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Melanie Stier, MS


Grade Teacher, Osakis Public Schools

Osakis, MN

Julie Backes, MS


Grade Teacher, Osakis Public Schools

Osakis, MN

Dennis Lamb, EdD (Primary Contact)

Associate Professor of Education

Southwest MN State University

Article Title:

Increasing Parent-Teacher-Child Communication for Beginning Teachers: S.O.S. Style


Sharing and communicating with parents can be a very intimidating prospect for new or

beginning teachers, especially when it comes to sharing or reporting about student work,

missing assignments, or behavior. Keeping parents informed about the progress of their child can

pose to be even more daunting, if new or beginning teachers are not prepared or organized to

share information systematically with them.

Creating a Student Organization System (S.O.S.) could become a valuable instrument

new or beginning teachers implement that will not only impact parental awareness and

involvement, but also provide ownership for the students. Communicating and sharing openly

Key Words:

Beginning Teachers

Parental Involvement



Page 2: Increasing Parent, Teacher, Child Communication


with parents about homework and school expectations, helping students stay on top of their

work, and helping beginning teachers stay connected with both parents and students can bridge

the communication gap that often exists.

Increasing Parent-Teacher-Child Communication for Beginning Teachers: S.O.S. Style

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement in a child’s academic life plays a huge role in a student’s success in

school (Carter & Hauser, 1987). It is also considered one of the most powerful means for

improving schools and for improving the satisfaction of parents and the community (Bauch,

1998). Children learn best when the significant adults in their lives – parents, teachers, family,

and community members – work together to encourage and support them (Comer & Haynes,

1997). Not only is parent involvement needed for students to maximize their learning, but

schools also need the support of parents to help strengthen the school’s image in the eyes of the

community (Krejci, 2002). Knowing the importance of this issue and the positive impact

communication between school and home has on a child’s education may be very intimidating

for beginning teachers and cause them to struggle with communicating openly with parents about

their child’s work completion, organization of projects and assignments, and behavioral issues.

Research studies indicate that almost any form of parent involvement appears to improve

student performance, regardless of socioeconomic status, parents’ income, parents’ education

level, whether or not parents are employed, or ethnicity. With high levels of meaningful

involvement, there is a greater chance for improved student behavior, attitude, and attendance, as

well as an increase in academic, social, and emotional development (Hein & Wimer, 2007).

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Effective communication can also result in improved parent attitudes, self-concepts, and parents’

confidence in their ability to be an important part of their child’s education (Parent Involvement,

2004; Cotton, 2001).

Barriers to Communication

Although the benefits of parent involvement are clear, many schools struggle to find

effective ways to overcome the barriers of keeping parents informed. When there is a lack of

communication between parents and teachers, some parents may approach the school with a

defensive and angry attitude (Edwards, 2000). Parents should be made aware of what their child

has for homework and any special reminders, such as upcoming tests, projects, or events. Parents

also need to be more aware of concerns regarding their child’s behavior in school. There are

times when a student has behavior problems that are not major enough to warrant a phone call

home, but are not minor enough to just disregard or ignore.

Having a classroom communication system that would inform parents of academic and

behavioral occurrences on a daily basis not only keeps parents and teachers actively involved

with the child’s education, but it also provides avenues of collaboration that will improve the

child’s chances of success both in and out of school (Berger, 1991). Educators and administrators

must realize in today’s society that parents and teachers are more in need of each other’s support

than ever before. Teachers and schools are experiencing a drop in community support and

increasingly difficult working conditions brought on by reduction in school budgets (Swap,


Parents have many reasons for why they may not be involved in their child’s education.

Many parents hesitate to become involved in school because they don’t have extra time, or they

may feel disconnected, due to their own unpleasant educational experiences. Parents may

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question how their own talents could contribute to school or whether they have anything of value

to contribute. Unfamiliarity with the school system and how they can become involved can also

deter parents from being involved in their child’s education (Challenge, 2005).

Not only are parents intimidated by the thought of having to communicate with teachers,

but teachers may also feel uneasy about communicating with parents. When communicating with

parents, teachers may feel pressured to always have to say the right things in the eyes of the

parents, administration, and other community members who may scrutinize their teaching ability.

Many beginning teachers, in particular, may have concerns with being absolutely frank with

parents. Dealing with parents is often intimidating for teachers, due to the pressures of keeping

everyone happy. These feelings may cause teachers to minimize their correspondence with

parents (Wadsworth & Remaley, 2007).

Methods of Communication

Many parents have the desire to obtain as much information as possible about their

child’s education. However, many traditional methods of parent-teacher communication, such as

website postings, telephone calls, notes in a child’s backpack, and newsletters, have not been

completely efficient, timely, or effective, but are still used throughout elementary classrooms

across the country (Carless, 2006).

We are now in an immediate information age, allowing teachers to utilize electronic mail

(e-mail) as a method of communicating with parents. Very comparable to sending a note home as

in the past, e-mails offer faster lines of communication with the ability to receive a quicker

response. As with notes and assignment books, e-mail allows parents and teachers to have a

written record of discussions. E-mail is an easy and convenient form of two-way communication

between teachers and parents (Womack, n.d.).

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Unfortunately, a lack of resources is a common barrier most school districts face, when

trying to develop effective online communication with parents (Doering-Jackson, Estes,

Gathright, & Templeton, 2007). Not all parents have access to a computer or have an e-mail

account (Lindberg & Swick, 2006). Even for parents that do have e-mail, they may not be in the

habit of checking it daily. In addition, the messages can be intercepted and erased by students

(Strom & Strom, 2003). E-mails can be misdirected and forwarded to anyone. E-mails are often

misconstrued or misinterpreted, due to the fact that the receiver can’t hear the tone of the

message as intended by the sender. For example, the use of all capital letters or exclamation

points can drastically change the interpretation of a message.

Effect of Parent Involvement on Life Skills

According to Anday-Porter, Henne, and Horan (2000), “Parents’ lack of involvement in

their child’s academic life and in providing an adequate study environment can lead to student

organizational problems” (p.12). Some of the issues involved with student organization are that

the students are not alike in their ability to be organized, and vary in their ability to meet

deadlines and manage time effectively. They also differ according to how often they use

organizational tools to manage such things as supplies, schedules, papers, and/or due dates.

Educators believe that organizational differences among students can play a large role in

determining how a student will benefit from educational experiences. It is also reported that a

student’s ability to stay organized reduces the stress parents experience when helping their child

with school assignments (Gallagher, 2003). The more active the child’s involvement in the

organizational process, the more likely the child is to master, assimilate, and apply the

organizational procedures (Greene, 2002). Disorganized children rarely function at a level

commensurate with their ability, since they tend to be unprepared for class and often misplace

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materials and assignments. These counterproductive patterns established in childhood are likely

to persist throughout life, unless the students are taught specific organizational techniques

(Greene, 2002).

Along with organization being a valuable skill, it also teaches students to be responsible.

According to employers and college professors, high school graduates rank fair to poor in the

areas of work habits, such as being organized and on time (McEwan, 1998). When organization

is consistently enforced, the students learn to unconsciously apply these organizational

procedures because they have become routine. When accountability is encouraged in school, it

carries over into the work place, home, and other areas of life.

Organization is not only essential to meet a student’s academic needs, but can also

encourage him/her to flourish emotionally. When students are not able to find the correct

materials or books, it may cause a feeling of defeat. A student who is well organized, completes

tasks promptly, and manages time efficiently is more likely to have a healthy self-esteem

(Molenhouse, Petsas, Somers, Spiller, & Thomas, 2000). As children acquire new skills, they

build confidence and enhance their self-concept. Their academic accomplishments generate

pride, which in turn stimulates the desire to attain additional skills and experience more success

(Greene, 2002).

The S.O.S. Model

One way to help support beginning teachers with communicating effectively with parents

is to encourage them to create a Student Organization System (S.O.S.) for those students who

lack organizational skills in their classrooms. Students who are habitually late turning in

assignments, homework, or other forms of communication home with parents may be just the

ticket for helping them stay organized and accountable.

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This particular model consists of a day-to-day listing of each subject and space for

students to record their assignments for each subject (see Figure 1). There is also a place for

parents to sign each day. On the back of the form, homework and behavior records are kept,

where the teachers, students, and parents could communicate with each other on a daily basis

about missing homework, behavior, and other notes and/or reminders (see Figure 2). This form

keeps all parties involved with academic and behavioral progress, or lack thereof, but most

importantly, provides a system to help keep students on task and on top of their responsibilities

built into their school routine.

Research supports providing routines for students not only benefits their role in the

classroom, but creates a system in which parents are consistently informed as to the happenings

in the classroom. There is less chance of communication breakdown, and the students saw that

there was a unified front between home and school, as it related to staying on top of homework

and assignments. The incentives provided to help students stay successful in their daily lives

shifted their perceptions about themselves and influenced their own awareness about their role in

their academic success.

Having a parent-teacher-student communication system can be very beneficial to all

involved. Helping students stay organized and on-task, helping parents stay informed, and

helping beginning teachers with improving communication between home and school allows all

stakeholders to own the process. Creating this type of communication system not only keeps the

students involved in the organizational process, but it helps the students become habitual in their

efforts of staying connected to their work and routinely sharing it with parents. This process can

turn a distress signal of “S.O.S”, into a successful S.O.S. - Student Organization System, where

everyone will be sailing on smooth waters!

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Figure 1. S.O.S. Form (Front Side)


Reading: ______________________

Spelling: ______________________

Math: ________________________

Grammar: _____________________

Science: ______________________

History: ______________________

Other: ________________________

Parent Signature: ______________

Note: This would be replicated for each day of the week, Monday-Friday).

Figure 2. S.O.S. Form (Back Side)

My Homework and Behavior Record Sheet

Student Name:

Behavior or

Homework Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday







Parent Notes

to Teacher

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Anday-Porter, S., Henne, K., & Horan, S. (2000). Improving student organizational skills

through the use of organizational skills in the curriculum. Unpublished action research

project, Saint Xavier University, Chicago. Retrieved from


Bauch, J.P. (1998). Applications of technology to linking schools, families, and students.

Proceedings of the Families, Technology, and Education Conference. Retrieved from

Berger, E.H. (1991). Parent involvement: Yesterday and today. The Elementary School Journal,

91(3), 209-219.

Canter, L. & Hausner, L. (1993). Homework without tears. New York: Collins Living.

Carless, J. (2006). Better parent-school communication leads to higher academic achievement,

safer students. Retrieved from

Comer, J.P. & Haynes, N. (1997). The home-school team: An emphasis on parent involvement.

Retrieved from

Cotton, K. (2001). The schooling practices that matter most. Retrieved from

Doering-Jackson, L.R., Estes, D.M., Gathright, T.L., & Templeton, B. (2007). 21st century

technology solutions to meet the requirements of NCLB: Using technology to increase

communication with parents. Unpublished action research project, Corpus Cristi

Independent School District. Retrieved from

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Edwards, M.C. (2000). Effective parent-teacher communication. Retrieved from Communicating%20


Gallagher, R. (2003). Organizational skills for school success. The Parent Letter, 1(3).

Greene, L.J. (2002). Roadblocks to learning: Understanding the obstacles that can sabotage your

child’s academic success. New York: Grand Central Publishing.

Hein, D.L. & Wimer, S.L. (2007). Improving homework completion and motivation of middle

school students through behavior modification, graphing, and parent communication.

Chicago, IL: Saint Xavier University and Pearson Achievement Solutions, Inc.

Krejci, C.R. (2002). Parent Preference in Parent-Teacher Conferences. Unpublished. Retrieved


Lindberg, J.A. & Swick, A.M. (2006). Common-sense classroom management for elementary

school teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

McEwan, E.K. (1998). Angry parents failing schools. Wheaton: Harold Shaw Publishers.

Molenhouse, C., Petsas, A. Somers, D. Spiller, J., & Thomas. G. (2000). Lack of organizational

skills interfere with academic success. Unpublished action research project, Saint Xavier

University, Chicago. Retrieved from http://www.eric.ed/gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs


Parent Involvement (2004). Education Week. Retrieved from


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Strom, P.S. & Strom, R.D. (2003). Teacher-parent communication reforms. Retrieved from

Swap, S.M. (1987). Enhancing parent involvement in schools. New York: Teachers College


Wadsworth, D. & Remaley, M.H. (2007). What families want. Educational Leadership, 64(6),


Womack, S. (n.d.). Communicating with parents. Retrieved from

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