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  • 7/30/2019 Import Table Final


    Rebuild Manually the IAT & Inject DLLIn a Portable Executable file

    Description: This article demonstrates couple of steps to rebuild the whole IAT table and toinject your DLL in a portable executable file without recompiling source code.

    Tools to be use: Ollydbg.

    Main Steps to be done: Create new Section (Manually).

    Re-build the IAT (Manually).

    Creating new Section

    A new section is required in case there are no enough places to insert the required code. Thereare many useful tools can do this for you.However, in this tutorial, I will show you how we can do this by hand.

    Before proceeding, we will brief the structure of the Image Section Header.


    BYTE Name;union Misc;

    DWORD PhysicalAddress;DWORD VirtualSize;

    DWORD VirtualAddress;DWORD SizeOfRawData;DWORD PointerToRawData;DWORD PointerToRelocations;DWORD PointerToLinenumbers;WORD NumberOfRelocations;WORD NumberOfLinenumbers;DWORD Characteristics;


    Only useful members will be described:

    Name: An 8-byte, null-padded UTF-8 string. The name is just a label and can be left empty.

    VirtualSize:The total size of the section when loaded into memory, in bytes. If thisvalue is greater than the SizeOfRawData member, the section is filled with zeroes. Thisfield is valid only for executable images and should be set to 0 for object files.

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    VirtualAddress: The address of the first byte of the section when loaded intomemory, relative to the image base. For object files, this is the address of the

    first byte before relocation is applied.

    SizeOfRawData: The size of the initialized data on disk, in bytes. This value mustbe a multiple of the FileAlignment member of the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER structure.If this value is less than the VirtualSize member, the remainder of the section isfilled with zeroes. If the section contains only uninitialized data, the member iszero.

    PointerToRawData: A file pointer to the first page within the COFF file. Thisvalue must be a multiple of the FileAlignment member of the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADERstructure. If a section contains only uninitialized data, set this member is zero.

    Characteristics: Contains flags such as whether this section contains executablecode, initialized data, uninitialized data.

    More details about Section headers in the following link:

    The first section table starts at offset F8 from PE Header offset and each section is 28 bytes longand should look like the following:

    F8********** START OF SECTION TABLE *******Offsets shown from here********00 8 Bytes Name of first section header08 DWORD misc (VirtualSize) Actual size of data in section.0C DWORD virtual address RVA where section begins in memory.10 DWORD SizeOfRawData Size of data on disk (multiple of FileAlignment).

    14 DWORD PointerToRawData Raw offset of section on disk.18 DWORD PointerToRelocations Start of relocation entries for section, zero if none.1C DWORD PointerToLinenumbers Start of line-no. Entries for section zero if none. 20 WORD NumberOfRelocations This value is zero for executable images.22 WORD NumberOfLineNumbers Number of line-number entries for section.24 DWORD Characteristics.

    From below, we can understand that the Offset of PE Header = e_lfanew = C8

    So, the First Section Table should be starting from: C8 + F8 = 1C0.

    The new section table should starts at offset: 1C0 + 4x28 = 260.

    First 8 bytes will be Name ".IAT" (ASCII: 2E 49 41 54 00 00 00 00)Next DWORD is VirtualSize = 1000h (Reverse order = 00 10 00 00)
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    Next DWORD is VirtualAddress = Virtual Address + Virtual Size = C000 + 230 = C230.Since our SectionAlignment is 1000 we must round this up to the nearest 1000 which makes

    D000h (Reverse Order 00 D0 00 00)

    The next DWORD is SizeOfRawData = 1000 (Reverse order = 00 10 00 00)

    The next DWORD is PointerToRawData = E00 (Reverse Order = 00 0E 00 00)The next 12 bytes can be left null.

    The final DWORD is Characteristics = E00000E0 (for code, executable, read and write).

    Section table should be looking as below:

    Still Number of Section & SizeofImage to be changed.

    Offset of Number of section (word) is: Offset of PE Header + 06 = C8 + 06 = CESo, at offset CE, the value 04 00 must be change to 05 00

    Offset of SizeofImage (Dword) is: Offset of PE Header + 50 = C8 + 50 = 118So, at offset 118, the value 30 C2 must be change to 00 E0

    The Final Step for New Section is to add 1000 bytes at the end of the file.We have successfully create new Section called IAT.Run the application, and it should works fine.

  • 7/30/2019 Import Table Final


    Re-build the IAT

    The import directory entry of the import table leads us to the position of the import table inside

    the file image. There is a container for each imported DLL, import descriptor, which embraces theaddress of first thunk and the address of original first thunk, the pointer to DLL name.

    The First Thunk refers to the location of the first thunk; the thunks will be initialized by PE loaderof Windows during running the program.

    The Original First Thunk points to the first storage of the thunks, where provide the address of theHint data and the Function Name data for each functions.

    In the case, the First Original Thunk is not present; it will refer to where the Hint data and theFunction Name data are located.

    The import descriptor is represented with IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR structures as the followingdefinition:

    IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR structOriginalFirstThunk dd 0 ; RVA to original unbound IAT (table of names)TimeDateStamp dd 0 ; not used hereForwarderChain dd 0 ; not used hereName dd 0 ; RVA to DLL name sringFirstThunk dd 0 ; RVA to IAT array (table of doors)


    OriginalFirstThunk: It points to the first thunk, IMAGE_THUNK_DATA, the thunk holds theaddress of the Hint and the Function name.

    TimeDateStamp: It contains the time/data stamp if there is the binding. If it is 0, no

    bound in imported DLL has happened. In new days, it sets to 0xFFFFFFFF to describe thebinding occurred.

    ForwarderChain: In old version of binding, it acts as referee to the first forwarder chainof API. It can be set 0xFFFFFFFF to describe no forwarder.

    Name: It shows the relative virtual address of DLL name.

    FirstThunk: It contains the virtual address of the first thunk arrays that is defined byIMAGE_THUNK_DATA, the thunk is initialized by loader with function virtual address. In theabsence view of the Original First Thunk, it points to the first thunk, the thunks of theHints and The Function names.

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    Back to our application, lets import the DLLs and functions mentioned below:

    1. KERNEL32.DLL GetModuleHandleA


    2. USER32.DLL







    Adding imports manually is just a matter of patient.

    Load the application with Olly, move to the new Section IAT, then add following strings with thenames of all DLLs and APIs you need.

    Starting from 0040D07A, Select number of bytes and Select Edit, then enter API functions and DLLnames (ASCII) as above.

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    After changing all required bytes, Should be looking like below

    Now we must start filling information related to lookup table

    Import lookup table for Kernel32.dll (RVA) GetModuleHandleA: 00 00 D0 78Import lookup table for Kernel32.dll (RVA) ExitProcess: 00 00 D0 8C

    Import lookup table for User32.dll (RVA) GetDlgItemTextA: 00 00 D0 A8Import lookup table for User32.dll (RVA) MessageBoxA: 00 00 D0 BAImport lookup table for User32.dll (RVA) SetDlgItemTextA: 00 00 D0 C8Import lookup table for User32.dll (RVA) DialogBoxParamA: 00 00 D0 DA

    Import lookup table for INSERTMSG.DLL (RAV) E33: 00 00 D0 F8

    The above RVA address needs to be inserted in reverse order as below

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    After inserting these bytes, it should be looking in such way:

    After the above we must fill IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.


    OriginalFirstThunk (RVA) 00 00 D0 50 (RVA of Import Look up table) TimeDateStamp 00 00 00 00 (Not to be use here)

    ForwarderChain 00 00 00 00 (Not to be use here)

    Name: 00 00 D0 9A (RVA of Kernel32.dll)

    FirstThunk (RVA) 00 00 D0 50 (RVA of Import Look up table)


    OriginalFirstThunk (RVA) 00 00 D0 5C (RVA of Import Look up table)

    TimeDateStamp 00 00 00 00 (Not to be use here)

    ForwarderChain 00 00 00 00 (Not to be use here)

    Name 00 00 D0 EC (RVA of User32.dll)

    FirstThunk (RVA) 00 00 D0 70 (RVA of Import Look up table)


    OriginalFirstThunk (RVA) 00 00 D0 70 (RVA of Import Look up table)

    TimeDateStamp 00 00 00 00 (Not to be use here)

    ForwarderChain 00 00 00 00 (Not to be use here)

    Name 00 00 D0 FE (RVA of InsertMsg.dll)

    FirstThunk (RVA) 00 00 D0 70 (RVA of Import Look up table)

    All the above must be filled in reverse order as below.

  • 7/30/2019 Import Table Final


    After filling, the IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR should be looking like below.

    Save all the changes in Olly by selecting all these bytes, then Copy to executable file,

    We have completed filling all required bytes related to Import table Structure.

    Still we need to change the RVA address and the size of the Import Table.The RVA of Import Directory should be located at: Offset of PE Header + 80 = C8 + 80 = 148.

    00400148 20 20 00 003C 00 00 00 (Reverse order)

    As you can see, the old RVA of Import table is: 00 00 20 20Change it to the New RVA of Import Table should be: 00 00 D0 00

    Old RVA for Import table size: 00 00 00 3CChange it to the New Size of import table should be: 4 x 5 x 4 = 50 (00 00 00 50)

    Save the changes in Olly, and then re-open it again.

    Jumping to RVA D050, you will noticed that the pointers to the names of the APIs wheresubstituted by the addresses of the APIs by the Windows loader as you can see below

  • 7/30/2019 Import Table Final


    If we run the application now, it will crash as we should divert all the calls and jumps to theaddress above.

    If we open the virgin file, we can find out the following:

    DWORD PTR DS:[402004] will lead to kernel32.ExitProcessDWORD PTR DS:[402000] will lead to kernel32.GetModuleHandleADWORD PTR DS:[402018] will lead to user32.DialogBoxParamADWORD PTR DS:[40200C] will lead to user32.GetDlgItemTextADWORD PTR DS:[402010] will lead to user32.MessageBoxADWORD PTR DS:[402014] will lead to user32.SetDlgItemTextA

    Lets change these addresses to the real one:

    DWORD PTR DS:[402004] must be change to DWORD PTR DS:[40D054]

    DWORD PTR DS:[402000] must be change to DWORD PTR DS:[40D050]DWORD PTR DS:[402018] must be change to DWORD PTR DS:[40D068]DWORD PTR DS:[40200C] must be change to DWORD PTR DS:[40D05C]DWORD PTR DS:[402010] must be change to DWORD PTR DS:[40D060]DWORD PTR DS:[402014] must be change to DWORD PTR DS:[40D064]

    After entering these bytes, it should be looking like below:

    Save the changes in Olly.Run it, and it should be working fine.

    I have demonstrated in this tutorial how to re-build the IAT table manually.

    Now, if you are interested to inject the function E33 from insertMsg.Dll, all you have to do thefollowing change.

    Jump to any free space in IAT Section and write these codes:

    CALL InsertMsg.DLL

    MOV EAX, 04001000 (old EIP)

    Jmp EAX

    Greetings & Thanks

    ARTeam & Tuts4you for providing useful and valuable tutorials.


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