Download - In-Focus Issue 7

Page 1: In-Focus Issue 7

In-FocusPrincipal: Stuart Williams

Vice Principal: Kelly

18 JANUARY 2013 Winter Weather

Focus On: Cedar Class



Makewaves News

Forthcoming Events

After School Clubs

Staff Developments









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In the current inclement weather we would be very grateful if you could send your child to school with some spare socks or tights in case they get wet at playtimes. Many thanks for help in this matter.


In the event of severe weather we will make every effort to keep the school open and to continue as normal. However, in extreme circumstances this may not be possible and emergency procedures may have to be adopted.

Information will be given as soon as possible on Rutland Radio on 107.2, 97.4 FM, the School facebook page and the school website. This will usually be by 7.30am.

If your child does arrive at the school and we are facing extreme circumstances, such as an unsafe site or not enough staff able to reach the school to safely look after pupils, we may have to close.

If we have to send pupils home, we will tell pupils who cannot return home for any reason to stay at school and will remain in the school under supervision.

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In maths we have been learning about our tens and units and our times tables. We have been using tricks to help us solve problems - like the hundred square trick.

By Orange group in Cedar Class

Pupils performing their dance for Pirates of the Caribbean

Pupils from Cedar class doing their units and times tables

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The purpose of the programme is for the children to experience a new activity and also for the coaches to train the class to a competition standard. The coach will then, in consultation with me, invite children to represent the school in a Partnership competition in July. Additional training sessions will be available on Friday evenings from 6-7pm. The children chosen to represent the school will be requested to pay a subsidised amount of no more than £15 to gain a British Judo Association Licence that covers them for competitions and insures them during such competitions. The licence also allows coaches to give the child a grade.

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Pupils who attended the Football Development Schools’ programme

Our budding reporters

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How Long Have you worked at Catmose College?: I have been working as a receptionist at Catmose College since last November.

What are you looking forward to about the role swap?: I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work in a different environment with a different age group and the different dynamics that will bring.

What are your interests out of work?: I have a keen interest in drama and the theatre, I studied drama at the University of Central Lancashire and also have a teaching qualification in adult learning.

Miss Potts

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The Catmose Primary Netball team will take part in the Rutland Hi 5 Netball Festival from 9am – 1pm at Oakham School. They will compete against other local schools.


The KS2 children have been training and making preparations for the Rutland Cross Country Championships. This will take place at Sykes Lane, Rutland Water and letters have been sent home to those children who expressed an interest. If your child has not received a letter and would like to take part please collect one from the office.


The children will be celebrating the Chinese New Year by having a Chinese themed House Afternoon. They will be making fantastic mystical Chinese dragons and sampling some delicious Chinese food.

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