
Impact of living in Eastern Asia

By: Alomaur Day

Standard(s)SS7G11 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Southern and Eastern Asia

a. Describe the impact climate and location has on population distribution in Southern and Eastern Asia. b. Describe how the mountain, desert, and water features of Southern of Southern and Eastern Asia have affected the population in term where people live, the types of work they do.

Impact of climate and locationClimate:


In the the Golgi Dessert it is very hot and dry, so it will be rare to find anyone out there. Also there is very little water. It would be like finding a cactus in the Arctic.

Most people live near oceans, cities and rivers to have water to drink and big businesses have water access to send out ships. Very few people would live in the mountains because there is not enough oxygen

Impacts of what kind of work people do in different places

In the desert or in little towns, most people will be farmers, work for a store run by ancestors, or have other traditional market jobs. In the city, most people will work for/be the government, transportation, entrepreneurs, and many more.

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