  • 8/6/2019 India - Land of Diversity Final1



    India The Land of Diversity


    Factoids Geo ra h climate demo ra hics lan ua es econom and

    government Traveling tips Business and social etiquette

    Communication, decision making and management preferences Business protocol Business dress Greetings and conversation


    Hospitality and gifts Eating etiquette and public behavior

    Panel discussion

  • 8/6/2019 India - Land of Diversity Final1



    ArvinMeritors Presence in India


    Why India?

    Tremendous growth and expansion opportunities

    ur cus omers are o ng us ness n n a

    Our competitors have a presence in India and have significantbusiness initiatives in place

    Significant cost savings opportunities As of the year 2003, India's purchasing power parity was U.S.

    $3.033 trillion, with a real growth rate of 8.3 percent

    ArvinMeritor operates in a global economy we cannot rely soley


    on North American and European markets to remain profitableand competitive

    A vast number of Indians are fluent in English

    The auto component industry has grown by 17 percent in the lastfive years

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    Given its vastness and varietthere is no single wayto understand India




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    Most of India has a tropical or subtropical climate, withe var a on n empera ure e ween seasons

    Northern plains have a greater temperature range,with cooler winters and hotter summers

    Mountain areas have cold wintersand cool summers as elevationsincrease sharply in the mountains,


    climate type can change fromsubtropical to polar within afew miles


    Seventh largest country in the world

    Secon most popu ous country in t e wor a ter C ina

    Population of more than 1 billion

    Median age of 24

    40 percent of the population falls in therange of 20-44 years old

    70 percent of the population livesin villa es


    Has one of the largest populationsof technically qualified manpower

    15 million doctors, engineersand scientists

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    18 constitutionally recognized major languages

    1,600 other languages and dialects

    Hindi is the official language, spoken by 30 percent ofthe population

    English is the co-official language

    It is the common languageused in business situations


    It is spoken by most of theeducated Indian class


    The Bombay Stock Exchange has around6 500 listed com anies which is second onlto NYSE

    Allows and encourages foreign investments inmost industries except a few strategic ones

    Holds the third-largest investor base in theworld

    Among the only six countries in the world todevelop its own satellite-launch technology


    t more t an mov es a year, tproduces the largest number of movies inthe world

    There are more than 13,000 movietheaters in the country

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    In recent years, India has also emerged as a globalp ayer n n orma on ec no ogy an na eServices (ITES)

    Since 2001-02, India has emerged as the sourcing hubfor almost all global automobile companies


    Government Structure

    Is the world's largestemocracy, w an

    electorate of more than600 million people

    Federal structure is dividedinto 28 states and sevenunion territories


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    Traveling to India Tips

    Passport valid at least six months and Visa required by all

    Exchange can be made at banks, airports orauthorized money changers

    Illegal to exchange money throughunauthorized money changers

    U.S. dollars and pounds sterling are easiest exchange


    , ,

    Travelers checks widely accepted and may be changed at banks

    To avoid additional charges, travelers should take checks inU.S. dollars or pounds sterling

    Import of local currency and export of Indian currency is prohibited

    Traveling to India Risks

    It is recommended that travelers drink bottled water.

    Milk is not pasteurized in rural areas, but in thecities and towns you can purchase pasteurized milk

    Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, preferablyserved hot

    Most Indian food may be considered spicy and could upset yourstomach if youre not used to the spices


    ou can request t at ess sp ce s use to prepare your mea atrestaurants

    Health-care facilities are available in the larger cities

    India is a country with a high number of medical doctors

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  • 8/6/2019 India - Land of Diversity Final1



    Decision-Making Preferences

    In India, the highest-ranking officials make decisions

    , , ,made

    Trust is fundamental to the Indian decision-making process

    Indians make decisions only after they have evaluated theirpotential business partners by observing them at parties,receptions and dinners

    A strong relationship with the top decision maker candrastically reduce negotiation time


    It is important to include other team members because eventhough Indians may defer to the decision maker, offense maybe taken if interest is shown to only certain members of theteam

    Decision making typically occurs at a slow pace

    Management Preferences

    Management style is authoritarian in traditional family-ownedbusinesses

    Multinational firms in India support EI management practices

    Relationship management

    Teamwork in India is common, and Indians tend to be effectiveteam members

    Very versatile

    Task management -


    Indians prefer that plans are presented as an integrated system ofinterrelated parts (as in a holistic model)

    Indians engaged in long-term planning will take cues from thepast in order to construct plans for the future

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    Management Preferences

    Time management

    ,project well than complete it on time

    Indians are willing to work on several tasks at one time, since thenumber of responsibilities communicates ones importance

    Indians would rather work on projects after they become urgent

    Unless it has been specified that the deadline is critical asopposed to general, Indians assume that timelines are open tochange as circumstances arise


    A foreign businessperson should allow several more days in Indiathan expected to finish business

    Foreign managers in India must emphasize the importance of adeadline if they wish to see a project completed on time.Otherwise, they should be prepared to wait for employees tocomplete the task on their own terms.

    Business Protocol

    Hierarchy matters in India

    Seniority, age and authority are respected in India,both in business and in public life

    As a sign of respect, the subordinates stand up whenthe boss enters the meeting room

    Women executives, in senior positions, are a relativelynew phenomenon in the Indian business environment


    If you are a woman, you will find people respectful andcourteous

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    Business Negotiation

    The pace of business meetings is far more relaxed thann some o e es ern coun r es

    Indians do not directly jump into business negotiations

    Showing hospitality is a part of the negotiationprocess. Often, meetings start by offering tea/coffeeand snacks (it is courteous to accept the offer)

    Indians tend to take larger risks with


    a person whose intentions they trust one's credibility and trustworthinessare critical in negotiating a deal

    Business Dress

    Normal business dress for men isa suit and tie

    Since India is warm, a full-sleevedshirt with a tie is also acceptable

    In most companies, particularly in

    the IT sector, the dress code ismuch more casual For foreign women, pantsuits or

    long skirts, which cover the knees,are acceptable to wear


    , -acceptable for business dress

    One can wear casual dress if invited to a social gathering If a foreigner wears an Indian costume (kurta-pajama for men,

    and sari or salwar-suit for women), it is appreciated and seen as agesture of friendship

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    The traditional way of greeting is performed by, ,

    saying namaste (nah-mas-tay) or namaskar(nah-mas-kar), with a slight bow

    While the namaste or namaskar are Hindu waysof greeting, they are also accepted among allother communities

    Among Muslims, the traditional greeting is assalaam-wale-kum -



    kum-salaam (may peace be on you, too)

    Sikhs traditionally greet each other by saying sat-siree-akaal

    Shaking hands with women, since it involves physical touch, is notuniversally accepted in Indian society

    Business Conversation

    In general, Indians are open and friendly

    Discussing one's family and personal life is normalamong Indians

    Indians seldom expresstheir disagreement in adirect manner

    Open disagreement is


    likely to be interpretedas being hostileand aggressive

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    Business Conversation

    Popular conversation topics are politics, cricket, moviesan n an econom c re orms

    It is important to appreciate India as an ancient andrich civilization, and most Indians are proud of theirheritage


    Names and Titles

    It is advisable to prefix the name with a Mr., Mrs.or ss , or e pro ess ona e o e person(Doctor or Professor)

    Regional differences: North India: women adopt the husbands family name

    after marriage


    after marriage

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    Names and Titles

    Regional differences:

    Mr. Praveen Chandra Kulkarni will be addressed as Mr. Kulkarnior as Praveen, if the relationship is informal

    South India:

    Men do not have a family name. Instead, the name of one'sfather and/or the ancestral village/town is used for the purpose

    The name Kamundari Ranganthan Suresh will be written as K. R.Suresh


    Ancestral place is KamundariFather's name is RanganathanHis first name is SureshHe will be addressed as Mr. Suresh or if the relationship isinformal, as just Suresh


    Hospitality is a key value in Indian culture

    Indians normally go out of their way to accommodatethe requirements of the guests

    A foreigner visiting India is likely to receive socialinvitations from even minor acquaintances Indianslike to make a visitor feel comfortable

    Drop in anytime is a genuine invitation


    It is normal among Indians to drop in for a socialvisit

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    Business Gifts

    Gift giving is customary and is seen as a sign offriendshi

    Use red, yellow, green or blue-colored wrappingpaper white and black colors are consideredinauspicious

    Normally, gifts are not opened in the presence ofthe giver

    If you have worked or lived with Indians, aframed photograph with them as a gift would be


    If you are invited to an Indian's home for dinner,you must take some kind of gift, such as a box ofsweets (like the ones sampled here today) orflowers

    Eating Etiquette

    Eating and drinking are intimately tied to Indian customs and religion

    For a lar e number of Indian Hindus eatin meat is a reli ious taboo

    While planning a meal for your Indian guests (or placing an order in arestaurant), ask if they are vegetarians or non-vegetarians

    Non-vegetarian Hindus do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork

    Muslims eat meat that is halal or ritually slaughtered Jains eat cereals and lentils, but do not eat meat, honey or even most


    Traditional Indian dishes are eaten with the hands when it is necessaryto use our hands, use onl our ri ht hand, as the left hand is


    considered unclean

    Drinking is prohibited among Muslims, Sikhs and in many other Indiancommunities

    Among urban educated Indians, this is not strictly observed

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    Eating Etiquette

    Even guests who drink will not drink alcohol on certain occasionssuch as reli ious festivals or if there is an elder hi hl res ectedrelative present

    Traditional Indian women, regardless of their religion, don'tsmoke or drink

    Remember, most Indian dishes are quite spicy to the westernpalate

    While ordering Indian food, you might want to ask thewaiter/steward how spicy a given dish will be


    n many n an omes an p aces o wors p, one s expecte toremove his or her shoes before entering

    Observing this custom is particularly important if you or yourfamily have received a personal invitation or if the function youare attending is a familial one

    We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count,without which no worthwhile scientific discover

    Unity in Diversity

    India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace ofhuman speech, the mother of history, the grandmother

    could have been made.

    -Albert Einstein


    o egen , an t e great-gran mot er o tra ition.Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the

    history of man are treasured in India only.

    -Mark Twain

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