Page 1:, "November 14. „ Th* Standard Publishing Company was" organized the latter part o£ February, pSI,; and


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HE &*&$:. ;HI$ * ARMY ARE: SAID mrtQtJNDEBr" ! been made to the attorney general to

, „,., . .,, „ , . cuiininehce an action for the dissnlufilori

Tlio Fniplpds Are Now M»klne B n t

Ydufrg 1*' Stippoflfed' to have reached Sail NlcolftS^afiotit'SOf^e^eastrpf-IJflfeupaii,,: bufcihteWflgonJsar^farhehlnd. •'••>'-A'/

Col, Haye8- baa captors* Aguinaldo's secretary "and Ma}, Colejha,n "lain Gar-ranglaifo-With a h *scor .ojE | 7 5 bofomen^ o a . b t i . . « w to* ttle'ptdvfflfee""df'fTeiava' VJzaya. ' ' • ' • - * ; v

The sohbf^ent'Blanerag anflhis ja tn-ilyHre*ptl?6ters. The general barelyS4B~ csped; SPhe- dorreBpohdent o3C the Associ­ated BwesiWlth Gen. Young telegraphs from Sanl Jb'Btt t h a t A'guinaldo did hot e s -eape'tdthenprttieast. He-ar iahisarmy, the cokespondent adds, • are, ^urronJide|t, ffl84ae&tderMo^theFiUpin^*oniraAna«r at S.att#ps^ Were itp* hold1 g a n Jose and, Oarrari|tIaiEat:aiX-coats;- •- - ^ - . . :'rz_

The recervfe:' encounters, w e r e too. one­sided to he-called fight* T h e Insurgents are-^ni^lly^a*rald-or-ther~AmerIc;an87 however strong their position. $he$.make bnt a brief and feeble resistance anfl-run,

i s e thatnjmff aJajFiaan^;^ "The moraierteoyoVthe neWs*ih3aCSKWpr

troop* are on their way here has; been un?-questionably great. \

The Insurgents are suffering jmore from d'sease than t h e Americans, owing t o ^or-foodf-laofe-©* rmediomes^and-=fllth% hospitatoj;with -the-result t h a t there i s great raoitallty among them.

Geni taawton'- h a s intercepted a tele­gram from an insurgent captain toa^ Filipino general reading! "How'can yon blame ime for retreating when only twelve of my company wererafrte to fight?'f



Pol i t ical Newspaper* Financial Affairs.

and' for the appointment of a receiver" The matter will be argued at Albany t6r morrow, "November 14. „

Th* Standard Publishing Company was" organized the latter part o£ February, pSI,; a n d early in March of t h e e a i n e .year a daily and semi-weekly Republican' fp;aper were issued. The capital stock of .said company was $15,000. October 15, 1894, eight months thereafter; the man-a ? e S „ f S u n d lfc necessary to recapitalize 1015,130,000. ., - .

October 4l»neof-the stockholders of "the company demanded a statement of' its 4nancial condition. Thte statement is, alleged to have shown the liabilities to exceed the assets and hence the petition for a receiver.

The present officers of the company are: President, John P, - Douglas', vfoe-pres. Ideht, Daniel C. Douglas; treasurer, Han-fljbal Smith;, secretary and manager,* yharles S. Adams. r- - : _

Watertown Is a city of over 20,000 peo-JSle_ aM la rapidly growing. I t is not within a long distance of any other city and there is a large and prosperous farm­ing community in the pariah. -This com-' S S S ^ S S ^ r S S S f f i ^ S S 1 ^ ^ : . make .the "StandardlUpaying-veHtnrft sttetrtern-anffalav-matv.,•.==, - *- ^^-^^mi^^^^1,m^tgi1!f-SJ-?^-,-^---ago, with the expectation of-seourlng a place for itself in the field occupied and satisfactorily filled by the, old-established WatertoTvn.Tiraes.'' ". '" ; '

The Standard is a n excellent" newa-papgrThaving full Associated Press tele­graphic service, and excellent local, vicinity and market news service. The Standard was started really in the in­terests of certain politicians who thought they wanted a newspaper which they could control and which would express ^aily the riolitlcalJoplnionswhich-they-de-sired. The public Boon beqama conver­sant with this, and%he paper's financial

Tfcr -Bopt^K^Fpf i i r^ fr^ement In th« Breiiit o f Edwin Upplnoott , w h o Dies Almoit lD8t»ntlr—A S»U T r » c e d j In Fhi ladelphla-Hnnn Under Arrast .

PBaADBtPHiA, No. 18.—"William Row­land Hnnn, sged 17 years,-son of Ezekiel Hunn, a widely known and wealthy law­yer, today accidentally-shot-and killed Edwin Xaippincott In the better's oigar store. H u n n was arrested and committed to-await theaetidn'ofc thrcoraner.

In explaining the tragedy Hunn. said that during a conversation wittuMr. Lip-plhcott a n d some companloBS,he (Hunn) was- attempting to^demonstrate. how a 'Jholdup*' could be accomplished. He pointed a pistol at Mr. Llpplhcott, a t the same time commanding him to hold up his hands.- '' , • , Mjv, Lippj:noott obeyed, and, with the-

weapon covering his heart, H u n n snappeji

ths,trlgger« The bullet took e,ffecj^i» rlght^ide of the viotlmV&reasf^ahl1

died almost instantly. He was 40 years Qldi i - . . " - - . - - '

Hunh says he did no t know t h e pistol was loaded.


, Dies 8aad«?n)y. ^A^ymHSffi&rN. Y . , Nov. ia.—Adel-

bert G, Blchmond,. aged 71, one .of the nrost prominent-citizens in . th is part of this state, president of the GansjQharie,, N^Wonar^Sauk- and- t f o FaSHrefaTE "HSr"-chantsBank of Fort Plain, was found dead today at the house of his sister, Mary E. R'chmond, a t New. Woodstock, N. Y., where he was vlsitipg. Mr. Ttloh-mond W4a bforn a t ; DeRuyter, Manisbn county^ N . Y., and w a s a son of B . W y and * Caroline Hart _S!oh,a«mdr .5Che

BelV .Enter* tha 3fown Without m Sftot, B e i n g -WreS.

MABILA, Nov. 13^—When CoL BellleTt Capas, ten nillea^from Tarlab a t 1 o'dlock ytsterdnyt he Irtended^aerely^tq-KeoB-noitre. He had With hfiu the 86th in­fantry, Slaveu'en Bcoutflf- tr,aojp-E- of the 4th cavalry, a battalion of fcher-SSd regi­ment and Qatllng guns. <

The scouts, mounted, preceded the main body up tb°erafltoad^-- They met a hundred rebels a t Garcia b u i the insur-

-«ents -qnieldf»--eretfeat«d. ~-'T1rff icouts found the depot burning butextdngutehed tha fire and 8ave4j^e-bujldt{igi

The* main column "roafcbTear"up"lhe wagon road, but before reaching Tarlac divided, entering the town on two sides at 8 o'clock without a shog^elng greJL,. The iBSufgeJ^Oiad. evnSHatea the place wily a few hours before, setting flroto I he railway Station and tlio rolling Btock. Tbeyleffea, rear guard^ot 4SQjnen, wfio however! failed tg make a stand to cover the retreat of the main, force of the ln» rargentJMis, they -had probjiljly been or- ortaarwkt^

T a e p R ^ r p a i ® p i ^ r ^ « » d 4 o have hflsn'Bblppdfe t M towr* SpCPDonnelt.

The Americans areJjootlnxdng', their advance so rapidly that the Insurgents have not the'time newtBaryto destroy the railroad.

success has never beto marked,, ^notwlth standing the good news soryice' it gave.

THE FJ.A6MA.rj g'-J'Mlg.. Wrack

j j^ornin^tdgethet with-three barns and adjoining sheds. Soon after the house wais discovered.on Are by. the family a neighbor reported'that, one of the barns was ablaze on the inside, indicating that fitte=lrii^1»g^w«refflr<dvbyaitrD6*ndfaTy an insurance of |50,COO in a farmers

was t^en_out deafly another one M d a ^nutnal company is inanfllciettt? to cover fG^cf^ed-antf-botb-legsbroken and & W€iM. " * — " ' third w4» so ftadly injured that he may die. * Uy some it: is thought that another

wreckage is cleartid'away. The. accident is blamed, by the trainmen on the negli­gence of Qte flagman of-the train thatwas Stiudk. •'" - " ', • "•"

TheMlJed'; "AlfredCGarter, engineer



DtWEV& -QHARB~$19,194.

.800 In Bounty Money A e k e d fur the Admiral and 01a H e n .

_ N s w YOBK, Nov. 18.—On behalf of Ad­miral Dewey and his officers and men, Messrs. Herbert a n d Micour s u d a t o r i e s and Willtam^KIngv attorneys, haveasked ihe court of claims In Washington to find that the amount o f bohnty jnoneJLana them is $882,800; TheHerald, inannonnc-iDg this, Bays t h a t the decision of the court will establish a precedent that will

Tonrgest SbwJff In the S t a t e . _ BtTFFAio, Nov. 13.-^Niagara county

afttr J an . .1 Will have the distinction^of having the youngest sheriff i n the 8"tafcs ^ - «W "*%££& Tuesday D, Gntaey: Spaldlhg, Demootflt,, was elf cted sheriff a t Nifigara county by a majority of »,600, while Keneflck for supreme cour t 'on the Bepubllcan ticket carried thecouhty o y 766. Spalding was torn in ^c^kpojtl^d87gra,ad-has not yet ;

Hat mrt#en'fy-BlxtFDlK13ay. He his 1i0me city, IJCckpor^ Whfch is B tome of Senator fiflswortb, by

M7, and-ElkworrhJs-watd^BylSO. -Mi was the omy-Dehtbifatelfec^ed In the. county, ar(d. thp only Democrat In the western part of the-siate to»b"# elected to a county

A New Jallk Trnit. . NBW YOEKJNOV. 18.^-A dispatch to th

Herald from" WHmlngtohV tM.t «a'y*t Kew Yorfcclty>Hijo6k1|narid J e r sey City dealers have formed a- gtgnnfaft annk trtist

An Engineer Kilted In a Serlpm '. on. trie Pitt»I>ar« *-Efit .

PITTSBPBG, Nov, It^-rS: double fielded PlttBburg & Erie freight train of* 55 loaded cars crashed Into the caboose of another train at {fo^cees rook "last rjight and, .nl lejL|bA^ men were fn'tKe cabooseTOne bf them

of Andrew Lathrop In Darien, one of'the -flrieB rresia^noes In, frhet^wn, burned this"

ibb te • :b^ ly*rn*n^dp^ i^ ro l»W^ Kussell l.lptorf, tiitefaym foot crushed " " ' *"" '"A" * ' " " • " *" « — and both legs broken above the kaee.


The Wife of Prlnoe Oantaenaea* %rlt«» toMrt. tr H.Grant."

NBW YOBK, NOV. 13.—Mrs. TJ. S. Grant has received a letter from her grand-flanghter, formerly Miss Julia Dent Grant, whose marriage took place recently to the PrlncerCftntacnzenoat the Newport villa, of her aunt,-Mrs. Potter Palmer, in which the princess relates most entertainingly the arrival of the prince and herself in HraslaV "They were driven tcrtheitestatej where the peasants along the road wel­comed them with the quaint custom of the land, offering them bread and salt.

wheat and popples. The tenantry bore the prince to thecsstlanpon their shoul­ders, w(th naming 'torches lighting the way.' The.dowager princess had had mass said early in the day for the safe arrival

f w t o f fchflTaangjgabgla nj f i tftaijfafany hg£- bg»lji pinega,


aSowey and file Brtda K a k e Xbenuelves Voluntary Prleonerg,

Nxw YOEt, ^ NoT.TBI^^dmffiaTTJewey and Mrs. Dewey have been stared at and addressed by strangers every time they

at Dove^-Tiiider^the laW ' iOf.BelaWflre. Papers^si^Beehr-nled*H6eV^d^ Companyt whose: capital-,8tock 18 repre­sented a8;t30iOOO,OOOi" ^heiiiicbHtofators accomparileci their c'ejrtinbate withacer-Hfied check for fi.SQOj, which goes into the treasury of Delaware as the advance payment dfctienwtyearMax.;. ' , ' ^

"STiTlviHiBrNovi |8^Mrfc :Barah A-Tht8^er'6fSii6#l^afti€^erJiome'o;fr Friday The^ecea^; l la^ee*i l i f6r,a Jong timfe i^fe^^rash1^:waj!L Ife

re8idedhe*^(STa#.-#iaB«^*inbeifof-the M^E^ghnrm^She38l tn | ! t^ relattvesv^lis^*ajiaf!ajn6rj '<5e^ge 'Bl Thrasher, W^M^mMMiW^

in New York. Saturday they had tore? turn to their hotel in a cab from a shop­ping ttlpj began ea foo% and.thenj for fear of being mobbed again, made them­selves folantary prlsbners in" their" apart-ments for the remainder of the afternoon. Whfle they^eWJJbhslJn^dnrance Mr. Boldt, proprietdtbtthe-'vy'aldorf-Astoria, made the following statement, after he had-had a talk wtth-thQuadmiral

1 hrasfier. -4tl&rfnlefat^^w^eliWorn the M. Sfe .^ teb l^ ]^8^^ t | e r j i l i6a at 2:20 6*mbck??r^r\(^v^0^S"^ 7' "^'

Friday h l M - i a ^ d f ^ T f ^ a r ^ - l ? ^ the

she imMSmM^^^mw^^^i

'ived by mmM^ «W**tolk Stld W

h e Would like'fa remain Several days longer in N e w York if rusfriehdel,BmOhg whom he Includes every resldentotaadall the yisiiors i n t h e ^ e t ^ j ' w l u oWy"perniit Mrs. Dewey and himself to go about where they will without such marked demonstrations, ot friendship and good ^fflss 'naVtf 'TJM^slid^li^- ' thetti t h u s far,'* ' •j^-^^^.-^L'.'zl'.-.iiii'. •'r7,-^J^—i

Admitat ^hd^CrsV © e w ^ bfeikfaitid to theft a^arimfeiitii' 'JS^ the. Waldorf^As'

know what his future^lahs would be or " when he a n d his wifS t fouldj6 | re i"#e

fh!>.% 4»*' ;**• &ity«fr-, — N * w - Y ^ ^ N b V ^ 3 < ^ « 0 3 ^ B n t ^ t b ' make rbottSEectrfethe foHtlcll inArl ence'bftheGrarid Arniy, pftfieSepnDlic was initiatedSftturday evening at the

asicirnorTosiiED: HJULNN PJO NOT--KN.OJ!\L-jai^A^

SNAPPED THE TRIGGER. astronomefa h«ye <

shower of r^irJIbr^llwftch, It is expected, wttl^beglntbilighMla notable assistant a t ^eir" exp^|lrii | |Ml will be John A. Lewis of A n s b n i a p t p first person who evir- pliotografhed| | i meteor. Prof. F . L. Chj^e, the Miipri^mer who .he a had charge of the ph'btogifaphic work, says: " " W e haye p l l p f t ^ position 13 cam­

era^, seven af thislftfp Yale observatory, six at the branch station in Camden, and we shall expose platfel from 20 to„80-mlu-ntes during the'-brighf moonlight. - After the'mobn sets wfi/liffl expose the platf s •from twoto %r|| | lTOW. We do not feel cer^?H"th"aT|^y^^pI ' . tEe r slower will beiVlsible fronj.'A'praioan observatories, bu t we are c e f t a i i i # | t none will be visi­ble Ijefore llvb'bt86ii& any nlgirK We Expect that the-hfjpjest shower will be seen bn Wednesdal^moming, some time affeYmrdnlght: t ' ^ " - r"-,'.

father catnfe from Rhode Island and early settled in DeRuyter.

LO88 OVER $5Q,00Q.

The Farm BalMiof* o f Andrew l a t h r o p In Darien Burned. *

B^TiLVfAyNov.lS. Tholargefarmhonge

) Girl Rtotera Declared lafane . AiBiu r , -Nov. IS—Four of the> prin­

cipal r lo ' e r i of the Insurrection which ^ocutredrfecently a t t h e house of refnge fogwomerrat Hudson have bsen declared insane by a local commission in lunacy and today were removed to the Mattea-wan ( for insane criminals, t h e findings o l the commission having


Oal. has written a let ter to Governor Boosevelt, stating t h a t she is, us ing the

success t h a n When corporal punishment prevailed. • ••

- S lb f ln igaTed the Ship.. PBILADBLPHIA, Nov. 13 —The Belntlan

steamer Penhland, which arrived In Phil­adelphia five days overdue, was saved from partial if riot total loss and the Uvea of he* passehgora saved by the nerve of ime man—Captain Neflsens W h e n his shfp was tempest tossed and huge waves were,crashing oyer he r decks, the .vessel

captain stood at hfs post encouraging his 'men arid leading in t h e singing of old familiar songa, which cheered the sailors isna^lvert»a^rplffil6^ rallaylng^he7^ of the terrortstrlcken passengers.

i . i in f

Want Croker to B e m n l n at B o s s * . NKW YOBK, NOV. IS.—R|chard Croker,

lu .talking of his plans a t the Democratic Club, said t h a t he desired to go to Europe a s soon a s possible o n account of his

to^aad^rMf^ESHiBss Hall did nofr wish t e face without him the adverse legislation threatened by the RepubUcans-and-that they are asking him to remain in New York. " I suppose," he said, " t h a t the Republicans wil l t ry to punish New York for being a Democratic

T o Dam iho Niagara. WASHINGTON, "Kfov. 18;—6onstructlon

haye appeared in public since they arrived- ^ijt&WT&am%t thTheai waters of IBs Niagara River, hear Buffalo, is the proj­ect bf the engineer corp3 of the a r m y for solving the problems of deep Waterways through t h e lakes and of the Chicago drainage canal 's effect npott the lake ley-els. This d a m is designed to ra i se the level of' L a k e frie f uUy three' fee tahdthe level of Lakes Huron and Michigan, one foot.

- Stopped by » Br i t i sh Orttleer* .LbBBK^o MaSQWsK Deifgoa. Bay,..Nov;.

Jt -JChfijfrenjh 'steamer Cordova has> ar rividr here.. w hen seventy miles ou t she was -BlgDj^aOyJhe JSritish thlrd.c.'ass cruiser Maglcienne and as the Cordova d(d hot obey a Wank shot wasl fired across her t»ows,.,After hei.manifest had bcen.exarjpine^.Jhejfas allowedto>pr<te cjeed. ••'•-: '^— - • :,•;„,••..;•*•,,•...-—_uJ—:-- >r.--

T o : " W * T ^ m S 9 f R n ? r E T E U R S r

A a t e o ^ o m e r i j l i p p l j r a n g e d f i r l l i l r t een Cwsaj^tMyi^^saiBliJaieJBUgffet-.--.-—

" ^ , Nov. 13 — Yale | |p leted plans for an

tervaTions on the Report of »n Eng;»ieTOent a t ladysmlth— It la Ramorad That t h e Boers Eoet HeaTlIy, But No Detai ls Have Been B e J

"oelved—Bfnieklng St i l l Holds Oat.

LOKDON, Nov. 18.—A special dfspatdh from Durban, Natal, dated Thursday, Nov. 9, evening, says: "Native runners, who have just airived here from the Drakensberg dlstilet, _ report tha t the, Boers suffered a severe" defeat a t Lady-smith this morning. TheBoer gunswere silenced after four hours ' flghtiDg, dur­ing which the,,Boer losses were heavy. No details have Been received..''


An Altered Milk Syndicate That -•orbad^||Mf>opoUar». ' 8 ~

S&iit^B, N. • H^Lflfv.- 18.—Thousailds of 4oUars4i»sft^6l|sat/collected in New Hampshire, Vermei&nd nor'tbeln|cftte whjoh started 4S ISsfeMmmejrilS^ji^it^ 'jKDlan.' tajjol-lect milk fot the fliJiBtQa markets The ay^idi9ate wasofgadhfed under- tha laws-of New Jersey. Itrmfid'e farmers9 believe thati after OJt. 1 fej^fald buy all the milk at att advance of ou^jcents. per can over _ tbe-^xIstln^-:^e(«l|^ovIa,edthe^armersi-tir^ southeast Ewfiet purchased stock-"Itr'-Ihe company. Two dollars wa» coUedtet($or each share and a slip of paper Ibft^n return. The J$2 turned oht to be qnly/a payment on ac­count, and, as the':«tock was valued at |10 a share, t h e ^ h # $ 8 was to bs col-leeted'later. In many; Instance^ the $8 was paid NothingX89 D e e n slDC J T»baf6T of the aohemeandrthf new syndicate has failed to make goddlita promlBeB. The farmers continue to iter, the old price for their milk f rom' thbl fenlar contractors.

1 A Ship MnOitBi: Syndloate. * N B W YORK, ffioyTloj—A" syntlleate' fia» been'formed to bhy ths five largest ship-, building plants In-thls oouutry ana com­bine them in ?:« ssjpgle oonSpany. Tfik concerns whlbh tbelsyndlcate idtends to absorb, ate.: ^William Oramp &' Son's Ship I a s d i ' E u g i n e Building Company-oLj Philadelphia, •D* * ' u -

Dry-Dook Compari^l-Works of SAnJ%ah^,

Tron Works OfBattli Iron Work's. It.Is noi directing the; prb^ overcapitalize the.' five concerns re^feBeli of Invested caf&sl?"°

the Union Iron lEbf i$te Columbian ire, tha Bath (Me.) ;be purpose of tnese id Combination to ft? company. The


l o b l i t o l v e Rantapo Oompatiy. KIKGSTON, N . .Y.,*Nov. 13.—In the mat­

ter of thb appllcattoft" | f Attorney General D&vles, Justice. Bfit<|. pi the supreme

J>MWproyedbythe court. * * ;. ' corVrtonSatutday iSn te j i ^nprde r .g iy -

commence au action against the Ramapo Water Company to dissolve such cor­poration and forfeit ifs^corporate rightp.

merit srs terh tad meeting with bet ter j j a v I d H H u l a p p e s r e d T b ? the attorney general and anbrnlttsd affidavits of Bird S. Color, comptroller of JTew York "city, W, B.Hear8t^)tNew Y^brkand David S, Taylor of Albany. The order was certi­fied to Albany county. <

Bevolver Trlok Eoda fatal ly . -CHXONTA, Nov. 18.—On j?riday George

F . Clevoland, son of Doctor Glevoland ot this village, and Karl Kegler were prac­ticing1 targat shooting. Kegler tried a favorite tricfc-__of Olevelahd's, reeling, nearly oaPBlztng. by'thefigjcflrlfeyort*0- t r jek. of ^gieyelahd's, t ha t of

ness of the gale, [calmly a i d bravely the % l r H n g two revolvers i n his fingers, Not doing it well, Cleveland said he would show him how. Taking the re­volvers, he whirled them, around above his head. There was a repor t and Kegler fell with a wound in his forehead and died before any one could reach him. Cleveland was arrested.

Trial o f the Etot Caeei,

CHICAGO, NOV. 13 —The tr ial of what are known a« " the riot cages" will begin

TofS^Judga Kohlaiiafr In ia« federal court today. These are the easel in whkh various railway companies a sk for judg­ments against the city for damages-ag­gregating $5,000,000 to thieirproperty Suffered during the railroad strike in 1894 on account of theaileged-f allure of the police authorities to furnish adequate protection. "

-~—=—Trlife TrgKter B»dly Hnff. 7

Naw YOBE, Nov. 18 —Harry Appel, the prize fighter, lies at the point of death at the Norwegian'Hospitai suffering from a concussion of the brain as the result of his fight with "Jack"Po£at the Pelican Athletic Club, Brooklyn,;Saturday night. The Injury was not the result of a blow but an accident of a trip which/sent him heavilyitb the floor.




A Bril l iant Attack of the Boers Buooeia-fally Bepel led .

LONDON, «Nov. 18.—The war^bfflce, this mbrnlng, published the following dis­patch from Gen Bailer: -. OAPBTOWN, Sunday, Nov. 12, (ulght.) The following reports have been received, frqm-QoL Baden-Powell: "Mafeking, Monday, Oct. 80.—All well here.-. Enemy apparently shy of attacking. Nbw closing -ta-toinvestrUB. Are-todaxdestroytngTati-way two miles north, with dynamite. Shelling—eonoia««dt~—rlJoteg very -little harm. •

•Tuesday, Oct. 81.—Enemy attempted an assault today on Cannon Kopje, and

of Fqwn. Attack" was most brilliant, notwithstanding hot shell fire by the British 'South African police, under AlfredV -Enemy lost heav­ily. Oar casnaltles five killed and five wounded. Killed: Captains Hon D. H. Marshain, fourth. Bedfordshire; O. 4 . xgfftohell, jDalrd kings rifles; a sergeant and two troopers. Wounded: Five non­commissioned officers and troopers. All BritiBh South African police."

The war office also made pnblto the following dispatch from Gen. Buller: Cape Town« Sunday, Nov. 12: Thetbl-Ipwlng-Js-wm-Nictoolsqn: '_**BnTttwsj51' Nov. 5: Toe fbllbwlng is" from Baden-Powell: , '^afoklng, * Wednesday, Oot. "25 All well here.r Enemy "still shelling. We made- n successftfl night attack on his advanced trenches last night, beginning with bayonets. Our loss, six men of the protectorate regiment killed,

IB western style early yesterday morning and with the Influence of four pistols not only got away with the silver watches of the conduotor and mbtorman and $3 in cash from the former,, but then escaped on the car, leaving their victims tied up In a lonely piece of woods. There were no passengers on the car.

Son Kil led; Father Wil l Die. OAST«.F, N. Y., Nov. 18.—Harry Taylor

-of Huntefwaff-instantly killed and Ms1

father J . R. Taylor, fatally injured last evening near Carrigan'a crossing, one mile east of Castile.

They were wheeling to Hunts between the tracks, stepped over onto the west­bound track tp allow an eastbound train to pass and were struck b y an engite.


Stoeke, Bpndi and Money. Naw YottK, Nov. 13. -Qpehiniir.---TrafllDJr wpaa

active at Ihe opening, but the market only partly respondeat to the advances in Lfindon. Mains aniang a number of the internationals, were a small fraction and In other cases there were losses. 'Manhattan and T O . I. tedded sharply downwards Republic Steel rose ljfi-

Noon—Trading becanio quieter and unsettled. Operatoip were confused between the stiff' rates for call money ana>ar"sharp break lo sterling, jphetr-lndeelsteQ-was-TeflvetOTl -itr«ratic-ttoe£OTs-tions, som<? stoqfcs rijinR as some others de,-olinlng. Inactive stocks Buffered s^arpl . Pacific -Coa»t4st pt4-losiag-4, Omaha & Krle Tel-phono pfd 2 and Pullman 1H- Heavy bu, Ine of South­ern Paciflo lifted it sreadily aod B & 0 pfd woi also in demand. Toward midday, theCIrangers. > Sagar and Traction Issnos-wera foroed ugsferd

"Money "strong at"T3T Taper at B^Jfi . &x-chanse weak at 4S3®ie5^ for demand and at 480M®<8iJ4 for 00 days; postnd rates « 2 a 483Kand48J. Oonnmajplal bills, 480. Silver cer-tiflcates, 09(<a6O>4. "liar, silver, 69 Mexican dollar?, 47|ij Government bonda weak.

resa....HI Western" Union... 88 tafcj Am. dugar i»

jttipBWifttng •Wftfirende, third Royal FosUeew, afidf4t8Wl01l Zm Wta*H Lieut Swlntoa^ Enemy's loss nnknown - - - -but considerable. Enemy have vacated Signal Hill and laagered two miles north east of town and two miles southeast.'

How tba Boerg Secnre Soldiers'

•PTai'fwrtaT^ov; (F —Tho Standard and Diggers News says It is expected that an­other commando will leave for the front today. -A large number of Burghers have been, commandeered and some have vol­unteered. The commando will be under a brother of'Gen. Jan H. M. Keck, who? was wounded And takeupiiaoner by the British and afterward died iathehojpitAl atLadj8mith. . . -

The house to house visitation In the central district continues. All neutrals who have not volunteered will be com­mandeered for police service. Those who are eligible are expected to report for for dnty. The penalties impoBed for fail­ure to comply with the order to report are heavy fines, and for persistent disregard of the order offenders will be expelled from the state.

Small Pox on a Spanish Steamar. SAN J U A N , DS fcoirro Rtco, Nov. 13.—

The Spanie3»*8t*auier Ruenoa Ayres, Cap-taln-Mnaarter ffom GoEjmnaj Oct, 37-and OadizOct.81,which2arrived here yesterday with'000 eteerage and 250 second cabin passengers for Cuba and Bixty passengers forTorto.Rico,- was fonnd t o have two cases of small pox on board. The vessel and passengers have been placed i n quar­antine and are undergoing fumigation.

Seoret History of t h e German Court/ NEW YOKE, NOV. . i s .—Aeui t flled by

Henry W. Fischer against the publishing firm of Barrie & Son of Philadelphia for f ie^Wdamages brings ro ngBtDhe lnter-estlog fact that the Herman government is making tvery effort to suppress and keep suppressed the history ot the court of Berlin during the decade from -1888 to 1898 written by Mr. Fischer.


JFonr afen Bob the Crew of a Trolley Oar wra-^onWTin--$har^l«f*-

NKW YORK, Nov. 18.—Four young -men hftld np ». Brooklyn trolley ear- in t rue

Amer Expr Canada So o.<3:0 (Ss-st. u... ml DeL & Hudson 1)11 Del. h. & W lbfi^ 1/ake 8hore i98 Manhattan „tc."4 N.J. Central \*A No. Paclflc pfd... . 74 N. Y. Central!.... 130 Pacific Mall •fi^ St. I'aul& Om....tl6 r'Qe'n.Eloctrlcnew-. 1!H— Itaadlnr: 20&

Tenn. O. & I . . QiuV& West. Atchison: , U. 8. Leather....'. Us: U. 8. Leather p(d. 7.S U.S. S'8reK.....'..110 U. 8. 5'a coup UOJa Erie seconds... . . . 70 West Shore 4*8....1896

•U.S. 4's reg new..lWK -U;8.-'J*rconp new.USa

OCOMD Boian. She* VJBX,NOV, i.8,—a.p, m.—A rednotion in

call money rates on moro abundant offerings and further weakness in sterling exchaDRo ratea gave the firm tone to tho market Prices ro*o

Suite Renorally, but tho Hpeelaltlea were really is best gainers. ' Advances of u point ovor Hnt-

urday's close Were numerous in the Btandard stocks.

ao-pretewiH}.™^ Ccj Bropklyn'TranBrt;. H| ' Miada Boutmto. 53 Che* ft Ohio... . . . O B * « O O O f c S t L . . . . . . Del * Hndioa„.„ 0eIl4*|W lot; fcake Bhore..... . . . i«3 LoulH* NMh mt Manhattan L I d Met 8t Railway 101H Mo,*an* Te*ora.asS HUsouri PaclBo.. 47fi N J Central . . . . . . . law N Y Cenaal......l«.(»4 Northern Paclflo. Cm

^ rJo nraf«ri!»a.~. 7«* So* W««f.....,«.10F' Ont 4 Woit . . . . . . . . Reading.. . . . . . . . . . £VX Book IaTand. ...^11355 i r w * o . i*3 8tPaa l . . . . . . ..Ji-5^ BtPaul ft Omaha.}ir Southern Paolflc. 43"4 Bo Ballwa* pfd... 57-14 Union faclflo.. . . . . WU Uaioa v«s o(d. .„ 70k WabMk.. . . . . . . . . . . Tjji

Wheeling* L I . UM do tsi" pftf..r..." BO do SU pfd, 80«

Amur U | r i t n 144 am Tobaocc .lleW

do preferred IMvg GO OonaoUdated Qn.lSSU MH .Federal Btotl .„„ tlH ^ . 7891,

Qfin «lwjtr(f,»iwl21 Inter Rjpar. ., S8

do preferred... W

jper.-.. do dp_ ptd.. 0^5




On* IBondred HUltary Prlaonen Eicap* from. Their Quar tan and Overran tha Ship—They ar* Snblned by the Crotr Onljr After a,,,0«ipaifata Conflict.

SAN ITRANCISCO, NOV.- 13.—One hun­dred and one military prisoners on the transport Indiana, just arrived from Ma ntlaj broke through the bulkhead sep aratlng their quarters from theicommis sary stoi-fr. room l a s t MondayT-night-and- -secured several cases ot Whisky. Alter drinking large quantities of- the liquor, they splintered the wooden bars oT their . prison with a rush and ran over the ship, threatening to kill any one who dared to check them.

Officers called all available men to duty and a fearful hand to hand combat en­sued. .The drunken men fought with vlcionsness and had to be literally beaten into . insensibility before they were quelled. A dozen or more of the ring­leaders-Were-put In irons. ' The rest of the men were placed in solitary confine­ment and kept on a diet of,bread and. water. '

ONEIDA MATTER8. . - ~i i ii u

Borkiara and Olothoallne TMevje* a t Work ' .

' $4


. Y^»<ay UAI'V

ONBIDA,NOV. 13.—An unsuccessful, at­tempt-was made at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning to break into the residence of William .FSSchuhert, 68 Elizabeth street. ThSt familj? were aronaed by the wrnovaf of a sore'en from a basement window and' the burglars were frightened away. ;

Joseph Lunibraeq, who lives at 83 James street discovered thejgame morning • tnac hi-j wile's clothesline hall been stripped of clothes yalned at about $9.

At the nwetiogot the town board on Saturday, Supurvisor- Stephen O. Waterv mitn tonaered his resignation to take ef­fect imoaed lately. Supervisor-elect House was appointed to fill the office for the un-explrett term ot Mr. Waterman, and will represent the town in that capacity at the annual seaBi-Onof t h e boar4 of super vlspra-.

J . J . MoDonougb. formerly of Water-town, who for the las t year has been 9m-ployed a t Oneid.o, has been appointed, to. the position of assistant steam engineer at tfio state capit-u a t Albany,, beginning toda^ He passed the clvtl service exam­ination a t Syracnso Jiaarch 10.

-A- iOH^AHB-PtmeMAser-

Paolflc MaD.i... 48 People'a Ga» lus>d PiOUnan Palace; 101 Sngar BeflEery.,.163M Tenn Coal ft Iron.1144*. W U Tel«g»»ph.. m&

W R New O coopJStU' OB*'* ooap- lis** U 8 6!are)r..~.~~110t«

do B'« ooap. . . . . l .ejj Atoht*oa4 ,»....... ml

do A4'a.. . . .^."81M US.At Oil..., Tex Pan Sadr!!^ t5~ .Weat Bhore fotm.l!S9£ axoAIrPowtrbld. (S

Haw Tork Froduea ataxkat. NEW ^TOIUI, Nov. 13—Flonr. receipts, 80,183

barrel*: aalMt 3.CO0 packages' state and western dull and a shade lowor to sell, with buyers hold­ing off. Winter patents, $3.60as.75s winter straight*, !3.Br&3.W; winter extras, J3.C0a2.55; winter low irradec, ja.2S®2 40; Minnesota pat­ents, J8.7I03 05; Bakers $J.65ffi315. Bye floor. r ln l l - |rw'B|f: hityffln. (trinl\ fr, f^t^f^inQ^AT^ . choice to fancr. $3.4(Wt3 70 Wheat, receipt*. 6I.S2S bushels; sales, OSO.000 bnsheti; cans|d: or able weaker this morning m bear statistics, disappointing cables and moderate liquidation May, TOJBTBUC; December. 717-tetalUiC Bye. aarlcet qafeti StoW. 6761 No. k weiterh, 00c f. el b. Afloat, to arrive. Corp. receipt*, 68,678 bnaheUf sale*. 35,000 btlshel* Dull but steady with llttli change during the forenoon. March, 3^(o. Oats, receipts. ftMOO bushota. Inactive and barely steady. Track white, atate. •«Oa»4i3t tridk white, western, SOUtaia. Beef, market steady; fimliy. JlsjsoajaoO: mesa. $1030; pocket. Mi.0131300. Pork, quiet; new mess, | 9 S039.TS; family, $11 TStJl-j.OO; abort clear. flOJOaigSO. Lard, eaaicn prime, Weat-

E$g*, recaiptt, 7,A£ii pankitites: market strong; state and Pennsylvania, sSi&M-.logs Off; weatern, ungraded at mark. HQCOo. Sufrar, raw. steady; fair refining, S?£c; ce'ntrifueal 90 teat, 4Mc: m o i r e s sngar, . 8 9-I6o. ReDned,

•steady; orushad, 5 ll-10c; powdered, 6)<o: granu­lated. 5 a-16o. Ooffee, gjeadyvrfo. 7, 65<c.


d^'^ave>afec 'e | t idi : to' : ' .udttMM der^fof. jEss»aae>&ii3eB£^-<<ajicKii a^a3i ¥ata»^ '3^wi«^»Ei^ iec^ <J6^rnaadei«Wli;^dtfe^h .M>-$*T'f>t^b s l a ^ . ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ f o W f f i ^ t a M r i , :

tare of Tntnlla, the Samo«n island t h a t

' A h e » r a H « Won HU S p u r .

NKW :ji^^0ji§( J^'V&Ww Ahearh, -Wjho«l«lilpbfte« m i s s i o h ^ S h a n n e f W ^ . n « « l •ILi-tt-ir'.l'i-'i'i'.-.Vi'*;' Va-i-SH-c<^(ti\S'i.o.4*Vi.

tfition JMei ;

h i s c r ^ i f e l p ^ ^ ^ l i e l l ^ i f f ^ e ^

wnt H o b ^ c b n ^ i r Win5»roJ^H*


this taofBm^mW^m'Mvm- :«*^'J^>.W^»*

u-ani Q e l r l » m ; i r | v # i i i ? # n « p | b m '""• administration;;.'the Berald.sajB. re Com- navy department officials deaire to make

• - • . - - - > « . » . • • . - . * . - • ••'• -••<"• fxti •••^•''. • • «

"" --aacias." —

Kantneky Kleetion Not "Vet Decided. ' •3^tlf^A^*,;Jo%ii'j^6rt

,lo.. 1he.c0-fMfc8

InfcofbSilots wairestfrrTed By tfie*.cbnialf boardsof canvassers today in a number bf cbtntifeSh^fiii-wpsAwas leffe utt-flniS^I^week. Thefono^gjs likely

Snow Storm. In the Adirondack!.

PLATT0ECBG, N. Y-, NfrivilS^The drab gettuuie show storm of trie s'eaio'n . pre^ Vajtied^triroughout the eiitiir| Ad{rondilck region on Saturday. I t bigati. snowing in Platfebufg a t noon.: S n d "continued throughout the afternoon 'and evening. jAt- Saranae Lake enough t sub# 'fell, to rnak^iilobdaleighing,


«6thJfartleBiV---r .-.-=»-• -,--- «

» y > # h a f c f h i v ^

i M M e b f l h e CteatlaniBihJlfchiKrl f0bt M l t teairi,who was injared i n the game with

•'filaifcurdajf Mm&k,: itfe'-AJW*^"»4rS;. has not regained consciousness since he fell on, the fieM


tftfnaiid Loon •fetfi' -f— '

Lake tit*

Adlrandack Gulda Shot. ^Mi'tONti, NoV^ 13.-«3^||gi^lklrk, a Welj f ShOWfl'AdttondSQRij|bjde,' was shot

' ? » P j ^ ^ S ^ H a ^ P S w I f c tteMnrrfa; in the A^hrona*ckst-seven

VICINiTY. r^Yat^ county lawyers are &_iorm a

bar association:-- -—— —Several firemen were Injured St a

small fire at Atiburn Saturday night. —Wis. Catharine Mnrry, aged 74, was

struck by a train at Oswego onjSaturday-and died from her injuries. .

-^August Hailing has been chosen chief of police and William P/Thelen as­sistant chief at Little Falls.

—The controlling Interest In the Little

oountryr ^SM^Sr Hay, quiet; Hhlpplnic 63070c: igood to choice, 76082Jto. Hope, dull: state common to choice, 1896 crop, 6c; 1807 crop, nominal; "1896 crop, lO&lSo; 1899 crop, 12©15CT Pacific coast, 1896 .crop, <©6c; 1897" crop, nominal; 1898 crop, lttMic;: 1899 crop/ I3ai6c. Lead, market steady; bullion, |4.<0; exchange price, $4 60JM.65 Potatoes, quiet: Long Island, II mim.VM; N.Y., Jl.Coai.BO; Jersey, #1,003 1371iaonj;tteraBweeta.$l.!!6©l.E0j Jersey sweets, f!30O8,20 Btrawy dull; long rye, 60a7(tei short rye, [60c; oat straw, 45q. Beans, quiet; marrow, fS.0093.lS; medium, l l f O ^ f.«5; nea, $1.75j»i 81; red • ' 8 40. Woo), • market steady; 21«a20o;.Texas dry, M®17C.

•.".. .,(fJjWavigKu)tW'*;rPa1s»*»»Sntt*.- .1-' . . _ . ™ _ _ _ _ T # a # y o B f e i ^ # ^ ^ h e l 5 | h a n n u 4 (^t^^e^gr*ef jh^b^fow^egM^- | t^ feo j r§gr^ "' ' """""' ' " loaen^to^yT^^W^SW ^verf'lSpl

;attendtojs^-at-«np0pe:mhif,';and t h | ^ t # V... W jgpiintr #^#^eicill6nt:ChBraoier' mm* 'M

fexhiblts, • tec? the, niaiaafcerfient tot m&"* %tmM0mm4pfMomd-- tie i&#.wm suca^safatirliMiylJffsit;''.::' • -. • ?>•; 1

._,. , l„...„ Mi. seveii miles^MntPaul Smith?a^Se1klrk-and a-SpOrtSmsn were out hunting *fa-nd the :sho^iD#'Wai: an accidlrit^iite^ldal aid c*a^^ttratfffecLfrom Malbn$j •,. "* - >-. '•: ?.'"-,:,7 ';*"",';.t-.'- ..-'"" - ' l i r y^:":'" '--' •

'"^tMt^^,. Nov. ifeiniefiptehd-*rife:.| cGttib»i-.ofcthe Ba|iirn&'d|visJ<iiri 6f trifrlJ^-'SMfb'ad^ has lUf^/'&'iifraer pfo^dlng that no to$j$fc&~$ji Sreinan sh*imMfled*flhla JSIg^rh^arrlfter n igg^fe | r | r i -S ia , liiggbfifa Jun t a ' s iWofikFt^pftty-rlve dayCf^p^bilS, r eeti done to insure the men EittfBtjeht rest: '

Falls knitting mills has passed into the hands-bf-Jr^Jr-Gabertrand Elijah Reed.

—George Fitten of Oswego Falls, an employe of the New "fiork,-Ontario & Western Railroad as night watchman for the past 19 yeaw, was strack by a train and killed Saturday, night about three-quarters of a mile below Fulton."

—Edward H. Ross, a discharged ma-.TITIA. nt i'.hft-'Rrfifllrl'gjfii Tjrrtri nTTrAfifhrl nti f}A-wego on Saturday for. peddling without a licenser HeJhadian -<3iieida cohnty li­cense, bnt none allowing him to do bus­iness in Oswego county. He was repri­manded and discharged.

• —A ruling has been received at jbfti in­ternal ievenueiofaae^ai5_Syracttse to the effect tha t revenue inuat be collectad u^ntoTasseinBanay soldn&y druggists under the name of "velvet ." The fact that it is claimed, to haye medicinal prop­erties takes it out of the category of candies a n d places i t under the l e a d of medlcirrest . ' '


: c ^ m ^ ^ y m M » h^int ;your: today by .h to .« , 0*or|t*i ^ . echwi r a Uds 1

hlispnmoiiejr^: # /

of nearly 89 years, Rev, Dr; Samuel H.

«\*;, •on-jm'iB0^\ Jimt-*. r'%)•'• ^p:<^y(' v-;i&''.''';.'.':

L-^il ' l luio^lft ionght*^ • d S r ^ ' W M o ^ ' i l ^ i a ^ p a ' a ^ " * * * ^ * * '

fwftaVUbgo^-ifrtffcfr m \U*km<*3& oU and-CO ,ot».

vH; * srr*

kidney, j215a domestic neeoe.

Naw YORK, Nov. 18—Butter, receipts 4,957 package*; strong; state dairy. 17Q2lo; June, creamery, ISQMJ: factory creamery, i6®17e? state creamery, '83853; western^ do., 18fli2Sc; imitation, dorr 16©.«ICL Ohee««,.receipts, packages quiet; small Sept. cblored, l»H@t£$ie; large Oct flnest, lS®l!i%a; large fancy col­ored. 12^@12^c; large Oct, finest, llKci large white, 12o small white, 12tfai2«o- large col­ored, 12@i2 [o; small colored; ii${®:22£d.

- f afcrolaaai. 13^011 opaiid

Trilttteoi - Handrad Aer*« t r Timber i n H'gUmnrket, X<«wl» Coanty.

BooimM.?, Nov. 13.—Charles W. Pra t t has purchased of Casimer Constable of ConstablejiiHe,^ I»8IHXacreaof timber land in the town of Highmarket, Lewiu' coun­ty. Mr. Pra t t has a force of thirty men at work on the t ract getting' things in readiness to begin eitonslve operations.

George Barrns of Beloit, Wis., who has. been visiting for laveral weeks in Boonvllle, has gone to Newburg, where he wULspend,tfe winter wlthjhls brother.

manufacturer, has recently completed a new factory in Ava, making seven fac­tories operated if th is vicinity by Mr. Karien.

The atone for. the new canal looks have begun t o arrive from Chnumont a n d are being forwarded to t h e points whero they will be used. •

Mrs. J . P . Pitcher Is enjoying a visit with her sister, Mrs. Spencer, a t Chicago.



•20 ,000 Damage Dona By m Sanday Blaaa - - l o iaraaca aiO.OOOr

house of F . F . Bnrtcb, the shot store of H. H. Dcokstader,. the Mohawk Valley Democrat printing offllce,.LH. Weinmann, proprietor; and the grocery store of ft. K. Clark, at- Fonda, were totally destroyed by fire Sanday. Loss, $20.000; insurance, $10,400. ^

Watt X*brdan. W I S T LBTDMT, NOT-. 13—Next Sunday

Hev. Mr. Shepherd of Lee Center will preach here in the afternoon and admln-lateTtfiS sacramonfi.

Arthur Kilts, BeH Hubbard, C. S. Kime, H. Sohmoker "and W. Koons have .gone to the North Woods for venison.

Anthopy Moltz^jwho has been In the far west, for several years,-has sold his posB6S8ians.ther&andJlsexpected back t o - : this section again. *

D. B. Thurston was elected a justice of the peace-here Tuesday and will -cont­inence his official duties Jan. 1.

at 11^6. 'rtDao.' Nov: Closed at $1.B0.

Wartaxa atarkaM- • Omnkoo, Nov" 13 -Opealttg—Wheat, Dea,

60«@66K0.;B&y. 70H®70J<c. Q»m May, 8l5(i©

B a e ^ J s ^ g M p . i'ork, Jan., $9B5; Bee., $8.13. Bibs De0;S^4i83.

OmCAoo^oj . l^—HDg»-&ttoat^ » « l p ^ I'C98. and nearlv alKsoxtai ol yearUhgs and old of hogs today, 40 000 bead; tomorro», SI.OOJ 6TaK"'Advt(«»from-therin^wior-t)frtlii»st«tos«i-

nonncement came as a surprise and shook

B^aa'n. RBMSEN, Nov. 13.—The foundation of

the new null and f eedstore near the depot is being pushed on as fast as possible^hd iheluperstructnre will soon foUow* I t Is located jast south of Jos. Robertas coal shed, alongside the west branch of the railroad track.. Mfesrs.„ Lucas and Kent are the owners.

Mrs. John H. Williams and Mrs. James Owens of this place, accompanied by Mr; and Mrs. Crastb Owens of Utica, havtf been on a three weeks' trip to Boston and other places; "• •

Charles M. Williams has exchanged his farm near the Stone Gfauroh with John &, WIUiams.of Alder Creek..

he»ftrJettr»tBr„3.orrhpact; 6ajr0a"ioweri^ixed and butchers, 18 91®4 20 good to choice heavy, |«Oftaiao, rough heavy, tssdjtSfii), light, (3 603135:' bulk of sales, Slflognis. Oattte. r«$s«<Ip>*/2(i;lvO head; bestJlOc, others 16c lower ttaahi JEwdayccow market 5c lower; canners

^tlaayggteeaeirs- Steft4y. Beeves SlSSOo-Sa: cows, 1325314.00; hoifertf, »3 07^515; canners, »1.75<&300;,stackers and feeders, <3.00t»4.CO; Texrfi^raiis sr*er8,J3.15(W.0O; Texas fed beeves, ;Jt.ooa5.<0['wWterhs, $4 COfflB 20'

OKIOAOO* fflfov. 18.—Oloatng.—Wheat, Dec , BtJSffi; May,7ttSe CormNov., 8 J<c; Deo., SlMoi Jsm,,.v0^OSQJAc; May, 8%o. Oats. Nov., 28}|c; Dec:* 88HoSMoy^ 28-Jic. Pork, Nov:,_J8'1SS i fieTCilf 8*13^055 Jan, $861: May. $935 LaVa, SidV, *487>t5D9H, S>.97Ji®509. Jan., SS.17JS;

Cotton, - rtew Softs, Nov. J8.-Cotton—Spot cotton qulpt, \ia lower; middling uplands, 7^c; mid-dllrlp gulf, 7J|c. Sales, —— bales. £:$Msion, ftttures closed barely steady; Niav« .fcifd..Deb>7l83. Jan.,7.16o Feb., T.iaotMarch* TjaerAfiHli 7^ie; 3ffay,7 8ic; June. 7*Be; Juiy, '*"*'"' $wbZtaic; Sept., 09io; uct., 68oc.

Buffalo markets (*LO,Nov. is . Spring.wheat,?o^l aorthj

Kew Tork Prodnoe Harkat. Bej>ortedbvBob'tileAdam<t8ont,eSarrU(m8t

NCT T O M , NOV. II. EGGS.—The indications, noted In ottr last

weekly report, that our market for tretb. gath­ered eggs wa^working toward a stronger pjei-tionliave Been fatly verffled. As anticipated, the receipts of fresh have fallen off, and aa tho prdporiion of fanoy quality has continued-rery ftmalVbnyer»bave lately had cougideralito illfll- . . culty to obtaining a suoply; this has led tos, nharp upward movement in prices, the advance for ton week amounting to fully Separates. — State, avernge beet, per d o * . . . . . ^ . . ^ £;!0K4

HOT'S.—The local market remains In about the same condition as was reported a. week. ago. The. trade does not expand as i-Ueh as wouM naBt urally be expected at this seaion of year. Brew­ers are taking on more stock i ban they did last month, but i«r« still operating very conservative­ly, and the demand is ot a more selective charac­ter.' This is probably due to the fact that the •crbg-tlfla-ycnr in a vcry-gBfcecd-one, with prepon- '— derimce of weak, moldy and poorly picked tots. WinJcrnot-hear 6f exporteta_making abyvpur-ohsses here, hut they are taWns come-lota i i | tho—-Intpribr^and this Week's reoelpto.Include nearly",1-1,000 bales in transit for export, over TOO bales arriving from the Paeafle coast. The relatlve-scarclty of strictly choice hops holds' the'value of snch, Bteafly, out Nearly all other 'qualities . lean in buyers'favor, especisily the low grade

Tmt soothing, healing* effects of Dr. •Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Is felt almost JuftanflFV TOereisno othercouglrnred* icine that combines so many virtue*


*ri*:»ij4bt winter wheat, rlo. 2 red, 71c; NO> 1 WW$p«i< Corn, No. Syellow^9c N'0.8yellow,-Wttmwjtfr billed; new corn, M « « o ; Oats. No- S/wWtbi fflHc; do. dipped, aojjjc; «*• * rtiS«*r«B(io en track. • -; &fflt ;fre%ht*^Strong; good demand, ffi &m&m*f ioi corn 8>»0i*ariey 8MC tfc$«* Smm.?;:.* , — - - -. . ^ - - : -,'\^.-^L,^,.

port fair business, at laafl3o. for'slnppars. ISKffi lie tor phiim brewera' bops, and; 8®10e. for awmuw ta fair Kraaes^ LateLcamesreportno change in the Knglfsh or German market?. State, choice, per lb. .^.-.».. . i . . . .»<-.. . . l4 t> If State, common to prime. . . . . . * . . 9 @13 Btate,16SS, good to prime, per l b . . . 10 i«li Btate, 1898, commpn to fanf.,..t'„»:.^.:...7 ©9 Btate, I89?»j>er lfi.t . . . . , . . . ' . 6 ©9

POTATOH&—Relatively firm prices in the in-terlar have given us rather a moderate supply of swlctly-choice Irteh potatoes during tho past weelt.amttae-tbaetof the market has continued slightly" 4H-«ejler'# favcirf It has been «t»y to place straighli fots- of^atatn round varjetfes at $l.St when at prime quality.arid of; late receTv-ers have been able to jreach SI.50 ia some in-atanices, although the.prlce^iatfll pxtreme; long, MriaXalee s^lBhrniaInij?jat<ilfi@13E, Bn4iher^, , is s«n Bome;inT«i*)rcS«»jk; atetheyardS^whichtas to-goatl6we*aadlr«SgtilaT)pricea .. Albany,» MUf, parbSl . . . . . . . . . — 4 1 lS@t 80 Westem W.X..prlme,bulk.per 180 lbs. 1 SSatt SO WelterttN^.j fat #|Mif,.per 180 lbs" 100018S ..,-w-i- ,• 'Xatf'.Dalrr'llarkata. . . " * ' » 'j^imjioyiiii. xlov. iS.-Ti'^ Che^sS^iiirkwE'• •Sato'rdap<w*«rtBv%iotiv«, iffiougih«uieit:^ulbV.-fiM6,^keB:cheess;freery; at m'.<*Btahi^*ire8!'-me«(*«es.uispoSea to let go tWifloWlngS, ate tm'iactotteWosed out the b a ^ l f b f f i f f t n l l f Jnlteofrarjte cheese at llM-tft l | | | - c ^ p r i m $ mim or^Ohoxes was picked W Thestotalisal11* of the day w e » f Boxes* ^ e rultog price on largiM Sfecen l lMdon Mas ttSTW ^ffift^brottghc 18 cents. '


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