Page 1: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized as follows:

Institutes of Higher Learning (Hills) e.g. Institutes of Technical Education, Polytechnics and Universities in Singapore,

Youth Organizations (YOs) Voluntary Welfare Organizations (VWOs) Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) Grassroots/community organizations Humanitarian groups Professional Associations Faith-Based groups Corporates

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Page 2: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Back DropAll organizations have the common aim of wanting to improve the many lives deemed less fortunateThe approach to actualize this aim is often driven solely by the organization beliefs, values and purpose.

IHLs and YOs see overseas community service as one of the platforms to engage students and youth in volunteerism. Grassroots organizations organised overseas community services to promote active citizenry Humanitarian, religious groups and professional associations often organised relief service in response to human tragedies as a result of natural or man-made disasters Faith-based groups often organised missions to various overseas community as part of their effort to promulgate their religious belief and practice.

Page 3: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

– Over the years, the myriad approaches have been developed by the various organizations

– Generated a large pool of valuable resources, good practices and experience that will definitely benefit all practitioners

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Page 4: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

NeedsFor all IV practitioners (young or old) to reap some of these benefits, there are real needs to have the following:

Good IV Standards and practices Better Sharing of Knowledge, Resources and Practices Better Project Design with Good Needs and Risk Assessments Better Means to Manage and Engage Volunteers Stronger Emphasize on Active Learning Stronger Emphasize of Sustainable Service Better Training of IV Managers Better Means to Engage Overseas Partners More Active Networking with Locally and Overseas IV


Page 5: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

NeedsBy having all the best practices, resources, and experience aggregated together, the knowledge base will help form the foundation to equip volunteers with the necessary skills, knowledge and information

To achieve that, there is a need to establish an International Volunteerism Association (IVA)

The association will comprise of IV practitioners who believe in good IV practices and be willing to share them. The role of the association is to promote and develop good IV standards. From the standards agreed by all the association members, the association can then develop best practices guides to facilitate good IV practice. This will not greatly benefit new IV practitioners, but also safeguards, and upgrade the skills of existing volunteers and leaders.

Page 6: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized


Harness the hearts and minds of International Volunteerism practitioners to make a meaningful and sustainable difference in another’s life.


An association of members that drives and strengthens good International Volunteerism (IV) practices through active sharing; and by advocating and developing meaningful service and learning.

Page 7: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized


Selfless – its not about me or my organisation, for the betterment of the IV beneficiaries

Sincere – From your heart, not calibrated

Open – Embrace diversity

Leverage – to share

Practical – things that work

Timely – to be responsive and responsible

Page 8: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Drives – Guide, Control and Direct

Best Practices“process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple organizations can use for management, policy, etc”

To work with various organisation to developBest Practices – 1st draft by Nov 08

Guidelines“procedure by which to determine a course of action”

To work with various organisation to developGuidelines – 1st draft by Nov 08

Page 9: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Drives – Guide, Control and Direct

New ProgramsBlue Ocean

• Framework to help them, project management, volunteer management, partnership• Mentoring• Target new startups

Secondary Schools, new NGOs, SME

Kpi – on their own, begin to help others, 10 new startups by 09

Page 10: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Drives – Guide, Control and Direct

New ProgramsResearch

• Environment Scanning – IV impact by Singaporeans, by Nov 08

• Harness Singapore’s strength in S&T, set up Humanitarian R&D Centre in Uni by 09

Page 11: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Strengthens – Make stronger, Buttress

Active Learning

Talks – Organic Approach, engage learning, once a month, starting Oct

Workshops- Equipping practitioners with real tools or skills, eg risk management, volunteers management once every 3 months or when appropriate

Page 12: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Strengthens – Make stronger, Buttress

Meaningful service - Identify sustainable, impactful service

Talks – Organic Approach, meaningful, impactful and sustainable IV projects, once a month, starting Oct

Workshops- Equipping practitioners with real tools or skills, eg project management, partnerships, once every 3 months or when appropriate

Page 13: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Two Years RoadMap in Summary

1st Year - Drives

Develop the 1st draft of best practices after working with members

Develop the 1st draft of guidelines after working with members

Develop the 1st draft of framework on how to work with new startups

Complete environment scanning

Train first batch of 20 mentors (ten startups)

Secure funding for two years operation

Page 14: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Two Years RoadMap in Summary

2nd Year - Drives

1st draft of best practices to be tested and accepted by members of IV sector

1st draft of guidelines to be tested and accepted by members of IV sector

Evaluate the performance of IV sector

2nd phase of environment scanning

Train next batch of 20 mentors (ten startups)

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Two Years RoadMap in Summary

1st Year - Strengthens

Three organic talks on active learning and meaningful service

Three workshops on project managements, volunteers management and partnerships

Page 16: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Two Years RoadMap in Summary

2nd Year - Strengthens

Three organic talks on active learning and meaningful service

Three workshops on project managements, volunteers management and partnerships

IV Conference 09

Humanitarian R&D Centre development

Page 17: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

IVA Activities on Two-Year Timeline

Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct

2008 20102009


1st BP

1st GL




BP- Best practices, GL-guidelines, FW- Framework, ES-Environment Scanning

1st BP Feedback

1st GL Feedback

1st BP & GL launch


1st BP Refine

1st GL Refine

1st BP & GL Test

IV Conference 09

1st BP & GL ReTest



Page 18: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

IVA Internal Admin on Timeline

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

2008 20092009

Web Launched

BP- Best practices, GL-guidelines, FW- Framework, ES-Environment Scanning

Membership Launched

Soc Account opened

Task Force formed

BP &GL Reviewed

IVA Financial Return

FW Reviewed

ES Reviewed

RoadMap endorsed

MOU with YEP

Financial Framework inplaced

Page 19: In Singapore, there are many organizations and self-help groups involving in overseas community services. These organizations can be broadly categorized

Strategic Area:

Goal: What will it look like when we get it right?

Implementation:How will we get there?

Key Performance Indicators: How will we know when we get it right?

Time: By when?

Who: Incharge by who?

Best Practises

Our IV community will come to depend on us for best practices.

1.       Form Task Force2.       Collate current practises


1.       Practitioners using them.2.       Our surveys will show improved satisfaction


Jan 2009


Guidelines Our programs will be adopted and easy to use.

1.       Form Task Force.2.       Collate current guidelines


1.       Practitioners using them.2.       Our surveys will show improved satisfaction


Jan 2009


Framework Startups know how to approach us for help

1.         1 July 2003 Jan 2003


New Programs

More IV organisation


Environment Scanning

Good indepth understanding of IV sector





Action Plan (e.g.)

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