  • 8/7/2019 Industrial Training Report (Tsholo)







    FRANCISTOWN CITY COUNCIL: Water and wastewater



    Student ID: 4049

    Date of attachment; may 24 2010 to July 23 2010

  • 8/7/2019 Industrial Training Report (Tsholo)



    TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 3

    INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 4-8

    WORK DETAILS .................................................................................................................... 9-18

    RECOMMENDATIONS and ............................................................................................ 19



  • 8/7/2019 Industrial Training Report (Tsholo)



    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWorkers of Francistown City council under water and wastewater department have been helping me wholeheartedly toacquire knowledge on their organization.They also assisted me

    on writing my report. I send the special thanks to those listed


    Mr. B.Legwaila

    Mrs. Mhlanga

    Mr B. koolopileMr A. Mmusi

    Mrs L. Lokwalo

    Mr Hulela

    Mrs I. Gokatweng

    Mr. C.N Masole

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    INTRODUCTIONI reported on the 24th of May 2010 in Francistown City

    Council under Water and Waste Water department(sewerage) for industrial training. I did the industrial

    training to aquire skills and knowledge about water and

    waste water and also to know their core main duties such as

    treating waste water.

    The City Francistown has around 300km of sewer lines 19

    sewerage pump stations, a 15000m3/day capacity

    trickling/bio-filter wastewater treatment plant, a set of 5

    waste stabilization ponds, vacuum tankers and other utility

    vehicles in the fleet, some tools and equipments for its

    sewerage operations. The department is responsible for the

    safe collection, conveyance and treatment of wastewater

    generated within the city from both onsite and offsite

    sanitation facilities in an environmental friendly manner.

    The sewerage department comprises of two sections,

    namely; Operations and Maintenance and the Wastewater



    inspections, building control, bye-laws and sewerage

    charges, maintenance and repair of the sewer reticulation

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    system, sewer cleaning and blockage clearing.


    The Mambo Water Care Works was officially wetcommissioned on the 23rd June 2003. It was designed and

    supervised by Stewart Scott International (SSI), financed by

    Department of Sanitation and Waste Management (DSWM)

    formerly under the Ministry of Local Government. Since its

    commissioning, the plant never met the Botswana set

    standards for discharge of effluent to the outside. This ismainly caused by industries that discharge of influent of high

    chemical oxygen demand (COD), however there are also

    some shortcomings in the design of some units of the plant

    that have some contribution in the plants poor performance.

    This includes dosing of flocculent, incineration of screenings,

    and harvesting of methane gas.

    Having design capacity of 15000m3/day, the plant only

    receives about 6000m3/day o sewerage through the

    sewerage network with 19 pump stations and vacuum

    tanker services as litters to help sewerage reach its



    During the treatment process, three products are

    formed 1 ) Effluent (treated water) 2)Sludge, which is

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    pumped into the digesters for treatment and then flows into

    the drying beds for drying. The sludge is then manually

    removed and disposed off. 3) Methane Gas which is

    supposed to be used to ignite the incinerator.

    Basically there are three main sections which make

    sure that the treatment process is fully effected namely:

    1) Process Section #Control wastewater quality

    #Units monitoring

    #Operate treatment plant

    2) Electro-Mech Maintenance Section 3)Laboratory Section


    The policy of Botswana Government is to provide

    waterborne sewerage to its citizens in order to protectgroundwater sources and prevent waterborne diseases.

    This is in line with the Township, the waste management,

    the water and public health acts.

    The City of Francistown has a sewerage master plan which it

    is following in implementing the sewerage infrastructure

    development in the city. Phase 1 has already been

    successfully implemented. Phase II is now being


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    In the mean time measures are being implemented in

    order to improve the quality of the final effluent from the

    plant e. g the rejuvenation of the old ponds to work together

    with the treatment plant.



    #Attending sewerage blockages in all council lines

    #Cleaning council sewer line

    #Inspection of sewer connections and sewer relatedproblems

    #Industrial effluent monitoring

    #Advising stakeholders on wastewater management

    #Promote reuse of treated effluent, sludge and biogas


    A new comprehensive schedule of sewerage charges has

    been prepared as part of Government Cost Recovery

    Programme and is now in effect having been implemented in

    July 2005. The charges are with respect to the sewer

    connection fees, re-use of treated effluent, wastewater from

    other councils, maintenance charges for damages to sewer

    pipes and illegal connections.

    #Most of the funds for running the sewerage infrastructure

    are provided by the government through the Revenue

    Support Grant. The funds raised by sewerage charges

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    constitute only about 10% of the budget. This is a problem in

    that any reduction s in the RSG by the government affect the

    operations of Department pro-rate


    A.Hands-on training of staff in the cooperation of staff inthe operation and maintenance of sewerage network

    and the wastewater treatment plant.

    B. Provision of support to the telemetry system being

    put in place for monitoring the operation andmaintenance of sewer network, the plant and the pump


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    BLOCKAGES: Blockages are reported to the Operations

    and Maintenance Unit. Blockages that were not from the

    council sewer line were paid P30/blockage. When

    unblocking a sewer pipe we used iron rods. A rod was

    uncoiled until it reached the blockage in the sewer pipe

    through the manhole. When it reached the blockage it was

    twisted until the blockage is loosen and breaks away. If the

    blockage did not break or it is difficult to break due to fats

    roots, food grease ,hair and other organic matter, a chemical

    called crunch was poured in the drain together with the

    boiling water to dissolve it .Crunch was then opening the

    sewer and drain and also dissolved the blockage.Precautions taken when handling crunch was avoiding

    contacting it with skin clothes and eyes.

    VACUUM TANKER SERVICES: Drainages were also reported

    in Operations and Maintenance Unit at 50/load. Drainages

    that were attended were the septic tanks and the pit-latrines. When using a vacuum tank a hosepipe was inserted

    in the septic tank or pit-latrine then the vacuum pump is

    switched onto pump the sewer. The gauge showed the

    amount of sewer in the tank. When the sewer is finished in

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    the pit latrine or septic tank the pump was stopped and the

    leaver was lifted them water was poured in the hosepipe to

    flush the remaining sewer from it. The collected sewer was

    then b disposed to the plant in Mambo Water Care Works for


    CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR: In construction and repair,

    damaged manholes were repaired and identification of

    connection points for the clients. When identifying a

    connection point in an area we looked for a nearby manhole.

    When the manhole was found then the connection point was

    easily identified looking at the depth of the of manhole, thedistance as well as the angles from the building or area that

    needed the connection point.


    clients booked for inspection of plumbing appliances and paid

    P50/inspection. During the time of inspection it was made sure that

    plumbing appliances are connected correctly. It inspected whether

    the taps for cold and hot water were connected on correct sides,

    which is for hot water, on the left side, and for cold water, on the

    right side. It was also inspected whether there are no leakages on

    the taps. The toilets were also inspected to see if they flush well and

    no leakages found on their connections. The bathes were inspected

    to see if there are safe to use, this was done by knocking on the

    baths surface, if it made a lot of noise it was not safe, but if it did not

    make noise it was safe. The basins were inspected to see if water

    flows easily to the gully and also to see if their

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    Overflow control pipes are working. The manholes were also

    inspected to see if there were done at the correct depth slopes and

    angles. This inspection of plumbing appliances was done to make

    sure that blockages are overcome on the sewer line and also

    leakages of water. Under building control section there wasassessing files of building control under sewerage works office for

    sewerage connection. There was compulsory requirements and

    checklist. Those are 1.One copy of detailed floor plan

    showing internal plumbing. For multi-storey buildings, schematic

    drainage drawings for each storey shall be submitted.

    2. Copy of certified ID [O-mang or passport for non-

    citizens], certified copy of plot certificate [e.g. title deed], and recent

    letter received at mailing address as proof. 3. Sewer

    reticulation drawings must show flow direction and final sewer

    connect point. Ensure that proposed sewer connection points are

    shown accurately as they appear on the ground.

    4. Gully traps vent pipes

    and any other fixtures must be shown on the plan in correct

    positions. 5. Ensure sewer lines are not connected

    in acute angle or against flow directions

    6. Minimum sewer diameters should be as follows: 110mm inside

    plot and 160mm outside plot boundary 7. Manholes should be

    provided at every change sewer alignment, every change of gradient

    at the head of all sewers, for branches at every junction of two

    sewers and lastly at every change in the size of sewer.

    8. Minimum manhole size should be 450mm x 600mm

    9.Manhole construction and manhole cover types must be specified

    10. Manhole deeper than 800mm should be provided with step irons

    PLANT PROCESS: Plant is where the waste water is treated to

    extent that it can be re-used in construction and watering. Daily grit

    (soil) was removed. It was ensured that the classifier and the paddle

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    drives are running. After that blowers were started to introduce

    high pressure air at the bottom of the chamber. The valve was then

    closed for the air outlet to blow up particles. After a minute a valve

    was opened for heavier particles to be forced to go through the pipe

    leading to classifier, this is where the separation of particles tookplace. The process is called degriting. Grit consists of inorganic and

    organic substances, e.g. soil, wood; food scraps EST. Under this

    section readings of influent and effluent were recorded daily prom

    prosonic level controller at 2 hours interval starting at 8am until

    4pm hence calculating the daily flow.

    Controlling and operating the humus tank

    valves which allow sludge to flow back into the plant wasdone in 2 hours interval starting at 8am until 4pm. Disluging

    drying bed was done manually after every week because

    drying beds took long to dry due to winter season

    degriter tank 1

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    LABORATORY PROCESS: Under these section every

    day around 10: a m and 3pm samples were collected from

    the effluent, trick filter and the influent. These samples are

    used for measuring no of settled solids in an hour by the

    influence of gravity.

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    measuring no of settled solids in inf1

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    Particles that settle are those that have greater specific

    gravity than water. The no of solids also determine the

    nature of population around the city hence how to design

    the primary settlement tanks

    Samples 1

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    The samples were also tested pH and

    temperature using pH/temp meter.Meaasuring temperature

    is basically important for its effect on the properties e.g.

    speeding up chemical reactions in solubility of gases and

    amplification of taste and oudours. PH was measured

    because in wastewater within a range of favorable to

    particular organisms involved such as bacteria. Chemical

    process used to coagulate wastewater dewaters sludge or

    oxidize certain substances such as cyanide ion require pH to

    be controlled within a rather narrow limits.

    ph and temp meter 1

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    The samples were also used for measuring no

    of solids in water. They were poured in the Petri-dish then

    placed in an oven for 2 hours at 105oc for drying after that it

    was cooled then weighed by the analytical balance. The total

    no of solids dissolved and suspended solids were also

    measured. The samples were filtered, the liquid that passes

    through the filter paper was used to measure the total solids

    dissolved while the suspended solids were measured by the

    solids that remained in the filter paper after heating them to

    dry. This process was done because in portable waters mostof matter is in dissolved form and consists of mainly

    inorganic salts, small amounts of organic matter and

    dissolved gases. In all other liquid materials the amount of

    undissolveds colloidal and suspended matter increase with

    the degree of pollution.

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    Chlorine test was done in the effluent only. The sample was

    tested using photometer. A sample was poured in tube then

    placed in the photometer, after that the photometer

    calibrated to choose the fraction which is 25 for chlorine, the

    photometer then instruct to start the test 1. For test 1 DPD1

    Pill was put in the sample, it is the returned to the

    photometer again, then the photometer will instruct to start

    a second test using DPD3 Pill then the test will be done. The

    result will then appear in the display, showing free chlorine

    combined chlorine and tot chlorine. This chlorine is done to

    check whether the amount of chlorine in water is suitable foruse without any harm.

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    It is important that every level of worker in the company be

    able to do their job to the full extent. Delays due to

    numerous consulting of higher members of the company

    reduce the effect of the workforce hired. Errors are made by

    unskilled laborers who are hired by the company. This also

    produces time delays and costly mistakes which would

    require the skills of a higher ranked employee of the

    company. This causes a chain of time consuming that ripplesthrough the workforce to a certain extent. Not all safety

    regulations are followed by the employees. This leads to risk

    of mishaps and serious injuries to employees.


    The time spent on all the sites increased my knowledge of

    the industry in practical sense and thus gives me the

    confidence to be certain of the future growth of my skills and

    knowledge of the industry.

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