
In a few weeks the summer holidays will begin

You will go on a holiday to Hangzhou

What will you bring in your bag?

At Shanghai railway station you want to buy a train ticket to


ConversationA: Good morningB: Good morning. I want a to buy a ticket to Hangzhou.A: What time?B: I want the two o’clock train.A: That is O.K. The ticket is 20 Yuan. B: Here is the money.A: Here is your ticket. Have a nice time in Hangzhou!B: Thank you!

Because you are hungry, you want to buy some fruit at the


ConversationA: Hello! How are you?B: I’m fine, thank you.A: Can I help you?B: Yes,please.I want to buy some bananas.A: I don’t have bananas. I have apples or oranges.B: I don’t like apples. I like oranges. I want 5 oranges, please.A: The oranges are 3 Yuan.B: Here is the money. Have a nice day!A: You, too!

On the train you talk with a nice person.

ConversationA: Hello, where are you going?B: Hello, I’m going to Hangzhou for a holiday.A: Where are you from?B: I’m from Holland. A: What do you want to do in Hangzhou?B: I want to ride a bicycle around the West Lake.A: That is great! I like to fly a kite. B: I have got some oranges. Do you want an orange?A: Yes, please. I like oranges very much. I like pineapples,too. B: We are in Hangzhou now. Thank you for the nice talk!B: Thank you, too!

Let’s play a game of…

Simon says!

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