Page 1: IND: Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2 · 2015-08-21 · 1. Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program (UUSDIP) is intended to optimize

IND: Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development

Investment Program - Project 2

Prepared by:

Urban Development Department, Government of Uttarakhand, Dehradun

Social Monitoring Report

Project Number: 38272-033 August 2015 Period: January 2015 – March 2015

This report has been submitted to ADB by the Urban Development Department, Government of Uttarakhand, Dehradun and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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Page 3: IND: Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program - Project 2 · 2015-08-21 · 1. Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program (UUSDIP) is intended to optimize


Government of Uttarakhand  

Urban Development Department   


ADB Assisted Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment 

Program (UUSDIP)  

[ADB Loan No. 2797‐IND] 


Quarterly Social Monitoring Report For  

 January‐March 2015 

Investment Program Management Unit 

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ADB Asian Development Bank DPs Affected Persons BC Backward Community BDO Block Development Officer BPL Below Poverty Line BTA Bridge Technical Assistance CAPP Community Awareness Public Participation CBO Community Based Organization CPR Community Property Resources DSC Design and Supervision Consultants ESMC Environment and Social Management Cell EA Executing Agency FGD Focus Group Discussions FHH Female Headed Household GoI Government of India GoU Government of Uttarakhand GRC Grievance Redressal Committee/

Grievance Redressal Cell IA Implementing Agency IP Indigenous Peoples IR Involuntary Resettlement IPMU Investment Program Management Unit IPIU Investment Program Implementation Unit IPMC Investment Program Management Consultants LA Land Acquisition LAA Land Acquisition Act M&E Monitoring and Evaluation NGO Non-Government Organizations NPRR National Policy on Resettlement & Rehabilitation PDPs Project Affected Persons PH Physically Handicapped PWD Public Works Department RoW Right of Way RF Resettlement Framework RP Resettlement Plan R&R Resettlement & Rehabilitation SC Schedule Caste ST Schedule Tribe SCDO Social and Community Development Officer SIA Social Impact Assessment TLC Town Level Committee ToR Terms of Reference UDD Urban Development Department UUSDIP Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment

Program VC Valuation Committee

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Project Fact Sheet (Garhwal Region& Kumaon Region)



Subproject Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program (UUSDIP)

Executing Agency The Executing Agency (EA) for the Investment Program is the Uttarakhand Government’s Urban Development Department (UDD). The EA has established the Investment Program Management units (IPMU) to execute, manage and monitor the implementation of the Investment Program, and provide overall policy directions. IPMU has the mandate to closely supervise and monitor every component under the Investment Program.

Implementing Agency IPMU has engaged Uttarakhand Pey Jal Nigam (UPJN) as an implementing agency PIU-1 for water supply and PIU-2 for waste water management (sewerage) components at Dehradun and PIU-Roorkee for both water supply & waste water management (sewerage) components Roorkee.

Similarly Uttarakhand Public Works Department (PWD) would be the implementing agency for roads and traffic management components. Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) have been given a major role in implementing solid waste management and slum up gradation components.

Monitoring Period Covered

January, 2015 to March, 2015

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I. Introduction

1. Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program (UUSDIP) is intended to optimize social and economic development and poverty reduction throughout the urban sector in Uttarakhand. UUSDIP will also provide policy reforms to strengthen urban governance, management, and support for urban infrastructure and services. This will be achieved through investments in urban infrastructure (water supply, sewerage and sanitation, solid waste management, urban drainage, urban transport and roads). The Investment Program will support the Government of India (GoI) and the Government of Uttarakhand (GoU) in their policy of balanced regional socio-economic development and poverty reduction through improvements in urban governance, management, and infrastructure and service provision in 31 towns of Uttarakhand1 in planned manner of four Tranches.

2. The Investment Program will support: (i) water supply; (ii) sewerage and sewage treatment; (iii) municipal solid waste management; (iv) urban roads and traffic management; (v) slum upgrading and poverty reduction; and (vi) planning and design, institutional and policy development, capacity building, and to raise awareness.

3. Tranche II, Loan No-2797- The Project was sanctioned in January, 2013. The town covered under this project are Dehradun, Roorkee, Nainital, Haldwani and Ramnagar. Total 14 sub projects of Tranche-II are currently under implementation for water supply, sewage & sewerage treatment. The description of towns covered under this project is mentioned below -

Garhwal Region- Project Towns are Dehradun & Roorkee. There are total 10

subprojects in Garhwal region. Out of this 07 subproject packages are of water supply and 03 subproject packages are of waste water management.

Kumaon Region -Project Towns are Nainital, Haldwani and Ramnagar. There are 04 sub project packages of water supply.

4. The Investment Program will minimize resettlement impacts by prioritizing rehabilitation and optimization work within existing facilities’ or premises. New construction is proposed on vacant Government land where feasible. There are no significant resettlement issues in the ongoing Tranche II sub-projects. Resettlement planning undertaken during program preparation shows that for Tranche II, the main resettlement impacts will be due to rehabilitation and laying of pipe networks. Impacts are temporary in nature confined to squatters on RoW and roadside shops in busy market areas.

II. Validation

5. It is confirmed that in all the subprojects, which are covered in this report, there are no Indigenous People (IP), no land acquisition, and all impacts are temporary in nature. The livelihood of the people will get impacted only during the construction activity for which they will be compensated as per the ADB guidelines. 6. The Resettlement Plans (RPs) were prepared for the subproject packages having temporary Involuntary Resettlement (IR) impacts. Affected persons were identified through the

1These towns are: Almora, Bageshwar, Bajpur, Barkot, Champawat, Dehradun, Gangotri, Gopeshwar, Haldwani, Haridwar, Jaspur, Joshimath, Kashipur, Kichcha, Kotdwar, Manglore, Mussoorie, Nainital, New Tehri, Pauri, Pithoragarh, Ramnagar, Roorkee, Rudraprayag, Rudrapur, Srinagar, Kedarnath, Badrinath, Sitarganj, Uttarkashi, and Yamunotri.

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census survey on the basis of ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy of 1995 & updation of data as per actual site conditions.

7. Out of the 14 subproject packages, 11 subproject packages of water supply system and 03 waste water management packages have temporary resettlement impacts in both Garhwal and Kumaon region. Affected persons were identified through census survey conducted in various project locations based on the corridor of impact. Based on the census survey and confirmation of detailed designs, there are no expected impacts on permanent structures. Impacts are confined to mobile vendors and small shops in market or residential areas. The main nature of livelihood is small scale selling activities of fruits, vegetables and other assorted items.

8. It can be seen from Table 1 that there are 269 estimated DPs in Garhwal region cumulative of all the subproject packages having temporary impacts except the subprojects of waste water management Roorkee. As per the meeting of Executive Committee held on 11.10.2014, the decision was taken to split the waste water management sub project WWM01RK, into two subprojects i.e WWM01RK & WWM03RK, based on sewered & un-sewered area. ADB has also consented & suggested vide email-dated 19.12.2014 to stagger the bidding period for the two packages with invitation of bids for the replacement/rehabilitation works first & later laying of new sewer lines accordingly the estimates have been revised. Due to change of STP site sub project WWM02RK, impact assessment & updation of RP is under progress for the sub projects WWM01RK, WWM02RK& WWM03RK. In Kumaon region there are 276 estimated DPs of all subproject packages having temporary impacts.

9. Table 1 shows that there are 276 estimated DPs cumulative of all the subproject packages having temporary impacts. Unlike Tranche I subprojects In each RP detailed budget has been provisioned to mitigate the impact on any possible temporary impact on the livelihood of the identified APs.

10. Total impacts on subprojects of water supply system Dehradun& Roorkee are 269 DPs and 276 in Nainital, Haldwani and Ramnagar. The category of impacts is squatters or small shop owners on the RoW of roads who would be affected temporarily during pipe laying works. In each RP detailed budget has been provisioned to mitigate the impact on any possible temporary impact on the livelihood of the identified DPs. The RPs prepared under Tranche II would be verified before commencement of civil works in each package.

Table 1: Summary of Resettlement Implementation

Sl. No.

Name of the Sub-project

Total number of DPs

Implementation Status

Verification by DSC

Difference of DPs that from

approved RP

Vulnerability Status

Ownership of Land Perm



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Dehradun

1. Supplying, Laying, Jointing, Testing & Commissioning of clear water transmission and feeder mains from

None None NA NA NA NA

Govt. Land

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Sl. No.

Name of the Sub-project

Total number of DPs

Implementation Status

Verification by DSC

Difference of DPs that from

approved RP

Vulnerability Status

Ownership of Land Perm



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) various clear water Reservoir to Over Head Tanks - WSS05DN

2. Design, Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Intake works , Water Treatment Plant , Rehabilitation and up gradation of existing water treatment plant in Dehradun - WSS06DN

None None NA NA NA NA

3. Water Supply Distribution System for 19 Zones (Zone 4b, 15 , 20, 22 , 27, 17, 23,26,33, 34,35 ,36, 3,5,11,12,13,14&41) in Dehradun- WSS07DN in Dehradun- (Clubbing Packages WSS07DN, WSS09DN & WSS10DN)


Combined RP was prepared for these packages for 196 DPs WSS07DN- 53 WSS09DN- 72 WSS10DN- 71

Total 67 (08 FHH

and 59 SC)

4. Supplying, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of raw water gravity main from Massi falls up to Shahenshahi Ashram water treatment plant in Dehradun- WSS08DN

None None NA NA NA NA

5. Supplying and installing of domestic water meters covering all Domestic & commercial connections in Dehradun- WSS12DN

None None NA NA NA NA

Roorkee 6. Water Supply

Distribution system of Roorkee - WSS01RK None 73

Total 18 (18

SC househ


7. Supplying and installing of domestic water meters covering all Domestic & commercial connections in Roorkee-

None None NA NA NA NA

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Sl. No.

Name of the Sub-project

Total number of DPs

Implementation Status

Verification by DSC

Difference of DPs that from

approved RP

Vulnerability Status

Ownership of Land Perm



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) WSS02RK

8. Providing, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of Sewer Networks including replacement of existing sewer in Amber Talab, Ram Nagar, Old Railway road, Chow Mandi, Sainik colony etc (Zone 2 & 3) of Roorkee– WWM01RK

Due to change of STP site from Sati Mohalla to Saliar Ibrahimpur,

updation of RP is under process

9. Construction of 33 MLD Sewerage Treatment Plant in Roorkee. - WWM02RK

10. Providing, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of Sewer network in Ganeshpur Area (Zone-4) of Roorkee- WWM03RK

Sub Total NIL 269 85 Nainital

11. Providing laying and jointing of distribution mains including fitting, fixing of specials, valves etc and construction of chambers and providing house connection in Nainital (WSS05NL)

None 25

25 APs identified during RP preparation. Re verification survey carried out by DSC-II on 17


September, 2014, in the section where construction work is over and observed that 5 No APs (01 Female) as identified during the preparation of RP residing in this corridor got no disruption to their livelihood. They have given a certificate in this regard which is also

Re-verification survey carried out in the Maldhan cottage & Zila Parishad Road area

After re-verification in the area where construction work is going on DPs are 20


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Sl. No.

Name of the Sub-project

Total number of DPs

Implementation Status

Verification by DSC

Difference of DPs that from

approved RP

Vulnerability Status

Ownership of Land Perm



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) attached in annex-II. Construction work is yet to take place in the corridor of impact where other 20 APs are located. Thus only 20 APs are identified till.

12. Supply and installation of water meters covering all domestic and commercial connections in the town (WSS06NL)

None None

Haldwani 13. Design supply and

construction of over head service Reservoirs and connecting Rising Mains with appurtenant works different location at Haldwani Town (WSS01HL)

None 50

50 APs identified during RP preparation Re verification survey carried out by DSC-II on 30


October, 2014, in the section where construction work is over and observed that 4 No APs (02 SC) as identified during the preparation of RP residing in this corridor got no disruption to their livelihood. They have given a certificate in this regard which is also attached in annex-III. Re-Survey is yet to take place in the corridor of

After re-verification in the area where construction work is going on DPs are 46

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Sl. No.

Name of the Sub-project

Total number of DPs

Implementation Status

Verification by DSC

Difference of DPs that from

approved RP

Vulnerability Status

Ownership of Land Perm



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) impact where other 20 APs are located. Thus only 46 APs are identified till.

Ramnagar 14. Augmentation and

reorganization of water supply scheme at Ramnagar (WSS01RM)

None 201

Not yet started

201 APs identified during RP preparation


Sub Total Nil 267 47 Total Nil 536 132

Source: CAPP NGOs in Dehradun, & updation of RPs prepared for this project. *This figure could change during verification process and actual implementation of the RPs. **Re-verification survey report submitted by CAPP NGOs

11. Separate subproject package wise tables (A.1 to A.10) for Garhwal region and (B.1 to B.4) of Kumaon Region are placed in Appendix 1 showing the engineering components in brief and related resettlement impacts of all the subprojects under Tranche I.

III. Institutional Arrangement

12. Executing Agency (EA):The Urban Development Department (UDD) of Uttarakhand is the executing Agency (EA) of the investment program. The EA has already set up a state- level Investment Program Management Unit (IPMU) headed by Program Director.

13. Implementing Agencies: The Implementing Agencies (IAs) has also set up state –level Investment Program Implementation Units (IPIUs) known as IPIU Central IPIU(C), and district or town level sub IPIU to manage implementation of sub-project packages in their respective districts/towns2. At present IPIU(C) is converted into PIU-1 for water supply and

PIU-2 for waste water management. Investment Program Management Consultants (IPMC) who was providing program management support, assuring the technical quality of design and

2The IA for the investment program is the Uttarakhand Pey Jal Nigan (UPJN) for water supply and sewerage sub-projects, and the Public Works Department (PWD) for roads and traffic management subprojects.

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construction, and providing advice on policy reforms assisted the IPMU. At present IPMU is not assisted by IPMC as IPMC has been demobilized on 16th Jan 2014.

14. IPIU is assisted by Design and Supervision Consultants (DSCs), who are designing the infrastructure, managing tendering Contractors and supervising the construction process. Construction Contractors (CC) has been appointed to build elements of the infrastructure.

15. To address the environmental and social issues “Environment and Social Management Cell” (ESMC) was constituted within the institutional framework of IPMU on 30th July 2010. A full time SCDO Ms. Seema Singh joined IPMU on 1st August, 2014. At IPIU level, there is no social expert available at present.

16. Consultants

Garhwal Region: DSC-1, Mott Mac Donald has a resettlement specialist who is working closely with the ESMC and is responsible for updating existing RPs, preparing new RPs/ RPs for future subprojects, and also support in monitoring and grievance redressal. The Resettlement Expert is available on an intermittent basis for the Project. In DSC 1 at Dehradun, the Resettlement Specialist Mr. Sharad Misra was mobilized on 15th April 2014 as replacement. Social Development expert position was dropped after discussion with IPMU.

Kumaon Region: The DSC-2, Stup Consultants Pvt. Ltd. has a resettlement specialist and social consultant who are working closely with the ESMC. Resettlement specialist is responsible for updating existing RPs, preparing new RPs/ RPs for future subprojects, and also support in monitoring and grievance redressal. The Resettlement Expert is available on an intermittent basis for the Project. In DSC 2 at Dehradun, the Resettlement Specialist Mr. Neeraj Tiwari was mobilized on 2nd

December, 2013 as replacement .Mr. Suresh Mr. Khandoori is Social Development Expert.

Scope of work/key tasks for Resettlement management/monitoring expert is as under:

(i) Assist the EA in preparing resettlement plans for the sub projects proposed to be covered under the project in accordance with relevant government policies and guidelines and ADB’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy.

(ii) Assist the EA in identifying land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) requirement.

(iii) Prepare the development plans for indigenous people, if necessary, in accordance with the agreed Indigenous Peoples Development Plan for the Investment Program, ADB’s Policy on Indigenous Peoples.

Scope of work/key tasks for Social Development expert is as under: (i) Conduct a poverty and social impact analysis

(ii) Conduct a stakeholder analysis and prepare a participation strategy or plan outlining how to involve which stakeholders at different stages of the Project cycle

(iii) Conduct a gender assessment and prepare a gender development strategy or gender action plan.

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(iv) Assit PIUs and PMUs in all community/social development activities and slum improvement works taken up under the project.

17. RP Implementing Agency CAPP NGO: In Garhwal Region for Community Awareness and Participation Program (CAPP),an NGO named Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT) Dehradun was engaged as CAPP consultant (NGOs) in February 2011. CAPP NGO demobilized on 31st May 2013. In Kumaon Region CAPP-NGO namely Institute for Development Support (IDS) in Nainital was mobilized from Feb 2011 to 30 June 2013 and from November ’13 to Feb’14. Presently there is no NGO in Garhwal and Kumaon region. The hiring of support agency/social consultant/NGO is under process.

18. Scope of Work of NGO: Support agency/Social consultant/NGO is formed as ‘Social Consultant’ and will assist EA for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP), and Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP) in Dehradun, Haridwar& Roorkee towns of Garhwal Region and Nainital, Haldwani& Ramnagar towns of Kumaon Region.

Conducting Community Awareness Campaign Implementation of Resettlement Plan Implementation of Gender Action Plan

19. Valuation Committee (VC) : In July 2010 a Valuation Committee (VC) was constituted at IPMU level for disbursement of payment to the DPs; vide office order no. UUSDIP/122/1699 Dated 22.07.2010. To comply with the agreed Resettlement Framework, the formation of a proper Valuation Committee at town PIU level was constituted for the sub project package WSS02D.

20. For compliance of social safe guard issues & implementation of RP for the balance work of Tranche -II, Process of formation of Valuation committee has been initiated.

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Organizational Chart of Uttrakhand Urban Sector Development

Investment Programme

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Government of India (Gol)

Government of Uttarakhand (GoU)

Executive Agency (UDD)

General Body Chair: Chief Secretary

Executive Committee Chair: Secretary, UDD

Member: Secretary Finance Member: Secretary PWD

Member: Program Director

Investment Program Management Unit

Investment Program Director Staff deputed from relevant

department and ULBs


n C



(UPJN) : Implementing Agency Water Supply & Sewerage

Investment Program Implementation Unit

(PWD) : Implementing Agency Major Roads & Traffic

Management Investment Program Implementation


(ULBs) : Implementing Agency SWM, Minor Roads & Slum

Improvement (Assisted by IPMU Special Cell)


in Districts

Investment Decision and Supervision

Consultants (DSCs)

Investment Program Management

Consultants (IPMC)

Implementation Agency (IA) Investment Program Implementation Unit

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IV. RP Implementation

21. Total 03 Resettlement Plans (RPs) were prepared in Garhwal Region & 03 RPs were prepared in Kumaon Region. All RPs were duly approved by ADB for the subproject packages having temporary Involuntary Resettlement (IR). All the RPs have been revised and further NOC from ADB was availed. The approval status of RPs for various sub-projects under UUSDIP is presented in table 2 below.

Table 2 : Status of Resettlement Plans for Tranche II Dehradun


WSS05DN-Supply Laying, Jointing, Testing & Commissioning of clear water transmission and feeder mains from clear water Reservoir to Over Head Tanks

RP not required


WSS06DN- Design, Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Intake works, Water Treatment Plant, Rehabilitation and up gradation of existing water treatment plant in Dehradun

RP not required


WSS07DN- Water Supply Distribution System for 19 Zones (Zone 4b, 15 , 20, 22 , 27, 17, 23,26,33, 34,35 ,36, 3,5,11,12,13,14&41) in Dehradun- (Clubbing Packages WSS07DN, WSS09DN & WSS10DN)

NOC on 24.08.2011. Combined RP was prepared for these packages for 196 DPs WSS07DN- 53 WSS09DN- 72 WSS10DN- 71


WSS08DN- Supplying, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of Raw Water Gravity Main from Massi Falls up to Shahenshahi Ashram Water Treatment Plant Dehradun

RP not required

5. WSS12DN- Supplying and installing of domestic water meters covering all Domestic & commercial connections in Dehradun

RP not required


6. WSS01RK-Water Supply Distribution System Roorkee

NOC on 24.08.2011, RP was prepared for 73 DPs

7. WSS02RK-Supply and Installation of Domestic Water Meters covering all Domestic & Commercial connection in Roorkee

RP not required


WWM01RK- Providing, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of Sewer Networks including replacement of existing sewer in Amber Talab, Ram Nagar, Old Railway road, Chow Mandi, Sainik colony etc (Zone 2 & 3) of Roorkee

RP was approved for 64 DPs. Updation of RP is under process due

to change of STP Site from Sati Mohalla to Saliar Ibrahimpur.

9. WWM02RK- Construction of 33 MLD Sewerage Treatment Plant in Roorkee.

10. WWM03RK- Providing, Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of Sewer network in Ganeshpur Area (Zone-4) of Roorkee


11. WSS05NL-Providing laying and jointing of distribution mains including fitting, fixing of specials, valves etc and construction of chambers

RP was prepared for 25 APs

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and providing house connection in Nainital

12. WSS06NL- Supply and installation of water meters covering all domestic and commercial connections in the town

RP not required



WSS01HL- Design supply and construction of over head service Reservoirs and connecting Rising Mains with appurtenant works different location at Haldwani Town

RP was prepared for 50 APs


14. WSS01RM- Augmentation and reorganization of water supply scheme at Ramnagar RP was prepared for 201 APs

22. Challenges for Implementation of RP: Due to unavailability of implementing NGO, most of R&R activities are awaited which could be done after mobilization of NGO. In Garhwal Region for Community Awareness and Participation Program (CAPP), an NGO named Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT) was engaged as CAPP consultant from February 2011. CAPP NGO demobilized on 31st May 2013. In Kumaon Region CAPP NGO named Institute for Development Support (IDS) was engaged from Feb 2011 to 30th June 2013 and again from November 2013 to February 2014. CAPP NGO in Kumaon demobilized in March 2014.

23. After the payment of compensation to the DPs under various subprojects, respective resettlement plans will be updated accordingly and will be submitted to ADB for approval. During actual execution of civil works in the corridor where DPs are located, it is likely that impacts will be minimized and avoided. Contractors will be asked to ensure that measures are taken to minimize the loss of access (leaving spaces for access between mounds of soil, providing walkways and metal sheets to maintain access across trenches) are being made to minimize such impacts by using proper work schedule (avoid busy business hours, phased construction schedule, working on one segment at a time on one side of the road) and techniques.

24. The follow up activities for implementation of resettlement plans and delivery of entitlements has been tabulated below. Only the subproject packages having IR impacts were considered.

Table 3: Status on Delivery of entitlements Tranche II

Name of Sub-

project Preparation

of Micro Plan Verification of APs Issuance of ID

cards Entitled

Amount in (Rs.) Compensation Amount paid(Rs

.)Garhwal Region

Clubbing Packages WSS07DN, WSS09DN & WSS10DN- Water Supply Distribution System for 19 Zones (4b, 15, 20, 22, 27, 17,

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing

196 APs identified during RP preparation(Combined RP was prepared for these 3 subproject packages)

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/

Rs 280020 as per RP budget


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Name of Sub-project

Preparation of Micro Plan

Verification of APs Issuance of ID cards

Entitled Amount in (Rs.)

Compensation Amount paid(Rs

.)23, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 41 )

agency/ NGO


WSS01RK-Water Supply Distribution System Roorkee

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/


73 APs identified during RP preparation

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO.

Rs 117249 as per RP budget


WWM01RK- Sewerage System for Ganeshpur Area, Amber Talab Area and Ram Nagar Area of Roorkee Town.

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO

Due to change of STP Site, revised RP will be submit in November, 2014

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/

Due to change of STP Site, revised RP will be submitted in November, 2014


WWM02RK- Construction of 33 MLD STP for Roorkee town

Kumaon RegionWSS05NL- Providing laying and jointing of distribution mains including fitting, fixing of specials, valves etc and construction of chambers and providing house connection in Nainital

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO

Total 25 APs identified during RP preparation. Re verification

survey carried out by DSC-II on 17


September, 2014, in the section where construction work is over and observed that 5 No APs (01 Female) as identified during the preparation of RP residing in this corridor got no disruption to their livelihood.

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO

Rs. 155328.00 as per RP budget


Haldwani WSS01HL- Design supply and construction of over head service Reservoirs and connecting Rising Mains with appurtenant works different location at Haldwani Town

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO

Total 50 APs identified during RP preparation. Re verification survey carried out by DSC-II on 30

th October, 2014,

in the section where construction work is over and observed that 4 No APs (02 SC) as identified during the preparation of RP residing in this corridor got no disruption to their livelihood.

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO

Rs. 189655.00 as per RP budget


Ramnagar WSS01RM- R&R activities Total 201 APs R&R activities Rs. 381838.80 NIL

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Name of Sub-project

Preparation of Micro Plan

Verification of APs Issuance of ID cards

Entitled Amount in (Rs.)

Compensation Amount paid(Rs

.)Augmentation and reorganization of water supply scheme at Ramnagar

awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO

identified during RP preparation

awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing agency/ NGO

as per RP budget

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V. Consultation and Participation 25. Till May, 2013 CAPP NGOs has organized the public awareness campaigns for appraising the short-term inconveniences and long term benefits of the project in order to gain full support of the beneficiaries. CAPP has also been helpful to make beneficiaries aware of preventive care to avoid environmental health related hazards during construction and of their responsibilities to avoid wastage of water, including issues such as water rates, metering, user charges and property tax reform etc. for achieving the goals of the Investment Program in totality.

26. An awareness program was organized on 11.12.2014 at Dehradun to generate awareness among the community about sanitation. Hon`ble Chief Minister, Uttarakhand was the chief guest at the program.

27. Two public consultation meeting were organized for relocation of temple. One meeting was organized with community members on 08.08.2014 & another meeting was organized on 19.08.2014 with Chief Executive Officer, Municipal Corporation, Dehradun, DPD –UUSDIP, and other stakeholders at the premises of temple for obtaining a public consent for relocation of temple. During the consultations, options for relocation of temple and deity with the consent of committee members, devotees and local people was discussed. Chief Executive Officer, Municipal Corporation, Dehradun, suggested to relocate the temple on Government Land (plot no-206) with area 0.0430 ha opposite the present temple site across the NH-72.

28. Two consultation was organized with community members on 21.01.2015 and 23.02.2015 at STP site and Adarsh Nagar Roorkee respectively and an effort has been made to help people understand the positive impacts and benefits from the project and get their participation in the project. The grievance of the community were recorded during the consultation and forwarded to concerned official for resolving them.

29. For Updation of RP WWM01D, WWM02D, WWM03D& WWM04D, the Consultants have analyzed the potential impact on women folk by means of undertaking FGDs during the course of social assessments. 15 women- headed households were identified having their heads as woman among the APs.

30. Objective of consultations -

establish rapport between the project affected persons and other stakeholders for the success of the project;

build an environment where people understand and appreciate the need and importance of the project;

learn from the people about the issues in terms of the regional linkages, safety, and other social dimensions of the region/ area that need to be considered while execution of the project;

facilitate the partnership and ownership of the community through their involvement in the decision making process; and

understand and incorporate the views of the people in the execution process in order to minimize the future resistance and delays.

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Recording/registering the grievance for redressal by the competent authority/stakeholders.

Table 4: Summary of Public Consultations

S.NO Date Venue subject No. of participants


Male Female


1 08.08.2014 Dehradun Relocation of temple at Kargi Zone

23 268 The objective of these consultation was to take consent of public for relocation of temple.

Temple trustee/members & local public have given consent for relocation of temple.

2 19.08.2014 Dehradun Relocation of temple at Kargi Zone

23 The objective of these consultation was to take consent of public and government on the proposed relocation site.

Chief Executive officer Municipal Corporation, Dehradun has allowed/consented to relocate the temple on Government Land Plot No- 206 area 0.430 Ha Opposite the present temple site across the NH-72.

Chief Executive office Municipal corporation, Dehradun has given “No Objection certificate (NOC)” vide letter no. 368 dated 12.09.2014 for relocation of CPR.

3 11.012.2015 Dehradun Sanitation awareness program

392 219 Awareness about the program. Hon`ble Chief Minister, Uttarakhand was the chief guest of the program.


4 21.01.2015 STP site, Roorkee

Public awareness

8 10 Community awareness on project components

5 23.02.2015 OHT site Adarsh Nagar Roorkee

Public awareness and grievance redress

17 8 Provide information to the community about the project and seek their participation in the project. The grievance of the community were recorded and forwarded to concerned official for resolving them.

VI. Public Disclosure

All the RPs prepared under UUSDIP has been disclosed on the Program website ( as well as on ADB website. The RPs are also available in the Program units- IPIU and IPMU. Simplified version of the RP and the Entitlement Matrix has been prepared in local language (Hindi) and distributed in the form of handbills to the concerned stakeholders. During preparation of Micro Plans DPs were duly consulted and this practice will be carried throughout the Program implementation. The handbills were attached in the earlier reports.

31. The internal monitoring reports have been disclosed on the Program website as well as on ADB website. As per the loan agreement the Social Monitoring Reports will be prepared quarterly and would be duly uploaded on the websites.

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VII. Grievance Redressal Mechanism

32. For redressal of grievances provisions have been made at PIU Dehradun, PIU Roorkee & PIU Nainital to record and redress public grievances. The process so designed has the following 2 modes for recording the grievances;

A separate corner has been created under the existing website A toll free number (18001804159) has been procured under UUSDIP for registering


33. The Town Level Committee (TLC), acting as a grievance redress committee (GRC) is chaired by the Mayor or Chairperson with representatives ward members, the district magistrate, collector, commissioner, special area development authority, Uttarakhand Pey Jal Nigam UPJN, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan UJS, Public works Department PWD, business, and civil society. Although GRC meets at a regular interval.

34. Till now, 459 grievances were recorded. Out of 459 grievances 450 has been redressed & 09 is under process.

Table 5: Grievances Recorded and addressed

Grievance recorded till Dec. 2014

Grievance recorded in the Qtr (Jan. to March, 2015)

Grievance Resolved till date


257 14 229 Rest of the grievances were related to other departments.

VIII. Income Restoration Activities

35. DPs were provided advance information regarding the upcoming construction activities to ensure no or minimum disruption in their livelihood. If, and when required they will be assisted in temporary shift for the continued economic and livelihood activities. For example, the affected DPs will be assisted to shift to the other side of the road, where there is no construction activity. Ensuing there is no income or access loss during subproject construction which is the responsibility of the contractor.

36. Willing and vulnerable DPs/AFs would be given priority in project construction employment. No permanent involuntary resettlement impacts were identified resulting into shift of trade or economic activity for the DPs/AFs

IX. Land Acquisition

37. There is no land acquisition for any of the subprojects under Tranche II. The Investment Program has minimized resettlement impacts by prioritizing rehabilitation and

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optimization work within existing facilities’ or premises. New construction is proposed on vacant Government land where feasible.

38. However if land acquisition is required at any stage of the subproject implementation then the process will be in accordance with guidelines laid in the Resettlement Framework of UUSDIP&also as per existing applicable acts & laws.

X. Relocation Sites

39. Since there is no land acquisition & displacement in the project, so relocation site is not required for this project. All the impacts under Tranche II are temporary in nature and confined to mobile vendors and roadside shops in busy market areas.

XI. Replacement of Community Assets

40. There is no replacement of community assets .

XII. Monitoring

41. In principal resettlement activities are implemented in accordance with the Resettlement Plans prepared for the subprojects as category “B”. Due to this internal monitoring of implementation of RP has been done by UUSDIP & DSCs. The table below summarizes the implementation activities as indicated in RPs.

Table 6: Status and stages of Resettlement Plan Implementation Sl.No Activities Status Remarks

1. Census survey for updation of RPs

Done All the RPs of Tranche I has been updated based on census survey. Refer to table 3 for details.

2. Preparation and updation of RPs

Done All the RPs of Tranche I has been updated based on census survey. Refer to table 3 for details. However this is a continuous process and subproject specific RPs would be updated after actual payment of compensation to DPs.

3. RP review and approval

Done All the RPs are duly approved by ADB.

4. Issue notice to DPs

Prior information (through community meetings and discussions)

After demobilization of CAPP NGO, IPMU, DSC, PIU Staff & Contractor are involved for issuing notice through ward member, elite member of the construction site & public consultation meetings.

5. Compensation and resettlement assistance

Being implemented case by case basis.

In Kumaon region under subproject package WSS05NL re verification survey carried out by DSC II in the section where construction work is over and observed that 58 DPs (01 Female) as identified during the preparation of RP residing in this corridor got no disruption to their livelihood.

In Kumaon region under subproject Package WSS01HL re verification survey carried out by DSC-II in the section where construction work is over and observed that 4 DPs (02 SC) as identified during the preparation of RP residing in

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Sl.No Activities Status Remarksthis corridor got no disruption to their livelihood.

6. Relocation as required

No need for any permanent relocation.

DPs are being provided with prior information before civil work, would be provided assistance in relocation to the other side of road where necessary for their continued business activities.

7. Takeover possession of acquired property

No such property under possession of any private party was acquired.

8. Rehabilitation of temporarily occupied lands


9. Consultations with DPs during rehabilitation activities

Done. Continuous process

Community meetings were being organized on a regular basis as well up to May 2013 by the CAPP NGO

At present Community meetings including feedback of affected persons are being organized by the SCDO UUSDIP, RM&ME of DSC-1.

10. Grievance redressal

Done. Continuous activity

A separate corner has been created under the existing website

A toll free number (18001804159) has been procured under UUSDIP for registering grievances.

After demobilization of CAPP NGO, Grievance/complaint register has been maintained at IPMU, PIU level and assistance by DSC

11. Internal monitoring

Done. Continuous activity

Social Monitoring Reports are being prepared on quarterly basis by RM&ME of DSCs

42. Status of compliance with Covenants: Dissemination of information and orientation on HIV/AIDS and other STDs were provided to the labors residing on the various labor camps as a part of the health and hygiene awareness program conducted by the CAPP NGOs in program towns till demobilization.

43. After demobilization of CAPP NGO, periodic visits have been conducted by the SCDO-UUSDIP, RM&ME DSC-1& DSC-2 as a part of the program to ensure healthy living conditions at the labor camps. Contractor representatives and laborers were oriented on the importance of equal wages for men and women involved in the construction activities. The labors were also oriented on the use of personal safety equipments like wearing of gloves, helmets, boots etc. The table below provides the compliance status with the covenants achieved under UUSDIP.

Table 7: Status of compliance with Covenants

Covenants items

Compliance status

Responsible Agency

Land Acquisition and ResettlementThe State through the EA shall undertake the Project in accordance with the Borrower’s and State laws and regulations, ADB’s Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (1995) and the Resettlement Framework (RF).

Complied. Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency /

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Covenants items

Compliance status

Responsible Agency UUSDIP

The State through the EA shall ensure that to the extent possible, Subprojects will not require land acquisition or involuntary resettlement; however, if and acquisition and /or involuntary resettlement are required for any subproject; the EA shall ensure following (i) a RP for the Subproject, acceptable to ADB is prepared, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the RF, and submitted to ADB for review and approval before award of related civil works contract proper consultation during preparation of the RP with the affected persons, as also disclosure of the RP to the affected persons including information on land acquisition and compensation process undertaken; (ii) All land, rights of way and other land-related rights required for the Subproject are acquired or made available; (iii) All affected persons are compensated and paid resettlement assistance in accordance with the agreed RP, before award of civil works contracts of the related subproject including any section-wise handover thereof, strictly in accordance with the stipulation in the related civil works contract. If during detailed design and implementation, any modification and/additional land acquisition or involuntary resettlement impacts are identified, the RP will be prepared (or modified if existing) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the RF and prior approval of ADB obtained before further implementation of the RP and the Subproject; (iv) Ensure that efficient grievance redressal mechanisms are in place in accordance with the related RP to assist affected persons resolve queries and complaints if any, in a timely manner; and (v) Ensure that all compensation at replacement value for acquired assets made to affected persons well in advance for them to make alternative arrangements, before award of civil works contracts.

Being complied with.

Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency / UUSDIP

Indigenous PeoplesThe State through the EA shall ensure that if any impact is identified during planning, design, or implementation of any Subproject on indigenous peoples, that an Indigenous Peoples Development Plan (IPDP) or integration of specific actions for the indigenous people in the RP is prepared in accordance with ADB’s Policy on Indigenous Peoples (1998) and the Indigenous Peoples Development Framework (IPDF) and that the same is further approved by ADB before award of related civil works contract, and (ii) implementation before commencement of related civil works contract. Any updating or revision of the IPDP due to change in detailed designs or during implementation shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the IPDF and prior approval of ADB obtained before further implementation of the IPDP and the Subproject.

Being complied With.

Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency / UUSDIP

Social Issues The State through the EA shall ensure that civil works contracts under the Project follow all applicable labor laws of the Borrower and the State and that these further include provisions to the effect that contractors; (i) carry out HIV/AIDS awareness programs for labor and disseminate information at worksites on risks of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/ADIS as part of health and safety measures for those employed during construction; and (ii) follow and implement all statutory provisions on labor (including not employing or using children as labor and equal pay for equal work), health, safety, welfare, sanitation, and working conditions. Such contracts

Being complied with.

Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency / UUSDIP

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Covenants items

Compliance status

Responsible Agency

shall also include clauses for termination by the State or EA in case of any breach of the stated provisions by the contractors.

XIII. Implementation of GAP

44. “Gender Action Plan Guidelines for the UUSDIP Sub-projects” and “Gender Action Plan (GAP) Monitoring Format” has been developed under UUSDIP. These documents were circulated to DSCs, PIUs and other stakeholders for reference as well as to incorporate gender guidelines during planning and implementation of all types of subproject activities. Status of Implementation of GAP has been tabulated below:-

Table 8: Status of Implementation of GAP

Activities, Indicators and Targets

Progress to Date Issues and Challenges

Progress for the Quarter (January to April 2015)

Cumulative Progress (August

2014 to March 2015

Output 1: Water supply infrastructure improved in Dehradun, Nainital, Haldwani, Ramnagar and Roorkee; Sewerage infrastructure improved in Roorkee Activity 1.1: Public information awareness-raising campaigns on water supply and sanitation Indicator 1: Four project awareness-raising seminars/ meetings conducted for each of five project town (Nainital, Dehradun, Haldwani, Roorkee and Ramnagar)` Target: At least 50% women participation

in Nainital, At least 30% women participation

in Dehradun and Haldwani, At least 25% women participation

in Roorkee, At least 20% women participation

in Ramnagar Indicator 2: Two billboards on the project highlighting its benefits to women and the poor put up in strategic places in each project town (2*31 towns=62 billboards) Indicator 3: One audio-visual presentation (educational video) on gender in water supply and sanitation produced, for use in public orientation seminars

6 Public consultations have been organized at Roorkee and Dehradun . A total of 49 women and 62 men participated in the program. The objective was to Aware community about the

program and provide information on long term benefit of the program.

Sharing problems community face during implementation of the work.

Social safety and security of women and adolescent girls.

Safeguard measures.

Sanitation awareness program was organized on 10th December 2014 at Dehradun. 219 women and 392 men sanitation workers participated in the program. Hon`ble Chief Minister was the chief guest of the program. The objective of the program was to generate awareness about sanitation among the community.

9 public consultations have been organized at Roorkee and Dehradun. A total of 49 women and 108 men participated in the program. The objective was to Aware community

about the program and provide information on long term benefit of the program.

Sharing problems community face during implementation of the work.

Social safety and

The CAPP NGO has been demobilized in February 2014 in Nainital and June 2013 in Dehradun.

The process of hiring NGO is in progress.

The activities can be implemented effectively after mobilization of NGO.

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security of women and adolescent girls

Safeguard measures.

Activity 1.2: Identify the BPL households and poor FHHs3 for targeting in the provision of subsidized connections and water fee rates Indicator: Roster of BPL HHs and poor FHHs developed for each project town

Segregated data is being maintained at PIU level.

Activity 1.3: Develop a pro-vulnerability4 schedule of tariffs for water supply and sewerage. Indicator: Pro-vulnerability schedule of tariffs developed and adopted

Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan GO No. 118/29 (1)/ 2013-(59P)/ 2004 dated 29 January 2013 on schedule of tariffs has been collected.

Activity 1.4: Provide subsidized (or on concessionary rates) individual water connections, water meters, and sewerage connections to BPL households and poor FHHs in each project town. Indicator: 38,000 of BPL households and poor FHHs (approximately, 19% of total HHs) in each project town provided with subsidized individual water supply and sewerage connections and meters. Target: Approx. 19% of households in each project town

Activity 1.5: Ensure implementation of core labor standards for all workers employed in construction and rehabilitation work, including the protection of women workers from any form of sexual harassment, discrimination and violence. Indicators 1: Inclusion of a provision in contracts of sub-projects ensuring the implementation of core labor standards, including the protection of women workers from any form of sexual harassment, discrimination, and violence. Target: All bidding documents/contract agreements Indicator 2: Safe and humane living

Site visits were organized at construction sites and labor camps of WSS05DN, WSS06DN, WWM02RD(RT), WSS01RK, WSS05NL, WSS01RM packages. The labor (6 women and 33 men) at the sites were provided information on the importance of safety measures to be followed at the construction sites . The labors were oriented on the use of personal safety equipments like wearing of gloves, helmets, boots etc. The labors were also provided information about their rights. The

Core labor standard implementation is mentioned in all the contract agreements

3 Female-headed household (FHH) refers to households without adult males, widows, separated, divorces, unmarried and ‘de facto’ women

heads whose husbands have migrated for work for long period of time. 4 Vulnerable households” is defined as those fulfilling five or more of the following criteria: (i) household belongs to most backward

communities, (ii) head of household is a woman, (iii) head of household is illiterate, (iv) head of household is working as a daily wage

laborer, (v) household with income below poverty line, and (vi) household residing in a kutcha house.

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quarters are provided for all workers, including separate quarters for women. Target: All project construction sites

contractor (5 persons, 4 at Dehradun and 1 at Roorkee) was also oriented for providing facilities to the labors at the sites and the camps.

The contract agreements of all contracts has the provision of core labor standard.

A letter has been sent to all the PIUs for ensuring organization of awareness camps on HIV/AIDs and health camps by the contractor.

Health check up camp for the labor was organized on 20th April at Dehradun for for labor (33 labors (30 men and 03 women) of WSS096DN.

Health check up camp was organized on 24.042015 at Roorkee for 36 labor s (15 women and 21 men) of WW01RK.

Output 2: Operations and maintenance (O&M) of the assets created by the subprojects improved in Nainital Activity 2.1: Employment of women in O&M included in subproject contracts at the same pay level as their men counterparts Target and indicator: Provisions for the employment of at least 25% women in O&M are included in subproject contracts

Discussion with Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan is being done this and could be finally decided most probably in the month of June.

Activity 2.2:Training poor women on O&M of water supply and sewerage Target and indicator:30 poor women ((who have the aptitude and appropriate educational background)

Activity 2.3: Employ women in O&M work Target and Indicator: 18 women (25% of total)

Output 3. Project planning, management and implementation skills and transparency enhanced in UUSDA Activity 3.1: Employ at least 15% women in expert positions and at least 30% women in junior/support positions in project management and implementation. Target and indicator: At least 2 women in PMU, 3 women in entire PIUs, 3 women in PMC and 3 women each DSC

PMU level At expert position- 1 women, SCDO Project Management – 1, Account Assistant Support Staff = 1 DSCs Project Management – 1 Expert position – 1

Activity 3.2: Develop training modules on gender sensitive project management and implementation. Target and indicator: Two training modules

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Activity 3.3: Conduct trainings on gender sensitive project management and implementation to all project staff of PMU, PIU, PMC, DSC, and CAPP-NGOs. Indicator: Two trainings Target: All project staff of PMU, PIU, PMC, DSC, and CAPP- NGOs

Activity 3.4: Incorporate gender indicators in PMIS Target and indicator: PMIS developed with gender indicators and populated with sex-disaggregated data

Activity 3.5: Conduct trainings or other capacity building activities on gender-responsive and social-inclusive governance, and planning and management of O&M Indicator: Elected ULB officials trained on gender-responsive and social-inclusive governance, and planning and management of O&M. Target: All elected ULB officials

BPL = below poverty line, CAPP = Community Awareness and Participation Program, DSC = design and supervision consultants, FHH = female-headed household, NGO = nongovernment organizations, O&M = operations and maintenance, PIU = project implementation unit, PMC = project management consultants, PMIS = project management information system, PMU = project management unit, ULB = urban local body, UUSDA = Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency.

XIV. Critical Issues

Disbursement of compensation is still pending with IPIU.

Mobilization of Social Consultant/NGO is still pending.

Good Practices

Series of public consultation and disclosure policy has been very helpful for smooth implementation of work: For example series of discussion and consultation with the farmers (title-holders) resulted in pipe line laying without any problem through their agricultural land. Amount of compensation was also decided after due consultation with the DPs. An agreement for future O&M was also made with the families.

Transparent procedure in the form of formation and involvement of TLC and Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) was actually helpful in projecting the transparent nature of work and ensured participation.

DPs were provided advance information regarding the upcoming construction activities to ensure no or minimum disruption in their livelihood. If, and when required they will be assisted in temporary shift for the continued economic and livelihood activities. For example, the affected DPs will be assisted to shift to the other side of the road, where there is no construction activity. Ensuing there is no income or access loss during subproject construction which is the responsibility of the contractor.

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A separate corner has been created under the existing website and a toll free number (18001804159) has been procured under UUSDIP for registering grievances.

“Gender Action Plan Guidelines for the UUSDIP Sub-projects” and “Gender Action Plan (GAP) Monitoring Format” has been developed under UUSDIP. These documents were circulated to DSCs & PIUs for reference as well as to incorporate gender guidelines during planning and implementation of all types of subproject activities.

For minimizing the socio-economic impact and maintaining the quality, project has provision of laying of HDPE pipe which is light in weight and each pipe is of length of 6 mtrs. The laying is easy as compared to the earlier proposed pipe of RCC which was of 2.5 mtrs length only. Joining each pipe was manual and time consuming, this has drastically been reduced by use of HDPE pipe where number of joints has reduced because of larger length of the pipe and also the joints are made using latest electro-mechanical device. The use of HDPE pipe has overall minimized the time of laying, earlier the trench had to be open overnight sometime for two to three days for completing the work. Thus use of HDPE pipe has minimized the time of laying and also the excavation width resulted reduced affected persons & number of days of loss of livelihood.

Site visits were made and consultations were organized in order to assess the impact based on the detailed engineering design. It was envisaged that the impact of laying sewer lines will be restricted to the lanes and streets having width less than or equal to 3.5 mtr because of the reason that enough of space remain available in lanes having width more than 3.5 mtr which provides enough width for movement and thus has no impact in such lanes.

Periodic visits have been conducted by the SCDO-UUSDIP, RM&ME DSC-1&2 as a part of the program to ensure healthy living conditions at the labor camps. Contractor representatives and laborers were oriented on the importance of equal wages for men and women involved in the construction activities.

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Appendix 1 Subproject Wise Summary Tables – Tranche II

A-1 Supply, Laying, jointing ,Testing and Commissioning of clear water transmission and feeder mains from various clear water Reservoir to Over Head Tanks in Dehradun city – WSS05DN

 1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components Supplying, laying, jointing, Testing and

Commissioning of DI K 7 and K 9 pipe lines for rising mains and feeder mains in the water supply system of Dehradun city. It is further proposed to design transmission main from Dilaram Bazaar water work to supply water to OHT in lower zones with view to save on energy charges in the lower zones for achieving on energy charges.

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA and R&R

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress 1. Procured DI Pipes: 13761.50 m

2. Laid DI Pipes: 9858.94 m 3. Tested DI Pipes: 3732.62 m 4. Road Restoration: 2.69 km 5. Thrust Block Constructed: 47 Nos 6. RCC Air Valve Chamber Constructed: 03 Nos Total Physical Progress-43.8%.

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Continuous process. c) Obtaining NOCs etc. Proposal under preparation 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Proposed Subproject components do not involve LA

and any R&R issues. Hence RP is not prepared. b) Difference of LA and DPs that from

approved RP Total land in Ha: Nil. Total DPs: Nil

c) Compensation for LA NA d) Compensation for Temporary DPs NA e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) NA f) Revised Total RP Budget (only

compensation) NA

g) RP updating , submission to the ADB and its approval


4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) NA

b) Total ID cards issued till date NA c) Progress of compensation payment

(Total number of DPs paid) NA

d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)


5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Regular cluster level meetings conducted on

monthly frequency basis as public disclosure process by the CAPP NGOs up to mobilization date May, 2013.

Periodic visits/ have been conducted by the SCDO-UUSDIP, RM&ME DSC-1 as a part of the program

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b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs Nil. c) Total grievances recorded (with details) As a part of Grievance redressal mechanism public

grievances are captured and addressed by CAPP NGO and IPIU.

d) Total grievances addressed completely and closed

All the grievances received in Dehradun with mitigation measures are tabulated & resolved.

6 Institutions Involved and Contacted a) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update RP verification activity is not required for this particular subproject.

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

RP not required for this subproject.

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

1. Nagar Nigam, Dehradun 2. Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan 3. Pey Jal Nigam

  For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).



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A-2 Design, Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Intake works, Water Treatment Plant, Rehabilitation and up gradation of existing Water Treatment Plants in Dehradun City– WSS06DN

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components This subproject involves as following works.

1.Design and Construction of 15 mld conventional Water Treatment Plant and 10 mld Water Softening Plant at Purukul Gram including construction of Intake works at Galogi Power House , including Design and Construction of water treatment units and Rehabilitation 2. Up-gradation of Dilaram Bazaar WTP for enhancing of the plant capacity from 20 mld to 27.5 mld and Rehabilitation and up-gradation of Existing water Treatment Plants of 14 mld capacity at Shehanshai Ashram in Dehradun city including Operation and Maintenance of all water treatment plants for the period of three years.

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA and R&R as the proposed works are to be constructed on existing lands under ownership of UJS.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress Galogi Intake:

• Structural Drawing submitted on 01.11.2014 to PIU-1 for approval Purukulgram WTP (New Work): • Process Design/ Drg is Approved on 12.11.2014 • Demolition of existing units completed Approach Road: 5.5m width 727 m completed. Staff Quarter: • Plumbing, Electrical & finishing works are under progress. Chemical House: • Brick Masonry for walls and 2nd lift column casting under progress. Retaining wall: • 4m-15m, 3m-4.8m, 2.4m-90.52m length(Total-110.32m) in eastern side of the site completed. • Raft of 8m Rtn wall back side of Chemical House is under progress for length 21 m & southern side 2.4m Rtn wall for length 20m is under progress. CWR 350KL • Top Dome work is completed and ventilation above Dome, finishing works are under progressClarifloculator • Finishing works are under progress. Filter House: • Earth works excavation for foundation & PCC for 17 out of 37 casted and Reinforcement works are under progress. Shahenshahi Ashram WTP (Rehabilitation Work): • Rehabilitation works in 1st Settling tank fixing of truff& channel are -Completed, Laying of Tube Settlers are under progress and laying of Filter media for 1st Filter bed is under progress Wash Water Tank: Earth work excavation for foundation & PCC -Completed

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Chlorination Room: Earth work excavation for foundation under progress. Dilaram Bazar WTP(20MLD) (Rehabilitation Work) • Rehabilitation works in 1st Settling tank works are under progress Flocculator-20MLD: RCC for Raft Casted and Side wall shuttering works are under progress. Dilaram Bazar WTP (7.5 MLD) (New Work): Filter House: Foundation works -Completed & Filter units above GL brick masonry for walls and column casting, Filter units are under progress. Sedimentation Tank: Earth works excavation & PCC is -Completed & RCC footing & column upto bottom level of Raft -Completed. Aeration Fountain: RCC footing casted and columns are under progress. Total Physical Progress-24%.

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Not Arising. c) Obtaining NOCs etc. Already obtained from UJS. 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Proposed Subproject components do not involve LA

and any R&R issues. Hence RP is not prepared.

b) Difference of LA and DPs that from approved RP

Total land in Ha: Nil.

Total DPs: Nil

c) Compensation for LA NA

d) Compensation for Temporary DPs NA

e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) NA

f) Revised Total RP Budget (only compensation)


g) RP updating, submission to the ADB and its approval


4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) NA

b) Total ID cards issued till date NA

c) Progress of compensation payment (Total number of DPs paid)


d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)


5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Regular cluster level meetings conducted on

monthly frequency basis as public disclosure process by the CAPP NGOs up to mobilization date May, 2013.

Periodic visits/ have been conducted by the SCDO-UUSDIP, RM&ME DSC-1 as a part of the program

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b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs Nil.

c) Total grievances recorded (with details) As a part of Grievance redressal mechanism public grievances are captured and addressed at IPIU level.

d) Total grievances addressed completely and closed

All the grievances received in Dehradun with mitigation measures are tabulated in IPIU.

6 Institutions Involved and Contacted a) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update RP verification activity is not required for this particular subproject.

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

RP not required for this subproject.

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

1. Nagar Nigam, Dehradun 2. Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan 3. Pey Jal Nigam

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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A-3 Water Supply Distribution System for 19 Zones in Dehradun City– clubbed WSS07DN (WSS07DN, WSS09DN & WSS10DN)

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project

components This sub works involves water supply distribution system for 19 Zones (Zone 4b,15,20,22,27,17,23,26,33,34,35,36,3,5,11,12,13,14& 41) in Dehradun WSS07DN(clubbing all packages (WSS07DN,WSS09DN and WSS10DN)

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA and R&R

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress 1. Construction Drgs has been issued to the Contractor.

2. Work Plan has been issued to Contractor 3. EC for DI Pipes/Valves have been recommended. 4. Scrutiny of other documents submitted by M/sJITF is

completed. 5. Permission for Road cutting/ laying of water supply

pipelines for 7 Zones have been provided to the Contractor.

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting c) Obtaining NOCs etc. Proposal under preparation 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Proposed Subproject components do not involve LA and

any R&R issues. Hence RP is not prepared.

b) Difference of LA and DPs that from approved RP

Total land in Ha: Nil.

Total DPs: 196

c) Compensation for LA NA

d) Compensation for Temporary DPs Rs 280020

e) Compensation (others, if any-mention)


f) Revised Total RP Budget (only compensation)

Yet to be revised

g) RP updating , submission to the ADB and its approval


4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and

completion date) R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing NGO/agency

b) Total ID cards issued till date Not started

c) Progress of compensation payment (Total number of DPs paid)


d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)


5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Proceduresa) Consultations and Disclosure

Meetings Regular cluster level meetings conducted on monthly

frequency basis as public disclosure process by the CAPP NGOs up to demobilization date May,2013.

Periodic visits/ have been conducted by the SCDO-UUSDIP, RM&ME DSC-1 as a part of the program

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b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs


c) Total grievances recorded (with details)

As a part of Grievance redressal mechanism public grievances are captured and addressed IPIU.

d) Total grievances addressed completely and closed

All the grievances received in Dehradun with mitigation measures are tabulated by IPIU.

6 Institutions Involved and Contacteda) Institutions involved for RP

verification and update ToR prepared & submitted for competent approval reg. hiring/engagement of Social Consultant/NGOs for RP verification &Updation

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

ToR prepared & submitted for competent approval reg. hiring/engagement of Social Consultant/NGOs for RP verification &Updation

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

1. Nagar Nigam, Dehradun 2. Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan 3. Pey Jal Nigam

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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A-4 Water Supply Distribution System for 10 Zones in Dehradun City– WSS08DN

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components Supplying, laying, Jointing, testing and

commissioning of Raw Water Gravity Main from Massi falls up to Shahenshahi Ashram Water Treatment Plant Dehradun

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA and R&R.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress 1. Procured MS Pipes: 1998.00m

2. Laid MS Pipes: 1980.79m 3. Tested MS Pipes: 1980.79m 4. CI Valves Fixed: 7Nos 5. Thrust Blocks Constructed: 61Nos. 6. Pre-commissioning done on 16.11.2014 7. Retaining Wall: 8 m, RRM work completed near

Kallukhalla 8. 300mm MS Pipe welding under progress for

diversion of water in source (Massi Fall) 9. Fabrication for Thrust Block under progress

between source 0m chainage to 250m 10. Excavation for RCC support for SCV under

progress at KalluKhalla 11. Contractor has requested for Extension of

Time Total Physical Progress-97.3%.

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Not required c) Obtaining NOCs etc. Not required 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Not needed b) Difference of LA and DPs that from

approved RP NA

c) Compensation for LA NA d) Compensation for Temporary DPs NA e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) NA f) Revised Total RP Budget (only

compensation) NA

g) RP updation, submission to the ADB and its approval


4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) NA

b) Total ID cards issued till date NA c) Progress of compensation payment

(Total number of DPs paid) NA

d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)


5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Regular cluster level meetings conducted on

monthly frequency basis as public disclosure process by the CAPP NGOs up to demobilization date May,2013.

Periodic visits/ have been conducted by the SCDO-UUSDIP, RM&ME DSC-1 as a part of the program

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b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs Nil.

c) Total grievances recorded (with details) As a part of Grievance redressal mechanism public grievances are captured and addressed by IPIU.

d) Total grievances addressed completely and closed

All the grievances received in Dehradun with mitigation measures are tabulated by IPIU.

6 Institutions Involved and Contacted a) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update Not required

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

Not required

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

1. Nagar Nigam, Dehradun 2. Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan 3. Pey Jal Nigam

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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A-5 Water Supply Distribution system of Roorkee Town -WSS01RK

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components This work consists of Supplying, laying, testing and

commissioning of Water supply distribution network for the town of Roorkee. 5 New OHT are proposed to be constructed and all the related appurtenances such as Valves etc. are also proposed to be installed under this package. Total length of pipelines is 215 km.

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA and R&R as land for the OHT construction is already vacant and in possession of concerned authorities. Pipe laying in the market area requires R&R.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress Supply – 145.64 Km (HDPE-136.25Km,DI-9.39Km)

Laid - 139.66 Km (HDPE-134.33Km,DI-5.33 Km) Tested - 123.86 Km (HDPE-120.69Km,DI-3.16Km) Fixing of Valves- 50 Nos. House Service Connections – 8827 Nos CC Road Restoration- 101.13 Km Paver Block Restoration-3.00KM OHSR (5 No’s) Padav: Super structure for Staircase Cabin are in Progress. Indira Park: Concreting of Dome top slab completed. Fixing of Manhole is in progress. Sub structure of Staircase cabin in progress. MaqtoolPuri: Concreting of Bottom Dome Slab in progress. Ganeshpur: Design and Drawings of OHSR on New Land has been approved from PIU. Adarsh Nagar: Excavation for foundation is in progress. Legal issues are proceeding at Civil Court, Roorkee and Hon'ble High Court, Nainital. Total Physical Progress- 64.96%.

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Not started c) Obtaining NOCs etc. NOC obtained. 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of

resettlement implementing NGO/agency b) Difference of LA and DPs that from

approved RP A total of 73 vendors, squatters, and encroachers will be temporarily affected during construction. Verification process not started yet.

c) Compensation for LA Not Applicable d) Compensation for Temporary DPs R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of

resettlement implementing NGO/agency e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) Not Started f) Revised Total RP Budget (only

compensation) Not Started

g) RP updating, submission to the ADB and its approval

RP submitted on 3 rd June 2011

4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing NGO/agency

b) Total ID cards issued till date R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of

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resettlement implementing NGO/agency c) Progress of compensation payment

(Total number of DPs paid) R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing NGO/agency

d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)

R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing NGO/agency

5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Proceduresa) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Disclosure meeting held on 20.09.2011(annexed in

the report) b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs Not Started c) Total grievances recorded (with details) Not Started d) Total grievances addressed completely

and closed Not Started

6 Institutions Involved and Contacteda) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update ToR prepared & submitted for competent approval reg. hiring/engagement of Social Consultant/NGOs for RP verification &Updation

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

ToRapproved under CSRN for hiring/engagement of Social Consultant/NGOs for RP verification &Updation

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

Nagar Palika Roorkee Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan Pey Jal Nigam

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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A-6 Supply and installation of Domestic water meters covering all Domestic and commercial connections in Roorkee town– WSS02RK

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components This works involves Supply and installation of Domestic

water meters covering all Domestic and commercial connections in Roorkee town in various dia. Ranging from 15mm dia. to 100mm dia. These meters are compatible to future AMR. The works further include supply of Hand held units for automatic meter reading (2 no.) and supply of repeater unit (2 no.) and necessary software for water billing and also other accessories like strainers ,cocks etc.

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA and R&R.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress Bid Document prepared and DPR submitted. b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Not Started c) Obtaining NOCs etc. NOC obtained 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Not needed b) Difference of LA and DPs that from

approved RP NA

c) Compensation for LA NA d) Compensation for Temporary DPs NA e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) NA f) Revised Total RP Budget (only

compensation) NA

g) RP updating , submission to the ADB and its approval


4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) NA

b) Total ID cards issued till date NA c) Progress of compensation payment

(Total number of DPs paid) NA

d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)


5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Disclosure meeting held on 20.09.2011(annexed in the

report) b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs NA c) Total grievances recorded (with details) NA d) Total grievances addressed completely

and closed NA

6 Institutions Involved and Contacted a) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update Not required

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

Not required

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

Pey Jal Nigam

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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A-7 Sewerage system for Amber Talab, Ram Nagar, Old Railway Road, Chow Mandi, Sainik Colony etc (Sewered Area) (Zone-2&3) Roorkee –WWM01RK

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components This work involves Supply, Laying and Installation

of Waste Water Collection network for Amber Talab, Ram Nagar, Old Railway Road, Chow Mandi, Sainik Colony etc (Sewered Area) (Zone-2&3) of Roorkee town

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA. Pipe laying on the roads where vendors and squatters do their business requires R&R

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress Re-Tendering is under progress:

• IFB for Re-bidding is published on 14.03.2015. • Pre-Bid Meeting was held on 30.03.2015, Reply to Pre-Bid Queries has been submitted. • Last date for bid submission Extended to 30.04.2015 (Original was 15.04.2015)

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Not started c) Obtaining NOCs etc. NOC obtained 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Previous RP was approved for totalof 64 vendors,

squatters, and encroachers will be temporarily affected during construction. Due to change of STP site, process for updation of RP is under progress .

b) Difference of LA and DPs that from approved RP

Due to change of STP site, process for updation of RP is under progress .

c) Compensation for LA Not Applicable d) Compensation for Temporary DPs Not started e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) Not started f) Revised Total RP Budget (only

compensation) Due to change of STP site process for updation of RP is under progress .

g) RP updation, submission to the ADB and its approval

Due to change of STP site process for updation of RP is under progress .

4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing NGO/agency

b) Total ID cards issued till date Not started c) Progress of compensation payment

(Total number of DPs paid) Not started

d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)

Not started

5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Disclosure meeting held on 20.09.2011(annexed in

the report) b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs Not Started c) Total grievances recorded (with details) Not Started d) Total grievances addressed completely

and closed Not Started

6 Institutions Involved and Contacteda) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update 1. IMPU-Dehradun 2. PIU-Roorkee 3. DSC-1

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

ToR approved under CSRN for hiring of Social Consultant/NGOs for RP verification &Updation

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of Pey Jal Nigam

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consultation and disclosure requirements

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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A-8 Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant 30 mld of Roorkee (STP) WWM02RK

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components Construction of 33 MLD STP(SBR),SPS at Mahigarn&

Ganeshpur on Design, Supply, Installation, Operation and Maintenance for 5 Years with necessary Rising main and Gravity main at Roorkee.

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

There are no requirements for permanent land acquisition for sewerage collection system, however 3 Hectare of land has been transferred by Uttarakhand Govt for STP (a Government Order has been issued to transfer the land to the concerning department. The land was under ownership of Uttaranchal irrigation department and free of any structures, however is given on annual lease (on auction basis from last 5 years) to private landowners (14 household) for cultivation. Lease period ends on 31 March 2011 and no extension was given to that land owners. Loss of livelihood and standing crop is envisaged if the land is proposed for development of STP because they were still cultivating the land.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress SPS Ganeshpur (12.5 MLD):

• Design & Construction Drawing has been Approved by PIU/ IPMU.

• Shuttering and Reinforcement of Wet Well and Inlet Chamber along with Cutting Edge has been completed, Mix Design of concrete has been submitted on 26-03-2015 by contractor and Approved by PIU on 30-03-2015.

Rising Main from Ganeshpur SPS to BSM chowk: • Procurement action reportedly initiated by contractor.

Permission from NH 73 is awaited. Gravity Main from BSM Chowk to Mahigran SPS: • Construction drawings approved by PIU. QAP for

RCC/DI pipe has approved by PIU. SPS Mahigran (32.2 MLD): • Report of Soil Investigation has been submitted by

Contractor. Planning for Demolition of Existing Quarter and Construction the new is in process. Settlement of Legal issue is under process.

Rising Main from Mahigran SPS to STP: • Route alignment drawing for pipe laying has been

issued to the Contractor for Re-Survey due to change of STP land.

33 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant: • Allotment Letter of land has been issued by Nagar

Nigam on 22-01-2015 subsequently PIU has issued handing over the Land to Contractor on 22-01-2015.

• Confirmatory Survey has been completed by Contractor for submission of Layout. Soil Investigation has been conducted by Contractor, completed on 29-03-2015 and report is awaited.

• Design of STP on new allocated land at Saliyar village is pending from the Contractor.

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Not started

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c) Obtaining NOCs etc. NOC obtained 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Due to Change of STP Site, process for updation of

RP is under progress. b) Difference of LA and DPs that from

approved RP Not started

c) Compensation for LA Not started d) Compensation for Temporary DPs Not started e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) Not started f) Revised Total RP Budget (only

compensation) Not started

g) RP updating, submission to the ADB and its approval

Due to Change of STP Site, process for updation of RP is under progress & will be submit in November,2014

4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing NGO/agency

b) Total ID cards issued till date Not started c) Progress of compensation payment

(Total number of DPs paid) Not started

d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)

Not started

5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Disclosure meeting held on 20.09.2011

( annexure in the report) b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs Not Started c) Total grievances recorded (with details) Not Started d) Total grievances addressed completely

and closed Not Started

6 Institutions Involved and Contacteda) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update 1. IMPU-Dehradun 2. PIU-Roorkee 3. DSC-1

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

ToRapproved under CSRN for hiring of Social Consultant/NGOs for RP verification &Updation

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

Pey Jal Nigam

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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A-9 Sewerage system for Ganeshpur Area (Un-sewered Area) (Zone-4) Roorkee –WWM03RK

1 Introduction a) Proposed Sub-project components This work involves Supply, Laying and Installation

of Waste Water Collection network for Ganeshpur Area (Un-sewered Area) (Zone-4) of Roorkee town

b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve LA and R&R

This package does not involve LA. Pipe laying on the roads where vendors and squatters do their business requires R&R

2 Sub-project components wise Progress a) Engineering Progress Re-Tendering is under progress:

• IFB for Re-bidding is published on 14.03.2015. • Pre-Bid Meeting was held on 30.03.2015, Reply to Pre-Bid Queries has been submitted. • Last date for bid submission Extended to 30.04.2015 (Original was 15.04.2015)

b) Ground Clearing/Utility Shifting Not started c) Obtaining NOCs etc. NOC obtained 3 RP Verification and Update a) Verification of LA and list of DPs Previous RP was approved for total of 64 vendors,

squatters, and encroachers will be temporarily affected during construction. Due to change of STP site, process for updation of RP is under progress .

b) Difference of LA and DPs that from approved RP

Due to change of STP site, process for updation of RP is under progress .

c) Compensation for LA Not Applicable d) Compensation for Temporary DPs Not started e) Compensation (others, if any-mention) Not started f) Revised Total RP Budget (only

compensation) Due to change of STP site process for updation of RP is under progress .

g) RP updation, submission to the ADB and its approval

Due to change of STP site process for updation of RP is under progress .

4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion

date) R&R activities awaited due to unavailability of resettlement implementing NGO/agency

b) Total ID cards issued till date Not started c) Progress of compensation payment

(Total number of DPs paid) Not started

d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)

Not started

5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Disclosure meeting held on 20.09.2011(annexed in

the report) b) Assistance provided to vulnerable DPs Not Started c) Total grievances recorded (with details) Not Started d) Total grievances addressed completely

and closed Not Started

6 Institutions Involved and Contacted a) Institutions involved for RP verification

and update 1. IMPU-Dehradun 2. PIU-Roorkee 3. DSC-1

b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

ToR approved under CSRN for hiring of Social Consultant/NGOs for RP verification &Updation

c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

Pey Jal Nigam

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For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

B -1 Providing, Laying and jointing of distribution mains including fitting, fixing of specials, valves etc and construction of chambers and providing house connection in Nainital (WSS05NL)

1 Introduction

(a) Proposed Sub-Project Components Providing distribution network, construction of chambers and providing house connection in Nainital

(b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve Land Acquisition (LA) and Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R)

Proposed Subproject components do not involve LA. However, while laying of Distribution Lines will involve temporary impacts on roadside business.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress (a) Engineering Progress

Procurement of pipes in progress Total 68.80KM pipes supplied. 53.72KM pipe line laid. 43.30 KM pipe line tested. 31.19 Kms Road Cutting 30.08 Kms Road Restored

(b) Ground Clearing / Utility Shifting

Transmission lines will be laid above ground where it passes from forest lands and permission has been obtained from the Forest department.

(c) Obtaining NOCs etc.

NOC obtained

3 RP Verification and Update

(a) Verification of LA and list of APs

Proposed Subproject components do not involve LA and had Temporary impact on 25 APs as per RP prepared. Re-Verification survey carried out by the DSC-II in the month of September, 2014 observed that out of 25 APs, 5 No APs were uninterrupted during execution of work. Execution of construction work is still to take place in the corridor of impact where other 20 APs are residing. Thus the total number of APs is 20.

(b) Difference of LA and APs that from approved RP

Total land in Ha: Nil. Total APs: 25

(c) Compensation for LA


(d) Compensation for Temporary APs

Compensation will be given as per entitlement matrix

(e) Compensation (others, if any)


(f) Revised Total RP Budget (only compensation)

Rs. 155328.00

(g) RP updation, submission to the ADB and its approval

05.06.2011 submitted

4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance

(a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion date

Yet to start

(b) Total ID cards issued till date Nil

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(c) Progress of compensation payment (Total

number of APs paid)

Yet to start

(d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)


5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures

(a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Yet to start

(b) Assistance provided to vulnerable APs


(c) Total grievances recorded (with details


(d) Total grievances addressed completely and closed


6 Institutions Involved and Contacted (a) Institutions involved on RP verification

and update

1. CAPP NGO, Nainital 2. DSC-2, Kumaun region 3. PIU, Nainital 4. IPMU, Dehradun

(b) Institution/NGO involved in RP


CAPP NGO Nainital from Feb’11 to June 13 and again from Nov.’ 13 to Feb.’14

(c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

1. Nagar PalikaParishad 2. TLC Nainital

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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B – 2 Design, Supply and construction of Over Head Service Reservoirs and connecting Rising mains with appurtenant works different locations at Haldwani Town (WSS01HL)

1 Introduction

(a) Proposed Sub-Project Components Construction of Over Head Service Reservoirs - 1. Heera Nagar 2. Tehsil Campus 3. Saras market 4. Indira Nagar 13 Bigha 5. Cantt Area 6. Hydel Gate 7. ZilaParisahad 8. Rajpura 9. Tikonia 10. GGIC,Indira Nagar 11. Shishmahal 12. Mahila Degree college 13. Ujala Nagar/Dhobi Ghat 14. Degree College 15. Subhash Nagar 16. AwasVikas colony

(b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve Land Acquisition (LA) and Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R)

Proposed Subproject components do not involve LA. However, while laying of connecting mains will involve temporary impacts on roadside business.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress (a) Engineering Progress

Contractor has submitted design & drawing

of 15Nos OHSRs,which have been approved.

Construction is in progress at— 1. Saras Market(600 KL) –Testing

Completed Handing over to UJS in process

2. Tehsil Complex(600 KL) - Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in process

3. Heera Nagar(600 KL) - Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in process

4. Indira Nagar-13 Bigha(600 KL) - Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in process

5. Ujala Nagar/Dhobi Ghat(600 KL) - Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in process

6. Rajpura(600 KL)Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in process

7. JalSansthan,Tikonia(600 KL) – Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in process

8. Degree College(600 KL) - Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in process

9. Girls School,Indira Nagar(600 KL) Testing Completed Handing over to UJS in processShishmahal(750 KL) –Completed

10. Hydal Gate(1250KL) –Completed

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11. ZilaParishad(400 KL) – Completed

12. Mahila Degree College(1450KL) – Completed

13. Cantt Area(600KL) – Completed 14. Subhash Nagar(750 KL) – Taking

over of Land in progress 15. AwasVikas Colony(600 KL) –

Pipe line work in Progress Construction of GLSR’s at

Shitlahat(1050 KL) - Tank Completed, finishing work in progress.

Rising Main & connecting Mains-

11.70 Km pipe line supplied 8.63 Km pipe line laid 5.96Km pipe line tested. NH crossing by Trenchless in

progress at 1 no location. Electro-Mechanical works-

2 Nos voltage stabilizer procured

2 Nos Transformer procured 8 Nos Panel procured 11 Nos sets of horizontal

centrifugal pump procured. 2 No pumps installed at Gola

pump house. Civil works for pump House-

Roof Slab and Plaster Work completed, flooring work in progress at Shishmahal Pump House

Roof Slab completed at Khandelwal Park Pump House

AVR Room completed at Gola Pump House.

(b) Ground Clearing / Utility Shifting

1. Water Supply Pipe Lines at Shitlahat 2. Shifting of Electric Conductors at Dhobi

Ghat, Cantt. Area and ZilaParishad for construction of OHSR's

3. Pipe Lines at AvasVikasClony for construction of OHSR

(c) Obtaining NOCs etc.


3RP Verification and Update

(a) Verification of LA and list of APs

Proposed Subproject components do not involve LA and will have Temporary impact on 50 APs Hence RP is prepared.

(b) Difference of LA and APs that from approved RP

Total land in Ha: Nil. Total APs: 50

(c) Compensation for LA


(d) Compensation for Temporary APs

Compensation will be given as per entitlement matrix

(e) Compensation (others, if any)


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(f) Revised Total RP Budget (only compensation)

Rs. 189655.00

(g) RP updation, submission to the ADB and its approval

27.05.2011 submitted

4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance

(a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion date

Yet to start

(b) Total ID cards issued till date


(c) Progress of compensation payment (Total number of APs paid)

Yet to start

(d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)


5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures

(a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings

Yet to start

(b) Assistance provided to vulnerable APs


(c) Total grievances recorded (with details


(d) Total grievances addressed completely and closed


6 Institutions Involved and Contacted (a) Institutions involved on RP verification

and update

1. CAPP NGO, Nainital 2. DSC-2, Kumaun region 3. PIU, Nainital 4. IPMU, Dehradun

(b) Institution/NGO involved in RP


CAPP NGO Nainitalfrom Feb’11 to June 13 and again from Nov.’ 13 to Feb.’14

(c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

1. Nagar Nigam 2. TLC Haldwani

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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B-3 Augmentation and Reorganization of Water Supply Scheme at Ramnagar (WSS01RM)

1 Introduction (a) Proposed Sub-Project Components 1. Source augmentation at River Kosi and at

BangaJhala natural stream 2. Construction of 25 MLD capacity raw

water pumping station at River kosi 3. Construction of 11 MLD capacity WTP 4. Construction of 3,125 KL capacity clear

water sump 5. Installation of clear water pumps in

existing clear water pumping station 6. Laying of clear water rising mains 7. Construction of three clear water

reservoirs 8. Replacement/laying of 58.5 Km

distribution mains 9. Laying 11.5 km BangaJhala gravity main 10. Providing house connections.

(b) Proposed Sub-project components that involve Land Acquisition (LA) and Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R)

Proposed subproject components does not involve LA. Pipelines will be buried 1 m below in a trench on the edge of the road within the existing RoW. However will have temporary impacts on roadside businesses.

2 Sub-project components wise Progress (a) Engineering Progress

Design & Drawing approved for all

OHSR’s, Staging work completed for 2 Nos.

OHSR’s of 1150 KL at Tehsil, Bottom Dome in progress

3rd Brace Beam completed, 6.60 m height of columns completed out of 10.00 m for 2600 KL OHSR at LakhanpurChungi

Supply of 16 Km of MS & DI Pipe completed

Cement Lining of 6.0 Km of MS Pipe completed

Laying of MS Pipeline started 180 m MS Pipeline of 355 mm dia

laid Infiltration Well 10 MLD 4th lift of wall

of, protection wall for filter media completed, filling of media completed

54.17 Km Pipe procured & supplied at site.

28.10 Km Pipe laying completed. 15.20 Km line tested. 21.56 Km Road cutting. 19.74 Km Road Restored. For providing 7835 No (approx.)

House connections along with allied works survey work in progress, material supplied at site 20 No’s House Connections completed.

(b) Ground Clearing / Utility Shifting

Continuous process

(c) Obtaining NOCs etc. NOC obtained

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3 RP Verification and Update

(a) Verification of LA and list of APs

Proposed Subproject Components does not involve LA. AP verification yet to start.

(b) Difference of LA and APs that from approved RP

Would be known once verification is done. Verification process not started yet.

(c) Compensation for LA


(d) Compensation for Temporary APs

Compensation will be given as per entitlement matrix

(e) Compensation (others, if any)

Not Started

(f) Revised Total RP Budget (only compensation)


(g) RP updation, submission to the ADB and its approval


4 Payment of Compensation and Resettlement Assistance

(a) Issue of ID cards (start and completion date

Not started

(b) Total ID cards issued till date

Not started

(c) Progress of compensation payment (Total number of APs paid)

Not started

(d) Total RP budget utilized (only compensation)

Not started

5 Consultation and Disclosure Activities and Grievance Procedures

(a) Consultations and Disclosure Meetings Yet to start

(b) Assistance provided to vulnerable APs Not started (c) Total grievances recorded (with details


(d) Total grievances addressed completely and closed


6 Institutions Involved and Contacted (a) Institutions involved on RP verification

and update CAPP NGO yet to mobilized

(b) Institution/NGO involved in RP implementation

DSC-2, Haldwani IPMU, Dehradun

(c) Other Institutions contacted as a part of consultation and disclosure requirements

1. Nagar PalikaRamnagar

For Completing the balance R&R works, advertisement has been published for engagement of

Social Consultant/ NGO for Community Awareness including Implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP)& Implementation of Gender Action Plan (GAP).

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