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Indie radar music mag

Media AS-main task

Page 2: Indie mag


In order to make my magazine I had to take a look at a wide range of magazine but when I found out the task I knew straight away what my target audience would be.

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Target audience

I decided to base my magazine on the indie rock music genre this is because 1. I listen to that type of music and 2. I get the magazine I have based most of my product on which is NME. So my target audience are mainly males aged between 12-18 that like indie rock music as well as going to concerts and festivals as that is something the magazine is going to focus on.

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Time inc is the institution behind the NME magazine with a smaller company of IPC media. Time inc is a major company in America that owns other magazines such as what's on TV, nuts and other magazines.

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Front cover production

On my front cover I have gone through a lot of stages to get to the product I have at the moment and even when I thought I had finished it I realised that my front cover could be much better. On my front cover I used the influences from my research for example magazines such as NME and Kerrang to influence my uses of techniques such as masthead at the top of the page, price and date located under the barcode to give the magazine authenticity, the main picture which I would say is a chocolate box as the way the models used are standing, earpiece but unlike the codes and conventions it is located in the corner and not in a stand out box that most of the magazines I have looked at used.

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Deconstruction of my front cover

Barcode shows the authentication of the magazine.

Barcode scanner for a quick rote to website

Basic issue number links with codes and conventions.


Main photo symbolises what the magazine is going to consist of.

Ear piece to show what is up for stacks to win in the issue.

Caption for the pictures to tell the reader what their about and the story behind them.

Strapline to tell the reader a bit more about the magazine

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Codes and conventionsI have tried to keep to main the codes and conventions in my creation of the front cover by sticking with the same features for example the masthead is always at the top of the page with the date and issue number, postcode in the corner of the page. I challenged some codes and conventions as instead of putting the ear piece in a box or shape I just had it as plain text.

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Contents pageThrough my process the contents page has been the hardest to make as at first I did not stick to any codes and conventions and as I was going back through my research I realised I needed to make changes to it! So I did I took a lot of my ideas from NME magazine and made sure I stuck to main codes and conventions like have text in columns and the editor's message as well as a subscription box. I also added a picture of the front cover as I saw that in a couple of the magazines and thought it was a good idea.

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Double page spread

After gathering a lot of feedback I again decided that my double page spread should be much better than what it was so I decided to change the layout of it as well as the main content in it. I did this because a lot of people were saying that when it will be printed out it will cut of part of the interview. So I then decided that I should add a quote from my ‘stars’ and an introduction to my interview so I did. The extra feedback I got was that my final product was much better than my last one!

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Feedback I gathered feedback on the production of my magazine many different ways one was through asking the people I’m my class that said I should stick to codes and conventions and not ‘break the mould’ that is one reason why I re did most of my magazine to make sure I stick to the codes and conventions. I did this and now I have gather more feedback on my magazine and people said it was much better than the last one. I didn’t have many criticisms but the few I did have I have changed in my magazine.

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