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Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic Health Record Adoption, Use,

and Interoperability in Hospitals



Young-Taek Park, M.P.H.



Stuart M. Speedie, PhD, Adviser

June 2010

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© Young-Taek Park 2010

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First of all, I would like to give my deep thanks to Dr. Stuart M. Speedie, my academic advisor. He allowed me to study health informatics and also financially supported me. I learned his teaching philosophy, knowledge, and research method during my study. Without his help and support, I might not have finished my dissertation. Thank you, Dr. Speedie, for all you have done for me. You will always be my respected teacher. I would also like to thank Dr. Laël C. Gatewood, the chair of my Ph.D. dissertation committee; Dr. Jeffrey S. McCullough, School of Public Health; and Dr. Martin LaVenture, Director of the Center for Health Informatics, Minnesota Department of Health, for serving on my Ph.D. dissertation committee. Although they had their own busy schedules, they willingly helped me complete my dissertation. My personal thanks should be given to Dr. Donald P. Connelly, faculty in the Health Informatics Graduate Program, who gave me a research opportunity and thereby provided financial support as well. I also would like to express my special gratitude to Dr. A. Marshall McBean and Dr. Bryan E. Dowd, Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health. Dr. McBean taught me personally and academically and gave me lots of research opportunities analyzing Medicare claim data. Dr. Dowd helped to open my eyes in the field of health informatics. I owe these three so much more than I can pay back over the course of my life. I would also like to give my gratitude to the Health Informatics Graduate Faculty: Dr. Linda Ellis, Dr. Stanley Finkelstein, Dr. John Faughnan, Dr. Jeffrey Hertzberg, Dr. Bonnie Westra, Dr. Terrence Adam, Dr. Julie A. Jacko, Dr. James R. Fricton, Dr. Layne Johnson, and Dr. Genevieve Melton-Meaux. During my study, they taught me both directly and indirectly which contributed to the expansion of my academic knowledge of health informatics. I would also like to thank Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and IT Department managers in Korean hospitals who willingly participated in the survey. Especially, I thank Mr. Sung-Jeek Jung, director of the IT Department of Ilsan Hospital, the National Health Insurance Corporation. He introduced me to many CIOs, specifically the Korea Information Technology of Hospital Association (KITHA). I would like to thank the member hospitals of KITHA for their help through posting my research study into their main homepage website and voluntary participating in the survey. I also thank Dr. Young-Ho Oh and Dr. Na-Mi Hwang at the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs and Dr. Yong-Kyoon Lee at the Korean Institute of Hospital Management who always encouraged and supported me.

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I also thank the many fellow student colleagues who helped and supported me during my study, Dr. Nawanan Theera-Ampornpunt, Dr. Hojung Yoon, Mr. Joel Ackerman, Mr. Jeff Gao, Miss Kanaporn Tansriprapasiri, Mr. Stephen Yeboah, Ms. Resty Namata, and Miss SungRim Moon in the Health Informatics Graduate Program, and Mrs. Jing Du, Mr. Jinhyung Lee, and Mrs. Jeehae Kim in the Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health. Much credit should be given to Miss Jessica Whitcomb-Trance at the Institute for Health Informatics (IHI) who corrected the grammar in my Ph.D. thesis manuscript. Christina M. Davenport, JD, at the University of St. Thomas School of Law also gave me good comments on my Ph.D. thesis. Mr. Wenjun Kang, staff at the IHI and Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Biostatics assisted me with downloading several important datasets for my thesis from websites located in South Korea. I also thank Mrs. Jiayan Huang, a M.S. graduate in Biostatistics in the School of Public Health, who gave me several statistical consultations. I would like to deep thank Dr. Han Joong Kim, the current President of the Yonsei University in Korea, who was my academic advisor in the Public Health Graduate Program and encouraged me throughout my studies. I also would like to thank Dr. Kyu Sik Lee and Dr. Eun Woo Nam, Department of Health Administration at the College of Health Sciences, Yonsei University, who always encouraged and supported me a lot. Dr. Young Moon Chae and Dr. Woojin Chung, Public Health Graduate Program of Yonsei University, also gave me good advice on the life of foreign studies. I also cannot forget much help from one of my closest friends, Dr. Jae Sung Park, Department of Health Care Administration at Kosin University in Korea. Lastly, I would like to thank my father-in law, Mr. Kwang-Hae Lim, and mother-in law, Mrs. Myung-Ja Park, who supported me a long time. I would like to thank my four sisters and two brothers for their endless love and encouragement, especially my two older sisters, Mrs. Kyoung-Sook Park and Mrs. Kyoung-Hee Park. In the U.S., I met a wonderful American family, Mrs. Colleen Diffely-Sullivan, Mr. Michael J. Sullivan, and their two children, Aaron and Ashley. I was not lonely because of them. I would also like to thank Dr. Harry Hull, Mrs. Suzi Henrichs, Mr. Ray Sandborgh, and Mrs. Anita Sandborgh who were always with my family. Lastly, I would like to express tremendous gratitude to my wife, Dongock Im, and two children, Sur-Hi, and Alexander Joonseo. Sorry for the long delay in my study and thank you so much for your solid support. I love all of you so much. Thank you, God, for giving me this great achievement.

Young-Taek Park June, 2010

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I would like to dedicate this Ph.D. dissertation to my mother, Ock-Jin Kim, who is

always praying for my safety and well-being, and my father, Wee-Sun Park, who passed

away when I was a young child. My mother has put her everything into my education and

well-being since I became handicap, due to a big traffic accident, at the age of five. Sorry

Mother, for giving you so many worries and concerns. You don’t have to worry so much

about me anymore! I still feel my father’s deep love for me and keep several memories

that I had with him. Father, I remember you made a wooden kite reel for me. After you

left for heaven, it was broken. I could not fix it without you. Thank you, both of you, for

giving me the joy of life…

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A paradigm in the field of Heath Informatics which has been taken for granted up until

this point may be disappearing and a new paradigm may begin to take shape as paper-

based medical record (PMR) systems are changing to the electronic health record (EHR)

systems. Although the PMR has played a critical role in recording patient’s clinical

information, now many studies report that EHR systems improve quality of care beyond

PMRs. For this reason, the governments across the world have initiated various

approaches accelerating EHR adoption, use, and interoperability. However, there has

been a paucity of studies explaining which factors affect EHR adoption, use, and

interoperability in hospitals. The objective of this study is to predict and investigate those


This study used a non-experimental, retrospective, cross-sectional study design to

measure hospitals’ internal features. Specifically, this study conducted a nationwide EHR

survey with the IT departments in South Korean hospitals by using online surveys from

April 10 to August 3, 2009. It used Generalized Estimating Equations, an extension of the

Generalized Linear Model, to interpret EHR system adoption and interoperability, and

General Linear Mixed Model for the use of EHR systems.

With respect to EHR system adoption, this study found that 1) the likelihood of EHR

adoption increases as a hospital’s task complexity - measured by the number of medical

specialties - IT infrastructure, and organic structural characteristics, and environmental

complexity - measured by the number of hospitals within the local area - increases and 2)

there were significant interaction effects between task complexity and structural features.

Assuming that a hospital adds additional medical specialties, the likelihood of adopting

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an EHR system of the hospital increases under the decentralized decision-making system,

but decreases under the centralized decision-making system. The likelihood decreases

under a high level of IT infrastructure, but increases under a lower level of IT

infrastructure. For the hospitals’ EHR use, there was not any relationship between EHR

use and proposed hospital’s internal features. Thus, alternative measures of EHR use and

internal features were suggested. For EHR interoperability, this study found that 1) the

likelihood of having EHR interoperability increases as task complexity and organic

managerial features increases, and 2) two interaction effects were reported. Assuming

that a hospital adds additional medical specialties, the likelihood of having EHR

interoperability of the hospital increases at a high level of IT staff specialization, but

decreases at a lower level of IT staff specialization. At a high level of environmental

complexity with more than average number of hospitals within the local area, the

likelihood of having EHR interoperability of the hospitals located in the area increases as

IT staff specialization increases. However, the likelihood decreases as IT staff

specialization increases at a lower level of environmental complexity with less than

average number of hospitals within the local area.

In conclusion, this study verified that hospitals’ task, structure, and environmental

features were critical factors affecting the EHR system adoption and interoperability.

However, these factors did not affect EHR use. Different approaches measuring EHR use

and hospitals’ various internal features were recommended. This study’s results can

provide health informaticians, hospital IT managers, and health politicians with new

information about EHR system adoption, use, and interoperability for their innovative


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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ i Dedication ......................................................................................................................... iii Abstract ............................................................................................................................. iv Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. vi Appendices ...................................................................................................................... viii List of Tables .................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures .................................................................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1 1.1. Recent central phenomena in hospitals ........................................................................ 1 1.2. Significance of the work ............................................................................................ 10 CHAPTER II BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW .............................. 12 2.1. Study setting............................................................................................................... 12 2.2. EHR adoption, use, and interoperability .................................................................... 14

2.2.1. EHR adoption...................................................................................................... 15 2.2.2. EHR use .............................................................................................................. 16 2.2.3. EHR interoperability ........................................................................................... 17

2.3. Theoretical background ............................................................................................. 18

2.3.1. Contingency theory ............................................................................................. 18 2.3.2. Contingency theory constructs ............................................................................ 20 2.3.3. Task-Technology fit model ................................................................................. 25

2.4. Factors that influence EHR adoption, use and interoperability ................................. 26

2.4.1. Factors that influence EHR adoption .................................................................. 26 2.4.2. Factors that influence EHR use ........................................................................... 27 2.4.3. Factors that influence EHR interoperability ....................................................... 28 2.4.4. Summary of factors influencing EHR adoption, use, and interoperability ......... 30

2.5. Theory-based factors that influence EHR adoption, use, and interoperability .......... 31 2.6. Conceptual model ...................................................................................................... 37 2.7. Objectives, specific aims, and hypotheses ................................................................. 41 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ..................................................................... 44 3.1. Research design ......................................................................................................... 44

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3.2. Study population ........................................................................................................ 45 3.3. Definition of an EHR system ..................................................................................... 48 3.4. Data collection using survey instrument .................................................................... 48

3.4.1. Measuring EHR adoption, use, and interoperability ........................................... 48 3.4.2. Measuring hospital internal features ................................................................... 53 3.4.3. Pilot survey ......................................................................................................... 56 3.4.4. Survey data collection ......................................................................................... 57

3.5. Additional data collection .......................................................................................... 59 3.6. Statistical data analysis .............................................................................................. 62

3.6.1. Binary outcome variables: EHR adoption and interoperability .......................... 64 3.6.2. Numeric outcome variable: EHR use ................................................................. 66 3.6.3. Handling multicollinearity issue ......................................................................... 69 3.6.4. Procedures for any interaction terms of regression model .................................. 69

3.7. Reliability test on survey instruments ........................................................................ 70 3.8. Correlation analysis among the variables .................................................................. 71 CHAPTER IV RESULTS .............................................................................................. 74 4.1. General characteristics of study hospitals .................................................................. 74 4.2. EHR adoption............................................................................................................. 75

4.2.1. Hospital characteristics by EHR adoption .......................................................... 75 4.2.2. EHR adoption and task complexity .................................................................... 77 4.2.3. EHR adoption and hospital structure .................................................................. 78 4.2.4. EHR adoption and environment.......................................................................... 79 4.2.5. EHR adoption, task, structure, and environment ................................................ 80

4.3. EHR use ..................................................................................................................... 84

4.3.1. Hospital characteristics by EHR use ................................................................... 84 4.3.2. EHR use and task complexity ............................................................................. 85 4.3.3. EHR use and structure ........................................................................................ 86 4.3.4. EHR use and environment .................................................................................. 87 4.3.5. EHR use, task, structure, and environment ......................................................... 87

4.4. Interoperability ........................................................................................................... 89

4.4.1. Hospital characteristics by EHR interoperability ............................................... 89 4.4.2. EHR interoperability and task complexity .......................................................... 90 4.4.3. EHR interoperability and structure ..................................................................... 91 4.4.4. EHR interoperability and environment ............................................................... 92

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CHAPTER V DISCUSSION .......................................................................................... 97 5.1. Study methods and related issues .............................................................................. 97

5.1.1. Study design ........................................................................................................ 97 5.1.2. Study population ................................................................................................. 99

5.2. Research results ....................................................................................................... 100

5.2.1. Hospital’s internal features affecting EHR adoption ........................................ 100 5.2.2. Hospital’s internal features affecting EHR use ................................................. 105 5.2.3. Hospital’s internal features affecting EHR interoperability ............................. 108

5.3. Study limitations ...................................................................................................... 110 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................. 112 6.1. Study overview ........................................................................................................ 112 6.2. Significant findings .................................................................................................. 113

6.2.1. Findings in EHR adoption ................................................................................ 113 6.2.2. Findings in EHR use ......................................................................................... 115 6.2.3. Findings in EHR interoperability ...................................................................... 115

6.3. Contributions to the field of health informatics ....................................................... 117 6.4. Future study directions ............................................................................................. 118 * Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 121 Appendices Appendix 1. Hospital Information Technology Survey (English) .................................. 131 Appendix 2. Hospital Information Technology Survey (Korean language) ................... 136 Appendix 3. IRB Letter................................................................................................... 141 Appendix 4. University of Minnesota home page for the survey ................................... 142 Appendix 5. Survey introduction and password section ................................................. 143 Appendix 6. Survey main page ....................................................................................... 144

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List of Tables

Table 1. Characteristics of mechanical and organic organizational forms ....................... 24

Table 2. Basic characteristics of hospitals in South Korea (beds) .................................... 46

Table 3. Basic characteristics of hospitals in South Korea (foundation type) .................. 47

Table 4. Basic characteristics of hospital in South Korea (geographic distribution) ........ 47

Table 5. Measuring EHR adoption, use, and interoperability ........................................... 51

Table 6. Hospital basic characteristics included in the survey ......................................... 53

Table 7. Measures of factors affecting EHR adoption, use, and interoperability ............. 55

Table 8. Hospital basic characteristics using other information sources .......................... 60

Table 9. The number of specialties in study hospitals ...................................................... 60

Table 10. Measures of environmental complexity ............................................................ 62

Table 11. Reliability of subjective survey questions ........................................................ 70

Table 12. Correlations between variables of all study hospitals ....................................... 72

Table 13. Correlations between variables of hospitals only having EHR adoption ......... 73

Table 14. Basic characteristics of study hospitals ............................................................ 74

Table 15. Basic characteristics of study hospitals by EHR adoption status ..................... 75

Table 16. Hospital’s internal features by EHR adoption status ........................................ 76

Table 17. Impact of task complexity on EHR adoption .................................................... 78

Table 18. Impact of hospital structure on EHR adoption ................................................. 79

Table 19. Impact of environmental complexity on EHR adoption ................................... 80

Table 20. Impact of a hospital’s internal features on EHR adoption ................................ 81

Table 21. Characteristics of hospitals adopting an EHR system by EHR use .................. 85

Table 22. Impact of task complexity on EHR use ............................................................ 85

Table 23. Impact of hospital structure on EHR use .......................................................... 86

Table 24. Impact of environmental complexity on EHR use ............................................ 87

Table 25. Impact of a hospital’s internal features on EHR use ........................................ 88

Table 26. Characteristics of hospitals adopting an EHR system by interoperability ........ 89

Table 27. Hospital’s internal features by EHR interoperability status ............................. 90

Table 28. Impact of task complexity on EHR interoperability ......................................... 91

Table 29. Impact of hospital structure on EHR interoperability ....................................... 91

Table 30. Impact of environmental complexity on EHR interoperability ........................ 92

Table 31. Impact of a hospital’s internal features on EHR interoperability ..................... 93

Table 32. Comparison of study designs ............................................................................ 97

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List of Figures

Figure 1. Map of South Korea with province identified .................................................. 12

Figure 2. A conceptual model explaining technology adoption ....................................... 38

Figure 3. A conceptual model explaining HIT adoption & use ........................................ 39

Figure 4. Application for EHR adoption using TTF model .............................................. 40

Figure 5. Conceptual model .............................................................................................. 40

Figure 6. Study design flow chart ..................................................................................... 44

Figure 7. Task complexity, decision-making structure, EHR adoptions 1 ....................... 82

Figure 8. Task complexity, decision-making structure, EHR adoptions 2 ....................... 82

Figure 9. Task complexity, IT infrastructure, EHR adoptions 1 ...................................... 83

Figure 10. Task complexity, IT infrastructure, EHR adoptions 2 .................................... 84

Figure 11. Task complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability 1 ................... 94

Figure 12. Task complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability 2 ................... 95

Figure 13. Environmental complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability1 .... 95

Figure 14. Environmental complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability2 .... 96

Figure 15. Impacts of hospital structure & environment on EHR adoption ................... 115

Figure 16. Impacts of hospital structure & environment on EHR interoperability ........ 116

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1.1. Recent central phenomena in hospitals

Medical care generates an extraordinary amount of data, almost all of which has been in

paper-based medical records. Once patients visit healthcare organizations, a variety of

patient information, such as family histories, clinical histories, lab results, x-rays, and

billing records are collected and recorded. This information is used to treat the patient if

he or she revisits the organization. Traditionally, paper-based medical records have

incorporated vast amounts of patient information and have had a dominant role in

medical care.

Thomas S. Kuhn, in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolution, defined a scientific

paradigm as a belief verified and shared in a specific generation. He stated that a

paradigm gradually shifts to the next paradigm through revolutionary activities when

new scientific discoveries are found.1 For example, many people once believed that our

earth was the center of the universe, but we now know differently.

Already we are beginning to see a paradigm shift in the field of health informatics as

more hospitals computerize diverse patient medical records. One of the major trends

recently evolving in South Korean hospitals is replacing the paper-based medical records

(PMR) with electronic health record (EHR) systems. Many hospitals are adopting EHR

systems for diverse functionalities such as reminders, alerts, scheduling, and decision

supports, and they are increasing their capacity for healthcare information exchange

(hereafter interoperability) between many systems.

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The EHR system was first introduced into South Korean hospitals in 1995.2 According

to a study conducted by Park (2005) and his colleagues, by 2004, 13.3 percent (4/30) of

teaching hospitals in Korea had fully adopted and 53.3 percent (16/30) had partially

adopted an EHR system. Full and partial adoption of an EHR system in non-teaching,

general hospitals was at 7.6 percent (7/92) and 30.4 percent (28/92) respectively. Park

and his colleagues’ study, which focused on hospitals with at least 100 beds, had a 43.1

percent response rate: 122 hospitals participated in the study out of a general hospital

population of 282 hospitals.3 In a nationwide survey conducted in 2004, the EHR

adoption rates for inpatients and outpatients were 19.6 percent (62/324) and 20.7 percent

(65/324) respectively. This study targeted 1,289 hospitals, of which 324 hospitals

responded.4 According to a study conducted in 2003, 63.7 percent of primary care

clinics were adopting electronic medical record (EMR) systems. The study randomly

selected 2,000 primary care clinics from the roster of primary care clinics put out by the

Korean Medical Association; 525 primary care clinics participated in the survey (26.3%

response rate).5 According to a study on the use of EHR functionalities and EHR

interoperability in Korea, the EHR system performed multiple functions – such as drug

interaction alert (52.9% of the hospitals), drug dose alert (52.4%), clinical pathways

(42.3%), drug allergy alerts (25%), and clinical guidelines (20%) – and interoperability

operations – such as provider-provider connection (54.5%), connection with external

organizations such as pharmacies (44.0%) and sending e-mail (18.8%), and integrated

medical records with other hospitals (4.2%).6 This study surveyed medical record

administrators of medical record departments in general hospitals in 2005 and there was

a 59.8% (55/92) response rate.

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EHR adoption, use, and interoperability in Korea are expected to continually increase

judging from changes occurring in the Unites States. According to a recent study

systematically reviewing research studies completed between 1994 and 2005 in the U.S.,

hospitals’ EHR adoption rates have been predicted to reach between 20 and 40 percent.7

Another recent study shows that 11 percent of hospitals had fully implemented and 57

percent had partially implemented the EHR system in 2007.8 With respect to use of EHR

systems, Felt-Lisk found that hospitals used various EHR functionalities: “electronic lab

results” (88% of hospitals), “electronic clinical notes” (59%), “electronic images

available throughout hospital” (50%), and “electronic lab orders” (49%).9 This study

conducted a nationwide survey to hospitals about the use of EHR functionality by asking

if clinicians at the hospital used any of a list of electronic health record capabilities.

Gans and his colleagues showed which functions of EHR were used in the medical

group practice level. They found that medical groups used “patient demographics”,

“visit/encounter notes”, and “patient medications/ prescription” (p. 1327). EHR systems

with drug formularies were implemented least often, at around 65 percent of respondent

EHR systems. The highest functionality, at 100 percent, was a function providing patient

demographic information.10 With respect to interoperability of an EHR system,

according to a foundation for e-health initiative which has conducted an annual

nationwide survey for health information exchanges since 2004, the percentage of

transmitting data among healthcare organizations was “laboratory result 34% of the

time”, “outpatient episodes 32% of the time”, and “emergency department episodes 30%

of the time”. Study subjects participating in data exchanges were hospitals (71%),

primary care physicians (74%), community health centers (69%), and specialty care

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physicians (66%).11 Adler-Milstein and her colleagues investigated the degree of

healthcare information exchanges among healthcare organizations and found that nearly

40 percent of respondents did not get any healthcare information exchanges and 50

percent of the rest of the respondent group had only partial information exchanges in

place in the form of “test results”, “inpatient data”, “medical history”, and “outpatient

data” (p.65). 12

This transition from PMR to EHR systems occurs for several reasons such as increased

managerial efficiency and increased effectiveness of healthcare associated with EHR

systems. A patient’s clinical information such as past and current health status can be

easily accessible to the authorized medical professionals to enable their best decision-

making. Various functionalities in EHR systems make it possible for medical providers

to access updated patient information. According to a study in Korea that evaluated the

effect of EHR systems on nursing documentation by comparing documentation before

and after EHR adoption, EHR systems significantly increased direct patient care time

and decreased the time needed for nurses to document patient data.13 Another study in

Korea compared the volume of data on patient care between PMR and EHR systems by

comparing data before and after implementing the EHR system. There was not any

decrease in the data volume.14 A study recently conducted in Korea shows that the

quality of documentation on “the existence of the record” and “level and agreement of

information” was better under an EHR system than PMR system.15 Pizziferri, et al,

conducted a pre-post motion study after implementing an EHR system. They observed

20 physicians working at five primary care clinics and found that physicians thought

EHR improved quality of care, access to patient information, and communication with

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patients.16 Wong, et al, investigated the impact of computerized documentation on

nursing and patient care time in intensive care units, and they found that EHR adoption

in intensive care units reduced documentation time by 10.9 percent and increased direct

patient care time by 8.8 percent.17 According to a comprehensive literature review study,

many studies showed that EHR systems were accurate, reliable, and relevant to patient

care. 18, 19 Hospital administrations using IT and replacing the paper medical record

systems with electronic record systems not only simplify their work process, they also

save time and space in healthcare organizations.

There are many obstacles and barriers preventing the adoption of the EHR system, use,

and interoperability. Many physicians are worried about data entry, implementation

costs, security issues, and confidentiality of patient information when they use electronic

medical records systems.20 Interface issues incorporating all current diverse systems,

such as laboratory systems and pharmacy systems, into EHR systems may be another

obstacle to implementing EHR systems.21 As mentioned in an empirical study by Payne

et al, factors such as “leadership”, “application functionality”, “speed”, and “data

availability” may be other technical issues.22 These issues set forth a question: how can

we encourage EHR adoption, use, and interoperability by organizations?

There are many different approaches to eliminating these obstacles and barriers to EHR

system adoption and use. One approach is encouraging EHR adoption and use through

various governmental initiatives that are part of the process moving toward producing

better health outcomes. Recent government initiatives are good examples. In December

2005, the Korean government’s Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) founded “the

Center for Interoperable EHR (CiEHR)” to support EHR technology development and

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adoption in hospitals.23 The CiEHR is a governmental research institute that supports

the MOHW as they develop core EHR technologies for private and public sectors. 24

Changes occurring in the U.S. are even stronger and more practical than those in Korea.

The U.S. federal government has made an effort to increase IT adoption, use, and

interoperability using stimulus money, especially for “meaningful use” of certified

EHRs. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the

National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) are now developing

and proposing a definition of the meaningful use of certified EHR technology. They are

considering that “meaningful use” of certified EHR should improve “health care quality”,

“efficiency”, and “patient safety” and have the functionality areas of “disease

management”, “clinical decision support”, “medication management”, “support for

patient access to their health information”, “transitions in care”, “quality measurement

and research”, and “bi-directional communication with public health agencies”.25 In

February 2009, President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and

Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The ARRA supports IT and EHR use and interoperability to

produce better health outcomes through using and sharing health care information.26 The

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is implementing the Health

Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act to encourage

IT adoption, use, and interoperability, including EHR systems, as a part of the ARRA,.

The DHHS has allocated approximately $19 billion to support its specific plans, $17

billion of which would be used for physicians and hospitals. Starting in 2011, physicians

and hospitals using “meaningful use” of a certified EHR system would receive part of

the allocated money.26 This initiative could persuade many healthcare organizations and

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professionals to adopt and use EHR systems, which would result in expected positive

outcomes. However, these governmental initiatives may not be enough to accelerate

EHR adoption, use, and interoperability unless we understand the fundamental

mechanism at the healthcare organizational level better. This is because many cultural or

behavioral barriers may exist in organizations.27

Another complementary approach would be to conduct empirical studies to develop a

better understanding of why organizations adopt and use EHR systems in order to

encourage EHR adoption and use. What differentiates organizations that do move

quickly from those that do not? Users of these results such as hospitals managers, health

informaticians, and politicians can use the study outcomes to eliminate obstacles and to

stimulate factors accelerating EHR system adoption and use. There are still many

unknown factors, and thus the research questions for this study focus on the latter

complementary approach.

There have been a relatively small number of studies that relate hospital factors to EHR

system adoption, use, and interoperability in Korea. This is because South Korea has a

short history of EHR adoption. By applying the American Hospital Association’s (AHA)

EHR definition, Park (2006) surveyed Korean general hospitals. In 2005, The Korean

Hospital Association (KHA), the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI), and

the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (HIRA) conducted a nationwide

survey regarding hospitals’ IT status. Although the survey comprehensively

incorporated hospitals’ structural factors and EHR adoption, the study only reached the

descriptive analysis level on EHR adoption. There have been several other studies on

EHR or IT adoption in Korea. However, they have mainly focused on factors such as

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changes in the number of medical record administrators after the computerization of

medical records,28 nurses’ experience after implementing hospital information systems,29

a case study from a university hospital after implementing an EMR system,30 and

satisfaction with the EHR system.31 Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study

investigating factors affecting EHR adoption, use, and interoperability in healthcare


Although there have been several studies on factors and barriers related to EHR adoption,

use, and interoperability conducted outside of South Korea, they have several limitations.

First, most of these studies asked for opinions about factors that are barriers to EHR

adoption, such as financial resources, concerns, or worries about patient confidentiality

issues, staff resistance, fear of computers, training and education issues on new systems,

and maintenance of the system.32

Second, other than studies on EHR adoption, there has been a lack of studies focusing on

how the use of EHRs and their interoperability are related to organizational factors. EHR

use and interoperability are concepts recently introduced, and thus, their theoretical

conceptualization and their relationships with other constructs are less developed.

Third, studies of EHR adoption and use utilizing theoretical concepts at an

organizational level are rare. Many scholars in health informatics and management

information systems (MIS) have studied why people accept technology and what factors

affect an individual’s technology acceptance. Common theories these studies use are

Fishbein and Ajzen’s Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Davis’s Technology

Acceptance Model (TAM), and Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviors (TPB).34 However,

those studies focused mainly on individuals. Many hospitals are now implementing

Page 21: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


various IT systems. Why are some hospitals beginning to install EHR systems while

others are not? A mechanism explaining technology acceptance model at the individual

level may not work at the organizational level because hospital level factors are quite

different from individual factors, and decision-making regarding adoption of an EHR

system is determined at the organizational level. In Korea, decisions such as adopting an

EHR system are indeed made at the organization level by the hospitals and clinics. EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability at the organizational level needs to be studied and

applied using current theoretical perspectives developed from outside the academic field

of health informatics, like the technology acceptance model does at the individual level.

Studies which use a theoretical perspective are useful for predicting expected outcomes.

They can provide us with a more fundamental mechanism for phenomena occurring in

healthcare fields.

The objective of this study is to investigate organizational characteristics of hospitals

that affect EHR system adoption, use, and interoperability. The results may be used to

support various governments’ political initiatives through better understanding of

obstacles and barriers to EHR adoption, use, and interoperability. By eliminating those

fundamental obstacles and barriers identified throughout this study, hospitals and

governments can accelerate EHR adoption, use, and interoperability, which could bring

greater managerial efficiency and healthcare effectiveness. This in turn should result in

better health outcomes.

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1.2. Significance of the work

First, this work has crucial implications for hospital management because it can tell us

which factors are related to EHR adoption, use, and interoperability and what the

precursor conditions are. None of the previous studies in Korea investigated the

relationship between these three constructs and organizational factors. The results may

act as a catalyst for decision making concerning acquiring and using EHR systems in


Second, it may enhance healthcare policymakers’ understanding of hospitals’ EHR

adoption and use behaviors. Identifying related factors is important because actual

benefits from the system would occur through hospitals’ adoption of the system, its use,

and healthcare information exchanges with other organizations. Using information

derived from this study, they may design more effective and efficient strategies for

achieving their IT diffusion policy goals.

Third, this study can contribute to theory building on IT adoption, use, and

interoperability at the organizational level. A significant number of studies have focused

on individual adoption behaviors, but relatively few studies have tried to investigate

organizational adoption in health informatics based on theoretical models from other


Fourth, this study will provide important information on EHR-related issues that can be

used for international comparisons. There have been relatively few opportunities to see

fellow nations’ statuses regarding EHR adoption, use, and interoperability issues.

Through understanding how hospitals responded to EHR adoption in other countries, we

Page 23: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


can acquire some knowledge about hospitals’ behaviors. This kind of knowledge can be

used for IT dispersion in the healthcare industry.

This study expects that its results will provide hospital managers, scholars, and

politicians working in health informatics fields with useful information on factors

affecting EHR adoption, use, and interoperability in hospitals. This study also expects

that its results can be used to eliminate some of the barriers to adopting EHR systems

and to accelerate EHR system adoption and use, which will indirectly contribute to

improvement of health outcomes in healthcare organizations.

Page 24: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic



2.1. Study setting

The study setting is South Korea (hereafter Korea). Korea is a country located on the

southern half of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. It is bordered by North Korea to the

north and neighbored by China to the west and Japan to the southeast.34 Its capital is

Seoul. Korea is 38,023 square miles,35 which is smaller than half the size of the state of

Minnesota (86,943 square miles) 36 in the United States. Its population was 48.6 million

in 2008,37 which is almost 10 times that of Minnesota’s population (5.2 million)38 during

the same year. Korea consists of 16 states: 1 Special District City (Seoul), 6

Metropolitan Cities, and 9 Provinces (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Map of South Korea with province identified 39

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The Korean government introduced an initial health insurance system in 1977, and

implemented a compulsory health insurance program for the entire population in 1989.

The financial resources of the insurance system consist of contributions paid by the

insured, their employers, and government subsidies. There were three kinds of health

insurance schemes before 2000. One was for ordinary employees, another for

government and private school employees, and the third was for self-employed persons

and rural area residents. However, these three types of insurance schemes were

combined into one insurance system in 2000 and have since been managed by the

National Health Insurance Corporation.

Despite the government’s involvement in controlling the insurance system there was no

law or regulation on electronic medical documents or records in Korea before 2003. The

Korean government revised the Medical Act on March 30, 2003 to say that healthcare

organizations can create and keep electronic medical documents40 (in addition to the

paper medical records and documents) that have a written signature from the healthcare

provider that is applied under the guidelines of the Digital Signature Act. The Korean

Medical Law currently notes that “medical professions or founders of healthcare

organizations can create and keep electronic documents called ‘Electronic Medical

Records’ having a written signature applied by [under the guideline of the] Digital

Signature Act although there is the rule of section 22.” 41 The rule of section 22 requires

healthcare providers to keep various medical patient care documents with their


This law is now applied to all hospitals. There are several types of hospitals in Korea.

Korean Medical Law divides hospitals into three categories: 1) general hospitals,

Page 26: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


hospitals with 100 or more beds and at least eight clinical departments (e.g. internal

medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, imaging medicine,

emergency medicine, and clinical pathology), 2) hospitals (hereafter, this study will use

the term, “small hospital” to represent “hospital” under the definition of the Korean

Medical Law, in order to avoid terminological confusion with a general term “hospital”),

medical facilities accommodating 30 or more beds, (this includes dental hospitals and

hospitals of oriental medicine), and 3) long-term care hospitals, facilities which are

under the control of the Social Welfare Law and which provide long-term care.42

Approximately twenty percent of these hospitals have now adopted EHR systems.

However, there has been a paucity of studies about how a hospital’s structural

characteristics affect that hospital’s EHR system adoption, use, and interoperability.

Information about the past status of hospitals that have adopted EHR systems can

support the decision to adopt the system of hospitals that have not adopted an EHR

system. The following sections will describe how current empirical studies define and

measure EHR adoption, use, and interoperability. Then theories that can help explain

why organizations make decisions to adopt and use EHRs will be reviewed. Finally

specific factors that are derived from these theories and that are demonstrated to have an

impact on such decisions will be reviewed.

2.2. EHR adoption, use, and interoperability

This section briefly reviews how current empirical studies define and measure the

concepts of EHR adoption, use, and interoperability at the hospital level.

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2.2.1. EHR adoption

The AHA performs an annual survey of hospital information technology adoption,

including EHR adoption. It measures EHR adoption at one of three levels: full

implementation, partial implementation, or no EHR system implementation.8,43 The

survey provides a definition of an electronic health record system, but does not provide a

formal definition of adoption.

DesRoches and her colleagues surveyed the adoption of the EHR system in primary care

clinics. They categorized two types of EHR systems: a basic EHR system and a fully

functional system. They measured EHR adoption by looking at whether primary care

clinics acquired and implemented an EHR system, but they also did not define the

concept of EHR adoption.44 Although they measured EHR adoption only in primary care

clinics, but not hospitals, they set forth an example of how current studies measure EHR

systems in healthcare settings.

Jha and his colleagues conducted a nationwide survey of hospitals in which they

investigated the adoption rate of EHR systems in hospitals in 2008. They also did not

formally define adoption, but they categorized it as: basic or comprehensive EHR

system adoption, adopting an EHR system, and no adoption. They defined a

comprehensive EHR system as a system in which all of the hospital’s clinical

department units have implemented an EHR system with various clinical functionalities.

A basic EHR system is one in which only part of the hospital’s clinical units have

implemented an EHR system. If any part of the hospital units had begun to implement

an EHR system, they considered those cases as adopting an EHR system. If they did not

have any EHR system, then they labeled the hospital as not adopting.45 These studies

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define the concept of EHR adoption in a hospital as any actual acquisition and

implementation of an EHR system by any department in the hospital.

2.2.2. EHR use

The above-mentioned study conducted by DesRoches and her colleagues also focused

on EHR system use measured as self-reported utilization of system functions. According

to their study, 4% of physicians were using a fully functional EHR system of which 97%

of respondents reported that they are using all the functions in the system at least some

of the time. Thirteen percent of physicians were using a basic EHR system and more

than 99% of those physicians reported that they are using all the functions at least some

of the time.44

Most current studies have defined “EHR use” as the existence of implemented functions

in accordance to the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA).46 For an

example, Jha and his colleagues measured use of an EHR system as whether or not it

had specific functionalities such as clinical guidelines, clinical reminders, drug-allergy

alerts, and drug-allergy interaction alerts.45 In 2003, IOM suggested that an EHR system

can be used primarily for patient care delivery, patient care support processes, other

administrative procedures, and secondarily for education and clinical research. They also

set forth that an EHR system should have core functionalities such as decision-support,

results management, electronic communication and connectivity.47 Recently, the CMS

and the ONC defined the meaningful use of an EHR system as the existence and/or

reported use of decision-support, clinical pathways, and interoperability.48 These studies

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have not presented clear definitions but rather have relied on self-reports of the functions

of an EHR system that are in place and being used by hospital personnel.

2.2.3. EHR interoperability

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) defines

interoperability as “the ability of health information systems to work together within and

across organizational boundaries in order to advance the effective delivery of healthcare

for individuals and communities.” 49 The U.S. Government Accountability Office

defines interoperability as “the ability of two or more systems or components to

exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged (p.1).” 50

Bouhaddou and his colleagues also define interoperability as “the ability of two or more

health care information systems to exchange information and to use the information that

has been exchanged (p.174).”51 These definitions clearly illustrate that EHR

interoperability is the ability of an EHR system to exchange patient information with

other systems.

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Health Level 7 (HL7) developed a survey

that measured interoperability by asking “what type(s) of information are being

exchanged?” The respondent answered the question with either a yes or no on each

clinical item, such as family or patient history, patient condition summary, discharge

summary, and other lab and procedures. 52 Using such a measure, the e-Health Initiative

characterized interoperability of EHRs in 2007 as exchange of laboratory result (34%),

outpatient episodes (32%), and emergency care episodes (30%).11 This study could not

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find any other previous studies operationally defining and measuring interoperability in


2.3. Theoretical background

There are many organizational theories which can provide insight into why

organizations make decisions to implement and use EHRs. This study selected two of

these theories because they are particularly applicable to our research question. This

section will introduce those theories, their critical concepts, and arguments.

2.3.1. Contingency theory

The basic ideas of contingency theory were introduced by Lawrence and Lorsch.55 They

found that environmental uncertainty was associated with structural differentiation such

as departmentalization and the division of labor. This structural differentiation was also

inversely related to integration. Organizations having high integration efforts achieved

high performance as measured by profit changes, sales volumes, and manager’s

subjective appraisals.53 Based on these findings, they argued that organizations would

be effective in achieving their performance goals when their internal features, such as

subunits, and their processes, such as integration efforts, are consistent with external

environments.53 Jay Galbraith (1973) stated that “there is no one best way to organize”,

but that “any way of organizing is not equally effective.”54 This means that

organizational performance depends on various structural factors including environment.

Scott (2003) explains this theory with this hypothesis: “organizations whose internal

Page 31: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


features best fit the demand of their environments will achieve the best adoption”


However, some scholars use a slightly different terminology, strategic contingency

theory, when intra-organizational changes occur in response to the environment. For

example, Hickson and his colleagues note that “the theory relates the power of a subunit

to its coping with uncertainty, substitutability, and centrality, through the control of

strategic contingencies for other dependent activities, the control resulting from a

combination of these variables” (p.216).56 D. Knoke also illustrates strategic

contingency theory with intra-organizational or subunit changes caused by external

environment. Organizational environments affect organizations having many subunits.

Subunits that prove more successful in dealing with the environment will achieve greater

dominance over other subunits and the organization’s resources and will have a greater

effect on organizational rules and procedures.57 For example, if legal claims from

consumers occur frequently in an organization, the legal subunit manager can take a

dominant position and critically affect other subunits that are producing and maintaining

products. As an example of contingency theory, Orlikowski and Barley state that “the

more complex and unpredictable the technology, the more likely were organizations to

adopt an organic rather than a mechanistic structure” (p.148).58 What does this theory

tell us about adoption of an EHR system? This study argues that there are certain

hospital internal features that promote and correspond well with EHR adoption, use, and

interoperability. Hospitals with those characteristics are more likely to adopt an EHR

system and use the system more than the other hospitals without those characteristics.

The arguments regarding these predictions will be described in the next section in detail.

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2.3.2. Contingency theory constructs

There are three theoretical concepts frequently dealt with in contingency theory: task,

structure, and environment. These concepts can be analyzed into several further

theoretical constructs. For example, task can be broken down into task complexity,

uncertainty, and interdependency. Among the several task constructs, only task

complexity is applicable to our research question because EHR adoption, use, and

interoperability may be critically affected by task complexity, as illustrated by Scott

(2003) and Flood (1987).

With respect to hospital structure and environmental factors, four constructs from

contingency theory focusing on IT departments in hospitals are applicable:

decentralization of decision-making, IT staff specialization, IT infrastructure, and

organic form (versus mechanical form). This is because these four constructs are

frequently mentioned as important factors related to affecting an organization’s

technology use.55,59,60 Additionally, this study also included one environmental factor,

environmental complexity, because the constructs above do not cover environmental


Task complexity: Task or technology includes the hardware to make products and the

knowledge of employees in the organization (Scott, 2003). Harvey investigated the

relationship between organizational task and organizational structure using 43 industrial

organizations and found that organizations producing specific products had a higher

number of subunits, levels of authority, and ratios of managers and supervisors to total

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personal than the others.61 These studies tell us about that the various task characteristics

that are a major determinant of organizational structure, which is described in the

following sections.

Decentralization of decision-making system: Decentralization of decision-making

generally means that the authority to make decisions is dispersed throughout many

employees.62 By giving managerial decision-making power to appropriate managers,

organizations can achieve managerial efficacy and organizational effectiveness.

Decentralization of decision-making can be a major determinant of organizational

technology adoption. Hage and his colleague defined decentralization as the extent to

which employees can participate in decision-making about important organizational

programs and policies.63 In a study, they measured the degree of participation of

department heads in an organization’s staff hiring, promotion, program, and policy, and

found that the degree of decentralization of decision-making was positively associated

with an organization’s innovation. They measured innovation as the rate of new program

adoption for a certain period of time.63 In another study, they studied work processes and

organization structure using organizations related to healthcare and interviewed

supervisory personnel at managerial levels. They found that organizations with routine

work-flow had the greater centralization of decision-making system.64 These study

results indirectly suggest that hospitals with decentralized decision-making systems may

be more likely to have complex workflow processes and environments in which

innovation can frequently occur.

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Specialization: Daft defined specialization as the extent to which organizational tasks

are divided into subunits according to their specialties and responsibilities.65 Scott

illustrated specialization as the degree to which positions in an organization can be

grouped into a certain unit based on similarity of goals, work processes, consumer types,

locations, etc.55 Thus, specialization is related to organizational departmentalization or

subunit as well as the organizational structure. Specialization is sometimes called the

“division of labor” in organization studies.65

There have been many studies on the relationship between specialization and

organizational structure. Main study trends focus on the relationship between

specialization and span of control and between specialization and organizational

integration or coordination. This is because if specialization increases, then an

organization is subdivided into subunits. While narrowing down tasks into subunits

increases work efficiency by giving employees a narrow span of control through limiting

their cognitive capacities, the organizations are more likely to experience difficulty of

control and to confront conflict issues due to increased departmentalization. 66 They thus

need more coordination and integration.67 Consequently, in contingency perspective,

organization efficiency is high when an organization emphasizes coordination or

integration under high specialization. If hospitals are more specialized, then they may be

more likely to adopt an EHR system for integration because EHR systems have various

coordination functions.

Infrastructure: In the studies of the contingency theory, the construct of infrastructure

have not been well developed and studied. Fombrun only defined “infrastructure” as

interconnected core structure that an organization has to deal with and engage in to

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maintain its works over time.68 He included all feasible sets of resources related to an

organizations’ production into the boundary of infrastructure, including technology and

the various schemes of task. Due to the lack of an empirical study in this area, this study

cannot predict a trend. However, in the contingency perspective, high IT infrastructure

may promote an EHR system adoption because if hospitals have a high degree of IT

infrastructure, then their past experience acquired from previous IT installation may help

them to more easily adopt an EHR system.

Organic or mechanical structure: Burns and Stalker (1961) devised the concept of

mechanical or organic structural forms through the observation of twenty industrial

firms.69 They conceptualized two types of organizational structures: organic or

mechanical. Burns and Stalker observed that the mechanical organizational structure

achieves the best performance under a stable environment. The organic structure is

preferred when there is a high level of environmental change.69 According to their

conceptualization, organic organizations tend to have the following characteristics:

decentralization of decision-making, flexible rules and procedures, frequent mutual

reliance among employees, frequent upward or lateral communications, voluntary

participation of extra activities among employees, and so on. In contrast, organizations

are considered mechanical if their organizational structures do not have these

characteristics. These characteristics are briefly presented in Table 1.

This study asserts that hospitals with a more organic management structure may be more

likely to adopt an EHR system because implementation of new technology, such as EHR

systems, requires acceptance of diverse ideas or needs from employees internally and

externally through lateral communications, which corresponds to the general

Page 36: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


characteristics of organic management structure. Further specific predictions related to

this construct will be argued in the following section.

Table 1. Characteristics of mechanical and organic organizational forms Items Mechanical form Organic form

CommunicationHierarchical emphasis – predominantly vertical communication

Horizontal emphasis – high level of lateral communication within organizational networks

Decision Centralized decision-making Decentralized decision-making

Roles Well-defined specialized roles Loosely defined and less specialized roles

Rules High reliance on standardized rules and procedures

High reliance on mutual adjustment between co-workers

Source: J. Child (2005), p.26.

Environmental complexity: Tung (1979) defined environmental complexity as “the

number and heterogeneity/diversity of factors and components that the focal unit has to

contend with in decision making” (p.675). She analyzed 64 departmental units of 21

companies and found that departments become more organic in structure as

environmental complexity increases.70 Clark and his colleague defined environmental

complexity as the “degree to which factors in the organization’s environment are few or

great in number and similar or different from one another.”(p.29)71 Duncan set forth the

components of external environment increasing complexity as customers, suppliers,

competitors, and political issues.72 Using these components, he conceptualized

environmental complexity as the simple-complex dimension based on the number of

components and static-dynamic dimensions, changing characteristics of these

components over time. Thus, environmental complexity generally means the degree to

which an organization has to deal with various internal and external factors and

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resources surrounding it. Previous studies have shown that environmental complexity

affects organizational structure, but they do not describe how environmental complexity

affects technology adoption such as EHR adoption. This prediction will be argued and

described in a following section.

2.3.3. Task-Technology fit model

The Task-Technology Fit (TTF) model was proposed and developed by Goodhue and

Thompson. 73 The TTF model assumes that individuals perform best when their task fits

well with available technology.74 Goodhue and his colleague analyzed users of 25

different information technology systems from two companies and investigated whether

TTF status affects organizational performance. They found that TTF status impacted the

quality of data, timeliness, and the IT system’s relationship with users and was

positively associated with organizational performance measured by perceived

effectiveness and user productivity. 75 Ammenwerth and her colleagues investigated TTF

status among individual users, their tasks, and technologies in hospitals. They observed a

nursing documentation system used in dermatologic, pediatric, and psychiatric wards.

They found that immediately after adopting the nursing documentation system, TTF

status in the dermatologic and psychiatric wards was better than that of the pediatric

ward. 76 These studies indirectly suggested that hospitals with high task complexity

would adopt and use EHR systems because high task complexity fits well with

information processing capabilities of EHR systems. High task complexity requires

hospitals to use coordinated care due to the task complexity. An EHR system can help

them to provide such coordinated care because it has various coordination functions.77 If

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hospitals with lower task complexity invest in an EHR, it will be an over-investment and

result in managerial inefficiency.

2.4. Factors that influence EHR adoption, use and interoperability

In this section, this study will look at the previous studies related to EHR adoption, use,

and interoperability. It provides the opportunity to see other factors affecting EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability.

2.4.1. Factors that influence EHR adoption

Schoenman conducted a national survey of rural hospitals (sample size 238) and found

that stand-alone, small size, and critical access hospitals were less likely to adopt an

EMR system than other hospitals.78 Although the study was a nationwide survey, the

study was limited by the fact that it only looked at rural hospitals. McCullough analyzed

data from various sources including the HIMSS’s Dorenfest dataset and found that the

scope of services was not related to information system adoption (p.96, p.157).79 The

AHA conducts an annual survey of hospitals’ information technology. According to a

report conducted in 2007, the main factors affecting EHR adoption were the size of

hospital, location of hospital (urban or rural), and teaching status.8 Jha and his

colleagues investigated EHR system adoption in U.S. hospitals through a comprehensive

nationwide survey and also illustrated factors affecting the EHR system adoption in

which hospital size, teaching status, affiliation status, urban location, and existence of

coronary care units were related to EHR adoption. One of the most important barriers to

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EHR system adoption was the financial issue of purchasing an EHR system.45 These

empirical studies suggest that various structural factors such as size, affiliation status,

hospital location, and teaching status are possible predictors of EHR adoption.

Simon and colleagues also investigated organizational factors affecting EHR adoption in

office practices. They found that practices affiliated with hospitals and practices

teaching medical students are more likely to adopt EHR systems. 80 Healthcare Financial

Management Association surveyed senior healthcare finance executives at hospitals to

investigate barriers to EHR adoption. They received the following responses: “lack of

national information standards and code sets” (62%), “lack of available funding” (59%),

“concern about physician usage” (51%), and “lack of interoperability (50%)” (p. 2).81

This study suggests that the relevance of perceived barriers to adopting an EHR system

may be another critical factor influencing EHR adoption in hospitals.

2.4.2. Factors that influence EHR use

Miller and his colleagues surveyed physicians and EMR managers in 30 physician

organizations to investigate barriers affecting the use of EMR systems. They did not

provide a formal definition of the use of EMR systems, but measured it by whether an

EMR system had the following functions: record viewing capability, documentation and

care management, ordering, messaging, analysis and reporting, patient-directed

functionality, and billing. They reported that patient-directed functions such as e-mail

messaging, reminders, and scheduling were very limited compared to the use of the

other functions. The main barriers to EMR use were mostly financial issues, such as

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investment costs, low rate of return, and time costs, and additional technological issues,

such as the difficulties of technology management and support and the negative attitude

of physicians (p.119).82

Jha and his colleagues also studied the use of EHR systems in hospitals. They measured

the use of EHR systems by the presence or absence of various EHR functions. There

was a high variation in functions reported. Many EHR systems provided access to test

and imaging results, but did not report using decision-support functions such as clinical

guidelines, clinical reminders, or drug alerts. They reported EHR system adoption and

hospital characteristics, but did not report how they were related to the use of EHR

systems.45 These study results indicate that there has been a relative paucity of studies

investigating how organization factors affect EHR system use. This might be due to the

difficulty of defining the concept of EHR system use. Some studies have investigated

barriers to EHR system use, but findings are similar to the ones in which factors affect

EHR system adoption.

2.4.3. Factors that influence EHR interoperability

Disclosure of patient and provider information, financial burden, additional work load,

and training issues for interoperability may be some critical factors affecting EHR

interoperability. The CMS and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration had a conference on January 24-25, 2007, in which they discussed

interoperability issues in health information systems for mental health, Medicaid, and

treatment for substance abuse. They concluded that major barriers to interoperability

were fear of provider performance and patient privacy disclosure, financing restraints,

Page 41: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


and additional work.83 The Health Sciences Center at the University of Colorado

investigated the interoperable status of EHR systems in post-acute care and long-term

care facilities and found that physicians’ usage and costs related to interoperable EHR

development and training issues due to high turnover rates were considered important

factors affecting interoperable EHR adoption and development.84

Collaborations and coordination among the users, department managers, and related

people may be other critical factors affecting EHR interoperability. D. Brailer reported

lessons learned from the failure of the Santa Barbara County Care Data Exchange

project that started in 1999 and ended in 2006. He emphasized the importance of an

organic or bottom-up approach to the HIE project with a human factors focus reflecting

end-user’s needs, considerations of workflow and stakeholder diversity.85 Miller and his

colleague described two successful health information exchange projects. According to

their report, two regional health information organizations (RHIOs), the Indiana

Network for Patient Care and the Northwest (Spokane, WA) RHIOs, have had

successful HIE projects. Both RHIOs allow local healthcare providers to access patient

information such as lab tests and medications and use them for patient care. One

important factor to the success of the HIE project reported by authors was voluntary

collaboration of participating organizations and provider networks.86 Although

interoperability is a characteristic of an EHR and HIE is the process of exchanging

information between systems which is not necessarily electronic, but hopefully

electronically interoperable, there is a common characteristic in which both need

members’ collaboration and cooperation for success. These studies suggest that

stakeholders’ participation, coordination among participants, and organic structure of

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hospitals may be critical factors affecting EHR system interoperability. Without

collaboration and coordination of diverse professional groups in hospitals, hospitals may

not be willing to develop interoperable EHR systems. Collaboration efforts from local

provider networks may be as important for EHR interoperability as cooperation of

professional groups in hospitals.

These empirical studies also suggest that there might be some common characteristics

affecting EHR adoption and EHR interoperability. For example, hospitals may hesitate

to seek health information exchange due to a lack of funding or concerns about

disclosure of individuals’ information. These barriers were also found in a study on

factors affecting IT adoption such as EHR systems.87,88 Although the studies provide

information on barriers to EHR interoperability, the information is often the opinion of

experts and seldom the results from empirical studies.

2.4.4. Summary of factors influencing EHR adoption, use, and interoperability

First, EHR systems or IT adoption was negatively associated with stand-alone, small

size, critical access hospitals, but positively associated with teaching status of hospitals,

high IT infrastructure, large size, urban location, and high case mix index (complexity of

patients treated). Second, EHR systems or IT adoption was not significantly associated

with high-tech services of hospitals, scope of services, types of services. Third, EHR

systems or IT adoption may be negatively associated with hospitals having the following

characteristics: lack of available funding, and concern about physician usage on the

system. Fourth, EHR adoption, use, and interoperability may be positively associated

Page 43: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


with a hospital’s internal collaboration of employees and community network’s


2.5. Theory-based factors that influence EHR adoption, use, and interoperability

Based on findings from the literature and both contingency theory and Task-technology

Fit Model, this study argues that EHR adoption, use, and interoperability is a function of

a hospital’s task complexity, decentralization of decision-making, IT staff specialization,

IT infrastructure, organic structural forms, environmental complexity, and their


Task complexity: In task-technology fit perspective, an EHR system fits well in

hospitals with high task complexity. Hospitals having high task complexity will require

high information processing demands, which will lead the hospitals to invest more in

information technologies including EHR systems because investment in an EHR system

increases the hospital’s capacity to deal with more complex information processing. In

contrast, hospitals with a lower task complexity would not have as great a need to invest

in an EHR system because the lower information processing demands associated with

lower task complexity would make it an unnecessary investment. If they invest some

financial resources into an EHR system, this would result in inefficient resource use. For

this reason, they would not invest in an EHR system. A hospital’s task complexity

would be one of the critical factors of EHR adoption, use, and interoperability. Wang

and his colleagues analyzed data from 1,441 hospitals and investigated factors affecting

adoption of clinical information systems. They found that a case mix index (a measure

of complexity of patients treated) was related to the adoption of the clinical information

Page 44: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


system.89 The case mix index can be considered as a proxy variable for task complexity

of this study. Their study result provides us a meaningful indication that task complexity

measured by the diversity of the medical specialties may also be related to EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability.

Decentralization of decision-making: In contingency theory perspective, an EHR

system fits well in hospitals with decentralization of decision-making system in terms of

adoption, use, and interoperability. Suppose there are hospitals that allow departmental

managers to actively participate in the hospitals’ major decision-making. These hospitals

would have a more decentralized decision-making system. Hospitals where this is not

allowed have what is called a centralized decision-making system. The possibility of

delivery of new ideas and suggestions including installation of EHR systems to a high

level manager or chief executive officer would more frequently occur in a higher

decentralized system because the lower level managers have more influence. We can see

evidence of this in studies in which IT innovation more frequently occurs in

decentralized decision-making systems. Damanpour conducted a meta-analysis

investigating the relationship between organizational factors and innovation and found

that centralization of decision-making was negatively related to organizational

innovation.134 Accordingly, it is possible that hospitals with decentralized decision-

making systems would be more likely to adopt and use an EHR system than the other


IT staff specialization: Moch and his colleagues investigated factors facilitating the

adoption of innovation through analyzing data from 489 hospitals. The two dependent

variables were the adoption of a new medical technology system for diagnosis and

Page 45: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


treatment and the adoption of an electronic data processing system for hospital

management. One of the major independent variables was specialization measured by

the number of medical specialty areas. They found that specialization was significantly

associated with information system adoption.90 Thus, this study proposes that hospitals

with specialization would be more likely to adopt and use EHR systems.

IT infrastructure: In hospitals with high IT infrastructure, their employees certainly

would have more experience from previous and current IT implementations. This can

accelerate a hospital to adopt an EHR system compared to hospitals without IT

infrastructure and experience. Empirically, Chau and his colleagues investigated factors

affecting the adoption of IT innovation and found that there was a positive, but not

significant relationship between current IT infrastructure and the adoption of IT

innovation.91 However, Anderson and her colleagues found that current IT infrastructure

was significantly associated with EMR adoption in primary care clinics.92 Although the

unit of analysis was primary care clinics, their study indirectly suggests that IT

infrastructure may also influence adoption of an EHR system in hospitals just as it does

for EMR systems in primary care clinics.

Organic or mechanical forms: A hospital is an organization composed of diverse

specialties and different departments. Installation and use of EHR systems inevitably

require cooperation among various organizational subunits. They also need to coordinate

with diverse subunits through frequent lateral communication. If the installation of an

EHR system is mandated by a top manager without consideration of users’ needs or

opinions, then there would be a high possibility of failure. In contrast, hospitals with an

organic network structure characterized by horizontal communication or network-based

Page 46: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


installation of EHR systems have a higher possibility of reflecting user-level needs

because frequent horizontal communication can reflect their needs into the EHR system.

Aiken and Hage analyzed a panel data from 16 health and welfare organizations and

investigated the relationship between organic structural characteristics and

organizational innovation. They measured organic features by the diversity of

occupational structure, extra activity of staff members, frequency of meetings, upward

communications, inter and intra-departmental communications and innovation by the

number of new programs and services previously successfully implemented. They found

that organic structural features were positively related to innovation.93 Meadows

investigated organic features of small group structure based on the Burns and Stalker’s

concept and innovativeness, which was measured by group members’ perception on

innovativeness of their work process and management and found a similar result.94 Hull

and his colleague analyzed data from 110 factories and found that innovation, measured

by the number of patent applications adjusting for the number of employees, was high

when there was a more organic rather than a mechanical socio-technical structure. They

measured organic features by hierarchical levels, centralization of decision-making,

degree of control, and no flexibility of waiting-time in assembly line, which was

negatively associated with organizational innovation.95 Thus, adoption and use of an

EHR system would be more likely to occur in an organically structured hospital rather

than a mechanically structured hospital.

Environmental complexity: In a contingency theory perspective, EHRs fit well in

hospitals with high environmental complexity for the following reason. Under a highly

competitive environment, hospitals are more likely to invest in IT because of high

Page 47: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


competition. If they did not invest in IT, they would fall behind other hospitals and other

competition. Thus, hospitals located in highly complex environments with many

competitors may be more likely to adopt and use an EHR system simply to keep up with

the competition.

Burke, et al investigated the relationship between a hospital’s IT adoption and market

competition. The study used the 1999 Dorenfest database and the 1998 American

Hospital Annual Survey and found that a hospital’s market competition measured by the

Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) is related to IT adoption measured by administrative,

clinical, and strategic IT.96 Baker, et. al., investigated the relationship between Health

Maintenance Organization (HMO) market share and technology adoption measured by

MRI availability per 1,000 populations and found that HMO market share was

negatively related to technology adoption.97 Friedman and his colleagues, through

surveying informants such as the chief executive officer and chief financial officer in

hospitals, studied the relationship between technological and environmental factors with

respect to adopting new medical technology and MRI acquisition. The study looked at

94 hospitals, 52 of which were in California and 42 of which were in either Oregon or

Washington. They found that under a turbulent environment (California), hospitals with

early MRI adoption were significantly affected by technological competition, measured

through hospitals adopting similar technologies. However, under a stable environment

(Oregon/Washington), technologic competition did not play an important role in MRI

adoption. 98

These studies indirectly suggest a possible explanation of the relationship between

technology adoption and market competition. Adopting information technologies may

Page 48: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


increase a hospital’s competitive value because there is the possibility of better quality

of care and greater managerial efficiency. This gives a good impression to consumers

who often believe that modern technologies produce a higher quality of care. Hospitals

located in less competitive environments thus have less motivation to invest in IT,

including EHR systems, compared to hospitals located in competitive environments.

Therefore, environmental complexity measured by market competition may be

positively related to EHR adoption, use, and interoperability.

Task complexity/structure interaction: Scott reports that organizations with high task

complexity are more likely to have structural specialization and decentralization (Scott,

2003). This is because delegating some authority and responsibility through

specialization and decentralization would be better for performance when an

organization’s task complexity is high. When organizations have specialization and

decentralization, organizational innovation is more likely to occur. From an

organizational perspective, introducing EHR systems can be seen as an innovative action,

and thus, specialized and decentralized hospitals may be more likely to adopt an EHR

system. In contrast, highly centralized hospitals may be less likely to adopt an EHR

system. Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000), through conducting a survey of approximately 400

firms, found that the degree of IT use had a positive relationship with the degree of

authority delegation to individual employees or teams.99 Thus it is expected that task

complexity may affect EHR adoption, use, interoperability through various structural

characteristics of hospitals proposed in this study.

Environmental complexity/structure interaction: Pfeffer and his colleagues, analyzed

data from 38 small manufacturing organizations in order to investigate the relationship

Page 49: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


among technology, organization structure, and environmental competition. They found

that environmental competitiveness affects production technology, such as the number

of products, designs, and production processes. Moreover, the relationship between

organizational structure and production technology was dependent on environmental

competitiveness. The number of products increases as departmentalization increases

under competitive environment.100 This study indirectly suggests that there may be some

relationship among technology, structure, and environment. Although this study was not

concerned with EHR adoption, the study suggests that one needs to consider the diverse

relationship between environment and organizational structure with respect to EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability.

Summary of prediction: With respect to the relationship between the three outcome

variables and theoretical constructs proposed in this study, the following relationships

were expected. EHR system adoption, use, and interoperability will be positively related

to task complexity, decentralization of the decision-making system, IT staff

specialization, IT infrastructure, an organic structural management style, and

environmental complexity in hospitals. There will be interaction effects between

technology and structure and between structure and environment with respect to EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability.

2.6. Conceptual model

The following section describes how this study conceptualized each construct from

theories and empirical studies and set forth the final conceptual model for this study. A.

Kazley and her colleague studied organizational and environmental determinants of

Page 50: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


EMR adoption and developed a conceptual model for her study based on the resource-

dependent theory.101 The resource-dependence theory explains organizational changes

with power-dependence relationships between organizational factors with external

environment. They conceptualized that EMR adoption is a function of organizational

and environmental factors (Figure 2). Although their study focuses on EMR adoption,

the conceptual model can be used for predicting EHR adoption since the concepts are so


Figure 2. A conceptual model explaining technology adoption

D. Blumenthal and his colleagues also proposed a conceptual model explaining HIT

adoption and use. They argued that HIT adoption and use are critically affected by

technology, organizational factors, legal and regulatory factors, and financial incentives

(Figure 3). This conceptual model is similar to the Kazley model because legal,

regulatory, and financial incentives from governmental regulation settings can be

considered as one of the environmental factors.

These two conceptual models suggest that EHR system adoption and use are a broad

function of organizational structure, technology, and environmental factors. However,

these conceptual models have several limitations. First, these models cannot explain

Environmental factors - Competition - Rurality - Munificence - Uncertainty

EMR adoption Organizational factors - Size - System affiliation - Ownership - Medicare payer mix - Financial resources - Teaching status

Source: Kazley et. al (2007)

Page 51: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


organizational changes (e.g. adopting EHR systems) occurring due to intra-structural

factors. For example, some hospitals may adopt an EHR system because they need to

deal with high information processing occurring from high task complexity. Task

characteristics can be a critical factor affecting EHR adoption and can replace the

construct of technology as in Figure 3.

Figure 3. A conceptual model explaining HIT adoption & use

Both constructs have indeed been studied with an interchangeable concept in

organization theory (Scott, 2003). To this point, incorporating a TTF model would be

useful to overcome this limitation because the model directly explains the relationship

between task and technology, which is in this case EHR adoption in hospitals (Figure 4).

FIT: adoption or not

Source: Modified from Goodhue et. al (1995)

Technology characteristic Task characteristics

Technology (EHR SYSTEM)

HIT adoption & use

Source: Modified from D. Blumenthal et. al (2006)


Organizational Legal & regulatory

Financial incentives

Environmental factors

Page 52: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Figure 4. Application for EHR adoption using TTF model

Second, these models also did not consider any interaction effects among those

constructs. Several empirical studies have shown that organizational structures are

critically affected by task and environmental factors. For example, Flood and her

colleagues assert that tasks in the work procedure and the environment are major

determinants to hospital structure (Flood, et al., 1987, p.26). Barley (1990), by citing

Woodward’s argument, noted that tasks on production systems are direct determinants

of organizational features such as the formalization of regulations and procedures, span

of control, and centralization of decision-making authority.102

Figure 5. Conceptual model

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One way to overcome the second limitation is by incorporating contingency theory into

the model because contingency theory assumes some relationship between task and

structure and environment and structure. Incorporating these conceptual models and

limitations mentioned above produces a new conceptual model (Figure 5). Constructs

illustrated in the model were discussed in the literature review and proposed in the


2.7. Objectives, specific aims, and hypotheses

The objective of this study is to explain Korean hospitals’ EHR adoption, use, and

interoperability by examining the influence of a number of hospital-related factors

including hospital task, structure, and environment derived from both theoretical models

and prior research. This study has the following specific aims and hypotheses.

1) Specific aim 1: To assess the relationship between internal features of hospitals (task,

structure, and environment) and EHR adoption after adjusting for hospital characteristics.

HA1: Hospitals with high task complexity were more likely to adopt an EHR system.

HA2: Hospitals with decentralized decision making, high IT staff specialization, high IT

infrastructure, and an organic managerial structure (versus mechanical structure) were

more likely to adopt an EHR system.

HA3: Hospitals with high environmental complexity were more likely to adopt an EHR


HA4: The relationship between task complexity and EHR adoption would be dependent

on hospital structure.

Page 54: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


HA5: The relationship between hospital structure and EHR adoption would be

dependent on environmental complexity.

2) Specific aim 2: To assess the relationship between internal features of hospitals (task,

structure, and environment) and EHR use after adjusting for hospital characteristics.

HU1: Hospitals with high task complexity were more likely to use an EHR system.

HU2: Hospitals with decentralized decision making, high IT staff specialization, high IT

infrastructure, and an organic managerial structure were more likely to use an EHR


HU3: Hospitals with high environmental complexity were more likely to use an EHR


HU4: The relationship between task complexity and EHR use would be dependent on

hospital structure.

HU5: The relationship between structure and EHR use would be dependent on

environmental complexity.

3) Specific aim 3: To assess the relationship between internal features of hospitals (task,

structure, and environment) and EHR interoperability (hereafter: interoperability) after

adjusting for hospital characteristics.

HI1: Hospitals with high task complexity were more likely to have interoperability.

HI2: Hospitals with decentralized decision making, high IT staff specialization, high IT

infrastructure, and an organic managerial structure (versus mechanical structure) were

more likely to have interoperability.

Page 55: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


HI3: Hospitals with high environmental complexity were more likely to have


HI4: The relationship between task complexity and interoperability would be dependent

on hospital structure.

HI5: The relationship between structure and interoperability would be dependent on

environmental complexity.

Page 56: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic



3.1. Research design

This study uses a non-experimental, retrospective cross-sectional study design to

investigate the relationship between internal features of hospitals including environment

and EHR adoption, use, and interoperability (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Study design flow chart

There are three outcome variables: EHR adoption, use, and interoperability. After

categorizing the hospitals into two groups (those which have adopted and those which

Study Hospitals

EHR adoption analysis

EHR use analysis

Group A: EHR adoption Group B: No EHR adoption


No EHR interoperability (Group 2)

EHR interoperability Analysis

Yes No

Yes No

Does your hospital have an EHR SYSTEM?

How many functions does the EHR SYSTEM have?

8 functions

Does the EHR system have INTEROPERABILITY?



EHR interoperability (Group 1)


Page 57: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


have not adopted an EHR system) and measuring possible causal factors retrospectively,

this study compares those factors between the two groups. In the case of EHR use and

interoperability, this study selects and analyzes only those hospitals which have adopted

an EHR system. The following sections will describe the details of the research design.

3.2. Study population

This study’s unit of analysis is the individual hospital. According to the hospital roster

booklet103 published by the Korean Hospital Association (KHA), there were 1,928

hospitals of all kinds as of December 31, 2007. These included 335 general hospitals,

852 small hospitals, 495 long-term care hospitals, 132 mental hospitals, 57 geriatrics

hospitals, 22 rehabilitation hospitals, 19 veterans’ hospitals, and 6 ophthalmic hospitals.

In addition, there were 10 hospitals that were run directly by the central government for

special purposes: 4 hospitals for pneumoconiosis, 3 hospitals for tuberculosis, and 3

hospitals for leprosy.

Among these hospitals, this study excludes the hospitals directly run by the central or

local governments and military hospitals because the governmental decision-making on

EHR adoption would affect all those hospitals equally. This would result in a high

correlation of those constructs among these hospitals. Second, this study also excludes

long-term care hospitals, mental hospitals, and geriatric hospitals because most of them

are regulated under the Social Welfare Law and the Mental Health Law in Korea, which

has slightly different structural requirements than hospitals under the Medical Law. For

instance, Social Welfare Law and Mental Health Law are more lenient than Medical

Law when it comes to regulating the hiring of medical staff. Third, this study also

Page 58: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


excludes hospitals based on single specialties such as rehabilitation or ophthalmic

hospitals. They were also structurally different from the majority of general hospitals

and small hospitals because they were providing only specific specialty care services.

Table 2. Basic characteristics of hospitals in South Korea (beds)

Hospital size All hospitals General hospitals Small hospitals

Hospital population 1,063 285 778 Beds Mean 187.8 411.7 105.8 Median 118.0 297.0 87.0 Max 2,200.0 2,200.0 559.0 Min 30.0 100.0 30.0 Std Dev 215.3 302.6 69.0 Bed size 30 – 99 45.0 0.0 61.5 100 - 199 25.6 17.2 28.5 200- 299 15.7 36.0 8.2 300 -399 2.5 6.3 1.2 400 -499 3.1 10.2 0.5 500 -599 2.8 10.2 0.1 600 -699 1.2 4.6 0.0 700 -799 1.0 3.9 0.0 800 -899 1.5 5.6 0.0 900 -999 0.9 3.5 0.0 1,000 + 0.7 2.5 0.0

After excluding those hospitals and hospitals that were no longer running, there were a

total of 1,063 general hospitals and small hospitals as of September 3, 2008. This study

set these hospitals as the target population. There were 285 (26.8%) and 778 (73.2%)

general hospitals and small hospitals respectively (Table 2). Overall, there was an

average of 187.8 beds per hospital. The average number of beds in general hospitals was

411.7, with a maximum of 2,200 beds and a minimum of 100 beds. The average number

of beds in small hospitals was 105.8, with a maximum of 559 beds and minimum of 30


Page 59: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Table 3. Basic characteristics of hospitals in South Korea (foundation type) Hospital foundation type General hospitals Small hospitals All hospitals

N % N % N % Private-individual 66 23.2 582 74.7 648 61.0 Public 219 76.8 196 25.3 415 39.0 Total 285 100.0 778 100.0 1,063 100.0

There were 648 private-individual hospitals, 61.0% of the total hospital population; there

were 415 public hospitals, 39.0% of the population (Table 3).

Table 4. Basic characteristics of hospital in South Korea (geographic distribution) Location All hospitals General hospitals Small hospitals

N % N % N % N 1,063 100.0 285 100.0 778 100.0 State 01STATE (Seoul) 170 16.0 55 19.3 115 14.8 02STATE (Busan) 83 7.8 26 9.1 57 7.3 03STATE (Daegu) 80 7.5 9 3.2 71 9.1 04STATE (Daejeon) 22 2.1 7 2.5 15 1.9 05STATE (Ulsan) 30 2.8 3 1.1 27 3.5 06STATE (Gwangju) 43 4.0 18 6.3 25 3.2 07STATE (Incheon) 47 4.4 11 3.9 36 4.6 08STATE (Gyeonggi-do) 192 18.1 46 16.1 146 18.8 09STATE (Gangwon-do) 37 3.5 14 4.9 23 3.0 10STATE (Gyeongsangnam-do) 100 9.4 23 8.1 77 9.9 11STATE (Gyeongsangbuk-do) 56 5.3 16 5.6 40 5.1 12STATE (Chungcheongnam-do) 39 3.7 9 3.2 30 3.9 13STATE (Chungcheonbuk-do) 32 3.0 10 3.5 22 2.8 14STATE (Jeollanam-do) 68 6.4 18 6.3 50 6.4 15STATE (Jeollabuk-do) 55 5.2 14 4.9 41 5.3 16STATE (Jeju-do) 9 0.8 6 2.1 3 0.4 Urban or rural Rural 588 55.3 156 54.7 432 55.5 Urban 475 44.7 129 45.3 346 44.5

Many hospitals are located in or near Seoul, the capital of South Korea. There are 192

(18.1%) hospitals located in Gyeonggi-do, the state nearest to Seoul. There are 170

(16.0%) hospitals in Seoul. Nineteen percent of all general hospitals and 14.8% of all

small hospitals are located in Seoul. Approximately forty-five percent of hospitals are

located in urban areas and the rest, 55%, are located in rural areas (Table 4).

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3.3. Definition of an EHR system

There is a clear difference between an EMR and an EHR. An EMR is an electronic

record of the patient’s clinical information electronically generated by encounters at one

particular healthcare provider, legally replacing a paper medical record. An EHR is an

electronic record of the patient’s healthcare information generated and aggregated by

one or more encounters of all of the care delivery organizations.104,105,106 The EHR is a

broader concept than the EMR. However, many scholars use the terms interchangeably

because the meanings are similar enough for the purposes of clinical research. For

clarity of expression, this study assumes that EHR includes EMR.

According to the academic field of computer science, a computer system is defined as a

system that consists of hardware and systems software working together to run various

application programs.107 Thus, this study descriptively defines an EHR system as an

electronic hardware and software system that creates, stores, and manages patient

clinical information by running various application programs in hospitals.

3.4. Data collection using survey instrument

This study developed a new survey instrument based on current relevant survey

instruments to address its hypotheses. The following sections describe the details of the

descriptive definitions and measures of each construct used in this study.

3.4.1. Measuring EHR adoption, use, and interoperability

EHR adoption: This study descriptively defines “adoption” of an EHR system as the

actual acquisition and implementation of an EHR system and operationally measures

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EHR “adoption” as one of three levels: ‘fully implemented’, ‘partially implemented’, or

‘not implemented’. The study borrows questions on EHR adoption from the 2006

American Hospital Association’s IT survey43 and the 2005 IT survey in Korea.108 In

order to confirm their adoption status, this study follows Blumenthal’s (2006) idea of

asking hospitals when they installed their EHR system (i.e. introduction year) and how

they installed it (i.e. internally developed, outsourced, or purchased).109

For purposes of addressing the hypotheses, this study uses a binary variable: either

hospitals adopted an EHR system in any one of their clinical departments (e.g. hospital

ward or outpatient clinic) or they did not adopt and HER system in any department

(Table 5). The rationale is that hospitals with partial or full EHR adoption have a

common feature, which is the presence of an EHR system. This feature clearly

distinguishes hospitals that have not adopted an EHR system from those that have. The

objective of this study is to see how organizational and environmental factors affect

adoption. Therefore, partial and full adoption is grouped together as “adoption” because

they have similar characteristics which hospitals that have not adopted EHR do not have.

EHR use: This study descriptively defines “use” as the EHR functions that a hospital

has implemented, and this study operationally measured “use” as the number of reported

installed EHR functions. The study borrows questions on EHR use from the 2006

American Hospital Association’s IT survey, which included of 17 EHR functionalities.43

This study modifies and reduces the questions about EHR functionalities to 11 by

combining similar functions into single categories in order to simplify the questionnaire

and reduce redundancy (Table 5).

Page 62: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


The functions this study uses are “access to current medical records (observations,

orders)”, “access to medical history”, “access to patient flow sheets”, “access to patient

demographics”, “order entry or results review (lab)”, “order entry or results review (any

radiology report)”, “order entry (real time drug interaction alerts)”, “other clinical alerts”,

“clinical guidelines and pathways”, “patient access to electronic records”, and “patient

support through home-monitoring (including self-testing, and interactive patient

education)”. This study asked the respondents whether these 11 functions were “fully

implemented,” “partially implemented” or “not implemented”. However, this study used

8 core functions in the final analysis excluding access function on medical records,

medical history, and patient demographics because they are general functions of EHR


These responses were transformed into a numeric scale for measuring hospitals’ EHR

use. The study gave a weighted value of 1.0 for full implementation, 0.5 for partial

implementation, and 0 for no implementation for each of the 8 functionalities. Then the

resulting values were summed to create a single numerical value for each hospital’s

EHR use. The numeric values ranged from zero to eight.

EHR Interoperability: This study descriptively defines “interoperability” as the

capacity of an EHR system to exchange healthcare information electronically with other

hospitals. Interoperability was measured based on the ability to electronically exchange

clinical information following HIMSS’s definition and NLM and HL7’s survey

instrument developed and used by Braithwaite’s, W.R., et. al. in 2005.52

Page 63: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Table 5. Measuring EHR adoption, use, and interoperability Construct Survey Question(s) Original Survey Measure Study

Scale Hypoth


EHR Adoption

Q5_1. Hospital wards EHR system 1. fully 2.partially implemented, 3. not implemented

Binary (anyone is

in 1,2, then

adoption=1, 0 in


HA 1-5

Q5_2. Outpatient EHR system 1. fully 2.partially implemented, 3. not implemented


Q6_1. Access to current medical records

0: no, 0.5: partial, 1: full use

Numeric (Sum of

all 11 items)

HU 1-5

Q6_2. Access to medical history Q6_3. Access to patient flow sheets Q6_4. Access to patient demographics Q6_5. Order entry or results review – Lab Q6_6. Order entry or results review – Rad. Q6_7. Order entry - Drug interaction alerts Q6_8. Other clinical alerts Q6_9. Clinical guidelines and pathways Q6_10. Patient access to electronic recordsQ6_11. Patient support (e.g., education)

EHR Interoperability

Q7_1. Patient history (family, patient)

1.fully, 2.partially exchanged, 3. not exchanged

Binary (anyone is

in 1,2, then

interoperability=1, 0

in otherwise)

HI 1-5

Q7_2. Patient summary (meds, etc.) Q7_3. Discharge summaries Q7_4. Laboratory information Q7_5. Imaging information Q7_6. Pharmacy information Q7_7. Others

* HA, HU, and HI mean all hypotheses related with EHR Adoption, Use, and Interoperability, respectively There were 22 capabilities in the original survey instrument, but this study modified and

reduced the number to 7 because the original instrument had too many irrelevant specific

survey items including public health and clinical trial areas. This study asked whether

the EHR system of respondents’ hospitals had the capability to transmit and receive 7

categories of clinical information electronically from other clinics or hospitals and

whether they were “fully exchanged”, “partially exchanged”, or “not exchanged”. The

seven categories this study used are patient history (family, patient), patient summary

(conditions, meds, and allergies), discharge summaries, laboratory information, imaging

information, pharmacy information, and other. These 7 categories are each categorized

Page 64: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


as: fully exchanged, partially exchanged or not exchanged. However, the study finds that

many hospitals did not report any interoperability so the data distribution was heavily

centered on zero and one. Thus, this study transforms the numeric scale to a binary value

to address this issue; hospitals with no interoperability were given a score of zero, and

hospitals with any rating of either partial or full interoperability were given a score of

one (Table 5).

The rationale for this rescaling is that hospitals with partial or full EHR interoperability

have a common characteristic just like hospitals with full or partial adoption. Hospitals

should be grouped based on existence of interoperability in order to see how other

factors affect that feature. This categorization is also compatible with the definition of

EHR interoperability as the ability to perform healthcare information exchange with

other systems. Therefore, this study categorizes the respondents as either having

interoperability or not.

Finally, this study also considered information exchange methods. Among hospitals

reporting partially or fully exchanging patient’s information, this study only counts them

as having EHR interoperability if they use the following information exchange tools: e-

mail with attached document, internet access to patient records, a patient card system

such as IC card, health information technology system to system, and others. This is

because this study descriptively defines EHR interoperability as the capacity of an EHR

system to exchange healthcare information electronically with other hospitals like

mentioned above.

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3.4.2. Measuring hospital internal features

The following section will describe the details of information on hospital internal

features, especially conceptual definition and its measurement in this survey instrument

starting with hospital basic characteristics.

Hospital basic characteristics: The variables considered as basic hospital

characteristics were foundation type, affiliation status such as multi-hospital system,

contracts for group purchasing and patient delivery, and urban or rural location. Of these

basic characteristics, this study only collects information on affiliation status and

contract status with other hospitals through this survey (Table 6). Affiliation status is yes

if the hospital is part of a multihospital system and no if the hospital is not part of a

system. The other information is collected through different information sources and

will be described in the next section.

Table 6. Hospital basic characteristics included in the survey Construct Question Measure Scale Hypothesis¹

Affiliation Q2. Multihospital system 1: Yes, 0: No Binary HA, HU, HI

Contract for group purchasing Q3. Multihospital system 1: Yes, 0: No Binary HA, HU, HI

¹ HA, HU, HI stands for hypotheses related with adoption, use, interoperability, respectively

Decentralization of decision-making: This study descriptively defines the de-

centralization of decision-making as the degree to which CIO or IT department

managers participate in important hospital decision-making. This is measured by the

reported degree of management participation of the CIO or IT managers in the hospital’s

decision-making regarding new employee hiring, current employee promotions, new

programs, and new policy, as suggested by Hage and Dewar (1973).63 This study uses a

five-level Likert scale to measure the degrees of management involvement. Each

Page 66: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


gradation is given a numeric value (one to five) and the values for each question are

averaged to provide a final value to represent the hospital’s decentralization of decision-


IT Staff specialization: This study descriptively defines IT staff specialization as a

hospital’s investment and support in human resources in the IT department and measures

the reported number of employees in charge of IT work in hospitals, which follows

Mintzberg’s perspective of viewing job specialization as “depth” to the control over an

organization’s work (p.69).110

This study initially asked the respondents to report the number of employees working in

the IT department with each of the following educational backgrounds: physician, nurse,

medical technician, management major, computer science major, etc. both before and

after EHR adoption. However, the survey results find that most employees are in the

category of computer science majors and there are no employees in most of the other

categories. To accommodate this finding this study combines all employees together

rather than separating them by specialty (Table 7). This study also finds that some

hospitals that did not have an IT department recorded their number of IT employees as

zero. In that case, this study allocates one IT employee to the hospital because all

hospitals have at least one person in charge of IT and EDI for billing and reimbursement

procedures in Korea. When the primary investigator contacted each hospital, this was

verified by the administrative managers in these hospitals.

To incorporate this measure into the hypothesis testing this study divides the number of

total IT employees by the number of beds and multiplied by 100. The rationale for

Page 67: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


standardizing IT staff using bed size is because the number of IT employees increases as

the number of beds increases.

Table 7. Measures of factors affecting EHR adoption, use, and interoperability Construct Question Measure Scale Hypoth

esis³ Hospital structural factors

Decentralization of


Q9_a1. IT manager’s involvement: hiring 1. Never 2. Seldom 3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Always

Numeric (average) H2, H4

Q9_a2. IT manager’s involvement: promotion Q9_a3. IT manager’s involvement: new rules Q9_a4. IT manager’s involvement: new policies

IT staff Specialization (Before EHR


Q10_a1. No of IT staff majoring medicine Numeric Numeric (sum of all staff

from a1 to a6/bed *100)

H2, H4

Q10_a2. No of IT staff majoring nursing Numeric Q10_a3. No of IT staff majoring management Numeric Q10_a4. No of IT staff majoring medical technology Numeric Q10_a5. No of IT staff majoring computer science Numeric Q10_a6. No of IT staff with the other major Numeric

IT Infrastructure² (Before EHR


Q4_a1. Existence of Outpatient CPOE¹ 0: no, 1: yes

Numeric (counting from a1 to


H2, H4

Q4_a2. Existence of Inpatient CPOE 0: no, 1: yes Q4_a3. Existence of Pharmacy dispensing system 0: no, 1: yes Q4_a4. Existence of Patient dis. processing system 0: no, 1: yes Q4_a5. Existence of Clinical laboratory system 0: no, 1: yes Q4_a6. Existence of Radiology department system 0: no, 1: yes Q4_a7. Existence of Intensive Care Unit system 0: no, 1: yes Q4_a8. Existence of Administrative procedures system 0: no, 1: yes

Organic structural form

Q12_1: Hierarchic structure of control 1-5 numeric

Numeric (average)

H2, H4

Q12_2: Emphasis on formal communication channels 1-5 numeric Q12_3: Strong insistence on a uniform managerial style 1-5 numeric Q12_4: Adopt true and tried management principles 1-5 numeric Q12_5: Strong emphasis on always getting personnel 1-5 numeric Q12_6: Tight formal control 1-5 numeric Q12_7: Emphasis on getting line and staff personnel 1-5 numeric

¹ Order Communication System (OCS) in Korea is almost the same term as Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) System in the U.S. For the convenience of expression, this study interpreted OCS as CPOE. ² The system means whether each system is connected to hospital information system. ³ H2, H4 stands for hypotheses related with adoption (HA2, HA4), use (HU2, HU4), interoperability (HI2, HI4)

IT infrastructure: This study defines IT infrastructure as the physical and institutional

structures related to information technology needed for the operation of an organization.

IT infrastructure is measured by whether the following 8 areas are supported by the

Hospital Information Systems (HIS): outpatient computerized physician order entry

system (CPOE), inpatient CPOE, pharmacy drug management and dispensing system,

patient charging processing, clinical laboratory work, radiology work, intensive care unit,

Page 68: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


and administrative procedures (Table 7). This study only counts the sub-systems which

existed before EHR adoption in order to see their impact on EHR adoption.

Organic hospital structure: This study descriptively defines organic hospital structure

as the degree to which a hospital emphasizes lateral communications, flexibility of rules

and regulation, and informal managerial control in its structure. On the contrary, this

study uses the term mechanical hospital structure to describe hospitals with fewer of

these features. Organic hospital structure is measured by whether the hospital had a

more mechanic structure or a more organic structure, following Burns & Stalker’s

(1961) construct. Questions on hospital structure are taken from Covin (1988)111 and

Kwon (2003)112 which were developed based on suggestions by Burns & Stalker (1961).

This study uses seven questions measuring the hospitals’ structure as either organic or

mechanic using a five-point Likert scale. Each gradation is assigned a numeric value

(one to five) and they are averaged across all items to provide a final value to represent

the hospital’s structure (Table 7).

3.4.3. Pilot survey

After developing the preliminary survey instrument, this study conducts a pilot survey of

five IT managers in Korea. There are several comments in the pilot survey. One

significant comment is that the term EMR was more widely used in Korea than EHR.

Other comments are that the survey needed to focus more on IT standards and to include

the respondent’s job title. Informants suggested several minor changes regarding the

translation of terms. Overall, respondents who participated in the pilot survey said that

Page 69: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


there are few problems with the survey instrument. This final questionnaire used in the

study reflects all comments from respondents who participated in the pilot study.

3.4.4. Survey data collection

This study distributed the survey to IT departments in the Korean hospitals that made up

the target population. The survey respondents were chief information officers or IT

department managers. However, in hospitals with no IT department, this study allowed

the director of the administrative office to complete the survey because those directors

know when the hospital purchases new hardware and software programs. Moreover,

they are in charge of the electronic data interchange (EDI) process of requesting medical

claim reimbursement to the HIRA.

All survey data is collected through a website developed by the author. Before beginning

the development of the website and survey instrument, the author submitted this study’s

proposal to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Minnesota (UMN)

and received an official letter from IRB on February 10, 2009. The official IRB response

letter reported that this study did not need approval because the subjects were hospitals

rather than human subjects.

After hearing back from the IRB, the author developed the website and survey

instruments for the study. The main homepage server was located at the UMN

( However, since the UMN did not provide

application programs for database management such as SQL, this study used a local

server owned by a private company in Korea for all data storage. In order to prevent

Page 70: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


unauthorized access to the survey instrument, this study created a password which

allowed only eligible persons to access the survey instrument.

On April 5, 2009, the author sent a one-time postal mail containing the access password

and a cover letter introducing the survey purpose and the website to the CIO or manager

of the IT department and the directors of administrative offices in each of the target

hospitals. This study assumes that the hospitals that participated in the survey agreed to

participate in the survey, and those who chose not to participate in the survey did not

agree to participate in the survey. In the letter, this study introduced the primary

investigator and explained the study purpose, data confidentiality, and participation

method. The hospitals’ mailing addresses were obtained from the KHA. During the

survey period, this study called or emailed the hospitals who participated in the survey to

inform them that their surveys were successfully completed on the website and to deliver

the author’s personal thanks for their participation.

To increase the response rate, this study directly contacted some hospitals’ IT

departments and administrative offices by calling the telephone numbers listed in the

booklet from the KHA. Since there were too many hospitals for the author to contact

individually, the author randomly selected two hospitals per local area, based on hospital

address in the alphabetical order and called one of them. If he was not able to get

through to the hospital staff, then the other hospital was contacted.

The Korea Information Technology of Hospital Association (KITHA) was contacted and

their support was obtained. Thus, this study was able to advertize and request

participation for this survey through their website (

The KITHA is a professional association composed of CIO and IT managers from 138

Page 71: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Korean hospitals. However, this study only contacted 106 hospitals because there were

many special hospitals such as veteran hospitals and long-term care hospitals that were

members of the KITHA. The KITHA also provided the author with the contact

information for the CIOs and IT managers of the member hospitals. After obtaining this

information, the author called each CIO and IT manager and sent e-mails requesting his

or her participation in the survey.

3.5. Additional data collection

The study needed to collect other information that was not part of the survey, such as

task complexity, market competition, number of beds, hospital types, and number of

hospitals in the local area. This study did not include these variables into the survey

because current government agencies and several professional associations already had

comprehensive datasets. Therefore, this information was gathered from other sources.

The following section describes the details of the descriptive definitions and measures of

constructs or confounding variables, and source of information used in this study starting

with hospital basic characteristics.

General characteristics: Foundation type was categorized as public or private hospital

(Table 8). The study used the term private hospital to describe individual or private

hospitals and the term public hospital to describe all other hospitals. This study

considered hospitals as urban if they were located in one of 6 metropolitan areas or

Seoul, and considered all other locations as rural. Information regarding the hospitals’

foundation types (private or public) and location was obtained from the KHA’s website


Page 72: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Table 8. Hospital basic characteristics using other information sources Covariates Measure Scale Hypothesis¹ Source of Information

Foundation 1. Private, 2. Public Binary HA, HU, HI Korea Hospital Association

Location 1. Urban, 0. Rural Binary HA, HU, HI Korea Hospital Association ¹ HA, HU, HI stands for hypotheses related with adoption, use, interoperability, respectively

Task complexity: This study descriptively defined task complexity as the degree of

hospital task diversity and measured it by counting the number of specialty services the

hospital provides. Scott defined task complexity as the number of various inputs that

should be managed at the same time to produce outputs in organization.55 The average

number of specialties per hospital using the dataset from KHA was 13.1 with a

maximum of 27 and a minimum of 1 (Table 9). However, this study excluded five

medical specialties (tuberculosis medicine, nuclear medicine, emergency medicine,

preventive medicine, and industrial medicine) because small hospitals rarely, if ever,

offered these specialties.

Table 9. The number of specialties in study hospitals Number of specialties General hospitals Small hospitals ALL

N % N % N % Specialty distribution

1 - 3 0 0.0 27 18.2 27 7.6 4 - 6 0 0.0 54 36.5 54 15.2 7 - 9 10 4.8 52 35.1 62 17.4 10-12 30 14.4 13 8.8 43 12.1 13-15 39 18.8 2 1.4 41 11.5 16+ 129 62.0 0 0.0 129 36.2

N 208 148 356 Mean 18.0 6.1 13.1

Median 18.0 6.0 12.0 Max 27.0 14.0 27.0 Min 8.0 1.0 1.0 Std. 5.3 2.7 7.4

*: 27 medical specialties (internal medicine, pediatrics, neuroscience, neuropsychiatry, dermatology, surgery, thoracic surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, obstetrics, ophthalmology, ENT (ear nose and throat), urology, tuberculosis, rehabilitation medicine, anesthesiology, diagnostic radiology, treatment radiology, clinical pathology, anatomical pathology, family medicine, nuclear medicine, Emergency medicine, occupational and environmental medicine, dentistry, and preventive medicine).

Page 73: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


In addition in general hospitals and small hospitals, the minimum number of specialties

is determined by the number of beds. This is because Korea defines ‘general hospital’ as

medical facilities providing health care services with more than 100 beds and more than

7 specialties. Among those must be three of internal medicine, surgery, OBGN,

pediatrics, and the hospitals must also include imaging medicine, anesthesiology, and

laboratory medicine or pathology. In addition, the general hospitals must have at least 9

specialties if they have more than 300 beds. Korea defines ‘hospital’ (“small hospital” in

this paper) as medical facilities providing health care with more than 30 beds. Thus,

there is a high correlation among bed size, hospital type, and the number of specialties.

In order to reduce the multicollinearity introduced by these relationships, this study

excluded number of beds and hospital types (general hospitals or small hospital) from

the model. Information regarding the hospitals’ specialties was obtained from the

KHA’s website (

Environmental complexity: This study defined environmental complexity as

complexity of environmental components influencing a focal hospital, such as diverse

healthcare providers, following Cannon and his colleagues’ perspective.113 It was

measured as: 1) the number of hospitals in a given geographic area, 2) true competitor

status based on a difference of the number of beds between any two hospitals. If the

difference between any two hospitals was less than 50 beds, this study counted both

hospitals as true competitors of each other in a given area, and 3) the Herfindahl-

Hirschman Index (HHI) (Table 10).114

Information on the number of beds in hospitals was obtained from the HIRA website

( This information was not used

Page 74: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


directly in the study, but indirectly used for calculating HHI and identifying true

competitors and standardizing IT staff specialization. In case of environmental factors

such as number of hospitals within a local area, this study used local addresses to

determine locality.

Table 10. Measures of environmental complexity Construct Description Scale Hypothesis

Environmental Complexity 1 No. of hospital in a given area Numeric

HA3, HA5 HU3, HU5 HI3, HI5

Environmental Complexity 2 Existence of True competitor

Binary (1: true competitor, 0: no true competitor) (|d|=(bedi-bedj) bedi: bed size of hospital i if |d| <= 50 then hospitals i, j will be counted as 1; Else both i&j are counted as 0)

HA3, HA5 HU3, HU5 HI3, HI5

Environmental Complexity 3 Market competition

Numeric number



ii tbedbed



n: the number of hospitals in a local area bedi: bed size of hospital i tbed: total bed in a local area

HA3, HA5 HU3, HU5 HI3, HI5

¹ The Hirschman- Herfindahl Index (HHI) measuring market competitions * All information came from other source (but not the survey)

3.6. Statistical data analysis

Study variables and their associations with EHR adoption, use, and interoperability are

first cross-tabulated and then tested one at a time using t-test of the mean difference or

non-parametric method, such as Wilcoxon’s rank sum test. Overall, this study uses

Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), an extension of the Generalized Linear Model

(GLM),115 and General Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) to examine the proposed


Two things critically affect why this study chooses GEE and GLMM. First, this study

has a hierarchical (multi-level) or cluster correlated data. Each hospital is nested within

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an environment (or a local area). For example, the environmental variables of the

hospitals within a local area have the same values, such as number of hospitals

(environmental complexity measure). Since they can equally affect other hospital

constructs within the same local area, this kind of dataset inevitably causes a correlation

issue within the same cluster and, thus, needs different statistical approaches. Second,

this study has three outcome variables with two different scales of outcome measures:

one (the use of EHR) is numeric values and the two others (adoption and

interoperability) are a binary value. GEE and GLMM can resolve issues caused by both

the correlation concern and the two scales of outcome variables.

The method of GEE is indeed frequently used to analyze correlated datasets having

hierarchical, nested, or longitudinal data structure, especially if response variables are on

a binary scale.116 GLMM is a general statistical approach dealing with the correlation

issue arising in a hierarchical data structure, especially if the scale of the outcome

variables is numeric.117 The next section discusses specific statistical considerations for

the data analysis of two different outcome variables.

Finally, there are several reasons that this study uses GEE and GLMM, but not Survival

Analysis or Path Analysis, as the final analytical methods. This study uses retrospective

cross sectional survey data and, thus, it does not fit well in Survival Analysis which

requires a longitudinal data structure. Some variables of this study have longitudinal data

structure, but the majority of the variables are measured in a cross-sectional fashion.

Path Analysis can be another alternative for the final data analysis because it is a kind of

extension of regression analysis.118 However, this study adopts a regression model

because this study uses several binary variables in a hospital’s general characteristics

Page 76: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


and hierarchical data structure, which is described in the following paragraph. Path

analysis does not resolve these issues yet.

3.6.1. Binary outcome variables: EHR adoption and interoperability

There are also two different analytical approaches when we have a correlated dataset

such as cluster, hierarchical, or longitudinal structure and its outcome variable is binary:

marginal-effect models and random-effect models.119, 120 The former method uses GEE.

It is sometimes called population-averaged models.121 This can be achieved using the

GENMOD procedure with a logistic link function and the repeated-statement in SAS.

The latter one, random-effects models, is called generalized linear mixed models or

multilevel models119 and can be analyzed using the NLMIXED procedure with random

statement in SAS. Both are appropriate analytical methods for this study because they

deal with correlation issues arising from environmental factors in this study and binary

outcome variables.

The following describes how marginal-effect models and random-effect models differ

and why this study chooses marginal-effect models using GEE. Suppose Yij has only

two possibilities (Yij = 1: EHR adoption, Yij = 0: no EHR adoption) and Xij is a design

matrix of hospital covariates with 1xK vector and β0, β1 are intercept and Kx1 vectors of

estimates of covariates where the j-th hospital is located at the i-th environment (i=1 to n,

j=1 to m). Thus, the expected EHR adoption rate equals pij=P(Yij=1). A marginal logistic

regression model is formulated120 by:

Logit(pij) = β0 + β1Xij, Var(Yij) =pij(1- pij), where Corr(Yij, Xik) = α

α: a constant or a working correlation matrix

Page 77: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


In this model we assume that any correlation between two hospitals from the same

environment is identical and any correlation between two hospitals located in different

environments is considered independent because of clustered correlated

characteristics.120 Thus, we need to adjust for the correlation between hospitals from the

same environments. By specifying a correlation structure, the model reflects the non-

independence of observations.115 This means that a group effect is not explicitly

expressed in the model, but the correlation of the measurements is explained through a

covariance matrix.121 The interpretation of the regression coefficients is affected by the

actual averages of the observation effects of the variables across the environments. 120

In contrast, a random effect model assumes that heterogeneity exists across the cluster

which in this case is environment. A random effect model is expressed120 by:

Logit(P(Yij = 1) | ui) =β0 + β1 Xij + ui, with ui ~ N(0, σ²).

This model explicitly models heterogeneity with the subject specific environmental

probability.121 By introducing a random effect term, ui where the variance σ² measures

the degree of heterogeneity in the probability of EHR adoption, and the model can get

the regression coefficient adjusting for the correlation from environments.120 Thus,

marginal model differs from random-effect model, but they reflect the correlation issues

into the model in a different way.

This study chooses marginal-effect models using GEE for several reasons. First, the

focus of this study is to predict and use the average odds ratios of the two hospital

groups, adopting and not adopting an EHR system and having and not having EHR

interoperability, but not the individual hospital’s odds ratios. Second, explicitly

Page 78: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


accounting heterogeneity from environment subject to subject is not the chief interest of

this study. This study only needs to adjust for the correlation between hospitals within

the same local area to investigate the relationship between outcome variable and

proposed constructs. In both cases, the marginal-effect model using GEE is

recommended over the random-effect model in literature,121,115 and, thus, this study

selects the marginal-effect model. The interpretation of the regression coefficient of a

marginal effect model is analogous to the standard logistic regression.

3.6.2. Numeric outcome variable: EHR use

With respect to the use of EHR outcome variables, this study used a GLMM and the

specific method of analysis was as follows.

Model explanation: this study has a nested data structure. Hospitals are nested within

each environment. Hospitals within the same environment may be correlated to each

other. General Linear Mixed Model (GLMM), with fixed effects and random effects in

the same model, takes into account the variance-covariance structure to produce more

efficient coefficient estimates. A simple linear regression model is:

Yij = α0+α1*Xij+εij ………. (E1)

Yij represents the outcome variable for the j-th hospital within the i-th environment, α0 is

the intercept, α1 is a vector of fixed effects with design matrix Xij, and εij is an unknown

random error. The GLMM extends the simple model to a model with a random effect

Page 79: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


parameter specific to environment and an unknown random error. The mathematical

notation of GLMM is:

Yij = α0+α1*Xij+βi+εij ……(E2)

The model shows the fixed effect component α1Xij (contribution of independent

variables to the variation of dependent variables) and the random effects component βi (a

correlation among outcomes within environment). According to GLMM, βi ~ N (0,

σenvir.²) and εij ~ N (0, σe²), Var (Yik) = σenvir.²+σe² and Cov (Yij, Yik) = σenvir². Thus, Corr

(Yij, Yik) = σenvir.²/ (σenvir.² +σe²), which is constant. This means that the variance of any

hospital within an environment (local area) is equal to σenvir.² +σe², and the covariance of

any two hospitals within an environment (or local area) is equal to σenvir.². This

corresponds to a model with compound symmetry (or exchangeable) variance-

covariance structure in a general linear model (GLM).

Main Effect of task, structure, and environment: the main effects of task, structure,

and environment on the use of EHR were examined without any interaction terms. To

determine whether the environment affects the use of EHR, this study tested whether

there is a random intercept effect in the model.

Full model: Yij = α0+α1*X1+α2*X2+α3*X3+α4*X4+βi+εij ……....(E3)

Reduced model: Yij = α0+α1*X1+α2*X2+α3*X3+α4*X4+εij …….(E4)

Where i=environment (local area) and j = hospital within each local area.

ijY =the use of EHR (or interoperability) of hospital j at local area i,

X1= the vector of task variables

X2= the vector of structural variables

X3= the vector of environment characteristics

Page 80: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


X4= the other hospital covariates (e.g., bed)

βi = environment-specific random intercept for environment i

εij = random error term for hospital j in environment i

According to statistical theroy, βi ~ N (0, σenvir.²), εij ~ N (0, σe²), and if what we are

testing is a hypothesis: H0: σenvir.² = 0 versus Ha: σenvir.² > 0. If σenvir.² = 0 after testing

likelihood ratio test, then βi is constant. This means that we need a reduced model (E4).

If not, we need a random effect model (E3).

Analysis of any interaction effects: to see the interaction effects between each

construct and the use of EHR, this study included an interaction term into the model

with the main variable. For example, with respect to HU4, the interaction terms between

task and four structural variables were added to the model:

(1) If there is no environmental random effect, then the equation would be:

Yij =α0+α1*X1+α2*X2+α3*X3+α4*X4+α5*X1*X2+εij ………….(E5)

(2) If there is significant environmental random effect, then the equation would be:

Yij = α0+ α1*X1+α2*X2+α3*X3+ α4*X4+ α5*X1*X2+βi+εij …...(E6)

In the model, α5*X1*X2 represents the interaction terms between task and four structural

variables. Although there are significant main effects for task and any of the structural

variables, the interaction between task and each of the structural variables was tested in

the model.

Page 81: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


3.6.3. Handling multicollinearity issue

A multicollinearity issue occurs when the model incorporates highly correlated

independent variables. This issue leads to an increased variance of parameter estimates,

which reduces the significance of individual independent variables. This occurs even

though the overall model’s p-value is very low. Thus, it would result in a biased estimate

of the regression coefficient without resolving multicollinearity issues. For those reasons,

this study examined the correlation between independent variables before fitting them

into the model. If some variables are highly correlated to each other (r>0.6), then this

study eliminated one of those variables.

3.6.4. Procedures for any interaction terms of regression model

Several scholars on statistics and related studies have recommended mean centering

when researchers have any interaction terms of numeric variables in the regression

models.122,123 Mean centering means subtracting the mean of a variable of a study

subject from all observations of the variable and using the subtracted value in the

regression model. There are two main reasons for recommending this procedure.

First, including two variables with multiplication into the model may cause multi-

collinearly issues. Researchers may avoid this issue by using mean centering in the

model. Second, logical and easy interpretation of the regression coefficient of the

interaction term is available because researchers can assume appropriate levels of

boundary of the mean centered variable. Thus, this study will use mean centered values

only if the proposed model has any interaction terms.

Page 82: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


For the visual representation of any interaction terms of the proposed models using

graphs, this study used SAS (version 9.2) and the website of Academic Technology

Services at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA).124 This study

downloaded their initial SAS codes on visualizing interactions and modified those codes

for this study’s purpose.

3.7. Reliability test on survey instruments

This study used two important constructs that were subjectively measured:

decentralization of decision-making and organization structure. The former was

measured using four questions which were asked both before and after EHR adoption.

The latter was measured by seven questions asked only after EHR adoption. This study

looked at the reliability of those variables using the Cronbach’s alpha. The Cronbach's

alpha measures the internal consistency of reliability, which is how well a group of

independent variables measures a construct.125 The Cronbach’s alpha of the constructs

measuring decentralization of decision-making in the past and present were 0.870 and

0.861 respectively. The Cronbach’s alpha for organizational structure was 0.716 (Table


Table 11. Reliability of subjective survey questions Constructs Initial no. of

items Final no. of

items Cronbach’s

alpha Decentralization of decision-making (past)¹ 4 4 0.873 Decentralization of decision-making (current) 4 4 0.847 Organizational structure 7 7 0.718

¹ Only asked to the hospitals adopting EHR systems

The recommended level of Cronbach’s alpha differs between scholars, but Nunnally sets

forth the recommended level as 0.7 in the case of preliminary research.126 Kwon, citing

Page 83: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Van de Ven and Ferry (1980), noted that having more than 0.6 of Cronbach’s alpha

would be enough in a case of exploratory research or if the unit of analysis is not the

individual, but the organization (Kwon, 2003). This study is exploratory study and the

unit of analysis is organization. Thus, this study argues that Cronbach’s alpha is high

enough for this study, and included all questions in the analysis.

3.8. Correlation analysis among the variables

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of hospitals’ internal features, such

as task, structure, and environmental factors on EHR adoption, use, and interoperability.

To analyze the relationship using multivariate regression, the relationship among

predictor variables should be independent because some dependent relationships result

in multicollinearity, which affects significance and interpretation of the regression

coefficients. In order to prevent this problem, this study investigated the relationship

among independent variables and excluded the variables that had high correlation and

were less important from the model.

Table 12 shows the Spearman’s correlation among dependent and independent variables.

Compared to the Pearson’s correlation, measuring the linear relationship between two

variables when the variables have an equal-appearing intervals scale, Spearman’s

correlation is calculated based on using non-parametric methods of association.127 This

study used Spearman’s correlation to check multicollinearity issues among the variables

because some of the variables in general characteristics were measured with a binary

scale and the distribution of some variables could not be assumed as normality. Among

Page 84: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


the variable, HHI was highly negatively correlated with the number of hospitals within a

local area (r=-88). Bed size was also highly correlated with the number of medical

specialties. Thus, this study excluded these variables from the final regression model.

Table 12. Correlations between variables of all study hospitals Spearman Correlation Coefficients, N = 352

Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 Adoptio

n Bed Foundati

on Multihos

pital Contract Urban Medical



IT infrastru


Organic structure

True competit


Hospital withinarea


Adoption 1.00

Bed 0.11 1.00 0.05

Foundation 0.06 -0.51 1.00 0.30 <.0001

Multihospital System

0.04 0.28 -0.48 1.00 0.47 <.0001 <.0001

Contract for Group purchasing

0.15 0.10 -0.06 0.19 1.00 0.01 0.06 0.24 0.00

Urban (vs. Rural)

0.08 0.05 0.07 -0.04 -0.01 1.00 0.12 0.39 0.18 0.46 0.81

Medical Specialty 0.12 0.85 -0.53 0.27 0.13 0.07 1.00 0.03 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.01 0.20

Decentralization 0.13 0.15 -0.04 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.19 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.45 0.33 0.60 0.21 0.00

Specialization 0.01 -0.13 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.25 1.00 0.92 0.02 0.86 1.00 0.35 0.00 0.35 <.0001

IT infrastructure 0.45 0.38 -0.27 0.14 0.22 0.01 0.42 0.03 -0.05 1.00 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.01 <.0001 0.85 <.0001 0.63 0.35

Organic structure 0.18 -0.07 0.12 0.04 0.04 -0.04 -0.10 0.01 0.00 0.01 1.00 0.00 0.18 0.03 0.49 0.45 0.43 0.05 0.88 0.99 0.83

True competitor -0.04 -0.55 0.38 -0.20 -0.12 0.04 -0.45 -0.07 0.06 -0.16 0.08 1.00 0.47 <.0001 <.0001 0.00 0.03 0.46 <.0001 0.19 0.29 0.00 0.16

Hospitals within Local area

0.10 0.03 0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.15 0.02 0.05 0.19 0.06 -0.01 0.30 1.000.07 0.62 0.17 0.20 0.18 0.01 0.67 0.37 0.00 0.24 0.82 <.0001

HHI -0.04 0.04 -0.11 0.12 -0.05 -0.06 0.06 0.02 -0.06 -0.06 -0.03 -0.40 -0.88 1.000.41 0.41 0.04 0.03 0.38 0.27 0.24 0.67 0.25 0.28 0.57 <.0001 <.0001

Table 13 shows the relationship among EHR use, EHR interoperability, and other

variables. With respect to the analysis of EHR use and interoperability, this study only

selected hospitals that adopted an EHR system and checked correlation among the

variables. There were 158 hospitals with an EHR system. The HHI still had high

correlation with the number of hospitals within a local area (r=-0.85) and, thus, this

study excluded this variable from the regression analysis, but included the number of

hospitals within a local area.

Page 85: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Table 13. Correlations between variables of hospitals only having EHR adoption Spearman Correlation Coefficients, N = 158

Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 USE Interope

rability Foundati

on Multihospital sys.

Contract Urban Specialty Decentralization


IT Infrastru


Organic Structur


True Competit





EHR USE 1.00

Interoperability 0.18 1.00 0.02

Foundation -0.02 -0.12 1.00 0.78 0.14

Multihospital System

0.22 0.09 -0.55 1.00 0.00 0.29 <.0001

Contracts 0.19 0.20 0.02 0.18 1.00 0.02 0.01 0.83 0.03

Urban (vs Rural)

-0.02 0.03 0.03 -0.03 -0.10 1.00 0.83 0.69 0.74 0.76 0.22

Specialty (task Complexity)

0.13 0.27 -0.57 0.41 0.20 0.04 1.00 0.10 0.00 <.0001 <.0001 0.01 0.62


0.00 0.06 -0.14 0.09 0.04 0.03 0.32 1.00 0.98 0.43 0.08 0.28 0.66 0.68 <.0001

Specialization 0.03 0.13 -0.11 0.15 0.05 0.08 0.15 0.28 1.00 0.72 0.10 0.15 0.06 0.57 0.32 0.06 0.00

Infrastructure 0.09 0.01 -0.14 0.20 0.07 -0.10 0.11 -0.08 -0.05 1.00 0.24 0.88 0.08 0.01 0.35 0.20 0.18 0.35 0.55

Organic structure

0.00 0.04 0.15 -0.02 -0.04 -0.07 -0.10 -0.13 -0.06 -0.01 1.00 0.95 0.63 0.06 0.76 0.61 0.41 0.20 0.12 0.43 0.91

True competitor

-0.07 -0.16 0.42 -0.23 -0.07 0.01 -0.56 -0.10 0.02 -0.08 0.07 1.00 0.39 0.05 <.0001 0.00 0.37 0.89 <.0001 0.22 0.77 0.31 0.35

Hospitals within Local area

0.02 -0.02 0.17 -0.07 0.04 0.09 -0.10 0.11 0.19 -0.08 -0.07 0.28 1.000.84 0.77 0.03 0.40 0.61 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.02 0.29 0.41 0.00

HHI 0.02 0.06 -0.24 0.14 -0.02 0.01 0.21 -0.02 -0.01 0.06 -0.04 -0.42 -0.85 1.000.82 0.46 0.00 0.08 0.78 0.87 0.01 0.78 0.88 0.45 0.59 <.0001 <.0001

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4.1. General characteristics of study hospitals

Table 14 shows the general characteristics of the study hospitals. A total of 356 hospitals

responded to the survey, which was a 33.5 percent response rate from the 1,063 total

hospitals. Four hospitals were excluded from the analysis because they adopted an EHR

system at the time of their establishment and this study needed information on hospital

status before adopting an EHR system. Thus, a total of 352 hospitals were analyzed for

this study.

Table 14. Basic characteristics of study hospitals Basic characteristics All hospitals

Study hospitals analyzed 352.0 Response rate (%) ¹ 33.5 % of private hospitals 40.6 % of multihospital systems 46.6 % of contract for patient delivery or group purchasing 83.2 % of urban location 88.4 State location

01STATE (Seoul) 19.0 02STATE (Busan) 8.5 03STATE (Daegu) 5.4 04STATE (Daejeon) 1.7 05STATE (Ulsan) 3.1 06STATE (Gwangju) 5.1 07STATE (Incheon) 3.1 08STATE (Gyeonggi-do) 11.7 09STATE (Gangwon-do) 4.8 10STATE (Gyeongsangnam-do) 9.7 11STATE (Gyeongsangbuk-do) 5.4 12STATE (Chungcheongnam-do) 4.6 13STATE (Chungcheonbuk-do) 3.1 14STATE (Jeollanam-do) 8.2 15STATE (Jeollabuk-do) 4.8 16STATE (Jeju-do) 1.7

¹Total hospital population=1,063, responding hospitals=356. This study excluded 4 cases having an EHR system with their establishment.

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There were 143 private-individual hospitals (40.6%) and 164 hospitals (46.6%)

maintaining a multi-hospital system. Eighty-three percent of the study subjects had

contracts with other hospitals for group purchasing and patient delivery. Nineteen

percent (67) and 11.7 percent (41) of study hospitals were located in Seoul and

Gyeonggi-do province, respectively.

4.2. EHR adoption

4.2.1. Hospital characteristics by EHR adoption

This section describes the general characteristics and structural features by an EHR

adoption status (Table 15). Forty-five percent of the study hospitals (158) reported

adopting an EHR system. Hospitals reporting the contract with other hospitals for patient

delivery and group purchasing had higher EHR adoption rates than hospitals without any

contracts (48.1% vs. 28.8%, p=0.0065). When defining urban and rural area based on

metropolitan cities, EHR adoption rate was higher in hospitals located in urban areas

than hospitals in rural areas (47.8% vs. 26.8%, p=0.0134).

Table 15. Basic characteristics of study hospitals by EHR adoption status Basic characteristics Adopting EHR

system Not adopting

EHR N p-value ¹

% of an EHR system adoption status 44.9 55.1 352(100.0) -

Foundation Private 48.3 51.7 143 (100.0)

0.2937 Public 42.6 57.4 209 (100.0)

Multihospital systems Yes 47.0 53.1 164 (100.0)

0.4669 No 43.1 56.9 188 (100.0) Contract for group purchasing

Yes 48.1 51.9 293 (100.0) 0.0065 No 28.8 71.2 59 (100.0)

Location Urban 47.3 52.7 311 (100.0) 0.0134 Rural 26.8 73.2 41 (100.0)

¹ Chi-square test

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Table 16 presents hospitals’ internal features by EHR adoption status. Task complexity

of hospitals was significantly related to EHR system adoption (p=0.0293). The table also

shows the CIO or IT manager’s participation in decision-making by EHR adoption

status. This CIO or IT manager’s participation in decision-making was measured with a

five-point Likert scale; a higher number means that IT managers participate more

actively in the hospital’s overall decision-making processes. Hereafter it will be labeled

a de-centralized decision-making system when IT managers do actively participate and a

centralized decision-making system when they do not. The average score of four

measures of decentralization of decision-making in hospitals with an EHR system before

they adopted the system was significantly higher than those of hospitals who have not

adopted an EHR system, 3.20 and 2.91, respectively (p=0.0137). The score was

significantly higher for hiring (p=0.0330) and promotion (p=0.0030) for hospitals that

have adopted an EHR system.

Table 16. Hospital’s internal features by EHR adoption status Basic characteristics Adopting

EHR systemNot adopting

EHR N (%) p-value†

Total 158 194 352 - Task # of medical specialties¹ 13.12 11.62 352 0.0293


Decision making (average) 3.20 2.91 352 0.0137 Hiring 2.99 2.63 352 0.0330 Promotion 2.72 2.22 352 0.0034 Program 3.93 3.87 352 0.2456 Policy 3.15 2.93 352 0.1611

IT staff specialization³ 1.69 1.56 352 0.9157 IT infra-structure 7.87 6.45 352 <0.0001 Organic structure 2.74 2.48 352 0.0009


Having true competitors Yes 43.22 56.78 199 (100.0) 0.4724 No 47.06 52.94 153 (100.0)

HHI score 0.30 0.32 352 0.4128 # of hospitals within the area 8.83 7.64 352 0.0712

¹ # of the medical specialties adjusting for the type of hospitals and bed size (see, research method section) ² A 10-standards item used (yes: if there is at least one standardized IT item, no: otherwise) ³ Standardized using bed size: the number of IT staff/bed*100 † p-value of Wilcoxon’s Rank Sum test or chi-square test

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The number of IT infrastructure items was significantly higher in hospitals with an EHR

system (7.87) than in hospitals without an EHR system (6.45) (p<0.0001). This study

also examined whether hospitals with an organic management structure were more likely

to adopt EHR systems following Burns and Stalker’s definition (1961). Their arguments

were strongly supported in this case. Organic structure was measured on a Likert scale

with most mechanical (least organic) structure having a value of 1 and the most organic

structure having a value of 5. Thus, a high number means that the hospital had a more

organic structure. The average scores of hospitals with an EHR system were

significantly more organic (2.74) than those without an EHR system (2.48) (p=0.0009).

The average number of hospitals within the local area of hospitals with an EHR system

was marginally higher than those of hospitals without an EHR system, which were 8.83

and 7.64 respectively (p=0.0712).

4.2.2. EHR adoption and task complexity

This section describes the results of the logistic regression analyzing the relationship

between task complexity and EHR system adoption before (Model 1) and after (Model

2) controlling for hospital covariates.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HA1: Hospitals with high task complexity were more likely to adopt an EHR system.

For a 1-unit increase in task complexity measured by the number of medical specialties,

the odds of EHR adoption were estimated to increase by a multiplicative factor of 1.062

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after controlling for hospital covariates. Among hospital covariates, hospitals with

private foundation (versus public) and with contracts for patient delivery, group

purchasing (versus not having any contract) were significantly more likely to have

higher odds of adopting an EHR system (Table 17).

Table 17. Impact of task complexity on EHR adoption

Independent variables Model 1 (Odds ratio)

Model 2 (Odds ratio)

Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 2.261* Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 1.320 Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 2.181* Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.284 Task Complexity (# of specialties) 1.036* 1.062*

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005

4.2.3. EHR adoption and hospital structure

This section describes the results of the relationship between EHR adoption and hospital

structure before (Model 1) and after (Model 2) controlling for hospital covariates.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HA2: Hospitals with decentralized decision making, high IT staff specialization, high

IT infrastructure, and an organic managerial structure were more likely to adopt an

EHR system.

A one-unit increase in IT infrastructural items leads to an increase by a factor of 3.123 in

the odds of adopting an EHR system after controlling hospital covariates. The predicted

odds of adopting an EHR system increase to 1.717 times multiplicatively for a 1-unit

increase in the score of hospital organic form (Table 18).

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Table 18. Impact of hospital structure on EHR adoption Independent variables Model 1

(Odds ratio) Model 2

(Odds ratio) Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 2.258** Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 1.168 Contracts with other hospitals (ref=no) 1.494 Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.347

Structure before EHR adoption

Decentralization of decision-making system 1.259* 1.242 IT staff specialization 1.078 1.039 IT infra-structure 2.901* 3.123* Organic structure 1.871** 1.717**

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005

4.2.4. EHR adoption and environment

This section investigates the relationship between EHR adoption and environmental

complexity before (Model 1) and after (Model 2) controlling for hospital covariates

(Table 19). This study selected three variables representing environmental complexities:

HHI, true competitor, and the number of hospitals within the local area. However, as

mentioned in the research method section, there was a high correlation between HHI and

the number of hospitals within a local area so the model only includes the number of

hospitals within the local area. In order to define the local area, this study used

administrative district which is equivalent to counties in the United States.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HA3: Hospitals with high environmental complexity were more likely to adopt an EHR


Environmental complexity significantly impacted EHR adoption before and after

controlling for hospital covariates. After controlling for hospital covariates, the odds of

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EHR adoption were estimated to be increased by 4.0% for a unit increase in the number

of hospitals within a local area.

Table 19. Impact of environmental complexity on EHR adoption

Independent variables Model 1 (Odds Ratio)

Model 2 (Odds Ratio)

Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 1.419 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 1.348 Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 2.360* Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.376* Environmental complexity (All hosp. within the local area) 1.040* 1.040**

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005 4.2.5. EHR adoption, task, structure, and environment

Traditional contingency theory argues that organizations that have more complex tasks

are more likely to decentralize their decision-making systems. If this argument is true,

then there should be a relationship between EHR adoption and the four constructs of the

hospital structure measure. This study examined if these kinds of arguments are

supported in hospitals adopting EHRs by testing the following two hypotheses.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HA4: The relationship between task complexity and an EHR system adoption were

dependent on hospital structure.

HA5: The relationship between hospital structure and an EHR system adoption were

dependent on environmental complexity.

Table 20 presents the results of analyses investigating whether hospital structural factors

work as moderators between task complexity and EHR adoption and between

environmental complexity and EHR adoption. The results show that hospital structural

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factors had no significant moderating effect between environmental complexity and

EHR adoption, but did have some significant effects between task complexity and an

EHR system adoption.

Table 20. Impact of a hospital’s internal features on EHR adoption Independent variables Odds ratio

Intercept 0.230** Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 2.356** Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 1.117 Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 1.443 Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.232 Task complexity # of specialties 1.026

Structure before EHR adoption

Decentralization 1.199 IT staff Specialization 1.132 IT infra-structure 2.820* Organic structure 1.656**

Envir. Complexity All hosp. within area 1.059 Task complexity*Structure

Task*Decentralization 1.059** Task*IT staff Specialization 1.010 Task*IT infrastructure 0.952* Task*Organic structure 1.010

Environmental complexity*Structure All hosp. within area*Decentralization 1.014 All hosp. within area*Specialization 0.993 All hosp. within area*IT infrastructure 0.960 All hosp. within area*Organic structure 0.984

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005, Note: all numeric values were analyzed using mean centered predictors For the interaction effect between task complexity measured by the number of medical

specialties in a hospital and decentralization of decision-making score of IT managers or

CIOs, the impact of task complexity on the odds of adopting an EHR system critically

relies on decentralization of decision-making system. The logistic regression models the

log odds of a response (a probability of an event versus non-event) as a linear

combination of the predictors.128

Using this linear relationship, Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the association among task

complexity, decentralization of decision-making score, and the log odds of adopting an

EHR system. Under a highly decentralized decision-making system, which is the right

Page 94: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


side of its mean centering points (X2=0), the log odds of adopting an EHR system

increase as task complexity increases (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Task complexity, decision-making structure, EHR adoptions 1

Figure 8. Task complexity, decision-making structure, EHR adoptions 2

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However, under a highly centralized decision-making system which is moving to the

right side from its mean centering points (X2=0), the log odds of adopting an EHR

system decrease when task complexity increases (Figure 8).

With respect to the interaction effect between task complexity and IT infrastructure, the

impact of task complexity on the odds of adopting an EHR system is dependent on the

level of IT infrastructure. When we observe a moving direction from its mean centering

points (X2=0), the log odds of adopting an EHR system in hospitals decreases as task

complexity increases under a high level of IT infrastructure which is above the average

of the group (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Task complexity, IT infrastructure, EHR adoptions 1

However, compared to this direction, the log odds of the adoption of an EHR system

slightly increases as task complexity increases under a lower level of IT infrastructure

which is below the average of the group (Figure 10).

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Figure 10. Task complexity, IT infrastructure, EHR adoptions 2

4.3. EHR use

This section investigates the relationships among a hospital’s internal characteristics,

such as task, structure, and environment, and EHR use using relevant statistical methods.

4.3.1. Hospital characteristics by EHR use

There were 158 hospitals that adopted an EHR system among the 352 hospitals that

responded to the survey. Hospitals maintaining multihospital systems and that have a

contract with other hospitals were using more EHR functions than single hospitals

without any contract (5.69 versus 4.95, p=0.0052; 5.43 versus 4.29, p=0.0162) (Table


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Table 21. Characteristics of hospitals adopting an EHR system by EHR use Basic characteristics EHR use p-value¹

N 158

Foundation Private 5.25 0.7754 Public 5.36

Multihospital systems Yes 5.69 0.0052 No 4.95

Contract for patient delivery Yes 5.43

0.0162 No 4.29

Location Urban 5.29 0.7032 Rural 5.59 ¹ p-value of Wilcoxon’s Rank Sum test, but Kruskal-Wallis Test used for bed size

4.3.2. EHR use and task complexity

This study investigated the impacts of task complexity on EHR use before (Model 1)

and after (Model 2) controlling for a hospital’s general characteristics.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HU1: Hospitals with high task complexity were more likely to use an EHR system.

The result showed that task complexity did not have any significant effect on EHR use

(Table 22). Hospitals maintaining a multihospital system had one more EHR function

than the single hospital groups.

Table 22. Impact of task complexity on EHR use

Independent variables Model 1 (Beta¹)

Model 2 (Beta)

Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 0.347 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.795* Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 0.889 Location (urban) (ref=rural) 0.217 Task Complexity (# of specialties) 0.021 0.006

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005, ¹ Beta stands for regression coefficient

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4.3.3. EHR use and structure

This section investigates the relationship between EHR use and the four factors for

hospital structure: (1) de-centralization of decision-making of the IT department on

hospital operations such as hiring, promotion, changing programs, and policies, (2) IT

staff specialization, (3) IT infrastructure, and (4) organic structural form.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HU2: Hospitals with decentralized decision making, high IT staff specialization, high

IT infrastructure, and an organic managerial structure were more likely to use an EHR


Table 23 shows the results from this study’s investigation of the impact of hospital

structure on EHR use before (Model 1) and after (Model 2) controlling for hospital

covariates. None of the structural factors was statistically associated with EHR use.

Compared to the hospitals without any contracts and not maintaining a multi-hospital

system, hospitals with the contract and any affiliation had approximately 1 more EHR

functionality, after controlling hospital characteristics.

Table 23. Impact of hospital structure on EHR use Independent variables

Model 1 (Beta¹)

Model 2 (Beta)

Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 0.338 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.773* Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 0.893† Location (urban) (ref=rural) 0.235

Structure before EHR adoption

Dec. decision-making 0.011 -0.001 IT staff specialization 0.066 0.034 IT infrastructure 0.153 0.115 Organic structure -0.182 -0.194

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005, ¹ Beta stands for regression coefficient. †: p=0.0502

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4.3.4. EHR use and environment

This section describes the impact of environmental complexity on EHR use before

(Model 1) and after (Model 2) controlling for hospital covariates.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HU3: Hospitals with high environmental complexity were more likely to use an EHR system.

Table 24 shows that environmental complexity was not related to EHR use as measured

by the number of EHR functionalities. Hospitals affiliated or having contracts had more

EHR functions than their counter parts.

Table 24. Impact of environmental complexity on EHR use Independent variables

Model 1 (Beta¹)

Model 2 (Beta)

Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 0.347 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.811* Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 0.939* Location (urban) (ref=rural) 0.239 Environmental complexity (All hosp. within area) -0.007 -0.016

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005, ¹ Beta stands for regression coefficient. Note: the square root of beds used in this model.

4.3.5. EHR use, task, structure, and environment

Table 25 presents the results of analyses investigating whether hospital structural factors

work as moderators between task complexity and EHR use and between environmental

complexity and EHR use.

Page 100: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Hypothesis Addressed:

HU4: The relationship between task complexity and the use of EHR would be

dependent on hospital structure.

HU5: The relationship between structure and EHR use be dependent on environmental


There were not any interaction effects between task complexity and hospital structural

features or between task complexity and environmental complexity. Affiliation status

and contract status were still significant predictors of EHR use.

Table 25. Impact of a hospital’s internal features on EHR use Independent variables Beta

Intercept 3.644 Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 0.411 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.829* Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 0.897† Location (urban) (ref=rural) 0.320 Task complexity # of specialties 0.011

Structure before EHR adoption

Decentralization -0.021 IT staff Specialization -0.006 IT infrastructure -0.203 Organic structure 0.224

Envir. Complexity All hosp. within area -0.025 Task complexity*Structure

Task*Decentralization -0.009 Task*Specialization -0.013 Task*IT infrastructure 0.015 Task*Organic structure 0.055

Environmental complexity*Structure All hosp. within area*Decentralization 0.024 All hosp. within area*Specialization -0.001 All hosp. within area*IT infrastructure 0.029 All hosp. within area*Organic structure 0.032

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005, ¹ Beta stands for regression coefficient. †: p=0.063 Note: all numeric values were analyzed using mean centered predictors. The square root of beds used in this model.

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4.4. Interoperability

This section reports the investigation of the relationships among hospitals’ internal

features and EHR interoperability using relevant statistical methods described in the

research methods section.

4.4.1. Hospital characteristics by EHR interoperability

Among 158 hospitals adopting an EHR system, thirty-two percent of hospitals (51/158)

reported that they have any kind of EHR interoperability, partially or fully implemented,

on 8 items on patients’ clinical information. Those hospitals reported that they had used

the following tools for patients’ clinical information exchange: e-mail with attached

document, internet access to patient records, patient card system such as IC card, health

information technology system to system, and others.

Table 26. Characteristics of hospitals adopting an EHR system by interoperability

Basic characteristics Hospitals

having EHR interoperability

Hospitals not having EHR

interoperabilityN p-value ¹

% by interoperability status 32.3 67.7 158 (100.0) -

Foundation Private 26.1 73.9 69 (100.0) 0.1427 Public 37.1 62.9 89 (100.0)

Multihospital systems Yes 36.4 63.6 77 (100.0) 0.2842 No 28.4 71.6 81 (100.0)

Contracts for patient delivery

Yes 35.5 64.5 141 (100.0) 0.0128 No 5.9 94.1 17 (100.0)

Location Urban 32.0 68.0 147 (100.0) 0.7475 Rural 36.4 63.6 11 (100.0)

¹ Chi-square test, but Fisher’s Exact Test is applied for contracts for patient delivery and location

Table 26 shows the relationship between EHR interoperability and a hospital’s general

characteristics. While thirty-five percent of hospitals with contracts for patient delivery

and group purchasing reported having EHR interoperability, only 5.9% of hospitals not

having the contract reported having EHR interoperability (p=0.0128).

Page 102: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Table 27 presents the results on hospital’s internal features by EHR interoperability

status. The number of medical specialties measuring task complexity was significantly

higher in hospitals with EHR interoperability than hospitals without EHR

interoperability (p=0.0006).

Table 27. Hospital’s internal features by EHR interoperability status Basic characteristics Having

InteroperabilityNot having

Interoperability N (%) p-value²

N 51 107 158 - Task # of medical specialties 15.59 11.94 158 0.0006


Decision making (average) 3.32 3.14 158 0.4298 Hiring 3.04 2.97 158 0.7818 Promotion 2.90 2.63 158 0.2790 Program 4.10 3.85 158 0.3018 Policy 3.25 3.09 158 0.5116

IT staff specialization¹ 1.62 1.73 158 0.0960 IT infrastructure 7.80 7.90 158 0.8879 Organic structure 2.80 2.71 158 0.6263

Environment HHI score 0.32 0.29 158 0.4581 # of hospitals within the area 8.92 8.65 158 0.7723

¹ Standardized using bed size: the number of IT staff/bed*100 ² p-value of Wilcoxon’s Rank Sum test or chi-square test

4.4.2. EHR interoperability and task complexity

Table 28 presents the impact of task complexity on EHR interoperability before (Model

1) and after (Model 2) controlling hospital characteristics.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HI1: Hospitals with high task complexity were more likely to have interoperability.

There was significant association between task complexity and the odds of having EHR

interoperability. The odds of having EHR interoperability increase by 8.8% for a 1-unit

increase in the number of medical specialties, after controlling for hospital covariates.

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Table 28. Impact of task complexity on EHR interoperability

Independent variables Model 1 (Odds ratio)

Model 2 (Odds ratio)

Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 1.033 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.854 Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 7.223 Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.210 Task Complexity (# of specialties) 1.092* 1.088*

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005

4.4.3. EHR interoperability and structure

Table 29 presents the impact of hospital structure on EHR interoperability before

(Model 1) and after (Model 2) controlling for a hospital’s general characteristics.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HI2: Hospitals with decentralized decision making, high IT specialization, high IT

infrastructure, and an organic managerial structure were more likely to have


After adjusting for hospital covariates, the odds of reporting EHR interoperability were

estimated to be increased by 48.4% for a 1-unit increase in the score representing

organic structural form though the increase was marginally significant.

Table 29. Impact of hospital structure on EHR interoperability Independent variables Model 1

(Odds ratio) Model 2

(Odds ratio) Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 0.481 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.879 Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 10.57* Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.252

Structure before EHR adoption

Dec. decision-making 1.136 1.098 IT staff specialization 0.968 0.967 IT infrastructure 0.846 0.799 Organic structure 1.295 1.484†

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005, † p=0.0557

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4.4.4. EHR interoperability and environment

This section investigates the relationship between EHR interoperability and

environmental complexity represented by two variables: existence of true competitors

and the number of hospitals within the local area (county district). Due to the high

correlation issue between HHI and the number of hospitals within a local area, this study

only used the latter variable in the model.

Hypothesis Addressed:

HI3: Hospitals with high environmental complexity were more likely to have


The study result demonstrates that environmental complexity has no significant impact

on EHR interoperability, either before or after controlling for hospital covariates (Table


Table 30. Impact of environmental complexity on EHR interoperability Independent variables Model 1

(Odds ratio) Model 2

(Odds ratio) Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 0.653 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.891 Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 9.460* Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.270 True competitor 0.491 0.603 Environment complexity (All hosp. within area) 1.008 1.002

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005

4.4.5. EHR interoperability, task, structure, and environment

This section reports the investigation of whether or not hospital structural factors work

as moderators between task complexity and EHR interoperability and between

environmental complexity and EHR interoperability.

Page 105: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Hypothesis Addressed:

HI4: The relationship between task complexity and interoperability would be

dependent on hospital structure.

HI5: The relationship between structure and interoperability would be dependent on

environmental complexity.

Table 31 presents the results of the regression analysis evaluating outcome variable as

the odds of having EHR interoperability in hospitals. Among the hospital structural

variables, task complexity, IT staff specialization, organic structural factors, and

environmental factors had direct or indirect effects on EHR interoperability.

Table 31. Impact of a hospital’s internal features on EHR interoperability Independent variables Odds ratio

Intercept 0.053 Foundation type (private) (ref=public) 0.959 Multi-hospital system (yes) (ref=no) 0.681 Contracts with other hospitals (group purchasing, etc.)(ref=no) 9.346 Location (urban) (ref=rural) 1.099 Task complexity # of specialties 1.116*

Structure before EHR adoption

Decentralization 0.951 IT Staff Specialization 1.003 IT infrastructure 1.580 Organic structure 1.049*

Envir. Complexity All hosp. within area 1.009 Task complexity*Structure

Task*Decentralization 0.982 Task*Specialization 1.103* Task*IT infrastructure 1.096 Task*Organic structure 0.947

Environmental complexity*Structure All hosp. within area*Decentralization 0.986 All hosp. within area*Specialization 1.037* All hosp. within area*IT infrastructure 1.041 All hosp. within area*Organic structure 1.023

* < 0.05, ** < 0.005 Note: all numeric values were analyzed using mean centered predictors

For the interaction effect between task complexity and IT staff specialization, the impact

of task complexity on the log odds of having EHR interoperability depends on IT staff

Page 106: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


specialization. The log odds of having EHR interoperability increases as task complexity

increases at a high level of IT staff specialization which is above the average of the

group (Figure 11). However, the log odds of having EHR interoperability decrease when

task complexity increases at a lower level of IT staff specialization which is below the

average of the group (Figure 12).

Figure 11. Task complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability 1

Page 107: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Figure 12. Task complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability 2

For the interaction effect between environmental complexity and IT staff specialization,

the impact of IT staff specialization measured by IT staff per 100 beds on the log odds of

having EHR interoperability was heavily influenced by environmental complexity.

Assuming that the distinction point of environmental complexity on whether it is high or

low complexity is based on above or below the average number of hospitals within the

local areas, the log odds of having EHR interoperability increases as IT staff

specialization increases at a high level of environmental complexity (Figure 13). In

contrast, the log odds of having EHR interoperability decrease as IT staff specialization

increases at a lower level of environmental complexity (Figure 14).

Figure 13. Environmental complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability1

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Figure 14. Environmental complexity, IT staff specialization, EHR interoperability2

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5.1. Study methods and related issues

This section will review the research methods of this study, focusing on the study design

and study population.

5.1.1. Study design

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of hospitals’ internal features

including task complexity, structure, and environmental factors on hospitals’ EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability. This study design is similar to a case-control study

design comparing two groups in which one has a specific outcome variable and the other

is without that outcome variable. The factors suspected to be related to the outcome

variables are usually compared with each other in a case-control study design.129

Table 32. Comparison of study designs Group Study design in this study Case-Control study design Static-Group Comparison


Time Past Current Past Current Past Current

Study O X O† O X X O

Control O O O

†: # of specialty, # of hospitals within local area, hospital’s organic features were measured at the time of survey * O: observation, X: exposure to an event or having an event Campbell and Stanley (1966) proposed 16 types of experimental and quasi-experimental

study designs for researchers.130 Among them, the Static-Group Comparison design is

similar to the design of this study in that it has two groups. However, our study’s

purpose is to measure which factors affected an event which has already happened. Thus,

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this study slightly modified the Static-Group comparison model (Table 32). There are

several reasons that this study did not exactly follow the case-control or Static-Group

Comparison study designs. First, this study did not know when the hospitals in the study

group adopted an EHR system. Thus, this study compared several factors from the past

of hospitals that currently have an EHR system with the same characteristics of hospitals

that do not currently have an EHR system measured at the time of the survey. Second,

the purpose of this study is not to investigate the impact of an event on the hospital

structure, but to find out which factors affect a certain event. Thus, observation before an

event occurred was necessary. Third, unlike a study on individual patients or animals,

the unit of analysis of this study is hospitals, which are difficult to randomize. Although

these features differ from traditional study design, this study contends that they would be

sufficient to address the hypotheses of this study.

For these reasons, decentralization of decision-making, IT staff specialization, and IT

infrastructure of hospitals before EHR adoption were compared with hospitals that do

not currently have an EHR system. However, task complexity, organic management

structure, and environmental complexity were measured for all hospitals at the time of

survey. Although one may question whether it is reasonable to compare some

hypothesized factors from past observations of hospitals which have adopted an EHR

system with the same factors from current observations of different hospitals, it can shed

some light on possible causality because it does observe hypothesized factors before an

occurrence of EHR adoption. However, this study does make the assumption that these

factors do not change significantly over time and that what characterizes non-adopters

now would also characterize them in earlier time periods when adopters were making

Page 111: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


their decision. One alternative that could avoid the issue of comparing observations from

different times would be collecting time-stamped data and conducting a survival analysis.

However, this method would be particularly difficult to implement for hospitals who had

not adopted an EHR system. For these reasons, this study asserts that its design provides

reasonable information about the factors that could play a causal role in EHR adoption,

use, and interoperability in hospitals.

5.1.2. Study population

The survey results showed that general hospitals were over-represented in the study

population compared to small hospitals. Approximately 73.0 percent of general hospitals

responded to this study and, in contrast, only 19 percent of small hospitals participated

in this study although small hospitals constitute 73.2 percent of the total hospital

population in Korea. The reason for this difference may be mainly due to lack of IT

departments in small hospitals. Many general hospitals have used various IT

technologies both clinically and administratively, such as electronic billing and

healthcare expense reimbursement. In these cases there was a director or manager in

charge of the daily activities in the IT department. When the primary investigator

requested a hospital’s participation in the survey, they might have been more likely to

participate because they were in charge of IT. In contrast, small hospitals were less

likely to have an IT department and someone who would be interested in responding to

the survey. This would lead to a lower response rate from small hospitals.

Although this study did not consider the existence of an IT department or types of

hospitals (such as general hospital or small hospital) in the study model, this study

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argues that there are several reasons that these facts did not critically affect the study

results. First, most of the hospitals that participated in the survey were general hospitals.

Thus, current study results may best be generalized to the general hospitals and less so

for small hospitals. Second, inclusion of type of hospital might produce more distorted

study results because the types of hospital are highly correlated with the number of

medical specialties (or task complexity measure) which was already included in this

study. Third, even though some small hospitals did not have IT departments, most small

hospitals had at least one staff member who worked with IT for the purposes of claiming

process or reimbursement management, and they participated in this study.

5.2. Research results

This section will discuss the research results of this study, focusing on EHR adoption,

use, and interoperability.

5.2.1. Hospital’s internal features affecting EHR adoption

General characteristics: The reported EHR adoption rate was 45% of all responding

hospitals. This is slightly higher than Park’s (2005) study result conducted in 2004

which showed that 38% of non-teaching general hospitals had adopted an EHR system.

However, according to Chae’s (2005) study conducted in 2005, the EHR adoption rate

was approximately 20% of hospitals in a nationwide survey.4 Considering a 4-year time

interval between this study and Chae’s (2005) study, the number of Korean hospitals

that have adopted an EHR system seems to have more than doubled from 2005 to 2009.

The difference from Chae also could be due to the over-representation of general

Page 113: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


hospitals because 73 percent of the general hospitals in Korea responded to this study

and, in contrast, only 19 percent of small hospitals. The size of a hospital generally

affects EHR system adoption.8 In the U.S., depending on the study results, the overall

EHR adoption rate in hospitals is 20-40%7, which is similar to the adoption rate in South


Hospitals located in an urban area were more likely to adopt an EHR system. This result

is similar to studies which focus on U.S. hospitals. According to the AHA (2007) study

results, the EHR adoption rate was higher at hospitals located in urban areas than those

located in rural areas.8 Hospitals that had contracts for group purchasing and patient

delivery with other hospitals were more likely to adopt an EHR system than hospitals

without contracts. Necessity of information exchange with other hospitals might

instigate the adoption of an EHR system for those hospitals that had contracts because

EHR systems would provide remote access to clinical information that would facilitate

patient transfers. Hospitals might be influenced to adopt new technologies through the

other contracted networked hospitals, which might affect the adoption of an EHR system

for those hospitals.

Hospital’s internal features: This study proposed that hospitals with high task

complexity, as measured by the number of medical specialties, would be more likely to

adopt an EHR system because high task complexity generates a higher work load that

could be addressed by IT systems, including EHRs, as a way to more cost effectively

handle that workload. There was a demonstrated relationship between EHR adoption

and task complexity which would support this hypothesis.

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Among a hospital’s four measured structural characteristics, IT infrastructure and

organic management structure were individually associated with EHR adoption.

Hospitals with high IT Infrastructure, as measured by the number of different clinical

information systems, were more likely to be adopters of EHR systems. If hospitals are

already equipped with various information systems, this suggests that these hospitals

maintain a more sophisticated IT infrastructure and have the experience necessary to

take on the implementation of an EHR system. This means that they are more ready for

the adoption of EHR systems. This result is also in accordance with the results of

Anderson (2007) who found a positive relationship between EMR system adoption and

IT infrastructure.

This study also found that hospitals with a management structure that is more organic

were more likely to be adopters of EHR systems. However, it is not clear whether

organic structural factors lead to EHR system adoption or whether adopting an EHR

system causes a hospital’s structure to be more organic since this study measured

organic factors at the time of survey for all hospitals. However this study contends that

the former is more likely to occur because organization culture such as organic structure

is usually built up over a long period of time and may not be changed easily. The

organic structural form has many unique characteristics such as a horizontal rather than a

vertical direction of communication, a network rather than hierarchic structure of control

and authority,131 and mutual agreement among co-workers rather than high reliance on

rules and standard procedures.132 These kinds of features usually provide hospitals with

an environment in which adoption of innovations including EHR systems can occur

more easily. This study result is in accordance with other studies on the relationship

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organic structural features and organizational innovation described in the literature

review sections such as Aiken,93 Meadows,94 and Hull.95 Judging from these study

results, this study argues that hospital’s organic structural characteristics might critically

affect their EHR system adoption.

In terms of measured environmental factors, EHR adoption was related to the number of

hospitals within a local area. This result is in accordance with other studies on the

relationship between environmental complexity and technology adoption. Abdolrasulnia,

et al (2008) found that medical doctors practicing in counties with high concentration of

physicians were more likely to adopt an EHR system.133 A possible interpretation of this

study result is that competition forces hospitals to adopt EHR systems because hospitals

located in competitive markets might have to use various technologies including EHR

systems in order to increase their competitive power through increased managerial

efficiency or simply to be viewed favorably and have a better image with respect to their


Interaction effects between task complexity and hospital structure: This study found

that the level of task complexity had an impact on how different components of the

hospital structure were associated with EHR adoption. While task complexity by itself

was positively related to EHR adoption, its association was also moderated by the level

of decentralization of the decision-making system and level of IT infrastructure.

The likelihood of EHR adoption increases as task complexity increases when hospitals

are under a highly decentralized decision-making system. In contrast, under a highly

centralized decision-making system, the likelihood declines as task complexity increases.

From this, we can conclude that a hospital’s decision-making system plays an important

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role of a moderator between task complexity and an EHR system adoption. At high

levels of decentralization this study is in partial accordance with other research in which

adoption of innovations including new technologies occurs more frequently in

decentralized-decision making system organizations.134,135 However the reverse effect

occurred when there was centralization of the decision-making system. This is contrary

to our initial hypothesis and the explanation for why this might be the case is not evident.

A possible explanation would be that hospitals’ adoption of EHR might be delayed or

lagged because of strong bureaucratic and administrative procedures under the

centralized decision-making system. They might want to see other hospitals adopting an

EHR system before deciding if an EHR system provides them with clinical and

managerial efficiency.

This study also observed that the likelihood of EHR adoption declined as task

complexity increased when hospitals reported high levels of IT infrastructure. In contrast,

the likelihood increased as task complexity increased when hospitals reported a lower

level of IT infrastructure. The latter case can be explained in that hospitals with a lower

level of IT infrastructure may adopt EHR systems in order to increase their capacity for

dealing with a heavy work load coming from task complexity. However, the former case

may need further explanation. Hospitals with high level of IT infrastructure might

already hire enough human resources. Current IT infrastructure could also have enough

capacity to deal with work load coming from task complexity without EHR systems.

Thus, there would be a declining relationship between task complexity and EHR

adoption under a high level of IT infrastructure.

Page 117: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Summary: This study found that task complexity, IT infrastructure, organic structure,

and environmental competition were associated with EHR adoption. Since it is unlikely

that EHR adoption drives the number of specialties in a hospital and that the number is

likely to change slowly over time, the most likely explanation is that task complexity is

driving EHR adoption. A similar argument can be applied for organic structure and

environmental complexity, which are characteristics that are not likely to change within

a short period of time. Thus, this study contends that they would be more likely to affect

EHR system adoption rather than the reverse although they were measured at the time of

survey. Past experience and hospital culture emphasizing flexibility among co-workers

might instigate EHR adoption in hospitals with high levels of IT infrastructure and

organic management structures. Motivation due to increasing competitive pressure from

surrounding peer hospitals might also influence EHR system adoption. With respect to

relationship between task complexity and EHR adoption, bureaucratic procedures under

high centralization of decision-making and potential slack capacity of IT infrastructure

in hospitals with high levels of IT infrastructure appear to differentially affect EHR


5.2.2. Hospital’s internal features affecting EHR use

General characteristics: A multi-hospital system measured by whether a hospital is

legally affiliated with other hospitals or not and hospital’s contract with other hospitals

for patient delivery and group purchasing exhibited a greater degree EHR use as

measured by the number of EHR functionalities. Multi-hospital systems might have

more resources to invest in sophisticated IT, including EHRs, than single hospitals,

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which might result in having more EHR functions. However, it is not clear why

hospitals with the contracts exhibited higher levels of EHR use, and further research is

needed to investigate this issue.

Hospital’s internal features: None of the hospital’s internal features were related to

EHR use. This result suggests several implications for future studies.

First the measure of EHR use might not be properly measuring what this study intended

it to measure. The existence of certain subsystems may not be reflective of overall use of

the system. Use can be defined as the degree to which an EHR is used in patient care,

where the maximum level is when an EHR is used for every patient in every care

process. What this study is measuring may be the expanded potential uses of an EHR

and not its actual use. Rather than simply counting the number of functions in an EHR

system, EHR use may need to be measured more quantitatively. Such measures might be

the number of times data retrieval occurred per month, the number of medical

professions that used an EHR system, and how many logged on hours an EHR system

exhibited. Theoretically, EHR use has a high possibility of correlation with patient care

factors such as frequent patient visits that would increase the retrieval of patient charts

under the paper-based medical record systems. Similarly, increased information

processing demands due to increased admissions or diversity of patients may lead to

increased EHR use. EHR use should be an actual use of EHR system and one wholly

replacing the paper-based medical record system and reflecting patient treatment process

rather than counting the number of functions in an EHR system, which would be a better

measurement and provide more meaningful information for users such as hospital

Page 119: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


managers, health informaticians, and policy makers. However this information is

difficult and expensive to collect and has not been done in other studies to date.

Alternatively, the finding that none of the hypothesized internal structural factors were

related to EHR use measured by EHR functions may be correct. In this case it might be

better to measure performance factors or increasing information processing demands

such as patient admissions and bed turnover rates. A recent study reflects this thinking.

It investigated the relationship between information processing demand and HIT use in

hospitals and found that increased information processing demand, measured by an

increase in annual patient admissions, was positively associated with HIT use.136 It

measured HIT use by counting different IT systems and by weighting EHR. A second

study looked at the relationship between computerization and quality of care. They

found that there was a positive relationship between the two factors.137 Thus,

performance factors such as reducing or increasing information demand and improving

quality of care may be more reasonable predictors of EHR use.

Lastly, there have been few previous studies on EHR use as an outcome variable at the

organizational level. Most current studies measure EHR use as existence of various

functionalities in an EHR system. They do not use those measures as one of the outcome

variables. Certainly, it is necessary to develop a more quantitative measure of EHR use

mentioned above and to compose hypotheses on how a hospital’s task and information

process demand are related to EHR use, which will help us to understand the mechanism

of variation of actual EHR use.

Summary: Given that EHR use measured by the number of functions in EHR systems

was not associated with any of hospital’s structural factors, alternative measures of EHR

Page 120: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


use and internal features selected in different empirical and theoretical standpoints were


5.2.3. Hospital’s internal features affecting EHR interoperability

General characteristics: A hospital characteristic, contract status with other hospitals

for group purchasing and patient delivery, was associated with hospitals’ EHR

interoperability. Having a relationship with other hospitals that involves movement of

patients from one to another might explain an increased level of interoperability to

exchange clinical information with other hospitals and could explain this finding.

Hospital’s internal features: Task complexity was associated with EHR

interoperability as measured by the ability of an EHR system to exchange patient’s

clinical information electronically with other healthcare organizations. High task

complexity means that hospitals provide diverse patients with comprehensive medical

care services from primary care to specialty care. They would have many cases being

transferred to or being transferred from other clinics or hospitals. All these cases would

increase the necessity of healthcare information exchange and EHR interoperability.

This could be a possible explanation of this finding.

The degree of organic management structure as measured by questions on a hospital’s

organic characteristics was marginally associated with the level of EHR interoperability.

Such a structure has characteristics that could lead to greater interoperability. As Child

described, organic structural form incorporates many flexible features such as lateral

communications network, decentralized decision making, and a high reliance on

consensus among co-workers.132 Active collaborations or cooperative, network-based

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communications among member or networked hospitals may encourage the idea of EHR

interoperability. Employees working at those hospitals may place more emphasis on the

necessity of patient information. The study result is also in accordance with the other

study results that organizational innovation more frequently occurs within organizations

with more organic than mechanical managerial structures.94, 95

Interaction effects between task complexity and hospital structure: This study found

one structural factor that played an important moderating role between task complexity

and EHR interoperability and between environmental complexity and EHR

interoperability: IT staff specialization as measured by the number of IT staff positions

per 100 beds.

The likelihood of EHR interoperability at a high level of IT staff specialization gradually

increased as task complexity increased as we hypothesized. At low levels of IT staff

specialization the likelihood slightly decreased as task complexity increased. This latter

result contradicts our hypothesis that task complexity would increase EHR

interoperability. It may be that a competition for resources under high task complexity

might cause scarce resources to use for specialty care needs such as hiring more nurses

or purchasing medical equipment rather than hiring IT staff for developing

interoperability in an EHR system.

This study also found that the likelihood of EHR interoperability at a high level of

environmental complexity increased with increasing IT staff specialization. However,

the likelihood of EHR interoperability at a lower level of environmental complexity

decreased with increasing IT staff specialization. Possible interpretation of the latter

result would be that hospitals in a less complex environment might have less motivation

Page 122: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


to implement EHR interoperability although they had enough IT staff specialization

because there are few competitors. Due to lack of similar studies, this study suggests that

it is necessary to do further research.

Summary: In summary, this study speculates that high task complexity requiring a

comprehensive medical care through patient’s referral would lead to increase the

likelihood of having EHR interoperability. The study result that hospitals with an

organic managerial structure had a higher likelihood of EHR interoperability confirmed

other findings in the literature. EHR interoperability can be seen as an innovative event.

This study speculates that high competition among medical specialties might force

hospitals’ resources toward specialty care areas at low levels of IT staff specialization,

which might lead to decreased EHR interoperability under high task complexity and a

lower level of IT staff specialization. A hospital’s weak motivation under a lower level

of environmental complexity might lead to decrease the likelihood of EHR

interoperability even though there was a high level of IT staff specialization.

5.3. Study limitations

Specific issues regarding research methods and results were partially discussed above. In

addition, this study has the following limitations. One involves the generalizability of

the study results. This study obtained the data from South Korean hospitals. A study

using data from a different country could produce different study results. Thus, the

results interpretation may be limited to hospitals in Korea. It may be necessary to further

study the proposed hypotheses using data from hospitals in other countries such as the

United States.

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Another limitation may be a selection bias in study subjects. This study advertised to

hospitals’ CIOs or IT managers one time through postal mail. In addition, some hospitals

were called using a telephone number from the Korea Hospital Association in order to

increase the response rate. Due to the limitation of the data collection period, only two

hospitals in each local area were selected based on the Korean language’s alphabetic

order of hospital address. This study also received data collection support from a

professional community of hospital IT department managers in Korea. Most association

members responded to the survey. One significant characteristic of this association is

that most of the members are IT managers of general hospitals, which are larger sized

hospitals. This was reflected in the over-representation of general hospitals in the survey

responses. Thus there might be some selection bias in which the study results may

represent larger Korean hospitals or general hospitals with IT departments.

An informant recollection issue might have affected the quality of survey data. A

number of the survey questions were based on recollection of past events and

organizational characteristics, such as the year of EHR installation. To respond

accurately the informant needed to know the past history of the hospital, at least for the

past 6 years. Depending on the informant, a six-year recollection period may be too long

a period for accurate recall. However, it is likely that the installation of an EHR system

would be a significant event for hospitals, so this study argues that IT managers should

be able to remember its introduction year. Thus possibility of incorrect responses in this

survey would be reduced.

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6.1. Study overview

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between EHR adoption,

use, and interoperability and hospitals’ various contexts such as task complexity,

hospital structure, and environment. For this purpose, this study proposed that EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability would be positively related to 1) task complexity, 2)

structural characteristics such as decentralization of decision-making, IT staff

specialization, IT infrastructure, and a hospital’s organic structural characteristics, and 3)

environmental complexity. This study also proposed that the impacts of task complexity

and environmental complexity on EHR adoption, use, and interoperability would depend

on hospital’s structural characteristics.

This study descriptively defined EHR adoption, use, and interoperability and conducted

a nationwide EHR survey of the IT departments in Korean hospitals. The survey was

implemented from April 1 to August 3, 2009 through a University of Minnesota internet

website. Target survey informants were the chief information officers (CIO) and IT

department managers in hospitals in South Korea. Among a hospital population of 1,067,

a total of 356 hospitals participated in the survey. The final response rate was 33.5% of

the total hospital population.

In the stage of statistical data analysis, this study used Generalized Estimating Equations

(GEE), an extension of the Generalized Linear Model, in the case of EHR adoption and

Page 125: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


interoperability and General Linear Mixed Model with random intercept statement in the

case of EHR use.

6.2. Significant findings

The study reveals that the hospital’s internal structural features were related to EHR

system adoption and EHR interoperability. However, they were not associated with EHR

use. The following is a brief summary of significant findings in this study by three parts

–one for each outcome.

6.2.1. Findings in EHR adoption

The likelihood of EHR adoption was related to a hospital’s internal features and

environmental factors. Figure 15 depicts and summarizes the impact of hospital structure

and environmental factors on EHR adoption verified by this study.

First, HA1 was supported. The likelihood of EHR adoption increased as hospital’s task

complexity measured by the number of medical specialties increased.

Second, HA2 was supported by IT infrastructure and organic management structure. The

likelihood of EHR adoption increased as hospital’s IT infrastructure and organic

structural characteristics increased. However, EHR adoption was not individually related

to decentralization of decision-making system and IT staff specialization.

Third, HA3 was supported. The likelihood of EHR adoption increased as the number of

hospitals within a local area increased.

Page 126: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Fourth, HA4 was supported by two areas. The impact of task complexity on an EHR

system adoption was dependent on decentralization of decision-making and IT

infrastructure, respectively. Assuming that a hospital adds additional medical specialties

or a hospital’s task complexity increases, the likelihood of adopting an EHR system of

the hospital increases under a decentralized decision-making system, but decreases

under a centralized decision-making system. Under the same condition of task

complexity, the likelihood of adopting an EHR system of the hospital decreases at a high

level of IT infrastructure, but increases at a lower level of IT infrastructure.

Fifth, HA5 was rejected. There was no combined effect of environmental complexity

and hospital structure on EHR adoption.

Page 127: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Figure 15. Impacts of hospital structure & environment on EHR adoption

6.2.2. Findings in EHR use

Unlike our expectations, neither a hospital’s internal features nor its environmental

complexity nor their combination were related to the degree of EHR use. Thus,

hypotheses from HU1 to HU5 were rejected. Alternative measures of EHR use and a

hospital’s internal features were suggested through these findings.

6.2.3. Findings in EHR interoperability

The likelihood of EHR interoperability was related to a hospital’s internal features and

environmental factors. Figure 16 depicts and summarizes hospital structure and

environmental factors affecting EHR interoperability observed by this study.

First, HI1 was supported. The likelihood of EHR interoperability increased as a

hospital’s task complexity measured by the medical specialty increased.

Second, HI2 was supported with respect to organic management structure though its

statistical significance was marginal. Hospitals having greater organic structural

characteristics were more likely to have an interoperable EHR system. However,

decentralization of decision-making system, IT staff specialization, and IT infrastructure

was not individually associated with an interoperable EHR system.

Third, HI3 was rejected. Environmental complexity measured by the number of

hospitals within the local area was not related to EHR interoperability.

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Fourth, HI4 was supported by the combined effect of task complexity with IT staff

specialization on EHR interoperability. Assuming that a hospital adds additional medical

specialties, the likelihood of EHR interoperability of the hospital increases at a high

level of IT staff specialization, but decreases at a lower level of IT staff specialization.

Other than that, none of combined effect of task complexity with a hospital’s internal

features was reported.

Figure 16. Impacts of hospital structure & environment on EHR interoperability

Fifth, HI5 was supported by the combined effect of environmental complexity with IT

staff specialization on EHR interoperability. At a high level of environmental

complexity where the number of hospitals within the local area is above the average of

Page 129: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


the study population, the likelihood of having EHR interoperability increases as IT staff

specialization increases. However, the likelihood of having EHR interoperability

decreases as IT staff specialization increases at a lower level of environmental

complexity where the number of hospitals within the local area is below the average of

the study population. Other than that, none of the combined effect of environmental

complexity with structural features on EHR interoperability was reported.

6.3. Contributions to the field of health informatics

EHR systems have been rapidly adopted and used in healthcare settings for a relatively

short period of time, and they have recently received a nationwide spotlight on EHR

adoption, use, and interoperability. This study would be a first study on how various

factors surrounding hospitals affect EHR adoption, use, and interoperability. IT

managers working in hospitals and students and scholars in academic settings would

benefit from this new knowledge about how an overall hospital’s structural settings

affect EHR system adoption, use, and interoperability.

Another potential contribution would be one of theory application studies using an EHR

subject. By introducing an academically well-known organizational theory into the field

of informatics, students and informaticians working in empirical fields would get some

experience of theory application. According to a recent comprehensive review study,138

contingency theory has not been used and applied much in the field of health informatics.

Researchers and scholars working in the field of health informatics would get an

opportunity to see how organizational theory helps to predict EHR adoption, use, and

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interoperability. Studies based on strong theoretical arguments give us insight on a better

logical understanding and prediction of a central phenomenon. This study is one of new

approaches to explaining the impact of technology, structure, and environment on EHR

system adoption, use, and interoperability based on theoretical arguments.

By introducing the field of health informatics from a foreign country to health

informaticians, this study allows them to have a broad viewpoint and picture of the

world concerning task and hospital structure. If we study only IT in specific areas and

discard the opportunity to obtain knowledge from other countries, then we will have a

narrow-minded perspective.

Some research methods and several constructs which were not fully developed in this

study can also be used as an arena of criticism through which health informaticians can

improve their thoughts and reasoning concerning task complexity and organization


6.4. Future study directions

The following are suggestions for future studies. First, it is definitely necessary for

investigators to develop a measure of EHR use that is more quantitatively based rather

than measured by counting functionalities in an EHR system. The number of retrievals

or total logged-on time per month per medical professional in an EHR system may be

some alternatives. This measure should be focused at the organizational level, rather

than at individual levels because there have been a paucity of studies focusing on the

organizational level.

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Second, it is also necessary to choose dynamic categories of predictors such as the

number of patient admissions per month, existence of quality assurance, hospital length

of stays, and bed turnover rate in terms of EHR use and interoperability because they

may be closely related with EHR use judging from the fact that frequent patient’s

admissions increase paper-chart delivery to the clinical departments. EHR use and

interoperability also would be affected by those predictors because an EHR system is

quickly replacing a paper-based medical record system.

Thirdly, collecting data that have more hierarchical structures such as individual medical

professionals, hospital structures, and environmental factors can be another important

study direction. By combining different levels of data structure, we can look at how

EHR adoption, use, and interoperability are different or are affected by individual,

organizational, and environmental factors.

Fourth, many scholars have argued that hospitals should introduce more information

technology to reduce medical errors and to improve the quality of care.139, 140 From this

standpoint, further study is needed to investigate the impact of EHR system adoption,

use, and interoperability on clinical outcomes and organizational performance or

managerial efficiency.

In conclusion, this study investigated the impact of the hospitals’ technology, structure,

and environment on EHR adoption, use, and interoperability. By introducing two new

concepts, EHR use and interoperability in addition to EHR adoption, this study

attempted to see their relationship with other hospital predictors that had not been

previously studied. This study anticipates that its results should provide hospital IT

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managers, health informaticians, and policymakers with new information on the factors

related to EHR adoption, use, and interoperability.

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Appendix 1. Hospital Information Technology Survey (English)

Dear Chief Information Officer or Manager, My name is Young-Taek Park and I am a Ph.D. student in the Division of Health Informatics at the University of Minnesota. Although Health Information Technology (HIT) has been proven to impact decision-making, management processes, quality of care and the bottom line, many hospitals have yet to adopt HIT. To this end, I have been studying the adoption of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR)/Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, use, and interoperability in hospitals. Assuming your participation in this brief survey, upon completion of my study, I can email you the aggregate results of the survey as well as your specific responses. I believe that the study results will extend the knowledge boundary of EMR/EHR systems. The results will also be used for hospital managers and policymakers to establish good decision making and policy alternatives related to the introduction of the EMR/EHR system. The data from this survey will only inform research for my doctoral dissertation. It will only be shared in aggregate form, and will not be used for any other reasons. I cordially request your cooperation in acquiring reliable data. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the executive summary, please contact me directly via email. Your time and participation is truly appreciated. April 1, 2009 Park, Young-Taek Ph.D. Student Division of Health Informatics University of Minnesota If you have any questions, please call me: (Cell) 1-612-481-3760, (Home) 612-331-5266, or (Office) 1-612-625-9431 or please send me an e-mail (Email: [email protected]). This web-based online survey is available at

Release: I understand that my participation in this survey is voluntary and that I may exit or quit the survey at anytime without repercussions.

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1. Questions for follow-up this survey:

Respondent’s name:

Respondent’s telephone number:

E-mail address:

2. Is this hospital part of a multi-hospital system? (1) Yes (2) No 3. If this hospital has any contracts such as group purchasing arrangement with other hospitals, please √ check the first year your hospital started this arrangement.

Before 2003 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

4. Please check all the following supported by the Hospital Information System in your hospital and please √ check the year it was introduced, if applicable.

Hospital Information System Introduced? Year of introduction

Yes Before2003 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Outpatient CPOE*

Inpatient CPOE

Drug management/dispensing

Patient charging processing

Clinical laboratory work

Radiology work

Operating room

Intensive Care Unit

ED information system*

Administrative procedures

* CPOE: Computerized Physician Order Entry , ** ED: emergency department

Page 145: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


5. An Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is defined as “a system that integrates electronically originated and maintained patient-level clinical health information, derived from multiple sources, into one point of access” (AHA, 2007). An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system is defined as a system that has “the record of patient health information generated by encounters at one particular provider, which is the electronic replacement of paper charts” (Texas Medical Association, 2006). If your hospital is equipped with either an EMR or an EHR system, please complete the boxes below.

Departments Implemented

Introduction Year

Type of Installation

Fully Partially Not Internal Development Outsourced Purchased

Hospital wards

Outpatient clinics

6. What are the available functions in your hospital’s EMR/EHR system? (Please check √)

Functions Fully Implemented

Partially Implemented

(1) Access to current medical records (observations, orders) (2) Access to medical history (3) Access to patient flow sheets (4) Access to patient demographics (5) Order entry or results review – Lab (6) Order entry or results review – Any radiology report (7) Order entry - real time drug interaction alerts (8) Other clinical alerts (9) Clinical guidelines and pathways (10) Patient access to electronic records (11) Patient support through home-monitoring, self-testing, and interactive patient education

7. Does your hospital’s EMR/EHR system have the ability to transmit and receive these categories of information electronically from other clinics or hospitals (EMR/EHR information exchange)?

Type of information exchanged* Fully exchanged

Partially exchanged No

(1) Patient history (family, patient) (2) Patient summary (conditions, meds, and allergies) (3) Discharge summaries (4) Laboratory information (5) Imaging information (6) Pharmacy information (7) Other

Page 146: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


8. How does your hospital transfer medical information to other clinics or hospitals located in different areas? (Multiple choice) (1) Paper document delivery or receiving (e.g., patient referral form) (2) Fax (3) E-mail (with attached documents) (4) Internet access to patient records (5) Patient card system such as IC card (6) Health Information Technology (HIT) system-to-system (7) Phone call messages (8) No sharing (9) Other 9. Frequency of the CIO / IT department manager / IT department director’s participation in:

Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

Before EMR/EHR introduction

The decision to hire new staff?

The decisions on the promotion of any of the professional staff?

Decisions on the adoption of new programs?

Decisions on the adoption of new policies?


The decision to hire new staff?

The decisions on the promotion of any of the professional staff?

Decisions on the adoption of new programs?

Decisions on the adoption of new policies?

10. What are the specialties of your IT Department employees and how many were there before EMR/EHR adoption?

Specialty or major Total No. of IT Department Employees

Before EMR/EHR introduction Now

Physician (Medicine major) Nurse (nursing major) Management/Business/Administration major Medical Technology major Computer science major Etc. * Full time equivalent employees, e.g., physician 1, nurse2, medical technician 5, etc.

Page 147: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


11. Did your hospital use any of the following standards before EMR/EHR adoption and does your hospital use them now?

Functions Before EMR/EHR Adoption (Yes)

Now (Yes)

(1) Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) (2) Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) (3) Health Level Seven (HL7) (4) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) (5) SNOMED-CT (6) the National Drug Code (NDC) (6) the National Drug Code (NDC) (7) Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) (8) Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) (9) Omaha System (10) International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) * Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms

12. If your hospital’s structure is most like A, then check (√) 1. If your hospital’ structure is most like B, then check (√) 5. Otherwise, check the best one representing how close your hospital is either A or B (3: Middle position between A and B).

A (Hospital Structure) 1 2 3 4 5 B (Hospital Structure)

(1) Hierarchic structure of control, authority, and communication

A network or horizontal structure of control, authority, and communication

(2) Emphasis on formal communication channels (limited access to managerial information)

Emphasis on open communication channels (Not limited access to managerial information)

(3) Strong insistence on a uniform managerial style throughout the business unit

Managers’ operating styles allowed to range freely from the very formal to the very informal

(4) A strong emphasis on holding fast to true and tried management principles despite any changes in business conditions

A strong emphasis on adapting freely to changing circumstances without too much concern for past practice

(5) Strong emphasis on always getting personnel to follow the formally defined procedures

Strong emphasis on getting things done even if this means disregarding formal procedures

(6) Tight formal control of most operations by means of sophisticated control and information systems

Loose, informal control; informal relations and norm of co-operation for getting work done

(7) Strong emphasis on getting line and staff personnel to adhere closely to formal job descriptions

Strong tendency to let the requirements of the situation and the individual’s personality define proper on-job behavior

Page 148: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Appendix 2. Hospital Information Technology Survey (Korean language)

(Information Technology: IT) 병원의정보기술 실태조사

, 전산담당최고책임자또는관리자님께

, 저의 이름은 박영택이라고 하며 미네소타 주립대학교 보건정보관리학과 박사 과정에 있는. , 학생있습니다 보건정보기술이 의사결정 및 관리지원 양질의 의료제공 등에 긍정적인 영향을

, . 미침에도 불구하고 많은 병원들이 보건정보기술의 도입을 주저하고 있는 실정입니다 이러한, (EMR)/ (EHR) , , 이유로 저는 전자의무기록 전자건강기록 의 도입 이용 그리고 정보교류 현황에

. , 대한 공부를 해오고 있습니다 현재 병원에 관한 자료를 수집하고 있으며 자료수집에 참여해주시면 귀병원의 현황과 전체병원의 통계에 대한 자료를 이메일로 송부해 드릴 수

있 . 습니다

EMR/EHR 저는 본 연구의 결과가 시스템과 관련하여 기존에 우리가 알고 있는 지식영역을 . EMR/EHR 넗히게 될 것이라고 생각합니다 또한 본연구결과는 병원의 시스템 도입과 관련하여 병원의 관리자와 정부의 정책입안자가 좋은 의사결정과 정책대안을 만드는데 유용하게

. 쓰이리라생각합니다

. 본조사로부터얻은자료는저의박사학위논문을위하여쓰일것입니다 오직요약된형태로써, . 쓰이며 다른 어떠한 이유로는 쓰이지 않을 예정입니다 이 러한 자료수집에 정중하게 도움을

. 요청하는바입니다 만약조사결과에대한요약된자료를받기를원하시면저에게이메을통하여 .연락을주십시요

. 시간을내여참여해주셔서진심으로감사드립니다

2009 4 1년 월 일

박영택 박사과정

보건정보관리학과 미네소타주립대학교

, : ( ) ( ) 1질문이 있으시면 미네소타 주립대학교 박영택 전화 미국 핸드폰 -612-481-3760, ( ) 1집 -612-

331-5266, or ( ) 1학교 -612-625-9431, : 이메일 [email protected] . 로연락을주십시요 (이자료조사는웹싸이트를통하여온라인으로 . 가능합니다

: , 안내문 이 설문에 대한 참여는 자발적인 것이며 어떠한 것에도 영향을 받지 않고 언제든지 설문지 작성을

그만둘 . 수있습니다

Page 149: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


1. :설문지관리를위한응답자에대한질문



( ):응답자의이메일주소 설문확인을위함

2. (a multi본병원은하나의재단또는법인으로다병원체계 -hospital system) ? 로운영되고있습니까 (1) (2) 예 아니요

3. ( , 같은재단이나법인이아닌다른병원과협력관계를맺고있으면 예 협력병원, 자매병원, 모자병원 등), 형태에 관계없이

맨 처음 협력을 시작한 연도를 √ 해 주십시요?

2003이전 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

4. , 본 병원의 병원정보화시스템에 의해 지원되는 다음의 모든것에 대하여 체크하여 주시고 가능하면 해당 시스템의

도입년도를√ . 해주십시요


도입되었?나요 도입연도

예 2003 이전 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

외래 처방전달 (OCS)

입원 처방전달 (OCS)

약제업무 및 관리

환자 원무관리

임상병리 검사업무

방사선과의 검사업무

수술실 진료업무

중환자실 진료업무

응급실 진료업무


* OCS: Order Communication System. ** ED: emergency department.

Page 150: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


5. (Electronic Health Record: EHR) 전자건강기록 시스템 “ 은 병원내부 및 외부의 여러 부서에서 전자적으로 생성된 환자에

, ” ( , 2007), 대한 임상정보를 통합 및 유지하여 필요시 모든 것에 신속하게 접속할 수 있는 하나의 시스템 으로 미국병원협회

(Electronic Medical Record: EMR)전자의무기록 시스템 “은 하나의 특정 의사에 의하여 생성된 환자 의 임상정보기록으로

종이의무기록을전자적 기록 으로대체하는 것” (의 Texas Medical Association, 2006) 전자적시스템으로 정의할 수 있습니다.

만약 본 병원에서 EMR 또는 EHR 시스템을 운영하고 있다면, 다음 사항에 대하여 응답하여 주십시요


실행형태 도입연도


완전 부분적 미실행 내부적개발 외주용역 구입

병 동

외 래

6. EMR/EHR ? 본병원의 시스템에는어떠한기능들이있습니까 (√ 표기를해주십시요)

주요기능 완전한실행 부분적실행

(1) 현재의의무기록에 (Medical records) 대한 접근 (관찰, 처방입력)

(2) 진료기록에 (Medical history) 대한 접근

(3) 환자의 경과기록지에 (Patient flow sheets) 대한 접근

(4) 환자의 기초기록에 (Patient demographics) 대한 접근

(5) 처방입력/결과리뷰 (Order entry/results review):병리실(Labs)

(6) 처방입력/결과리뷰: 방사선기록* (Any radiology report)

(7) 처방입력 – 실시간 약품부작용에 대한 경보 (Real time drug interaction alerts)

(8) 기타 임상적인 기록에 대한 경보 (Other clinical alerts)

(9) 임상가이드라인 및 치료경로 제공 (Clinical guidelines and pathways)

(10) 전자기록에대한환자의접근 (Patient access to electronic records)

(11) 홈모니터링, 자가검진, 대화식 환자교육을 통한 환자지원

* 또는영상의학기록 7. EMR/EHR 본 병원의 시스템은 다음과 같은 카테고리의 정보를 다른 병원이나 의원과 전자적으로 주고 받을 수 있는

(EMR/EHR )? 기능이있습니까 정보교환

*주고받을수있는정보의종류 전체적 교류 부분적 교류 없음

(1) (Pati환자의히스토리 ent history) (가족력, 환자력) (family, patient)

(2) 환자기록 (Patient summary) 요약지 (현상태, 약품처방 내력, 알러지)

(3) 퇴원요약지 (Discharge summaries)

(4) 임상병리정보 (Laboratory information)

(5) 영상이미지정보 (Imaging information)

(6) 환자에대한처방약품 정보 (Drug information)

(7) 기타

Page 151: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


8. ( )?본병원은어떻게의료정보를다른지역의의원이나병원들에전송을하고있습니까 복수응답가능 (1) ( . ) 종이차트전달및접수 예 환자의뢰서 (2) 팩스밀리머신 (3) 이메일및자료첨부기능 (4) 환자기록에대한인터넷접속 (5) IC card 와같은환자카드시스템 (6) 의료정보공유(Health Information Technology: HIT) 시스템의 이용 (7) 전화메시지 (8) 정보공유 없음 (9) 기타 9. 본원의 전산담당 최고책임자 (실장, 부장, 또는 과장) 의 병원내의 의사결정에 대한 참여정도:

항상 종종 때때로 가끔 전혀

EMR/EHR 도입이전

신규직원 채용을 위한 의사결정

기존직원의 승진에 대한 의사결정

새로운운영프로그램 도입의 의사결정

새로운 규정채택의 의사결정


신규직원 채용을 위한 의사결정

기존직원의 승진에 대한 의사결정

새로운 운영프로그램 도입의 의사결정

새로운 규정채택의 의사결정

10. EMR/EHR , 도입전의전산부서의대략적인전문인력규모는어떠했으며 현재는어떠합니까 ?

( )전문인력 전공 전산부서의정규인력규모

EMR/EHR 도입이전 현재

( )의사 의학전공 명 명

( )간호사 간호전공 명 명

/ /경영관리행정 명 명

(Medical technologies)의학기술관련 명 명

컴퓨터관련전공 명 명

기타 명 명

* 예., 의사 1 명, 간호사2 명, 의료기사 5 명, 5기타 명 11. EMR/본병원의 EHR ? 도입전표준화시스템은어떠했으며현재는어떤것을사용하고있습니까

기 능 EMR/ EHR 도입이전 사용

(예) 현재 사용


(1) Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)

(2) Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)

(3) Health Level Seven (HL7)

(4) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)


(6) 한국의약품표준코드(KD코드, Korea Drug Code)

(7) Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS)

(8) Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS)

(9) Omaha System

(10) International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP)

* Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms

Page 152: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


12. 병원 조직 구조가 A 에 가까우면 1에 √ 체크해 주시고, B에 가까우면 5에√ 체크를 해 주십시요. 그렇지 않으면 A 나 B 를 잘 반영하는 것에√ 체크하여 주십시요 (3은 A와 B의 중간 정도에 위치합니다).

A (병원조직 구조) 1 2 3 4 5 B (병원조직 구조)

(1) 권한위임, 교류, 관리체계가 수직적 권한위임, 교류, 관리체계가 수평적 또는 네트웍 중심적

(2) 공식적인 의사소통 채널 (제한적 경영정보 접근)

개방적 의사소통 채널 (자유로운 경영정보 접근 가능)

(3) 조직부서의 동일한 관리스타일 중시 조직부서의 다양한 관리스타일 인정

(4) 상황변화와 상관없이 검증된 관리원칙 고수

과거원칙에관계없이상황변화에 민감하게대처하는것강조

(5) 담 당자를통한공식적 업무처리절차의 강조

공식적인 절차보다 문제해결의 성과강조

(6) 잘 정립된 통제관리 장치에 의한 엄격한 공식통제

느슨한 비공식적 통제, 규범이나 비공식적 협력 관계에 의한 통제

(7) 직무기술서에 명시된 업무결재라인 강조


- ! 설문에참여해주셔서감사합니다 -

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Appendix 3. IRB Letter

Page 154: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Appendix 4. University of Minnesota home page for the survey

Page 155: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Appendix 5. Survey introduction and password section

Page 156: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Appendix 6. Survey main page

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Appendix 6. Survey main page (continued)

Page 158: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Appendix 6. Survey main page (continued)

Page 159: Impact of Task, Structure, and Environment on Electronic


Appendix 6. Survey main page (continued)

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Appendix 6. Survey main page (continued)

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