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Informatica Power center Training:

Course duration: 40 hoursPre-requisites:

Basic of SQL Basic of data warehouse concepts Basic overview of UNIX

Course contents:

Overview of data warehouse project life cycle What is the use of data warehouse in BI Data warehouse models Different types of dimensions Different types of facts Life cycle of data warehouse project Different layers involved in DW project

Project specific SQL concepts Basics of UNIX. Informatica power center client and server architecture. Difference between PC Express and Earlier version Power center client and server installation (PC Express 9.6.1) Defining sources.

Database as a source Flat files as a source

Defining Targets Importing from databases Creating a new target from power center

Informatica developer (power center designer) Mapping introduction Ports Mapping – Table to Table Mapping -Flat file/Table to Table/Flat file Connected and un-connected transformations Active and passive transformation Pre and post SQL override

Mapping, Session and Workflow Creating Mappings, sessions and workflows. Starting Mappings and workflows. Monitoring Mappings and workflows. Setting properties of session task.

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Transformations Expression transformation Filter transformation Router transformation Joiner transformation Aggregator transformation Rank transformation Union transformation Sequence generator transformation Stored procedure transformation XML transformation Update strategy transformation Dynamic and static lookup Connected and un-connected lookup

Tasks Assignment task Decision task Email task Event raise task Event wait task Command task Timer task Control task

Re-usable informatica objects Mapplets Re-usable session task Worklets

Informatica advanced features Target load plan Constraint based load plan Mapping parameters Mapping variables Session parameters Link conditions Copying repository Deleting repository Creating repository Pointing repository to other DB users. Creating multiple DI engines for a repository

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Complete Data warehouse project using informatica power center Understanding project requirement Defining end to end architecture Defining data models(Facts, Dimensions and driving tables) Extracting data from different data sources(ETL1 Extract Layer) Populating staging area(ETL2 Transform layer) Loading SCD type 1/2/3 dimensions (ETL3 Load Layer) Loading dimensional keys to respective fact tables Splitting Fact tables specific to reporting requirement(Data mart) Aggregating Data mart tables Pointing respective tables to respective reports

Informatica project and Interview specific contents.

Slowly changing dimension(SCD Type 1) implementation Slowly changing dimension(SCD Type 2) implementation Slowly changing dimension(SCD Type 3) implementation Static and dynamic caches in lookup transformation How to implement CDC(capture data change) How to implement Initial load and incremental load Different tuning options available in informatica power center How to implement partitioning concept in informatica power center

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