park Will be addressed ill Tow/1 "/mmil11{ Schl,1l11e fIIl1elldlllellls.

• Tin' SjO 1'0111.'111.''' jim/1 LONd Nalllre SPOI /'rojecl 10 b., used as a qui: pri:e (/I Ihe Millll{fll·ar,.a FeJIiI·uf

• A copy of Ihe fI' /Ici (/"Om/sid" l"eg.'lalioll clearillg regulilliom) 10 he circufaled with ,"e AKelldo/ur Ihe ,\It/)" BI/sheare (//1(/ EIIl"il"fJlllllelllal Workillg Grflllp.

10.7. A rol/ll tl the whit'.]

10,7, / A GLG - l.ofler)" lI'l!!it FIlII/IiIlI: / Cam Clay/ Notification has been receil'cd from LOllCr)\H~SI of funding of$57.836 for the River Restoration Omcer position lor the next 12 monlhs.

10,7.2 HII.\·" Fire Hrigllfll!!i /Calll Clay/ There htl\c been:l couple o f fires reccntly. one occurring on 17 Febl"U,lry on Taylor Road which was quite:l scrious fire, wilh some serious is!;ues. None of the special bush lire brigadcs within the City of Armadale Ilerc called out unt il a day later to mop up which created a little bit of concern. It would uppear that Ihis matter has now been resolved. Ilowevcr. a furthcr fire occurred on Friday, 5 March 2010 on Skcel Road, (tnr S I-.. ect ,md Rile) Roads) which was a cause for concern in th ;!t FESA used foam to mop up the lin: which can have a de\·astating effect on native vegetation.

Cam requested that if a tirc occurs in Flelcher Park thtll both the Coullcil Briglldes and FESA be ildvised not to usc foam because of the rnrc and endangered species in the Park.

Rescar<:h lind infommlion inlu the content of the foam that is being used to fight t1r<:s to be sourced. InfomHltion from the Urban Bushland Council and Kings Pnrk regllrding their research inlo thc impact of thc foam onto nati\·c vegetation to be requestedirescarch(.'{i by Ihe Environmental Officer.

J 0.7.3 V"lIl11fet'rs for MillllfllI't,rrlf Ft!Sfil"(lIIElll"irolllllell/(lf O/ficer/ The Emironrnental Onicer rcquested mlullteers to man thc AGLG/BEWG tent ;It the Minnwarm Festival.

10,7.4 Frienlls of FarreJttltlfe /Olll ·ill iflll/ltSl • AnstcyIKcanc Rond Issue - the Public Emironmcnt Reviel\ is OUi for

comment until April/May. Thc Dcpartillcnt of Works. Heritage and Art hal'e requested information on the sun mO\h and a short-tongued

J Infonnnlion ~h~'\ng oppof1un\l~ . I ,",pies thai require dClaited d;~eu,sion~ will be refcrrcd 10 f"luri;' meetings as DgcndJ items.

Page 54: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T21 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Uusheare and Emirunment:11 8 Minutes Working G,,'"o""P"--_ ___________________ ,1,O~" " .. ~'"'"hCZeO""0

native bee. DEC has apparently done a sllldy on the urca. rhe Bush FOfCver site will be visited this weekend in order to observe the sun moth flying.

• B03rdwalk - works on the boardwalk arc continuing. with the footings m)\\ in place but the structure on top is yet to be started. Work should begin later in M:lrch.

• Ckan Up Australia - a big clean up was eoneentmtcd in the Anstey/Keane RO<ld bushland at the wttkend. Wheel barrows were used [0 pick up the rubbish. \\hich 3f11ounted to <I trailer IO<"lds. This IliIl be refilmed by Council. 9 people turned up to help with \\hal turned out 10 be II great effort.

10.7.5 Variolls ler Pili Hadl • Swan and Canning Rivers Iconic Tmils I'rojcct - Noong!lr people are

being asked [0 sh.cue their knowledge of Ihe rivers liS part of a project aimed <It researching lind documenting Noongar and European and nlltuml heritage \alues of the rivers. Stories or yams are being requested from the past or prcscnt about thc Swan and Canning Rivers. Pcrth Region Natural Resource Management (NRM) nnd SWALSC IUl\'e been :lskcd to conduct stage I of the project which involves consultation with the Noongar community. St<tgc 2 of the project will del"elop a plan for thc interpretation of [he various heritagc values. and stage 3 will involve the physiclll devclopment uf a set of trails being estnblished along the ri\crbanks. TIK' project will nckno\\ ledge Noongar place~ and l)I!()plc, and will enable Noongar people to define how the significant places nlong [he banks of the rivers should be interpreted.

• N!lIural Iksourec Manugernem ~ a rolicy SlUtClllcnt has been initiated by WALGA on Nnturnl Rcsource Manngement - the Policy Statement acknowledges how Local Govcrnmcnt recognises natuml resource nmnagemcnt and acknowlcdges that every Local Govcrnment is unique with individual priorities ::md financial commitments.

• Cat Study - Cr Hart circulated to members of the group <"I Council Infonnation Bulletin datcd 9 May 2007 regllrding the C:lt Study conductcd by r-,'lurdoeh Univcrsit) in 2007. (Rlfer /0 Am/chilii'll/ A­f.)

Cr DeSI leli Ihe' IIICC/inX {II 7.20 pili Afs Gemldillt' CoJ/t'Yjoilled The meerilll-! (117.25 (Jill

10.7.6 C/ulIIge of NUIllC of HlOhcllrc & Elll'irulIIlII!IItlll Workillg G"rollp/Kim Fletcherl Kim Fletchcr cnquired "hc[her II decision hnd ret been made in r ... gflTd to the title o f the Group. Suggestions by members fur renaming the Group I\ere made as follows: Bushcarc and Em iron mental Ad\ isory Compact 1 Kim Fletcher] Bushcare and Environmcntlll Advisory Communit), 1 Pat [-I:lrt]

Page 55: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T22 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Husht:lre lilul E:n\"ironment:ll \\larkin/;: Group


9 Minutes 10 M:lre.h 2010

T he fullm\ing n:llIIl' eh:mges be considered for the Hushcure & EIl\' iron mentul " 'orking Group at the May i\'1l'eting:

HushClire and Environm ental Advisor)' COIII II:lCI Busheare Hnd Environment:ll Ad\' iso,"=,' Community

MOVEI) Mr I)H\'id J:lllles SECON DED MI" Cum CI II~'

10.7.7 Pellce/III Pumls - FIIII/lillg for SWfm! IGl!ro/tlim! Col/J'J'I


Gemldine Colley ad\'ised that Pcaeefull'onds hnd dried up and Ihe group would like to place a statue in the centre of Ihe pond. so enquired what funding was availabk (or the project.


Next Mel'ling • at 6.00 filii 011 Wednesday. 12 May 2010. City of Arnmdll1c COllllllillee Room.


Page 56: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T23 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Bushcare :rnd Enl'ironmcnlal Working Group


10fom"I"'" EJulklm


lofo,""'''''' 1t<fllS (""" lho: o. •• I<>Pf1l<"I' Sen ,= 0irt<1<>r ...


~ "i""lob·"'li ... "mm.n·_l'<r n.'" r ...... ' id .. l lu. to 01",. local .. Ii" r,un •. .. "i'«l ,",,,'" It.","". Iti.~ "r nol i., " "nl "'0" D ... ."in,.'. 200612007 Ikpln.l> {HI Old"""", of , II <al< .... '"'!UC''''R'''' Io<al t ...... M.- Unl\<f$i'l ~, ., ,<[t<1"'''''' ,,~ "-~,uJl _>< ,,( d'fl',;"~",,n.' pl''''

'nl.'ICI'"." ",II he h'

Minules 10 l\brch 2010

TIl< Mu,dlIch trnl\<tSu) S,uJ) Itfro<d In ,n lho: "",~ob()o.. hll$ ,<UnIt. ~n «lnIpl .. <d ond. <W~ of il>< t .... " .... hr<n I"'" ,oIod 10 ""' elll bot" on h.u\I'''P1 oro;! ... S.Q~IU r-.±f flk A rop) of'to:

"""" _""" " r<produ<<<I bd,,~

A rop) uflh< th<SI> ",II II< f<l,..-",d<d I" ktonr« :..:,"= "t-.> "auld ""'. f<Sp<ln,ibli"l ro. "'" eot locol 1o,,', ond n>«"l'"!, ...., """",,,,d "ith "'O"I!<' ;",,, ,,~ .... ,,, COd.Ido, • "~l f,~".,,1 ,n 'lie I,gh' .. r ,lie "ud, ",ul"

wr..ther or 11<'11" inlf<>llu", tit Ii><allo". i, ."""ph. .... "'"II ..... {""un M'f!han .... i •• filii .. wclt .. "" ,m"", "" Il<'ipol>Ju" of ....... Ih< """,filS <>f , .. o"""",h,p .wI1h< ,001 "fboor I.". 01", off"", d«,,.,,,.ld,,g

If}"" """Id I,l. an <Im,,,,,,_ COP' "frho: full ,he" •• 00Il>, .... ., 'hoi C .... ""I "",,"IJ be b''''fed "" ,he ,Iud}. Ilf " ... Id I,k •• o nuk. on} "'>nInI<nl< r<pr~inl _ .... 10 "'" nun.g<nl<nt ,n .11< "I}. pkas< con,act ,II< Ci'l'. Sen..,. I III ,,,,,ome,,".[ PI .. "",. ~lt ... "" V .. [loW""," .an he l<ao:W b} leI<""""" "" 9399 0604. b) < ...... 1 .. """"101ft,, .mIIId.I< ... ..-a.zo>, .... or 11)' f"""mil< "" 9399 0184

·I·b .... l i'l" On 1"""" rr~l" '''m) h ...... 1"'1'0<1 n" '1"'<1" ,I<hn'" "'~ .bund ..... "f",'i,. mo."",I, In I,,~ .d,",i') II "'"'' lu.", li,n .ubu'bi.! h) Ir . "";,, Uh,h !lSe.IIl~n'.1

Cor o ... " .... h,p i" A.,U"h. i. do.'<hm"l! """,p .. ,'Il ,~ ., ''''''Cl>"'~ ""n<! uf ... c""""h lp ,,' 'he 1I""ed .:"",dom.l'n,1«l S'>lD .... Furup< lhed«:I,,,,, on Au,,,.I .. ""'l'he lonled ",roncrm. "''''''-P''''''''''' impact; of<>l p,dar"'""" '"' ,....",i<olOd di,liko ~f'''' H""",,,. "h'''' ,"""'...., "u,"o,...,. Olud"" 00 fom cal, and ,II<" Imp .... "" do<l,n'n~ " .. "" r ........ he ,mpao:t oft><' C21s"" ,uhurban ",Idhfe or f>Wla in ""'lIm! bu"'lond I, ,<I"n"l) ""l",,",, oj,,,,,,,,,,, IIooto .. ~ ",,10 P""""pI;',,, o( "J.., ,..,., p"m~ ,,,",,f ,h,. ,,,,",,, """ 'ollflPIJ ,he p«'CauI;"'W} P'"",'pi< ""I .. qUO';'KlII"flll< put>,,,, ''''''''' "fp..., <3b on Iho: .hu"<."d dn",'''} "",,lOll ",.""n.b ,. ",ban h...r,lond OilJ""""' ",,,,,,·.x'lSi') ><Ibmb .. in tho '") of An""L,k, ,n!\mi<ip2li,} "" Ih< >OUIh..,.., fims< of I'<rth. II.""", "' .... nol, .. AI ~'" ,iono uf \.'i"n~. w.-n,"", i. l'" '0 in,ruduo<: ""e 1'1l"laiioo ..,,'mm~ 0"' ".,,,,,1 olthou&h m .. ,) Io<oJ ...... """, ""h'" ,he ,,,,,, h'I< co,bN (mpirmcn,ed '" "'" '" "'" P"""''' <>1 i"III"'n'''''li"~ 001 'qui.,""",

Page 57: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information B


T24 Inform

ation Items from

the Technical Services Directorate


~l~~t~~E~ ;!;;2,!l!I3§K ,,"2,5-~ " ~~ 'H: 2";: rl,".:, ~." -0::'1;,-", §~.,.~~~~;

~Hl'Y~ ,_",,1, "" c'-" ~§I!"!I.""3!.. ;::~riF.~!~'~ %.~ 50 S -!l ... i.::!.=.:l~ ~D: Hii"i~h· - - f-'" ~ 3l h ~ ~ is-2,V..,""i1l ~a!~la~ i~il'~~':~

~Jlli H P'''8;~f1i ~~;~-nii o,H~ " i! ~ 1!"Il ~ i.., i!EgS!~=.;

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Page 58: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T25 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Tuesday 24th - Wednesday 25th August Dockside Convention Centre, Sydney

Come and network with the experts in local government sustainability!

__ Register now and receive the early bird discount --

The Local Government Susta1nable Development COfIference 2010 Is designed to assist local government practitioners 10 identify, plan and Implement best practice sustainable development SQlubOfls.

The peak Ilatiooallocal suSlainable development conference will shOWC<l$e leading edge e><amples of outstanding enVlroomentalln;tiabves by Ausira l;an local governments. Including tho wrrent Wlnnerof tho Australian Sustainable Clbes award , and the Community Sustainability award Winne' al the UN­endorsed InternatioMI LNeabte Communities AwardS

Toplc~ Include:

Climate change and energy efficiency Integrating sustainability into economic imperatives Future directions for assel management Practical approaches to water management Sustainable planning and urban design Waste management and resource recovery Land remediation Community engagement in environmental initiatives

Green purchasing and procurement

Page 59: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T26 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate


Chris D~vl., Commisslooer, National Water Commission C, Paul Bell, Presid<tnt, local Government ~lJOn of Oueen!l/lnd ProTulior Puwr Newlt1lln, Profeasor of SUllainabili1y, Curt .. UnMu"ity Su.lainabllity PoUq Ins~lute

Proleuor Gary Jonell, CII;"I Executiv~, eWa!efCRC MIry-Anne Wilson, Dnctor, National Wa!!11I Policy Impl""",,,tation Team, Departrnem 01 EnWonmenl Wat<lr. Hentage and 1l1li Arts Rod Walford , CEO, Auslra~.n Council of Recyc:lllnl Dav ... We&t, Founder, N81ional RecycJing G~,

Ian Blair, Quadra"" Asia. PacifIC Martin Brennan. Deputy CEO, IClEI Qo!,,,nia Wayne Wescott, Chair, lGcf.1 Governmenl Task Group. Green Buildong Cooncl of Aust,.tiil Sean ROMay, Su.ta;'abilify Program Manager, Sirlda;, KnigM Mall

Dr Rl lf Haase, P'ojeC1leader, Coastal Research and Managumarll, Geoscience Austra~a

Pete Wllllams, CEO. Deloitle Digital MarGU8 Spiller, Dimc;t:or, SGS Eronom~ and Planning Dan Atkins. Managing Director, Shaper G~,

Cr Angllo T.I .. ku , MaY"', Cily of Canada

'" Shayne SlicoK, CII ;"! Executive Officer. City of Melville Bob G~u .. an, Managing Dlrector, Review Today Ply ltd Percy Allan, Rasearch Duector, Re ..... w Today Ply Lid Clvls Oerkson1a. D~acIoI. Sustalnabllity. City of Syd~y Michele L.embfUggln, 1200 Buildlll~ Program Coordinator, C~y of MijIt,oume Colin Pitman, DireC1C)f, Crt)' Projeds, Ciltot Salisbury Chari ... Turn •• , Manoger A ..... t M~nagemen1. Bayside City CouocJl Hunt, E)(OWtlVo Offlctlr. South Eut Councils Climata Alliance

To ylew the Agenda and to ...,gl5ler go to W'M'!, or contact Denl!!! McQueen on OJ 85J4 5021 or [email protected]

Platinum Sponsor

mec o save Networkirtg Cocktail Eyent Sponsor

G U1

Supporting Organisations

. I' e II e IV today ................. .~~~. ~";'I Environment, NsW Climate Change

_ " & Water

~ na"", from Iinsmaibng hsl

Page 60: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T27 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate







Operational Area:

Ke y In ues:

Chial Eucutive Oltiesf From:

Great Solllhtm, South.West, Peel and Date: Metropolitan zones


Winter Sprinkler Ban: Community Education

Park$ and Gardens, Communications

Sarah Molloy



• The Wmter Sprinkler Ban is enfofceanle from 1 June - 31 August 2010

• A number Of exemptions ha...e tleerI rlegotia!ed fO( local Gol'ernment



• M advert has been del'eloped to assist LGAs communicate th_ exemptions to their communities

Action Required: Feature advert in local papers as required

The Stale Government is introducing a permanent Winter SpMkJer Ban from June t , 2010 Tne Banis designed to reduce unnecessary water use during the winter months, Im::.easo water availability in summer arnllo prOlllQle waler IDflseJValioo in the community. The ElM follows a successful trial in 2009 during which the Association worked very closely will1 the De~t 01 Walll! to negotiate appropnate el\el11p~ons fa( local Government.

Local Go~emme~t u~denakes a number of activities during winter whicl1 requ~e lIIe operatJoo 01 irrigation systems Grouoowa[fJr quality in some areas Is poor and therefore requires regular Hushing 01 mgatron system to prl,l'll,lOt COOOSIOrl and blockages. The new Water AgellCies (Water Use) B1·Laws 2010 whicl1legistates lIIe San provide the foIlowirlQ ell(lmplions forlk:ensed users:

Marntamlng and tes~ng 01 ~rigation systems Fire ~ghb/1g Water~g new lawns, gardens or grass covered sportmg glounds are allowed for up to 28 days from day of plantirlg Undertaking V!lfIi·mowing, applying fertilisers, pes!iades or wetting agents Imgabng acbve sporting areas sud'! as golf COY/Sf tees & greens, turfwfckets, ooWling greens, race Ifacks W required

The By·Laws can be downloaded from: hltpJ/!gazlisIlB6269C26878D4Dn 482576E700 12E953/Sfile/gg039.!Xlf

local Governments ha~e received adl'ice from the Department of Water that these new conditions for the winter sprmkter ban will be inwporated into groundwater bcenses Local Governments are alsa requ~ed \0 provide a pmposed opefating strategy to the Department of Watar by JO August 2010 which compli!!S with the new arrangements.

Duong the 2009l11al, tM ASSOCIation cornlueled a wrveyol Local Governments to idenbfy any issues associated with the Ban The majority 01 these issues havtl been r!!Solved through the exemptions process Community educalion was also Ide!l~fied as an iSSlIII, with many Local Governments recelWIQ customer complaints because irrigation s~stems were in operabon during the Ban. To assist with lt1is, the Associa~on has developed an advert with the Department 01 Water I'ttltCh Local Governments can use In their local papers 10 educate the community about the exemptions in place lor maintaining public open space. tlls e!lvisaged that this wiU inc:;rease conHT1"mity url\lerstanding aoout the appl"Oj)riate use ollrrigaoon systems dunng winter and redoce the number of complaints being received by Local Govemmenl Guidelines lor the use oItha advtlrt are proVIded below.

The advert mUSI remain ul\C!1anged, with the addition of your CounCIl togo in Ihe bottom right comer Mintmal size changes are permitted.

2. The Winter S¢nkJer Ban and WA1..GA logo cannot be used lor any other purpose 3. Councils are free \0 the information provided to develop the~ own advert 4 The advert can be re lured before and dIInng lhe Ban as required.

loo;:,lGcMlmmenlHousG For Further information please contact 15 AlmII SIrIltI west P(I(d) WA 6005 Sarah Molloy, 9213 2049 or [email protected] PO Bo. 15« \\'til Poo'il WA 6812

' .... """"'" .... ,. Th e Voice of Local Gove rnment .... ,. T~ (08)9321 r.o5S " " .... _-Weboi:e WWN waIg;

Page 61: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T28 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

• • •••

Winte·f· ··· Sprinkler Ban"'::;'

The Department of Water has implemented a permanent winter sprinkler ban for PerthlMandurah and parts of the South West to reduce water use during the winter months .

Local Government is committed to water conservation and has made significant investments in irrigation efficiency, water recycling and hydro­

zoning of parks to reduce water use. All metropolitan Councils now also operate under a water conservation plan.

During winter, Local Governments operate sprinkler systems to maintain active sporting areas and keep irrigation systems in working order. This ensures these areas are kept to a high standard and are safe to be enjoyed by the public.

Therefore, during the winter sprinkler ban, Local Governments are allowed to:

· Maintain and test reticulation systems (includes flushing of systems to prevent blockages)

· Water new lawns, gardens or grass covered sporting grounds for up to 28 days (for establishment)

· Apply fertilisers, pesticides or wetting agents and under­take verti-mowing,

· Water active sporting areas including ovals, golf course tees & greens, turf wickets and bowling greens.

If you see sprinklers being operated by your Council, please consider if this is for regular maintenance activities and within the guidelines of the winter sprinkler ban.


Your Council

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Information Bulletin T29 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

ft;w) ,,' "

-ISSUE 137

MAY 2010


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WALGA www.wolgo.oso.oo


A ~wosttl coll""fion i. being held all Ovef

metropolitan Perih, from Sot",doy, 12 10 Sunday, 13 JlJI')(:. This lIY(!nt was held lost yeor, with over 205 ton~ of e-wosro collected.

This yeor, we 0'0 hoping to lop this oflart. $0 !!ting your o-woste 10 any 01 the lollowing ~glio~;

Brookdale - City 01 Armodole Am>lJClolo landf,1I 8. Rocycling Focility, Hopkinson Rd, 6.oo~dole

(Qnning Vole - Southern Metropolitan Regional Council

Regional Re.aurce Recovery C!!MIre 350 Bannister Rd, Canning Vole

CoHeslae - lown 01 Cortcsloe Pubiic Carpark, Cnr Morine Pr;/o & Napier St, CoHosloe

Craigie ~ City of Joondolup Craigie Leisure Centre, Whir/ords Ave, Craigie

Middle Swan - City of Swan Opc<ation. (Admin) Centre Cor Pork Cnr Great Northern Hwy & Bishop Rd, Middle Swan


Rockingham - City 01 Public Carpark, Cnr Gvic Boulevord, Rockingham

Speorwoocf ~ Sims E·Woste Recycling 174 Barrington St, Spoorwood

Stirling - City 01 Stirling Admini.'ration Cenlre

25 Cedri<; $1, Stirling

pieose ooIe, that the'f:! i. 0 limil 01 20 compuler syste"", per mrlood, exdudirog educaTional institutions.

1he evenl is being funded by Apple Ply lid. All 01 the .... waste will be rocydod by Sims MeTal

Management .U~ ... l".

for more informotion , vi$it www.wostooe1.neI .ou or conlod your Locol Government Or Regionol Cou, .


I1's limo ta dispose 01 the Household Hazordous Woste (HHW) in your shed or Ioundry. Free HHW collection days are being held from 90m 101pmoL

Saturday, 22 Moy- Gty 01 Stirling Administration Ce<1lre (25 Cedric Stroel, Stirling)

Saturday,S luno- Gty 01 Swon Operohons (Admin) Centre Cor Pork Cnr Greal Northern Hwy & Bishop Rd, MIddle Swan Salurdoy, 19 JUIlf:l- lown 01 Cambridge (City Booch Carpark, Chollengo< Parode, City 6eoch).

For mDfe iniormatiOfl, visit www.wastCfW!


WAlGA ho. submitted comments to the Waste Authority on Draft II 01 the W(lsle Str(ltegy for WA

The Association tlKlnks all local <Xrvernrnenl$. thol ~ontributcd to tho Submiuion.

100 Waste Authority rocetved 23 wbmi .. ions in 1okII, gnd hope$ to hove a recommended dmfl prepared lor Iht! Minister lor Enviranment,

log<ltht!r with 0 dr(lfl busine» pion, by mid.Mgy 2010.

WALGA', submi55iOfl on boIh drgfu 01 1M Waste Strategy can be oeamed on Ihe W(I,teNet web1ite ot WW'

For IUrlher iniorrnotion, plegse conlod Waste Policy Coordinator, Erin Fuery on 9213 2086 or emoil [email protected]

Page 63: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T30 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Did you know.. thot glass made in the Midd!e Eost over

3000 yeors ogo con sHIl bl:! found today?

(www.wo.lilOIlhnc.<>f9.u!oj klptc.o.px)


~ Th~ Siote Government has

. ' I proposed chongEI5 thot witt incrOOSl.! the /in<lS lor liHering in Wes.!ern Austrolio.

Under lhe pr~ legisiolioo, IiHering lilll!S lor dgorelle butts would incrooS(! from $75 to $200. Individuols soccesslully prosecuted lor liltering offences would fo.ce /TIOximum lines 01 S5,00Cl, up Irom S 1,00Cl.

Higher fines would opply lor K'rious littering ollenc;es thol pasa 0 wlory risk 10 proplo, properly or onimols. for olCompia, Iii cigorefles, syringes 01 b<oI<en gloss.

Currently, the estimate<! cruts 01 dconing up litler for locol Government, Stote Governmenl ogonties and cammunily groups. in Wcslc.n Au.trolio is in exCi)$ 01 $20 million 0 yeo"

The Minisler lor Erwironmcnt. Donna forogh" has indicate.:! thotlhcse penollics are pori allhe live-yeor liller prevention strolegy thol was announced 1010 lost yeor.

Tho omendmonts 10 the LiHer Ad ore cUffcntly being dra~ed. and will be introduced •

inlo Stoto Porlooment later this yeor. .~

(Surceowww wo.g<><.aul VJ II C OM P OST WA P R ES ENT S •••


Compos! WA will be holding a seminar tilled The [)emil's ir>!he Oin ,Spsc,tKolkms for Recycled Or90(JJc ProdvtlJ in lor>d=ping App/iMlioM.

The seminar runs "om 100m 10 12:3Opm Thursday, 27 May, 01 lho l andKOpe A~bolia Expo 01 lhe Claremant Showgrounds (Robinson Pavilion).

Interslole ond local experts will be presenting on fit lor purpose application 01 recycled Olganic products in 0 variety of londscoping opplico~ons (e.g. 'oodsic:la revegctotion 10

gcoorollondscope soil conditioning),

Find 001 how 11." ) LANDSCAPE details 01 your concepts ~ (

and desigl"l$. con croote ~ (f EXPO more sustalnobie and I :::,-:",=:,:,~-robusilandscopes. "'" .. ,. , ro ....

Rogis t or your attandonce at Of go 10 10 connecl di.c<:tly 10 tho r!!<Ji.h-olion poge.

for lurther information conlod liz Blo~cwoy, Industry Development OI/i,o. for Compost WA Ph: 9321 8760 ExI:153 or email [email protected]


The T,o.h My Ad compelition is Open egoin flom Tuesdoy, 20 April 10 friday, 2 July. T ...... ideo is to spread the anli-liHering mMW90 10 young poople in 0 creative and appcoling ~y.

T~is yco. tha compelition has grown to incluclo On odditional category. Cotegories now indude:

A TV commercial (bolh Secondary School and Winner prizes available); and A Prinle<! odverlisement (Prizes will be given 10 both Primary ond 5e<:ondory s.:hooIs ond the individual winner),

fo r marc information, vis it



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Information Bulletin T31 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate


The Siole Governmenl oas Manogemenl specilic quol,l,cohons announced Ihot people undortok"'9 Waste Monog<:!ment TIM! waste management COlJ~ O"IOilobie hove Iroineeshif>'l are now eligible for ~n de~i9ncd 10 colel 10f peaRle involved in tho lOme Governmenllunc/ing as eitMr the caJledian or proceMing 01 wasil!, o!her Itod..K ,

Challenger T AfE has a number of courses available, thol provide NOlianally accredited Wasle

For further inlonnglion contoct the woste loom at Chol l eng .. TAFE 01 wo.remaoogcmlml®chollengertolo,wa,lICIu,au


Pa,t and South Hedlond have won the Young Legends category at tho Auslrolra lleautilul, Tidy Awards 2009/10,

A commendation was 01.0 received in the Environmental Innovation 8. Protection category, lor pi'aloclian 01 the b:ol environmenl

for more information, " www.kob.org_ou


MabileMusrer and Londcare Australia hove once again partnered in the Ok! I'IIoI1C5, More Tfl!Cj campaign.

In the lost four yeon, ,hi. compoign ha. calJcded 90,000 kg 01 mobile phones and accessolios, planting mOfe thon 200,000 trees.

For ev!lf)' kilogram of mobile phones recycled This yeo., a targel has been scllor the planting between Soturdoy, 1 May and Saturday, 5 of 30,000 trees. In order IOf this target to be Jure, a tree will be planted 01 one 01 lour achieved, 30,CXXl kg of mobiles and accessories ecological hotspots in Australia. The1/! sites are: need to be received.

Myola Sasin in For Northern Qveensland;

Lower Lakes and Bormah·Millewu Forrest Ff' , " "For more information, visit olong the Murray River; and • , , , , ..... tho Wallatin and O'Brien cakhrrumls in tho ~ WCSIOfn Austrolian Whootbclr. -J


In May 2010, the Enyironment Protection and Heritage Cauncil (EPHC) (eleosed the Nalional Woste Report 201Q This Report brings together in/ormalion AllStra lia wide

on waste monogement and resource recovery.

The Report is a lirsl step tOWllrd~ creating ooselino data and dovelaping on account 01 wosle i"UK which con be uwd by industry, government gnd tho community to make deci$ions gnd inform policy.

Some a/ the. finding. in the Report are:

in Austrolia in '2006·07; The rtq'Cling and walt~ $ec:tor ~ "alued at between $7 billion and S 11.5 billion; In 2006·07, 52% of Australia's wasle ~ recycled , 01 these Wgstas, 42% wa~ lrom constrlldian and damolition, 36% was from (ammercial and indlJ$trial sources and 22% wa~ from the municipal waShl stream; Of9Clnic moteriol mod(! up 62% 01 waste di~~ to laodfili; ~ of househofd~ undertok(! recyc:ling; and 80% of employetl$ would lik(! to see morc (ccycling in the wario:p\ac(!.

• 43,777,000 tonnt'l; 01 wa5te were generated for morc infofmation, visit

There are on estimoted 16 million

unused/broken mobile phones in


households Ihal could be recycled.

(Source, AlvITA)


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Information Bulletin T32 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

Recycling one tonne 01 plastic saves

enough energy to run a refrigerator lor a


j5oo..:c; W'WW. waslese",,,,c .n,w .gov.



The Nor1hern Territory Government has allnouncoo tho! 0 cosh·lor·container doposil scheme wi11 be introduced in Ioto 2011 .

The Govemment hoI CQmmitted 10 ,pending S625,000 in eslo blishing Ihtt S(.heme. which will luncliOfl in 0 similar way to the South ~ Au,trolion scheme. TM publIC

Ii will receive 10 cents lar every Ixlltlc or con they hand in.

The environment Mi nister Korl Homplon slotoo that 95% 01 Territory r ... idenhi supported !he scheme, which oims to redUC<I the liHer and omount 01 , ubbi,h being $en! to landlill.

II will 0110 provide schools 000 community groops will. 0 moons 01 roising rnonoy.

For mote inlormotion, visil www.aix.nol.oll ond ~,OIl,IlCWS ,yohoo ,(om -


Tho Deportmant 01 the Environment, Water, Heritoge and the Arts has announced the creotion of on n-bullctin, to provide inlormation en the progr8Sli 01 Ihv Nolioool Tel .... ;sion ond Compuklr Produd Stewardship Scheme.

E·woslo is a growing problem ;n Aus'rolio . In 2007·08 16.8 million TV" compulers ond compuicr products I'lKIched their end 01 lilo, 84% 01 Ihl!$!!......,e 5l!nl lo landlill.

At the Environmentol Protection (lnd Heritoge (Ollncil meeting in November 2009, env; ronmenl ministers committed to the development 01 produd s tewa rdship a rrongemenl, I"r end 01 life tel""i,iOfl. and computer, through Commonwealth exlended producer responSIbility legislation.

For mo r e inlormolion, vis i I -----


In NSW, OVCr 1 million tonnes 01 lood, worlh about $2.5 billion, is Ihrown away every year, To ,edu(e Ihis wos!e, the NSW Government hos teamed up with industry, businesses and loco! Government under the new io"f' Food Hole Wos/eprogrom.

The progrom ;i bosed on 0 compoign in 1M United Kingdom. lhol rl'lKhed over 1.8 million people ond prlMlntoo 137,000 tonnes oflcod from wastage in just two ycon;.

NSW busines.s gnd houwhold. can now occms: • A pgrlion cokulolor to dotermine th9 bft!

omounts of food 10 buy to minimise wasil'; lips. on whol to buy cnd whl/n; How be,t to slore looc/; Nutritional recipes; and Tools and ,esources 10 help belter manoge lood.

for mare inlormotion, visil or WWN .loveioodhotewo,lll.nsw .gov.ou


A new websiID hos been launched by on Auurolian company enobling people around tho world 10 rocycle ond reu~ unwonted dgily items.

~z Tho ~"';" ;,

~ :po S;;i:i;;'7:e ---~ generosity 0/

USC". Every listing must be Iree, ond ovoilabte lor local pick up.

Usen (on navigate to their local area and view items. lhe /irst PCflQf1 to 'yoink' gn item becorrm the new OWr>ll<.

For more inlormotion. visit


Page 66: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T33 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate


This )'Wr, Avolo< become the fi ... 1 movie 10 oofn In Morch, a company called <Xulus3D loul'I(hed the world's lirst biodegradable, composklble 3D glos~. The glosses brook down In less than 180 days with no (hemicol JesidlMo or toxidty Ielt in the wil. They are expocloo 10 be ovoilable for distribution in July 2010 to movie theo!ets

rno<e Illtll1 S100 million at the AV5trolian box aHic~ _ but what happened to all those 3D glo= when the movie fonished?

Some companit!!l place bins outside Ihe o;inema, ooHectir.g the glolWS ~ they can b.:r sklriliscd

and rcu~. Unfortunately, ~ oath poir can only be For more inlarmo t ion, visit

..... ashed a limited number 01\ ' ..... w w. trill! hug gl! r . <: a mar tlmen.


When Sir Edmund Hillary and TOOling Norge climbed kI lho top al Mt EverC5t in 1953, disposal of wasle wasn't a key priority. Th_ days, morr thon 500 people mak~ il ta the summit each yeor, bringing rubbish wilh them.

Until now, the,e 110. been no rubbish collection sy.lem for 0.00. obove 8,CXJOm. From Sunday, April 25 IO-f.idoy, .i June 31 climbers will be undeo1oking a big deon up in the 'Dealh Zone' .

Lcd by Nomgyol Sherpa, the Exlfeme Everest Expedrllon 2010 IEEE2010) expeds to collocl ma.e thon 2,CllXlkg 01 waste, i .. cloom9 boHleo, rope, and bodies of climber. who never mode it oft the mountain

Fo< more information, visit www.ex tremeeverest ... Mp ... o .


Waste generation in Chino is expanding O~ losl as ils economy, at oppro~imotcly 8% each yeor.

Only 4% ai-Beijing's waste is rocyded, with tho yo.t majoiity being sent 10 IoOOllll, An estitl1Qtoo 20 mtllion tones 01 .ubbish sent to Ioodlill 2008, aod il!ego1

In tespanso 10 ~!roog pl,lblic protests obo .... t too ~mell coming lrom the over·flowiog landfills, the city ho~ irn;toli.d 10<98 deodorant gu.... The hi9h pressure guns .plOy I,ogfonce over the olfendiog kmdJiI! in 0 bid to redlKe odour I-\ow/!V(tr, !hey are only 0 .hort I!.'rm solution,

Authoo-ilies Or8 hoping to reduce waslc to Iondlill through inueo~ recycling and 90rbage incineroliOll.


A couple in Oriskhurch, New Zeolaod decided to breo~ out of their ufUustoinobie lilestyles by living 'rubbish free' lor 0 year.

Each Christ.:hurch rllSident produces on overogll 01 764kg 01 rubbish overy yeor, but by reducing. reusing, recycling and ,8·homeing their waste, they sent less thon 1 k9 01 rubbish to loodlill.

oompostoble packaging, and using poper mo~king tope irn;tead 01 plastic slicky lope.

AI the end ollhe challenge, the oovple hosted a party 10' oyer 100 /,iend., and lhe oofy rubbish produced was 0 single pie<:e 01


For mare in/ormation, v Is i t Some ollhe,r many $OCrels to redl.'Cing woste induded only eating tokcoway foad in

The woste 01 Comp IV on Mt E .... eresl includes everything from 1,000 used oxygen boUles to

o helicopter thot crashed there in


lSautee: www.ewrostnow$.oom1


Page 67: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin T34 Information Items from the Technical Services Directorate

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Page 68: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Issue 11 – 23 June 2010

Information Bulletin

Issue No. 11/2010

Inside this Issue

CCoorrrreessppoonnddeennccee &&


PPiinnkk DDiivviiddeerr

WA Local Government Association (WALGA) News

Issue No.23.10 – 14 June 2010 .....................................................................................COR-1 Issue No.24.10 – 21 June 2010 ....................................................................................COR-3 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) News 11 June 2010 .................................................................................................................COR-5 21 June 2010 ...............................................................................................................COR-17 Miscellaneous Federal Campaign Plan put to WA MPs .....................................................................COR-27

2010 Australian Masters Rowing Championships Thank You Letter.........................COR-28

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm HHuummaann RReessoouurrcceess

Blue Divider

Employee Movements..................................................................................................... HR-1

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ttoo SSttaannddiinngg CCoommmmiitttteeeess

TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess

GGrreeeenn DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Technical Services Committee .................................... T-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Technical Services Works Programme .............................................................................. T-2 Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees

Bungendore Park Management Committee – May 2010 ................................................. T-10 Bushcare and Environmental Working Group – March 2010.......................................... T-14

Miscellaneous Local Government Sustainable Development 2010......................................................... T-25 WALGA Winter Sprinkler Ban ....................................................................................... T-27 MWAC Information Bulletin – E-Waste ......................................................................... T-29

CCoommmmuunniittyy SSeerrvviicceess

BBeeiiggee DDiivviiddeerr

Outstanding Matters & Information Items

Report on Outstanding Matters – Community Services Committee ................................. C-1 Monthly / Quarterly Departmental Reports

Library & Heritage Services General Monthly Report – May 2010 ................................. C-2 Manager Ranger & Emergency Services Monthly Report – May 2010............................ C-9

Minutes of Occasional/Advisory Committees History Reference Group – 4 February 2010 ............................................... C-17/”CA-3”-24

Miscellaneous Millenium Kids ............................................................................................................... C-18

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-1 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MATTERS OUTSTANDING REPORT


Provision of Enclosed Dog Recreational Area (C32/11/09)

Ranger & Emergency Services/Parks

That Council request a report on an enclosed dog recreational area within the City, taking into account resource and legal implications of such an area.

Future Use of Cross Park – Consultative Process (C2/2/10)

Community Development That Council receives a further report on this issue which includes a strategy for ensuring effective and sustainable use of active reserves in the Roleystone area for local sporting clubs.

Piara Waters Oval and Pavilion – Draft Concept Plans (C3/2/10)

Community Development That officers carry out further negotiations with the developer and the Department of Sport and Recreation regarding the funding arrangements for the new oval and pavilion at Piara Waters and present a further report and proposed funding strategy to a future Community Services Committee Meeting.

Councillors’ Items – Cr MacDonald – Review of Parking Fines (C20/5/10)

Ranger & Emergency Services

That a report be provided to the Community Services Committee.

Equestrian Club Facilities Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study (C23/6/10).

Community Planning Part (9): That Council: (9) Conduct further investigation

into management and funding matters associated with development option two and prepare a further report for the Community Services Committee that outlines how these would be addressed.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-2 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS LIBRARY & HERITAGE SERVICES GENERAL MONTHLY REPORT – MAY 2010 1. LIBRARY SERVICES

1.1 Statistical Performance Indicators

The Library Department’s statistical performance indicators report for the month of May is attached. (Refer to Attachment “CA-?”.)

1.2 “E”xtension Activities (Enrich, Educate, Explore, Escape, Entertain, Evolve)

Reports on activities and community information sessions held during the month:

1.2.1 “E” (Educate, Escape, Entertain) Session

Report – National Simultaneous Storytime Prepared by –Shirley Reilly, Librarian, Seville Grove Library Topic: National Simultaneous Storytime 2010 Presenters: Judith Congrene (Local Vet), Shirley Reilly (Librarian, Seville Grove Library) Date: Wednesday, 26th May 2010 Time: 11.00am Venue: Seville Grove Library No. Attending: 30 children ; 15 adults Comments: In this 10th year of National Simultaneous Storytime, held during Library and Information Week, the featured story was “Little White Dogs Can’t Jump” written by Bruce Whatley and illustrated by Rosie Smith. Local vet, Judith Congrene read the story and Tailwaggers Pet Shop brought along two adorable puppies for the children to pat and play with. Judith also spoke to the children about caring for puppies while the staff from Tailwaggers Pet Shop showed the children how to hold them. The book ‘Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy’ was also read to the audience by Librarian Shirley Reilly to tie in with the dog theme. The children took turns having a hold and pat of the puppies during the craft activity. Children made a puppy headband and there was a picture of ‘Smudge’ the main character in the story to colour in. The event was very enjoyable and all who attended had a great time, with many borrowing books before leaving the library. A selection of storybooks and non fiction books about dogs were on display throughout the session.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-3 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

Sincere thanks go to Judith Congrene and Tailwaggers Pet Shop who were most happy to donate their time to this session and helped to make it a great success.

1.2.2 “E” (Enrich, Evolve) Session

Report – Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Prepared by – Claire Tomlin, Library Clerk, Seville Grove Library

Date: 28th May 2010 Time: 10 – 11.30am Venue: Meeting Room, Seville Grove Library No. Attending: 51 + staff.

Comments: What a fantastic morning! 40 tickets were sold in the weeks leading up to the event. 11 were sold on the morning. Brenda Roberts was our guest speaker and did a wonderful job. Providing lots of useful cancer preventative information. Brenda stayed after her talk to give patrons the chance to speak to her during the morning. We had Nicola, Jacquie and Heather from the Pink Book Club, to MC the event. Three of the most inspirational women we have ever met and they did a brilliant job. Nicola gave a little talk about taking time back for ourselves and enjoying life. They recruited 18 new members to their club on the morning. Which wasn’t what they came to do, their time was donated and they went on to another event in Fremantle straight from ours. 18 new members is testament to the inspiration and zest for life they exude.

We had some fantastic prizes for our raffles. (We ran out of raffle tickets to sell, with patrons asking for more, so we had to quickly purchase some.) Prizes were donated by local shops and businesses. We displayed a board full of company names who donated to the event.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-4 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

Tea and coffee flowed freely. Cakes, Scones, Muffins and Slices were the majority donated from local bakeries and coffee shops. [Café Me, Aroma Café, Donut King, The Manse] We purchased one platter of slices.

The feedback we received from those that attended the event was all inspiring. The final amount raised was a whopping $976.30 !!

1.3 Framework Agreement Signing

It is pleasing to report that the Framework Agreement Between State and Local Government for the Provision of Public Library Services in Western Australia was signed on Thursday 10 June by the Hon John Day MLA, Minister for Culture and the Arts, and Mayor Troy Pickard, President of the Western Australian Local Government Association, at the Minister’s office. Also in attendance were Ricky Burges and Allison Hailes from WALGA, Dr Matthew Allen Chair of the Library Board of WA, George Cowcher from the State Library and Viv Barton representing Public Libraries western Australia.

Endorsement of the Agreement by Cabinet, together with the funding support for 2010/11 and beyond has strengthened the Agreement which will remain in place until 30 June 2014, with a formal evaluation commencing in July 2013.


2.1 Statistical Performance Indicators

The Heritage Department’s statistical performance indicators report for the month of May is attached. (Refer to Attachment “CA-?”.)

2.2 Birtwistle Local Studies Library

(Report prepared by Lorraine Pearce, Historian/Local Studies Librarian)

Tuesday Evening Opening Since relocating to the new Armadale Library, the Birtwistle Local Studies Library has extended its opening hours to remain open until 7pm on Tuesdays.

This extension to opening times has proved to be successful owing to the amount of people who access the library during this time. As a genealogy volunteer is available to assist with family history research from 3pm-7pm this period is generally fully booked for family history research.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-5 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

Canning River Talk at State Library of Western Australia

The Historian/Local Studies Librarian attended the State Library where the Swan River Trust General Manager presented a talk titled “Swan-Canning - The Community’s River”. Although the talk was generally aimed at environmental issues some interesting points were raised which were pertinent to the history of the rivers - these being:

• The community’s connectedness to the rivers.

• The cultural history relating to the rivers.

• The importance of telling stories along river trails.

The talk was beneficial in reinforcing the Canning River as being an important aspect of the district’s history in terms of community and heritage value.

Local Studies Librarians’ Meeting and National Archives Tour Two Birtwistle Local Studies Volunteers joined the Historian/Local Studies Librarian in attending a Local Studies Librarians’ Meeting and National Archives of Australia (N.A.A).

At the meeting the following issues were discussed:

• Whether Western Australia should develop standards and guidelines for local

history as per Queensland instead of being driven by the State Library (as in Queensland).

• The future of the National Archives in Western Australia and the problems faced with changing technology and staff shortages.

• It was agreed that changing technology and trying to keep abreast of the latest Web 2.0 trends was a problem for local history librarians especially with restrictions that are placed on computer usage within libraries and organisations as a whole.

• The importance of family history research in local history. • The use of Ancestry – Library Edition. • Libraries being a place where people come for recreational purposes as well as

for reading and information. The tour included:

• An inspection of the archive facility where the materials are stored. • The digitising facilities at the N.A.A. • The work area where cataloguing and processing occurs. • Viewing a display of some of the materials held at the N.A.A.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-6 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

The last meeting for the year will be held in the Armadale Library Meeting Room with a tour of the new Birtwistle Local Studies Library and Armadale Library.

2.3 History House Museum

(Report prepared by Christen Bell, Museum Curator)

Museum Planning Session On the 26th of May a workshop was held with the museum’s volunteers to examine the strengths and weaknesses and how this can influence the future direction of the museum. The session provided valuable feedback to the curator and will be used to develop a plan for activities and services that the museum will deliver over the next 5 years. Education Programs The “Foundation Day Activities” Flyer was sent to local schools which outlined a whole range of different activities to engage in to celebrate our State’s foundation. The final touches were put on the new program “From Distant Shores” which encourages students to explore the migrant past of the Armadale district. The Museum’s “Who was that Soldier” program was published in “Hindsight” the annual publication of the History Teachers Association of WA. The Museum Assistant attended a weekend workshop on Public Programs held at Edith Cowan University. Recent Donations Laura Johnson donated a selection of photographs and personal items belonging to her grandfather Andre Johansan, a Swedish migrant who in the early 1900s started a poultry farm on 7th Road in Armadale. The donation also included photographs taken by her father Harold Barker who worked on the Canning Dam in the 1930s.


3.1 Statistical Performance Indicators:

May 2010 1501 people came to the Centre for the month of May 2010 compared to 1496 for the same period in 2009.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-7 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

May 09/10 Comparison Stats:



VISITORS T'master Museum Vol Hours Inter/IntraVisitors


Current Month Stats:




$ 2,253 per day = $ 17,462 per week = $ 69,850 per month

Based on $50 per person who came into the Visitor Centre staying one day in our area, This is a conservative figure as current guidelines are based on $80 per person each day.

Figure calculated as - Visitors less Ticketmaster.

Average Spend – Including Accommodation:

$964 per night = $ 6,750 per week = $ 27,000 per month

Figure is calculated by Using Inter and Overseas figures only for the month, based on $150 per person.




TOTAL Visitors

Less Ticketmaster

Inter State


Overseas Visitors

TOTAL O/sea &

Interstate VISITORS




1501 104 1397 125 55 180 131 180

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-8 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

3.2 Visitor Centre

(Report prepared by Yvonne Bradfield, Visitor Centre Coordinator)

The Visitor Centre Coordinator organised and manned a booth at the Hills Heart Beat Festival on the 1st & 2nd May. This is the fourth year that the Centre has participated and it is very noticeable that the numbers attending the Festival are growing. Patrick McAllister the new Tourism Development officer for the Shire of Murray paid a visit to the Centre to familiarise himself with the day-to-day operational systems and brochure racking.

The Coordinator attended a You're Welcome WA State Reference Network meeting at the Disability Services Commission. The Visitor Centre continues to promote the site

The Kalamunda Probus Club visited the Centre on the 28th May. A group of 18 members were given an extensive tour of the Bert Tyler Vintage Machinery Museum by Mr Bert Tyler and were treated to a demonstration by several of the Morsecodians who were generous in donating their time and expertise for the occasion.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-9 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS MANAGER RANGER & EMERGENCY SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT – MAY 2010 1. Animal Control

1.1 Dogs

Ranger Services received three hundred and fifty seven (357) requests for assistance during this report period. Whilst the number of requests for assistance is higher than the comparable period of 2009, it is pleasing to note a slight decrease in the progressive total from the corresponding period of 2008/2009.

1.2 Livestock

During this report period, Ranger Services attended to eleven (11) requests for assistance in dealing with stock wandering on the road.

1.3 Court Action

The following information relates to legal action taken by Ranger Services pursuant to the provisions of the Dog Act 1976, this matter was heard and determined in the Armadale Magistrate’s Court during the month of May 2010.

2. Vehicles

2.1 Parking

Ranger Services received seventy two (72) requests for assistance, and issued ninety (90) infringement notices in regard to the unlawful parking of vehicles during this report period.

2.2 Abandoned Vehicles

The number of abandoned vehicles dealt with by Ranger Services continues to be of concern, with sixteen (16) being recorded during this report period.





Ricky Tumata Dog Attack (on another animal)

Guilty 600 119.20 719.20

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-10 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

2.3 Commercial Vehicles (Trucks)

The number of reports received in relation to trucks being parked in residential areas for extended periods has remained constant during this report period. Rangers will continue to be vigilant in this area of operations.

2.4 Control of Vehicles (Off Road Areas)

Ranger Services attended to sixteen (16) reports of vehicles (motor cycles) being driven in areas that are prohibited, during the report period.

3. Fire Services

Ranger Services received two hundred and sixty two (262) requests for assistance during the report period, which represents a slight increase from the corresponding period of 2008/2009. Rangers continue a high profile in relation to hazardous blocks and offer advice to land owners with regard to fuel reduction and ongoing maintenance of firebreaks.

4. General

4.1 Nominations Open for 2010 Firefighting Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2010 Firefighting Awards. Local FESA staff, volunteer and career Fire and Rescue Service, volunteer Bush Fire Service firefighters are invited to nominate firefighters who have excelled and gone beyond the call of duty in the past 12 months. These awards give the opportunity to recognise extraordinary achievements and also give firefighters the chance to acknowledge the hard work of their fellow team mates.

Devotion to duty beyond normal expectations, exceptional commitment to the team, or the development of an initiative or idea are just some of the many qualities that make a firefighter worthy of being nominated.

Nominations can be submitted for the following categories:

� Career Fire and Rescue Service of Western Australia Award � Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service of Western Australia Award � Murray Lang Bush Fire Service of Western Australia Award � Youth Achievement Award (firefighters 16 – 25 years old)

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-11 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

Nominations forms are available by visiting the awards page of For more information contact the awards coordinator on 9323 9303 or email [email protected]

Nominations close 5pm Friday, 16 July 2010.

5. Statistics –May 2009/2010

DOGS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Wandering 49 41 506 401 Up 26% Dogs for Pick Up 39 34 335 411 Down

18% Barking 20 30 271 265 Up 2% Attacks 13 13 110 140 Down

21% Lost & Found 79 25 814 936 Down

13% General Information 9 13 122 108 Up 13% Sub Total 209 156 2158 2261 Down


Office Phone Enquiries 148 144 2116 2274 Down 7%

Total 357 300 4274 4535 Down 6%

PARKING / VEHICLES May May 2009/2010 2008/2009 2010 2009 Progressive

Total Progressive


General Parking 14 9 159 149 Up 7% Trucks 7 7 41 56 Down

3% School Parking 1 0 32 28 Up 1% Abandoned Vehicles 16 22 242 258 Down

6% Off Road Vehicles 16 9 188 131 Up 44% Sub Total 54 47 662 622 Up 6% Office Phone Enquiries 18 17 201 256 Down

2% Total 72 64 863 878 Down


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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-12 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

LIVESTOCK May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Lost & Found 1 0 8 12 Down 33%

General 8 7 94 88 Up 7% Sub Total 9 7 102 100 Up 2% Office Phone Enquiries 2 5 51 46 Up 11% Total 11 12 153 146 Up 5%

LITTER May May 2009/2010 2008/2009 2010 2009 Progressive

Total Progressive


General Information 0 0 2 4 Down 50%

Private Property 8 7 55 34 Up 62% Roadside / Reserve 10 9 68 57 Up 19% Verge 6 1 41 37 Up 11% Sub Total 24 17 166 132 Up 26% Office Phone Enquiries 11 0 53 67 Down

21% Total 35 17 219 199 Up 10%

FIRE May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Burning Off / General Information

19 19 73 83 Down 12%

Firebreak / Hazard 0 1 414 296 Up 40% Sub Total 19 20 487 379 Up 28% Office Phone Enquiries 243 221 939 843 Up 11% Total 262 241 1426 1222 Up 17%

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-13 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

GENERAL May May 2009/2010 2008/2009 2010 2009 Progressive

Total Progressive


General Information 4 23 73 52 Up 40% Sub Total 4 23 73 52 Up 40%

Office Phone Enquiries - Trolleys

3 2 83 62Up 34%

Office Phone Enquiries - Cats 4 7 103 123 Down 16%

Office Phone Enquiries - General

39 9 325 331 Down 2%

Total 50 41 584 568 Up 3%

TOTAL May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Sub Total Reports / Complaints

319 270 3648 3546Up 3%

Total Office Phone Enquiries 468 405 3871 4002 Down 3%

Total Reports / Complaints 787 675 7519 7548 Down 0.5%

WARNINGS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009 2010 2009 Progressive

Total Progressive


Dogs 30 17 253 213 Up 19% Parking 0 1 53 29 Up 83% Off Road Vehicles 0 1 6 11 Down

45% Litter 2 0 16 7 Up 128% Fire & Fire Orders 0 3 97 167 Down

42% Shopping Trolleys 21 18 145 670 Down

78% Other Inc Abandoned Vehicles 18 12 236 205 Up 15% Total 71 52 806 1302 Down


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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-14 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

INFRINGEMENTS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009 2010 2009 Progressive

Total Progressive


Dogs 70 57 575 479 Up 20% Parking


601 989 Down

39% Off Road Vehicles 0 0 0 9 Down Litter


64 80 Down

20% Fire 8 8 227 196 Up 16% Shopping Trolleys


12 84 Down

86% Other 1 2 120 97 Up 24%

Total 180 97 1599 1934 Down 17%

NUMBER WITHDRAWN 37 29 323 306 Up 5%

Number Paid 102 105 1488 1324 Up 12%

IMPOUNDED DOGS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Claimed 53 45 497 428 Up 16% Sold 0 0 0 6 Down Destroyed 16 4 109 138 Down

21% Vet / Rescue 11 20 139 122 Up 14% Stolen 0 0 0 0 Same Total 80 69 745 694 Up 7%

IMPOUNDED VEHICLES May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Vehicles 3 6 47 87 Down 46%

Motor Cycles 0 0 0 0 Same Total 3 6 47 87 Down


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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-15 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

IMPOUNDED LIVESTOCK May May 2009/2010 2008/2009 2010 2009 Progressive

Total Progressive


Sheep 0 0 5 5 Same Horses 1 0 4 0 Up Cows 0 0 2 0 Up Goats 0 0 2 3 Down

33% Pigs 0 0 0 0 Same Deer 0 0 0 0 Same Other 0 0 0 0 Same Total 1 0 13 8 Up 62%

ABANDONED TROLLEYS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Impounded 0 0 16 152 Down 89%

Released 0 0 0 0 Same Total 0 0 16 152 Down


IMPOUNDED SIGNS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Impounded 4 0 154 230 Down 33%

Released 0 0 0 2 Down

COURT PROSECUTIONS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Dog 1 8 41 61 Down 33%

Fire 0 0 3 3 Same Parking 0 0 0 3 Down Litter 0 0 0 0 Same Off Road Vehicles 0 0 0 0 Same Total 1 8 44 67 Down

34% No. of Guilty Verdicts 1 5 44 64 Down


Action withdrawn 3 0 3 Down

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-16 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MONTHLY OFFICER REPORTS

FINES ENFORCEMENT May May 2009/2010 2008/2009 2010 2009 Progressive

Total Progressive


Infringements sent to FER 64 58 660 646 Up 2%

DOG REGISTRATIONS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

New Dog Registrations 176 248 1944 2729 Down 29%

Renewed Dog Registrations 100 57 3131 3419 Down 8%

Total 276 305 5075 6148 Down 17%

Total Animals on System 11452

PHONE CALLS May May 2009/2010 2008/2009

2010 2009 Progressive Total

Progressive Total

Office – Rangers calling Office 46 64 687 643Up 7%

Office – Messages for Staff 12 20 281 326 Down 14%

Office – Referred to Other 6 14 147 195 Down 25%

Calls to Rangers’ Private Residences from After Hours Service

2 5 7 11

Down 36%

TOTAL 66 103 1122 1175 Down 5%

Page 85: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-17 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MINUTES OF OCCASIONAL/ADVISORY COMMITTEES History Reference Group Meeting of 4 February 2010. (Refer to Attachment “CA-3”.)

Page 86: INFORMATION BULLETIN...Issue 11 – 23 June 2010 Information Bulletin Issue No. 11/2010 Inside this Issue  Correspondence & Papers Pink Divider WA Local Government Association (WALGA)

Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Page C-18 Information Items from the Community Services Directorate MISCELLANEOUS Opportunities for Young People in Armadale, facilitated by the City of Armadale

~mp? ~ M f:U:l ~~r"l::=c;:~OO W r-;] City of Armadal .. invite young people to work with

E.3 M illennium Kids and join !iJn ", ... l.er8 from

Murdoch University in the lull SI Mall, Armadal .. to

fjjdmake mini-documentaries abOtlI the City of Armadal" b and their lives.

• • Speak Up! al t h" Pop Up Workshops and have a

~ s;oy about your world, learn the art of Aim makinc.

• be a /"re&<;nt er or just tell your story .

• Interested participants will be selected to become

part of the t f;i'I'" who visit Murdoch University and

make a documentary to be shown at the

Armadal" In,er national fi l", FUliy,,1 in October;o< part of Youth Opportunities P""ram .

WHEN: 4-8pm Thursdays 10th, 17th & 24th June

ht, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th July 5th & 12th August

'-.. 7 j"~-' I ..,_. I -_ .. .......... .. _-

I __ ","pR<ti' oI I I _"q ",,10-' I I __ ...... I

"",""""",,,"""""''' I ,,, .. _w .... ... ....... _. "'C~ ... WAlDlOAw .... I ... -......~ "' .... _ .... .-, ... I ~tr> .. ,!1... I _....,_ .. wm- I

I ,...."ThoDld ..... oth<o. I --.. ..--, __ J

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-1” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 19



9,398 10,229 9,791 9,301












Armadale Kelmscott Seville Grove Total

COA LibrariesIssues/Renewals





5,767 6,0765,555











Armadale Kelmscott Seville Grove

COA LibrariesNumber of Visits



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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-1” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 20













Armadale Kelmscott Seville Grove

COA LibrariesCurrent Borrowers






87 94










Armadale Kelmscott Seville Grove

COA LibrariesNew Borrowers



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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-1” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 21














Armadale Kelmscott Seville Grove

COA LibrariesBorrower's Reservations


By Staff for Borrowers 2010By Staff for Borrowers 2009

COA LibrariesComparison Reservation by Staff & Direct by Borrower




Reservation by Staff for BorrowersOnline Reservations by Borrowers

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-2” Community Services Directorate Page 22

Month: May Year: 2010

Birtwistle Local Studies Library Current Month

Year to date

May 10 May 09 Jul 09 – May 2010 Jul 08 – May 09 Reference Enquiries 32 9 184 135 Research Enquiries 15 17 87 150 Visitor Attendance 116 62 712 1216 Volunteer Hours 16 18 268 717

Oral History Letters Sent 1 1 14 12 Interviews Completed 1 2 15 14 Transcripts Completed 3 4 21 24 Volunteer Hours – Transcribing

40 54 489.5 684.5

Volunteer Hours - Interviewing

11 8.5 31 72.5

Digitising Records nil 3 37.5 24.5 Family History Research

Reference 95 3 213 115 Research 49 14 359 366 Volunteer Hours 56 46.5 407.5 477

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-2” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 23

Month: May Year: 2010

2010 will see the visitor stats for History House Museum broken into two categories:

• General Visitors include individuals and adult groups • School and child care groups are that make bookings to attend the museum or

those attending a school holiday program. This has been done so to identify the impact of programs and lesson plans developed for children and young (17 or under) adults.

History House Museum

Current Month

Year to date

May 10 May 09 July 09- June 10 Jul 08 – June 09 General Visitors 110 NA NA NA School/Child Care Groups/holiday programs


Total Visitors 110 145 1392 1809 Volunteer Hours 182 161 1,439 1376 Bert Tyler Vintage Machinery Museum

May 10 May 09 July 09 – June 10 Jul 08 – June 09

Visitors 82 171 1,243 4349

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-3” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 24





THURSDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2010 AT 5.30pm _____________________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Cr Linton Reynolds Mr Kim Fletcher Chair Mrs Faye Clay Mrs Colleen Fancote Ms Kath Coulthard APOLOGIES: Mrs Patricia Walker Ms Hazel James OBSERVERS: Nil IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Lorraine Pearce - Historian/Local Studies Librarian Mr Christen Bell - Museum Curator ___________________________________________________________________________________

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-3” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 25

1. MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2009 were confirmed. 2. BUSINESS OF THE MEETING 2.1 District History Rewrite Jennie and Bevan Carter will be presenting “Tales of Armadale – a Historical Narrative” at the Armadale Library Celebration Day on 16 February. 2.2 Plaques for Parks

• It was suggested that as Piara Nature Reserve is not vested in Council it is not eligible for a plaque.

• At the Community Services Directorate Meeting the following was suggested:

Westfield Heron Reserve: The word ‘the’ to be added to read - Land under Council control vested on 13 Mar 1990, with balance a drainage reserve vested in the Water Corporation. Westfield Park Reserve: Owing to Westfield never officially being gazetted the word ‘township’ is to be replaced with the word ‘settlement’ to read - The original settlement of Westfield was located 3-4 km southwest of this site. 2.3 History Reference Group Terms of Reference The Terms of Reference were tabled and it was agreed that they would be discussed at the next meeting. 2.4 De-accessioning of items from History House Museum Recommendations put forward by the Museum Curator were agreed to and are to be confirmed at the next meeting.

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-3” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 26

3. INFORMATION ITEMS 3.1 History House Museum Report (Curator) Report and statistical data were presented. 3.2 Birtwistle Local Studies Library Report (Historian/Local Studies Librarian) Report and statistical data were presented. 3.3 Reports from History Reference Group committee members Committee members are invited to report on the activities of their respective organisations W.A. Genealogical Society Representative To commemorate the 180th anniversary of the gazettal of the Kelmscott Township this year the following is being considered:

• Display constructed to be placed in the appropriate shopping centre • A display to be placed in the Birtwistle Local Studies Library display area • The possibility if Jennie and Bevan Carter to present a talk relating to the

history of Kelmscott.

Volunteer Representative

• Mrs Lorraine Pearce was thanked for the volunteer orientation into the new library and the introduction to the Armadale Library staff members which she organised.

• Mrs Faye Clay suggested that as Birtwistle Local Studies Library is now in a

separate location from History House Museum that the museum volunteers may like to have their own volunteer representative.

• Some concern was expressed as to the drop in the Bert Tyler Machinery

Museum (B.T.M.M.) statistics.

It was suggested that the problem with buses unable to park had an effect on both B.T.M.M. and History House Museum. SUGGESTION:

That Technical Services be alerted to the parking problem. Armadale & Districts Brickworks Preservation Group Inc

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Information Bulletin – Issue No. 11/2010 Attachment “CA-3” Information Items from the Community Services Directorate Page 27

The group was contacted by a priest from St Mary’s Church in Perth who is an archaeologist. He located some old bricks at the bottom of the building and asked for advice. The group visited the church and were also invited to breakfast. Historian/Local Studies Librarian A letter was tabled from the Executive Manager of Planning Service to the History Reference Group thanking the group for their recommendation for the renaming of the affected portions of Centre Road. The History Reference Group recognised the passing away of long term district resident Phil Martin. Meeting Closed at 6:55pm



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