Download - In part 2 of the

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In part 2 of the Cambridge PET speaking exam, the examiner explains a situation and

gives you some visual material. With a partner, you have to decide what to do in the


Here are some useful expressions to help you begin, maintain the conversation and

end this part of the test:



OK, we need to decide what to buy / get / do /where to go / what we should take

[objects on a journey]

So, which of these are the most important / are the best / are the most useful?

So, which of these would he / she like?

Saying what you think

I think we should / he should + infinitive

In my opinion, we should + infinitive

It would be a good idea to + infinitive because…….

I think it would be better to + infinitive than to + infinitive

I think he’d / she’d like ….

Making suggestions

Why don’t we …? + infinitive

We could / she could + infinitive

How about…? + - ing form

What about the…. ? + object. What do you think about that?

Let’s + infinitive

I’d like to + infinitive. What about you?

……. would be useful. Do you agree?

Asking what your partner thinks

Do you agree?

How about you? Do you agree?

What do you think?


Yes, I agree.

Yes, that’s a good / great idea.

That sounds good.


No, I don’t think so because….

I don’t think that’s a very good idea because…

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That’s not a bad idea but….

That’s true but….

I’m sorry, I don’t agree.

Im not sure about that. What about….?  + object / + - ing form


[Specific occasion] I’d rather + infinitive + than + infinitive

[Specific occasion] I’d prefer to + infinitive

[In general] I prefer + noun + noun

[In general] I prefer + - ing form + to + - ing form


So, we think …. and … are the most important things. Is that right?

So, we’re going to take [objects on a journey] / get / buy / go to  …. and …. . Is that


Yes, let’s take / get / buy/ go to…..

So we think he should + infinitive…

So we think he’d like + object / + to + infinitive

Yes, I think he’d really like that.

Yes, I think that would be best.

Yes, that would be really good.

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Esta parte del examen está diseñada para ayudar al candidato a relajarse. Es evaluada, pero las preguntas son sencillas.

El interlocutor hace algunas preguntas al candidato sobre su vida diaria, su familia, sus estudios, su ciudad, su tiempo libre, su trabajo y ellos probablemente también pregunten sus nombres y apellidos.


- Can I have your mark sheets, please? (Al principio del examen el examinador hará esta preguntas para que los candidatos le entreguen la hoja de evaluación)

- What’s your name?- What’s your surname?- How do you spell it?- Where do you come from?- Do you work or are you a student? - What’s your favorite hobby? Why? - What do you enjoy doing in the evening?- Have you got any brothers or sisters?- Tell us about your family?- What other languages can you speak?


Debes escuchar a tu compañero y mostrar interés por aquello que dice.

Evita discursos largos y preparados (memorizados). Debe ser una conversación natural y espontanea.


En esta parte, los candidatos tendrán que hablarse el uno al otro. El interlocutor describirá una situación que será ilustrada en una hoja mediante dibujos y los candidatos tendrán que hacer sugerencias y discutir alternativas.

Lenguaje útil:

- Para mostrar interéso Oh, that’s interesting, o I see, o That sounds great

- Preguntas para continuar la conversacióno Architecture. Is very difficult, isn’t it?o It is very ________? Se puede cambiar el adjetivo por cualquier otro que

guarde relación con el tema del que se está hablando. o What kind of Books do you like Reading?o What kind of sports do you like practicing?

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- Para hacer sugerencias:o What shall we do tonight?o Where shall we go tonight? o How about going to the cinema?o Why don’t we have a meal in that new restaurant?o We could stay in and watch a film.o Let’s invite some friends round for dinner.

- Para responder a las sugerencias: o Yeah, that’s a great idea.o Yes, that sounds good.o Well, I think I’d prefer to go to a disco. o I would rather prefer to go to the cinema.o Yes, Ok.o Al right, I agree.

- Para discutir alternativas: o Which do you think is the best option?o Yes, that’s possibleo It’s difficult to decide but…o I think this is more useful because…o It would be better to go to the cinema because…

- Para preguntar sobre la opinión de alguien: o What do you think about that?o Do you agree?o How do you feel about that?

- Para dar tu opinion:o I think/I don’t think that’s a good idea because…o Personally, I think that’s a terrible idea because…o In my opinion it would be better to stay in a hotel because…

- Para decir que se está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo: o That’s what I think too.o I agree.o I’m not sure I agree with you.o Yes, you’re right o Well, that’s true but…o I’m sorry but I don’t agree with you.

- Para expresar la preferencia por algo:o I would rather go to a campsite.o I would like to stay in a youth hostelo I would prefer to go to a hotel.


En esta parte cada candidato tendrá que hablar de forma individual sobre una foto cerca de un minuto y un minuto y medio por persona mientras el otro candidato simplemente escucha. Las

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fotos que ambos candidatos reciben guardan una relación pero cada candidato tendrá que hablar sobre su foto.

Lenguaje útil:

- Introducción general: o This picture shows…o In this picture I can see…o This is a picture of…

- Para hablar de lugares:o They’re driving in the country/in a city/in the mountains…o She’s sitting inside/outside a caféo I can see a street market/old building/square/street/restaurant/beach…

- Describir personas:o He’s about 50 years old.o They’re in their twenties.o She’s a teenager/ a young child/ a middle aged woman.

- Para describir la ropa de la gente:o She’s wearing a pair of shorts and a red t-shirt.o They’re wearing quite casual/smart clothes.o He’s wearing a uniform.

- Para describir las acciones que está realizando la gente: o He’s sitting at a desk.o She’s standing in a queueo They’re having a mealo Some people are sunbathing and others are swimming in the sea

- Describir los roles de la gente en imágenes o He’s probably a shop assistant and she’s a customer.o This person on the left seems to be a tourist guide – he’s pointing to a buildingo The man serving the drinks is a waiter.

- Describir los sentimientos de personas en las imágenes:o You can tell they are enjoying themselves because they are smiling.o He seems a bit frightened. Maybe this is the first time he’s tried this.o She looks very interested in this activity – she’s concentrating very hard.

- En caso de no recordar algo a la hora de describir un objeto o un lugar siempre se puede parafrasear:

o It’s something you use to fry food in it (frying pan)o It’s a kind of container for flowers (a vase)o It’s a cupboard for keeping clothes in (a wardrobe)

- Para hacer suposiciones: o It might be summer because some people are wearing sunglasses.o It is probably in the country, because…o This picture could be in Northern Europe because the buildings…

- Describir la posición de alguien/de un objeto/ etc.:

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o In the middle of the picture there is a group of people, probably tourists because…

o In the background there is a church…o There’s a bookshelf next to/near/behind/in front of the door


- Habla hacienda oraciones y no listas interminables de palabras u objetos que ves en la imagen.

- Organiza la descripción de la imagen: no describas lo mismo más de una vez. - Empieza con una idea general sobre el tema de la foto antes de introducir los detalles. - Da razones a tus ideas con elementos de la imagen. (Creo esto porque…)- Habla sobre la situación de la foto así como de las cosas físicas que puedas ver en la

foto.- Da una opinión personal sobre tu reacción al ver la foto. - Escucha atentamente mientras tu compañero describe la foto, pero nunca le ayudes o

hagas comentarios si el examinador no te lo pide.


Para hablar sobre gustos personales:

- I love/ quite like/really enjoy/don’t like/hate camping because….- I find (I don’t find) visiting a museum quite boring/exciting/expensive/relaxing…- I’m (I’m not) very interested in/ quite keen on sports…

Para preguntar la opinión de otra persona:

- What do you think of Italian TV?- What’s your opinion?- How do you feel about going on a cruise?

Para expresar preferencia por algo:

- I’d (wouldn’t) like to live in a big House because there’s much to clean. - I’d rather/prefer to live in the country because…

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