Page 1: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)

No.43 August - September 2010Embassy of India, Tel Aviv


address to the nation Indian caregiver community in Israel delivered on the eve of and also by Indian Jewish community Independence Day. A members Mr. Avraham Bhonkar, cultural programme Mr.Rony Bhastekar, Ms. Sophia was also organized Solomon and a dance performance by that included classical the ‘Sapna Group’ from Ashdod. The dance performances cultural show was followed by snacks. by Ms. Yael Tal and Copies of President of India’s address to Ms. Royce, patriotic the Nation and Embassy Newsletter songs by Mr. Ram (June-July 2010) along with pamphlets K u m a r ’ s g r o u p , on Know India Programme (KIP) were members o f the also distributed.

The 64th Anniversary of Independence Day of India was celebrated at Embassy residence on August 15, 2010. The event was attended by around 500 people comprising persons of Indian origin, business community, students, Embassy staff and their families and other well wishers. Following the hoisting of the national flag and singing of national anthem, Ambassador Navtej Sarna read from the President of India’s

What has been our past? India, a growth as mutually inclusive rather Our credentials as the world’s largest democracy have been further mature and a harmonious society, than mutually exclusive concepts. reinforced with the deepening of had a rich tradition of learning and a We are duty-bound to pass on this democracy at all levels. We have philosophy based on experiences and rich inheritance to our younger elected bodies existing from the knowledge of thousands of years. generation - the 540 million youth. national to the grassroot level. Swami Vivekananda spoke of India They have been demonstrating their Democracy has become a way of life as, “the ancient land, where wisdom capabilities and strengths in various in India. On the economic front, we made its home before it went into any fields of human activity in India and are ranked as the world’s fourth other country”. Ours is a land where abroad. Whether in multi-national l a r g e s t e c o n o m y b a s e d o n religions have taken birth and all business enterprises or the IT purchasing power parity and one of religions of the world have found a industry or financial organizations or the fastest growing. The resilience of place. Ours is a land where different global scientific bodies, young our economy was evident during the languages, cultures and customs Indians are joining their ranks and global financial crisis which we flourished. From early times, India making their mark. weathered, better than many other always looked at progress and moral countries.

Independence Day Celebrations

Excerpts from the Address to the Nation by the President of IndiaHer Excellency Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil

Ambassador addressing the gathering on Independence Day

Ms. Yael Tal in performance

(Continued on page 3)

Dance performance by 'Sapna Group' from Ashdod

Page 2: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)


High level business delegation from Gujarat visits Israelo f I n d u s t r i a l Information), Embassy of India; Mr.

Extension Bureau, Mukesh Kumar, Managing Director,

a G o v e r n m e n t I ND E XT B; and Mr. Dan Catarivas,

of Gujarat organ- Director, Manufacturers’ Association

ization. of Israel.

On August 29, the The seminar was followed by a Round

Israel Export and Table meeting which was attended by

I n t e r n a t i o n a l companies which are already active in

C o o p e r a t i o n India and would like to further

I n s t i t u t e i n i n c r e a s e t h e i r b u s i n e s s a n d

cooperation with the Embassy, investments in the State of Gujarat. An 11-member high level business organized a business seminar on The delegation visited various sites of delegation from the State of Gujarat “ I n v e s t m e n t O p p o r t u n i t i e s i n interest including: Shafdan, the waste visited Israel from August 28-30, 2010 Gujarat”. Key note speakers in the water treatment facility of Mekorot, Tel to promote the 5th Vibrant Gujarat seminar included Mr. Avi Hefetz, Aviv University, IDE desalination plant Global Summit to be held on January Director General, IEICI; Mr. Sujit in Ashkelon, and Netafim Irrigation 12-13, 2011. The delegation was led by Ghosh, First Secretary (Political and company. Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Managing Director

Mr. Avi Hefetz, Director General, IEICI, addressing the gathering

of the Indian troops has been vividly recorded in the official history of the War Military operation Egypt and Palestine (volume 2): “No more remarkable cavalry action of its scale was fought in the whole course of the campaign. Machine gun bullets over and over again failed to stop the galloping horses even though many of them succumbed afterwards to their

Commonwealth Graves Commission, injuries”.Defence Attaches and diplomats. The event was marked by a wreath Ambassador, in his speech, underlined laying ceremony by Ambassador and the important role played by the Indian other dignitaries, which included soldiers during the First World War and representative from Haifa City Council, the valour shown by them in this war Israeli Ministry of Defense, Haifa and thanked the Haifa Historical Society Historical Society, representatives of the

The Embassy organised a ceremony for its efforts to document India’s role commemorating the sacrifice of Indian in this important phase of the history.soldiers in the liberation of Haifa during A two-member Indian Army delegation the First World War at Haifa Cemetery led by Col. M. S. Jodha, grandson of on September 22, 2010. Captain Aman Singh Bahadur (one of A large number of Indian soldiers the martyred Indian soldiers in Haifa sacrificed their lives in this region war) visited Israel to attend the during the period and nearly 900 ceremony.soldiers are cremated/buried in The event concluded with the rendition cemeteries across Israel. The sacrifice of national anthems of India and Israel.

Haifa Day – Indian Fallen Soldiers Ceremony

Ambassador honours the fallen soldiers

Ambassador laying the wreath at theIndian Fallen Soldiers Ceremony

Ambassador with dignitaries and guests at thememorial service

Page 3: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)

A Conference on India’s new Telecom procedures for foreign vendors on all core regulations was organized by the Israeli network equipment. company Altal Security Consulting on Key note speakers at the Conference September 6, 2010 at the Sheraton Hotel included Mr. Sanjay Vyas, Second in Tel Aviv. Altal is one of the few Secretary (Economic and Commerce), companies which has been authorized by Embassy of India; Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski, the Indian government to conduct the Board Chairman of Altal and Mr. Netanel new mandatory audits. (Nati) Davidi, CEO of Altal.The Conference which was attended by Following the presentations a panel of about 20 Israeli Telecom companies leading telecom experts addressed the explored the Indian government’s new gathering and provided some additional telecom regulations and auditing insights. 3


Ambassador visits Teva P h a r m a c e u t i c a l Industries Ltd. in Jerusalem.The visit included a detailed presentation b y t h e t o p management of Teva and a tour in the m a n u f a c t u r i n g plant.Dur ing h is v i s i t , Ambassador was also

briefed on the company’s current On August 9, 2010, Ambassador Navtej activities in India and its future plans Sarna and Mr. Sanjay Vyas, Second regarding this huge market. Secretary, Embassy of India, visited the

m a n u f a c t u r i n g u n i t o f Te v a

During the tour at the Jerusalem plant

Conference on India’s New TelecomRegulations

Mr. Sanjay Vyas, Second Secretary (Economic and Commerce),Embassy of India, addressing the gathering

(Continued from page 1)

Excerpts from the Address to theNation by the President of

India Her ExcellencyShrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil

India’s growth and progress will take place in an environment that is also influenced by global events. We believe that peace is essential, if prosperity is to be achieved. Terrorism poses the biggest threat to global peace, stability and security. Violence and hatred can have no place in the world. Indeed, the interests that we share as human beings are far more powerful than forces which are divisive. Across the world, the message of peace and not of destruction must spread, if this Century powered by the most rapid advances in science and technology, is to be the Century of the most s p e c t a c u l a r g a i n s m a d e b y humankind, accompanied with human values. I am confident that India will contribute substantially to the forward march of the human race.

Official Delegationfrom Haryanavisits Israel

A 9-member high level delegation, led by Mr. Sukhbir Kataria, Minister of State for Agriculture, Government of Haryana, visited Israel from August 1-6, 2010. This was an exposure visit on the cultivation technology and post harvest management of citrus, mangoes and olives. The delegation met with Mr. Joseph Ishay, Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Head of MASHAV, Ambassador Haim Divon and other MASHAV officials. The delegation also met Ambassador Navtej Sarna who briefed them about the ongoing cooperation with Israel in the field of Agriculture. The delegation visited plantations of pomegranates, citrus fruits, olives and mangoes and other sites of interest.

Page 4: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)



Two Israeli girls of Indian origin over the world. The participants were were exposed to various facets of modern participated in the 15th Know India taken to Assam and Meghalaya as part of India and were also familiarized with Programme (KIP) held dur ing the KIP programme. They also visited Indian history, culture and heritage September 7- 26, 2010, organised by the Delhi and Agra. The participants also had during the three week programme. The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, an opportunity to interact with Minister KIP provides a unique forum for youth of Government of India, in partnership with of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), Mr. Indian origin to visit India, share their Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Vayalar Ravi in New Delhi and the views, expectations / experiences and They were joined by participants from all Governor of Meghalaya. The participants bond closely with contemporary India.

from August 2 -14, 2010 and exhibited a wide a range of works of art and crafts including painting, sculpture, ceramic, metal work, woodwork, leather and applied arts from more than 50 countries including India. Mr. Sharad Srivastava, First Secretary attended the opening ceremony of the fair on August 2, 2010 and interacted with the puppet group members.

The Mission coordinated the visit of a six member puppet group led by Mr. Raj Kumar Bhat to perform at the 35th International Arts and Crafts Fair, Jerusalem from August 2-8, 2010 under ICCR sponsorship. The performance of the puppet show invited keen attention of the visitors/tourists. The fair was organised by Municipality of Jerusalem

15th Know India Programme (KIP)

The delegates visit the Taj Mahal in Agra

Puppet show at the 35th InternationalArts and Crafts Fair, Jerusalem

Visiting artistes from India with First SecretarySharad Srivastava

Performing the puppet show


Day Celebrationby

Konkan CatholicSangathan

The Konkan Catholic Sangathan, an

or ganizat ion of Konkan or ig in

Indians in Israel celebrated India’s

Independence Day on August 20,

2010 at Bet Barbour Hall, Hahegana,

Tel Aviv.

About 500 persons attended the


M r. S h a r a d S r i v a s t a v a , F i r s t

Secretary, attended and greeted the

gathering on the occasion of India’s

Independence Day.

KIP participants with the Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs,

Mr. Vayalar Ravi

Page 5: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)



Ambassador held a meeting with Prof.

Menahem Ben-Sasson, President of

the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on

August 8, 2010 at the University.

During the meeting he discussed the

possibilities of enhancing the cultural

and academic cooperation between

the two countries.

Discussion also dwelt on introducing

an Indian Chair at Hebrew University.

The Ind ian Konk an i speak ing community) and included a mass

parishioners organised a cultural feast followed by dinner.

at St. Antony Church school ground, Mr. Sharad Srivastava attended and

Jaffa on September 11, 2010. emphasized the need for greater

The event was attended by about 2000 interface between the caregiver

persons (most ly the careg iver community and the Embassy.

Onam Celebration was organised on

August 28, 2010 by Israeli-Malayali

Association in cultural hall at New

Central Bus Station, Tel Aviv. The

celebration included women’s songs by

Nirit Group and Malayali singers, games,

brief on Onam followed by an Onam

feast. The event was coordinated by Ms.

Sima Molly Muttath- Pal from Hadera.

Onam Celebration

Preparing for the celebrations

South Indian Cultural Feast –“Nativity of Mother Mary”

Ambassador with the managementof Hebrew University during his visit


of bringing out the different images of f rom the I s rae l i gove rnment ,

India that form in the minds of Israeli members of the Diplomatic corps,

tourists leading journalists, prominent artists

Earlier this year, the Embassy of India a n d m e m b e r s o f t h e I n d i a n

organised a photography competition community in Israel among others.

under the same theme inviting The winners of the photography

photographs from young Israelis who contest were awarded prizes during the

have travelled to India. event.

The Embassy received around The Embassy organised a photography

300 photographs from more exhibition under the theme "India

than 50 photographers & the through Israeli eyes" with the objective

best 20 among them were

exhibited in ZOA House in Tel


The exhibition was inaugurated

by the Indian Ambassador H.E

Navtej Sarna on September 25,


The opening ceremony was

a t t e n d e d b y s e v e r a l

Ambassadors, senior officials

Photography exhibition: “India through Israeli eyes”

Ambassador inaugurates photography exhibition

Ambassador addresses the gathering

Ambassador and Dr. Avina Sarna with the prize-winners:

First Prize -Mr. Nir Zohar (second from right),

Second Prize - Ms. Shira Kritchman (first from right),

Third Prize – Ms. Efrat Shaked (first from left)

Page 6: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)



INDIAN ECONOMY TELECOM / IT / BIOTECHNOLOGYReserve Bank of India reports surge Mobile subscriber base touched 652

in electronic transactions million mark in July 2010

IT parks: Tamil Nadu eases norms for smaller companies

States gear up with big budgets to woo tourists

HCL Infosystems enters the gaming zone

RBI permits corporations to work as rural agents of banks

Jet Airways, IBM sign US$ 62 Canada, India to tie up for making million IT services dealfilms in 2011

Government approves Rs. 3,000 cr for setting up 16 Central varsities

Coconut-based tourism on cards Dr. Reddy's ties up with Israeli company

FIIs cross US$ 20 billion mark

BSE launches mobile trading as Sensex hits 20,000

mark, the Bombay Stock Exchange went live with its mobile trading platform. The larger of the 33 participating brokers were flooded with enquiries from investors interested in Catching up with the developed world, India The number of Indian mobile subscribers the new mode, though little trade happened is witnessing a surge in use of electronic witnessed a robust growth as it touched the via the new route. The Securities and means. According to the latest annual report 652.42 million mark in July 2010, with an Exchange Board of India had cleared the of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the use of addition of 16.92 million connections, as way for trading in securities using wireless electronic means, as opposed to using paper, per the official data. According to the technology less than a month ago. According for making payments has gone up sharply in Telecom Regulatory Authority of India to brokers, there was considerable curiosity the last three years. As per the RBI report, the (TRAI), the wireless user base rose by 2.66 among investors, especially office share of electronic transactions rose to 88.3 percent to 652.42 million in July 2010 from employees who are not allowed to access per cent in FY (Financial Year) 2009-10 from 635.51 million in June 2010. The total trading Web sites while at work. 80.4 per cent in FY 2007-08, in terms of telephone subscriber base has touched

value. Similarly, in terms of volume there 688.38 million. The increase in this category was a rise from 27.1 per cent in FY 2007-08 was led by Bharti Airtel, which added 2.6 to 35.3 per cent in FY 2009-10. million users to take its subscriber base to The Tamil Nadu Government has relaxed

139.2 million users. Similarly, Reliance the eligibility norms to help smaller Communications added 2.5 million new companies avail space in government subscribers, taking its subscriber base to States are gearing up this year for welcoming promoted information technology parks in 113.3 million, while Vodafone added 2.4 tourists to unexplored destinations, wooing tier II cities, according to IT secretary Mr. million connections taking its user base to travelers with ornithology conferences, a P.W.C. Davidar. One acre of land will now be 111.4 subscribers. taste of tribal hospitality and are offering given companies to help them build 45,000

attractive subsidies for investors. The flavour sq. ft. of office space. Earlier, it used to be a seems to be offering a unique experience for minimum of five acres. Similarly, the traveler. Roadshows by regional First Indian company to launch handheld minimum revenue requirement of a markets, such as Karnataka and Assam to consoles, set to compete with international company has been reduced to Rs. 1 crore name a few, have already started, while actor brands like Sony and Nintendo. Delhi-based from Rs. 5 crore.Amitabh Bachchan has been roped in by HCL Infosystems became the first Indian Gujarat as its brand ambassador. States have company to enter the handheld gaming also lined up huge tourism budgets this year console market earlier this month. The The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has for promotion across the country and move is part of the company’s plans to allowed firms to play the role of an globally as well. According to the latest World expand its hardware, services and ICT intermediary to spread banking in rural Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) data, the systems integration and distribution areas, in a move aimed at making banking travel and tourism industry is expected to business. services available to the unbanked.directly contribute US$ 42 billion to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2010. The data also say that India will be a Jet Airways and IBM have signed a 10-year

Canada will be signing a film and new media tourism hotspot during the 2009-2018 US$ 62-million business transformation

co-production treaty with India at the 12th period, having the highest 10-year growth and information technology services edition of the International Indian Film potential compared to other countries. agreement. The agreement is a step towards Academy Awards (IIFA) scheduled to be Jet Airways' journey of technology-led held in Toronto in 2011. This will help business transformation, which will help Indian filmmakers get access to the North The Government has agreed to spend Rs. the airline achieve significant growth by American country’s scenic locales, 3,000 crore (US$ 676.8 million) during the aligning its IT with business strategy, said a including British Columbia (BC).11th Five Year Plan for setting up 13 new release.

central universities and converting three In a first of its kind venture, the Coconut existing state universities into central Development Board has initiated a coconut universities. Israel-based pharma company, SoluBest, trail project as part of promoting coconut- has entered into collaboration with Dr. based tourism in a big way in the country. Net foreign institutional investor (FII) Reddy's Laboratories Ltd to develop a The trail will take the tourists from inflows crossed the US$ 20 billion mark on technological platform for solving the Kumbalangi, the first model tourism village October 5, 2010, surpassing the US$ 17.7 problem of drug insolubility. According to in India, to the other tourist spots in South billion high recorded in 2007, according to the agreement a new, proprietary India, East, North and North-Eastern parts the Securities and Exchange Board of India formulation of one of SoluBest's pipeline of the country, where they will get first-hand (SEBI) data. compounds would be developed. In return, knowledge of the lifestyle of coconut SoluBest is eligible to upfront, research and farming community and the various end milestone and ‘significant royalty' uses of the nut and other palm parts.On the day Sensex crossed the 20,000- payments.

Page 7: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)

Popular Indian Recipes




Transgene Biotek acquires US-based Marillion

Auto component sector to see 4-fold growth by 2020

The Hyderabad-based Transgene Biotek Ltd has announced that it has entered into an agreement to acqu i re Mar i l l i on Pharmaceuticals Inc, a US Oncology Biopharmaceuticals company based in Exton, Pennsylvania, in an all-share deal.

The Indian auto component industry expects to grow by over four-fold to $113 billion by 2020 as there have been projections of a similar jump in car manufacturing in the country in the next decade, according to Automotive Component Manufacturers' Association. The total passenger car production in the country will jump four times to reach 9 million cars in the next ten years, the industry body said in its forecast report.



Although a major chunk of this will come from the fast growing domestic market, exports are likely to form around 35% of the total market by 2020.

World’s largest luxury carmaker BMW Group has entered into auto finance business in India through its global finance arm, BMW Financial Services, to support its customers and dealers to boost sales volume in the country.

Auto component maker Ashok Minda Group announced that it has completed the acquisition of specialist composite moulding manufacturer Aksys Koengen of Germany. After the acquisition, Aksys will now been renamed Minda Schenk Plastic Solutions GmbH, Plant Koengen. The plant is a major supplier of components to Daimler, VW Group, Renault, PSA and GM.

BMW launches auto finance arm in India

Ashok Minda Group completes Aksys buy

Power India 2010 India Telecom 2010October 27-30, 2010, Mumbai December 9-11, 2010, New Delhi

IndiaChem 2010 4th World Ayurveda Congress & October 28-29, 2010, Mumbai Arogya Expo

December 9-13, 2010, Bangalore

World Dental Show 2010October 29-31, 2010, Mumbai 5th Vibrant Gujarat Global

SummitJanuary 12-13, 2011

CeraGlass India 2010 Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar, GujaratNovember 11-14, 2010, Jaipur

Indian Rubber Expo 2011IFSEC India January 20-21, 2011, Chennai November 23-25, 2010, Mumbai

International Handloom Fair Asian Herbal Show (IIHF)November 26-28, 2010, Chennai February 16- 18, 2011, Chennai

Global Energy India Soft 2011December 2-5, 2010, Bangalore March 25-26, 2011, Pune


Grate the parboiled potatoes along without the skin. Keep aside. Heat the butter in a pan till hot. Add the chopped onion(s) and saute on medium heat for about 2 minutes.

Add the grated potatoes, cooked corn, salt, pepper, lemon juice, fresh cream, chopped green chili and coriander leaves. Mix well. Spread this mixture evenly in the pan. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top and keep on low heat for 6 minutes.

Lift the cake in one piece and turn it upside down. Keep again on low heat for 6 minutes till it is crisp and brown. Cut into squares before serving.

Potato and CornCake

(Aloo Makai Tikki)

4 medium potatoes parboiled 1 cup(s) cooked corn 1 onion(s) chopped 1 tablespoon(s) grated cheese 2 green chillies chopped fine 1 tablespoon(s) chopped corianderleaves 1 teaspoon(s) lemon juice 1 teaspoon(s) fresh cream 1 tablespoon(s) butter salt and pepper to taste




Serve hot with: tomato ketchup.

Page 8: India Newsletter (August-September 2010)

Just 12 km. from the Mahavir Sanctuary is the 13th century Mahadev Temple that is well worth a visit. Take a day off also to visit the well-known Dudhsagar waterfalls.The waters here plunge a deep 200 metres, making it Goa's highest waterfall.The waterfall would be familiar to those traveling by the Konkan railway that runs along the coast from Goa to Kerala in the deep south. The beauty of the cascades of the Dudhsagar is visible from the trains and, in fact, the spary can be felt by travelers as they chug past.


How to reach

Forest Department's jeep safaris (best taken early mornings or close to dusk) are the best way to explore the jungles, and on any given day you will most certainly come across herds of deer and gaurs (the Indian bison), Malayan giant squirrels, monkeys, cobras, pythons, as well as a large variety of birds. The lucky few may well spot a more menacing black panther, a tiger or an elephant herd. Locals, however, will tell you that the most dangerous animals in the sanctuary are the doles -- the wild dogs. They hunt in huge packs which break up into teams that station themselves in strategic positions.They then run short distances and, in a magnificent if macabre display of team effort, outrun much larger, and faster, prey like gaurs. While out on a jeep safari, make sure

Goa conjures up images of sun, sand, surf and song. That, you head for Devil's however, is only a small part of Goa. Few know that about a third Canyon, a splendid of this western Indian state -- famous the world over for its g e o g r a p h i c a l magnificent beaches -- is covered in rich tropical forests that are formation.great reservoirs of biodiversity. The hot and humid tropical The appropriately climate of the region, coupled with the presence of more than named View Point forty estuarine, eight marine and about ninety riverine islands, here is the best supports lush vegetation which, in turn, is the reason for such place from where to take in the grand sweep of the sanctuary biodiversity. And the best place to get a glimpse of this and view its wildlife.biodiversity is the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary, The place will especially satisfy bird watchers who will be able to sprawled over an impressive 240 sq. km. and situated at the see some of the over 200 beautiful and exotic bird species that foothills of the lush Western Ghats near the state's eastern populate the sanctuary.borders -- some 55 kms. from the capital Panaji. These include the Indian black woodpecker, the Malabar pied At the centre of the sanctuary lies the Molem National Park and hornbill, paradise flycatcher, fairy bluebird, the drongo, a wildlife enthusiast would do well to spend at least a couple of wagtails, barbets, the great Indian hornbill, kingfishers, shrikes, days here to fully experience all that the place has to offer. The the emerald dove and the grey jungle fowl, among many others.

By Air:By Rail:By Road:

For more on India tourism, visit:;

India Calls: Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary – Goa

Best time to visit the sanctuary is from October to March. Best time to visit:

Other attractions

Goa has an international airport at Dabolim, which is also well served by flights from across India. Margaon is the main railway station near the capital Panaji. It is well connected to all major metros. Goa is well connected by road to Mumbai and Bangalore.

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