Page 1: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker


Community based mana gement program

in Morang District, Nepal,

involving Village HealthWorker.

Page 2: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Why is epilepsy a public health concern

in Nepal ?• Not much of hard data but reported prevalen -ce are:

– - 10 15 per thousand (Text books)– - 42 222. . per thousand in different India

n nnnnnnn– 7per thousand in Morang district (program

area)• Sociallydebi l i tati ngi l l ness wi thwhol e fami l y suff

.• nnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnnn.• nn nnnnnnn nnnnn,3/ 4 .• nnnnn nn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn.

Page 3: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Why did I choose it ?

•Low cost community based program is feasible

•My field of interest•Easy and effective entry

point for introduction of general mental health.

Page 4: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Problem statement.

People suffering from e pilepsy in Morang distri

ct of Nepal are not utilizi ng the health services f

or treatment.

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Number of patients actuall y under treatment

(so 1998urce: Annual Report, Mental Health Project, )








1995 1996 1997 1998

Cases under treatment

Developing country standard

Expected cases

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What is the root cause ? Causal web

Negativeadvoc ac y byT raditional




G ovt. P o l ic y


C aretak erunable to


C aretak erunw il l ingto bring

C aretak erunaw arethat i t is

i l lnes s

M isc onc ept ion

L ac k of fa ithin

H ealthc aresys tem Number of

patients w ithepilepsy

attendinghealth post is


Ignoranc e aboutillness

P oorhealthservic e(misdiagnosis ,

treatment failure)

fi nanc ia l &manpow erc ons tra ints

P t tak en to T H

T H does notrefer

Page 7: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

What influences utilization ? Conceptual Framework



c auses

Behaviouralc auses

Perc eived needfor c are

Non use ofhealth servic es

U se of health servic e

Predisposingfac tors

E nablingfac tors


T reatmentfailure

Healthservic efac tor

Patientfac tor


Reinforc ingfac tors

Adaptation of Determinants of health servic e utilization to explain the dynamic saff ec ting c are of epileptic s in the c ommunity (Anderson & New man 1973)

Page 8: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

What could be done to improve the situation ?• - Increase community awareness informati

on flooding• Desensitization of the community• Increment of social pressure• Involvement of the community• Involvement of other healing systems of th

e community• Strengthening the health delivery system :

Involvement of VHW.• Development of support system for the pati

ent and family

Page 9: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

What do I want to do ?

Empowerment and mobi lization of village health worker in the use of phe

nobarbitone to bring ab out better coverage and

quality care of epileptic s in Kerabari Health Pos

t of Morang District.

Page 10: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Operational Definitions• Empowerment: ‘to give power to’. The

VHWs will be given some curative role und er supervision.

• Mobilization: ‘encouragement to take ac tion.’ VHWs will be more involved in active- case finding.

• Quality care: adherence to protocol leadi ng to better control of fits.

• Phenobarbitone: cheap, available at he alth post, present in essential drug list.

• Better coverage: increase in the % of ca ses under treatment out of total number of

cases identified.

Page 11: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

General objectives

• Improve health care in relati on to epilepsy.

• Increase community awareness.

• Reduce misconceptions.• Reduce taboo attached to th

e illness in the community.

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Health Postattendenc e



Periodic HPvis it

Rec overy

VHW attemptsto handle it

Suc c essful

U nsuc c essfulReferal bac k to

health post

Patientbec omes

sic k

H ow can V H W 's bring about change ?D iff er ent r oles of V H WNot brought

for treatment

Page 13: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Specific Objectives

•To increase coverage.•To provide quality care.•To minimize defaulter rate.• Increase Quality of Life of


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Health post A(intervention)

B asel ineassessment

S ec ondassessment

F inalassessment

day1 12 month 18 month

Health post B(no intervention)

ST U D Y D E SI G N (Q uasi exper im ental)

Page 15: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Study site• District : Morang (in eastern Nepal

)• Health post: Kerabari• Population coverage: 23,687• Manpower:

– -- Health Assistant 1– -- Community Medical Auxiliary 2– --1ANM– -- VHW 6

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How to implement it ? Strategy of implementation

•Horizontally integrated at the level of District Public Health Office.

•Ultimate service providers are DPHO staff.

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Components of training

•Methods of case finding•Screening criteria• Methods of treatment•When to refer•Counseling techniques•Communication skills

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Pre training preparations

• Curriculum design.• Formation of screening guidelines.• Formulation of diagnostic

guidelines and treatment protocol.• Development of T/L materials

– flip chart– brochure– reading material for trainer

Page 19: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Human Resource & Technical Requirements•Trainer - Health assistant of the

health post and master trainer from DPHO.

•Supervisor / coordinator - to be borrowed from DPHO

•Data collectors (to be hired)•Audio visual equipment - (to be


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Information & Recording

• History sheet• Continuation

sheet• Referral slip• QOL

questionnaire• Monthly

reporting form

• Information from the health post collected at the DPHO.

• Local data-base maintained by supervisor.

• A copy of information from the DPHO sent to central data-base.

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Evaluation & Expected Outcome

• PROCESS– -- KAP of VHWs fluctuates with net rise

• OUTCOME– % of adherence to protocol– % of coverage– - Change in QOL of patients QOL score

gets better– - Seizure response about 1/3 of patients

6symptom free from months onwards

Page 22: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Budget• VHW training 6,000• VHW refresher 7,000• Material development 25,000• Seed money for CDP 1,000• transportation 18,000• Salary 45,000• Contingency 8,000• TOTAL RS. 110,000

( $ 1692)

Page 23: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Activity plan of proposed studyYear /Month (N- November,)

1999 2000 2001N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A

Meeting withDPHOPreparationof materialTraining ofVHWRefreshertrainingEvaluationK AP & Pt.loadEvaluationQOL 1EvaluationQOL 2

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What is the motivation for VHW ?

Intrinsic factor

Change of role from health education to ‘medicine giving’ role which has higher status . in the community.

Extrinsic factorCarrying bagRepeated refresher


Page 25: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT IN EPILEPSY Community based management program in Morang District, Nepal, involving Village Health Worker

Ethical issues

•Right of a person to choose –to be or not to be treated–choice of treatment

• If patient prefers other medication, he will be referred to district headquarters

•Poor patients -- DPHO rules prevails

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• DPHO manpower is trained• Technical support is

institutionalized with Dept of Psychiatry

• Practically no running cost

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Anticipated hurdles

• Working with Government System i s a slow process.

• Stigmatized illness: so the denial (n ormal) of the patient as to the exist

ence of the condition may be a problem.

• Traditional healer community may t urn against the program.

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Supportive Activities

• AIMS• increase

community awareness

• decrease misconceptions

• decrease taboo

• ACTIVITIES• training for communit

y leaders• training for other leve

ls i.e. FCHV’s, TBA’s.• training for traditiona

l healers• training for school tea

chers• felicitation of commu

nity meetings

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Data exercise

A cross sectional survey of

Quality of Life of patients with


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Objectives (data exercise)

• General Objective–Test the ‘DUKE Health Profile’ in patients and normal population

• Specific objectives–To access the QOL of epileptic patients

–To access the QOL of normal population.

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Duke Health Profile

• 17 point Questionnaire to be used i nnnnnnn nnnn nnnnnnnn.

• - nnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnn n6 ,, , , nnnn nnnnnnn.

• - 5 ,dysfunction scores Anxiety Depre -nnnnnnnnnnn, , , .

• nnnnnnnnnnn & Validity tested in western population.

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Sample selection,size and technique

• 30Purposive sampling, in each group.• Patient population: ccccccccccc cccccccc cccccccc

ccccccccc c cc cc ccccc c cccccccc.– Inclusion:

๏ - onset of illness between 5 30 years.

• ๏ duration of illness more than 6 months

– exclusion: ๏ severely ill.

• ๏ Patients who did not give cons ent.

• Normal population: Staff of Adm. Section,CPH.

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• 13/ of sample in both groups were midliners.

• nnn n nnn n n n nnnnn n nn nnn nn nn nnnn nn population than optimum.

• The mean QOL score was lower in patien ts than in normal.

• n nn nnnn nn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnn n nnn nnn six domains of QOL.

• Anxiety and depression showed negativ e correlation with all domains.

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QOL score in different domains of health
















Self e





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Correlation between QOL scores in the different

domains among themselves in both groupsDomain A B C D E F G

Physical NP








Mental NP








Soc ial NP








General NP








Perceived NP








Self esteem NP
















** Correlation issignificant at ae 0.01level

* Correlation issignificant at the 0.05level

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Limitations & lessons learned

• Limitations• Sample size: small and

nonrandomized so cannot generalize findings.

• Two groups not identical: so cannot ‘compare’

• Lessons learned• Questions have to be reevaluated

in the cultural context.• Time management.

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