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In this Edition Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams

Children’s Christmas Program

Christmas Food Baskets

Carols by Candlelight

Advent Challenge

December 2019 | Monthly Newsletter of Our Shepherd Lutheran Church

2019 Holiday Schedule

Wednesday Advent Worship December 4, 11, and 18

Services at 4:00pm and 6:30pm

LHNW Christmas Concert

December 8, 7:00pm

Carols by Candlelight Sunday, December 15 at 5:00pm

Children’s Christmas Program

Sunday, December 22, 11:00am

Christmas Eve Worship Tuesday, December 24

4:00pm (family service) 7:00pm | 10:00pm (candlelight services)

Christmas Day Worship Wednesday, December 25, 10:00am

New Year’s Eve Worship Tuesday, December 31, 6:30pm

New Year’s Day Worship Wednesday, January 1, 10:00am

on the horizon


Upward Basketball

Lutheran Schools Week

Red Cross Blood Drive

New Women’s Prayer Group

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Regular Worship Schedule

Contemporary Saturdays at 6:00pm

Traditional Sundays at 8:30am and 11:00am

Bible Education Hour Sundays 9:45-10:45am

Church Attendance

Nov 2 - 6:00pm .......... 129 Nov 3 - 8:30am ........... 174 Nov 3 - 11:00am ........ 212

Weekend Total ........... 515 Nov 9 - 6:00pm ............ 80 Nov 10 - 8:30am ........ 102 Nov 10 - 11:00am ...... 238

Weekend Total ........... 420 Nov 16 - 6:00pm .......... 94 Nov 17 - 8:30am ........ 163 Nov 17 - 11:00am ...... 225

Weekend Total ........... 482 Nov 23 - 6:00pm ........ 107 Nov 24 - 8:30am ........ 127 Nov 24 - 11:00am ...... 274

Weekend Total ........... 508

From the Treasurer

Contributions Needed

NOVEMBER $ 107,311

Giving made easy

Text “give” to 248-430-4403

We join together to worship God

because of the love He has shown us in His son Jesus Christ. As we worship, we are assured of our forgiveness. By gathering we are responding to the

love of God in Christ Jesus with our prayers and praise.

Notes & News Deadlines

Articles due on or before the 25th of each month. NO CLASSIFIED ADS PLEASE.

Email: publications@ Text: 248-672-8248

Articles are subject to editing. Katie Priskorn, Editor

Kindrid|Give.Church makes it easy to schedule regular donations. Click on “Give” at, or text “give” to our dedicated giving number (above). It’s easy to change your gift and giving dates at any time.




Where to Find Information

The Notes and News monthly newsletter will be distributed the first weekend of each month. The newsletter will be available online through-out the month, also at the Welcome Center or under the “Gather, Nurture, Serve” sign on the slat wall outside the Sanctuary doors. This area is our Information Center. You will find our prayer bulletin, a listing of monthly birthdays and baptism birthdays, a calendar of events and more! We encourage you to visit the Information Center every week.

Welcome Visitors!

We pray you are strengthened in your faith and relationship with Jesus Christ as you worship with us. Please fill out the “Guest” side of an attendance card located in the pew racks and pass it to the center aisle during the offering so we can get to know you better. If you wish to commune, please read our statement of faith on the laminated pew card God’s blessings on your time with us and look forward to seeing you again.

Date Envelope & Plate Nov 3 ................... $ 26,261

Nov 10 ................. $ 13,302

Nov 17 ................. $ 37,246

Nov 24 ................. $ 31,033

TOTAL ........... $ 107,842

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Great gift ideas!

Christmas Cards are on sale!

Bookstore Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm

Christmas Gift Wrapping

Wrapping a mountain of gifts? Who has time! Let us help! ☺ Bring your gifts to

church the week of December 16th. Our wrapping stations will be open Monday through Friday from 9:00am-3:00pm.

Proceeds go to Women’s Ministry Sisterly Love Fund.

Order forms will be available at the Welcome Center and Women’s Ministry slat wall starting in December. Our elves will

beautifully wrap presents for a nominal fee, and it’s worth every penny!

Advent - Come, Lord Jesus!

“Advent” means “coming.” During this season of

Advent our focus through daily devotions and wor-

ship services will be on Jesus’s coming to save us -

past, present, and future. Jesus has come and ac-

complished His saving work. He continues to come

by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Word

and Sacraments. He will come again on the last day

for our deliverance.

“Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest…” so begins the

common table prayer. In the spirit of Revelation

22:20, we pray for Jesus to come to us in a way that

gives us daily strength and hope. This Advent we

apply these words, “Come, Lord Jesus” to our mid-

week services at 4:00pm and 6:30pm December 4,

11, and 18. We will also use these words to guide

our daily devotions. Whether you are a household

of one, two, three, or more, having daily devotions

can be a struggle. With God’s help we can learn

daily to pray, “Come, Lord Jesus,” not only to bless

our food but our lives, finding strength and hope in


Please take home the Advent devotion guide that

(at the Welcome Center). The daily outline for

devotions is based on praying through the Ten

Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Lord’s

Prayer. This pattern for daily devotions will bless

your days. You will find a connection with God.

You will be encouraged to communicate with your

family. Your day will be framed by thanking God,

seeking His guidance and help, and learning our

Savior’s teaching. It is stressed that if one already

has a regular practice of daily devotions that is

serving well, maintaining the “holy habit” is wise.

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OSL Men’s Retreat

God’s Extraordinary Grace for Ordinary Men March 20-22, 2020 You are invited to join us for Men’s Retreat at the Weber Conference Center in Adrian, MI. The theme is based on 2 Corinthians, “My grace is sufficient or you, for my power is made perfect in weakness,” and features by Chad Bird, author and speaker on podcast, “40 Minutes in the OT.”

Chad shares, “To read the biblical story is to read the Word of God whose extraordinary grace pursues ordinary people who struggle with failures, family problems, loneliness, and a list of other weakness and challenges. Their stories are still our stories today, and their God is still our God. We will immerse our-selves in these narratives to better understand who we are, who our Savior is, and how the Old Testament continues to testify to the Lord of mercy.”

Pick up a tri-fold brochure in the atrium or school Spiritual Ed Board, or visit, or contact Mark Nimtz at [email protected] for more information or to volunteer to assist.

Advent Challenge 2020 Yes, the Challenge is back! Pick up a challenge flyer and tally sheet at the Family Life / Spiritual Ed slat wall near the Bookstore and join the fun of gathering, nurturing, and serving as a family unit. You will be challenged as a family to participate in activities such as Advent devotions, reading Luke chapter 2, singing Christmas carols, bake a birthday cake for Jesus, leave a Christmas card for your mail carrier, and children making their bed.

The Advent Challenge begins Sunday, December 1 and concludes at 11:59pm on December 24. Contact Mark Nimtz at [email protected] for infor-mation and to inform him you are participating.

Family unit with the most points will receive a scrip certificate worth $50. Second place receives a $25 scrip certificate. Also, there will be a random draw-ing of all participants for a $25 scrip certificate. Blessed Advent Season.

New Bible Study In addition to the Sunday Adult Bible Study anchored by Dr. Gaertner in the Lower Level during the 9:45am Education Hour, we also offer alternating classes of Lutheranism 101 and Marriage/Parenting themed topics.

Adults, consider joining Dr. Nimtz in the church library Sundays at 9:45am for The Heart of the Family. This study is for you if you want to . . . 1) enrich your marriage, 2) invest in your family, and 3) change the world. The Heart of the Family is a video study series featuring Kirk and Chelsea Cameron. The Camerons share what they have learned in over 25 years of marriage and parent-ing. The sessions are solid, biblically-based, and faith-filled. Have your children attend Kids of the Rock, and join us for the next few weeks!

Congregational Camp Out

Registration for Lakeport Begins as early as December 5! It’s hard to believe but it’s already time to make reservation for the first congregational camp out of the 2020 camping season! The dates for the first camp out are Friday, June 5-Sunday June 7, at Lakeport State Park in Lakeport, MI. At Lakeport many of us are camping near sites 9-35 and 143-193. Make reservations early. Many of us make reservations six months prior to the day of arrival, as many campgrounds book quickly.

Michigan state park reservations 1-800-44PARKS or visit

Camping brochures can be found on the slat walls near the bookstore in the atrium. Camp outs are a great way to gather, nurture, and serve, and are open to all - families, couples, singles, small groups.

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We welcome children ages 3 through Grade 6 and any adults who love to work with children. We gather in the Lower Level every Sunday morning at 9:45am.

During the weeks leading up to Christmas the Sunday School children will learn about the names of Jesus and make a wreath during the group lessons. We will also learn songs for the Children’s Christmas Program. Questions, please contact Kim Kern, Director of Children’s Ministry ([email protected]).

Sunday, December 22, 11:00am His Name is Jesus . . . Practices are Saturdays December 7, 14, & 21 from 9:00am to Noon in the sanctuary. Registration forms are available on the GNS (Gather, Nurture, Serve) slatwall. You don’t have to be a regular Sunday School attender to be in the Christmas Program! ALL ARE WELCOME!

Our Shepherd's Drama Club presented “Anchor's Aweigh” Nov 22 & 23 to packed audiences! Drama club is made up of 6th-8th graders who not only act but also do backstage work as well. The club performs a winter and spring produc-tion. Well done cast & crew!

The Thursday morning Men’s group just finished their study of “Mere Christianity”. On December 5 they will begin a study on Jeremiah and Lamen-tations that will run for the next 11 weeks. This group gathers in the church library Thursdays at 6:30am. Please join them! It’s a fantastic way to start your day.

Please come!! A new monthly Women’s Prayer Group is forming

The focus is Praying For Your Adult Children

Beginning Tuesday, January 21, 2020, we will meet on the third Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm in the Church Library. Contact Val Agosta with questions (248-506-7384).

Senior High Youth Gathering - you are eligible if you are a current (2019-20) high school student or if you are entering 9th grade in the fall of 2020. At the gath-ering, youth will learn from some of the best as they are challenged to grow in and through their suffering--which pushes them to persevere, helps them to devel-op character, and find HOPE in and through all of the difficulties they face on a daily basis. Their days at the gathering will be filled with Bible studies, large group gatherings, servant event opportunities, fellowship, concerts, comedy, exploration of Mackinac Island, and more. Join the High School Gathering Facebook Group: MIDistrictGathering. For more information, visit OS Youth please contact Hannah Walsh ([email protected]) for registration details.

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Our ministry to feed the community at Family of God Lutheran Church:

What a wonderful ministry we have been blessed to participate in! Thanks to volunteers serving in past and future events! As some are traveling, others step in, even some who are not members at OS! OS will provide another meal at Family of God (FOG) church in South-west Detroit, on Tuesday, December 17. Stay tuned for future dates for each month in 2020. Needed: Helpers for food prep at 2:30pm in the OS kitchen; drivers and others to go to Family of God at 5pm to serve, and mingle. Dinner begins promptly at 6:15pm; volunteers to come back to OS at 7:30pm and help with clean up.

Contact Terry Hynes for details: [email protected] or 248-631-8369

Reminder If you took a tag from the Giving Tree, your gift should be placed under the tree by December 4. If you have ordered something that has not come in yet, we can continue to accept gifts until Sunday, December 8, however please notify Vicki Schram at 248-891-1673 so we know we can expect it. Thank you to all those who have already brought in their gifts. Gifts will be distrib-uted on Saturday, December 14 along with Food Baskets.

The MITES COLLECTION BOX is just inside the Sanctuary the first weekend of each month. Total Mites collected in November is $230.11. Thank you for meeting the challenge to support at a slightly larger amount, helping us succeed at meeting our promises to support our selected missions! Please see the Ministry board, near the Book Store for LWML information. See the Stamp Collection project meant to support the Lutheran Bible Translators. For LWML information, you may contact Barb Hynes 248-227-0241. Many blessings to you for having a giving heart!

We tell people

about Jesus both through words and actions. As our relationship with Jesus grows, our lives overflow with His love as we serve others. Our service to our community finds its source in God’s amazing grace.

Our Shepherd Carol’s Cupboard

Carol’s Cupboard Food Bank continues to support needy

families during the holidays. We provide food baskets during

Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter seasons. The Cupboard is

currently in preparation for the Christmas distribution. Helpers

are needed for packing and deliveries. Also, food donations

and especially paper grocery bags are needed.

Christmas Baskets


Saturday, December 14, 9:00-10:30am

We pack and distribute food baskets as a one-day event.

Please consider signing up to assist with any of the following:

• Packing at 9:00am in Church Gym

• Distribution at 10:00am

• Clean up - Put away food, tables/chairs 10:00am

• Delivering baskets

Another opportunity to help with holiday baskets is Saturday

April 4, 2020 (Easter). Thanks for your prayers and support.

To volunteer, please email Mike Earl

[email protected], or call (248) 376-8046

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8th Grade Class Trip Chipotle Fundraiser

Wed, December 4 from 4-8pm Stop by before or after Advent Services! 32824 Woodward Ave, Royal Oak. Remember to BRING THE FLYER - find it on our Gather, Nurture, Serve (GNS) slatwall.

8th Grade Class Trip Dearborn Ham Sale

Our Dearborn ham sale will continue through December 6th. Visit the table in the atrium, or place an order with one of our 8th graders. Just in time for Christ-mas, all orders will be available for pick-up at the school on Thursday, December 19th from 3:00-5:00pm.

KRIS KRINGLE COOKIE WALK Get your apron on and your butter softened as we prepare for the Kris Kringle Cookie Walk on Friday, December 13. All proceeds go to the 8th grade class for their spring trip to Washington DC. This is an all school event in the Multi Purpose Room. School families are required to donate at least 4 dozen homemade, Christmas cookies (no chocolate chip please!). New this year, you are welcome to bake a whole pie or holiday bread. Each pie or loaf will count as one dozen of your four dozen requirement. Your baking will earn 3 Time & Talent hours. Gift certificates will be awarded for the family with the most cookies baked and the family with the "cutest" cookie. Also, the class that submits the most cookies/baked goods will earn a free dress day! The cookie walk is a cherished event at the school. Please submit your baked goods by Thursday, December 12 after school. Be sure to shop early on Friday, cookies always run out! Thank you for your joyful support!

“Regiftables” for Santa Shop The 8th graders are doing a “Santa Shop” again this year. Students at school have a chance to bring in money and shop with the help of an 8th grader. Donations may include new items students may purchase that are small enough for them to carry home. Examples : small toys, towels, flashlights, lotion, stationary, pens. Drop off items in the church and school offices. Questions contact Jessica Merz [email protected].

Our Shepherd School Auction and Games Night!!

February 22, 2020 - 6:30pm Knights of Columbus, Clawson

Tickets are available to purchase online. trivia-night-2020/

Tickets can also be purchased in the school office from 8:15am-3:45pm with cash or check made out to Our Shepherd Lutheran. Ticket Information: $25 per person by January 31 then it will be $35 per person, $3.00 ser-vice charge when paying online

Dinner, dessert, cash bar, silent & live auction An Olympic themed fun night of tunes, track suits, and tennis shoes! We will have many fun games to partici-pate in (or be competitive in), our Silent and Live Auc-tion items and.... MUSIC TRIVIA BINGO!

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(248) 645-0551

1658 Lincoln, Birmingham

[email protected]

Child Care Center

(248) 645-5273

Church and School Locations

[email protected]


(248) 646-6100

2225 E. 14 Mile, Birmingham

[email protected]

Advent by Candlelight Tuesday, December 10th

6:00-8:00pm, Church Lower Level

Set aside the craziness of holiday preparations and focus your hearts on the birth of Christ! All ladies are invited to enjoy dessert, music, and a short program by candlelight. Contact information is below if you

would like to host a table or have any questions.

Missy Macavage and Janet McLoughlin [email protected] [email protected]

“Lutheran Woman of the Year” is announced at Advent by Candlelight. Find Nomination forms on

the GNS (Gather, Nurture, Serve) slatwall. Form are due to Katie Priskorn by December 1.

Christmas Poinsettias As always, the selections are red pink, or white (2 plants per pot) Cost is $14.00.

Deadline (not to exceed) is December 20. Information is all on the order form.

Lutheran Witness LW is the official periodical the LCMS. The subscription year is March 2020 through February 2021. Subscriptions are $11.60

if you go through the church office. Deadline (not to exceed) is December 15.

Lutheran Witness and Christmas Poinsettia Forms located on the GNS (gather, nurture, serve) Slatwall.

Our Shepherd’s 69th Annual

“Carols by Candlelight” Sunday, December 15th at 5:00pm

Featuring Our Shepherd Adult Choir and School choirs (grades 3-8). Join us for this beautiful tradition of music. Free admission.

Lutheran Northwest Choir and Band The Crusaders invite you to join us for

TWO very special holiday concerts:

Sunday, December 8, at 7:00pm Choir Concert in the Sanctuary

Saturday, December 14, at 2:00pm Band Concert at the High School 1000 Bagley in Rochester Hills

Both concerts are free. Visit all Northwest

events at Facebook/Twitter/Instagram @LuthNorthwest

Lutheran Choralaires Concert

Come and See the King! Director, Terry Herald

Saturday, December 7, 5:00pm Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit

Tickets: $12.50/Adult, $6.00/age 12 & under Information and Tickets:

Paul Kienman 248-890-4405 [email protected]

Woodside Troy | 6600 Rochester Rd., Troy

Fridays 5:00-6:30pm | Sat & Sun 4:00-8:30pm Reserve your spot now:

Dec 6 - 8 and 13 - 15

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