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Welcome back to

Imprismed and the

Geebiv family. We’re

now following

generation three, the red


We’ve finally got a bit of

color in the family, and

the presentation.

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Our update begins with

Obsidian and Demi’s

elder transition.

A party was held and all

their closest friends were


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Demi aged gracefully

and made her way to the

chess table to build

more logic. She still

hasn’t reached the top of

her career as City

Planner, which is her

LTW. She’s close


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Obsidian didn’t fare too

badly either.

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Scarlett spent the next

few days building up a

few more skills for those

last scholarships.

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One last night at the

telescope, near her

grandfather’s grave, gave

her what she needed for

a respectable list. She

didn’t earn quite as

many as her father, but

she had enough.

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She made the call and

said goodbye to her


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Then she was on her


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I turned on the special

event camera because I

wanted to see who

dropped her off at

college. It was Demi. I

love that animation.

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The outfit she grew up

into was a problem, so

she took a quick trip to

campus to find

something more


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This dress seems to suit

her better. Her LTW is

to be a Rock God, which

I’ll try to fulfill, but I see

her more as a sultry Jazz


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She kind of reminds me

of Molly Ringwald. I

still think she’s pretty in

an unusual way.

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Back at the dorm, she

customized her room

and got to work on her

first term paper.

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She also got acquainted

with her dorm mates,

none of whom she had

any attraction to.

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So, it was another trip to

community lots to see if

there was someone she

might like.

The good witch’s arrival

lit up the place. Another

animation I love for the

picture it creates. It’s so


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I had Scarlett greet the

witch and chat for a bit

to get her as a contact.

I’m not sure she’ll do

anything with it, but it’s

nice to have.

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Scarlett played some

pool and went to class

while she was on


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She met several people

there as well, but still no

one she had any bolts

with. Not even one bolt.

It was all either negative

or nothing. More

contacts for her friend

list though.

Having no luck on

campus, I sent her

downtown to see what

might happen.

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At Lucky’s, she met up

with Gilbert Jacquet,

who happened to be a

family friend of her

parents. Actually, I

think he’s been around

since Roy.

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She greeted him like the

old friend he is.

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And then some. She

likes him, she really likes


Gilbert is the first two

bolter she’s had.

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I’m a little unsure

because he’s a playable,

even though I’ve never

played him.

He’s also been firmly

entrenched in my head

as one half of Cassbert

of the Vetinari

Dualegacy where he is

madly in love with a

troubled half-alien.

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But, look at her face. If

that doesn’t say, “Please?

I want this one. Can I

have him, please?” I

don’t know what does.

*Sigh* We’ll roll with it

and see what happens.

It is early in her college

career. She might find

someone else.

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Apparently Gilbert is

quite enamored of her as

well. This might be a


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Scarlett finished out her

semester and the rest of

her freshman year in the

dorm in a pretty

uneventful manner.

Term papers, class and

parties were the order of

most days. At the end of

the year, she moved to

Kaleidoscope House.

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Back at the main house,

Demi finally topped her

career and became


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Carmine continued to

attend school, build

skills and bring friends

home. One of whom

was Joe Grundstrom.

Joe has a bad reputation

in another ‘verse (A

Victorian Legacy), but

here he’s been pretty


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Mini recipe for disaster:

1. While Carmine is gaining

logic skill on the telescope in

the yard, notice that Roy’s

grave has gone missing.

2. Cross fingers and hope that a

stray has destroyed it, even

though you’ve never heard of

that happening. It could be

a possibility.

3. Check the interwebz to find

out that it could mean

borked character files.

4. Get bone phone and try to

resurrect Roy only to find he

isn’t available as an option,

confirming that his

character file is likely


5. Cross fingers and hope that

the neighborhood doesn’t

implode in the near future.

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After the brief panic over

Roy’s grave, the rotation

played out and Carmine

left for college.

I have a back-up of the

neighborhood, but it’s

rather old. I don’t know

if creating another back-

up will be worth it. If

the character file is

borked, it will be borked

in a backed-up version

as well. I’m just hoping I

finish before an all out

melt-down so I won’t

have to rebuild.

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At Kaleidoscope House,

Scarlett made her first

booty call to Gilbert and

he rushed right over.

I went to his lot and

played him for a day so I

could give him a bit of a

makeover and also

because I’ve heard that if

you don’t, he’ll always be

working when sims try

to call him.

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Scarlett’s enthusiastic

greeting was enough for

both of them to fall in

love with each other.

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The woohoo was just the

proverbial icing on the


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Scarlett’s addition to

Kaleidoscope House was a

game room off the back.

The rules for decorating

the sorority house are a

little different from the

main house. Each

generation attending

university can add or

remodel a room in their

color. They also have to

change at least four panels

of the exterior to their

color. One room must

remain in the color of

previous generations so at

the end, there will be one

black room, one red room,

one orange room, one

yellow room, etc.

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You might recognize the

College Ho’s. They are

both members of

Kaleidoscope House.

My original intention

was to be able to get the

next heir, Scarlett, in the

sorority easily. It

worked, but had rather

nasty consequences, as

evidenced in Part Two.

However, I have plans

for these ladies.


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Meet Aiden Johnson.

He is also a member of

the house. He is also a

factor in these nefarious


I actually really like this

sim and have used him

in his many incarnations

in various

neighborhoods. My

plans are a

bit…unorthodox, but I

think he’ll be okay.

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Back at the dorm,

Carmine was making his

own friends, one of

whom is this dormie,

whose name I can’t

recall. They have one

bolt and she’s his ACR


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Even still, they have a

pretty open relationship.

One moment she’s

giving Carmine a kiss…

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The next, their fellow

dormie. No jealousy

reactions either.

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Person, person, plus,

plus flying every where.

Flirts, kisses, hugs, you

name it.

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Even crush status.

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Back at the sorority

house, you see Julie and

Aiden have become

quite close. She’s been

in love with him for

awhile now.

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So has Melissa. She’s

been in love with him

since the days Obsidian

was at the dorm. Makes

the mess of what she

pulled at his house even

more vexing.

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Mutual love and couch

woohoo with Julie set

them both in love and

made Julie his ACR one.

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Which led to some

humor when Melissa

lured him to bed in an

ACR induced stupor. He

was fine when she

wanted to relax and talk,

but the minute she tried

to take things further he

rejected her.

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Shortly after however,

their relationship was

high enough for red

hearts. Julie was not

pleased when she found


Julie and Melissa are

both family sims with

similar TO/O. They

have boltage for all the

same sims.

Aiden is a Knowledge

sim. He has boltage for

almost all the female

sims, except for Scarlett.

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Not to be daunted by the

slap-fest, he continued

to build his relationship

back up with Melissa.

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As I said, I really like

Aiden in general in all

the ‘verses I’ve played

him in and all the ‘verses

I’ve seen him in.

He’s a great member of

Kaleidoscope House. At

lease he knows to wear a

toga to the toga parties.

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He also mans the cow

gun on a regular basis.

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His aim is unwavering

and his delight in

dealing with the cows

highly amusing.

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Through all the drama

going on around her,

Scarlett stuck to her

studies and continued to

throw parties.

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A love tub was also

acquired and Gilbert was

invited over repeatedly

to test out its restorative


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Much to the pervy

Llama mascot’s delight.

Cheering is a bit much,

don’t you think?

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A second genie lamp was

delivered to the family at

the sorority house.

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Scarlett rolled a want to

rub the lamp, so I let her.

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The house is loaded with

funds though, so a wish

for money would have

been extraneous.

Wishing for beauty

wasn’t necessary since

she and Gilbert were

pretty cemented at this

point, and a wish for life

long happiness would

make it so achieving her

LTW was unnecessary.

Scarlett didn’t’ feel any

wishes were necessary

and neither did I. The

lamp was given to Aiden

to aid in my future


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The other significant

occurrence was that

Scarlett met Charlie

Komei. The second sim

she has two bolts with.

\o/ They became friends

quite quickly and I held

out hope that he would

replace Gilbert in her


For the record, I’m trying

to find spouses from

different population pools

in the game. Uma was a

bartender downtown,

Demi grew up with

Obsidian, etc. Both

Gilbert and Komei come

from different pools so

either is really okay.

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More drama occurred

when Aiden’s third love

came by the house. Her

name is also Melissa, but

we’ll refer to her as Missy

from here on out. Just to

avoid confusion.

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Melissa the First was not

amused. In fact there

were flamey balloons of

hate for a while around

the house.

However, it was time for

the “punishment” to


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Having three of the

“victims” graduated, the

Johnson Harem sent to

Spectrum and loaded

into a lot.

Right around this time, I

downloaded a new set of

default skins. This

house also became a

testing ground for the


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Here is Aiden Johnson

all grown up and


My biggest problem with

custom skins are how

they smooth out the odd

Eaxis features so much.

I’m finding that these

smooth them some, but

not overly so. There

appears to be a slight

line in the neck region,

but it may be the

clothing. I’ve also

figured out that the

Geebivs have a different

custom skin because

only Demi’s changed

with the new defaults.

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Next up, Julie. I must

admit that I’ve forgotten

her last name. In fact,

I’ve forgotten all of the

girls last names and

since I didn’t write them

down, I’m not going to

look. It’s immaterial


Julie is a Family sim with

a LTW to graduate 3 kids

from college. She has

two bolts with Aiden.

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Melissa (Jayalapan, I

think?) and her new


Melissa is also a Family

sim with the LTW to

become Captain Hero.

She and Aiden have

three bolts. Their

relationship is still pretty

low from when she

caught him cheating.

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Melissa the Second,

n/k/a Missy.

Missy is a Knowledge

sim with a LTW to max 7

skills. She and Aiden

have two bolts.

Missy and Aiden also

share aspiration and


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Aiden’s fourth love is

Jordan (Cormier, I

think?). Jordan was not

featured previously,

because she never made

it over to the Greek


Jordan is another Family

sim and her LTW is also

to graduate 3 kids from

college. She and Aiden

also have two bolts.

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So, part of the “punishment” and new skin testing idea is to have all four women get preggers

by Mr. Johnson. *snerk* “Johnson” *snerk* So, I built them a house, which I’m quite proud of,

and turned off jealousy on the lot. No folks, we don’t have a OTP, we have an OT4. The

women are all straight, but ACR is running rampant, so anything can happen.

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The top floor, which is actually the first floor, is the main living space. Clockwise from the

upper left there’s a kitchen, bathroom, great hall, living room, 2nd bathroom, skilling/game

room, entryway, and dining room.

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The basement, or lower floor holds all the bedrooms. Each woman has their own room. Aiden

does not, as he can choose to sleep with whomever he wants at any given time. There are also

two more bathrooms and two small nursery spaces. In case you’re wondering, Jordan has the

green room, Julie the blue, Missy the patchwork and Melissa the beige floral.

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Aiden quickly got down

to business, hopping

from one bed to the next

to try for baby.

I used the tombstone of

L&D to speed them up.

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I thought I had a larger

household hack in, but

when he finally got to

Missy, there was no

option to Try For Baby.

I’ll have to check into it,

but as a Knowledge sim,

I’m thinking she doesn’t

really have to have one.

Except I want the green

eyes in the

neighborhood. I also

want to fulfill the 3 kids

in college wants for both

ladies who have those.

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So, after speeding up the

pregnancies, Julie was

first up with her

daughter, Dixie.

The names really mean

nothing. They’re just

what happened to pop

into my head as they

were born.

Dixie has her father’s

skin and eye color and

her mother’s hair color.

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Next up, Melissa with

little Jules here. Ironic, I

know, but as I said,

subliminal and


Jules has her mother’s

skin, eyes and hair color.

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Finally, Robert made his


Robert also has his

father’s skin and eyes,

but his mother’s hair


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Ever impatient and

because it really has no

bearing on the Geebivs, I

also sped up the infancy


Again, Dixie was first.

She’s adorable and I

think she’ll have some of

her mother’s facial


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Jules is also quite cute.

She’s a bit harder for me

to figure with facial


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Finally, Robert, who is

also adorable.

None of the kids seem to

have their father’s eye

shape, but I’m horrible

at seeing these things.

Enough genetic fun.

Back to Kaleidoscope

House we go. We’ll

return to see the kids

grow up at a later time.

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Carmine had officially

moved into the Greek

House once Johnson and

his Ho crew moved on.

While the bird cage has

been in the house since

Obsidian wished for it,

Carmine was the first to

roll the want for a bird.

Prismy holds the honor

as the sorority mascot.

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Scarlett promptly let

him out of his cage.

*shakes head*

Can they fly off and be

lost forever? Just

wondering because

eventually Prismy flew

back to his cage.

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The semester was pretty

uneventful and Scarlett

finally finished on the

Dean’s List.

She had a few things to

finish up before making

her phone call.

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I like them to grow up

into everyday clothes, so

after her shower, who

should walk by? Why

it’s Komei!

I had her greet him and

this is how she did. I’m

not sure where her

exuberance comes from.

This greeting finally

threw both of them into

crush status.

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After he left, still at

crush status, Scarlett

made her phone call to

return to Spectrum.

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Her transition outfit was

one she apparently

borrowed from her

mother. She said her

goodbye’s to Carmine

and moved on.

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This is the last we’ll see

of Carmine for awhile.

He’s going to place-hold

Kaleidoscope House

until the next generation


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The first thing Scarlett

did upon her return

home? No, not greet her

parents. She built a


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Then she went to the

guitar and maxed her

creativity skill. This is a

good thing since she’ll

be looking for a job in

the music career track.

Her want panel also

included three face

wants for Gilbert, one of

them being an

engagement want.

I think she’s made her


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Her grandparents bed

had been destroyed a

while back by one of the

neighborhood strays

that got into the house.

Stupid dog. Anyway, the

bedroom was

redecorated to suit


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Uma was not amused.

She also gets upset at her

husband’s missing grave.

At least I think that’s

what she’s upset about.

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I went and played

Gilbert’s house a second

time and had him ask

Scarlett on a date.

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Since he finally stopped

rolling the fear, he

popped the question

over dinner.

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Scarlett said yes.

This is where we’ll leave

for now. Next update,

we’ll see what they get

up to and should have

Generation Four on the


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