

This is a Wordle of what sort of things I have used for inspiration for my idea of the opening


For my initial idea I have drawn inspiration for a trailer for a videogame called “the evil within” which shows a point of view shot, from a monsters perspective, showing the hero running and stumbling away from monster to a piece of classical music.In my opening there will be a person fleeing some unseen enemy, the camera switches between their point of view and the pursuers, the person runs into their home and shuts the door behind them, just as they close it the pursuer begins to pound on the door, but after a few seconds the pounding stops. The sound of broken glass can be heard from the back of the house and the victim runs up stairs and finds a place to hide in one of the upper rooms, we hear the pursuer walk up the stairs and enter the room, they look around then “leave” when the victim steps out of their hiding place the pursuer attacks them from behind, killing them in the process, it then cuts to the killers view they hold up a list of names with some crossed out, he crosses out another name on the list, before pocketing the list and pen and leaves a note that says “stop me if you can” (pr something similar yet equally sinister) next to the victim.

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