Page 1: Independent Textual Analysis

Soap Opera Genre –

Independent Textual Analysis

Name: Molly O’DonovanCandidate Number: 6716Center Name: St. Paul’s Catholic CollegeCenter Number: 64770

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Page 2: Independent Textual Analysis

Trailer 1 – Skins, Series 5

Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Dialogue, Voiceover, Sound Effects or SoundtrackThe portrayal of the non-diegetic soundtrack in this trailer creates a gradual build up of tension as the beat increases throughout. The soundtrack is a song by Arcade Fire, an alternative band with a particular style of tone. This consequently represents a demographic which would watch the TV show; therefore those that are interested in Arcade Fire, may also be interested in Skins. Furthermore, in the final scene of the trailer there is a voiceover in a deep and serious tone to represent the trailers dark and gloomy mood. The voiceover is important as it provides the audience with information about where and when the show is aired, linking to the dialogue displayed on the screen, “Skins, the brand new series, coming to E4”.

Non-Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Setting, Lighting, Costumes, Facial Expressions and CharactersThe non-verbal code of costume is used effectively to impact the audience, however the are costumes only used towards the end of the trailer. This is because every character is naked as they fall in the gloomy scenes, connoting their purity and innocence as children. Consequently, this representation connotes how the clothing is removing their innocence and development into adulthood. Also portraying the title of the programme (Skins), showing each of the characters skin. Moreover, the setting is used effectively in order to intrigue the audiences. The characters are falling through the ‘sea’ which looks dark and also empty. This therefore connotes vulnerability of the characters and their fate is uncertain. Each character connotes fear, portraying the issues, pressures and fears of growing up.

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Trailer 2 – Waterloo Road, Series 9

Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Dialogue, Voiceover, Sound Effects or SoundtrackThe diegetic sound of the voiceover of the trailer is to provide audiences with information about each main character in the series. The tone of the voice is female and is upbeat, connoting the happiness and even enjoyment of the school; portraying a good atmosphere. The voiceover has a structure of a register in class to give the school feel to audiences watching; the diegetic sound of “Alright class, do we have…” connotes that the voiceover is symbolizing a teacher and marking each main character on a ‘register’. Furthermore, the dialogue within the trailer is minimal, but begins with “Welcome back to another term”, portraying that some characters are back from the previous series. Also, the non-diegetic soundtrack is an instrumental with an upbeat tone to link to the voiceover being a happy tone too.

Non-Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Setting, Lighting, Costumes, Facial Expressions and CharactersThe non-verbal code of the costumes in the trailer portray the school which characters are part of, this is because the children are wearing a school uniform, but adapting it to the way to how they wish to wear it. The uniform is not smart and is extremely casual as all top buttons are un-done, and many students are wearing their own jumper over blazers or a jumper instead of a blazer. Consequently, this can portray already that the school may not be reaching certain standards it should be, especially as nowadays many schools like to focus particularly on their appearance to the public. Also, the setting of the trailer is in a school, but partaking in many different areas of the school: staff room, classrooms, corridors. These are all classic areas of schools which audiences can easily identify.

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Technical Codes – Comment on the use of Camera Angles, Shot Types and Camera MovementThe technical code of the shot types within the trailer are mid-shots when focusing on each character specifically, as if it is a mid-shot photo which has been taken in the action of the trailer. This displays each character individually to portray what there role will be in the series. Furthermore, the over the shoulder shot of the student when ‘Mr. Windsor’ is walking connotes how he may not be that interested in the students; this is because he does not look around and rolls his eyes and continues to walk. Also, there are very fast jump shots between each scene, connoting how quickly the school is adapting to new students joining, but also how the school is becoming more contemporary more quickly with new students as well as teachers.

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Evaluation of Textual Analysis – Compare and Contrast

Trailer 1) – Areas of Strength and what you would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale)There are various strengths within the effective trailer as it attracts the audience it is intending specifically. The use of the particular soundtrack really impacts the audience as it is the genre which many of the audiences may enjoy listening too. Also, a strength is the connotation of the naked characters and their purity within the series to the growing into adulthood, which is a dark and gloomy atmosphere. However, as part of the trailer I will be creating, this creates an opposite atmosphere to what I will be creating. This is because of the setting, soundtrack and also scenes being filmed, as the atmosphere will not be as dark or gloomy as the Skins trailer. Therefore the ‘differences’ (Neale) between the trailer I will be creating, compared to the Skins trailer is mainly the atmosphere, but also the genre of music, as I will be including a genre of singer/songwriter.

Trailer 2) – Areas of Strength and what you would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale)In the Waterloo Road trailer there are also many areas of strength to attract an intended audience of students but also some teachers. The idea of the trailer being a register is an effective technique to connote to audiences the school atmosphere of the upcoming series. Therefore, the use of the mid-shots of each main character clearly identifies which characters will be starring in the show each week; this is to help attract the audience to understand who is who before the series begins. Moreover, another strength would be the use of the upbeat tone of the voiceover, as it connotes the atmosphere of the series to audiences, attracting them into watching the show. Therefore, as the trailer I will be creating is set in a school with also an upbeat, enjoyable atmosphere, I will be ‘repeating’ (Neale) many of the features within this trailer, alongside the use of costume, students and teachers; creating a more professional atmosphere throughout the trailer.

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