  • 961


    Volume 239, October-December, 1986

    A23187, analysis of airway responses (cats),395

    Aarhus, L. L., see Zander, J. F., 760Abdel-Latif, A. A., see Howe, P. H., 574Abel, P. W. and Minneman, K. P.: Alpha-i

    adrenergic receptor binding and con-traction of rat caudal artery, 678

    Abou-Donia, M. B., see Patton, S. E., 597Acetaminophen

    hepatoxicity, pre- or post-treatment withmethoxsalen (mice), 559

    pharmacokinetics, prevention of inor-

    ganic sulfate depletion (rats), 94Acetylcholine

    excitatory amino acid receptors, folates,locomotor activity (rats), 627

    releasecholecystokinin receptor mediation,

    sphincter of Oddi (guinea pigs), 554muscarinic receptors, urinary bladder

    (rats), 522

    substance B isolation, presynapticmodulation (guinea pigs), 185

    Acetylcholinesterase, inhibitor, clonidineprotection (mice), 43

    N-Acetyltransferase, isoenzymes, identifi-

    cation and inheritance, peripheralblood (hamsters), 823

    a1-Acid glycoprotein, human serum albumin

    and, interaction, lidocaine binding,754

    Acoustic startle, dose-response analysis,

    nicotine tolerance, receptor changes(mice), 358


    renal transport, effects, papaverine and

    theophylline (rats), 748

    spinal, modulated antinociceptive path-ways, morphine stimulation (mice),88

    Adenosine triphosphatase, digitalis me-chanical toxicity, protection by slowcalcium channel blockers (guineapigs), 206

    Adenylate cyclaseage dependence, ureter homogenate

    (guinea pigs), 99-y-aminobutyric acid B receptor-mediated

    inhibition, cerebellar granule cells(rats), 568

    Adipose tissue, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, mechanism of absorptionand distribution (rats), 673

    Adler, B., see Yoburn, B. C., 132Adrenal gland, modulated catecholamine re-

    lease, -y-aminobutyric acid (dogs),584

    Adrenergic nerves, effects of naftidrofuryl,isolated blood vessels (dogs), 760

    Adrenergic receptors, see AdrenoceptorsAdrenoceptors

    alphaamiloride, myocardial and vascular ac-

    tions (rats), 365

    AY-28,925, in vitro characterization(rabbits, rats, dogs, guinea pigs), 1

    nifedipine, vasoconstriction (dogs,

    monkeys), 648

    regulation of coronary artery bloodflow, normal and stenotic arteries(dogs), 641

    sympathetic purinergic vasoconstric-tion, thermosensitivity in cutaneous

    vein (dogs), 784alpha-i

    anat.agonist, optical isomers of YM-12617 (rabbits), 512

    antagonist effects, optical isomers ofYM-12617 (rabbits), 512

    binding and contraction, caudal artery

    (rats), 678

    caffeine, discriminative stimulus prop-erties (rats), 706

    alpha-2antagonist effects, fenoldopam (rab-

    bits), 881

    regulation ofsympathetic and parasym-pathetic nerves, salivary glands(rats), 488

    alpha and betaablation of myenteric plexus, jejunal

    longitudinal muscle (rats), 9estrogen modulation (guinea pigs), 270

    betaagonists and antagonists, kinetic analy-

    sis, 136AY-28,925, in vitro characterization

    (rabbits, rats, dogs, guinea pigs), 1blocking agents, potentiation (rats),

    797decreased responsiveness, aging (man),


    dilevalol, cardiac electrophysiologicalactions (dogs), 719

    down regulation in S49 lymphoma cells,atypical agonists, 654

    effects of agonists and antagonists,ovarian suspensory ligament (rats),

    591effects of pindolol and propanolol, lym-

    phocytes, 117modulation, cytotoxic T cell generation

    (mice), 460

    uterine relaxation, cyclic AMP (rats),236

    vascular smooth muscle relaxation, age-related decrease (rats), 411

    beta-i, homogenous population, bovinecoronary artery, 634

    low-affinity, prazosin, norepinephrinecontractions (rabbits), 846

    Agbanyo, M., see Khatter, J. C., 206Aging

    adenylate cyclase, ureter homogenate

    (guinea pigs), 99decreased beta responsiveness (man), 802hypertension and, nitrovasodilators, en-

    dothelial modulation of vascular

    modulation (rats), 861vascular smooth muscle relaxation, beta

    adrenergic receptor (rats), 411Agonists

    alpha-i adrenoceptors, binding and con-

    traction, caudal artery (rats), 678beta adrenoceptors

    antagonists and, kinetic analysis, 136ovarian suspensory ligament (rats), 591

    diazepam-agonist effects and, CGS 8216

    (rats, mice), 166ethylketazocine and morphine, effects on

    schedule-controlled behavior (pi-goons, monkeys), 433

    regional characterization, depolarization-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis,brain (rats), 873

    Aguayo, L. G. and Albuquerque, E. X.:Blockade and recovery of the acetyl-choline receptor produced by athienyl analog of phencyclidine: In-fluence of voltage, temperature, fre-quency of stimulation and condition-

    ing pulse duration, 25Aguayo, L. G. and Albuquerque, E. X.: Ef-

    fects ofphencyclidine and its analogs

    on the end-plate current of the neu-romuscular junction, 15

    Aguayo, L. G., see Idniss, M. K., 279Airway

    analysis of responses, A23187 (cats), 395histamine contraction, role of prostaglan-

    dins (humans), 536vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors,

    visualization, lung (humans, guineapigs), 249

    Akhtar, R A., see Howe, P. H., 574Albumin, human serum, a,-acid glycopro-

    tein and, interaction, 754

    Albuquerque, E., see Idriss, M. K., 279Albuquerque, E. X., see Aguayo, L. G., 15,



    dopamine release, preferential stimula-tion, nucleus accumbens (rats), 219

    effects on LHRH-stimulated luteinizing

    hormone, follicle-stimulating hor-

    mone (monkeys), 693ethanol sensitivity and tolerance, WSP

    and WSR mouse lines, 327Aiho, H., see Kataoka, Y., 584Aluminum chloride, ferric chloride or, effect

    of lead uptake into brain and softtissues (rats), 548

    Amiloride, myocardial and vascular actions,

    SHR rats, 365-y-Aminobutyric acid

    B receptor-mediated inhibition, adenylatecyclase, cerebellar granule cells(rats), 568

    receptor modulation, catecholamine re-lease, adrenal gland (dogs), 584

    5-Amino-2,4-dihydroxy-a-methylphenyl-ethylamine, neurochemical charac-

  • 962 Index Vol. 239

    terization, selective neurotoxin, cen-tral noradrenergic neuions (rats), 55

    p-Aminohippurat.e, morphine tolerance,renal disposition, xenobiotics (mice),


    Amino-pyridazine derivatives, evaluation,

    conflict test (rats), 542Amiodarone, acute and chronic, cardiac

    electrophysiologic effects, alteredthyroid hormone (rabbits), 179

    Ammonium chloride, modification of behav-ioral effects, phencyclidine (rats), 48

    Analgesiaadenosine-mediated, antinociceptive

    pathways, morphine stimulation(mice), 88

    intracerebroventricular injection of

    TMB-8, antinociception production(mice), 320

    Met-enkephalin release, �9-endorphin,stereoselective effect (rats), 160

    opioid receptor upregulation, pharmaco-dynamic supersensitivity (mice), 132

    Anaphylaxis, thromboxane and prostacyclinbiosynthesis, leukotriene D4, lung

    (guinea pigs), 63Andresen, M. C., see Kunze, D. L., 303Angiotensin analogs, decapeptide, cardiac

    and vascular actions (rabbits), 790Angiotensin II

    atrial natnuretic peptide, interactions,sympathetic and endocrine systems

    (rats), 480cyclic AMP concentrations, vascular

    smooth muscle cells, endogenousprostaglandins (rats), 334

    monoiodinated, full agonist analog ofangiotensin II, 71


    beta adrenoceptorsagonists and, kinetic analysis, 136dilevalol, cardiac electrophysiological

    actions (dogs), 719ovarian suspensory ligament (rats), 591

    platelet activating factor receptor, L-652,731, profile (rats), 841

    vasopressin receptor, analysis (humans),737

    Anti-cholinesterase agents, glutamatergicsynapse, pre- and postjunctional ef-fects (locusts), 279

    Anticonvulsant drugsbaclofen and phenobarbital, efficacy

    against kainic acid limbic seizure-brain damage syndrome (rats), 612

    effects on substantia nigra pars reticulataneurons, 606

    temporal lobe epilepsy, quinoline acid(rats), 256

    Anticonvulsant sensitivity, genetic differ-ences, selective breeding, ethanolwithdrawal severity (mice), 154

    Antihypertensive agents, dilevalol, cardiac

    electrophysiological actions (dogs),719

    Antisuppressant drugs, histamine H1 antag-onists, behavioral effects (monkeys),104

    Antiulcer agents, enprostil (rats), 382Anxiolytic drugs, amino-pyridazine deriva-

    tives, evaluation, conflict test (rats),542

    Aoki, K., see Asano, M., 198Aorta

    extraneuronal serotonin uptake, mecha-nisms (rats), 264

    norepinephrine contraction potentiation,

    verapamil, diltiazem and nifedipine

    (rabbits, swine), 808optical isomers of YM-12617, alpha-i ad-

    renoceptor antagonist effects (rab-bits), 512

    phorbol butyrate contractions, calcium

    dependence, 8-Br-cyclic GMP, 78

    role of vascular endothelium, contractileresponse, prostacyclin (rats), 390

    Appel, N. M., see Kiritsy-Roy, J. A., 814Arachidonic acid

    increased glomerular prostaglandin syn-

    thesis, dexamethasone treatment(rats), 296

    metabolites, leukotriene D4, lung (guineapigs), 63

    AR-LiOO, cardiotonics, mechanism of ac-tion (cats), 375

    Armstrong, D. R., see Ault, B., 612Aronstam, R. S., see Buccafusco, J. J., 43Asano, M., Aoki, K. and Matsuda, T.: Con-

    tractile effects of bay k 8644, a dihy-dropyridine calcium agonist, on iso-lated femoral arteries from sponta-neously hypertensive rats, 198

    Atrial natriuretic peptide, interactions,

    sympathetic and endocrine systems(rats), 480

    Atriopeptin, turnover, changes in plasmalevels and atrial content (rats), 474

    Ault, B., Gruenthal, M., Armstrong, D. R.

    and Nadler, J. V.: Efficacy of baclo-fen and phenobarbital against thekainic acid limbic seizure-brain dam-age syndrome, 612

    Autonomic nerves, geographutoxin II, so-chum channel inhibitor (mice, bull-

    frogs, guinea pigs, rabbits), 243Autoradiography, electron microscopic, cal-

    cium redistribution, renal artery(rabbits), 286

    AY-28,925, adrenoceptor activity, in vitrocharacterization (rabbits, rats, dogs,

    guinea pigs), 1Ayad, M. J., see Hondeghem, L. M., 808

    Baclofen, phenobarbital and, efficacyagainst kainic acid limbic seizure-brain damage syndrome (rats), 612

    Baer, P. G., see Erman, A., 296Bains, R., see Khatter, J. C., 206Baker, K. M. and Khosla, M. C.: Cardiac

    and vascular actions of decapeptideangiotensin analogs, 790

    Baker, S., see Roszkowski, A. P., 382Balkovetz, D. F., see Ganapathy, V., 192Balster, R. L., see Beardsley, P. M., 311Banks, W. A. and Kastin, A. J.: Modulation

    of the carrier-mediated transport ofthe Tyr-MIF-i across the blood-brain barrier by essential amino

    acids, 668

    Barbiturates, genetic differences, anticon-

    vulsant sensitivity, ethanol with-drawal severity (mice), 154

    Barnes, P. J., see Carstairs, J. R., 249Barrett, R. J. and Kau, S. T.: Myocardial

    and vascular actions of amiloride inspontaneously hypertensive rats, 365

    Bass, P., see Fox, D. A., 9Bay k 8644

    contractile effects, femoral arteries, spon-

    taneously hypertensive rats, 198

    depolarization-induced phosphoinositide

    hydrolysis, regional characterizationof agonist (rats), 873

    Bayol, A., see Haye-Legrand, I., 536Beardsley, P. M., Balster, R. L. and Harris,

    L. S.: Dependence on tetrahydrocan-nabinol in rhesus monkeys, 311

    Behavioroperant, dependence of tetrahydrocanna-

    binol (monkeys), 311schedule-controlled, effects of ethylketa-

    zocine and morphine (pigeons, mon-keys), 433

    tetrahydrocannabinol, sensory-evoked

    potentials (rats), 936Belknap, J. K., see Crabbe, J. C., 154Benigni, A., see Perico, N., 229Benishin, C. G., Pearce, L. B. and Cooper,

    J. R.: Isolation of a factor (substanceB) that antagonizes presynapticmodulation: Pharmaclogical proper-

    ties, 185

    Benveniste, J., see Haye-Legrand, I., 536Benzodiazepine

    acute chlordiazepoxide dependence, phar-macologic characterization (rats),775

    agonist and diazepam-agonist effects,CGS 8216 (rats, mice), 166

    genetic differences, anticonvulsant sensi-

    tivity, ethanol withdrawal severity(mice), 154

    Benzodiazepine antagonists, amino-pyida-

    zine derivatives, evaluation, conflict

    test (rats), 542Bepridil, calcium entry blockade, vulnera-

    bility toward ventricular fibrillation(dogs), 340

    Bergman, J. and Spealman, R. D.: Somebehavioral effects of histamine H1antagonists in squirrel monkeys, 104

    Berkowitz, B. A., see Ohlstein, E. H., 737Bevan, J. A., see Laher, I., 846Biftu,T.,seeWu,841

    Bigelow, G. E., see Griffiths, R. R., 416Biliary excretion, organic anions, diabetes

    (rats), 467Biziere, K., see Perio, A., 542Blair, D., see Matthews, R. T., 124Blaschke, T. F., see Pan, H. Y.-M., 802Blei, A., see Fung, H.-L., 701Blood, peripheral, N-acetyltransferase is-

    oenzymes, identification and inher-itance (hamsters), 823

    Blood-brain barrier, carrier-mediated trans-port of Tyr-MIF-i, essential aminoacids (mice), 668

    Blood flownormal and stenotic coronary arteries, al-

    pha adrenoceptor regulation (dogs),641

    splanchnic, oral hydralazine and propran-

    olol, interaction (dogs), 517Blood vessels

    aging and hypertension, nitrovasodila-tom, endothelial modulation of vas-cular modulation (rats), 861

    cutaneous, sympathetic purinergic vase-constriction, thermosensitivity

    (dogs), 784low-affinity adrenoceptors, norepineph-

    rime contractions (rabbits), 846vascular effects of naftidrofuryl (dogs),


    BMY 14802, effects, brain dopaminergicfunction (rats), 124

    Bobbitt, F. G., see Kiritsy-Roy, J. A., 814

  • 1986 Index 963W

    Bodd, E., Gadeholt, G., Christensson, P. I.and M#{248}rland,J.: Mechanisms behindthe inhibitory effect ofethanol on theconjugation of morphine in rat hep-atocytes, 887

    Boisse, N. R., Periana, R. M., Guarino, J.

    J., Kruger, H. S. and Samoriski, G.M.: Pharmacologic characterizationof acute chiordiazepoxide depend-ence in the rat, 775

    Boldry, R., see Stephens, R. L., Jr., 627Boullet, C., see Haye-Legrand, I., 536Bowman, K. F., see Frazier, D. L., 946Bradbury, M W. B., see Deane, R., 548Bradycardia, amiloride, SHR rats, 365Brain

    depolarization-induced phosphoinositidehydrolysis, regional characterizationof agonist (rats), 873

    dopaminergic function, effects of BMY

    14802 (rats), 124effect ofchronic cholinesterase inhibition,

    phosphoinositide metabolism, car-bachol- and norepinephrine- stimu-lated (rats), 32

    effects of mu-opioid receptor stimulation,

    catecholamine secretion (rats), 814forskolin binding, guanylyl-5’-imidodi-

    phosphate and sodium fluoride (rats),952

    LY 165163, central serotonin agonist ac-tions (rats), 454

    membranes, binding of fl-funaltrexamine,opioid receptors (guinea pigs), 351

    salivary gland and, bupivacaine transport(rats), 724

    soft tissues and, lead uptake, effects ofintravenous ferric or aluminum chlo-ride (rats), 548

    soman to�icity, clonidine protection(mice), 43

    spinal cord and, tri-O-cresyl-induced de-layed neurotoxicity, enhanced phos-phorylation (hens), 597

    substance B isolation, presynaptic modu-lation (guinea pigs), 185

    Bree, M. P., see Mello, N. K., 693Brink, C., see Haye-Legrand, I., 536O-4-Bromo-2,5-dichlorophenyl, tri-O.cresyl

    phosphate-induced delayed neuro-toxicity, enhanced phosphorylation,brain and spinal cord proteins (hens),


    a-Bromoisovalerylurea, glutathione conju-

    gation, 898, 905Brush-border, placental sodium-hydrogen

    exchanger, inhibition by cimetidine,


    Brussee, J., see te Koppele, J. M., 898Buccafusco, J. J. and Aronstam, R. S.: Clon-

    idine protection from the toxicity of

    soman, an organophophate acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitor, in themouse, 43

    Buja, L. M., see Wheeler-Clark, E. S., 286Bupivacaine, plasma protein binding, trans-

    port into brain and salivary gland(rats), 724

    Byrne, A. J., see Corbett, H., 517

    Caffeinechronically consumed, elimination, preg-

    nancy (monkeys), 891discriminative stimulus properties, nor-

    adrenergic mediation (rats), 706

    human coffee drinking, reinforcing andphysical dependence producing ef-fects, 416

    Cahill, C. M., see Corbett, H., 517Calassi, R., see Perio, A., 542Calcium

    antagonistscalcium channel action, baroreceptor

    function (rats), 303TMB-8 injection, antinociception pro-

    duction (mice), 320effect of carbachol, myosin light chain

    phosphorylation, contraction of irissphincter muscle (rabbits), 574

    entry blockers, vulnerability toward yen-tricular fibrillation (dogs), 340

    phorbol butyrate contractions, 8-Br-cyclic GMP, 78

    redistribution, electron microscopic au-toradiography, renal artery (rabbits),286

    Calcium channel

    Bay k 8644 contractile effects, femoralarteries, SHR rats, 198

    blockers, digitalis mechanical toxicityprotection (guinea pigs), 206

    calcium antagonists, baroreceptor func-tion (rats), 303

    1,4-dihydropyridine activator-antagonistpairs, smooth muscle (rats, guinea

    pigs), 144dihydropyridine binding to receptors, ef-

    fect of diltiazem, magnesium influ-ence (chicks), 768

    norepinephrine contraction potentiation,verapamil, diltiazem and nifedipine(rabbits, swine), 808

    ouabain and canrenone, macrophages,

    vascular smooth muscle cells (mice),

    867Calcium disodium ethylenediamine tetraa-

    cetate, treatment of lead-poisoned

    children, lead, zinc and copper decor-poration, 829

    Campbell, B. S., see Lakshmanan, M. R.,673

    Campbell, K. A., Foster, T. C., Hampson, R.E. and Deadwyler, S. A.: Effects of�#{176}-tetrahydrocannabinol on sensory-evoked discharges of granule cells in

    the dentate gyms of behaving rats,941

    Campbell, K. A., Foster, T. C., Hampson, R.E. and Deadwyler, S. A.: �9-Tetra-hydrocannabinol differentially af-fects sensory-evoked potentials in the

    rat dentate gyms, 936Canrenone, effect on cation handling, oua-

    bain, macrophages and vascular

    smooth muscle cells (mice), 867Carbachol

    effect on myosin light chain phosphor-ylation, contraction, iris sphinctermuscle (rabbits), 574

    phosphoinositide metabolism, effect ofchronic cholinesterase inhibition,brain (rats), 32

    Carbamate, organophosphates and, pre- andpostjunctional effects, glutamatergicsynapse (locusts), 279

    Cardiac electrophysiology, acute and

    chronic amiodarone, effects, alteredthyroid hormone (rabbits), 179

    Cardiac output, determinant, nitroglycerinpharmacokinetics (rats), 701

    Cardiotonics, AR-L100, mechanism of ac-

    tion (cats), 375Cardiovascular system

    actions, decapeptide angiotensin analogs(rabbits), 790

    desensitization, responses of histamine

    (rats),730effects of mu-opioid receptor stimulation,

    brain, catecholamine secretion (rats),


    Carstairs, J. R. and Barnes, P. J.: Visuali-zation of vasoactive intestinal pep-tide receptors in human and guineapig lung, 249

    Carter, H., see Roszkowski, A. P., 382Catalepsy, effects of BMY 14802, brain do-

    paminergic function (rats), 124Catecholamines, modulated release, ‘y-ami-

    nobutyric acid, adrenal gland (dogs),584

    Caudal artery, alpha-i adrenoceptors, bind-ing and contraction (rats), 678

    Celiprolol, beta adrenoceptors, down regu-lation, 549 lymphoma cells, 654

    Central nervous system

    carrier-mediated transport of Tyr-MIF-1,blood-brain barrier, essential aminoacids (mice), 668

    Met6-enkephalin-Ar�-Phe7 degradation,

    inhibition, dipeptidyl carboxypeptid-ase inhibitors (rats), 174

    Cerebellar granule cells, inhibited adenylate

    cyclase, GABAB, blockade by islet-activating protein (rats), 568

    Cerrina, J., see Haye-Legrand, I., 536CGS 8216, agonist and diazepam-agonist

    effects (rats, mice), 166Chambon, J.-P., see Perio, A., 542Chang, H., see Hoffman, B. B., 715Chan, W. C., see Glass, J., 742Chan, W. Y., Hruby, V. J., Rockway, T. W.

    and Hiavacek, J.: Design of oxytocinantagonists with prolonged action:

    Potential tocolytic agents for the

    treatment of preterm labor, 84Chen, Y.-F., see Nagahama, S., 426Chiari, M. C., see D’Agostino, G., 522Chirtel, S. J., see Lakshmanan, M. R., 673Chisoim, J. J., Jr., see Thomas, D. J., 829Chiu, P. J. S., see Sybertz, E. J., 78Chlordiazepoxide, acute dependence, phar-

    macologic characterization (rats),775

    CholecystokininCCK-related peptides and, neurons in in-

    ferior mesenteric ganglion (guineapigs), 618

    receptor mediation, acetylcholine release,sphincter of Oddi (guinea pigs), 554

    Cholinesterase, effect of chronic inhibition,phosphoinositide metabolism, car-bachol- and norepinephrine-stimu-lated (rats), 32

    Chong, S., see Fung, H.-L., 701Choroid plexus, cimetidine transport (rats),


    Cho, Y. H., see Wheeler, M. A., 99Christensen, H., see Christensen, S., 211Christensen, S., Steiness, E. and Christen-

    sen, H: Tubular sites of furosemidenatriuresis in volume-replaced andvolume-depleted consious rats, 211

    Christensson, P. I., see Bodd, E., 887Cimetidine

    inhibition, placental sodium-hydrogen ex-

    changer, 192transport, choroid plexus (rats), 927

  • 964 Index Vol. 239

    Clark, M. A., see Mong, S., 63Cline, W. H., Jr., see Shirasaki, Y., 861Clonidine

    ablation of myenteric plexus, alpha adre-nergic response, jejunal longitudinalmuscle (rats), 9

    dopamine1 receptor agonist, a4,ha-2 ad-renoceptor antagonist, effects of fen-oldopam (rabbits), 881

    protection from soman toxicity (mice), 43Codeine, dextromethorphan effect on ileal

    contractility, compared with levome-thorphan and loperamide (guineapigs), 627

    Coffee, drinking, reinforcing and physical

    dependence producing effects, 416

    Collins, A. C., see Marks, M. J., 358Collins, A. C., see Miner, L. L., 853Constantine, J. W., see Woodman, 0. L.,

    648Contreras, M. L., Wolfe, B. B. and Molinoff,

    P. B.: Kinetic analysis of the inter-actions of agonists and antagonistswith beta adrenergic receptors, 136

    Cooper, J. R., see Benishin, C. G., 185Copper, lead and zinc decorporation, treat-

    ment of lead-poisoned children, 829Corbett, H., Cahill, C. M., Heinzow, B.,

    Harrison, P. M., Byrne, A. J. andMcLean, A. J.: Interaction betweenoral hydralazine and propranolol. II.Assessment of altered splanchnicblood flow as the determinant of al-tered presystemic extraction, 517

    Coronary arteryblood flow, alpha adrenoceptor regulation,

    normal and stenotic arteries (dogs),641

    bovine anterior descending, beta-i adre-noceptors, homogenous population,

    634histamine-induced relaxation, mecha-

    nisms (monkeys, dogs), 529norepinephrine contraction potentiation,

    verapamil, diltiazem and nifedipine

    (rabbits, swine), 808phorbol diesters, after contractile re-

    sponses (swine), 38

    Corticosterone, LY 165163, central sero-tonin agonist actions (rats), 454

    Costa, E., see Mellstrom, B., 174Costa, L. G., Kaylor, G. and Murphy, S. D.:

    Carbachol- and norepinephrine-stimulated phosphoinositide metab-olism in rat brain: Effect of chroniccholinesterase inhibition, 32

    Coulson, R. and Trimble, M. E.: Effects of

    papaverine and theophylline on renal

    adenosine transport, 748

    Crabbe, J. C. and Kosobud, A.: Sensitivityand tolerance to ethanol in mice bredto be genetically prone or resistant to

    ethanol withdrawal seizures, 327Crabbe, J. C., Young, E. R., Tam, B., Ko-

    sobud, A., Belknap, J. K. and Laur-sen, S. E.: Genetics differences inanticonvulsant sensitivity in mouse

    lines selectively bred for ethanolwithdrawal severity, 154

    Crews, F. T., see Gonzales, R. A., liiCrooke, S. T., see Mong, S., 63Cyclic AMP

    inhibited adenylate cyclase, GABAB, cer-

    ebellar granule cells (rats), 568prostaglandin E1 receptor-mediated re-

    sponse, effects of chronic ethanol ex-posure, neuroblastoma clone (mice),687

    uterine relaxation, isoproterenol and for-skolin, differential effect (rats), 236

    vascular smooth muscle relaxationage-related decrease, beta adrenergic re-

    ceptors (rats), 411vasoactive peptide hormones, endoge-

    nous prostaglandins (rats), 334Cyclic GMP, phorbol dibutyrate contrac-

    tions, aorta, calcium dependence, 78


    A23i87, analysis of airway responses

    (cats), 395leukotriene D4, arachidonic acid metabo-

    lites (guinea pigs), 63

    Cyclopentenone, prostaglandins, site andmechanism of growth inhibition, 500

    Cyclosporine, effect of short-term adminis-tration, renin-angiotensin and

    thromboxane A2, glomerular filtra-tion rate (rats), 229

    Cytotoxic T lymphocytes, generation, mod-ulation by beta adrenoceptors (mice),460

    D’Agostino, G., Kilbinger, H., Chiari, M. C.and Grana, E.: Presynaptic inhibi-tory muscarinic receptors modulating[3HJ acetylcholine release in the rat

    urinary bladder, 522Dall’aglio, E., see Hoffman, B. B., 715Dar, M. S., see Garris, D. R., 270Deadwyler, S. A., see Campbell, K. A., 936,

    941Deane, R., Park, S. H. and Bradbury, M. W.

    B.: Effect of intravenous ferric or alu-minum chloride on the uptake of�#{176}�Pbinto brain and other soft tissuesof rats, 548

    DeGott, C., see Letteron, P., 559DeLander, G. E. and Hopkins, C. J.: Spinal

    adenosine modulates descending an-tinociceptive pathways stimulated bymorphine, 88

    Denson, D. D., see Terasaki, T., 724Dentate gyros

    tetrahydrocannabinolsensory-evoked discharges, granule

    cells (rats), 941

    sensory-evoked potentials (rats), 936Descatoire, V., see Letteron, P., 559Desiderio, D. M., see Sybertz, E. J., 78Devoe, L. D., see Ganapathy, V., 192Dewey, W. L., see Welch, S. P., 320Dexamethasone, treatment, increased gb-

    merubar prostaglandin synthesis(rats), 296

    Dextromethorphan, effect on ileal contrac-tility, compared with levomethor-

    phan, boperamide and codeine(guinea pigs), 627

    Diabetes, biliary excretion, organic anions

    (rats), 4671,2-Diacylglycerol, effect of carbachol, con-

    traction, iris sphincter muscle (rab-bits), 574

    Diastereomers, glutathione conjugation, a-bromoisovalerylurea as model sub-

    strate, 898, 905

    Diazepam, agonist effects, CGS 8216 (rats,mice), 166

    Di Chiara, G., see Imperato, A., 219

    8-(N,N-Diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5,-trime-thoxybenzoate, see TMB-8

    Digitalis, mechanical toxicity, protection byslow calcium channel blockers(guinea pigs), 206

    DihydropyridineBay k 8644 contractile effects, femoral

    arteries, SHR rats, 198increased binding, magnesium, effect of

    diltiazem (chicks), 768Dilevalol, cardiac electrophysiologic actions

    (dogs), 719Diltiazem

    action on calcium channels, baroreceptorfunction (rats), 303

    calcium entry blockade, vulnerability to-ward ventricular fibrillation (dogs),340

    influence of magnesium, increased dihy-dropyridine binding, cardiac and

    skeletal muscle membranes (chicks),768

    verapamil and nifedipine, norepinephrinecontractions, potentiation (rabbits,swine), 808

    DiMicco, J. A., see Hatfield, S. M., 460Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, inhibitors, in-

    hibition of Met5-enkephalin-Ar�-

    Phe7 degradation (rats), 174Dix, L. P., see Frazier, D. L., 946Doebber, T. W., see Wu, 841Dogterom, P., see te Koppele, J. M., 905Dopamine

    5-amino-2,4-dihydroxy-a-methylphenyl-ethylamine, neurochemical charac-

    terization, central noradrenergic neu-rons (rats), 55

    LY 165163, central serotonin agonist ac-tions (rats), 454

    LY171555, mechanism of depressor ac-

    tion (rats), 426modulated release, D-2 dopamine recep-

    tors, striatal slices (rats), 442preferential stimulation, nucleus accum-

    bens, ethanol (rats), 219receptor agonist, fenoldopam effects (rab-

    bits), 881

    Dorsal caudate, dopamine release, prefer-ential stimulation, ethanol (rats), 219

    Drug dependence, human coffee drinking,

    caffeine, 416Drug interaction, oral hydralazine and pro-

    pranobol (dogs), 517Dungan, K. W., see Stanton, H. C., 591Dwoskin, L. P. and Zahniser, N. R.: Robust

    modulation of [3Hjdopamine releasefrom rat striatal slices by D-2 dopa-mine receptors, 442

    Eckfeldt, J. H., see Krauss, E., 754Eicosatetraynoic acid, endothelial potentia-

    tion of relaxation response, beta ad-renoceptor blocking agent (rats), 797

    Ekarohita, N., see Lakshmanan, M. R., 673Elverdin, J. C., see Kaniucki, M. D., 488Endocrine system, sympathetic nervous sys-

    tem and, interactions, atrial natri-uretic peptide (rats), 480

    13-Endorphin, stereoselective effect, analge-sia production, Met-enkephalin re-lease (rats), 160


    effects ofnaftidrofuryl, isolated blood yes-

    sels (dogs), 760

  • 1986 Index 965

    modulation of vascular relaxation, nitro-vasodilators, aging and hypertension

    (rats), 861potentiation of relaxation response, beta

    adrenoceptor blocking agents (rats),

    797vascular, contractile response in aorta,

    prostacyclin (rats), 390Endothelium-derived relaxing factor, hista-

    mine, mechanisms of relaxation, cor-onary arteries (monkeys, dogs), 529

    End-plate currentneuromuscular junction, effects of phen-

    cycbidine and analogs (frogs), 15thienyl analog of phencyclidine, acetyb-

    choline receptor, blockade and recov-ery (frogs), 25

    Enboe, L., see Richelson, E., 687Enprostil, gastric antisecretory and antiul-

    cer properties (rats), 382Epilepsy

    kainic acid limbic seizure-brain damagesyndrome, efficacy of bacbofen and

    phenobarbital (rats), 612

    temporal lobe, anticonvulsant drugs,

    quinoline acid (rats), 256

    Epinephrinebeta adrenoceptors, modulation, cytotoxic

    T cell generation (mice), 460LY171555, mechanism of depressor ac-

    tion (rats), 426EPSP, glutamatergic synapse, pre- and

    postjunctional effects, organophos-

    phates and carbamate compounds(locusts), 279

    Erman, A., Hassid, A., Baer, P. G. andNasjletti, A.: Treatment with dexa-methasone increases gbomerular

    prostaglandin synthesis in rats, 296Estrogen, , preferential stimulation, nucleus

    accumbens (rats), 219effects of chronic exposure, prostaglandin

    E1, neuroblastoma clone (mice), 687mechanisms behind inhibitory effect,

    conjugation of morphine, hepato-cytes (rats), 887

    membrane actions, inhibited histaminerelease, mast cells (rats), lii

    sensitivity and tolerance, WSP and WSR

    mouse lines, 327withdrawal severity, genetic differences,

    anticonvulsant sensitivity (mice),154

    Ethylketazocine, morphine and, effects onschedule-controlled behavior (pi-geons, monkeys), 433

    Evans, D. C., see Lin, T.-M., 400, 406Ezekiel, M., see Lakshmanan, M. R., 673

    Fatty acids, free, suppression by phenyliso-propyladenosine (rats), 715

    Femoral artery, Bay k 8644 contractile ef-fects, SHR rats, 198

    Fenoldopam, alpha-2 adrenoceptor antago-nist effects, dopamine1 receptor ago-nist and (rabbits), 881

    Fenoterol, bovine anterior descending coro-nary artery, beta-i adrenoceptors, ho-mogenous population, 634

    Ferguson, R. J., see Hem, D. W., 823Ferric chloride, aluminum chloride or, effect

    of lead uptake into brain and softtissues (rats), 548

    Fetus, chronically consumed caffeine, elim-ination, pregnancy (monkeys), 891

    Flavahan, N. A. and Vanhoutte, P. M.: Sym-pathetic purinergic vasoconstrictionand thermosensitivity in a canine cu-taneous vein, 784

    Folici acid, activation of excitatory amino

    acid receptors, locomotor activity,nucleus accumbens (rats), 627

    Follicle-stimulating hormone, LHRH-stim-ulated luteinizing hormone, alcoholeffects (monkeys), 693

    5-Formyltetrahydrofolic acid, activation ofexcitatory amino acid receptors, bo-

    comotor activity, nucleus accumbens(rats), 627

    Forray, C., see Richelson, E., 687Forskolin

    binding, guanylyl-5’-imidodiphosphate

    and sodium fluoride (rats), 952isoproterenol and, uterine relaxation,

    cyclic AMP (rats), 236vascular smooth muscle relaxation, age-

    related decrease, beta adrenoceptors(rats), 411

    Foster, T. C., see Campbell, K. A., 936, 941Fox, D. A. and Bass, P.: Ablation of the

    myenteric plexus impairs alpha butnot beta adrenergic receptor-me-diated mechanical responses of ratjejunal longitudinal muscle, 9

    Frazier, D. L., Dix, L. P., Bowman, K. F.,Thompson, C. and Riviere, J. E.: In-creased gentamicin nephrotoxicity innormal and diseased dogs adminis-tered identical serum drug concentra-tion profiles: Increased sensitivity insubclinical renal dysfunction, 946

    Fujimoto, M., see Kataoka, Y., 584Fujiwara, M., see Narumiya, S., 506Fujiwara, M., see Ueda, N., 494Fukuda, S., Su, C. and Lee, T. J.-F.: Mech-

    anisms of extraneuronal serotonin

    uptake in the rat aorta, 264Fukushima, M., see Narumiya, S., 500, 506Fuller, R. W., Snoddy, H. D. and Molloy, B.

    B.: Central serotonin agonist actionsof LY 165163, 1-(m-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-4-(p-aminophenylethyl) pi-

    perazine, in rats, 454fl-Funaltrexamine, binding to opioid recep-

    tors, brain membranes (guinea pigs),


    Fung, H.-L., Blei, A. and Chong, S.: Cardiac

    output is an apparent determinant ofnitroglycerin pharmacokinetics inrats, 701

    Furosemide, natriuresis, tubular sites (rats),211

    Furukawa, T., see Harad.a, T., 554

    Gadeholt, G., see Bodd, E., 887Gaginella, T. S., see Kachur, J. F., 627Ganapathy, M. E., see Ganapathy, V., 192Ganapathy, V., Balkovetz, D. F., Miyamoto,

    Y., Ganapathy, M. E., Mahesh, V. B.,Devoe, L. D. and Leibach, F. H.: In-hibition of human placental Na�-H�

    exchanger by cimetidine, 192Ganglion, inferior mesenteric, action of cho-

    lecystokinin octapeptide and CCK-related peptides (guinea pigs), 618

    Garay, G. L., see Roszkowski, A. P., 382Garay, R., see Hannaert, P., 867Garris, D. R., McConnaughey, M. M. and

    Dar, M. S.: Estrogen modulation ofuterine adrenergic-cholinergic inter-

    action: Effects on vasoactivity andadrenergic receptors in the guineapig, 270

    Garty, M. and Hurwitz, A.: Tolerance tomorphine effects on renal dispositionof xenobiotics in mice, 346

    Gastric acidnizatidine actions (dogs, rats, frogs), 406nizatidine actions (rats, dogs), 400

    Gastric antisecretory action, antiulcer prop-erties and, enprostil (rats), 382

    Geffard, M., see Kataoka, Y., 584Gehlert, D. R.: Regional modulation of

    [3Hjforskolin binding in the rat brainby guanylyl-5’-imidodiphosphate andsodium fluoride: Comparison withthe distribution of guanine nucleo-tide binding sites, 952

    Geneticsanalysis of nicotine-induced seizures,

    nicotinic receptors (mice), 853differences, anticonvulsant sensitivity,

    ethanol withdrawal (mice), 154nicotine tolerance, dose-response analy-

    sis, receptor changes (mice), 358

    Geneve, J., see Letteron, P., 559Gentamicin, nephrotoxicity (dogs), 946Geoffroy, S., see Gilbert, S. G., 891Geographutoxin II, sodium channel inhibi-

    tor, skeletal muscles, autonomic

    nerves (mice, bullfrogs, guinea pigs,rabbits), 243

    Gerber, J. G., see Hedberg, A., 117Gertner, S. B., see Poulakos, J. J., 730Ghilardi, F., see Perico, N., 229Gilbert, S. G., So, Y., Klassen, R. D., Goof-

    froy, S., Stavric, B. and Rice, D. C.:Elimination of chronically consumedcaffeine in the pregnant monkey (ma-coca fascicularis), 891

    Gillespie, M. N., Kojima, S., Kunitomo, M.and Jay, M.: Coronary and myocar-dial effects of activated neutrophilsin perfused rabbit hearts, 836

    Gintzler, A. R., see Glass, J., 742Glass, J., Chan, W. C. and Gintzber, A. R.:

    Direct analysis of the release of me-thionine-enkephalin from guinea pigmyenteric plexus: Modulation by en-dogenous opioids and exogenousmorphine, 742

    Gleason, J. G., see Mong, S., 63Gbomerular filtration rate, short-term cycbo-

    sporine administration, renin-angio-tensin and thromboxane A2 (rats),

    229Glutamatergic synapse, pre-and postjunc-

    tional effects, organophosphates andcarbamate compounds (locusts), 279

    Glutathione, conjugation, a-bromoisovaler-

    ylurea, 898, 905Goldberg, S. R., see Katz, J. L., 433Gonzales, R. A. and Crews, F. T.: Correla-

    tion of ethanol’s membrane actionsand inhibition of receptor-stimulatedhistamine release from rat mast cells,111

    Grana, E., see D’Agostino, G., 522Granule cells, dentate gyros, sensory-evoked

    discharges, tetrahydrocannabinol(rats), 941

    Griffiths, R. R., Bigebow, G. E. and Liebson,

    I. A.: Human coffee drinking. Rein-forcing and physical dependence pro-ducing effects of caffeine, 416

  • 966 Index

    Grimes, D., see Rimele, T. J., 1Gruenthal, M., see Ault, B., 612Gualandris, L., see Perico, N., 229Guanylyl-5’-imidodiphosphate, sodium flu-

    oride and, forskolin binding (rats),952

    Guarino, J. J., see Boisse, N. R., 775Guidotti, A., see Kataoka, Y., 584Gunnes, P., Reiker#{224}s,0. and Lygren, I.:

    Secretion infusion in acute ischemicleft ventricular failure: Effects onmyocardial performance and metab-

    olism in a closed-chest dog model, 915

    Haass, M., see Zukowska-Grojec, Z., 480Halsall, H. B., see Krauss, E., 754Hampson, R. E., see Campbell, K. A., 936,

    941Hanano, M., see Suzuki, H., 927Hanbauer, I., see Kataoka, Y., 584Hannaert, P., Thormann, B. and Garay, R.:

    Effect of canrenone on the disturb-ances of cation handling induced byouabain in macrophages and vascularsmooth muscle cells, 867

    Harada, T., Katsuragi, T. and Furukawa,T.: Release of acetylcholine mediatedby cholecystokinin receptor from theguinea pig sphincter of Oddi, 554

    Harbon, S., see Khac, L. D., 236Harris, L. S., see Beardsley, P. M., 311Harrison, P. M., see Corbett, H., 517Hassid, A.: Increase of cyclic AMP concen-

    trations in cultured vascular smoothmuscle cells by vasoactive peptidehormones. Role of endogenous pros-taglandins, 334

    Hassid, A., see Erman, A., 296Hatfield, S. M., Petersen, B. H. and Di-

    Micco, J. A.: Beta adrenoceptor mod-ulation of the generation of murinecytotoxic T lymphocytes in vitro, 460

    Hawkins, D. J., see Miller, J. R., 38Haye-Legrand, I., Cerrina, J., Raffestin, B.,

    Labat, C., Boullet, C., Bayol, A., Ben-veniste, J. and Brink, C.: Histaminecontraction of isolated human airwaymuscle preparations: Role of prosta-glandins, 536

    Hayes, J. S., Wyss, V. L., Wilson, H. C.,Robertson, D. W. and Kauffman, R.F.: Molecular basis for the in vitroand in vivo cardiotonic activities ofAR-L100, 375


    acute failure, secretin infusion (dogs), 915beta adrenoceptors, effects ofpindobol and

    propranobol, lymphocytes, 117

    digitalis mechanical toxicity, protectionby slow calcium channel blockers(guinea pigs), 206

    effects of activated neutrophils (rabbits),836

    electrophysiobogical actions

    acute and chronic amiodarone, alteredthyroid hormone (rabbits), 179

    SCH 19927 (dogs), 719Heart rate, dose-response analysis, nicotine

    tolerance, receptor changes (mice),

    358Heaslip, R. J., see Rimele, T. J., 1Heaulme, M., see Perio, A., 542Hedberg, A., Gerber, J. G., Nies, A. S.,

    Wolfe, B. B. and Molinoff, P. B.:Effects of pindobol and propranobol

    on beta adrenergic receptors on hu-man lymphocytes, 117

    Hedler, L., see Szabo, B., 881Hem, D. W., Kirlin, W. G., Ferguson, R. J.,

    Thompson, L. K. and Ogolla, F.:Identification and inheritance ofinbred hamster N-acetyltransferaseisozymes in peripheral blood, 823

    Heinzow, B., see Corbett, H., 517Hepatic clearance, oral hydralazine and pro-

    pranolol (dogs), 517Hepatocytes, conjugation of morphine,

    inhibitory effect of ethanol, mecha-nisms (rats), 887

    Hepatoxicity, acetaminophen, pre- or post-treatment with methoxsalen (mice),559


    anticonvulsant drugs, temporal lobe epi-lepsy, quinoline acid (rats), 256

    efficacy of baclofen and phenobarbital,kainic acid limbic seizure-brain dam-age syndrome (rats), 612

    nicotine-induced seizures, nicotinic re-ceptors, genetic analysis (mice), 853

    Histamineairway muscle contraction, role of pros-

    taglandins (humans), 536central cardiovascular responses, desen-

    sitization (rats), 730

    H1-receptor antagonist, behavioral effects(monkeys), 104

    H2-receptor antagonistnizatidine actions, gastric acid secre-

    tion (dogs, rats, frogs), 406nizatidine actions on uterus and stom-

    ach (rats, dogs), 400induced relaxation, mechanisms, coro-

    nary arteries (monkeys, dogs), 529receptor-stimulated release, ethanol’s

    membrane actions, mast cells (rats),111

    Hlavacek, J., see Chan, W. Y., 84Hoeschen, R. J., see Khatter, J. C., 206Hoffman, B. B., Dall’aglio, B., Hollenbeck,

    C., Chang, H. and Reaven, G. M.:Suppression of free fatty acids andtriglycerides in normal and hypertri-glyceridemic rats by the adenosinereceptor agonist phenylisopropylad-

    enosine, 715Hoffman, B. B., see Pan, H. Y.-M., 802Hoffman, B. B., see Tsujimoto, G., 411Hollenbeck, C., see Hoffman, B. B., 715Holtzman, J. L., see Krause, E., 754Holtzman, S. G.: Discriminative stimulus

    properties of caffeine in the rat: Nor-adrenergic mediation, 706

    Honda, K. and Nakagawa, C.: Alpha-i ad-renoceptor antagonist effects of theoptical isomers of YM-i26i7 in rab-bit lower urinary tract and prostate,512

    Hondeghem, L. M., Ayad, M. J. and Rob-

    ertson, R. M.: Verapamil, diltiazemand nifedipine block the depolariza-tion-induced potentiation of norepi-nephrine contractions in rabbit aortaand porcine coronary arteries, 808

    Hopkins, C. J., see DeLander, G. B., 88Hosey, M. M., see Maan, A. C., 768Housman, A., see Wheeler, M. A., 99Howe, P. H., Akhtar, R A., Naderi, S. and

    Abdel-Latif, A. A.: Correlative stud-ies on the effect of carbachol on myo-

    Vol. 239

    inositol trisphosphate accumulation,myosin bight chain phosphorybationand contraction in sphincter smoothmuscle of rabbit iris, 574

    Hruby, V. J., see Chan, W. Y., 84Hurwitz, A., see Garty, M., 346Husain, A., Pajka, S. F., Taylor, S. M. and

    Speth, R. C.: Monoiodinated angio-tensin II is a potent, full agonist an-

    abog of angiotensin II, 71Hydralazine, oral, propranobol and, inter-

    action (dogs), 517Hydrocortisone, plasma, prednisobone con-

    centration-effect relations (man),919

    5-Hydroxytryptamine, see SerotoninHyman, A. L., see Kriseman, T., 395Hypertension

    aging and, nitrovasodilators, endothelialmodulation of vascular modulation(rats), 861

    Bay k 8644 contractile effects, femoralarteries, SHR rats, 198

    Hypotension, amiboride, myocardial andvascular actions, SHR rats, 365

    Hypothalamic nuclei, 5-amino-2,4-dihy-droxy-a-methylphenylethylamine,neurochemical characterization, cen-tral noradrenergic neurons (rats), 55

    Hypothermia, ethanol sensitivity and tol-erance, WSP and WSR mouse lines,


    Iadarola, M. J., see Melbstrom, B., 174Idriss, M. K., Aguayo, L. G., Rickett, D. L.

    and Albuquerque, E. X.: Organophos-phate and carbamate compoundshave pre- and postjunctional effectsat the insect glutamatergic synapse,


    Iga, T., see Suzuki, H., 927Ileum

    effect on contractility, dextromethorphan(guinea pigs), 627

    release of methionine-enkephalin, endog-enous opioids and exogenous mor-

    phine (guinea pigs), 742Immunoregulation, beta adrenoceptors,

    modulation, cytotoxic T cell genera-tion (mice), 460

    Immunosuppression, prednisobone concen-tration-effect relations, influence ofplasma hydrocortisone (humans),

    919Imperato, A. and Di Chiara, G.: Preferential

    stimulation of dopamine release in

    the nucleus accumbens of freely mov-ing rats by ethanol, 219

    Impromidine, central cardiovascular re-sponses, histamine, desensitization(rats), 730

    Indocyanine, biliary excretion, organic an-ions, diabetes (rats), 467

    Indomethacin, histamine contraction, air-way muscle, role of prostaglandins(humans), 536

    Inorganic sulfate, depletion prevention, ac-etaminophen pharmacokinetics

    (rats), 94Inositol trisphosphate, effect of carbachol,

    contraction, iris sphincter muscle(rabbits), 574

    Inotropismamiloride, myocardial and vascular ac-

    tions, SHR rats, 365

  • Index 9671986

    AR-Li#{174}cardiotonics, mechanism of ac-tion (cats), 375

    Inturrisi, C. B., see Yoburn, B. C., 132lothalamate, renal disposition, morphine

    tolerance, xenobiotics (mice), 346

    Iris sphincter muscle, effect of carbachol,myosin light chain phosphorylation,contraction (rabbits), 574

    Isoenzymes, N-acetyltransferase, identifi-cation and inheritance, peripheralblood (hamsters), 823

    Isoproterenolablation of myenteric plexus, alpha adre-

    nergic response, jejunal longitudinalmuscle (rats), 9

    adenylate cyclase, ureter homogenate(guinea pigs), 99

    beta adrenoceptorsbovine anterior descending coronary ar-

    tery, homogenous population, 634down regulation, 549 lymphoma cells,

    654modulation, cytotoxic T cell generation

    (mice), 460forskolin and, uterine relaxation, cyclic

    AMP (rats), 236

    Jarry, H., Lookingland, K. J, Palmer, J. R.

    and Moore, K. E.: Neurochemicalcharacterization of the actions of 5-amino-2,4-dihydroxy-a-methylphen-ylethylamine (5-ADMP): A selectiveneurotoxin to central noradrenergicneurons, 55

    Jay, M., see Gillespie, M. N., 836Jejunum, longitudinal muscle, impaired a!-

    pha adrenergic responses, ablation ofmyenteric plexus (rats), 9

    Kachur, J. F., Morgan, D. W. and Gaginella,

    T. S.: Effect of dextromethorphan onguinea pig ileal contractility in vitro:Comparison with levomethorphan,loperamide and codeine, 627

    Kadowitz, P. J., see Kriseman, T., 395Kainic acid, limbic seizure-brain damage

    syndrome, efficacy of bacbofen andphenobarbital (rats), 612

    Kajiwara, A., see Ohizumi, Y., 243Kaniucki, M. D., Elverdin, J. C., Luchelli-

    Fortis, M. A., Perec, C. J. and Ste-fano, F. J. E.: Sympathetic and par-asympathetic nerves regulate post-synaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptor in sal-ivary glands, 488

    Kastin, A. J., see Banks, W. A., 668Kataoka, Y., Fujimoto, M., Alho, H., Gui-

    dotti, A., Geffard, M., Kelly, G. D.and Hanbauer, I.: Intrinsic gammaaminobutyric acid receptors modu-late the release of catecholaminefrom canine adrenal gland in situ, 584

    Katsube, N., Schwartz, D. and Needleman,P.: Atriopeptin turnover: Quantita-tive relationship between in vivochanges in plasma levels and atrialcontent, 474

    Katsuragi, T., see Harada, T., 554Katusic, Z. S., see Zander, J. F., 760Katz, J. L. and Goldberg, S. R.: Effects of

    ethylketazocine and morphine onschedule-controlled behavior in pi-geons and squirrel monkeys, 433

    Katzman, N. J., see Shannon, H. B., 166

    Kauffman, R. F., see Hayes, J. S., 375Kau, S. T., see Barrett, R. J., 365Kaylor, G., see Costa, L. G., 32KB-944, calcium entry blockade, vulnera-

    bility toward ventricular fibrillation(dogs), 340

    Kelly, G. D., see Kataoka, Y., 584Khac, L. D., Mokhtari, A. and Harbon, S.:

    A re-evaluated role for cyclic AMP inuterine relaxation. Differential effectof isoproterenol and forskolin, 236

    Khatter, J. C., Agbanyo, M., Hoeschen, R.J., Navaratnam, S. and Bains, R.:Digitalis-induced mechanical toxic-

    ity: Protection by slow Ca� channel

    blockers, 206Khazaeli, M. B., see Patterson, E., 179Khosla, M. C., see Baker, K. M., 790Kidney

    adenosine transport, effects of papaverineand theophylline (rats), 748

    gentamicin nephrotoxicity (dogs), 946morphine tolerance, disposition, xeno-

    biotics (mice), 346Kilbinger, H., see D’Agostino, G., 522Kiritsy-Roy, J. A., Appel, N. M., Bobbitt, F.

    G. and Van Loon, G. R: Effects ofMu-opioid receptor stimulation inthe hypothalamic paraventricularnucleus on basal and stress-inducedcatecholamine secretion and cardio-vascular responses, 814

    Kirlin, W. G., see Hem, D. W., 823Klassen, R. D., see Gilbert, S. G., 891Kobayashi, J., see Ohizumi, Y., 243Kojima, S., see Gillespie, M. N., 836Kolm, P., see Shirasaki, Y., 861Koopmans, R. P., see Oosterhuis, B., 919Kopaciewicz, L., see Kopia, G. A., 641Kopia, G. A., Kopaciewicz, L. J. and Ruffobo,

    R. R., Jr.: Alpha adrenoceptor regu-lation of coronary artery blood flowin normal and stenotic canine corn-nary arteries, 641

    Kopin, I. J., see Zukowska-Grojec, Z., 480Kosobud, A., see Crabbe, J. C., 154, 327Kot, P. A., see Van Dam, J., 390Krauss, E., Polnaszek, C. F., Scheeler, D.

    A., Halsall, H. B., Eckfeldt, J. H. andHoltzman, J. L.: Interaction betweenhuman serum albumin and a1-acidglycoprotein in the binding of lido-caine to purified protein fractions

    and sera, 754Kreulen, D. L., see Schumann, M. A., 618Kriseman, T., Underwood, D. C., Hyman,

    A. L. and Kadowitz, P. J.: Analysisof airway responses to A23187 in thecat, 395

    Kruger, H. S., see Boisse, N. R., 775Kunitomo, M., see Gillespie, M. N., 836Kunze, D. L., Andresen, M. C. and Torres,

    L. A.: Do calcium antagonists act di-rectly on calcium channels to alterbaroreceptor function?, 303

    L-652,73i, platelet activating factor recep-tor antagonist, profile (rats), 841

    Labat, C., see Haye-Legrand, I., 536Labetalol

    dilevabol, cardiac electrophysiobogical ac-

    tions (dogs), 719endothelial potentiation of relaxation re-

    sponse, beta adrenoceptor blockingagent (rats), 797

    Laher, I., Nishimura, S. and Bevan, J. A.:Prazosin selectively antagonizes nor-

    epinephrine contractions at bow-af-finity, non-alpha adrenoceptor sites

    (extraceptors) in arterial muscle, 846Lakshmanan, M. R., Campbell, B. S., Chir-

    tel, S. J., Ekarohita, N. and Ezekiel,M.: Studies on the mechanism of ab-sorption and distribution of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in therat, 673

    Lapadula, D. M., see Patton, S. E., 597Larrey, D., see Letteron, P., 559Laursen, S. E., see Crabbe, J. C., 154Lead

    poisoning in children, metal excretion inchelation therapy, 829

    uptake into brain and soft tissues, effectof intravenous ferric or aluminumchloride (rats), 548

    zinc and copper decorporation, treatmentof lead-poisoned children, 829

    Lee, C.-H., see Tsujimoto, G., 411Lee, D. K. H., see Rimele, T. J., 1Lee, E. K., see Waszczak, B. L., 606Lee, T. J.-F., see Fukuda, S., 264Lee, T. J.-F., see Shirasaki, Y., 861Lee, T., see Stephens, R. L., Jr., 627Leibach, F. H., see Ganapathy, V., 192Lethality, opioid receptor upregulation,

    pharmacodynamic supersensitivity

    (mice), 132

    Letteron, P., Descatoire, V., Larrey, D.,DeGott, C., Tinel, M., Geneve, J. andPessayre, D.: Pre- or post-treatmentwith methoxsalen prevents the hep-atotoxicity of acetaminophen inmice, 559

    Leucine, carrier-mediated transport, blood-brain barrier, Tyr-MIF-i (mice), 668

    Leukotriene D4, thromboxane and prosta-cyclin biosynthesis, lung (guineapigs), 63

    Levomethorphan, dextromethorphan effecton ileal contracility, compared withboperamide and codeine (guinea pigs),627

    Levy, G., see Lin, J. H., 94Lidocaine

    binding, interaction, human serum albu-mm and a1-acid glycoprotein, 754

    intracerebroventricular injection ofTMB-8, antinociception production

    (mice), 320Liebson, I. A., see Griffiths, R. R., 416Lindheimer, M. D., see Nagahama, S., 426Lin, J. H. and Levy, G.: Effect of prevention

    of inorganic sulfate depletion on thepharmacokinetics of acetaminophenin rats, 94

    Lin, T.-M., Evans, D. C., Warrick, M. W.

    and Pioch, R. P.: Actions of nizati-dine, a selective histamine H2-recep-tor antagonist, on gastric acid seers-tion in dogs, rats and frogs, 406

    Lin, T.-M., Evans, D. C., Warrick, M. W.

    and Ruffolo, R. R., Jr.: Actions ofnizatidine on the rat uterus, dogstomach and experimentally induced

    gastric lesions, 400Lipolysis, suppression of free fatty acids and

    triglycerides, phenylisopropyladeno-sine (rats), 715

    Lithium, furosemide natriuresis, tubularsites (rats), 211

  • 968 Index Vol. 239

    Liu-Chen, L.-Y., see Tam, S. W., 351Liver

    glutathione conjugation, a-bromoisoval-erylurea, 905

    2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,mechanism of absorption and distri-bution (rats), 673

    Lookingland, K. J., see Jarry, H., 55Loperamide, dextromethorphan effect on

    ileal contractility, compared with 1ev-omethorphan and codeine (guineapigs), 627

    Lucchesi, B. R., see Lynch, J. J., 340, 719Lucchesi, B. R., see Patterson, E., 179Luchelli-Fortis, M. A., see Kaniucki, M. D.,

    488Luchowski, E. M., see Wei, X. Y., 144Lung

    beta adrenoceptors, effects ofpindobol andpropranolol, lymphocytes, 117

    visualization, vasoactive intestinal pep-tide receptors (humans, guinea pigs),249

    Luteinizing hormone, LHRH-stimulated,follicle-stimulating hormone, alcoholeffects (monkeys), 693

    LY 165163, central serotonin agonist ac-tions (rats), 454

    LY171555, mechanism of depressor action(rats), 426

    Lyddane, J. E., see Thomas, B. F., 48Lygren, I., see Gunnes, P., 915Lymphocytes, beta adrenoceptors, effects of

    pindolol and propranolol, 117Lymphoma cells, 549, beta adrenoceptors,

    down regulation, 654Lynch, J. J., Montgomery, D. G. and Luc-

    chesi, B. R.: The effects of calciumentry blockade on the vulnerabilityof infarcted canine myocardium to-ward ventricular fibrillation, 340

    Lynch, J. J., Montgomery, D. G. and Luc-chesi, B. R.: Cardiac electrophysio-logic actions of SCH 19927 (dile-valol), the R,R-isomer of labetabol,719

    Maan, A. C., Ptasienski, J. and Hosey, M.M.: Influence of Mg� on the effectof diltiazem to increase dihydropyri-dine binding to receptors on Ca�-channels in chick cardiac and skele-tal muscle membranes, 768

    Macrophages, vascular smooth muscle cellsand, ouabain and canrenone, cationhandling (mice), 867

    Maddox, Y. T., see Mostaghim, R., 797Maddox, Y. T., see Van Dam, J., 390Magnesium, influence on diltiazem effect,

    increased dihydropyridine binding,cardiac and skeletal muscle mem-branes (chicks), 768

    Mahesh, V. B., see Ganapathy, V., 192Marks, M. J., see Miner, L. L., 853Marks, M. J., Stitzel, J. A. and Collins, A.

    C.: Dose-response analysis of nic-otine tolerance and receptor changesin two inbred mouse strains, 358

    Martin, B. R, see Thomas, B. F., 48Mast cells, receptor-stimulated histamine

    release, ethanol’s membrane actions(rats), 111

    Matsuda, T., see Asano, M., 198Matthews, R. T., McMillen, B. A., Sallis, R.

    and Blair, D.: Effects of BMY 14802,a potential antipsychotic drug, on ratbrain dopaminergic function, 124

    McConnaughey, M. M., see Garris, D. R.,270

    McGuffee, L. J., see Wheeler-Clark, E. S.,286

    McLean, A. J., see Corbett, H., 517McMillen, B. A., see Matthews, R. T., 124Meijer, D. K. F., see te Koppele, J. M., 905Mello, N. K., Mendelson, J. H., Bree, M. P.

    and Skupny, A. S. T.: Alcohol effectson luteinizing hormone-releasinghormone stimulated luteinizing hor-mone and follicle-stimulating hor-mone in ovariectomized female rhe-sus monkeys, 693

    Mellstrom, B., ladarola, M. J., Yang, H.-Y.T. and Costa, E.: Inhibition of met6-enkephalin-ar�-phe7 degradation byinhibitors of dipeptidyl carboxypep-tidase, 174

    Membranes, correlation of ethanol’s ac-tions, inhibited histamine release,mast cells (rats), 111

    Mendelson, J. H., see Mello, N. K., 693Mercapturates, glutathione conjugation, a-

    bromoisovalerylurea as model sub-

    strate, 898Met6-enkephalin-Arg�-Phe7, degradation in-

    hibition, dipeptidyl carboxypeptidaseinhibitors (rats), 174

    Methionine-enkephalinrelease from myenteric plexus, endoge-

    nous opioids and exogenous mor-

    phine (guinea pigs), 742spinal release, analgesia production, ster-

    eoselective effect of f�-endorphin(rats), 160

    Methoxsalen, pre- or post-treatment with,acetaminophen toxicity prevention(mice), 559

    N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid, folates, excita-tory amino acid receptors, locomotoractivity (rats), 627

    Miller, J. R., Hawkins, D. J. and Wells, J.N.: Phorbol diesters alter the con-tractile responses of porcine coronaryartery, 38

    Miner, L. L., Marks, M. J. and Collins, A.C.: Genetic analysis of nicotine-in-duced seizures and hippocampal ni-cotinic receptors in the mouse, 853

    Minneman, K. P., see Abel, P. W., 678Minoshima, S., see Ohizumi, Y., 243Mitochondria, digitalis mechanical toxicity,

    protection by slow calcium channelblockers (guinea pigs), 206

    Miyamoto, Y., see Ganapathy, V., 192Mokhtari, A., see Khac, L. D., 236Molinoff, P. B., see Contreras, M. L., 136Molinoff, P. B., see Hedberg, A., 117Molinoff, P. B., see Reynolds, E. E., 654Molloy, B. B., see Fuller, R. W., 454Mong, S., Wu, H.-L., Clark, M. A., Gleason,

    J. G. and Crooke, S. T.: LeukotrieneD4 receptor-mediated synthesis andrelease of arachidonic acid metabo-bites in guinea pig lung Induction ofthromboxane and prostacyclin bio-

    synthesis by leukotriene D4, 63Montgomery, D. G., see Lynch, J. J., 340,


    Montgomery, D. G., see Patterson, E., 179Moore, K. E., see Jarry, H., 55

    Morgan, D. W., see Kachur, J. F., 627M#{248}rland,J., see Bodd, E., 887Morphine

    conjugation, inhibitory effect of ethanol

    in hepatocytes, mechanisms (rats),887

    ethylketazocine and, effects on schedule-controlled behavior (pigeons, mon-keys), 433

    exogenous, methionine-enkephalin re-lease, myenteric plexus (guinea pigs),

    742intracerebroventricular injection of

    TMB-8, antinociception production(mice), 320

    tolerance, renal disposition, xenobiotics

    (mice), 346Mostaghim, R., Maddox, Y. T. and Ram-

    well, P. W.: Endothelial potentiationof relaxation response to beta adre-noceptor blocking agents, 797

    Mulder, G. J., see te Koppele, J. M., 898,905

    Muramatsu, I., see Ueda, N., 494Murphy, S. D., see Costa, L. G., 32Muscle, heart, dihydropyridine binding to

    calcium channel receptors, effect ofdiltiazem, influence of magnesium(chicks), 768

    Muscle, longitudinal, substance B isolation,presynaptic modulation (guineapigs), 185

    Muscle, skeletaldihydropyridine binding to calcium chan-

    nel receptors, effect of diltiazem, in-fluence of magnesium (chicks), 768

    geographutoxin II, sodium channel inhib-itor (mice, bullfrogs, guinea pigs, rab-bits), 243

    Muscle, smoothafter contractile responses, phorbol dies-

    ters, coronary artery (hogs), 38calcium redistribution, renal artery, elec-

    tron microscopic autoradiography(rabbits), 286

    1,4-dihydropyridine activator-antagonistpairs, radioligand binding analysis(rats, guinea pigs), 144

    extraneuronal serotonin uptake, mecha-nisms, aorta (rats), 264

    phorbol butyrate contractions in aorta,calcium dependence, 8-Br-cyclicGMP, 78

    uterine relaxation, cyclic AMP, iso-proterenol and forskolin (rats), 236

    vascularcyclic AMP concentrations, endoge-

    nous prostaglandins (rats), 334decreased beta responsiveness (hu-

    mans), 802

    effects of naftidrofuryl, blood vessels(dogs), 760

    ouabain and canrenone, cation han-cUing (mice), 867

    relaxation, age-related decrease (rats),411

    Muscle cells, dextromethorphan effect onileal contractility, compared with 1ev-

    omethorphan, loperamide and co-deine (guinea pigs), 627

    Myenteric plexusablation, impaired alpha adrenergic re-

    sponses, jejunal longitudinal muscle

    (rats), 9methionine-enkephalin release, endoge-

  • 1986 Index 969

    nous opioids and exogenous mor-

    phine (guinea pigs), 742substance B isolation, presynaptic modu-

    lation (guinea pigs), 185Myocardium

    calcium entry blockade, vulnerability to-ward ventricular fibrillation (dogs),340

    effects of activated neutrophils (rabbits),836

    infarctionischemia, secretin infusion (dogs), 915

    Myo-inositol trisphosphate, effect of car-bachol, contraction, iris sphinctermuscle (rabbits), 574

    Myometrium, uterine relaxation, cyclic

    AMP, isoproterenol and forskobin(rats), 236

    Naderi, S., see Howe, P. H., 574Nadler, J. V., see Ault, B., 612Naftidrofuryl, vascular effects (dogs), 760Nagahama, S., Chen, Y.-F., Lindheimer, M.

    D. and Oparil, S.: Mechanism of thedepressor action of LY171555, a se-lective dopamine D2 receptor agonist,in the anesthetized rat, 426

    Nahorski, S. R., see Rooney, T. A., 873Nakagawa, C., see Honda, K., 512Nakamura, H., see Ohizumi, Y., 243Nakanishi, S., see Ueda, N., 494Naloxone

    acute chlordiazepoxide dependence, phar-macologic characterization (rats),775

    effects of ethylketazocine and morphine,schedule-controlled behavior (pi-geons, monkeys), 433

    Naltrexone, opioid receptor upregulation,

    pharmacodynamic supersensitivity(mice), 132

    Narumiya, S. and Fukushima, M.: Site andmechanism of growth inhibition byprostaglandins. I. Active transportand intracellular accumulation of cy-clopentenone, prostaglandins, a re-action leading to growth inhibition,500

    Narumiya, S., Ohno, K., Fujiwara, M. andFukushima, M.: Site and mechanismof growth inhibition by prostaglan-dims. II. Temperature-dependenttransfer of a cyclopentenone prosta-glandin to nuclei, 506

    Nasjletti, A., see Erman, A., 296Natriuresis, furosemide, tubular sites (rats),


    Navaratnam, S., see Khatter, J. C., 206Needleman, P., see Katsube, N., 474Nephrotoxicity, gentamicin (dogs), 946Neuroblastoma cells, N1E-115, effects of

    chronic ethanol exposure, prosta-glandin E1 receptor-mediated re-sponse (mice), 687

    Neurokinin A, substance P and electricalstimulation, effects on iris sphinctermuscle (rabbits), 494

    Neuroleptic drugs, effects of BMY 14802,brain dopaminergic function (rats),

    124Neuromuscular junction

    end-plate current, effects of phencyclidineand analogs (frogs), 15

    thienyl analog of phencyclidine, acetyl-

    choline receptor, blockade and recov-ery (frogs), 25


    central noradrenergic, 5-amino-2,4-dihy-

    droxy-a-methylphenylethylamine,neurochemical characterization(rats), 55

    dopaminergic, effects of BMY 14802,brain (rats), 124

    inferior mesenteric ganglion, action ofcholecystokinin octapeptide andCCK-related peptides (guinea pigs),618


    anticonvulsant drugs, temporal lobe epi-lepsy, quinoline acid (rats), 256

    tri-O-cresyl-induced delay, enhancedphosphorylation, brain and spinalcord proteins (hens), 597

    Neurotoxins, 5-amino-2,4-dihydroxy-a-methylphenylethylamine, neuro-

    chemical characterization, centralnoradrenergic neurons (rats), 55

    Neutrophils, activated, coronary and myo-cardial effects (rabbits), 836

    Nickols, G. A., see Shirasaki, Y., 861Nicotine

    induced seizures, nicotinic receptors, ge-netic analysis (mice), 853

    tolerance, dose-response analysis, recep-tor changes (mice), 358

    Nies, A. S., see Hedberg, A., 117Nifedipine

    alpha adrenoceptor-mediated vasocon-striction (dogs, monkeys), 648

    verapamil and diltiazem, norepinephrine

    contractions, potentiation (rabbits,swine), 808

    Nishimura, S., see Laher, I., 846Nitrendipine

    action on calcium channels, baroreceptorfunction (rats), 303

    calcium redistribution, renal artery, elec-

    tron microscopic autoradiography(rabbits), 286

    Nitroglycerinpharmacokinetics, determinant, cardiac

    output (rats), 701vascular relaxation, decreased beta re-

    sponsiveness (humans), 802Nitrovasodilators

    aging and hypertension, endothelial mod-ulation of vascular relaxation (rats),861

    phorbol dibutyrate contractions, aorta, 78Nizatidine

    actions on uterus and stomach (rats,dogs), 400

    effect on gastric acid secretion (dogs, rats,frogs), 406

    NMDA, see N-Methyl-D-aspartic acidNoda, H., see Watkins, J. B., III, 467Nomifensine, modulation of dopamine re-

    lease, D-2 dopamine receptors, stria-tal slices (rats), 442


    5-amino-2,4-dihydroxy-a-methylphenyl-ethylamine, neurochemical charac-terization, central noradrenergic neu-rons (rats), 55

    atrial natriuretic peptide, interactions,sympathetic and endocrine systems(rats), 480

    beta adrenoceptors, modulation, cytotoxicT cell generation (mice), 460

    beta-i adrenoceptors, bovine anterior de-scending coronary artery, homoge-nous population, 634

    contraction potentiation, verapamil, dil-

    tiazem and nifedipine (rabbits,swine), 808

    contractions, prazocin-sensitive adre-noceptors, arterial muscle (rabbits),846

    estrogen modulation, adrenergic-cholin-ergic interaction, uterus (guineapigs), 270

    phosphoinositide metabolism, effect ofchronic cholinesterase inhibition,

    brain (rats), 32Nucleus accumbens

    activation of excitatory amino acid recep-tors, folates, locomotor activity(rats), 627

    dopamine release, preferential stimula-tion, ethanol (rats), 219

    Nunes, F. A., see Yoburn, B. C., 132

    Ogolla, F., see Hem, D. W., 823Ohizumi, Y., Minoshima, S., Takahashi, M.,

    Kajiwara, A., Nakamura, H. and Ko-

    bayashi, J.: Geographutoxin II, anovel peptide inhibitor of Na chan-nels of skeletal muscles and auto-nomic nerves, 243

    Ohlstein, E. H. and Berkowitz, B. A.: Hu-man vascular vasopressin receptors:Analysis with selective vasopressinreceptor antagonists, 737

    Ohno, K., see Narumiya, S., 506Olde Boerrigter, J. C., see te Koppele, J. M.,

    898Oosterhuis, B., ten Berge, I. J. M., Schellek-

    ens, P. T. A., Koopmans, R. P. andvan Boxtel, C. J.: Prednisolone con-

    centration-effect relations in humansand the influence of plasma hydro-cortisone, 919

    Oparil, S., see Nagahama, S., 426Opiates, acute chlordiazepoxide depend-

    ence, pharmacologic characterization(rats), 775

    Opioid antagonists, receptor binding, a-fun-

    altrexamine, brain membranes(guinea pigs), 351

    Opioidsendogenous, methionine-enkephalin re-

    lease, myenteric plexus (guinea pigs),742

    mu receptor stimulation, catecholaminesecretion, brain and cardiovascularresponses (rats), 814

    receptor upregulation, pharmacodynamic

    supersensitivity (mice), 132spinal adenosine, modulated antinocicep-

    tive pathways, morphine stimulation(mice), 88

    Organic anions, biliary excretion, diabetes(rats), 467

    Organophosphatesacetylcholinesterase inhibitor, clonidine

    protection (mice), 43carbamate compounds and, pre- and post-

    junctional effects, glutamatergic syn-apse (locusts), 279

    effects of chronic cholinesterase inhibi-tion, brain (rats), 32

    Ouabaindigitalis mechanical toxicity, protection

  • 970 Index Vol. 239

    by slow calcium channel blockers(guinea pigs), 206

    disturbances ofcation handling, effects of

    canrenone, macrophages and vascu-lar smooth muscle cells (mice), 867

    Ovarian suspensory ligament, effects of betaadrenoceptors, agonists and antago-nists (rats), 591

    Oxytocin antagonists, prolonged action, po-tential tocolytic agents, preterm la-bor (rats), 84

    Pajka, S. F., see Husain, A., 71Palmer, J. R., see Jarry, H., 55Pan, H. Y.-M., Hoffman, B. B., Pershe, R.

    A. and Blaschke, T. F.: Decline inbeta adrenergic receptor-mediatedvascular relaxation with aging inman, 802

    Papaverine, theophylline and, effects on

    renal adenosine transport (rats), 748Parasympathetic nerves, sympathetic

    nerves and, postsynaptic a4,ha-2 ad-renoceptor regulation, salivaryglands (rats), 488

    Pardridge, W. M., see Terasaki, T., 724Park, S. H., see Deane, R., 548Pasternak, G. W., see Yoburn, B. C., 132Patterson, E., Walden, K. M., Khazaeli, M.

    B., Montgomery, D. G. and Lucchesi,B. R.: Cardiac electrophysiologic ef-fects of acute and chronic arnioda-rone administration in the isolatedperfused rabbit heart: Altered thyroidhormone metabolism, 179

    Patton, S. E., Lapadula, D. M. and Abou-Donia, M. B.: Relationship of tri-o-cresyl phosphate-induced delayed

    neurotoxicity to enhancement of invitro phosphorylation of hen brainand spinal cord proteins, 597

    Pearce, L. B., see Benishin, C. G., 185Peptides

    CCK-related and cholecystokinin octa-peptide, neurons in inferior mesen-

    teric ganglion (guinea pigs), 618

    Tyr-MIF-1, carrier-mediated transportacross blood-brain barrier, essentialamino acids (mice), 668

    vasoactive intestinal, visualization, lung

    (humans, guinea pigs), 249

    Perec, C. J., see Kaniucki, M. D., 488Pergolide, modulation of dopamine release,

    D-2 dopamine receptors, striatalslices (rats), 442

    Periana, R. M., see Boisse, N. R., 775Perico, N., Zoja, C., Benigni, A., Ghilardi,

    F., Gualandris, L. and Remuzzi, G.:Effect of short-term cyclosporine ad-ministration in rats on renin-angio-tensin and thromboxane A2: Possiblerelevance to the reduction in gbomer-

    ular filtration rate, 229Perio, A., Chambon, J.-P., Calassi, R.,

    Heaulme, M. and Biziere, K.: Evalu-ation of two anticonvulsant amino-pyridazine derivatives in the conflicttest in rats, 542

    Pershe, R A., see Pan, H. Y.-M., 802Pessayre, D., see Letteron, P., 559Petersen, B. H., see Hatfield, S. M., 460Pfenning, M., see Richelson, E., 687Pharmacogenetics, ethanol sensitivity and

    tolerance, WSP and WSR mouse

    lines, 327

    Pharmacokinetics, atriopeptin, changes inplasma levels and atrial content(rats), 474

    Phencyclidineeffects on end-plate current, neuromus-

    cular junction (frogs), 15modified effects, ammonium chloride

    (rats), 48thienyl analog, acetylcholine receptor,

    blockade and recovery (frogs), 25Phenobarbital, baclofen and, efficacy

    against kainic acid limbic seizure-brain damage syndrome (rats), 612

    Phenoxybenzamine, low-affinity adre-noceptors, norepinephrine contrac-tions, arterial muscle (rabbits), 846

    Phenylisopropyladenosine, suppression offree fatty acids and triglycerides(rats), 715

    Phorbol-12,13-dibutyratecontractile responses, coronary artery

    (swine), 38

    contractions in aorta, calcium depend-ence, 8-Br-cyclic GMP, 78

    Phorbol esters, effect of carbachol, contrac-tion, iris sphincter muscle (rabbits),574

    Phorbol myristate acetate, activated neutro-phils, coronary and myocardial ef-fects (rabbits), 836

    Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, ef-feet of carbachol on myosin lightchain phosphorylation, contraction,iris sphincter muscle (rabbits), 574

    Phosphodiesterase, AR-Li#{174} cardiotonics,mechanism of action (cats), 375

    Phosphoinositide, carbachol- and norepi-nephrine-stimulated, effect ofchronic cholinesterase inhibition(rats), 32

    Phosphoinositide hydrolysis, depolariza-tion-induced, regional characteriza-

    tion of agonist (rats), 873Phosphoprotein phosphatases, tri-O-cresyl

    phosphate-induced delayed neuro-toxicity, brain and spinal cord pro-teins (hens), 597

    Phosphorylationmyosin light chain, effect ot carbachol,

    contraction of iris sphincter muscle(rabbits), 574

    tri-O-cresyl phosphate-induced delayedneurotoxicity, brain and spinal cordproteins (hens), 597

    Pindololbeta adrenoceptors

    down regulation, S49 lymphoma cells,654

    propranolol, lymphocytes, 117Pioch, R P., see Lin, T.-M., 406Placenta, sodium-hydrogen exchanger, in-

    hibition by cimetidine, 192

    Plasmahydrocortisone, prednisolone concentra-

    tion-effect relations (humans), 919protein binding, bupivacaine transport,

    brain and salivary gland (rats), 724Plasma membrane, calcium redistribution,

    renal artery, electron microscopic au-toradiography (rabbits), 286

    Platelet-activating factor, antagonist L-652,731, profile (rats), 841

    Polnaszek, C. F., see Krauss, E., 754Polyphosphoinositides, effect of carbachol,

    contraction, iris sphin#{233}ter muscle(rabbits), 574

    Potassium, depolarization-induced phos-phoinositide hydrolysis, regionalcharacterization ofagonist (rats), 873

    Potassium channel, ouabain and canrenone,macrophages, vascular smooth mus-cle cells (mice), 867

    Poulakos, J. J. and Gertner, S. B.: Studieson the desensitization of the centralcardiovascular responses of hista-mine, 730

    Practololablation of myenteric plexus, alpha adre-

    nergic response, jejunal longitudinalmuscle (rats), 9

    bovine anterior descending coronary ar-

    tery, beta-i adrenoceptors, homoge-nous population, 634

    Prazocinablation of myenteric plexus, alpha adre-

    nergic response, jejunal longitudinalmuscle (rats), 9

    low-affinity adrenoceptors, blood vessels(rabbits), 846

    Prednisolone, concentration-effect rela-tions, influence of plasma hydrocor-tisone (man), 919

    Pregnancychronically consumed caffeine, elimina-

    tion (monkeys), 891preterm labor, oxytocin anatagonists, pro-

    longed action (rats), 84Procaine, intracerebroventricular injection

    of TMB-8, antinociception produc-tion (mice), 320

    Progesterone, estrogen modulation, adre-nergic-cholinergic interaction, uterus(guinea pigs), 270

    Prolactin, LY 165163, central serotonin ag-onist actions (rats), 454

    Propranololablation of myenteric plexus, alpha adre-

    nergic response, jejunal longitudinalmuscle (rats), 9

    oral hydralazine and, interaction (dogs),517

    pindolol and, beta adrenoceptors, lympho-cytes, 117

    Prostacyclincontractile response, role of vascular en-

    dothelium, isolated aorta (rats), 390thromboxane and, leukotriene D4, lung

    (guinea pigs), 63

    Prostaglandin E1, effects of chronic ethanolexposure, neuroblastoma clone(mice), 687

    Prostaglandin E�enprostil, gastric antisecretory and an-

    tiulcer properties (rats), 382uterine relaxation, cyclic AMP, iso-

    proterenol and forskolin (rats), 236Prostaglandins

    endogenous, cyclic AMP concentrations,vascular smooth muscle cells (rats),334

    increased glomerular synthesis, dexa-methasone treatment (rats), 296

    role, airway muscle contraction, hista-mine (humans), 536

    site and mechanism of growth inhibition,

    500Prostate, alpha-i adrenoceptor antagonist

    effects, optical isomers of YM-12617(rabbits), 512

    Proteinislet-activating, inhibited adenylate cy-

    clase, -y-aminobutyric acid B (rats),

  • 1986 Index 971


    myosin light chain, effect of carbachol,contraction of iris sphincter muscle(rabbits), 574

    Protein kinase, tri-O-cresyl-induced delayedneurotoxicity, enhanced phosphory-lation, brain and spinal cord proteins(hens), 597

    Protein kinase Cphorbol dibutyrate contractions, aorta, 78phorbol diesters, after contractile re-

    sponses, coronary artery (swine), 38Proximal tubules, sites of furosemide natri-

    uresis (rats), 211Ptasienski, J., see Maan, A. C., 768Purdy, R. E. and Stupecky, G. L.: Bovine

    anterior descending coronary artery

    possesses a homogeneous population

    of beta-i adrenergic receptors, 634Pyridylethylamine, central cardiovascular

    responses, histamine, desensitization(rats), 730

    Quinoline acid, anticonvulsant drugs, tem-poral lobe epilepsy (rats), 256


    binding analysis, 1,4-dihydropyridine ac-tivator-antagonist pairs, smoothmuscle (rats, guinea pigs), 144

    monoiodinated angiotensin II, full agonistanalog of angiotensin II, 71

    Raffestin, B., see Haye-Legrand, I., 536Ramwell, P. W., see Mostaghim, R., 797Ramwell, P. W., see Van Dam, J., 390Reaven, G. M., see Hoffman, B. B., 715Receptor agonists

    monoiodinated angiotensin II, biologicalactivity, 71

    substance B isolation, presynaptic modu-lation (guinea pigs), 185

    Receptorsacetylcholine, blockade and recovery,

    thienyl analog of phencyclidine(frogs), 25

    adenosine, free fatty acids and triglycer-ides, phenylisopropyladenosinesuppression (rats), 715

    adrenergic, see Adrenoceptorsadrenoceptors, see Adrenoceptorsbaroreceptors, calcium antagonists, ac-

    tion on calcium channels (rat), 303cholecystokinin, acetylcholine release,

    spinchter of Oddi (guinea pigs), 554D-2 dopamine, robust modulation, stria-

    tal slices (rats), 442epsilon opioid, Met-enkephalin release, �-

    endorphin effect (rats), 160excitatory amino acid, folates, locomotor

    activity (rats), 627mu-opioid, effects on catecholamine se-

    cretion (rats), 814muscarinic

    acetylcholine release, urinary bladder(rats), 522

    phosphoinositide metabolism, chroniccholinesterase inhibition (rats), 32

    soman toxicity, clonidine protection(mice), 43

    nicotinicacetylcholine receptor and, thienyl an-

    alog of phencyclidine (frogs), 25nicotine-induced seizures, genetic

    analysis (mice), 853phencyclidine and its analogs, end-

    plate current of neuromuscular junc-

    tion (frogs), 15tolerance, dose-response analysis

    (mice), 358opioid, �l-funaltrexamine binding, brain

    membranes (guinea pigs), 351vasoactive intestinal peptide, visualiza-

    tion, lung (humans, guinea pigs), 249vasopressin, analysis with antagonists

    (humans), 737

    Reflexes, loss of righting, ethanol sensitivityand tolerance, WSP and WSR mouselines, 327

    Reiker5s, 0., see Gunnes, P., 915Remuzzi, G., see Perico, N., 229Renal artery, calcium redistribution, elec-

    tron microscopic autoradiography(rabbits), 286

    Renin-angio�ensin system, short-term cy-closporine administration, glomeru-lar filtration rate (rats), 229

    Reynolds, E. E. and Molinoff, P. B.: Downregulation of beta adrenergic recep-tors in S49 lymphoma cells inducedby atypical agonists, 654

    Rice, D. C., see Gilbert, S. G., 891Richelson, E., Stenstrom, S., Forray, C., En-

    lee, L. and Pfenning M.: Effects ofchronic exposure to ethanol on theprostaglandin E1 receptor-mediatedresponse and binding in a murineneuroblastoma clone (N1E-i15), 687

    Rickett, D. L., see Idriss, M. K., 279Rimele, T. J., Heaslip, R. J., Lee, D. K. H.

    and Grimes, D.: In vitro characteri-zation of the adrenoceptor activity ofAY-28,925, 1

    Riviere, J. E., see Frazier, D. L., 946Ro 15-1788, acute chlordiazepoxide depend-

    ence, pharmacologic characterization(rats), 775

    Robertson, D. W., see Hayes, J. S., 375Robertson, R M., see Hondeghem, L. M.,


    Rockway, T. W., see Chan, W. Y., 84Rooney, T. A. and Nahorski, S. R.: Regional

    characterization of agonist and de-polarization-induced phosphoinosi-

    tide hydrolysis in rat brain, 873Rose bengal, biliary excretion, organic an-

    ions, diabetes (rats), 467

    Roszkowski, A. P., Garay, G. L., Baker, S.,Schuler, M. and Carter, H.: Gastricantisecretory and antiulcer proper-ties of enprostil, (±)- lla,15a-dihy-droxy- 16-phenoxy-i7,18,19,20-te -

    tranor-9-oxoprosta-4,5, 13(t)-tn-enoic acid methyl ester, 382

    Rubanyi, G. M., see Zander, J. F., 760Ruffolo, R. R., Jr., see Kopia, G. A., 641Ruffolo, R. R., Jr., see Lin, T.-M., 400Rutledge, A., see Wei, X. Y., 144

    Salbutamol, bovine anterior descending con-onary artery, beta-i adrenoceptors,homogenous population, 634

    Saligenin, tri-O-cnesyl phosphate-induced

    delayed neurotoxicity, enhancedphosphorylation, brain and spinalcord proteins (hens), 597

    Salivary glandbrain and, bupivacaine transport (rats),

    724sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves,

    regulation by postsynaptic a!pha-2

    adrenoceptor (rats), 488Sallis, R., see Matthews, R. T., 124Samanin, R., see Vezzani, A., 256Samoriski, G. M., see Boisse, N. R., 775Sarcoplasmic reticulum, calcium redistri-

    bution, renal artery, electron micro-scopic autoradiography (rabbits), 286

    Sawada, Y., see Suzuki, H., 927SCH 19927, cardiac electrophysiologic ac-

    tions (dogs), 719Scheeler, D. A., see Krause, E, 754Sehellekens, P. T. A., see Oosterhuis, B.,

    919Schuler, M., see Roszkowski, A. P., 382Schumann, M. A. and Kreulen, D. L.: Action

    of cholecystokinin octapeptide andCCK-related peptides on neurons ininferior mesentenic ganglion ofguinea pig, 618

    Schwartz, D., see Katsube, N., 474Secretin, infusion, acute isehemic left yen-

    tricular failure (dogs), 915Seizures

    anticonvulsant drugseffects on substantia nigra pars reticu-

    lata neurons, 606temporal lobe epilepsy, quinoline acid

    (rats),256nicotine-induced, nicotinic receptors, ge-

    netic analysis (mice), 853Serotonin

    agonist actions of LY 165163 (rats), 454extraneuronal uptake, mechanisms, aorta

    (rats), 264Serum, albumin and a1-acid glycoprotein,

    interaction, lidocaine binding, 754Shannon, H. E. and Katzman, N. J.: CGS

    8216: Agonist and diazepam-antago-

    nist effects in rodents, 166

    Shirasaki, Y., Su, C., Lee, T. J.-F., Kolm,P., Cline, W. H., Jr. and Nickols, G.A.: Endothelial modulation of vascu-bar relaxation to nitrovasodilators inaging and hypertension, 861

    SK&F 101926, vascular vasopressin recep-tors, analysis (humans), 737

    Skupny, A. S. T., see Mello, N. K., 693Snoddy, H. D., see Fuller, R. W., 454Sodium

    channel blocker, amiloride, myocardialand vascular actions (rats), 365

    digitalis mechanical toxicity, protectionby slow calcium channel blockers(guinea pigs), 206

    Sodium channel, geographutoxin II inhibi-tion, skeletal muscles, autonomicnerves (mice, bullfrogs, guinea pigs,rabbits), 243

    Sodium fluoride, guanylyl-5’-imidodiphos-phate and, forskolin binding (rats),952

    Sodium-hydrogen exchange, placental

    brush-border membrane, inhibitionby cimetidine, 192

    Sodium-potassium-ATPase, AR-Li#{174} car-diotonics, mechanism of action(cats),375

    Sodium-potassium pump, ouabain and can-renone, macrophages, vascularsmooth muscle cells (mice), 867

    Soman, toxicity, clonidine protection(mice), 43

    So, Y., see Gilbert, S. G., 891Spealman, R. D., see Bergman, J., 104Species differences, histamine-induced re-

    laxation, mechanisms, coronary ar-

  • 972 Index Vol. 239

    tenies (monkeys, dogs), 529Speth, R. C., see Husain, A., 71Sphincter muscle, effects of neurokinin A,

    substance P and electrical stimula-tion (rabbits), 494

    Spinal cordadenosine, modulated antinociceptive

    pathways, morphine stimulation(mice), 88

    brain and, tri-O-cresyl-induced delayedneurotoxicity, enhanced phosphory-lation (hens), 597

    Met-enkephalin release, analgesia pro-duction, stereoselective effect of �-endorphin (rats), 160

    Spincter of Oddi, acetylcholine release, cho-lecystokinin receptor mediation(guinea pigs), 554

    SQ 29,548, A23i87, analysis of airway re-

    sponses (cats), 395SR 41378, anticonvulsant amino-pyridazine

    derivatives, evaluation, conflict test(rats), 542

    SRS-A, leukotriene D4, thromboxane andprostacyclin biosynthesis, lung(guinea pigs), 63

    Stanton, H. C. and Dungan, K. W.: In vitroeffects of beta adrenoceptor agonistsand antagonists on the rat ovariansuspensory ligament, 591

    Starke, K., see Szabo, B., 881Stavnic, B., see Gilbert, S. G., 891Stefano, F. J. E., see Kaniucki, M. D., 488Steiness, E., see Christensen, S., 211Stenstrom, S., see Richelson, E., 687Stephens, R. L., Jr., Lee, T., Boldry, R. and

    Unetsky, N. J.: Activation of excita-tory amino acid receptors may me-diate a folate-induced stimulation oflocomotor activity after bilateral in-jection into the rat nucleus accum-bens, 627

    Stereoisomers, YM-126i7, alpha-i adreno-ceptor antagonist effects (rabbits),512

    Stitzel, J. A., see Marks, M. J., 358Stomach

    gastric acid secretion, nizatidine actions

    (dogs, rats, frogs), 406nizatidine actions, gastric lesions (rats,

    dogs), 400Stress, effects of mu-opioid receptor stimu-

    lation, brain, catecholamine secre-

    tion and cardiovascular responses

    (rats), 814Striatum

    effects ofBMY 14802, brain dopaminergicfunction (rats), 124

    modulation of dopamine release, D-2 do-pamine receptors (rats), 442

    Stupecky, G. L., see Purdy, R. E., 634Substance B, isolation, presynaptic modu-

    lation (guinea pigs), 185

    Substance P, neurokinin A and electricalstimulation, effects on iris sphinctermuscle (rabbits), 494

    Substantia nigra, effects of BMY 14802,brain dopaminergic function (rats),124

    Substantia nigra pars reticulata, neurons,

    effects of anticonvulsant drugs, 606

    Su, C. M., see Wei, X. Y., 144Su, C., see Fukuda, S., 264Su, C., see Shirasaki, Y., 861Sugiyama, Y., see Suzuki, H., 927

    Sulfobromophthalein, biliary excretion, or-ganic anions, diabetes (rats), 467

    S-Sulpinide, modulation of dopamine re-lease, D-2 dopamine receptors, stria-tal slices (rats), 442

    Suzuki, H., Sawada, Y., Sugiyama, Y., Iga,T. and Hanano, M.: Transport of ci-metidine by the rat choroid plexus invitro, 927

    Sybertz, E. J., Desidenio, D. M., Tetzboff, G.

    and Chiu, P. J. S.: Phorbol dibutyratecontractions in rabbit aorta: Calciumdependence and sensitivity to nitro-vasodilators and 8-BR cyclic GMP,78

    Sympathetic nervesparasympathetic nerves and, postsynaptic

    alpha-2 adrenoceptor regulation, sal-ivary glands (rats), 488

    purinergic vasoconstriction, thermosen-sitivity, cutaneous vein (dogs), 784

    Sympathetic nervous systembeta adrenoceptors, modulation, cytotoxic

    T cell generation (mice), 460endocrine system and, interactions, atnial

    natniuretic peptide (rats), 480Synapse, glutamatergic, pre- and postjunc-

    tional effects, organophosphates andcarbamate compounds (locusts), 279

    Szabo, B., Hedler, L. and Starke, K.:Dopamine1 receptor agonist and at-pha-2 adrenoceptor antagonist ef-fects of fenoldopam in rabbits, 881

    Tachykinins, effects on iris sphincter mus-cle (rabbits), 494

    Takahashi, M., see Ohizumi, Y., 243Tam,B.,seeCrabbe,J.C., 154Tam, S. W. and Liu-Chen, L.-Y.: Reversible

    and irreversible binding of /3-funal-trexamine to mu, delta and kappaopioid receptors in guinea pig brainmembranes, 351

    Taniguchi, T., see Ueda, N., 494Taylor, S. M., see Husain, A., 71te Koppele, J. M., Dogterom, P., Vermeulen,

    N. P. E., Meijer, D. K. F., van denGen, A. and Mulder, G. J.: a-Bro-moisovalerylurea as model substratefor studies on pharmacokinetics ofglutathione conjugation in the rat. II.Pharmacokinetics and stereoselectiv-ity of metabolism and excretion invivo and in the perfused liver, 905

    te Koppele, J. M., van der Mark, E. J., Olde

    Boernigter, J. C., Brussee, J., van denGen, A., van den Greef, J. andMulder, G. J.:a-Bromoisovalerylureaas model substrate for studies onpharmacokinetics of glutathione con-

    jugation in the rat. I. (Bio-) synthesis,analysis and identification of diaster-

    eomeric glutathione conjugates andmercapturates, 898

    Temperature, body, dose-response analysis,nicotine tolerance (mice), 358

    ten Berge, I. J. M., see Oosterhuis, B., 919Terasaki, T., Pardridge, W. M. and Denson,

    D. D.: Differential effect of plasmaprotein binding of bupivacaine on itsin vivo transfer into the brain andsalivary gland of rats, 724

    Terbutaline, beta adrenoceptors, modula-tion, cytotoxic T cell generation

    (mice), 4602,3,7,8-Tetrachborodibenzo-p-dioxin, mech-

    anism of absorption and distribution(rats), 673

    12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate,contractile responses, coronary ar-tery (swine), 38

    Tetrahydrocannabinoldependence (monkeys), 311sensory-evoked discharges, granule cells,

    dentate gyrus (rats), 941sensory-evoked potentials, dentate gyrus

    (rats), 936Tetzloff, G., see Sybertz, E. J., 78Theophylline, papaverine and, effects on

    renal adenosine transport (rats), 748Thermosensitivity, sympathetic purinergic

    vasoconstriction, cutaneous vein(dogs), 784

    Thomas, B. F., Lyddane, J. E. and Martin,B. R.: Modification of behavioral ef-fects and biodisposition of phencycli-dine in rats by ammonium chloride,48

    Thomas, D. J. and Chisolm, J. J., Jr.: Lead,zinc and copper decorporation during

    calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate treatment of lead-poi-soned children, 829

    Thompson, C., see Frazier, D. L., 946Thompson, L. K., see Hem, D. W., 823Thormann, B., see Hannaert, P., 867Thromboxane

    prostacyclin biosynthesis and, leuko-tniene D4, lung (guinea pigs), 63

    short-term cyclosporine administration,glomerular filtration rate (rats), 229

    Thromboxane A2, A23187, analysis of air-way responses (cats), 395

    Thyroid, hormone alteration, cardiac elec-trophysiologic effects, acute andchronic amiodarone (rabbits), 179

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