
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Images I used for my magazine:

Older generation

Younger generation

Black clothing

Blue backgrounds

Medium shot

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Images I used for my magazine:For the photos that I did not take the people are mostly male and in their 30’s to 50’s, although some are older. They are all of a Caucasian ethnicity suggesting they are local (British) or American. The most common colour seen on clothing etc. is black which represents these people as mysterious and powerful. The power could be associated with their wealth and success. Another popular colour is blue which is the stereotypical colour of men, fitting in with the primarily male artists in my photos and appealing to a male audience. The connotations of the colour blue are calm which is a juxtaposition to the wild behaviour associated with rock music, but another connotation is sincerity and piety which could be considered as representing their passion and devotion to their music. The shots are mostly medium long shots and medium shots which means the audience’s focus is on the top half of the people i.e. their faces and arms. This often allows the reader to see the artist playing guitar or singing. Their body positions are generally quite open although focusing on their music not the audience. They are represented as quite typical males wearing dark colours and showing confidence and power. They are typical to the rock genre holding typical instruments such as electric guitars and in some cases in ‘rock’ poses.

Images I took for my magazine:

My original photos represent two different social groups. The first 2 photos here show teenagers/young adults aspiring to be successful within the music world. The second lot of photos show an older male who is already successful.

The photos of the younger males are action shots of them playing a gig. This represents them as quite lively and active which links well to their age and youth. Both people are wearing blue much like the people in the pictures I didn’t take. This represents them as passionate to their music but also as quite calm and civilised. One of the people is singing into a microphone and one is playing electric guitar. Both are props which link to the rock music genre as they are stereotypical instruments of that genre.

The setting they are in is a small venue where they are playing a gig. The shot types (long shots) allow the reader to see both the setting and the whole person, giving them a lot of information about the band in a small space. For example as the venue is small and not a big arena, the artists are represented as perhaps an up and coming band in the rock genre. The youthful clothes, hairstyles etc. also suggest an up and coming band as they are too young to be that successful and experienced. The background colours are quite dark and only the figures are lit up properly by the lighting therefore that is where your focus is so you know that the band members are important, however the background and setting isn’t important.

The photos of the artist in the magazine’s cover line are all fairly similar and represent the artist in a very specific way. The photos are generally quite dark like the costume. His costume is black which connotes mystery, power, prestige and ‘death’. These connotations can be associated with rock music as the artists are successful so have wealth, the music and symbols of rock are quite violent linking to death. Another colour which is very visible is red which connotes passion, violence, anger and determination.

Violence and anger once again fit in with the music and symbols of rock and red as a whole is a colour commonly associated with rock music. The colours used and the photo as a whole is masculine and it appears to the audience that the artist is quite a typical male. His body position is quite closed which adds to the mystery of him. The use of black, the fact that he is fairly covered up (wearing a hat and sunglasses) and his closed body position represents the artist as quite reserved and not a particularly open person. The prop – an electric guitar) is suggestive of the rock genre and the band t-shirt that the artist is wearing does this too. The top hat that he is wearing is iconic to the artist and represents him as fairly individual as they are not commonly worn nowadays as well as representing him as a person of wealth a class as traditionally top hats are ‘posh’. This posh look contrasts against the casual and almost ‘hard’ look of the leather jacket. This could suggest that there are two sides to the artist and he is not a straight forward person. Overall the artist is represented as stereotypical to the rock genre so the music genre of the magazine is apparent immediately to the artist. He is also represented as fairly mysterious and perhaps wealthy.

Images I took for my magazine:

The words I have selected here are from the article in my magazine. I have chosen them as they specifically represent the artist ‘Nick the Bible’ in a certain way. His name is an example of this. Although ‘Nick’ is a common and normal name it is used here as a pun. The name of the band and now solo artist uses ‘Nick’ to suggest stealing. In this case, stealing the Bible. As the Bible is a sacred book to many people in the UK and worldwide to say that someone is stealing it is quite controversial. It would be a crime is anyone were to really do it and having this as the name of the artist represents him as quite rebellious and courageous. Rebellious and bold behaviour is often associated with rock music so just looking at the artist’s name you immediately think of rock music. Another phrase that suggests this behaviour is “battered him”. This is very violent and physical, linking in with the violent and angry nature which has traditionally come with rock music. On the other hand, some phrases in the article suggest that there may be a much more sensitive side to Nick. One quote “being in a band is like being in a family” represents Nick as being caring and loving towards his friends and family. You imagine him to want to look after them and help them in anyway that he can. Comparing his band to his family shows just how much they mean to him and how he loves them like his family. The artist is also represented as quite innovative and individual. The quote “ I want to create something, well new, and something that people will be shocked at” suggests that Nick is up to date with modern music and is brave enough to try out something new. He wants his new music to be something different, enough so to surprise people which in turn represents him as a person wanting to stand out and be individual. This suggests he is confident enough to appreciate attention. The other phrases I have gathered from the article present ‘Nick the Bible’ further. For example “one of the biggest rock bands in the UK” tells the audience that Nick is very successful and therefore is most likely to be wealthy. “Considering how passionately he seemed to be talking about it” tells the reader that Nick is not only passionate about rock music and enjoys it, but is also committed to it which is mirrored in his success as a rock artist. Finally “Nick is usually secretive” represents him as fairly mysterious and held back. It could be thought that he has something to hide or that he just doesn’t want to ‘show off’ his success. The social group I feel this represents is typically males. Not only is the artist a male but his actions and words can be perceived as violent which is much more commonly associated with males than females. The age group cold be considered as broader though. Older men will be able to relate to Nick “drinking whiskey” as this is typically an older man’s drink. They may also be able to relate to having a family or very good friends. However younger men may be able to relate to fights in bars etc. so are represented here too. All of these representations and the social group represented fit in with the representations given off by the images of the artist. He is mysterious and successful with lots of confidence to ensure he can make it.

Representation from language:

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