Page 1: Indicator wise list of documents required

City Challenge on Man-hole to Machine-hole Transformation


wise list of



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SafaiMitra Suraksha Challenge

Safai Mitra Suraksha Challenge is aimed at preventing hazardous

cleaning of sewers and septic tanks and promote mechanized

cleaning. The competition will focus extensively on creating citizen

awareness on this critical issue.

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02Core Parameters

Eco-System Parameters

1. Citizen’s Empowerment

2. Mechanized Cleaning: Men & Machine

3. Mechanized Cleaning: Soft Measures

1. Periodic preventive maintenance

2. Sustainable O&M

3. Treatment Capacity

4. Adoption of Innovative Approach

5. Standardization of Septic Tank

Pre-qualification criteria

1. Setting up RSA & SRU

2. Valid ODF+ Certification

3. Notification of Ban on Single use Plastic

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Setting up of


Sanitation Authority

(RSA) and


Response Unit


Pre-qualification criteria to participate in challenge

Valid ODF+


Notification of ban

on single use plastic

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Pre-qualification criteria to participate in challenge

▪ Setting up of Responsible Sanitation Authority (RSA) and Sanitation Response Unit (SRU)State must have notified RSAs and established SRU in the participating cities to take care of situations of blockages of sewers & septic tanks and thereby preventing manual hazardous cleaning.

▪ Valid ODF+ CertificationCity must have valid ODF+ Certification on the closing date of application.

▪ Notification of ban on single use plasticBan on single use plastic including.

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S.No List of Documents

1Documents Required for setting up of Responsible Sanitation Authority (RSA) and Sanitation

Response Unit (SRU)

2 Provide the list of Officer/ Staff with name, designation and mobile no. of RSA and SRU

3 Report and Certificate of ODF+ with Validity date

4Copy of the public Notification released for banning the use, sale and storage of non-

biodegradable plastic below 50 microns.

5 Clips/ Photos of the notifications of banning single use plastic including < 50 micron

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(200 Marks)



Cleaning: Men &


(400 Marks)


Cleaning: Soft


(100 Marks)

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Citizen’s Empowerment

200 Marks

Public AwarenessCampaigns

24X7 Helpline, Portal &WhatsApp Number

Page 9: Indicator wise list of documents required

1. Is 24X7 Helpline number, portal and WhatsApp number in place and operational to help

citizens in registering their complaints and provide their resolution status on real-time basis ?

(50 Marks)

Note : Each redressal system should have mechanism for generating monthly

report showing all complaints received, in process, resolved and feedback received.

S.No List of Documents

1 Provide the complaints' reports till 30th April 2021

2Provide the list of complaints along with the numbers from various

mediums such as Helpline, Portal and WhatsApp

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1. Whether IEC carrying following messages have been carried out in print, electronic media,

social media or through murals to educate citizens, other stakeholders as well as ULB

employees about importance of following approved de-sludging practices for septic

tank/sewer/storm water drain manhole cleaning from January 2021 onwards (45 Marks)

Note: All supporting pictures for monthly awareness campaigns to be uploaded by 5 th day of

the following month. Pictures to be uploaded on Safaimitra Suraksha Challenge-2021 portal and

associated social media channel, Swachh Manch and Facebook page. (City name and ULB Code

mandatory for entries)

S.No List of Documents

1List of awareness campaigns with photos. Also, give a brief description of each


Public Awareness

Page 11: Indicator wise list of documents required

2. Whether monthly Public Awareness campaign carried out in 100% wards, to educate citizens,

other stakeholders as well as ULB employees about importance of following correct legal

practices for septic tank/sewer/stormwater drain manhole (35 Marks) Public Awareness Campaign Total wards

Ward numbers

with Campaign



(Minimum 2 per


1 Street Plays

2 Door to Door messaging


Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) in all

vulnerable Places i.e. unplanned

colonies/slums/hotspots identified etc.

4 Messaging done on 100% CT/PTs

5100% de-sludging vehicles registered with ULB

carrying messages

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3. Whether Public Awareness campaign carried out in 100% wards to educate citizens, other

stakeholders as well as ULB employees through Hoardings, Posters, Wall Writings/Murals

about importance of following correct legal practices for septic tank/sewer/stormwater drain

manhole cleaning(35 Marks)

Note: Hoarding/Poster Sizes: Hoarding minimum 8’x10’ and Poster minimum 2’X4’

Page 13: Indicator wise list of documents required Public Awareness Campaign Total wardsWard numbers where

Campaign carried out

Photos(Minimum 2 per


1In each ward minimum 1 Hoarding is placed (each hording to be geo-

tagged with unique ID)

2 in each ward minimum 20 Posters are pasted on walls

3In each ward messaging done through Wall Writing/Murals- Minimum 10

walls Public Awareness CampaignTotal no. of


No. of Slums where

Campaign carried out

Photos(Minimum 2 per


1In each slum & unplanned colony with 25 households minimum 1

Hoarding is placed (each hording to be geo-tagged with unique ID)

2In each slum & unplanned colony with 25 households minimum 10

Posters are pasted on walls

3In each slum & unplanned colony with 25 households messaging done

through Wall Writing/Murals- Minimum 3 walls

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4. Impact of Public Awareness Campaigns: Whether public awareness campaign carried out

by the ULB has been able to penetrate key messages among all citizens and other key

stakeholders (including service providers(35 Marks) *

* No Documents Required (Only on-ground validation)

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Mechanized Cleaning

400 Marks

Infrastructure Work Force

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1. Holding of Core Sewer and Septic Maintenance Machines : Whether ULBs has number of

machines / equipment available, as per CPHEEO norms, to clean sewers/septic/stormwater drain

manholes tanks(200 Marks)

1(A). Performance areas : ULBs are expected to match the 100% requirement of Maintenance

Machines to get 100% marks (180 Marks)

1(B). Performance indicators (This indicator will ascertain whether private desludging operators

are registered with ULB / PHED and are being monitored to ensure zero tolerance on non-


(20 Marks)

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S.No List of Documents

1 Provide the list of maintenance machines with capacity

2 Provide the list of desludging operators

3Provide the list of desludging operators registered/ license given. Also Provide the photo of the registration id/license

4 Provide the list of desludging vehicles

5 Provide the list of desludging vehicles with RFID/ GPS

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2. Holding of Requisite Water borne Sanitation Workforce/Safaimitras and SEPs (Sanitation

Commandos) - Whether ULBs has dedicated workforce available, as per CPHEEO norms, to meet

daily de-sludging requirements (100 Marks)

WF 02(A) Performance areas : ULBs are expected to match the 100% requirement of WaterborneSanitation Workforce/staff to get 100% marks (80 Marks)

WF 02(B) Performance areas : Hardship Allowance (20 Marks)

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S.No List of Documents

1 No. of permanent workers

2 No. of informal workers

3 No. of Contractual workers

4 No. of private workers

5 No. of SHG/NGO workers

6 No. of casual/daily workers and others

7 Provide the list of Waterborne Sanitation Workforce/staff

8 Provide the list of Safaimitras/Staff getting hardship allowance

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3. Holding of PPE and Safety Gear: Do you have required number of PPEs and Safety Gears to

meet daily cleaning requirements as per CPHEEO norms?( 50 Marks* )

Performance areas :

(A) ULBs are expected to match the 100% requirement of PPE and Safety Gears to get 100% marks

(B) ULBs are expected to meet the requirement of specified Safety Gear to get 100% marks

* Failure to obtain >25 marks in this indicator will lead to deduction of 200 Marks in the ULB’s

overall score.

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S.No List of Documents

1 No. of SafaiMitras/workers provided with PPEs as per CPHEEO norms

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4. Holding of Special Maintenance/ Cleaning Equipment: Do you have special maintenance/cleaning

equipment meeting daily cleaning requirement, as per CPHEEO norms? (50 Marks)

Performance areas : ULBs are expected to match the 100% requirement of Waterborne Sanitation

Workforce/staff to get 100% marks

S.No List of Documents

1 Provide the list of special maintenance/cleaning equipment as per CPHEEO norms

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Mechanized Cleaning:Soft Measures

400 Marks

Capacity BuildingEmpowerment of Safaimitra(Sanitation Commando)

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1. Training / Skill Development: Are registered de-sludging operators (de-sludging staff), sewer,

stormwater drain manhole maintenance staff trained on safety related issues (60 Marks)

Note : Knowledge of all trained de-sludging operators/staff will be tested through a questionnaire

designed by CPHEEO to qualify for marks claimed. Questionnaire to be shared.

S.No List of Documents

1 Provide the copies of translated toolkit and applicable norms

2 No. of formal de sludging staff

3 No. of Informal de sludging staff

4 No. of trained desludging operators/staff/Informal Safaimitras

5 Provide the attendance and score sheet of the participants of the training

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2(a). Rehabilitation of informal Safaimitras engaged in cleaning of septic tanks/ sewer lines

/stormwater drains?(20 Marks)

S.No List of Documents

1 Provide the list of informal Safaimitras identified are integrated with private de-sludging operators

2Provide the list of informal Safaimitras identified are linked with at least 3 social welfare schemes of Central/State Government

3 Provide the list of informal Safaimitras linked with NSKFDC scheme

4 Provide the list of Safaimitras whose children are enrolled in school (if applicable)

5 Provide the list of Safaimitras having ration cards

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2(b). Rehabilitation of Safaimitras : Percentage (%) of Safaimitras identified are linked with

entrepreneurship opportunities either through convergence or providing soft loans through

NSKFDC or under any other scheme (50 Marks)

S.No List of Documents

1Provide the list of safaimitras linked with entrepreneurship/livelihood opportunities/other scheme

S.No Indicator Total wardsNo. of wards where

Safaimitras identified/allocated

1Minimum 5 informal Safaimitras identified from each ward

22-4 informal Safaimitras identified from each ward

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Eco-System Parameters


1000 Marks




(100 Marks)

Sustainable O&M

(50 Marks)



(50 Marks)

Adoption of



(50 Marks)

Standardization of

Septic Tank

(50 Marks)

Page 29: Indicator wise list of documents required

1(a). Periodic preventive maintenance of septic tanks, Sewer and stormwater drain manholes/ lines

in the city

S.No List of Documents

1Total number of septic tanks along with logbook (record) of desludging of septic tanks ( 1st January 2021 to 30th April 2021)

2 Total no. of sewers

3 Total no. Stormwater drain

4 Total no. of geo-tagged sewer

5 Total no. geo-tagged Stormwater drain

Page 30: Indicator wise list of documents required

1(b). Critical Sanitation spots (Hot Spots): Whether the ULB/Water Supply and Sewerage

Board/Jal Board have identified the areas of the city / town (particularly informal/vulnerable

groups are living) wherein frequent blockages/ accidents take place and has put in place

necessary action plan

S.No List of Documents

1Provide the list of identified hotspots areas wherein frequent blockages/ Accidents take place and has put in place necessary action plan

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1(c). Sanitation Coverage - What percentage of Wards in the city / town are connected to a closed system

such as sewerage and / or septic tank + soak pit. And what % of Septic tanks are geo-tagged (ULB must

submit sewer network map to claim the progress

S.No List of Documents1 Total no. of Households

2 Total no. of commercial establishments

3 Total no. of CTs

4 Total no. of PTs

5 Total no. of Households connected to a closed system such as sewerage and/or septic tank + Soak pit

6Total no. of commercial establishments connected to a closed system such as sewerage and/or septic tank + Soak pit

7 Total no. of CTs connected to a closed system such as sewerage and/or septic tank + Soak pit

8 Total no. of PTs connected to a closed system such as sewerage and/or septic tank + Soak pit

9 Total no. of septic tank

10 Total no. of geo tagged septic tank

Page 32: Indicator wise list of documents required

2. Sustainable O&M : Whether the revenue collected is sustainable to carry out O & M of the

mechanized cleaning system including its related expenses like salary, diesel, consumables,

breakdown repairs, etc.


1. Only user charges collected or sanitation charges collected under property tax will be


2. Grant under 14th Finance Commission will not be considered.

3. If ULB has outsourced/engaged private operator to manage de-sludging of septic

tanks/sewers/storm water drains, expenses incurred and revenue earned/collected by the private

operator will not be added in O&M expenses /revenue for/ from the services/operators directly

handled by the ULB.

4. Period under consideration 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021

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S.No List of Documents

1Total amount of user charges collected or sanitation charges collected under property tax (period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021)

2Total Operation cost of the mechanised cleaning system (period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021)

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3. Sewage & Septage Treatment Capacity and Actual Treatment

Note: If required, possibility of shared facility with other ULBs, co-treatment may be explored

S.No List of Documents

1 Total capacity of FSTPs (KLD)

2 Total capacity of STPs (MLD)

3 Total faecal sludge collected/generated in the Month (KL)

4 Total sewage collected/generated in the month (ML)

5 Total faecal sludge Treated in the Month (KL)

6 Total sewage Treated in the month (ML)

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4. Adoption of Innovative Approach : Whether any innovative system for cleaning the sewers,

stormwater drains and septic tanks have been developed / implemented.

Note: All Innovations must be implemented by 31st March 2021 and uploaded on Safaimitra

Suraksha Challenge portal by 30th April 2021.

S.No List of Documents


Provide the list of innovations along with the type (Low cost solution, faster solution, improved efficiency, prevented entry into septic tank/sewer/stormwater drains, welfare scheme and warning system in the sewer/stormwater drains), brief description and pictures

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5. Standardization of Septic Tank

Section List of Documents

1 Total number of septic tanks were constructed (after 1st Jan 2021) as per the prescribed design

2 Provide the list of septic tanks design approved by the ULB

3 Total no. of masons/contractors in the ULB

4 Total no. of trained masons/contractors in the ULB

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