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  • 7/27/2019 Indecator in Endo



    Indicators of safety compromise in gastrointestinal endoscopy.

    Borgaonkar MR, Hookey L, Hollingworth R,Kuipers EJ,Forster A,Armstrong D, BarkunA,Briges R, !arter R,e "ara !,Du#e !, Enns R, Ma$intosh D,Forget %,Leontiais

    ", Meings J, !otton &, 'alori R( !anaian Asso$iation o) "astroenterology %a)ety an*uality +ni$ators in Enos$opy !onsensus "roup.


    Department o) Mei$ine, Memorial ni-ersity o) ew)ounlan, %t. John/s ew)ounlan an La#raor.




    1he importan$e o) 2uality ini$ators has #e$ome in$reasingly re$ogni3e in gastrointestinal enos$opy. &atient sa)ety re2uires the ienti)i$ation an monitoring o)

    o$$urren$es asso$iate with harm or the potential )or harm. 1he ienti)i$ation o) rele-ant ini$ators o) sa)ety $ompromise is, there)ore, a $riti$al element that is key

    to the e))e$ti-e implementation o) enos$opy 2uality impro-ement programs.


    1o ienti)y key ini$ators o) sa)ety $ompromise in gastrointestinal enos$opy.


    1he !anaian Asso$iation o) "astroenterology %a)ety an *uality +ni$ators in Enos$opy !onsensus "roup was )orme to aress issues o) 2uality in

    enos$opy. A su#$ommittee was )orme to ienti)y key sa)ety ini$ators. A systemati$ literature re-iew was unertaken, an arti$les pertinent to sa)ety in

    enos$opy were ienti)ie an re-iewe. All $ompli$ations an measures use to o$ument sa)ety were re$ore. From this, a preliminary list o) 45 ini$ators was

    $ompile an presente to the 678person $onsensus group uring a three8ay meeting. A re-ise list o) 9: items was su#se2uently put to the $onsensus group )or

    -ote )or in$lusion on the )inal list o) sa)ety ini$ators. +tems were retaine only i) the $onsensus group highly agree on their importan$e.


    A total o) 4; ini$ators o) sa)ety $ompromise were retaine an groupe into the three )ollowing $ategories< mei$ation8relate 8 the nee )or !&R, use o) re-ersal

    agents, hypo=ia, hypotension, hypertension, seation oses in patients oler than >: years o) age, allergi$ rea$tions an laryngospasm?#ron$hospasm( pro$eure8

    relate early 8 per)oration, immeiate postpolype$tomy #leeing, nee )or hospital amission or trans)er to emergen$y epartment )rom the gastroenterology unit,

    instrument impa$tion, se-ere persistent a#ominal pain re2uiring e-aluation pro-en to not #e per)oration( an pro$eure8relate elaye 8 eath within 6: ays o)

    pro$eure, 4@8ay unplanne hospitali3ation, 4@8ay unplanne $onta$t with a health pro-ier, gastrointestinal #leeing within 4@ ays o) pro$eure, in)e$tion or

    symptomati$ meta#oli$ $ompli$ations.


    1he 4; ini$ators o) sa)ety $ompromise in enos$opy, ienti)ie #y a rigorous, e-ien$e8#ase $onsensus pro$ess, pro-ie $lear out$omes to #e re$ore #y all

    )a$ilities as part o) their $ontinuing 2uality impro-ement programs.

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