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Bielefeld Graduate Schoolin History and Sociology

The State of the Dialogue between History and Sociology

End of Messages?

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4 Day 1: Historical Sociology revisited

5 Day 2: Research Projects between History and Sociology

13 Day 3: Perspectives for Research between History and Sociology

14 Map of Bielefeld University

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Day 1: Historical Sociology revisited (Monday, 9.2.)

Place: Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft (IBZ)

14:15 Welcome and Introduction Jörg Bergmann, Thomas Welskopp

14:30 Introduction of Participants

14:45-15:45 Keynote 1: How Sociology once Inspired History and Why History may be Relevant for Sociology Today Thomas Welskopp

15:45-16:15 Coffee Break

16:15-17:00 Keynote 2: When, why and how Sociology be- came interested in History: A View from a Socio- logist Hartmann Tyrell

17:00-18:30 Panel Discussion: From Mutual Understanding to an End of Messages? The Relationship be- tween History and Sociology reconsidered Thomas Welskopp, Hartmann Tyrell, Uffa Jen- sen, Hendrik Vollmer, Jörg Bergmann,

19:30 Dinner at Puccini´s (near Bielefeld Main Station)

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Day 2: Research Projects between History and Sociology (Tuesday, 10.2.)

Place: Seminar Rooms in the University

9:00–10:30 Presentation of PhD Projects in parallel Work- shops

SemanticsHeaded by Willibald Steinmetz and Urs Stäheli, Room T2-204

9:00–10:30 Kateryna Ruban, ´Revolution´ in Cityscape: Lviv between 1989-91

Miriam Tag, The global semantics of ´early childhood´. A study on the world cultural const- ruction of ´early childhood´ and the ´young child´

KnowledgeHeaded by Sybilla Nikolow and Alfons Bora, Room T2-208

9:00–10:30 Christian Kehrt/Peter Schüßler, Knowledge- production and Innovation at the Nanoscale. Instruments, Images and Visions in the Practice of Nanotechnology

Stephan Petzold, Power and historical truth. A sociology of knowledge of the debate over the origins of the First World War, 1960-1980

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Communication/MediaHeaded by Jörg Requate and Tilmann Sutter, Room T2-214

9:00–10:30 Berit Bethke, Globale Ansichten in lokalen Bild- medien. Eine historische Fallstudie zur ´Visuel- len Kommunikation´ mittels Bildmedien (Global views in local media. A historical case study on ´Visual Communication´)

Anna Winkler, Bilder von ´bedrohlichen Frauen´ in Argentinien im Kontext der kulturellen Globa- lisierung 1880-1930 (Images of ´threatening women´in Argentina in the context of cultural globalization 1880-1930)

Social InequalityHeaded by Thomas Welskopp and Martin Diewald, Room T2-220

9:00–10:30 Jens Köhrsen, Religious Taste: Social inequality and religious practice in Buenos Aires

Luis David Ramírez-de Garay, The Concept of Social Strain and the Study of Violent Crime

World Society/Transnational HistoryHeaded by Angelika Epple and Tobias Werron, Room T2-226

9:00–10:30 Joris Gijsenbergh, A transnational view on the Dutch and Belgian attempts to ´correct the flaws of democracy´, 1920s-1930s

Tilman Haug, ´Amis et Serviteurs du Roi en

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Allemagne´ – Networks of the French Crown in the Holy Roman Empire 1648-1678

EthnicityHeaded by Christian Büschges and Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka,

Room T2-233

9:00–10:30 Baris Ulker, Towards a Genealogy of ´Ethnic Entrepreneur(ship)´ in Berlin

Caterina Rohde, The transnationalisation of biographies exemplified by the immigration of Russian au-pair workers in Germany

10:30–11:00 Coffee Break (at K4-129)

11:00–12:30 Presentation of PhD Projects in parallel Workshops


11:00–12:30 Korinna Schönhärl, Knowledge and Visions: Theory and Politics of Economists in the sphere of Stefan George

Stephan Scholl, Semantic Demarcations of the Political in Economic Discourse, 1880-1980

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11:00–12:30 Lucas Manuel Bietti, Towards a collective me- mory builder of socio-political identities: Analysing discourses of the last Argentine dictatorship

Kelvin Low, From Entangled Histories to Entang- led Memories: Conceptualising Samsui Women Historiography and Experiences


11:00–12:30 Günal Incesu, Ankara-Bonn/Berlin-Brüssel: Die Vernetzung politischer Kommunikationsräu- me 1959-2005 (Ankara-Bonn/Berlin-Brussels: The interconnectedness of political communica- tion (1959-2005))

Marina-Elena Wachs, Material Codes and social material behaviour – in Design, Art and Architec- ture

Social Inequality

11:00–12:30 Juliana Körnert, Couples under Pressure? Recon- ciling Work and Life

Linda Braun, The Implementation of the General Conscription in Prussia, 1814-1859

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World SocietyTransnational History

11:00–12:30 Barbara Kuchler, War and the ´Rest´ of Society

Bijita Majumdar, Imperial Connections, Diffe- rence and Identity in Diaspora: Indians in South Africa (1860-1920)


11:00–12:30 Nadine Golly, ´Et mix af tysk, amerikansk og meget dansk´ – Afro-Danes and their hidden experiences of migration and adoption from Germany to Denmark after World War II

Noorman Abdullah, Islam, Spirit Interference, and Malay Marginality in Historical and Contem- porary Singapore

12:30–14:30 Lunch at the IBZ

14:30-16:00 Presentation of PhD Projects in parallel work- shops


14:30-16:00 Christian Meyer, The private under National Socialism

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Silvia Herb, Psychoanalysts on the Movie Screen – Popular Images of a Profession


14:30-16:00 Linda Reschke, Man as (part of a) machine. The diffusion of concepts in interwar Germany

Andrés Jiménez Angel, Diffusion, transfer, ex- change: German-Colombian scientific and intellectual networks in the 19th century


14:30-16:00 Marcel vom Lehn, Historians dealing with Nati- onal Socialism and Fascism in public. Compa- ring Germany and Italy (1943/45-1960)

Nina Schneider, The official propaganda during the military regime in Brazil, 1969-1979

Social Inequality

14:30-16:00 Evi Kapoli, The International Migration to Athens and the Contribution of the Centre for Social Research in Athens to the Study of the Occur- rence

Edgar Guerra Blanco, Political Inequality: Democracy and social mobilization in Mexico (2004-2008)

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World SocietyTransnational History

14:30-16:00 Hamadziripi Tamukamoyo, Definitional issues, questions, theories and methodology in the study of the ´embeddedness´ of informal eco- nomic activities in the Zimbabwean crisis

Eunike Piwoni, A ´New Patriotism´? National Identity Change in Germany


14:30-16:00 Inga Luther, Staging the Nation: Celebrations of Independence in Guatemala 1921-1954

Andrea Griffante, National Discourses on Impe- rial Borders – Vilnius, Trieste and National Identi- ties seen from a ´Peripherical´ Point of View (Early 20th Century)

16:00–16:30 Coffee Break (at K4-129)

16:30–18:00 Separate Concluding Sessions in All Workshops: The State of the Dialogue between History and Sociology – Conclusions from Current Research Projects

18:30 Dinner at Univarza (University´s Central Hall)

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20:00 Evening Programme: Presentation of Film and Posters

“Mutual Irritation: Past and Present Research between History and Sociology at Bielefeld Uni- versity”

Place: IBZ

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Day 3: Perspectives for Research between History and Sociology (Wednesday, 11.2.)

Place: Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft (IBZ)

9:00-11:00 Panel Discussion/Reports from the Workshops: Perspectives for Research between History and Sociology Workshop Leaders

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 Final Comment Stephen Mennell

End of Conference

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Impressum: Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Bielefeld University, Uni-versitätsstraße 25, D-33615 Bielefeld, und Text: Dr. Klaus Nathaus; Gestaltung: Bernadett Fischer; Fotos: Thomas Abel; Titelbild: Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt, Konrad Klapheck 1981, „Der Aus-erwählte“

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