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Page 2: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of Hortatory Exposition Text through Note Taking from Reading Similar Texts at Grade XI IA academic Year 2010/2011 of SMAN 1 Baso, Agam.

Masalah pada penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis dikelas XI pada SMAN 1 Baso. Hal ini dibuktikan dari rendahnya hasil menulis siswa pada ujian semester 1 tahun ajaran 2010/2011 . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Note Taking from Reading Similar Texts dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks Hortatory Exposition dan faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi perubahan pada proses pembelajaran.

Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 12 kali pertemuan dari 3 siklus. Masing-masing siklus dilakukan selama 4 kali pertemuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan menulis siswa. Peneliti mengumpulkan 2 jenis data yaitu data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data kuantitatif didapatkan dari hasil tugas siswa selama proses pembelajaran dan hasil tes siswa yang dilaksanakan diakhir siklus. Sementara data kualitatif didapatkan dari lembaran observasi, wawancara dengan siswa dan catatan lapangan yang dilakukan selama proses pembelajaran Note Taking from Similar Texts oleh peneliti sendiri dan kolaborator.

Berdasarkan hasil tugas-tugas siswa dan hasil tes siswa yang telah dicapai dari siklus 1 ke siklus 3 ada peningkatan pada kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks Hortatory Exposition dengan menggunakan teknik Note Taking from Similar Texts. Peneliti juga menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan dalam proses pembelajaran, seperti pendekatan guru, materi, fasilitas, motivasi, minat siswa, dan media yang digunakan. Berdasarkan peningkatan prestasi siswa dari siklus 1 ke siklus 3 serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan selama proses pembelajaran dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks Hortatory Exposition.

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Sri Ika Zuriani (2011), Improving the Students’ Writing Skill of Hortatory Exposition Texts through Note Taking from Reading Similar Texts at Grade XI IA1 Academic Year 2010/2011 of SMAN 1 Baso, Agam.

The problem of this research is the students have low skill in writing at the second year students of SMAN 1 Baso. It was proved by the students’ low achievements in their writing test in semester 1 of academic year 2010/2011. The purpose of this research is to know how far using Note Taking from Reading Similar Texts can improve the students’ writing skill of Hortatory Exposition texts and what factors influence the changes during teaching and learning process.

The researcher did classroom action research by using Note Taking from Similar Texts at the second year students of SMAN 1 Baso. There were twelve meetings in this research with three cycles. Each cycle consisted of four meetings. There two kinds of data, quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data was gathered by giving 2 tasks during teaching and learning process and a test was given at the end of each cycle. The researcher also found the factors that influence the changes during teaching learning process are variety and interesting media, affective domain, authentic material, facility and students’ motivation and talent.

Based on the students’ achievement from the cycle 1 to cycle 3 and factors that influence the changes in teaching learning process, it can be concluded that there is improvement of the students’ writing skill of Hortatory Exposition Texts.

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Dengan ini saya menyatakan: 

1. Karya  tulis  saya;  Thesis,  dengan  judul:  Improving  Students’  Writing  Skill  of 

Hortatory  Exposition  Texts  through Note  Taking    from  Reading  Similar  Texts  at 

Grade XI  IA1 Academic Year 2010/2011 of SMA Negeri 1 Baso, Agam, adalah asli 

dan belum pernah diajukan untuk mendapatkan gelar akademik baik di Universitas 

Negeri Padang maupun di Perguruan Tinggi lainnya di Indonesia. 

2. Karya  tulis  ini murni gagasan, penilaian dan  rumusan saya sendiri  tanpa bantuan 

tidak syah dari pihak lain, kecuali dari tim pembimbing. 

3. Dalam karya  ini tidak terdapat hasil karya orang  lain kecuali pendapat yang telah 

ditulis dengan jelas dan dicantumkan sebagai acuan di dalam naskah saya dengan 

disebutkan nama dan dicantumkan pada daftar pustaka. 

4. Pernyataan  ini  saya  buat  dengan  sesungguhnya,  dan  apabila  di  kemudian  hari 

terdapat  penyimpangan  dan  ketidak  benaran  dari  pernyataan  ini,  saya  bersedia 

menerima  sanksi  akademik  berupa  pencabutan  gelar  yang  telah  saya  peroleh 

karena  karya  tulis  saya  ini,  serta  sanksi  lainnya  sesuai  dengan  norma  dan 

ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. 


Padang, 14 Mei 2011 

Saya yang menyatakan 


SRI IKA ZURIANI NIM.  51990/ 2009 

Page 5: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Alhamdulillah, the researcher would like to start by thanking the God for his mercy

and bless so that the writer could finish writing the thesis entitled “ Improving Students’

Writing Skill through Note Taking from Reading Hortatory Exposition Texts at grade XI.

IA1 Academic Year 2010/2011 of SMAN 1 Baso.” This thesis is completed to fulfill one of

the requirements for achieving the Master Degree of Graduate Program in the State

University of Padang.

Hence, the writer would like to express her deepest acknowledgement for those

who helped and supported her in conducting this research.

1) Prof. H. Zainil, M.A. Ph.D, Prof. Rusdi, M.A. Ph.D, Prof. Dr. M. Zaim, M. Hum as

her advisors who gave valuable advices, guidance, ideas, and cooperation to finish

this study.

2) Dr. Hj. Desmawati Radjab, M.Pd, Dr. Kusni, M.Pd, and Prof. Dr. Gusril, M.Pd as

her examiners who also gave valuable contributions and suggestions.

3) The director, lecturers and staffs of Graduate Program in the State University of

Padang who provided the supporting facilities as well.

4) Headmaster of SMAN 1 Baso, Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd and all the English teachers

especially Dra. Hikmah as my collaborator who have helped in getting data and

some information to complete this thesis.

5) The greatest appreciation belongs to my beloved parents, Ayahanda Syahrial,

Ibunda Zurlena, my lovely husband Edy Suarman, my lovely daughter Naifa

Farhana Dyka, my brothers Edi Chandra and Herizal and my entire family.

6) My classmates of English Section, Language education of Graduate Program

especially my best friends Yessy Anggraini, Siska Asmir, Aminah Elvina,

Melifatma, Murekson, and Alfitri Yusuf for support and friendship.

Hopefully, the thesis will useful for everyone and may the God bless us

all, to the depth always deserved. Amin.

Padang, 16 April 2011

The Researcher

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ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………… i

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………. ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………………………………… iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………... iv

LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………. vii

LIST OF APPENDICES …………………………………………. viii


A. Background of the Problem ………………………………….......... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ………………………………….………... 6

C. Limitation of the Problem ....………………………………..………… 6

D. Formulation of the Problem ...………………………………………….. 6

E. Purpose of the Research ………………………………...………….. 7

F. Significance of the Research ……………………………….………….... 7

G. Definition of the Key Terms ........………………………………………. 7


A. Review of the Related Theories ..…………………..………………….... 8

1. Writing Skill ….……………………………………………….…… 8

a. Definitions of Writing Skill ….…………………………………. 8

b. Teaching Writing .....……..………..……………………………. 11

c. Writing Evaluation …………………………………....……….. 13

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2. Note-Taking from reading hortatory exposition text ...……………. 19

a. Note Taking ………………………………...…………………. 19

b. Hortatory Exposition text …………………………………........ 22

B. Review of the Related Findings .…………………...………..……….. 23

C. Conceptual Framework .………………………………….……………. 25


A. Type of the Research ………………………………………………... 27

B. Setting .……………………………………………………………... 27

C. Subjects ......…………………………………………………………... 28

D. Instrumentation .. ……………………….……………………………. 28

E. Procedure of the Research ……………………………..……………... 34

F. Technique of Collecting the Data …...………………….………….…. 39

G. Technique of Analyzing the Data .……...…..……………………….... 40


A. Findings ……………………………………………………………….. 45

B. Discussion ……………………………….…………………….……….. 72


A. Conclusions ………………………………………………………….. 75

B. Implications ……..…………………………………………………… 76

C. Suggestions …………………………………………………………. 77

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 78

APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………… 81

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Tables Page

2.1. Analytic scoring rubric ……………………………………………… 14

2.2.Writing scoring rubric……………………………………………….. 15

2.3.Analytic scoring scale for composition task ……………………...... 17

3.1. Writing indicators ………………………………………………….. 29

3.2. Note-taking indicators …………………………………………….... 30

3.3. Writing checklist ……………………………………………………. 31

3.4. Checklist of note-taking …………………………………………….. 32

3.5. Checklist of steps of teaching ………………………………………. 32

3.6. Writing scoring rubric ………………………………………………. 41

4.1. Descriptions of students’ writing on pre-test of each indicator …….. 46

4.2. Descriptions of each indicator in students’ writing in pair task in

Cycle 1 ……………………………………………………………… 50

4.3. Descriptions of students’ writing for each indicator in post-test 1

in cycle 1 ……………………………………………………………. 52

4.4. Descriptions of each indicator in students’ writing in pair task in

Cycle 2 ……………………………………………………………….. 57

4.5. Descriptions of students’ writing for each indicator in post-test

In cycle 2 ……………………………………………………………... 59

4.6. Descriptions of students’ writing for each indicator in pair task

in cycle 3 ……………………………………………………………… 61

4.7. Descriptions of students’ writing for each indicator in post-test

In cycle 3 ……………………………………………………………… 63

4.8. The improvement of each indicator of students’ writing on pre-test,

Test 1, test 2, test 3 in cycle 1 to cycle 3 ……………………………… 65

4.9. The improvement of each indicator in writing from pair task

in cycle 1 to cycle 3 ……………………………………………............ 66

4.10. Comparison of students’ mean score from pair task 1 to pair task 3

In cycle 1 to cycle 3 ……………………………………………………. 67

4.11. Comparison of students’ mean score from pre test to

writing test 3 …………………………………………………………… 68

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Figure Page

4.1. The condition of each indicator of students’ writing on

pre-test ……………………………………………………………………… 47

4.2. Descriptions of each indicator in students’ writing in pair

In pair task in cycle 1 ……………………………………………………….. 50

4.3. The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in post-test

In cycle 1 …………………………………………………………………… 53

4.4 The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in pre-test, pair task

and post test 1 in cycle 1 …………………………………………............... 53

4.5. The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in pair tasks in

cycle 2 ……………………………………………………………………… 57

4.6. The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in post-test 2 in

Cycle 2 ……………………………………………………………………... 60

4.7. The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in pair task in

cycle 3 ………………………………………………………………………. 62

4.8. The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in post-test 3

In cycle 3 …………………………………………………………………… 64

4.9. The improvement of each indicator of writing from pre-test, cycle 1,

Cycle 2 and cycle 3 …………………………………………………………. 65

4.10. The improvement of each indicator in writing from pair task

in cycle 1 to cycle 3 ………………………………………………………… 66

4.11. The comparison of students’ mean score from pre-test to writing test 3 ….... 68

4.12. Comparison of students’ mean score from pre-test to writing test 3 ……….. 69

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1. Lesson plan in cycle 1 ……………………………………………… 87

2. Lesson plan in post-test 1 ………………………………………….. 90

3. Lesson plan in cycle 2 ……………………………………………… 93

4. Lesson plan for post-test 2 …………………………………………. 96

5. Lesson plan in cycle 3 ……………………………………………… 99

6. Lesson plan for post-test 3 …………………………………………. 102

7. Students’ score in pre-test ………………………………………….. 103

8. The result of pair task in cycle 1 …………………………………… 104

9. The students’ writing result in post-test in cycle 1 …………………. 105

10. The result of pair task in cycle 2 ……………………………………. 106

11. The result of students’ writing in post-test in cycle 2 ………………. 107

12. The result of pair task in cycle 3 ……………………………………. 108

13. The result of students’ writing in post-test in cycle 3 ………………. 109

14. Students’ attendance list …………………………………………….. 110

15. Field Notes …………………………………………………………... 111

16. Samples of students’ writing ………………………………………… 112 

17. Interview Guidance ………………………………………………….. 113

18. Interview ……………………………………………………………. 114

19. Process writing checklist …………………………………………….. 115

20. Checklist of note-taking from reading hortatory exposition texts …... 116

21. Checklist of steps of teaching ………………………………………... 117

22. Photographs during the research …………………………………….. 118 

23. Admission research letter from Pasca Sarjana ………………………. 120 

24. Admission research letter from SMAN 1 Baso ……………………… 121 


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A. Background of the Problem

Teaching English for senior high school in Indonesia is based on the

curriculum of KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) the year of

2006. It is stated that there are at least three aims of teaching English: (1) to

develop students’ competence in accessing knowledge by using English (in

informational literate level), (2) to make them aware of the importance of

learning English in the global community competition and (3) to improve the

students’ understanding about the relevancy between language and culture.

Derived from the aims above, language has an important role in developing

students’ intellectual, social and emotional

English is a mean for them to communicate both in spoken or written

language. They can express their ideas and feelings, being participated in the

society and know much about their culture and other culture. In learning

English, students will master four skills: listening, speaking, reading and

writing. Thus, they will be able to comprehend and produce the spoken or

written text in informational level.

From the four skills, writing is one of the important skills in learning

language. In writing activity, students are demanded to be able to produce an

effective and interesting composition, which combine the abilities of the

students in expresses their ideas in their mind and the students’ knowledge

about the grammatical patterns.

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It is not easy for the students to be a good writer based on some

reasons. Firstly, they must have good capabilities in organizing the ideas to

construct the sentences. In this part, they have to determine which one is as

the main idea and the supporting details. Then students have to elaborate idea

into a good paragraph and each paragraph must be cohesive and coherent.

Secondly, they have to use the punctuation and spelling well. It means that

the students have known when coma, semicolon, full stop or quotations are

used. Thirdly, they need to have wide vocabularies and variation words in

building the paragraphs. Thus, it will ease the use of repetition words in those

paragraphs. Fourth, they also have background knowledge about the steps in

writing process and the writing aspects. For higher-level students, they do not

only write a personal essay but also an academic text or genres. For example

narrative text, expository text, procedural text, argumentative text, etc. Each

genre has different generic structure. Like in narrative text, the generic

structure is orientation, complication, resolution and coda. The generic

structure of exposition text consists of thesis, argumentation, reiteration, and

recommendation. The generic structure of procedural text consists of goals,

materials needed and steps. It means that the students have to know what

information should be written for each generic structure. Based on the

reasons above, writing becomes uninteresting activities for the students.

Based on the researcher’s teaching experience, it was found that most

of students especially at grade XI.IA1 in SMA Negeri 1 Baso Agam

considered that writing was a very difficult activity. The first problem was

lack of vocabularies. From 31 students almost 70% or around 21 of the

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students were lack of vocabularies. There were many repeated words in every

paragraph and there were no variation words in writing the sentences.

Unfortunately, most of the students did not have some efforts to enlarge their


The next problem was poor of grammatical patterns. As a writer,

students were demanded to be capable in writing. It was not only about

choosing the appropriate words but also about how to write the sentences in

correct grammatical patterns. There were many grammatical forms in English

like simple present tense, simple past tense, passive voice, active and passive

sentences, etc. Besides, the students should have background knowledge

about all this patterns. In what condition they should use simple past tense,

and how to make simple past sentences. From 31 students about 60% of them

or 18 students made some mistakes in grammatical patterns.

From all of the problems, the major problem of the students in writing

was they had no idea to write. Their minimum and poor knowledge about the

topic caused this condition. It would be hard for the students to develop the

paragraphs if they did not know what information they could express in that

paragraph. In fact, it was not easy for the students to think about the topic in a

limited time. Moreover, they did not know much about the topic given. In one

side, the ideas should be presented clearly and in a well-organized fashion. It

would make the students to be frustrated and judge writing as a very difficult

activity. It can be seen from the result of the writing test. About 80% or 24

students could not elaborate the paragraphs. Most of them wrote the

composition improperly.

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The problems might come from not only the students themselves but

also the teacher. The technique that was used by the teacher in teaching

writing is not varied. The teachers taught writing skill individually without

integrating it into another skill. Teacher asked the students to arrange the

jumble paragraphs into a good order or complete the missing paragraphs. In

other occasion, she just gave a topic to the students and asked them to write a

composition in a group without considering the students knowledge about the

topic. The problem was the students were often confused. They did not know

what they should write and how to write it. As a result, this activity did not

run well and become uninteresting classroom activities for the students. Then

the portion of writing activity was less compared to other skill. It made the

teacher did not have enough time to guide the students in writing tasks.

To overcome these problems, researcher wanted to offer one of the

techniques in teaching writing of hortatory exposition texts to help the

students in getting some ideas through note taking from reading similar texts.

Note taking from reading hortatory exposition texts means an activity to make

a note of some information after reading hortatory exposition texts. Several

relevant studies had conducted note taking technique and other technique in

writing. It could be seen in review of the related finding on page 23.

From the previous studies, it seems that note-taking technique effective

to improve the students reading skill. Hence, in this research, writer chose

note taking from reading hortatory text as the way to improve the students’

writing skill of hortatory exposition texts. In this technique, teacher integrated

reading and writing activities. By implementing this technique, it would

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create fascinating and motivating writing activities. Reading was a good way

for students to enlarge their knowledge and help them in getting much

information related to the topic given. They could write some important

information from the reading text in their notes and later they could use it to

help them in developing their ideas in writing a composition. Then, they

could write their composition in a good arrangement because they had get

model from the reading text. It means that by implementing this technique,

teacher had provided the students with background knowledge related to the

topic before writing. As a result, it would help students become active,

involved participants and motivating in writing tasks.

In this technique, teacher provided some articles relate to the topic

that will be written and it should be more than one article in order to enrich

the students’ knowledge. The sources could be from magazines, newspapers

or academic books or internet. The length of the reading texts were about four

paragraphs. The level of texts complexity was equaled to the students’

proficiency especially for senior high school students.

Next, the students read the articles. While reading, the students were

asked to jot down some important information in their notes. After collecting

the information needed, they might compare their information with other

students or class to determine which one the central ideas and the supporting

ideas are. Then they arranged the information in a sequence. Later, they

could use this information to help them in developing their paragraphs.

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Based on the reasons above, teacher needs to use note taking from

reading hortatory exposition text to improve the students’ writing skill of

hortatory exposition texts.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on background of the problems above, it can be identified that

there are some problems affect the low level of the students’ writing skill.

The first problems come from the students’ side. They lack of vocabularies,

poor in the use of grammar, and it is hard for them to express and develop

their ideas. The second problems arise from the teacher side. The technique

of teaching writing is not varied. For example, teacher asked the students to

arrange the jumble paragraphs or complete the missing paragraphs. This

technique does not develop the students’ writing skill or give challenge to the

students. Then the portion of writing activity in the classroom is less than

other skills.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher limits

her study on the inability of the students to express and develop ideas in

writing. To solve the problem, the researcher will use note taking from

reading similar texts to improve students’ writing skill of hortatory exposition

texts at grade XI.IA1 academic year 2010/2011 of SMA Negeri 1 Baso,


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D. Formulation of the Problems

The problems are stated as follow:

1. To what extent can note-taking from reading similar texts improve

students’ writing skill of hortatory exposition texts at Grade XI IA1

academic year 2010/2011of SMA Negeri 1 Baso, Agam?

2. What factors influence the changes of students’ writing skill of

hortatory exposition texts through note taking from reading similar

texts at Grade XI IA1 academic year 2010/2011 of SMA Negeri 1

Baso, Agam?

E. Purpose of the Research

The purposes of this research are:

1. To identify whether Note-Taking from reading similar texts can

improve students’ writing skill of hortatory exposition texts at Grade

XI IA1 academic year 2010/2011 of SMA Negeri 1 Baso, Agam.

2. To identify the factors that influences the changes of students’ writing

skill of hortatory exposition texts through note taking from reading

similar texts at Grade XI IA1 academic year 2010/2011 of SMA

Negeri 1 Baso, Agam.

F. Significance of the Research

The result of this research is expected to be beneficial to both

theoretically and practically:

1. To enrich the theory of teaching writing of hortatory exposition

texts by using note taking from reading similar texts.

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2. The improvement of the students’ writing skill of hortatory

exposition texts in SMA Negeri 1 Baso that is to easier the students

to develop their ideas.

3. The teachers of English at SMA Negeri 1 Baso that are suggested

to use this technique to vary their teaching technique.

4. This research is also expected to give advantage to school

principals who are responsible for the success of students’ learning

at their institutions. They are expected facilitate the English teacher

related to their needs in teaching writing.

G. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Writing skill is the skill of the student to write a good written text.

It is not only good in the content but also the language feature of

the text.

2. Note Taking from reading hortatory exposition texts is one of the

strategies for collecting some ideas by jotting down some

important after reading hortatory exposition texts. Students build

up the composition based on the collecting information.

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A. Review of the Related Theories

1. Writing Skill

In this part, there are three main points will be discussed; the

definitions of writing skill, teaching writing, writing evaluation and note

taking from reading hortatory exposition text. For each points will be

supported by experts’ quotations.

a. Definitions of Writing Skill

Writing skill is an important part of communication. According to

Hampton (1989), writing skill is a specific skill, which help writers put their

thoughts into words in a meaningful form and mentally interact with the

message. Thus, it will enable an individual to write clearly, coherently, and

grammatically, or to handwrite understandable with ease and speed by

mastering writing skill.

According to O’Malley and Lorraine (1990) writing is a personal

act in which writers take ideas or prompts and transform them into “self-

initiated” topics. Davies (1998) adds that writing is essential a creative

process and good writers must learn to communicate their ideas clearly to

unseen audience. Writers have delivered the message or the idea in the

writing communicatively because they do not know who will be the reader of

their composition. Nunan (2003) conducts writing in a contrast series; it is a

physical and mental act. Writing is a physical act to commit words or ideas to

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some mediums like writing a composition through handwriting or an email

message typed into a computer. Then, a mental act as a mental work to

formulate ideas, think about how to express the ideas and organize them into

statements and paragraphs that will be clear to reader. Last, Wallace,

Winifred and Herberg (2010) define writing as a final product of several

separate acts that are hugely challenging to learn simultaneously.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that writing is a

combination of the students’ ability to put the idea in their mind into a good

written text and the ability to use the medium in writing process like

handwriting or type it into the computer. It will be easier for the students to

write if the topic is interesting for them and they have background knowledge

deal to the topic.

Nunan (1999) states that creating a good piece of writing is

considered an extremely difficult skill, even in one’s own native language.

Gordon (2008) says that writing in the language classroom is often seen as an

extension of or support for the other skills. Thus, in teaching teacher

necessary to integrate writing with others skills because they are related each

other. Beare (2010) proposed that the most important factor in writing

exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the

learning experience of lasting value.

It can be summed up that teacher needs to guide and involve the

students in the writing process and correcting their writing mistakes or self-

correction to create a meaningful learning.

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Writing is also a key to success in college and in many professions.

As it is known that students are not only demanded to be able to understand

about what they are listening or reading in their learning process but they

also have to produce a composition in different genre and some short

functional texts. In much profession, writing skill is very useful for the

employee to write an application letter, business letter, etc.

According to Gordon (2008), there are several characteristics of good writers:

a) Good writers read. “Book is the window of the world”. By reading variety types of text, writer can enlarge their knowledge about many things and it helps them evolving their ideas in writing. Besides, they also get some descriptions about a good writing model.

b) Good writers attend to vocabulary. Writers have to enrich the vocabularies in order to help them make sentences varied and interesting for the reader.

c) Good writer develop strategies to manage a degree of uncertainty.

d) Good writers attend to meaning. e) Good writers attend to grammar. Writers should

have background of knowledge about grammar. In writing, perfection is demanded.

f) Good writers work with their writing until it effectively responds to the set task and the ideas expressed are clear and coherent.

g) Good writers actively generate their own interest to write. If they get something in their mine, they can write it down in their note. There is no any limitation in writing and everyone can write everything.

h) Good writers create opportunities to write outside the classroom. It means that someone can write in any place.

According to Hughes (1996) there are five indicators of writing,

those are: 1) Form: focuses on idea development/organization; thesis with

appropriate argumentations and recommendation. 2) Fluency: consistency in

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choice the structures of simple present tense and vocabularies. 3)

Vocabulary: uses varied and precise vocabulary appropriate for purpose. 4)

Mechanics: absence of errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. 5)

Grammar: appropriate verb tense used with a variety of grammatical and

syntactic structures especially for present forms..

b. Teaching Writing of Hortatory Exposition Texts

According to Harmer (1990), when teaching writing, therefore, there

are special considerations to be taken into account which include the

organizing of sentences into paragraphs, how paragraph are joined together,

and the general organization of ideas into a coherent piece of discourse. In

this process, teacher does not only guide the students in producing a good

composition but a good English teacher should be creative in maximizing the

learning process. He should be able to improve students’ written production

by maximizing the opportunity for the students to write freely and

communicatively so that the students do not only writing inside but also

outside of classroom.

Richards and Willy (2002) state that there are some writing stages

can be integrated in the process of writing in the classroom activity, they


a) Planning (pre-writing ) In pre-writing activity, the students are encouraged

to write by stimulating their thought from the blank page into the generative tentative idea. It can be done by gathering some information from some texts given in order to enlarge their knowledge relates to the topic.

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b) Drafting In this stage, the students concern with the writing

fluency and do not really think about the grammatical accuracy and the neatness of the draft. One of the aspects of a good writing is the ability of the writer to visualize an audience.

c) Responding Responding has important role to play in the

successful implementation of writing process. The responding can be done by the teacher and other students in writing conference when the students finish write the first draft and just before they continue to revise stage. It is a good way to collect some information about the students’ writing process, progress and response to instruction.

d) Revising In this stage, students tend to make some

improvements to the writing content or the organization of ideas in order that the writer’s intent is made clearer to the reader. Therefore, the students do not check the language errors only.

e) Editing In process writing, editing is a meaningful activity

because the students are going to make the communication as clear and unambiguous as possible to the unseen audience. Here the students edit their own or their peer’s work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction, sentence structure and accuracy of supportive textual materials such as quotations, examples, etc.

f) Evaluating The students’ writing can be evaluated by using

analytic scoring (based on specific aspect of writing) or holistic scoring ( based on global interpretation of the effectiveness of that of writing).

These activities can help the students in producing a well organization

of text and create a meaningful writing process. The students make some

revising and editing for another composition and it will give intrinsic values

for their learning process.

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Nunan (2003) gives a few principles for teachers to be considered

while planning a course that are:

a) Understand your students’ reason for writing. Before giving the writing task, teachers need to

know what the students need and what the interesting topic is for them. The big problem arise in writing activity is when the teacher’s goal is different from the students’ goal.

b) Provide many opportunities for students to write. Teachers need to evaluate their lesson plan how

much is the portion for writing practice compare with the reading or talking about writing. Writing requires practice because it is a physical activity. Teachers have to integrate it regularly in their syllabus. Teachers should provide students with different types of writing like short response to reading, writing a letter, create a poem, etc.

c) Make feedback helpful and meaningful When teachers give comment to the students, the

students should understand it. You may not correct all the writing but you just give comment in general like “there are some verbs that are missing an –s at the end.” Hence, the students can recheck the mistaken by themselves.

d) Clarify for yourself, and for your students, how their writing will be evaluated.

In this case, teachers can develop rubric for assignment. The rubric should be covered the grammar and mechanics in relationship to content and ideas. By using this rubric, teachers can evaluate the students’ writing objectively.

Based on some considerations above, the teaching and learning

process will be run well because the materials given by the teacher have been

adjusted with the students’ need and interest.

c. Evaluation of Writing Hortatory Exposition Texts

There are many types of scoring rubrics for writing presented by the

experts in order to help the researcher to evaluate the students’ writing. The

rubrics can be analytic or holistic scoring rubrics. In the table below,

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O’Malley and Lorraine (1990) in Authentic Assessment for English

Language Learners offered an analytic scoring rubric for writing.

Table 2.1. Analytic scoring rubric

Domain Score

Composing Style Sentence Formation

Usage Mechanics

4 Focuses on central ideas with an organized and elaborated text

Purposefully chosen vocabulary, sentence variety, information, and voice to affect reader.

Standard word order, no enjambment (run- on sentences), completeness (no sentence fragments), standard modifiers and coordinators, and effective transitions.

Standard inflections (e.g., plurals, possessives, -ed, ing with verbs, and –ly with adverbs). Subject-verb agreement ( we were vs. we was), standard word meaning.

Effective use of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and formatting (paragraphs noted by indenting).

3 Central idea, but not as evenly elaborated and some digressions.

Vocabulary less precise and information chosen less purposeful.

Mostly standard word order, some enjambment or sentence fragments.

Mostly standard inflections, agreement, and word meaning.

Mostly effective use of mechanics; errors do not detract from meaning.

2 Not a focused idea or more than one idea, sketchy elaboration, and many digressions.

Vocabulary basic and not purposefully selected; tone flat or inconsistent.

Some non-standard word order, enjambment, and word omissions (e.g., verbs)

Some errors with inflections, agreement, and word meaning.

Some errors with spelling and punctuation that detract from meaning.

1 No clear idea, little or no elaboration, many digressions.

Not controlled, tone flat, sentences halted or choppy.

Frequent non-standard word order, enjambment, and word omissions.

Shifts from one tense to another, errors in conventions (them/those, good/well, double negatives, etc.)

Misspells even simple words; little formatting evident.

4= consistent control, 2=inconsistent control

3= reasonable control, , 1= little or no control

Hughes (1996) in Testing for Language Teachers in Second Edition.

proposed other type of writing scoring rubric.

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Table 2.2 Writing scoring rubric NO Aspects of Evaluation Maximum

Scores Scores

1 Form

a. Material well organized with the thesis, arguments and recommendation; links could occasionally be clearer but communication not impaired.

b. Some lack of organization to the thesis, arguments and recommendation.

c. Little or no attempt at connectivity between thesis, arguments and recommendation, though reader can deduce connection between them.

d. Individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between the thesis, argumentations and recommendation..

e. Lack of organization so severe that communication is seriously impaired.







2 Fluency

a. Occasional lack of consistency in choice of structures and vocabularies, which does not impair overall ease of communication.

b. ‘Patchy’, with some structures or vocabulary items noticeably inappropriate to general style.

c. Structures or vocabulary items sometimes not only inappropriate but also misused; little sense of ease of communication.

d. Communication often impaired by completely inappropriate or misused structures

e. A ‘hotch-potch’ of half learned misused structures and vocabulary items rendering communication almost impossible.







3 Vocabulary

a. Occasionally uses inappropriate terms or relies on circumlocutions; expression or ideas hardly impaired.



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b. Uses wrong or inappropriate words fairly frequently; expression of ideas may be limited because inadequate vocabulary.

c. Limited vocabulary and frequent errors clearly hinder expression of ideas.

d. Vocabulary so limited and so frequently misused that reader must often rely on own interpretation.

e. Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make comprehension virtually impossible.





4 Mechanics

a. Occasional lapses in punctuation or spelling which do not interfere with comprehension.

b. Errors in punctuation or spelling fairly frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension.

c. Frequent errors in spelling or punctuation; lead sometimes to obscurity.

d. Errors in spelling or punctuation so frequent that reader must often rely on own interpretation.

e. Errors in spelling or punctuation so severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible.







5 Grammar

a. Some errors of grammatical or word order which do not, however, interfere with comprehension.

b. Errors of grammar or word order fairly frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension.

c. Errors of grammar or word order frequent; efforts of interpretation sometimes required on reader’s part.

d. Errors of grammar or word order very frequent; reader often has to rely on own interpretation

e. Errors of grammar or word order so severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible.








Form__+Fluency___+Vocabulary___+Mechanics____+ Grammar

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For the last type of writing scoring rubric is adapted from Brown

(2004) in Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practice. It is

analytic scale for rating composition tasks.

Table 2.3 analytic scoring scale for composition task


Excellent to Good


Good to Adequate


Adequate to fair


Fair to poor


Poor to very poor

a) Organiza-tion: Introduction, body, and conclusion

Appropriate title, effective introductory paragraph, topic is stated, leads to body; transitional expressions used; arrangement of material shows plan (could be outlined by reader); supporting evidence given for generaliza-tions; conclusion logical and complete.

Adequate title, introduction, and conclusion; body of essay is acceptable, bur some evidence may be lacking, some ideas aren’t fully developed, sequence is logical but transitional expressions may be absent or misused.

Mediocre or scant introduce-tion or conclusion; problems with the order of ideas in body; the generaliza-tions may not be fully supported by the evidence given; problems of organiza-tion interfere.

Shaky or minimally recognizable introduction; organization can be barely be seen; severe problems with ordering of ideas; lack of supporting evidence; conclusion weak or illogical; inadequate effort at organization.

Absence or introduction or conclusion; no apparent organization of body; severe lack of supporting evidence; writer has not made any effort to organize the composition (could not be outlined by reader).

b) Logical develop-ment of ideas: content

Essay addresses the assigned topic; the ideas are concrete and thoroughly developed; no extraneous material; essay reflects thought.

Essay addresses the issues but misses some points; ideas could be more fully developed; some extraneous material is present.

Develop-ment of ideas not complete or essay is somewhat off the topic; paragraphs aren’t divided exactly right.

Ideas incomplete; essay does not reflect careful thinking or was hurriedly written; inadequate effort in area of content.

Essay is completely inadequate and does not reflect college level work; no apparent effort to consider the topic carefully.

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c) Grammar Native-like fluency in English grammar; correct use of relative clauses, prepositions, modals, articles, verb forms, and tense sequencing; no fragments or run- on sentences.

Advanced proficiency in English grammar; some grammar problems don’t influence communica-tion, although the reader is aware of them; no fragments or run-on sentences

Ideas are getting through to the reader, but grammar problems are apparent, and have a negative effect on communica-tion; run-on sentences or fragments present.

Numerous serious grammar problems interfere with communication of the writer’s ideas; grammar review of some areas clearly needed; difficult to read sentences.

Severe grammar problems interfere greatly with the message; reader can’t understand what the writer was trying to say; unintelligible sentence structure.

d) Punctuation, spelling, and mechanics

Correct use of English writing conventions; left and right margins, all needed capitals, paragraphs indented, punctuation and spelling; very neat

Some problems with writing conventions or punctuation; occasional spelling errors; left margin correct; paper is neat and legible.

Use general writing conventions but has errors; spelling problems distract reader; punctuation errors interfere with ideas.

Serious problems with format of paper; parts of essay not legible; errors in sentence punctuation and final punctuation; unacceptable to educated readers.

Complete disregard for English writing conventions; paper illegible; obvious capitals missing, no margins, severe spelling problems.

e) Style and quality of expression

Precise vocabulary usage; use of parallel structures; concise; register good.

Attempts variety; good vocabulary; not wordy; register OK; style fairly concise.

Some vocabulary misused; lacks awareness of register; may be too wordy.

Poor expression of ideas; problems in vocabulary; lacks variety of structure.

Inappropriate use of vocabulary; no concept of register of sentence variety.


Organization = 30 Logical development of ideas = 20 Grammar = 20 Punctuation and spelling = 25 Style and quality of expression = 5 Total = 100

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From all types of scoring rubrics for writing above, researcher uses

writing scoring rubric, which is proposed by Hughes (1996). Since, the

analytic scoring by O’Malley and Lorraine (1990) has two limitations;

teachers sometimes do not agree with the weights given to the separate

components and they have to spend more time completing the scoring. Then,

this analytic scoring rubric is mostly used at the state level in Kentucky,

Vermont, Virginia, California and others states. Afterward, the analytic

scoring which is offered by Brown (2004) also has disadvantages. The order

in which the five categories (organization, logical development of ideas,

grammar, punctuation/spelling/mechanics, and style and quality of

expression) are listed may bias the evaluator toward the greater importance of

organization and logical development as opposed to punctuation and style.

Nevertheless, writing scoring rubric which is proposed by Hughes

(1996) has some advantages; 1) It organize of the problem of uneven

development of sub skills in individuals. 2) Scorers are compelled to

considered aspects of performance, which they might otherwise ignore. 3)

The scorer has to give a number of scorers will tend to make the scoring

more reliable.

Based on the explanation above, this analytic scoring are more

suitable and concrete in evaluating the students’ writing skill, especially for

students in XI.IA1 of SMAN 1 Baso, which live in rural area and most of

them, are in average level of proficiency.

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2. Note-Taking from Reading Hortatory Exposition Texts

a. Note Taking

According to Khan (1999), note taking is a very useful practice as it

enables the reader to preserve relevant information for future use. It means

that when reading, the reader finds some interesting and important

information; he can write down in his notes and arrange his notes collection

in good orders. Meanwhile, when the reader need the information back later,

he just open it back and it will save his time. As Dhann (2001) states that

effective note taking should have a purpose, should be well organized, and

can be a time saving skill.

Khan (1999) adds that this act of taking notes often helps us

remember information when we need to take an examination, write an essay

or prepare a report. Rowntree in Dhann(2001) says that initially, this strategy

may seem like a good idea, but in academic context note taking is as

important as assignment writing in that you are taking in information and

then writing it back out again as a learning process. We can say that this

activity is useful in writing activity because it can help the students gathering

some ideas from reading text or some articles before develop it into an essay

and also help them memorize their materials before facing a test.

Nation (2009) states that if brief notes are going to be taken, they

should possibly focus on the obligatory part of the topic type, for example the

steps in an instruction text, or the parts in physical structure text. Najul and

Giancarla (2010) also argues that students take and make notes because they

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are not passively recording words precisely; rather, they are required to

process information while they write, and this requires their full attention.

It can be concluded that in note taking activities, students do not only

write the information needed but also they have to understand what the text is

about and what they are written about. It means they need to be active and

concentrate in reading the text.

Dhann (2001) proposed some advantages of note taking technique in

teaching and learning process:

1) Note- taking will help you to extend your attention span. Sometimes you are not focused hearing the lecturer or on your reading and tend out of your mind. This activity will help you to get your concentrate back.

2) Note- taking will help you to remember what you have heard or read. In taking note, you write it into your own words and in your style format, so it makes you easier to understand it in review.

3) Note-taking helps you to organize the ideas you are learning about.

Beside it, Dhann (2001) also offers the disadvantages of using note-

taking technique. He says that at the end of the lecture or reading you may

only have a vague recollection of the important and sometimes assessable.

It can be summed up that note taking technique is very useful for you

to pay better attention to collect some important information for you while

you are reading or hearing a lecturer but the other side the information will be

blurred for you especially after for several times.

Rowntree in Dhann (2001) offers some tips for taking notes from


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a) Survey – flip through the chapter or book and note the layout, first and last chapters or paragraphs, look at the heading used

b) Question – ask questions about the way the reading is structured, think about the way the reading is structured, and think about the questions you will need to keep in mind while reading.

c) Reading – reading actively but quickly, looking for the main points of the reading- don’t take any notes- you might want to read through twice quickly

d) Recall – write down the main points of the reading and any important facts and opinions that help support the main points.

e) Review – repeat the first three steps over and make sure you have not missed anything.

In note taking activity, students need to work carefully in order to

improve their understanding of the content. By implementing the tips of note

taking above, it will help students’ focus attention, promotes more through

elaboration of ideas, encourage efforts to relates ideas and organize materials.

In brief, note taking is useful for students to process information more deeply.

Note taking is a widely applicable to variety of tasks and subjects.

Khan (1999) mentions some indicators of note taking, those are: 1)

Brevity: the notes should be brief and to the point. 2) Relevance: only

relevant facts are needed. 3) Clarity: there should be no ambiguity. 4) Note-

form: information may be noted in a logical sequence and easy to recall. 5)

Abbreviations and symbols: generally, abbreviation falls into three main

parts: using capitalized, using the first few letters of a word and using a

combination of the first few and the last few letters of a first an apostrophe in


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b. Hortatory Exposition Text

Sudarwati (2005) says that the purpose of hortatory exposition text is

to persuade the reader or listener that something should not or should not be

the case. Helena (2008), also has the same idea, hortatory exposition text is

designed to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not

be the case. Then, Goner (2011) defines hortatory exposition as a type of

spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that

something should, should not happen, or be done. These hortatory exposition

texts can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles,

academic speech or lectures, research report etc. Hortatory expositions are

popular among science, academic community and educated people.

The generic structure of Hortatory exposition has three components: 1)

Thesis. It is a statement or announcement of issue concern. 2) Arguments.

Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation. 3) Recommendation.

Statement of what should or should not be happened or be done based on the

given arguments.

There are some language features which are offered by Sudarwati (2005),

they are:

a) Emotive words such as : alarmed, worried. b) Words that qualify statements, such as : usual,

probably. c) Words that link arguments such as : firstly,

however, on the other hand, therefore. d) Usually present tense. e) Compound and complex sentences. f) Modal verbs/ adverbs: can, may, certainly, get,

stop. g) Subjective opinion using pronouns: I and we

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Based on these language features the writer will build the hortatory

composition text. Besides considering the language features above, the writer

need to determine to whom this hortatory exposition text is she, writing about

and why is she writing this hortatory exposition text.

Sudarwati (2005) also offers some types of hortatory exposition texts, they

are letters to editor, plead in a trial case, speeches, and advertising. Each of

these types wants to try to convince the readers or the listeners by giving some

arguments to support his statement. Because of that, they are included into

hortatory exposition texts.

According to Powell (2011), teachers can help students better

understand how expository texts work and read them more effectively by

teaching them how to:

1. identify the elements of a paragraph and read them. 2. recognize the transitional words that signal

important information or a shift in focus. 3. establish the genre---e.g., cause-effect, definition,

persuasive. 4. organize the information within an expository text

into an outline for subsequent analysis. 5. annotate such texts for a specified purpose. 6. summarize paragraphs or sections of the text as

they read along. 7. pre-read these texts according to the current

purpose. 8. use available information such as subheadings to

orient and focus their reading. 9. identify the main ideas throughout the text. 10. develop their own questions and apply them to the

text. 11. create their own study guides. 12. take effective notes for subsequent discussions or

writing assignments.

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In conclusion, it will not difficult for the students to comprehend the

expository text if they implement the steps above.

B. Review of the Related Findings

There are several relevant studies conducted to writing and note

taking. First, the studies about writing have been done by Suryanty (2006).

Her research title was improving students’ skill of writing recount text

through using the photograph of students’ activities in the school at the second

grade students of SMPN 2 Bukittinggi. In her research, she found some

improvements to the students’ writing skill after using the photograph in

writing a recount text. It would be easier for the students to tell their

experience rather than the students who did not involved in the events. Next

research is writing using the technique of picture sequence for recount text. It

was done by Susanti (2009). The title of her research was “Improving the

Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Texts through Picture Sequences at State

Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) Lubuk Basung I West Sumatra. The

result showed the increase of the students' writing score, the findings also

showed that the students were active and enthusiastic in teaching and learning

process. Writing became enjoyable and interesting activity for them.

There are also some researches by using note-taking technique. Khan

(1999) conducted one. He used note-taking technique in order to help the

students in preserve some important information in reading. This technique

was implemented to undergraduate students in Aligarh Muslim University in

India. The sample activity is he asked the students to read the chosen passage

in order to get the content’s ideas. Next, he asked the students reread the

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passage once or twice and write down the important and unimportant points.

Then, they regroup the points into sequential and prioritized order and provide

the right title. It is found that the student reach the highest level of

comprehension while implementing the note-taking technique in reading.

Then Edge (2006) conducted the study to the students were five year

undergraduates in English-medium further education in Turkey. The students

were demanded and tested to be “total comprehension” in reading

comprehension passages. In this study, he puts the students in pairs. Then he

distributed a copy of text to each pair and asked them to read the instruction

that precedes the text in limited time, asked simply what the passage is about,

told the class to read the notes written and then asked them to write notes on

the remaining paragraph. Based on his study, he found that the result was

satisfactory. The students were able to recall the information from their notes

if the teacher asked them to evaluate or give comment about it.

Last, Najul and Marchi (2010) conducted note-taking technique in their

English classes in Sim’n Bol!var in Caracas. While listening to the oral report,

the students took some notes. When the students finished taking note, they should

concentrate to write a coherent summary of one or more paragraphs according to

the number of main ideas and supporting detailed collected from the notes. They

had to transform their notes into written discourse, using cohesive and

transitive discourse elements. According to Najul and Marchi (2010), this

technique helped the students to practice rhetorical patterns of written

discourse that had been considered highly abstract and difficult to attempt.

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Having seen some relevant studies, the researcher is interested in

conducting a study about using note taking from reading text in writing

activities to improve students’ writing skill.

C. Conceptual Framework

Teaching writing eventually faced some problems, particularly related

to the low of students’ writing skill. There are five indicators of writing:

form, fluency, vocabulary, mechanic, and grammar. Hence, by using note

taking from reading hortatory exposition text, the problems can be solved. As

the indicators of note taking are brevity, relevance, clarity, note-form and

abbreviation and symbol. In order to find out whether this technique can

improve the students’ skill in writing, the researcher conducts a classroom

action research.

In the classroom action research, three cycles will be followed to gain

better result. Every cycle consisted of four steps namely; planning, action,

observation and reflection. In each cycle, those steps should be fulfilled in

order to overcome writing problem. It is expected that by the end of the

research, the students’ writing skill will be improved.

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Students’ Low Writing Skill of Hortatory Exposition Texts

Problem Solving


Indicators: a) Brevity b) Relevance c) Clarity d) Note-form e) Abbreviation

& symbols

Expected Result Improvements on Students’ WritingSkill of Hortatory Exposition Texts 

Note taking from Reading Hortatory Exposition

Indicators: a) Form b) Fluency c) Vocabulary d) Mechanic e) Grammar

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A. Type of the Research

This research was conducted as a classroom action research. Elliot’s

(2001) defines:

“Classroom action research is the process through which teachers collaborate in evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values; try out new strategies to make the values expressed in their practice more consistent with the educational values they take up; record their work in a form which is readily available to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching practice.”

By conducting this classroom action research, teachers could explore

and examine aspects of teaching and learning. In addition, they could

implement new techniques in order to change and improve the quality of the

teaching and learning process and to overcome some problems in the


In this research, the researcher collaborated with another English

teacher and worked together in a team to conduct this classroom action

research. Collaborator did not monitor the students only but she observed the

researcher’s activities and performance during the research time.

B. Setting

This research was taken place in SMA Negeri 1 Baso in Agam

Regency where the writer is teaching. It was placed in Bukittinggi-

Payakumbuh Street Km 5. The position of this school was strategic because it

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was near from the main street; therefore, it would not difficult to reach this

school. The situation and condition of this school were also comfort and quite

enough for learning process.

C. Subjects of the Research

The participants of this research were the students in SMA Negeri 1

Baso, Agam Regency. This school consisted of twenty-three classes. There

were eight classes for first grade, nine classes for second grade and six

classes for third grade. It had two programs of study for the second and third

grade students; they were science class or IA, social class or IS. For IA class

in second grade consists of three classes; whereas IS class had six classes. For

IA class in third grade consisted of two classes and IS class consisted of four

classes. In this research, writer concerned with students in XI IA1. There

were thirty-one students which consisted of nine students for boy and twenty

two students for girl.

D. Instrumentation

The researcher used some instruments in this research such as:

1. Tests

In this research, researcher only had post-test at the end of every

cycle. The used of this post-test was to find out whether there is any

progression to the students’ skill in writing in every cycles after applying note

taking from reading hortatory exposition text. Before the students began to

write a composition, researcher provided the students some background

knowledge related to the topic. Here, researcher prepared two hortatory

exposition texts related to the topic where each text was consisted of two to

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four paragraphs. The level of difficulty of the texts were adapted for senior

high school students. Then researcher asked them to read the texts and jotted

down or took note for some important information which relevance to the

topic. The students write down the information in word phrases. Based on

this relevance information, students built up their writing.

Later, the results of writing in post-test in every cycle would be

compared. From this test, researcher knew whether the technique of note

taking from reading hortatory exposition text could help the students in

getting some ideas while they were writing or not. Was there any significance

progress for the students’ writing composition?

The indicators of writing

Table 3.1 writing indicators Variable Indicators Sub-Indicators

Writing Form 1) Thesis 2) Arguments 3) Recommendation

Fluency 1) Consistency in choice of structure

Vocabulary 1) Consistency of vocabulary


Mechanics 1) Spelling 2) Capitalization 3) Punctuation

Grammar 1) Simple present tense

2) Relative clauses 3) Preposition 4) Modals

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The indicators of Note-taking from reading hortatory exposition texts

Table 3.2 note taking from reading hortatory exposition texts indicators Variable Indicators Sub-Indicators

Note taking Brevity 1) Note should be to the point.

Relevance 1) Using relevant facts Clarity 1) No ambiguity sentence Note-Form

1) Noted in logical sequence 2) Easy to recall

Abbreviation And Symbols

1) Using capitalized 2) Using the first few letters

of a word Reading hortatory exposition texts

Thesis 1) Position 2) Preview

Argumentations 1) Points 2) Elaboration

Recommendation 1) What should be or should not be happened.

2. Observation

Observation was not only done by the researcher but collaborator too.

In this observation, researcher created process writing checklist and note-

taking checklist in order to make easier in monitoring the students’ progress

in writing process. This writing checklist was useful for them to get some

strategies to finish their work. Researcher could observe the students during

exercising time. In this observation, researcher adapted the process writing

checklist from materials produced by the Georgetown University Evaluation

Assistance Center (EAC) East (1990), Washington. D.C.

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a. Process writing Checklist

Table 3.3 writing checklist No Indicators Sub-indicators Checklist Note

1 Prewriting Strategies

a. Formulates the thesis, arguments and recommendation of the text before writing.

b. Considers approach before writing.

c. Discusses the thesis, arguments and recommendation before writing.

d. Outlines or makes schematic organizer.

2 Writing Strategies

a. Monitors writing (rereads, reviews)

b. Uses appropriate/adaptive technique (e.g. skips word, makes substitutions)

3 Post-writing Strategies

a. Edit (word-level changes) b. Revises (sentence-level changes) c. Rewrites (composition-level

changes) d. Get feedback from others

4 Applications and interests

a. Writes for pleasure b. Use writing for communicate

(letters, notes, etc) c. Actively seek guidance in

writing activities d. Participate in discussion about

writing e. Shares writing with others f. Edits writing of others

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b. Checklist of note taking from reading hortatory exposition texts

In this observation, researcher adapted note-taking checklist from Khan


Table 3.4 checklist of note taking from reading hortatory exposition texts. No Indicators Sub-indicators Checklist Note

1 Brevity Note should be to the point.

2 Relevance Using relevant facts

3 Clarity No ambiguity sentence 4 Note-Form a) Noted in logical sequence

b) Easy to recall

5 Abbreviation And Symbols

a) Using capitalized b) Using the first few letters of a


6 Thesis a) Position b) Preview

7 Argumenta-tions

a) Point b) Elaboration

8 Recommendation

What should or should not be happened.

c. Checklist of steps of teaching

Table 3.5 checklist of teaching steps No Indicators Sub-indicators Checklist Note

1 Prewriting Phase

a) Teacher explained about what note taking technique was.

b) Teacher explained about the procedure of note taking.

c) Teacher divided the class into several groups

d) Teacher wrote the topic on the board.

e) Teacher asked some questions relate to the topic.

f) Teacher handed out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group.

g) Teacher gave some minutes for the students to read the articles.

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h) Teacher asked the students to find some important and relevance unimportant information from the articles.

i) Teacher asked the students to take some notes for the information above in their papers.

j) Teacher gave the second article to students and they did the activities as in article 1.

2 Whilst-writing phase

a) Teacher asked students to compare their note taking from the two reading expository text in classroom discussion

b) Teacher asked the students to determine which one, as is the main information and which one as supporting information.

c) Teacher asked the students began to write the composition in pairs based on the information in their note taking from reading hortatory exposition text.

3 Post-writing phase

a) Teacher asked the students to give their writing to another pairs for editing.

b) Teacher asked students to give comments or correction for other writing composition. Also, wrote the name of editors.

c) Teacher asked students to give back the paper to the owner.

d) Teacher asked the students to revise their composition based on what had been edited by another pairs.

e) Teacher asked the students to write the good one. 

f) Teacher collected the students’ work.  


The observation was also done by collaborator. According to Anas

(2009), there were some points as considerations for collaborator in


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a) Focus on the researcher performance, for example: the use of body language, classroom management and teaching technique.

b) Focus on the students’ responses, how do they work and interact during the lesson time, and also their attitudes in making the exercises.

c) Focus on the learning context. It is about the teaching media, the class setting, etc.

d. Field Notes

It was needed to help the teacher in recording all information relates

to observation during the research time. Researcher did not only write some

important events but he/she could write the result of observation, his/her

comment during the observation and reflection results.

3. Interview

It was an oral interview and this activity could be done in the

classroom. Teacher might interview the students individually or in pairs in

order to know students’ response about writing activity through note-taking

from reading hortatory exposition texts and to know the factors that improve

students’ writing skill. Before conducting this activity, teacher needed to

prepare some appropriate questions list. The questions should be

understandable by the students, adequate to the level of students’ proficiency

and reflect to students’ interest and classroom activity.

E. Procedure of the Research

In this classroom action research could be developed by using the

self-reflective spiral which was offered by Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) as


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Reflect Plan

Act and Observer


Revised Plan

Act and Observer

Expectation Condition

There were two cycles would be followed in this research suppose

to gain a better result. Every cycle consisted of four steps namely; planning,

action, observation and reflection. In each cycle, those steps should be

fulfilled in order to manage writing problems.

Cycle 1

1. Plan

In this stage, teacher and collaborator prepared all things

that would be needed in this observation. It was started by:

a) Designing the lesson plan together with collaborator.

b) Choosing several topics for the students.

c) Preparing some articles relate to the topic which will be

given to the students.

d) Preparing the process-writing checklist.

e) Preparing the note-taking from reading hortatory exposition

texts checklist.



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f) Preparing some questions for oral interview.

g) Preparing the writing test.

2. Action

In this research, researcher conducted it into three cycles.

Each cycle consist of four meetings. Each meeting was done twice

in a week, so the research had spent six weeks from January 24,

2011 until March 8, 2011. It was done in semester IV at XI.IA1

class of SMAN 1 Baso.

In this stage, writer and collaborator did the action based on

the activities, which had been designed in lesson plan. There were

three stages in writing activity; pre writing activity, whilst writing

activity and post writing activity. The researcher was accompanied

by a collaborator and she was an English teacher at SMAN1 Baso.

The collaborator helped researcher by discussing, observing, taking

note, and analyzing data during the research time.

Before coming to the research, researcher evaluated the

students’ writing by giving a pre-test in order to know the students’

writing skill before applying note taking from hortatory exposition

text. Derived from the pre-test result, researcher knew the student’s

improvements for each cycle after applying this technique.

3. Observation

In this stage, researcher was helped by collaborator who

observed the activity which done by researcher students during the

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action. Collaborator also observed the students response and

attitude while researcher was teaching. The field-notes were also

used in order to record some important items during this activity.

4. Reflection

In this stage, researcher and collaborator discussed the

feedback of the first action, made interpret the data from the class,

and decided which point should be revised in lesson plan for cycle


Cycle 2

In this cycle, the activities were similar to those in cycle 1, but

there was some different emphasis due to the revised plan.

F. Technique of Collecting the Data

In this observation, there were some techniques used in collecting

the data. At the first time, researcher conducted the writing pre-test for

students as the starting point before doing the observation. From this

writing test, researcher knew the level of students writing proficiency.

During the research, writing tests were also given to the students to know

whether there was any improvement after applying note-taking technique.

Besides writing test score, writing checklist results, field notes

results and interview result were also used to collect the data. This data

described about the students’ performance during writing activity, the

students’ activities, teacher activity, classroom atmosphere, any significant

activities during the observation.

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G. Technique of Data Analysis

The data would be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in

this research.

1. Quantitative Data

In analyzing the data of this research, researcher used quantitative analysis

where the data was presented in numerical form.

The range of the score was from 1 to 5 for each indicators of writing,

those were: form, fluency, vocabulary, mechanic and grammar. The

maximum score was 5 while the minimum was 1. This writing rubric was

adapted from the suggested idea of Hughes (1996).

The writing scoring rubric

Table 3.7 writing scoring rubric of hortatory exposition text NO Aspects of Evaluation Maximum

Scores Scores

1 Form a. Material well organized with the thesis,

arguments and recommendation; links could occasionally be clearer but communication not impaired.

b. Some lack of organization to the thesis, arguments and recommendation.

c. Little or no attempt at connectivity between thesis, arguments and recommendation, though reader can deduce connection between them.

d. Individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between the thesis, argumentations and recommendation.

b. Lack of organization so severe that communication is seriously impaired.

5-1 5





2 Fluency a. Occasional lack of consistency in choice of

structures and vocabularies which does not impair overall ease of communication.

b. ‘Patchy’, with some structures or vocabulary

5-1 5

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items noticeably inappropriate to general style. c. Structures or vocabulary items sometimes not

only inappropriate but also misused; little sense of ease of communication.

d. Communication often impaired by completely inappropriate or misused structures

e. A ‘hotch-potch’ of half learned misused structures and vocabulary items rendering communication almost impossible.





3 Vocabulary a. Occasionally uses inappropriate terms or relies

on circumlocutions; expression or ideas hardly impaired.

b. Uses wrong or inappropriate words fairly frequently; expression of ideas may be limited because inadequate vocabulary.

c. Limited vocabulary and frequent errors clearly hinder expression of ideas.

d. Vocabulary so limited and so frequently misused that reader must often rely on own interpretation.

e. Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make comprehension virtually impossible.

5-1 5 4 3



4 Mechanics a. Occasional lapses in punctuation or spelling

which do not interfere with comprehension. b. Errors in punctuation or spelling fairly

frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension.

c. Frequent errors in spelling or punctuation; lead sometimes to obscurity.

d. Errors in spelling or punctuation so frequent that reader must often rely on own interpretation.

e. Errors in spelling or punctuation so severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible.

5-1 5 4 3 2


5 Grammar a. Some errors of grammatical or word order

which do not, however, interfere with comprehension.

b. Errors of grammar or word order fairly frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension.

c. Errors of grammar or word order frequent; efforts of interpretation sometimes required on reader’s part.

5-1 5 4 3

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d. Errors of grammar or word order very frequent; reader often has to rely on own interpretation

e. Errors of grammar or word order so severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible. 

2 1


Form__+Fluency___+Vocabulary___+Mechanics____+ Grammar

Last, the researcher would describe the students’ improvement in

writing by counting mean scores of each test. Then researcher would analyze

and compare the result of pre-test and posttest of the students by using the

following formula:

Mean(M) = X (total score) N (the number of students)

2. Qualitative Data

According to Gay and Airasian (2000) there were some steps for

analyzing the data. They were:

a. Data managing

Here, researcher would create and organize the data collected

during the observation. In organizing the data researcher

determined the observer’s comments, memos, notes that were

made on the field notes or interviews transcripts.

b. Reading/ memoing

To get a sense of the data, researcher read the field notes,

transcripts of interview, memos, and observer’s comments.

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c. Describing

In describing, the researcher and collaborator had an

understanding of the context in which the study took place by

offering the true picture of the settings and events that took place

in it.

d. Classifying

Classifying means the process of breaking down and organizing

the data into categories that represent different aspects of the data.

e. Interpreting

Interpreting means the reflective, integrative, and explanatory

aspect of dealing with a study’s data. Researcher needs to

understand the data before describing it to others.

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A. Research Findings

This chapter describes the findings and discussion of the findings in

order to answer the research question 1) “to what extent can note taking from

reading hortatory exposition text improve the students’ low writing skill?” 2)

“What factors influence the changes of the students’ writing skill?”

Based on the data collected in the research, researcher answered the

questions above. The data was collected from the instruments used.

1. To what extent note taking from reading similar texts improved the

students’ low writing skill of hortatory exposition texts.

Before coming to the research, the students were given a pre-test to

evaluate their writing skill before applying note-taking form hortatory

exposition text. In this pre-test, researcher asked the students to write a

composition with the topic “The Effects of Television”. The students were

asked to write the composition individually. Researcher gave them time 75

minutes to finish it. The result could be seen in appendix 7 students’ writing

score in pre-test.

Based on the table, it could be identified that the mean score of the

students’ writing in this pre-test was 12.97. From 31 students, only nine

students get the mark above the standard. It is consisted three students get

level good (G), six students get level fair (F). It means that 22 students got

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level poor (P) and very poor (VP) in this pre-test. It can be concluded that

most of the students in XI.IA1 were low in writing.

Then, researcher also analyzed each of writing indicators. She found

that the mean score for form only 2.35, the mean score for fluency 2.61, the

mean score for vocabulary 2.71, the mean score for mechanic 2.65 and the

mean score for grammar 2.52.

The result of writing indicators can be seen in the table and figure


Table 4.1 Descriptions of students writing on pre-test of each indicator. No Description Mean Score

1 Form 2.35

2 Fluency 2.61

3 Vocabulary 2.71

4 Mechanic 2.65

5 Grammar 2.52

The result of the pre-test was described in the diagram. It was shown

how far the achievement of the students in every indicators of writing. The

rates of the achievement in diagram were different. The highest score was on

vocabulary and for the lowest score was on form

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Figure 4.1 The condition of each indicator of students’ writing on pre-test

Derived on the data above, it can be summed up that the

achievement of the students in writing were low, especially in the form of the

writing (2.35). It can be seen from the descriptions of each indicator.

To solve this problem, the researcher wanted to apply note taking

from hortatory exposition text in research class.

Cycle 1

The first cycle was conducted into four meetings and each meeting

took (2x45 minutes) or 90 minutes. It means that it took two weeks for this

first cycle. It began on Monday, January 24th, 2011, the second meeting was

on Tuesday January 25th 2011, the third was on Monday, January 31st, and

the fourth was on Tuesday, February 1st, 2011.

In the first meeting, the researcher came to class and greeting the

students. Then, the researcher checked the students’ attendance and paid

attention to all the students. Researcher explained to the students the













Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Mean score

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importance of this research and they would get what rather benefits that after

participating in this research. Thus, they could cooperate with her. Next, the

researcher gave explanation regarded to the technique of note taking and how

to take a note from the reading text especially for hortatory exposition text. In

this moment, the researcher also provided a model of hortatory exposition

text. The students tried to find the important information needed from this

text by the researcher’s guidance. After getting some information, they

classified it into the main information and the supporting information. This

information would be developed by them into good compositions. This

information helped the students in getting ideas. They did not need to spend

their time much to think about what ideas would be built up in their

compositions because they already get some ideas by taking some notes from

hortatory exposition text.

At the second meeting, the researcher decided to give the same topic

as in the pre-test; “The effect of television” , since she wanted to see the

result of the students’ writing before and after applying the technique of note

taking from hortatory exposition text. First, the researcher divided the

students into group of four randomly and asked them to sit in their groups.

Then researcher wrote down the topic on the board and gave some questions

related to the topic to stimulate the student’s knowledge. After that, she

distributed the first text to every group. The text was about two to three

paragraphs and the level of the complexity was medium because it was

created for the level of senior high school students. Then, she asked them to

read and find some important points from that text. Afterward, the researcher

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handed out the second text still related to the topic and asked them to read

and take notes for some important points from that hortatory exposition text.

After all the groups had collected all information, asked them to classify

which information as the main information and which one as the supporting

information. For the next session, the students were asked to write the

composition based on the information they already got before. The

composition was written in pair where the group was broken down into two.

For the third meeting, each pair was going to edit other composition.

The researcher requested every pairs to change their composition to others.

Here, they checked about the words chosen, the idea, the grammar, etc. If

they had finished, they gave it back to the owner and the owner revised their

composition. The result of pair task can be seen in appendix 8.

Based on the table, it could be seen that the mean score of the pair

task was 13.9. There were 3 pairs from 15 pairs got level poor, 9 pairs from

15 pairs got level fair and 3 pairs got level good.

Then, the researcher also analyzed writing indicators. She found that

the mean score for form 3.27, the mean score for fluency 3.07, the mean

score for vocabulary 3.20, the mean score for mechanic 3.33, and the mean

score for grammar 3.07.

The result of writing indicators can be seen in the table below.

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Table 4.2 Descriptions of each indicator in students writing in pair task in second

meeting of cycle 1 No Description Mean score

1 Form 3.27

2 Fluency 3.07

3 Vocabulary 3.20

4 Mechanic 3.33

5 Grammar 3.07

The result of the pair task was also described in the diagram. It was

shown how far the achievement of the students in every indicators of writing.

The rates of the achievement in diagram were different. The highest mean

score was on mechanic and for the lowest mean score was on fluency.

Figures 4.2 The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in pair tasks in

second meeting of cycle 1
















Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Mean Score

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Furthermore, researcher tried to analyze the students’ compositions in

pairs with the topic “The effects of television Programs.” This composition

could be seen in appendix.

From the form of the composition, there were some improvements to

the form indicators. There were three pairs able to write the composition

based on the topic given. It was happened because they already got some

ideas from reading the hortatory exposition texts. There were two texts,

which enriched the students’ knowledge related to the topic. By reading and

taking some notes from the hortatory exposition texts made the students

easier in developing their compositions. It was supported by the result of

interview to a few of students. They said that by reading the hortatory

exposition texts related to the topic and taking some notes from the reading

texts helped them in getting ideas. Yet, there were a three pairs still get

difficulties in formulating the ideas even though they had gotten their note

taking. They looked confuse and did not write anything yet on their paper.

Last, there were also some of them still got problem in taking the note. They

did not really understand how to jot down the information from the reading

hortatory exposition texts. It could be seem from the students’ note taking,

there were some of thems wrote down in full and long sentences. Thus, the

next meeting, researcher needed to give more explanation and samples about

how to take the note from the reading hortatory exposition texts.

For the fluency and grammar of the students in writing, there were

some improvement but it was not significant. From the students’

compositions, there were inconsistencies in using the tenses. In hortatory

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exposition text, most of the sentences were written in present forms like

simple present tense, present perfect tense, presents continuous tense, future

tense, etc. However, there were still of the students made it in past form.

Next, there were the students constructed the sentences in wrong grammatical

patterns. For example: “TV program is develop from program for children,

young men, until adult people from morning until night that can to consume

our time… (Parag.2). It should be “TV programs are developed for children,

teenagers, and adults from morning to midnight. …” This was happened

because of less of writing exercises given by the teacher. Thus, the students

were still confused in constructed the sentences in a good grammatical form.

Then, there were inappropriate words in the composition, like the word

“grow” should be replaced by the word “give”, and the word “teenagers” to

make it more adequate better replaced then the word “young men”. It was

occurred because of the limitation of the students’ vocabulary. This was

supported by the situation in classroom where the students frequently asked

to the researcher or the collaborator to assist them if they did not know what

was the English word they were needed.

For example:

Student: Miss, apa bahasa Inggrisnya merusak kesehatan?

(“Miss, What is the English of disturb you health”)

Reseacher: Would you like to find it first from your dictionary!

Students: Gak ada kamus ,Miss.

(“I don’t have dictionary Miss”)

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This condition made the class became noisy and the students were

depended on the teacher and collaborator. This was not good for them. For the

next cycle researcher had to find the ways to overcome this problem maybe by

introducing the new vocabulary related to the texts before coming to the note

taking activities, etc.

More over, based on the observation by the researcher and collaborator

in this cycle, there were some of students were not active and reluctant to do

the task in their group. When the others students read the hortatory exposition

texts, found out the important information and taking some notes, these few

of students just chatted among them or there also asked permission to the

outside of the classroom. It seemed that they were not enthusiastic to do the

words. In the interview, they told that they were not accustomed to use this

technique. They still get difficulties in generating the ideas and constructing

the sentences into paragraph. For them, writing activity was a hard job.

Because of it, they were not interested to join with the other students, which

paid attention to this lesson and active in their group in obtaining the

information. Based on the facts above, it was essential for the researcher and

collaborator to evaluate the lesson plan, and then they had to attain effective

ways in maximizing the learning process for the next cycles.

In the fourth meeting, the researcher gave the post-test. In this post-

test, at the first time the students’ work in-group in doing note-taking activity.

After collecting all the information that was needed in-group activity, they

came to individual work in constructing the composition.

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Before coming to the post-test, the researcher wrote the topic on the

board that was The effects of smoking. She gave some questions to the

students about the topic in order to activate the students’ prior knowledge.

Then, she distributed another kind of hortatory exposition texts. The students

were still sitting in groups and then researcher gave them time fifteen minutes

to jot down some information needed from the two texts. Then the students

were asked to write the composition individually based on the information

above. The result of the test can be seen in appendix 9 the result of students’

writing in post-test in cycle 1

From the table in appendix 9, it can be seen that the mean score of the

students’ writing in post-test, was 16.06. It increased 3.09 point if compared

with the students’ score in the pre-test (12.97). There were 5 students from 31

students in the level poor (P), 19 students from 31 students in the level fair

(F), 6 students from 31 students in the level good (G) and 1 students from 31

students in the level very good (VP).

Then the researcher also analyzed writing indicators, she found that

the mean score for form 3.29 , the mean score for fluency 3.16, the mean

score for vocabulary 3.23, the mean score for mechanic 3.26, and the mean

score for grammar 3.10.

The condition of writing indicators can be seen in the table and

figure below.

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Table 4.3 Descriptions of students, writing for each indicator in post-test 1 in cycle No Description Mean Score

1 Form 3.29

2 Fluency 3.16

3 Vocabulary 3.23

4 Mechanic 3.26

5 Grammar 3.10

The result of the post-test in cycle 1 was also described in the

diagram. It was shown there were some increasing to the mean scores of

some of the writing indicators; form, fluency, vocabulary and grammar but

for the mechanic, the mean score was decreasing. The rates of the

achievement in the diagram were different. The highest mean score was on

form and for the lowest mean score was on grammar.

Figures 4.3 The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in post-test 1 in cycle 1

The description and the figure showed that there were some of the

students at class XI.IA1 still had low writing skill.













Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Mean Score

Page 66: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



In the form indicators, the mean score increased. Based on the

observer field notes, the increasing of form mean score was caused by asking

the students to read the hortatory exposition texts and taking some notes for

the necessity information, leaded the students in arrangement and classified

the ideas in their composition. They got the models from the reading

hortatory exposition texts. The researcher also interviewed few of students

about their feeling toward writing and the problem that they faced in writing.

Based on the result of the interviewed, it was found that note taking from

reading hortatory exposition helped them in getting ideas especially for poor

students. They did not need much time to think about what would be written

in their compositions. They said that usually they had to spend a lot of time

just for thinking about the ideas. By reading texts gave some inspiration and

ideas to them.

Next, researcher analyzed the students’ fluency in writing. The mean

score in this post-test was 3.16. In their composition, the sentences words

began variations but rarely used inappropriate words to their compositions. It

can be seen from the student’s composition below:

Based on the fact above, many impact from the smoking such as disease is heart attack stroke, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. do you still want to try smoking? The answer hung up the personality. the smoking to give impact.

The word hung up should be replaced by depend on. This student

thought that the word in English was the same with Indonesian word. She

could not differentiate which one the suitable word for the sentences. Then,

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the researcher was less in introducing the new vocabulary related to the topic

to the students was as one of the causes of this problem.

The consistency in using the structure got better. This was influenced

by the reading models. From the interview result, the students said that when

they read the text, they found most of the sentences were written in simple

present where the verb1 form and to be I were used in sentences. On contrary,

they occasionally made mistake in constructing the sentences in simple

present form. In the paragraph above, there were many mistakes in the

grammatical patterns. Like the sentence “The smoking to give impact.” The

sentence should be “Smoking gives impacts to everybody.”

In mechanic, there were still some of students did not used capital

letter at the beginning of the sentences. Then, they did not know when they

should use full stop or comma. Researcher and collaborator needed to

emphasize to the students the importance of using the capital letter at the

beginning of the sentence, in writing someone’s name or city. Researcher had

to give more explanations about punctuation in order to minimize this


From the observation in the fourth meeting, the students’ began

paying more attention to their group discussions and more participated in

finding the information from the reading hortatory exposition texts.

According to them, they began interested to the discussion because the topic

was interesting and familiar to them. Besides getting some points from the

reading hortatory exposition texts, they also had their prior knowledge about

the topic. They could link their prior knowledge with the information in the

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reading hortatory exposition texts. It made them easier in formulating the


Moreover, in this first cycle, observer filled the writing checklist, note

taking from reading hortatory exposition texts checklist and teaching steps in

checklist. This checklist were useful to evaluate and reflect the teacher’s and

students’ activities during the first cycle.

Based on the students writing scores, interview results to the students

and field note from the observer, the students’ skill in writing were still low

and researcher needed to give more attention especially in grammar and

fluency indicators because the mean scores were lower than other indicators.

Then, it was necessity for researcher and collaborator redesigned the lesson

plan in the second cycle in order to gain a better result.

Cycle II

The activities in the cycle 2 were similar to those in cycle 1 and there

was some different emphasis due to the revised plans. This cycle was done in

four meeting. The first meeting was done on the February 2, 2011, the second

meeting was done on February 8, 2011, the third meeting was done on

February 9, 2011 and the fourth meeting was done on February 15, 2011.

Based on the reflection in the previous cycle, the researcher and the

collaborator tried to re-plan, re-design, and prepare activities. Then, the

researcher re-explained the importance and the technique of note taking from

hortatory exposition text. It was expected to overcome the problem and to

improve the writing skills in the second cycle.

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There were some revising in this cycle; by showing some pictures

related to the topic to the students in order to get more attention to the

students, introducing the new vocabularies in the text and last, appointing a

good student in every group in order to help the lower students.

In this cycle, for the first meeting the researcher gave the students a

topic entitled Reading Habit and wrote it on the board. Researcher showed

some pictures related to the topic and asked some questions to stimulate the

students’ background knowledge about the topic given. Then she handed out

hortatory exposition texts. There are two different of texts here in order to

enrich the students’ knowledge. The students in their group started to read the

texts and jotted down some important point that would be generated in their

compositions later. After every group got the points, the researcher requested

them to classify the information, which would be the main ideas and

supporting ideas.

In the second meeting, students were sitting in pairs and began to

develop their composition based on the information that had been jotting

down before. The result of the pair task in cycle 2 can be seen in table in

appendix 10.

Based on the table above it could be seen that the mean score of the

pair task was 18.13. There were 5 pairs from 15 pairs got level fair, 8 pairs

from 15 pairs got level good and 2 pairs got level very good.

Then, the researcher also analyzed writing indicators. She found that

the mean score for form 3.93, the mean score for fluency 3.60, the mean

score for vocabulary 3.47, the mean score for mechanic 3.73, and the mean

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score for grammar 3.40. The result of writing indicators can be seen in the

table and the figure below.

Table 4.4 Descriptions of each indicator in students writing in pair task in second

meeting of cycle 2

No Description Mean Score

1 Form 3.93

2 Fluency 3.60

3 Vocabulary 3.47

4 Mechanic 3.73

5 Grammar 3.40

The result of the pair task in cycle 2 was also described in the

diagram. It was shown how far the achievement of the students in every

indicators of writing. The rates of the achievement in diagram were different.

The highest score was on form and for the lowest score was on grammar.

Figure 4.5 The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in pair tasks in

second meeting of cycle 2






Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Mean Score

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Based on the description and the figure of pair task result in cycle II,

there were no pairs get poor level. It means that this technique can make the

students’ writing skill get better than in cycle 1.

Furthermore, in the second cycle the researcher and her collaborator

conducted the action research better than at the previous cycle by preparing

everything more ready than before. Beside they made teaching and learning

process more understandable and pleasurable by asking them to discuss more

in their group when doing note taking from hortatory exposition texts. In the

class conference, researcher asked the students to discuss again the

difficulties in the previous cycle.

In action, the collaborator observed the process of teaching writing in

the aspect of teacher and students’ activities by using the checklist prepared

by the researcher. Collaborator observed and filled in the observation

checklist during teaching and learning process. It used to record all the

activities in the classroom during the observation.

It was found that most of the students were participated in the group

discussion and in pair. They began to be fascinating with this lesson.

Based on the observation above, the researcher decided to give them

the post-test for the second cycle in the next meeting in order to measure the

students’ skills in writing. The result of the post-test can be seen in the table

in appendix 11.

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the mean score of the

students’ writing in post-test, was 18.45. It increased 2.39 point if compared

with the students’ score in the post-test in cycle 1 (16.02). There were 5

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students from 31 students in the level fair, 20 students from 31 students in the

level good, 6 students from 31 students in the level very good. Then the

researcher also analyzed writing indicators, she found that the mean score for

form 3.97, the mean score for fluency 3.68, the mean score for vocabulary

3.55, the mean score for mechanic 3.65, and the mean score for grammar

3.61. The condition of writing indicators can be seen in the table and figure


Table 4.5 Descriptions of students, writing for each indicator in post-test in cycle 2

No Description Mean Score

1 Form 3.97

2 Fluency 3.68

3 Vocabulary 3.55

4 Mechanic 3.65

5 Grammar 3.61

The result of the post-test in cycle 2 was also described in the

diagram. It was shown how far the achievement of the students in every

indicators of writing. The rates of the achievement in diagram were different.

The highest score was on form and for the lowest score was on vocabulary.

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Figures 4.6 The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in post-test 2 in cycle 2

From the table above, it can be seen there were many progressions to

the students’ writing skill if the researcher compared with the students’

writing score in cycle 1. The improvement in form indicator was higher than

other indicators. It could be seen from the students’ composition where their

texts organization had been written clearly and coherently. They had been

classified which one as the thesis of composition, what was as the arguments

but the recommendation were not stated clearly. This improvement was

influenced by the interesting topics, which were presented by the researcher

for the students, and it was still related to students’ daily life like reading

habit and internet.

Then, researcher always controlled the students’ activities. Before

coming to note taking from reading hortatory exposition texts, researcher also

provided the students with several cartoon pictures about the topic like the

picture of some people were reading books in a train, and there was a picture

of a girl who was reading in her tent. Researcher also gave several questions














Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Mean Score

Page 74: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



about the picture. This was useful to stimulate the students and leading the

students to the topic. From the observer field notes, she noted that the class

situation became more vigorous and spirited because the pictures were

attractive to the students.

In analyzing the students’ activities in formulating the ideas, about

twenty students were able to write the composition based on the text

organization. In hortatory exposition, there were three components of the text

organization; thesis (statements or announcements of issue concern),

arguments (reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation) and

recommendation (statements of what should or should not be done based on

the given arguments). For these good students, they could present the ideas in

thesis clearly and gave some arguments to support the ideas in thesis. For the

ending, they wrote the statements what should or should not be done by the

readers. In choosing the words, they had used the appropriate words and there

were variation in building up the compositions. The composition had been

presented in clearly and using a good structure.

Next, there were about seven students had written the thesis and give

some arguments. Nevertheless, the argumentations did not really support the

writer’s statement in the first paragraph. For ending, the students had been

stated what should or should not be done for the reader. They could write it

understandably. The words that constructed in their composition had been

varied and had become more consistent in the structures.

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The rest of students were needed more attention from the research.

They had written the paragraph based on the text organization of hortatory

exposition but the coherent among the paragraph were less than other


Based on the observation by the researcher and collaborators, the

students were more enthusiastic in doing their tasks. They were actively in

participating in their group working in doing the activity of note taking. They

used their time effectively in writing their composition.

From the interview, the students said that they became more vigorous

in writing. At the first time, writing was a very difficult activity for them, but

after doing some exercises and implementing the technique of note taking,

they were accustomed with this process. It motivated them to improve their

writing skill.

In order to know or prove whether the result of students’ writing

would be more increased or not, researcher continued this research to cycle 3.


This research was conducted in four meeting. The first meeting was

done on the February 21st , 2011, the second meeting was done on February

22nd , 2011, the third meeting was done on March 7th, 2011 and the fourth

meeting was done on March 8th, 2011. In this cycle, the procedures were still

the same with cycle 2. For the first meeting the researcher provided different

topic that was Cleanliness. The students were excited with the topic because

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it was still related with their daily life. The result of the pair tasks in cycle 3

can be seen in the in appendix 12.

Based on the table, it could be seen that the mean score of the pair

task was 19.87. There were 6 pairs from 15 pairs got level good, 9 pairs from

15 pairs got level very good.

Then, the researcher also analyzed writing indicators. She found that

the mean score for form 4.40, the mean score for fluency 4.00, the mean

score for vocabulary 3.73, the mean score for mechanic 3.93, and the mean

score for grammar 3.80. The result of writing indicators can be seen in the

table and the figure below.

Table 4.6 Descriptions of each indicator in students writing in pair task in second

meeting of cycle 3

No Description Mean Score

1 Form 4.40

2 Fluency 4.00

3 Vocabulary 3.73

4 Mechanic 3.93

5 Grammar 3.80

The result of the pair task in cycle 3 was also described in the

diagram. It was shown how far the achievement of the students in every

indicators of writing. The rates of the achievement in diagram were different.

The highest mean score was on form and for the lowest mean score was on


Page 77: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Figure 4.7

The condition of each indicator of students’ writing in pair tasks in second meeting of cycle 3

From the result of pair tasks above, it was assumed that the

students writing skill had improved significantly. This technique gave

immense contribution to students’ writing skill. There were no pairs in the

level of fair.

Based on the observation by the researcher and collaborator, most of

students enthusiastic in their group discussion especially in taking some notes

from the reading hortatory exposition texts and in built up the composition in

pair task. The students seemed to be getting familiar with the process. By

implementing the technique of note taking can save their time in getting some


During the lesson, the teacher helped the students with their difficulty.

Teacher walked around the class, approached the students and checked the

students’ work. The students did not hesitate to ask about their difficulty. The




3.93 3.89









Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Mean Score

Page 78: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



teacher answered the questions eagerly. In general, in this meeting, the

teaching and learning process run well.

From the data interview illustrated that almost all the students were

getting more familiar with the procedures and that made them easier to do the

tasks. The students also said that the topic “Cleanliness” was useful for them

to be implemented in their daily life.

In the third meeting, the researcher closed this research by giving the

post-test in cycle three. As the topic is Being Fat. The results of the post-test

were presented in the table in appendix 13.

In this post-test, at the first time, the students worked in group in

doing note taking activity. After the students collected the information

needed and jotting down it in their note, the students continued their works in

developing their compositions individually. The meanings of the new words

were listed for them. They had to focus to do the post-test in limited time.

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the mean score of the

students’ writing in post-test in cycle 3, was 19.84. It increased 1.39 point if

compared with the students’ score in the post-test in cycle 2 (16.02). There

were 13 students from 31 students in the level good, 18 students from 31

students in the level very good.

Then the researcher also analyzed writing indicators, she found that

the mean score for form 4.26, the mean score for fluency 4.00, the mean

score for vocabulary 3.77, the mean score for mechanic 3.94, and the mean

score for grammar 3.84.

Page 79: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



The condition of writing indicators can be seen in the table and figure


Table 4.7

Descriptions of students’ writing skill for each indicator in post-test in cycle 3

No Description Mean Score

1 Form 4.26

2 Fluency 4.00

3 Vocabulary 3.77

4 Mechanic 3.94

5 Grammar 3.84

The result of the post-test in cycle 3 was also described in the

diagram. It was shown how significantly the achievement of the students in

every indicators of writing. The rates of the achievement in diagram were

different. The highest score was on form and for the lowest score was on


Based on the observation and field notes, the activities during the

process were better than before. Students followed the teaching and learning

process actively. They followed the teacher’s instructions. They also

responded to the students’ difficulties and questions during the process. As

the result, their writing indicators’ score increased.

Few students that often had difficulties during the teaching and

learning said that they have tried to follow the teacher’s instructions and

Page 80: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



asked questions, involved in the activities in pairs or individually. But they

were slow in learning English.

Figures 4.8 The condition of each indicators of students’ writing in post-test 3 in

cycle 3

From the diagram above, form as one of writing indicators get the

highest level where the mean score 4.26. It means that the students did not get

difficulties in developing the ideas and it was presented clearly. Then, the

materials also well organized and were liked clearer.

Finally, in order to find out to what extent note taking from reading

hortatory exposition could improve students’ writing skill; the researcher

analyzed the result of pre-test, writing test at the end of each cycle and group

task in each cycle. It was shown in the table below.

Table 4.8 The improvement of each indicator of students’ writing on pre-test, test

1, test 2, test 3 in cycle I to cycle III. Description Pre-test Test

(Cycle 1)

Test 2

(Cycle II)


(Cycle III)

Form 2.35 3.29 3.97 4.26

Fluency 2.61 3.16 3.68 4.00

Vocabulary 2.71 3.23 3.55 3.77

Mechanic 2.65 3.26 3.65 3.94

Grammar 2.52 3.10 3.61 3.84





Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Mean Score

Page 81: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



The improvement of each indicator of students’ writing on pre-test,

test 1, test 2, test 3 in cycle I, cycle II and cycle III was also described in the

diagram. It was shown how considerably the achievement of the students in

every indicators of writing. The rates of the achievement in diagram were

different. It can be summed up that the students’ writing scores increased in

every cycle.

Figure 4.9 The improvement of each indicator of writing from pre-test, cycle 1,

cycle 2, and cycle 3.

Table 4.9

The improvement of each indicator in writing from pair task in cycle I to cycle III.

Description Pair Task

(Cycle 1)

Pair Task

(Cycle II)

Pair Task

(Cycle III)

Form 3.27 3.93 4.40

Fluency 3.07 3.60 4.00

Vocabulary 3.20 3.47 3.73

Mechanic 3.33 3.73 3.93

Grammar 3.07 3.40 3.80

The improvement of each indicator of students’ writing on pair task 1,

pair task 2, and pair task 3 in cycle I, cycle II and cycle III was also described

2.352.61 2.71 2.65 2.52

3.29 3.163.23 3.26 3.1

3.97 3.683.55 3.65 3.61


3.77 3.943.84











Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar


Test (Cycle 1)

Test (Cycle 2)

Test (Cycle 3)

Page 82: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



in the diagram. It was shown how greatly the achievement of the students in

every indicator of writing. The rates of the achievement in diagram were

different. It can be summed up that the students’ writing mean scores in pair

task increased in every cycle.

Figure 4.10 The improvement of each indicator in writing from pair task in cycle I to

cycle III.

From the table and figure above, it could be said that there were some

progressions to the students’ writing if it was compared from the pre-test

result, post-test result in cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3.

The data showed that there was also an improvement to the mean

score of students’ achievement from writing test in each cycle. It can be seen

from the table and figure below:

Table 4.10

Comparison of students’ mean score from pre test to writing test 3


Pre Test

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3





3.273.07 3.2


3.933.6 3.47










Form Fluency Vocabulary Mechanic Grammar

Pair Task (Cycle 1)

Pair Task (Cycle 2)

Pair Task (Cycle 3)

Page 83: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



The improvement of mean scores in cycle I, cycle II and cycle III was

also described in the diagram. It was shown how far the achievement of the

students in every indicators writing. The rates of the mean scores in diagram

were different. It can be summed up that the students’ writing scores in pair

task increased in every cycle.

Figure 4.11

Comparison of students’ mean score from pre test to writing test 3

There were also the comparison of the mean scores in pair task,

which conducted in cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3. This illustrated the

improvement of the mean scores in every cycle.

Table 4.11

Comparison of students’ mean score from pair task 1 to pair task 3


Pair Task 1

Pair Task 2

Pair Task 3













Pre Test Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Mean score

Page 84: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



The improvement of mean scores of pair task in cycle I, cycle II and

cycle III was also described in the diagram. It was shown how far the

achievement of the students and the rate of the mean scores in diagram were

different. It can be summed up that the students’ writing scores in pair task

increased in every cycle.

Figure 4.12

Comparison of students’ mean score from pre test to writing test 3

Based on the table and the figure above, it was found that in the first

cycle, the score of students’ writing test was 16.06 it increased 3.09 point if it

was compared with pre-test (12.97). In second cycle, the mean score of

students’ writing test was 18.45 it increased 2.39 point if it was compared

with writing test (16.06) in cycle 1. In the third cycle, the mean score was

19.84. It increased 1.39 point, if it was compared with the second cycle


For pair task, the mean score of the students in cycle in cycle 2 was

18.13. It increased 4.23 point it compared with the mean score in the cycle 1

(13.9), and the mean score for of the students in cycle 3 was 19.87. It









Pair Task 1 Pair Task 2 Pair Task3

Mean score

Page 85: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



increased 1.74 point if it was compared with the mean score in cycle 2


In conclusion, note taking from reading hortatory exposition can

improve students’ writing skill.

2. The factors influenced the changes of students’ writing skill of

hortatory exposition texts in the use of note taking from reading

similar texts

Based on the findings throughout the observation, interview, field

notes and writing test in cycle 1, cycle 2, and cycle 3, the researcher with her

collaborator found out that note taking from reading hortatory exposition

texts could better improve students’ writing skill. There were some factors

made some improvements to the students writing skill.

Firstly, the topics were familiar and interesting to the students. Most

of the topics were still related to the students’ daily life like internet,

smoking, reading habit, cleanliness, etc. It could be seen from the interview

below. This interview was conducted at the end of the cycle 3.

Teacher: “What do you think about the topic for your writing? Is it

interesting or not for you?”

Student: ” Yes Miss..menarik, apalagi topiknya mengenai internet and

Being Fat…”

(“Yes Miss, It was interesting topics moreover it was about

internet and Being Fat.”)

Teacher: “Why?”

Page 86: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Student: “Kalau Internet khan kita sudah biasa gunakan sehari-hari

jadi sudah tau aja apa yang mau ditulis. Kalau yang topiknya

Being fat Miss, saya dapat tambahan informasi baru dari

teks yang Miss berikan (sambil malu-malu).”

( “We are accustomed in our daily life with the topic of

Internet, so we already know about what should be written in

our composition. When the topic is Being Fat Miss, I got

some new information from the texts which was given by

Miss,” (Ashamedly))

Hence, besides getting some ideas from reading the hortatory

exposition texts, they also had prior knowledge to the topic. As a result, by

giving familiar and interesting topics to them, it would motivate the students

in learning and they did not bore with the activity.

Then, hortatory exposition texts were not too complicated to be

understood by the students. The texts were adapted to the level of senior high

school students. Therefore, the category of complexity was still medium.

Next, the length of the texts was about four paragraphs. Therefore, it was not

too difficult for them to read the text and jot down some information from the

texts. This was supported by the interview below when the researcher asked

to one of the students about text complexity.

Teacher: “Before coming to write composition, I asked you to take

some notes from the reading hortatory exposition texts?”

what about the texts, is it difficult for you to understand the

Page 87: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



texts in general or to jot down the information from the


Student: “Not really Miss. Apalagi setelah Miss tuliskan kosa kata

baru di papan tulis, jadinya tidak terlalu sulit untuk

dipahami. Trus, teksnya juga tidak terlalu panjang.”

(“Not really miss. After you wrote down some new words on

the board, so it would not so difficult to be understand. Then,

the texts were not too long.”)

The researcher and collaborator gave clear instructions to students

about what the students should do during the research. In the first meeting in

every cycle, researcher always gave some explanations related to the way

taking the note from the hortatory exposition text. Accordingly, they were

not confused in the note taking activities, and writing activities. This was the

interview with the student.

Teacher: “Do you know what should you do during this research?”

Kira-kira, the instructions from me or from Miss Ike were

clear enough for you. Or you didn’t understand with the


Student: “Awalnya susah juga Miss apalagi Miss menjelaskannya

dengan Bahasa Inggris selalu, binguang wak Miss. Tetapi

setelah diulang-ulang memberikan penjelasan apa yang

harus dilakukan, saya jadi lebih mengerti.”

(“At the first time I was rather confuse when you always

explained it by using English. After you repeated for several

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time about what should we do, we became more


Next, the ways the researcher and the students interact in classroom

were friendly and enjoyable. It made the students were not afraid to

participate or giving their opinion. Researcher and collaborator always

motivated the students to be active in their group works and pairs. It was

noted by the observer in her notes field, the students were actively participate

during the learning process, they were not afraid to give comments because

the teacher always gave praises to the students and these could make them to

be confidents. When the students get sleepy, the teacher gave small jokes to


There was a good work ship between the researcher and collaborator,

so that this research could run well. Collaborator helped much the researcher

in observations, took some field notes and gave some contributions to the

researcher. At the end of each cycle, researcher and collaborator discussed

together about what the researcher had conducted in the classroom. These

activities were useful in order to increase the quality of this research.

The researcher appointed good students in each group. In the field

notes, the observer noted that by appointing good students in each group

could influence the improvement of the students in writing because these

good students would help the poor students in learning process. The low

students could ask to the good students if they still get confuse or problem.

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B. Discussion

Analyzing from the research finding which were obtained from the

application of note taking from reading hortatory exposition texts from cycle

1 to cycle 3,and it had been done for about twelve meetings, the researcher

found that this technique could make a better result of students’ writing skill.

It was supported by increasing of the students’ writing scores from cycle 1,

cycle 2 and cycle 3. The result of the research proved the idea of Rowntree

in Dhann (2001) who says that in an academic context note taking is as

essential as assignment writing in that you are jotting down the information

and then writing it back out again as the process of learning. Then, Khan

(1999) also states that this act of taking notes often helps us memorize the

information when we need to take a test, write an essay, or prepare a report. It

could be concluded that this technique helped the students in getting and

generating the ideas from the reading hortatory exposition text and built it up

into a good composition.

From the interview results conducted to the students, it was found that

the students were eager to write the composition and easier to develop it

because they were accustomed to the topics. Most of the topics were still

related with their daily life. As what Nation (2009) comments that the

learners need to be familiar with the few topics that are relevant to their area

of study and they need to be linked to particular topic.

Derived from the observation result, as one of the ways to make the

students aware to the aspects of writing, the researcher encouraged them to

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evaluate other writing by making some editing and revising. Therefore, every

pairs exchanged their writing to others pairs. This activity was beneficial to

maximize the students’ writing abilities. This was line with what Brown

(2001) explains that peer editing is a true process. Not only do you get

feedback from your classmate, but you also give feedback to them. Beare

(2010) also says that, when a teacher wants to make the learning experience

of lasting value, she has to involve the students personally. This becomes

essential factor in writing exercises.

After that, based on the field notes by the observer, it was obtained

that by asking the students to work in a group and pair, then appointed good

students in each group gave opportunity to the students to share and expand

their knowledge and ideas. Good students could give some contributions to

the poor students. Ultimately, the writing result would be magnificent. As

what Brown (2001) states that another effective way to generate ideas is to

work in a small group where you share your brainstormed ideas with the rest

of the group members.

Subsequently, collaborator gave big contributions to the researcher

during the research. They discussed the problems during the research and

tried to find to the solutions together. Because of that, this research could run-

well. Yassin (2010) statements that teachers can improve their teaching

quality by working together with their collaborators, and they can help each

other supported this.

Besides the writing test scores, this research was also supported by

synchronize results of each instrument: observation checklist, field notes, and

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interviews. From the observation checklist examined by the researcher and

collaborator, it was found that the students were actively expressed their ideas

in the pair and group working.

The result of field notes from the collaborator, were found that most

of the students were excited and actively participate in the learning process.

Even though at the first time they were, rather confuse with these activities.

After getting some instructions from the researcher, they were enthusiastic to

do the tasks.

In summary, using note taking from reading similar texts improved

the students writing skill of hortatory exposition texts at grade XI. IA1 of

SMAN 1 Baso in Agam Regency.

C. Limitations of the Research

During the research, researcher and collaborator noticed several

limitations and weaknesses when presented the strategy of note taking from reading

hortatory exposition to the students at Grade XI IA1 academic year 2010/2011

of SMA Negeri 1 Baso, Agam. The limitations were:

1. The limitations of time for this research. This research was conducted into

twelve meetings or around six weeks. Thus, the time was not enough for

the researcher to encompass all the activities in this research.

2. The findings of this research might have different results for other classes

or institutions. In other words, the results of this research could not be

generalized. Thus, the findings and conclusions of this research should be

limited to the participants of this research only.

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A. Conclusions

Based on the result of the research, it was summed up that the

implementation of note taking from reading similar texts for improving the

students’ writing skill of hortatory exposition texts had been successful in

one of the classes of the eleventh grade at SMAN 1 Baso. The conclusion

of this research refers to the formulation of the problems:

1. Note taking from reading hortatory exposition better improves

students’ writing skill of hortatory exposition texts because of the

improvement of students’ writing through pair task and writing test in

each cycle.

2. The factors that influence the changes of students’ writing skill of

hortatory exposition texts are:

a. Teacher gives familiar topic; the reading hortatory exposition texts

are not complicated for the students.

b. Teacher gives clear instructions to the students during the research

c. Teacher has good interactions with the students.

d. Appointing good students to each group helped the lower students

in learning because they can share together. It also makes the

discussion more vigorous.

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e. There good workship and relationship between researcher and

collaborator make the process of teaching and learning run well.

B. Implications

The research findings discussed in previous chapter allow four

practical implications to teaching writing in the classroom. They are:

1. Selecting the effective teaching writing technique can be used to

improve the students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition texts. The

teacher can use note taking from reading hortatory exposition text as

one of the technique that can be applied at senior high school level

because it is supposed that the students have enough skill to practice

this strategy.

2. Providing more portions for writing activity in the classroom can be

demanded because writing needs process. Therefore, when teacher

wants to ask them to write the text individually, they are ready for that.

3. Creating a warm atmosphere in classroom can give positive effect to

the learning process. It will encourage the students to be eager and

enthusiastic to do writing task. In contrast, when they are not comfort

with the class situation, they are reluctant to follow the teaching and

learning process.

4. Observing students in learning and assessing their writing can make

the teacher aware of the students’ need. During this activity, teacher

knows which students need help and which do not.

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C. Suggestions

Having finished conducting the study, the researcher’s suggestions are as


1. Dealing with the positive finding of the research, it is suggested to the

researcher as an English teacher to use note taking from similar text in

teaching writing to enhance students’ writing skill of hortatory

exposition texts.

2. It is also suggested for future researcher to conduct further research

dealing with the use of note taking in other language skills.

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between Oral and Written Production. English Teaching Forum Online- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affair. Retrieved on October 5, 2010. http://

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Richards, Jack C and Willy A. Renandya. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching; An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Appendix 1


(Cycle 1)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : The Effects Television Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials 1) Texts of hortatory exposition 2) Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and description 3) Simple Present tense 4) Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

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Learning media Reading texts

Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

A. Pre- Activity 1) Greeting the students 2) Checking the attendance lists 3) Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity 1) Write the topic on the board. 2) Asking some questions related to the topic. 3) Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the

questions given. 4) Divide the class into several groups. 5) Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. 6) Give some minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can

reread the text for two or three times. 7) Then ask the students to find some important information and

relevance unimportant information from the articles. 8) Teacher asks the students to take some notes for the information

above in their paper. 9) Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in

article 1 Whilst-writing activity

1) Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom discussion.

2) They determined which one is as the thesis, argumentations and recommendation of the text.

3) Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the information in their note-taking.

Post-writing activity 1) Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. 2) Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also,

write the name of editors. 3) Give back the paper to the owner. 4) Students revise their composition based on what had been edited

by another pairs. 5) Students write the good one.

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C. Post-activity 1) Teacher collects the students’ works 2) Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 24 January 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

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Appendix 2


(Post-test 1)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : The effects of smoking Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials 1) Texts of hortatory exposition 2) Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition 3) Simple Present tense 4) Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

Reading texts

Page 102: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

A. Pre- Activity a) Greeting the students b) Checking the attendance lists c) Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity 1) Write the topic on the board. 2) Asking some questions related to the topic. 3) Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the

questions given. 4) Divide the class into several groups. 5) Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. 6) Give some minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can

reread the text for two or three times. 7) Then ask the students to find some important information and

relevance unimportant information from the articles. 8) Teacher asks the students to take some notes for the information

above in their paper. 9) Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in

article 1 Whilst-writing activity

1) Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom discussion.

2) They determined which one is the thesis, the argumentations and as the recommendation from the texts.

3) Students individually begin to write the composition based on the information in their note-taking.

Post-writing activity 1) Students give their writing to another student for editing. 2) Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also,

write the name of editors. 3) Give back the paper to the owner. 4) Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by

another student. 5) Students write the good one.

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C. Post-activity 1) Teacher collects the students’ works 2) Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 1 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

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Appendix 3


(Cycle 2)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Reading Habit Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson, students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials 1) Texts of hortatory exposition 2) Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition 3) Simple Present tense 4) Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

1) Pictures 2) Reading texts

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Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

A. Pre- Activity 1) Greeting the students 2) Checking the attendance lists 3) Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity 1) Showing pictures related to the topic. 2) Asking some questions related to the picture. 3) Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. 4) Divide the class into several groups. 5) Write the topic on the board. 6) Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. 7) Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. 8) Give some minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can

reread the text for two or three times. 9) Then ask the students to find some important information and

relevance unimportant information from the articles. 10) Teacher asks the students to take some notes for the information

above in their paper. 11) Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in

article 1

Whilst-writing activity 1) Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles

in classroom discussion. 2) They determined which one is as the thesis, argumentations, and

recommendation for the texts. 3) Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the

information in their note-taking.

Post-writing activity 1) Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. 2) Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also,

write the name of editors. 3) Give back the paper to the owner. 4) Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by

another pairs. 5) Students write the good one.

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C. Post-activity 1) Teacher collects the students’ works 2) Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 2 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

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Appendix 4


(Post-test 2)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Internet Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson, students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials 1) Texts of hortatory exposition 2) Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition 3) Simple Present tense 4) Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Page 108: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Learning media Pictures Reading texts

Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

A. Pre- Activity 1) Greeting the students 2) Checking the attendance lists 3) Motivating students

D. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity 1) Showing pictures related to the topic. 2) Asking some questions related to the picture. 3) Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. 4) Divide the class into several groups. 5) Write the topic on the board. 6) Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. 7) Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. 8) Give some minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can

reread the text for two or three times. 9) Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance

unimportant information from the articles. 10) Teacher asks the students to take some notes for the information above

in their papers. 11) Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in

article 1

Whilst-writing activity 1) Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles

in classroom discussion. 2) They determined which one is as the thesis, argumentations, and

recommendation for the text. 3) Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the

information in their note-taking.

Post-writing activity 1) Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. 2) Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also,

write the name of editors. 3) Give back the paper to the owner. 4) Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by

another pairs. 5) Students write the good one.

Page 109: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



6) Post-activity

1) Teacher collects the students’ works 2) Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 9 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

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Appendix 5


(Cycle 3)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Cleanliness Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson, students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials 4) Texts of hortatory exposition 5) Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition 6) Simple Present tense 7) Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

3) Pictures 4) Reading texts

Page 111: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

A. Pre- Activity 1) Greeting the students 2) Checking the attendance lists 3) Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity 1) Showing pictures related to the topic. 2) Asking some questions related to the picture. 3) Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. 4) Divide the class into several groups. 5) Write the topic on the board. 6) Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. 7) Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. 8) Give some minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can

reread the text for two or three times. 9) Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance

unimportant information from the articles. 10) Teacher asks the students to take some notes for the information above

in their papers. 11) Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in

article 1

Whilst-writing activity 1) Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles

in classroom discussion. 2) They determined which one is as the thesis, argumentations, and

recommendation for the text. 3) Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the

information in their note-taking.

Post-writing activity 1) Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. 2) Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also,

write the name of editors. 3) Give back the paper to the owner. 4) Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by

another pairs. 5) Students write the good one.

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1) Teacher collects the students’ works 2) Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 21 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

Page 113: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Appendix 6


(Post-test 3)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Being Fat Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson, students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials 1) Texts of hortatory exposition 2) Vocabularies dealing with evaluation and descriptions. 3) Simple Present tense 4) Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Page 114: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Learning media 1) Pictures 2) Reading texts

Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

A. Pre- Activity 1) Greeting the students 2) Checking the attendance lists 3) Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity 1) Showing pictures related to the topic. 2) Asking some questions related to the picture. 3) Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. 4) Divide the class into several groups. 5) Write the topic on the board. 6) Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. 7) Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. 8) Give some minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can

reread the text for two or three times. 9) Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance

unimportant information from the articles. 10) Teacher asks the students to take some notes for the information

above on their papers 11) Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in

article 1

Whilst-writing activity 1) Students compare their note-taking result from the two different

articles in classroom discussion. 2) They determined which one is as the thesis, argumentations , and

recommendation of the text. 3) Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the

information in their note-taking.

Post-writing activity 1) Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. 2) Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also,

write the name of editors. 3) Give back the paper to the owner. 4) Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by

another pairs. 5) Students write the good one.

Page 115: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



C. Post-activity 1) Teacher collects the students’ works 2) Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 7 March 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

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Appendix 17


Nama Siswa : Indah Nurgandi Hari / Tanggal : Kelas / Semester : XI.IA1 / II Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esei. Kompetensi Dasar : Writing Waktu : 2 x 45 Siklus : 1 Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui pengaruh note taking from

reading hortatory exposition terhadap pembelajaran menulis siswa.



Interview Questions Checklist Note

1 Have you ever been studying writing by using note taking technique before?

2 Are you happy learning by using note taking technique?

3 Do the reading sources of material for note taking given by the teacher are interesting?

4 Is it an interesting writing activity for you if the teacher use note taking from reading hortatory exposition text?

5 Does the note taking from hortatory exposition reading sources help you in getting ideas for writing?

6 Does the note taking from hortatory exposition text help you to express the ideas for writing?

7 Does the note taking from hortatory exposition help you to organize the ideas for writing?

8 Are you motivated to write by using note taking from reading hortatory exposition text?

9 What problems do you face when learning writing by using note taking from reading hortatory exposition text?

10 If you compare the technique used by the teacher in teaching writing before, do you think which one help you more in writing.

Baso, ……………2011 Collaborator Dra. Hikmah

Page 125: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Appendix 18


Researcher: “What do you think about the writing activity? Did you enjoy it?”

Students C: “Yes, I did. Note taking helps me much in getting ideas and

developing the composition. Usually, I had to think harder to get the


Students M: “Actually, it is good ma’am but my problem is my vocabulary is

limited. Therefore, it is rather difficult for me to develop the ideas I

had gathered from the text.”

Student G: “Not really, writing is a difficult activity for me.” I don’t know what

should I write and how to write it in English.

Researcher: “What difficulties do you find in writing?”

Students C:” How to make the sentence coherence ma’am.”

Student M: “Lack of vocabulary and generating the idea.”

Student G: “Lack of vocabulary, how to write the sentence in a simple present

tense and developing the ideas.”

Page 126: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Appendix 19

Process writing Checklist

Subject : English Class/ Term : XI. IA1/ 1 Topic : Reading Habit

Time : 2x45’

No Indicators Sub-indicators Checklist Note

1 Prewriting Strategies

a. Formulates topic before writing. b. Considers approach before writing. c. Discusses topic before writing. d. Outlines or makes schematic 


2 Writing Strategies

a. Monitors writing (rereads, reviews) b. Uses appropriate/adaptive

technique (e.g. skips word, makes substitutions)

3 Post-writing Strategies

a. Edit (word‐level changes)b. Revises (sentence‐level changes) c. Rewrites (composition‐level 

changes) d. Get feedback from others 

4 Applications and interests

a. Writes for pleasure b. Use writing for communicate 

(letters, notes, etc) c. Actively seek guidance in writing 

activities. d. Participate in discussion about 

writing. e. Shares writing with others. f. Edits writing of others 

Baso, ……………2011 Collaborator Dra. Hikmah

Page 127: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Appendix 20

Checklist of Note Taking from Reading Hortatory Exposition Texts

Subject : English

Class/ Term : XI. IA1/ 1 Topic : Reading Habit

Time : 2x45’

Baso, ……………2011 Collaborator Dra. Hikmah

No Indicators Sub-indicators Checklist Note

1 Brevity Note should be to the point.

2 Relevance Using relevant facts

3 Clarity No ambiguity sentence

4 Note-Form

a) Noted in



b) Easy to


5 Abbreviation 

And Symbols 

a) Using capitalized

b) Using the first few letters of a word

Page 128: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of





Appendix 21

Checklist of Steps of Teaching

Baso, ……………2011

No Indicators Sub-indicators Yes Note

1 Prewriting Phase

a. Teacher explains about what note taking technique is.

b. Teacher explains about the procedure of note taking.

c. Teacher divides the class into several groups. d. Teacher writes the topic on the board. e. Teacher asks some questions relate to the topic. f. Teacher hands out the articles which relevance to

the topic to every group. g. Teacher gives five minutes for the students to read

the articles. h. Teacher asks the students to find some important

information and relevance unimportant information from the articles.

i. Teacher gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1.

2 Whilst-writing phase

a. Teacher asks students to compare their note taking from the two reading expository text in classroom discussion.

b. Teacher asks the students to determine which one, as is the main information and which one as supporting information.

c. Teacher asks the students begin to write the composition in pairs based on the information in their note taking from reading hortatory exposition text.

3 Post-writing phase

a. Teacher asks the students to give their writing to another pairs for editing.

b. Teacher asks students to give comments or correction for other writing composition. Also, write the name of editors.

c. Teacher asks students to give back the paper to the owner.

d. Teacher asks the students to revise their composition based on what had been edited by another pairs.

e. Teacher asks the students to write the good one. f. Teacher collects the students’ work.

Page 129: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of



Collaborator Dra. Hikmah

Appendix 22 


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Appendix 1


(Cycle 1)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : The Effects Television Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

• Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence • Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of

written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators • Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials • Texts of hortatory exposition • Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition • Simple Present tense • Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

• Pictures Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

Page 133: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

A. Pre- Activity • Greeting the students • Checking the attendance lists • Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity • Showing pictures related to the topic. • Asking some questions related to the picture. • Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. • Divide the class into several groups. • Write the topic on the board. • Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. • Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. • Give five minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can reread the text for two

or three times. • Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance unimportant

information from the articles. They write the information in phrases. • Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1 Whilst-writing activity • Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom

discussion. • They determined which one is the main information and which one as supporting

information. • Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the information in their note-

taking. Post-writing activity • Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. • Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also, write the name of

editors. • Give back the paper to the owner. • Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by another pairs. • Students write the good one.

C. Post-activity

• Teacher collects the students’ works • Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 24 January 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

Page 134: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

Appendix 2


(Post-test 1)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : The effects of smoking Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

• Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence • Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of

written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators • Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials • Texts of hortatory exposition • Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition • Simple Present tense • Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

• Pictures Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

Page 135: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

A. Pre- Activity • Greeting the students • Checking the attendance lists • Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity • Showing pictures related to the topic. • Asking some questions related to the picture. • Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. • Divide the class into several groups. • Write the topic on the board. • Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. • Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. • Give five minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can reread the text for two

or three times. • Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance unimportant

information from the articles. They write the information in phrases. • Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1 Whilst-writing activity • Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom

discussion. • They determined which one is the main information and which one as supporting

information. • Students individually begin to write the composition based on the information in their

note-taking. Post-writing activity • Students give their writing to another student for editing. • Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also, write the name of

editors. • Give back the paper to the owner. • Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by another student. • Students write the good one.

C. Post-activity

• Teacher collects the students’ works • Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 1 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

Page 136: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

Appendix 3


(Cycle 2)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Reading Habit Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

• Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence • Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of

written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators • Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials • Texts of hortatory exposition • Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition • Simple Present tense • Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

• Pictures Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

Page 137: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

A. Pre- Activity • Greeting the students • Checking the attendance lists • Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity • Showing pictures related to the topic. • Asking some questions related to the picture. • Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. • Divide the class into several groups. • Write the topic on the board. • Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. • Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. • Give five minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can reread the text for two

or three times. • Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance unimportant

information from the articles. They write the information in phrases. • Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1 Whilst-writing activity • Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom

discussion. • They determined which one is the main information and which one as supporting

information. • Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the information in their note-

taking. Post-writing activity • Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. • Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also, write the name of

editors. • Give back the paper to the owner. • Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by another pairs. • Students write the good one.

C. Post-activity

• Teacher collects the students’ works • Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 2 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

Page 138: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

Appendix 4


(Post-test 2)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Internet Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

• Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence • Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of

written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators • Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials • Texts of hortatory exposition • Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition • Simple Present tense • Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

• Pictures Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

Page 139: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

A. Pre- Activity • Greeting the students • Checking the attendance lists • Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity • Showing pictures related to the topic. • Asking some questions related to the picture. • Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. • Divide the class into several groups. • Write the topic on the board. • Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. • Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. • Give five minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can reread the text for two

or three times. • Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance unimportant

information from the articles. They write the information in phrases. • Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1 Whilst-writing activity • Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom

discussion. • They determined which one is the main information and which one as supporting

information. • Students individually begin to write the composition based on the information in their

note-taking. Post-writing activity • Students give their writing to another student for editing. • Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also, write the name of

editors. • Give back the paper to the owner. • Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by another student. • Students write the good one.

C. Post-activity

• Teacher collects the students’ works • Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 9 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

Page 140: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

Appendix 5


(Cycle 3)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Cleanliness Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

• Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence • Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of

written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators • Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials • Texts of hortatory exposition • Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition • Simple Present tense • Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

• Pictures Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

Page 141: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

A. Pre- Activity • Greeting the students • Checking the attendance lists • Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity • Showing pictures related to the topic. • Asking some questions related to the picture. • Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. • Divide the class into several groups. • Write the topic on the board. • Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. • Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. • Give five minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can reread the text for two

or three times. • Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance unimportant

information from the articles. They write the information in phrases. • Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1 Whilst-writing activity • Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom

discussion. • They determined which one is the main information and which one as supporting

information. • Students in pairs begin to write the composition based on the information in their note-

taking. Post-writing activity • Students give their writing to another pairs for editing. • Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also, write the name of

editors. • Give back the paper to the owner. • Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by another pairs. • Students write the good one.

C. Post-activity

• Teacher collects the students’ works • Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 21 February 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

Page 142: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

Appendix 6


(Post-test 3)

Subject : English School : SMA Negeri 1 Baso Grade/ Program : XI/ XI.IA1 Times : 2x 45 minutes (2 meetings) Topic : Being Fat Academic Year : 2010/2011 Semester : 2 Skills : Integrated skills emphasized on writing

Standardized competence

• Writing Express meaning in the written text, monologue or essay in daily life context.

Basic competence • Express meaning and rhetoric steps in essay by applying components of

written language accurately, fluently and appropriate to daily life context in a text.

Indicators • Write a text by demonstrating the basic abilities to construct the text.

Studying objective By the end of the lesson students should be able to write a text by demonstrating their basic abilities to construct the text.

Learning materials • Texts of hortatory exposition • Vocabulary dealing with evaluation and descripition • Simple Present tense • Temporal Conjunction

Sources: Sudarwari and E. Grace (2005), Look Ahead 2, Jakarta: Erlangga. Internet

Learning media

• Pictures Teaching technique: Three phase stages

Teaching Procedures:

Page 143: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

A. Pre- Activity • Greeting the students • Checking the attendance lists • Motivating students

B. Whilst-activity

Pre-writing activity • Showing pictures related to the topic. • Asking some questions related to the picture. • Guide the students to the topic are going to write based on the picture. • Divide the class into several groups. • Write the topic on the board. • Teacher asks some question relate to the topic. • Hand out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group. • Give five minutes for the students to read the articles 1. They can reread the text for two

or three times. • Then ask the students to find some important information and relevance unimportant

information from the articles. They write the information in phrases. • Gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1 Whilst-writing activity • Students compare their note-taking result from the two different articles in classroom

discussion. • They determined which one is the main information and which one as supporting

information. • Students individually begin to write the composition based on the information in their

note-taking. Post-writing activity • Students give their writing to another student for editing. • Give comments or corrections for other writing composition. Also, write the name of

editors. • Give back the paper to the owner. • Students revise their composition based on what had been edited by another student. • Students write the good one.

C. Post-activity

• Teacher collects the students’ works • Teacher asks students difficulty and conclude the lesson.

Approved by, Baso, 7 March 2011 Headmaster Teacher

Drs. Rusdianif, M.Pd Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd

NIP. 19601020 198603 1 010 NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009

Page 144: IMPRO VING STUDENTS’ WRITI NG SKILL THROUGH NO TE TAKI … · Sri Ika Zuriani. (2011), Improving Students’ Writing Skill of

Appendix 14

Students Attendance List

Class : XI.IA1 Subject: English

Semester : 2 Cycle : I

No Student Name 24 -01-2011 25-01-2011 01-02-2011 02 -02-2011

1  Andini Eka Yuni        2  Agustia Untari        3  Amelia Rahmi        4  Andeni Yuria  5  Annisa  6  Arif Rahmat Amanda        7  Bonita Dwiyunengsih        8  Charisma Annisa  9  Deni Okta Nadia        10  Dewi Rahma Sari        11  Fitra Gusyanti        12  Fitri Hidayati  13  Husni Kurniati        14  Indah Nurgandi        15  Islamiyetti        16  Jamila Septiani  17  Khairil Candra        18  Luthvi        19  Mareta Fitri  20  Meci Rahmayanti  21  Melia Warni        22  Muhammad Zen        23  Okva Wahyuni  24  Paramita Jenni        25  Prayoga Wibhawa NT        26  Randi Hidayat        27  Rehan Falma Guelant  28  Reza Angriawan        29  Siska Nofri Yanti        30  Sujianda Nofriadi        31  Syahrul Ilham                Baso,       January, 2011                   Teacher                 Sri Ika Zuriani, S.Pd               NIP. 19810619 200604 2 009   

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Appendix 15      

Field Notes

Class : XI. IA1 Day/ Date : Subject : Bahasa Inggris Note :


Collaborator, Dra. Hikmah

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Appendix 16


Nama Siswa :

Hari / Tanggal :

Kelas / Semester : XI.IA1 / II

Standar Kompetensi : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esei.

Kompetensi Dasar : Writing

Waktu : 2 x 45

Siklus : 1

Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui pengaruh note taking from reading hortatory

exposition terhadap pembelajaran menulis siswa.


No Interview Questions Yes No

1 Have you ever been studying writing by using note taking technique before?

2 Are you happy learning by using note taking technique?

3 Do the reading sources of material for note taking given by the teacher are interesting?

4 Is it an interesting writing activity for you if the teacher use note taking from reading hortatory exposition text?

5 Does the note taking from hortatory exposition reading sources help you in getting ideas for writing?

6 Does the note taking from hortatory exposition text help you to express the ideas for writing?

7 Does the note taking from hortatory exposition help you to organize the ideas for writing?

8 Are you motivated to write by using note taking from reading hortatory exposition text?

9 What problems do you face when learning writing by using note taking from reading

hortatory exposition text?

10 If you compare the technique used by the teacher in teaching writing before, do you think

which one help you more in writing.


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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Master Degree of Education




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Appendix 18


Researcher: “What do you think about the writing activity? Did you enjoy it?”

Students C: “Yes, I did. Note taking helps me much in getting ideas and developing the

composition. Usually, I had to think harder to get the idea.”

Students M: “Actually, it is good ma’am but my problem is my vocabulary is limited. Therefore, it is

rather difficult for me to develop the ideas I had gathered from the text.”

Student G: “Not really, writing is a difficult activity for me.” I don’t know what should I write and

how to write it in English.

Researcher: “What difficulties do you find in writing?”

Students C:” How to make the sentence coherence ma’am.”

Student M: “Lack of vocabulary and generating the idea.”

Student G: “Lack of vocabulary, how to write the sentence in a simple present tense and developing

the ideas.”

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Appendix 19

Process writing Checklist

Subject : English

Class/ Term : XI. IA1/ 1

Topic : Reading Habit

Time : 2x45’

No Indicators Sub-indicators Yes No

1 Prewriting Strategies a. Formulates topic before writing. 

b. Considers approach before writing. 

c. Discusses topic before writing. 

d. Outlines or makes schematic organizer. 

2 Writing Strategies

a. Monitors writing (rereads, reviews) 

b. Uses appropriate/adaptive technique

(e.g. skips word, makes substitutions)

3 Post-writing Strategies

a. Edit (word‐level changes) 

b. Revises (sentence‐level changes) 

c. Rewrites (composition‐level changes) 

d. Get feedback from others 

4 Applications and interests

a. Writes for pleasure 

b. Use writing for communicate (letters, 

notes, etc) 

c. Actively seek guidance in writing 


d. Participate in discussion about writing 

e. Shares writing with others 

f. Edits writing of others 

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Appendix 20

Checklist of Note Taking

Subject : English

Class/ Term : XI. IA1/ 1

Topic : Reading Habit

Time : 2x45’

No Indicators Sub-indicators Yes No

1 Brevity 1) Note should be to the point.

2 Relevance 1) Using relevant facts

3 Clarity 1) No ambiguity sentence

4 Note-Form

1) Noted in logical sequence

2) Easy to recall

5 Abbreviation And Symbols  1) Using capitalized

2) Using the first few letters of a








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Appendix 21

Checklist of Steps of Teaching

No Indicators Sub-indicators Yes No

1 Prewriting


Teacher explains about what note taking technique is

Teacher explains about the procedure of note taking.

Teacher divides the class into several groups

Teacher writes the topic on the board.

Teacher asks some questions relate to the topic.

Teacher hands out the articles which relevance to the topic to every group.

Teacher gives five minutes for the students to read the articles.

Teacher asks the students to find some important information and relevance unimportant information from the articles.

Teacher gives the second article to students and they do the activities as in article 1.

2 Whilst-writing phase

Teacher asks students to compare their note taking from the two reading expository text in classroom discussion.

Teacher asks the students to determine which one, as is the main information and which one as supporting information.

Teacher asks the students begin to write the composition in pairs based on the information in their note taking from reading hortatory exposition text.

3 Post-writing phase

Teacher asks the students to give their writing to another pairs for editing.

Teacher asks students to give comments or correction for other writing composition. Also, write the name of editors.

Teacher asks students to give back the paper to the owner.

Teacher asks the students to revise their composition based on what had been edited by another pairs.

Teacher asks the students to write the good one.

Teacher collects the students’ work.

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Appendix 22 





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