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  • 7/28/2019 Immortal RCC


    Immortal R.C.C. info:

    Since well before recorded history, there has been a strange occurrence that is kept secret from most of mankind. A few humans, an

    astronomically small percentage, are born with the potential ability to live forever. It is not known whether this ability comes from agenetic mutation, an alien intelligence, or any of a dozen other hypothesis. But the fact remains that they exist, unknown to most


    Immortals are not born Immortal. They are born as normal humans, and will live and age as normal humans until they are killed for

    the first time. At this time, they will be effectively dead for almost a full day. After that period, they will awaken to a new life. No

    Immortal has ever died the first time of natural causes (old age, heart attack, etc.); whether this is because Immortals attract violenceor because of the nature of the death is uncertain.

    After an Immortal awakens from his first death, many things will have changed. He will no longer age. He will no longer require food,

    water, or even air to live (although it is generally a good idea to partake of them anyway; they are not immune to hunger, thirst, or

    breathlessness, they just cannot die from starvation, dehydration, or asphyxiation). He will no longer be able to have children (and

    those 11 year-old Immortals can just forget about sex for the rest of their lives). He will no longer get sick from natural causes,although drugs and poisons will still run their course, to the point of "killing" an Immortal.

    If an Immortal is "killed," he will be effectively dead (and vulnerable to any attack) for one melee. After that time, the Immortal can

    stand up, just as if nothing ever happened. Immortals can be "killed" by being stabbed, shot, poisoned, or falling from a great height.

    Due to the MDC structure of Immortals, and their innately supernatural nature, Even an Immortal who has been killed and/or

    vaporized by an explosion or powerful energy blast will eventually regain consciousness. Immortals "die" at 0 MDC, although theystill take all damage beyond that point. This extra damage is regenerated at a rate of 2D4 MDC per melee, no matter how much their

    is. After the Immortal reaches 0 MDC, he begins healing at a normal rate again, and will awaken one melee later.

    [Tiny's Note: I say all of that because I think nuking an Immortal is a cheap trick, and a dirty way around the beheading part ("Well, I

    inhale his head, but not the rest of him"). You've got to take the head.]

    Immortals are as wide and diverse a group as any race has ever been. They run the full spectrum of honor, power, morals, and mental

    stability. And although they are a force to be reckoned with, they will never take their fight up with ordinary mortals. They will abideby the rules of the Game until one of them wins The Prize. And there can be only one.

    Rules of the Game:

    (1) No fighting uneven odds. Immortals must fight each other one-on-one. If two Immortals team up against a third, the victor will

    absorb the Quickening of both the loser and the other person. This does not protect from unfair fights; one Immortal is still welcome

    to shoot or drug another before a fight.

    Combat is One-on-One!

    If immortals gang up, the immortal who takes the head receives the quickening. The other immortal that assisted in the beheading will

    permanently lose 25% of SDC/HP/PPE/ISP

    (2) No fighting on Holy Ground. "In all of our records, there is only one mention of an Immortal killing on Holy Ground... It's neverbeen confirmed. It's more of a legend. About two guys going at it in a temple in Italy... It was in Pompey. 79 AD." 'enough said.

    Penalties for fighting on Holy Ground:

    (1) The site will receive the quickening, and the victor will permanently lose 25% of MDC/HP/PPE/ISP If reduced to zero in thisfashion then the immortal will suffer True Death. +

    (2) Mega Quickening: The Quickening of both immortals are totaled Together the final value is then multiplied by 100. This is

    the amount Of Mega Damage that is done to a radius of 10 foot per point of Total Quickening. The immortal who won will receive

    damage from this Quickening. If this is enough to kill the immortal then he will suffer the final death.

    (2) Quickening Backfire: Combat on Holy Ground will cause the Immortals powers to work improperly. Usage of any power

    that does damage to another will instead do damage to oneself. Any power used to increase attributes will reduce them. (Example:

    Using the charge weapon power will cause the immortals weapon to take the damage bonus into its own S.D.C. instead of using it

    against the opponent.) In addition the winner will suffer 6d6+6 points of potentially fatal damage. If the immortal is not killed by this

    damage them they will heal the damage as if they were a normal human. (this will last for 2 months.)

    (2) Quickening Mark: Your Quickening has become tainted. Any Immortal that senses you will be compelled to attack you. Even

    friends and loved ones will attack you once they sense your taint. No immortal will respect your usage of Holy Ground. If another

    immortal kills you while you are on Holy Ground they will not receive a taint; but, will not gain any Quickening and will lose 10

    points their own Quickening.

    + 10%chance of Quickening Rebirth: Consumed completely by the Quickening; the winner of the duel is instantly turned to ash. The

    loser then must make a percentile roll below the value of their Quickening (If the immortal's Quickening is over 98 then the roll must

    be 98 or less). If they fail then they too have died the Final Death. If they make the roll then they absorb all of the Quickening of the

    winner and are reborn to the physical state they were at the time of their First Death.


    (3) Teach the newly Awakened. Almost all Immortals, when encountering a newly Awakened Immortal, will teach him of what he has

    become, what he needs to know, and the rules of the Game. Those that do not are the most evil; they will instead kill the newImmortal on the spot. There are also those who will find young Immortals and teach them a warped version of the Game, using them


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    as their pawns. The true teachers will not leave their students until they have learned sword fighting (WP Sword) and will also make

    sure they know everything they need to know about Immortals, including the Game and the Gathering (Lore: Immortal).

    The Prize: The Immortal will have his body and essence developed in any way he wants. A kind Immortal will receive powers such as

    an enhanced intellect that would let him help mankind. An evil power-monger might very well become a god.

    The Prize: (granted to THE LAST)1. Mortal - Can age normally from apparent age, and die.

    2. Fertile - Can reproduce.

    3. Following Psionics: NO COST, AT WILL

    Empathy: range: planetaryTelepathy: range: planetarySee Aura: range: 30000ft

    See Invisible: range: 30000ft

    Object Read: range: touch

    Empathic Transmission: range: planetary

    In the end, there can be only one!!

    Appearance: The Immortal appears as any other member of his race. There is no real means of detecting who is an Immortal, other

    than to observe them for several decades. See Aura will, however, detect that they are of extremely high level. Immortals are forever

    stuck in the body of a person in their mid-twenties. An Age spell will basically have no effect.

    Alignment: Any.Requirements: M.E. 13+ must originally be a Near-Human race before the Awakening

    Attributes: Retain the attributes before the Awakening, but add 1D4 to PS, 2D4 to PP and Per, 2 to MA, and 2 to PE.

    SDC & Hit Points: As per race and OCC

    MDC: The MDC of an Immortal is the same as his Hit Points & SDC before the Awakening, plus 1D6x30 +1d6x10/lv. Immortals

    regenerate lost MDC at a rate of 2D6 per melee, regenerates lost limbs in 2 weeks.

    PPE & Magic: Standard for their race, +1D6x30+200 +1d6x10/lv PPE used to activate spells known and quickening talents,regenerate PPE at a rate of 10 PPE per hour of sleep or rest and 15 PPE per hour of meditation.

    Combat: As per race

    Damage: Regenerates normally.

    Bonuses: +1 attack per melee, +2 to initiative, +2 Save v. Magic, +5 Save v. Poisons (including lethal, non-lethal, and gases), +7 toSave v. Possession

    Level - Bonuses gained: These bonuses apply each time an Immortal reaches

    the indicated level, whether it be in their first OCC or their

    fifth. The only exception is that the second and subsequent times

    they reach level one they only gain +1 attack per melee, not +2.1 - +1 to initiative, +2 attacks per melee.

    2 - +1D6 damage when using their personal weapon

    3 - +1 to PE

    4 - +1 to initiative, +2 to roll with impact5 - +1D6 to hand and foot strikes

    6 - Select one new WP

    7 - +1 to strike or parry with personal weapon

    8 - +2 to save vs. pain

    9 - +1D6 damage when using their personal weapon10 - +1 to ME

    11 - Select one new WP

    12 - +3 to pull strike (applicable to personal weapon), +1 to PP

    13 - +3 to save vs. Horror Factor

    14 - Select another Martial Arts Form which starts at first level15 - Select another OCC.

    OCC Selection Notes: the character reaches 1000 experience, roll 1D6 for each OCC skill. A roll of 1-3 means that the character has

    failed to master that skill and must continue practicing. A roll of 4-6 means that the character gains that skill. Continue this for each

    1000 experience that the character gets. Once the character has gained all of their OCC skills, do the same for OCC related and

    secondary skills. For each skill slot allowed, roll as above. If the roll is successful, choose a skill for that slot. Starts at zero experienceand with no special abilities of that OCC. Once

    Available OCCs: Any. And may very well be all, at one point or another.

    Life Span: Immortal

    Horror Factor: As per original RCC. +5 during the Quickening, 10 if there was no racial horror factor.Natural Abilities:

    Once their first death occurs, the character finds out he is immortal, and gains the following:

    +3 M.E., +3 P.S. (Supernatural), +3 P.P., +3 P.E. (Supernatural), +2 Spd.

    +2D6 X 10 S.D.C., + 3D6 H.P. whiuch is turned into MDC

    Thereafter, the character gains the following:7. All hand to hand weapons wielded by the Immortal effectively become magical weapons and are capable of harming

    supernatural creatures even if they are normally impervious to normal weapons. This includes Vampires, Were-creatures, etc. In

    addition the weapons will bypass the AR of Hounds, Hound Masters & Hunters.Note: The supernatural aspect only applies to hand

    held weapons, not modern projectile weapons or bows!

    5. Recognize and Sense Holy Ground: Immortals can tell the moment they step foot onto Holy Ground. There is no Buzz, it's just afeeling that they get when they step onto it.


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    Immortals are completely immune to poisons, poison gases, exposure, starvation, disease, drowning, asphyxiation, dehydration,

    illness, infection, cardiac problems, etc. The only way that they can die is for their hit points to be taken below -25 and then the head

    must be removed . In Rifts, at the GM's discretion, they may become minor mega-damage creatures in order to save them from

    vaporization. Also note that an Immortal won't know these things until the first time he experiences them.

    Quickening: This is the magical force behind the Immortals. It is something like PPE, but not quite. Quickening cannot be converted

    to spells, or used in TW items. The two real applications of the Quickening are to sense other Immortals, and to live forever. Up to a

    week after an Immortal's Awakening, the person may still have an occassional surge of the Quickening. (all PPE/ISP/CHI/EXPcombined into a pool and the sould becomes a personality in the victor, the domanint personality can gain any abilitys or knowledgeor skills that the loser had by spending quickening points and 1 hour of meditation/skill/ability or sub ability)

    By meditating and learning from the dead immortal's personality, he can gain this experience. (I recommend that for 1 hour of

    meditation, 500 experience can be added to their experience and subtracted from the quickening reservoir). They can learn special

    abilities (like Nakano's magic), but these take many hours of practice to master enough to be useful (GM discretion). By expendingExperience Points, the immortal can give himself bonuses to certain skills. 500 Experience gives a bonus of 5% to that skill for 5

    minutes, for each additional minute they can expend 50 experience.

    It is the accumulation of all of the immortals acuried knowledge and skills and powers: psionics/magic/chi abilitys/quickening talents

    Sense Nightspawn/Supernatural - This ability suggests that there is a connection between these Immortals and the Nightspawn,however weak it may be: 20ft + 5ft/lvl. Can only tell a Nightspawn is near; cannot tell exactly how far, nor can tell in which direction.

    Sense Quickening: Immortals can sense each other approaching. Range: 750 feet. There is no way to mask this. Immortals can also

    sense those who have not yet awakened, but unawakened Immortals cannot sense anything. Immortals can tell whether they are

    senseing an Immortal who has been awakened or not.

    Hidden Supernatural Abilities: Immortals register as normal beings of their race; they do not register as supernatural. The only ones

    who can detect the difference are other Immortals, and those who have seen a person return from the dead. Immortals seem to beimmune from detection; to be recognized as an Immortal would greatly complicate the Game.

    The character will then be sought out by another immortal to be taught. While being taught and thereafter, the character gains the

    following skills, if he doesn't have them already:Hand to Hand: Martial Arts(one of choice)

    W.P. Sword with an additional +1 to strike w/sword at lvls 1,3,6,10.

    Lore: Immortals 35% + 5% per level

    Meditate - Increase regeneration rate to 1D10/minute

    +3 Damage inflicted+1 Initiative

    Length of Immortality: (roll percentage and add to age when he/she first died for true age)

    1-20 - New Immortal, starts at 1st level, no additional sword bonuses.

    21-40 -1-100 years as Immortal, starts at 1st level, +3% all skills,+1 strike/parry w/ Sword.41-60 - 101-300 years, starts at 1st level, +5% all skills, +2 strike/parry w/ Sword.

    61-80 - 301-600 years, starts at 2nd level, +5% all skills, +3 strike/parry w/ Sword.

    81-00 - 601-??? years, starts at 3rd level, +8% all skills, +4 strike/parry w/Sword.

    Animal Powers: Immortals can gain special abilities from using their Quickening in conjunction with animal auras. They can sense the

    animals when they are within 2D8x50 yards of them. The powers listed below are invoked by expending 15 PPE and being withinrange of the corresponding animal. Effects last for one hour.

    -Stag (or other related beast): doubles Spd and it takes them twice as long as normal to tire.

    -Bear (or other large, strong beast): Doubles PS and PE.

    -Eagle: Doubles MA.

    -Fish (or any other swimming sea creature): Triple swimming speed and automatic success on all swimming rolls.-Cat (or other feline): Character has night-vision. This ability lasts until it is light again.

    -Bull (or other pack animal): Doubles ME.

    -Monkey: Allows fast climbing and automatic success on climbing rolls.

    Whenever the immortal character takes the head and quickening of another immortal, the following is gained:

    +1 to a random stat, +2D6 H.P., +1 initiative. Also gains +500 x.p.

    The GM then rolls on the following table:

    01-40% Learns two skills the slain immortal knew, at 1/2 percentage, or learns one skill at 3/4 percentage. These skills do increasewith level. They will increase if the character kills another immortal with the same skill and gets that one again + Gains +1 to any 1

    stat (random).

    41-55% +1 to a random attribute (roll 1D8) + Gains +1 level in WP Sword (or appropriate WP)

    56-65% +3D6 S.D.C. + Regeneration ability is increased by 1D6 per minute66-70% +1 Level in Hand to Hand skill + Learns one skill known by slain Immortal at loser's percentage

    71-80% +2 to one of following: Strike, Parry, Dodge (random) + Gains +10% to any skill common to both the Immortal and the loser.

    81-90%. The same as 71-80, but +1 in two combat bonuses +2 damage done in melee.

    91-00%. Roll twice on the above table and ignore any rolls of 96-00%.

    Quickening Talents


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    Immortals are sustained by their Quickening, the force which keeps them alive and heals their injuries. Everyone has Quickening,

    however it is only noticeable in Immortals, a bonfire of energy compared to the spark in mortals. Immortals have learned to channel

    their Quickening into mastering certain abilities, from concealing weapons to mastering their minds to enhancing their bodies.

    Immortals can select five(5) Talent at every other level (1, 3, 5...) in addition to the 25% chance when beheading an Immortal.

    Sense Life (Quickening Cost: 5) An immortal that has this ability can extend his senses towardsthe life forces of other creatures about him. After a few moments of concentration an immortal willslowly be able to sense a single creature within his line of sight. There will be the lightest ofempathic rapport between the immortal and his subject. Through this rapport the immortal willhave a vaguest sense the targets general well being. A side effect of this ability is to quicklyrecharge an immortal. An immortal who uses this ability on a content and healthy target, such asa stag, will feel a rush of energy. All fatigue penalties are cancelled and all spent Quickeningpoints are replenished. This ability takes 1d6 rounds of concentration to initiate. During this timeno attacks or defenses can be made; however, an immortal can still talk, walk, or run. Animmortal can maintain contact by spending 1 Quickening point per round of contact past the first.Heal Self (Quickening Cost: 10) The normal recuperative powers of an immortal are quietformidable. With this power they become even more so. For every point of Quickening spent, thehealing rate listed under the regeneration power is changed from 1 minute to 1 melee for normaldamage and 10 minutes to 1 minute for fire, electricity and magic. This power only works whenthe immortal is conscious. If unconscious, the immortal must first heal to consciousness normallybefore utilizing the power.Extraordinary Physical Strength (Quickening Cost: 15) +20 to P.S. attribute. This ability lastsfor 1 melee round per quickening point spent. Using this power for a minute or more will exhaustan immortal. For each minute (4 melee rounds) of use the immortal suffers -2 speed, -2 initiative,-1 parry and dodge, and -2 damage.Extraordinary Physical Prowess (Quickening Cost: 15) +10 to P.P. attribute and +1 attack permelee. This ability lasts 1 melee per Quickening point spent. Using this power for a minute ormore will exhaust an immortal. For each minute (4 melee rounds) of use the immortal suffers -2speed, -2 initiative, -1 parry and dodge, and -2 damage.Extraordinary Physical Endurance (Quickening Cost: 15) +10 to P.E. attribute and +20 toS.D.C. This ability last for 1 melee round per Quickening point spent. Using this power for aminute or more will exhaust an immortal. For each minute (4 melee rounds) of use the immortalsuffers -2 speed, -2 initiative, -1 parry and dodge, and -2 damage.Extraordinary MentalAffinity (Quickening Cost: 15) +10 to M.A. attribute. This ability lasts 1

    minute for every Quickening point spent. Using this power for a minute or more will exhaust animmortal. For each minute (4 melee rounds) of use the immortal suffers -2 speed, -2 initiative, -1parry and dodge, and -2 damage.Extraordinary Speed (Quickening Cost: 15) At the cost of 1 Quickening point per minute of use,an immortal can increase his SPD attribute by +20 and his attacks per melee by 2. Using thispower for a minute or more will exhaust an immortal. For each minute(4 melee rounds) of use theimmortal suffers -2 speed, -2 initiative, -1 parry and dodge, and -2 damage.Mental Assault (Quickening Cost: 20) (Note: An immortal must first have the Sense Life powerbefore they can get this one) An immortal with this ability can use his Quickening to disrupt theconcentration of another individual. The target must be within 20 ft of the immortal and within lineof sight. The target must make a Saving Throw vs Psionics (15 or Better for non-psionics andmortals, 10 or better for Psionics & Immortals) Failure to make the save results in a loss oninitiative, a -3 to strike, parry, and dodge rolls, and a -10% from skill rolls. The effects last for 1

    melee round. Can only be done once every minute (4 melee rounds) and costs 5 Quickening peruse.Limited Invulnerability (Quickening Cost: 25) (Note: An immortal must first have the Heal Selfpower before they can get this one) With this ability the immortal can all but ignore injury. Thisaffords the immortal with the ability to take only 1/4 damage from physical attacks. damage istaken from falls, crashes, and energy attacks. Psionics, gas attacks, magic, and poisons donormal damage. The duration is one melee per 2 points of Quickening spent.Greater Healing (Quickening Cost: 25) (Note: An immortal must first have the Heal Self powerbefore they can get this one) This ability is considered impossible by many immortals. with it animmortal can instantly heal from injuries. This even includes regrowing severed limbs. the only


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    catch to this ability is the cost. Usage of this power will instantly heal an injury (save beheading)but at a permanent cost of 10 Quickening points. These points don't, however, need to come fromonly one immortal. Another immortal can offer some of his Quickening. This is also a permanentloss.

    Blood Fury

    Some Immortals are able to use their Quickening to create a berserker rage that dramatically increases their combat prowess. When in

    the rage they will attack their enemy until one of them loses their head. If the Immortal is in normal combat and not fighting anotherImmortal they will attack all known enemies and then they take 2D4 melees to calm down. If they are provoked or if they even

    perceive the slightest threat against them they will lash out for another 8 melees. After they are calmed down they are so drained that

    they are -4 to all combat actions for 30 minutes.

    Range: Self only

    Duration: 8 melees

    Limitations: Only available at 5th level or higherCost: 20 PPE to acquire, 25 PPE to activate.

    Bonuses: The Blood Fury grants the Immortal the following bonuses:

    +2 attacks per melee

    +35 SDC

    +10 to damage+4 to strike

    -5 to dodge

    -5 to parry

    Cannot pull punches or roll with impacts

    Primal EmpathyThis is the ability to sense the emotions of creatures on a primal level, to feel their life force. The user can detect whether a creature is

    good, evil, animal or human(oid), supernatural or mortal. When used on a wild animal the character often receives a surge of energy or

    adrenaline in response to the sheer feeling of freedom enjoyed by many animals. This adds +10 to the character's speed and PE and

    they will act carefree for the duration. When used on sentient beings the character gets a momentary feeling as if they were the otherperson, ie: A Principled Immortal uses Primal Empathy on a psychopathic murderer. The Immortal would think like the murderer for

    about 1 minute during which his two natures (the Principled and the Diabolic) would conflict. The Immortal must save vs. psionics or

    their alignment is temporarily changed to the target's alignment for a period of 1 minute. Every melee they get to save vs. psionics. If a

    successful save is made they revert instantly to their normal alignment and behavior.

    Range: 150 feetDuration: 1 minute per level of experience

    Cost: 10 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 8 PPE are needed to activate it.

    Enhanced Awareness Level 1

    This meditative state increases the distance that the Immortal can sense other Immortals. It can be used during normal activity but at a

    lesser effectiveness. To use it at full effectiveness one must be meditating silently without movement or distraction.

    Range: Increases range of 'Buzz' by 25 feet per level

    Duration: 10 minutes per 5 PPE spent

    Limitations: Only available at 2nd level or higher. When this talent is used during normal activity the increase in range is only 10 feetper level.

    Cost: 10 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 5 PPE are spent for every 10 minutes it is in use.

    Enhanced Awareness Level 2

    By this time the Immortal has learned to bend his senses to detect specific creatures. They are now able to detect supernaturalcreatures if they bend their mind to it.

    Range: Normal range of Buzz. Can be used in conjunction with Enhanced Awareness Level 1 to increase the distance.

    Duration: 10 minutes per 8 PPE spent

    Limitations: Only available at 5th level or higher

    Prerequisite: Enhanced Awareness Level 1Cost: 15 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 8 PPE are spent for every 10 minutes it is in use. If used in conjunction with

    Enhanced Awareness Level 1 it costs 18 PPE per 10 minutes.

    Enhanced Healing

    The ability to heal oneself even faster than normal is the focus of this power. Often used as a last ditch effort, this power uses up greatquantities of Quickening that are slow to replenish. For each point of PPE (Quickening) the Immortal is healed of 1 HP or 5 SDC. The

    downside to this power is that the spent PPE is regained at 1/2 the normal rate.

    Range: Self

    Duration: Permanent

    Cost: 10 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 1 PPE is spent for every 1 HP or 5 SDC or 10 MDC healed.

    Weapon Concealment Level 1

    Some Immortals have spent time learning how to conceal their weapons from normal view by their Quickening to mask its presence

    from others. This ability allows a character to mask the presence of their weapon from mortals by making the weapon unnoticable. It's

    still there, it's just unremarkable and people won't notice it.Range: Self, can only conceal a weapon on one's person


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    Duration: 100 minutes per level of experience

    Limitations: This can only be performed on the Immortal's personal weapon, one that he / she has trained with extensively (at least

    one year), not just any weapon they pick up.

    Cost: 15 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 10 PPE are needed to activate it.

    Weapon Concealment Level 2

    After mastering how to conceal their weapon from mortals, some Immortals have gone further and learned how to conceal i t's

    presence from mechanical sensors as well. This ability takes a fair amount of skill and concentration. The basic principle is that the

    Immortal is able to place their sword in a state of limbo for limited periods of time allowing them to pass through mechanical sensorswhile keeping their sword undetected. The only person that can retrieve the sword is the Immortal who placed it there. This means thatthey Immortal doesn't have to worry about tripping over their sword when performing acrobatics or other maneuvers hard to do with a

    sheathed sword.

    Range: Self, can only conceal a weapon on one's person

    Duration: 240 minutes per level of experience.

    Limitations: This can only be performed on the Immortal's personal weapon, one that he / she has trained with extensively (at leastone year), not just any weapon they pick up. Not available until fifth level.

    Prerequisite: Weapon Concealment Level 1

    Cost: 20 PPE are spent permanently to acquire it, and 15 PPE are needed to activate it.

    Weapon Enhancement Level 1

    In order to combat the supernatural so that an Immortal may reach the time of the Gathering, some Immortals have focused their

    energy into doing enhanced damage with their chosen weapon. This power imbues the weapon with a portion of the Immortal's life

    force (Quickening) that increases the damage.

    Range: Personal weapon

    Duration: 140 melees (10 minute) per level of experience

    Limitations: Only available at 3rd level or higherCost: 10 PPE to acquire permanently, 7 PPE to add 1 die of damage to a melee weapon. Example: Bubba the Immortal is using a

    shortsword (he's stupid, what can I say) that normally does 1D8 damage. For each 7 PPE that he spends, the sword will do +1D8

    damage for four melees.


    The simple ability to communicate without using words. Instead the user communicates telepathically. The telepath can send a

    message to one person at a time and two-way telepathic communication is impossible unless the recipient is also telepathic (whether

    natural, psionic or magic in nature).

    Range: 175 feetDuration: 2 minutes per level of experience

    Cost: 5 PPE to acquire permanently, 3 PPE to activate.

    Note: All psionic powers can be used as Quickening Talents. In order to derive their costs, multiply the ISP cost by 1.5. This is how

    much it costs to gain the power. The normal ISP cost is how much PPE it costs to activate. Note: This is a makeshift method of doingit. I will update the list of talents as I get time. In addition, feel free to create your own. If you do, please send me a copy with details

    so I can add it to my list.

    Turn Invisible

    This Talent enables the Immortal to turn invisible. The effects are identical to the spell Invisibility: Lesser.Limitations: None

    Cost: 6 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition, 3 P.P.E. to activate it. The character can stay invisible for 3 minutes per level of


    See Invisible

    This Talent simply enables the character to see invisible opponents. The range is equal to normal line of sight.Limitations: None

    Cost: 2 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition; 1 P.P.E. to activate it. The character can see the invisible for 10 minutes per level of


    Shadow Drifting: Special Talent

    A form where the Immortal generates a pocket dimension around himself and he at the same time straddles several dimensionssimultaneously. He loses a physical form while doing this, and only the following select Talents are available to him. Conversely, he's

    also unaffected by all attacks except those that specifically target dimensional-capable opponents. Note that the Shadow Drifting

    Talents are not available in any other form.

    Limitations: Not available until 10th level.

    Cost: 80 P.P.E. to permanently acquire. 30 P.P.E. per activation. Lasts 20 minutes per level of the Immortal. The acquisition cost isso high because all of the special Shadow Drifting Talents can be used at no cost while in Shadow Drifting form!

    Shadow Drifting Talents

    Shadow of the Spectre

    The opponent is blinded by MAGIC darkness and unable to see. To everyone watching, including victim, the person is engulfed in

    a complete darkness, so those bystanders won't see the attacker either. Of course, the Immortal isn't affected by this darkness. The darkcloud will appear to come out of nowhere (actually it appears like the darkness is coming from within the victim) and is not able to be

    dodged. While in the cloud, the victim is 6 to strike, parry, and dodge any attacks.

    Force Bolt

    A hard impacting bolt is directed at an opponent. Does 5D6 S.D.C. (or M.D.C. in Rifts). Limited to one Force Bolt attack per melee

    round while Shadow Drifting. Gets a magical bonus of +4 to strike.


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    Wracked With Pain

    Opponent is struck with incredible pain that rushes through their whole body. Lasts for one hour per level of the Nightbane. The

    character is unable to move without intense pain wracking their whole body. They must make a save versus pain (14 or higher, P.E.

    bonuses applicable) or suffer the following: -2 attacks, -4 on all combat attacks, plus speed is reduced by 70% and P.S. and P.E. are

    reduced by 25%. Doing this Talent to the same target has no cumulative effect, and does no S.D.C. damage.Tendrils of Darkness

    Several magical tentacles are formed which can interact with an opponent. They are jet black in colour. 10 tentacles are formed.

    Can't be cut by normal weapons. They are strong, long, and agile, and ideal for hand to hand combat.

    Combat Stats:Attacks Per Melee: 10 attacks per melee in total (one attack per tentacle)Bonuses: Each is +4 to strike, +6 to parry, and +8 to auto dodge (the tentacle can dodge without using up a melee attack).

    Damage: A tentacle swat does 4D6 S.D.C. (or M.D.C. in Rifts) and a choking attack does 3D6 S.D.C. (or M.D.C. in Rifts).

    Note: Each tentacle can engage a different opponent, or several tentacles can attack the same target.

    Attributes of Note: P.S. 40, P.P. 22, all others not applicable. Each has an A.R. of 15 and 150 S.D.C. (no hit points as they are not

    alive.)Energy Drain

    This debilitating Talent drains the opponent of their psionic and/or magic reserves; rending them unable to cast spells or use psychic

    attacks. The energy drain drains 10 P.P.E. and/or I.S.P. (in any combination, such as 7 P.P.E. and 3 I.S.P.) per level of the Nightbane.

    The victim gets a save versus magic at 14 or higher.

    Limitations: Not available until fifth level.Cost: 12 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition. 12 P.P.E. per activation.

    Dark Strike

    This Talent creates a powerful blast of three nearly simultaneous force blasts, one right after the other. These are jet-black blasts and

    are a hard, pounding force. They do a total of 3D6 S.D.C. damage (or M.D.C. in Rifts), plus 3D6 every 3 levels of experience. At fifth

    level, the character is skilled enough to divide the attacks amongst three separate targets. However, the secondary attack is 3 to strike,

    and the tertiary attack is 6. This still counts as only one melee attack, but all the targets must be within the line of sight of theImmortal. The attacks do 1/3 of their normal damage each if they are divided.

    Limitations: Not available until third level.

    Cost: 12 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition. 12 P.P.E. per activation.

    Fist of DarknessWhen the Immortal throws a punch, kick, knee, or elbow, a huge black fist, knee, foot, or elbow (same as the Immortals attack)

    appears and strikes his opponent, regardless of how far away his opponent is, up to 500 feet (152m) away. This basically allows the

    Immortal to hit two people in one attack! The person being attacked by the Fist of Darkness gets to defend against it like a normal,

    physical attack.

    Limitations: Not available until third level.Cost: 10 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition. 10 P.P.E. per attack attempt.

    Attack Redirection

    This talent will redirect the force of an attack away from the Immortal. The attack must be a distant energy/projectile attack (such as

    natural energy blasts or gunfire). The Immortal upon using the talent, will create a black surface in midair which will redirect theattack elsewhere. The character can attempt to hit targets on his left or right side with this, at 5 to strike (takes place of the characters

    normal defensive action). Only one attack at once can be redirected. Normal parry bonuses dont apply to the attack redirection, but a

    special +6 bonus applies to this defensive move.

    Limitations: None.

    Cost: 6 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition; 6 P.P.E. per attack redirection attemptNegate Spell

    This Talent instantly negates any spell attack leveled at Mephisto. Must be a magic spell. The physical effect is a puff of black

    smoke or a black ball counteracting the spell effect. The spell that the Immortal is trying to cancel gets a saving throw vs. magic of 14

    or higher. The spell trying to be cancelled gets no bonuses to save.

    Limitations: Not available until third level. Can only be attempted on spells as they are currently being cast.Cost: 6 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition. 6 P.P.E. per each spell cancellation attempt.

    Fist of Light

    When the Immortal throws a punch, kick, knee, or elbow, a huge white fist, knee, foot, or elbow (same as the Immortals attack)

    appears and strikes his opponent, regardless of how far away his opponent is, up to 500 feet (152m) away. This basically allows the

    Immortal to hit two people in one attack! The person being attacked by the Fist of Light gets to defend against it like a normal,physical attack.

    Limitations: Not available until third level.

    Cost: 10 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition. 10 P.P.E. per attack attempt.

    Light Strike

    This Talent creates a powerful blast of three nearly simultaneous force blasts, one right after the other. These are stark-white blastsand are a hard, pounding force. They do a total of 3D6 S.D.C. damage (or M.D.C. in Rifts), plus 3D6 every 3 levels of experience. At

    fifth level, the character is skilled enough to divide the attacks amongst three separate targets. However, the secondary attack is 3 to

    strike, and the tertiary attack is 6. This still counts as only one melee attack, but all the targets must be within the line of sight of the

    Immortal. The attacks do 1/3 of their normal damage each if they are divided.

    Limitations: Not available until third level.Cost: 12 P.P.E. for permanent acquisition. 12 P.P.E. per activation.

    Light Drifting: Special Talent

    A form where the Immortal generates a pocket dimension around himself and he at the same time straddles several dimensions

    simultaneously. He loses a physical form while doing this, and only the following select Talents are available to him. Conversely, he's

    also unaffected by all attacks except those that specifically target dimensional-capable opponents. Note that the Shadow DriftingTalents are not available in any other form.


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    Limitations: Not available until 10th level.

    Cost: 80 P.P.E. to permanently acquire. 30 P.P.E. per activation. Lasts 20 minutes per level of the Immortal. The acquisition cost is

    so high because all of the special Shadow Drifting Talents can be used at no cost while in Shadow Drifting form!

    Shadow Drifting Talents

    Sight of the Angels

    The opponent is blinded by MAGIC light and unable to see. To everyone watching, including vict im, the person is engulfed in a

    complete darkness, so those bystanders won't see the attacker either. Of course, the Immortal isn't affected by this light. The bright

    cloud will appear to come out of nowhere (actually it appears like the light is coming from within the victim) and is not able to be

    dodged. While in the cloud, the victim is 6 to strike, parry, and dodge any attacks.Force Bolt

    A hard impacting bolt is directed at an opponent. Does 5D6 S.D.C. (or M.D.C. in Rifts). Limited to one Force Bolt attack per melee

    round while Shadow Drifting. Gets a magical bonus of +4 to strike.

    Wracked With Pain

    Opponent is struck with incredible pain that rushes through their whole body. Lasts for one hour per level of the Nightbane. The

    character is unable to move without intense pain wracking their whole body. They must make a save versus pain (14 or higher, P.E.bonuses applicable) or suffer the following: -2 attacks, -4 on all combat attacks, plus speed is reduced by 70% and P.S. and P.E. are

    reduced by 25%. Doing this Talent to the same target has no cumulative effect, and does no S.D.C. damage.

    Tendrils of Light

    Several magical tentacles are formed which can interact with an opponent. They are stark white in colour. 10 tentacles are formed.

    Can't be cut by normal weapons. They are strong, long, and agile, and ideal for hand to hand combat.Combat Stats:

    Attacks Per Melee: 10 attacks per melee in total (one attack per tentacle)

    Bonuses: Each is +4 to strike, +6 to parry, and +8 to auto dodge (the tentacle can dodge without using up a melee attack).

    Damage: A tentacle swat does 4D6 S.D.C. (or M.D.C. in Rifts) and a choking attack does 3D6 S.D.C. (or M.D.C. in Rifts).

    Note: Each tentacle can engage a different opponent, or several tentacles can attack the same target.

    Attributes of Note: P.S. 40, P.P. 22, all others not applicable. Each has an A.R. of 15 and 150 S.D.C. (no hit points as they are notalive.)

    Eyes Of The Beholder

    This powerful talent allows the Immortal to see "the reality" of the world. This means it is impossible to deceive the Immortal with

    this talent. Powers, spells, psionics, and talents that involve cloaking such as Invisibility, Chameleon, Shadow Meld, The Shroud,Alter Aura, Death Trace, etc are useless. Even the skill Concealment is ineffective. The Immortal effectively has "x-ray" vision and

    can see all hidden objects underneath clothing, inside a suitcase, or what's inside the trailer of a truck. The Immortal's nightvision

    range is doubled. The talent also functions similar to the spell and psionic power of Sense Dimensional Anomaly. Furthermore, it will

    allow the Immortal to see the Morphus(tm) form of any NightBane will in their Facade(tm) form. Illusions are useless against the

    Immortal, as is all visual trickery. By channeling 10 additional P.P.E(tm) into the talent, the Immortal can see a particular highlighted"item, if he or she knows what they are looking for, i.e. a particular spoon used by a certain individual in the last hour in a cluster of a

    hundred others.

    Unfortuntely the talent makes the Immortal extremely sensitive to bright light aimed directly at the eyes. looking at the sun or aflashlight will cause temporarily blindness (-9 to strike, parry, dodge for 1d6+3 minutes).

    Penalties: The characters eyes glow bright red, equal to a 60 watt bulb, when in use.

    Cost: 12 P.P.E(tm) to purchase. 10 P.P.E(tm) to use every 2 melees.

    Lord Or Lady Of Darkness

    This is a very powerful ability. Some of the most powerful Immortals in history have possessed this rare talent. It allows the

    Immortal to control darkness at such a level, they are the true masters over the night and shadows. The Immortal must possess FIVE

    shadow talents. These talents become interchangeable in their functioning. For instance, the talent Nightbringer(tm) can mimic any of

    the other shadow talents, Shadow Bolt of intant, and inflict damage over a very large area. Shadow Storm can mimic the affects ofShadow Shield and create a protective area for a much greater area.

    Along with interchanging the talents, the Immortal can Shadow Meld (equal to the Spell) at the cost of 5 P.P.E (tm) The Immortal

    can also summon 1d4+1 Shadow Beast per level of experience that follow his or her command. These creatures obey the bane as any

    animal would if the bane possess the talent Lord or Lady of the Wild.

    Whenever the Immortal is in the Nightlands(tm) or on Earth between sunset and sunrise, he or she possess the following bonuses:Triple range of nightvision

    +1 Initiative and add one extra attack.

    Increase HF tm) by 2 (18 the max).

    +6 to PS(tm)

    +2 to PP(tm)+3 to save vs HF(tm)

    +3 to save vs magic

    2d4x10 SDC(tm)

    knowledge of the exact time of the setting and rising of the sun.

    the ability to negate Shadow Talents (exactly like the Guardians do with magic).

    The curse of this power is the Immortal can no longer stand to look at bright light(anything brighter then 50 watts is blinding) -9 to

    strike, parry, and dodge. Sunlight will cause the bane 1d4x10 point of damage per melee. All light powers from the Guardians inflict

    double damage while power is in use.

    Prerequisites: Five Shadow Talents prior to being 5th level.


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    Cost: 40 P.P.E(tm) to purchase. 7 P.P.E(tm) to Shadow Meld for a 4 melee per level duration. 25 P.P.E(tm) to summon 1d4+1 Shadow

    Beasts. Eight additional P.P.E(tm) to summon each additional one. Whatever Shadow Talent the Immortal wants to combine with

    another one uses only the first talent's P.P.E(tm) For example, if the Immortal wants to make the talent Nightbringer(tm) like Shadow

    Bolt(tm), he or she need only use the P.P.E needed to activate the Nightbringer talent and it will function like Shadow Bolt.

    Dark Charge

    This powerful talent allows a Immortal to install mystical energy (from an unknown source) into an inanimate object enabling it todo supernatural damage. The talent is similar to the Charm Weapon spell, but unlike the spell the charge is instantneous, but theduration is only for 4 melees. Each time the talent is used, the item temporarily gains an extra 100 SDC(tm)permanently. This enables

    it to withstand the extra amount of damage/stress that it will undergo while under the influence. There is an unlimited amount of times

    a item can be charged. Each charge permits the weapon to inflict double damage upon any SUPERNATURAL being or magic welder,

    such as other Nightbanes(tm), all Denizens of the Nightlands(tm), Night Priests(tm), Night Princes(tm), werebeasts, dragons, demons,

    all men of magic, etc... Against Vampires, undead, and normal humans the weapon will inflict normal damage. AgainstNightlords(tm) and their Avatars(tm) it will do triple damage. (Note) this talent does not augment a Immortal's natural ability to inflict

    double damage against Denziens of the Nightlands(tm) or triple damage against the Nightlords(tm). If this talent is used on a modern

    weapon, the weapon itself is charged.All ammunition put into the weapon is automatically charged. A bow can be charged or the

    arrow can be, but they cannot both be, nor will they do triple damage. The talent can only be used on solid objects weighting less then

    30 lbs. The entire weapon is charged, not half of it. If add ons (night scope) make the weapon weigh more then 30 lbs, it will notcharge. All weapons charged by the Immortal will cause him or her no damage as long as the charge is on.

    Limitations: Can only be used on weapons weighting less then 30 lbs. Duration. 4 melees or 1 minute per charge.

    Cost: 25 P.P.E(tm) to purchase. 12 P.P.E(tm) to charge an object.

    Elemental Sword

    Creates a sword out of the Immortal's energy. When spending the P.P.E. to create the sword, the Immortal chooses one of the fourelements to be represented in the sword. The Immortal only needs to buy the Talent once; he can choose which sword to create when

    fueling the Talent, although he can only use one of the swords at once. They are:

    Earth Sword: Symbolizes strength and durability. Does 5D6 damage in addition to Immortal strength, and the Immortal is at +10

    S.D.C. per level of experience while the sword is in place. The S.D.C. regenerates as normal.Fire Sword: Symbolizes fury and danger. Does 6D6 fire damage in addition to Immortal strength, and the Immortal is at an

    additional +2 to Strike, Parry, & Dodge while the sword is in place.

    Lighting Sword: Symbol of wisdom and resourcefulness. Does 4D6 electrical damage in addition to Immortal strength and can

    shoot lightning bolts, equal to the number of attacks the Immortal has. Range is 500 ft and the Immortals normal strike bonus

    applies, although W.P. Sword does not. The bolts do 4D6 damage.Ice Sword: Symbol of calm and purity. Does 4D6 water damage in addition to Immortal strength, plus does an extra 1D6 damage to

    vampires and the vampire regenerates as if struck by water. Plus, the Immortal is at +2 to save vs. magic and psionic attack.

    P.P.E: To Acquire: 15

    P.P.E. To Use: 12Duration: One minute per level of experience. Not available until fourth level.

    Soul Bridge

    This Talent allows the Immortal to establish a pseudo-psionic rapport with another sentient being. When this happens, each is privy

    to the surface thoughts of the other. Whatever leaps to mind in one, the other knows about simultaneously. This has severaladvantages, such as the ability to coordinate battles much more smoothly, the power to speak without letting others know, and is also a

    great interrogation device if the Immortal can keep his thoughts under control. (Role-play this to the hilt; some creatures, like

    Hounds, are total sadists whose thoughts would horrify anyone with a shred of civility.)

    Bonuses: When two or more people are linked by the Soul Bridge, each sees what the other sees. This confers a bonus of +1 to

    Strike, Parry & Dodge per each person linked that is attacking the same person, since the multiple perspectives allow for more detailedinformation on the target. These bonuses are cumulative, and are added to each member of the link. They are also +1 to Save versus

    any attacks on their minds (magic & psionics), due to the combined wills that can be refocused - again, +1 per person in the link.

    In order to establish the link, the Immortal must look into his targets eyes and the target must look back. (If no eyes exist, into

    where they would see out of. Be flexible.) Range is line of sight. Save is vs. Magic at a strength of 12 if the target is unwilling.

    Duration is ten minutes per level, at which time the link can be reestablished without use of eye contact if the target is willing. Onceestablished, range is infinite, although perfect clarity only exists if the subject is closer than 1000 ft. Beyond that, clarity is muddled

    proportionately but contact is never lost. Again, roleplay this; emotions and clear thoughts have the most range.

    P.P.E. To Acquire: 10

    P.P.E. To Use: 7 per person

    Note: The Immortal can also create a permanent link that will endure as long as they both shall live. However, this requires awilling subject, eye contact as above, and total trust of them both. This permanently costs 10 P.P.E. The two gain all bonuses as

    above, and range on sensing is increased to one mile! However, this is an act of unparalleled trust and intimacy that goes far beyond

    simple friendship or casual romance, since it can only be undone by the death of one of those involved. Only one permanent link can

    be created by the Immortal , so he or she better choose wisely. Similarly, the other person can only support one of these links, so two

    or more Immortal cant create an endless circle. (However, the temporaries are still possible.) If the one dies, the other might go intoshock (GMs call) but will recover, although the P.P.E. is forever lost and a new link cant be made for 1D4 years. This is a great

    role-playing element for the less kill-crazy characters and players.

    Property Master


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    This talent grants the Immortal the ability to form a link with an inanimate object. Once linked the Immortal may call the object to

    him for as long as the object and link exists. From any distance or dimension it will immediately return to the hand of the Immortal. A

    Immortal may only have two objects linked to him at a time with this talent, but he may purchase this talent multiple times.

    Limitations: Not available until 3rd level.

    Cost: 5 P.P.E to acquire, and 3 P.P.E. to call a linked object. It also costs 1 P.P.E. per five pounds to link to an object. This P.P.E. isremoved from the Immortal's total until he decides to sever the link.

    Vampire Slayer

    This powerful talent gives the Immortal the abilities to combat vampires. The Immortal can create an aura that does double damageto vampires with all their natural attacks, and this damage heals back at half the normal rate for a vampire. The Immortal is able tocreate real wooden stakes in his hand to use against the vampire (these are permanent creations) and summon a blast of water that does

    6D6 damage to them.

    Limitations: Can only be aquired at 5th level or higher.

    Cost: 30 P.P.E. to acquire, 10 P.P.E. to activate the aura for 1 minure, 5 P.P.E. to blast water and 3 P.P.E. to create a stake.


    This Talent is similar to the level 6 magic spell Call Lightning. The 'Immortal summons a dark bolt of lightning to strike any visible

    character within 100 feet. The bolt cannot be dodged, and inflicts 2d6 damage. For an additional 4 PPE the damage can be increased

    by 1d6, up to the character's level.

    Cost: 10 PPE to acquire, 6 PPE for the basic bolt and 4 PPE/extra 1d6.

    Limitations: At least level 2. Outdoors only!Darkstorm (Elite)

    An enhanced Darkstrike, this talent allows the 'Immortal to summon three lightning bolts to strike up to three visible targets within

    200 ft. Each bolt inflicts 3d6 damage. Characters can expend 5 PPE to add an additional 3d6 bolt, maximum extra=character's level.

    The char. can also spend 3 PPE _per bolt_ to add 1d6 damage, again up to his level. For example A level 7 'Immortal wants to max

    out his Darkstrike in order to fight off the 5 Hounds which surround him (nice odds, eh?). He spends 15 PPE for the basic attack, +35

    PPE for seven more bolts (total now 10) and (10 bolts x 7d6 per bolt x 3 PPE per d6) 210 PPE to push each bolt to 10d6. Total cost =260 PPE, and each Hound is struck by 2 10d6 bolts of lightning (which isn't bad, considering Hounds take 2x damage from Talents).

    Cost: 20 PPE to acquire, 15 PPE for the basic 3-strike, 5 PPE/extra bolt and 3 PPE/extra 1d6/bolt.

    Limitations: At least level 6, and must possess Darkstrike talent. Outdoors only! Counts as 2 attacks.

    Speed Freak

    The 'Immortal with this talent can drastically increase his speed. Raise the character's P.P. by +10 (minimum 30) and Spd x 3. Use the

    enhanced P.P. to determine strike/parry/dodge bonuses; character _also_ gets +1 attack per melee (with another +1 at levels 6 and 12),

    +6 roll with punch, and +6 initiative. The character can leap 30 feet up/across _instantly_ (i.e. does NOT take an action). The Speed

    Freak lasts for 2 melee rounds, and can be increased by 2 rounds per character's level. This talent is particularly effective when used in

    combination with Brett Hegr's Body- blur (cumulative bonuses and all that...).Cost: 12 PPE to acquire, 8 PPE to activate, 6 PPE per +2 melees.

    Limitations: Must be level three or higher.

    Shadow Sight

    Gives the Immortal the ability to see long distances in shadows. The character may peer into a shadow and see perfectly up to adistance of 50 X P.P.E.(tm) spent, in feet. This ability lasts for 1 minute + an extra minute f or each additional 5 P.P.E. spent. This

    ability works in all shadows, including night. Note, however, that the sight only works in connected shadows, and that the sight stops

    where the darkness stops. The interior of the shadows is able to be seen clearly by the character. If an additional 5 P.P.E. per minute is

    spent, the character may also look around corners that are in complete shadow. This ability works in the Nightlands(tm).

    Limitations: NoneCost: 10 P.P.E. to acquire permanently; one P.P.E. for every 50ft of site plus 5 P.P.E. for every minute beyond the first of duration.

    Can spend an additional 5 P.P.E. per minute to be able to have a non-linear line of sight, i.e. around corners, etc

    Shadow Chains

    The Immortal with this talent is able to cause several chains with hooks on the end to shoot out of the corners and ceiling of a

    room and to automatically dig into the target. Each chain costs 3 P.P.E. to summon, with a minimum of four. The maximum numberof chains is equal to the characters level X 3. These chains plunge into the target, each chain automatically hitting and inflicting 1

    S.D.C. The chains hold the target with a supernatural P.S. equal to the P.P.E. spent on chains. If the target has higher strength than

    this, he/she may break free in a number of rounds equal to the difference between the P.S. Or, the Immortal may choose to have the

    chains rip out of their own accord. In either case, each chain does 1D4 damage as it rips out of the target. Ouch. While they are stuck

    in the target, target loses 1 S.D.C. for every three chains per round due to bleeding, unless it has regenerative powers.If the chains are attacked, it is a called strike and is at -3 to strike, due to the chains being in constant motion, swaying, whipping

    around. Even if they are to hold the target for a while, the still sway and toss the target. They cannot be made to hold perfectly still

    until 9th level is reached. They each have an S.D.C. of 30.

    Once the chains are ripped free, either by the target escaping or by the talent user wanting them to rip out, they fly back into the

    walls and celing from whence they came. They are one-target deals. They may not then attack a second target, or the first target again.Once they hit the target, which must be declared when the talent is used and which happens instantly, they may stay nestled in the

    target for up to 4 rounds + 1 round/lvl. After that period, the Immortal may spend 6 P.P.E./round to keep them around for an

    additional round.

    Limitations: Not usable until 3rd Level.

    Cost: 12 P.P.E. to acquire permanently; 3 P.P.E. per chain; in addition, the Immortal may increase duration by spending 6 P.P.E. forevery additional round. This may be spent on the fly. (p.s., do you think the cost should be higher?)

    Damage: 1 point per chain when they hit (they hit automatically when talent is used); an additional 1 point per three chains bleeding

    damage; when they are withdrawn an additional 1D4 damage per chain.

    Soul Mirror

    This talent lets the Immortal reflect on a person all the 'evil' things the reciever has done in their life through the eyes of thevictim(s) of the evil acts. The person experiences all the suffering he/she has caused. This talent does no 'real' physical damage but it


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    blows away any repressed memories and sends the reciever into a spasm of agony 2d4+1 melees (if selfish alignment) or 3d4+1

    melees (if evil). Good alignments aren't really affected (unless they converted in which case the previous alignment is used). If the

    person is at present an evil alignment (or a really borderline selfish person) there is a 10% chance an insanity save has to be made.

    This talent takes 1 melee action to perform.

    Limitations: not available until the 3rd level, MUST be good or selfish alignment to use this talent.Cost: 15 ppe to aquire, 7 to use.

    Shadow Vault

    This talent allows the Immortal to call into existence a Vault made of shadow. This is used to store and carry any amount of objects

    of any size or weight. The object is simply placed in the Vault and taken out as needed. When not in use the Vault is closed and theobjects are inaccessible without opening the vault again. Living animals cannot be placed into a Shadow Vault and plants put insidewill suffer from a lack of light. The amount of objects that can be placed in the vault is unlimited and the desired object will always be

    on top when it is needed. If the character who has a Shadow Vault dies, roll a d100 for each object: if the roll is 01-50%, the object is

    lost forever. Ifhe roll is 51-75% it falls to the ground where the character dies. If 75-00%, it falls to the corresponding place in the

    nightlands (or in the real world if the character dies in the nightlands.)

    Limitations: None.Cost: Permanent 10 P.P.E. to acquire, 5 PPE to open (no cost to close).

    Soul Search

    This Talent allows the Immortal to communicate with other people telepathically. It also lets the Immortal delve into the minds of

    others. However, This use of Soul Search costs the Immortal an additional 6PPE per minute. Soul Search can be blocked by a mind

    block, Soul Shield, or similar effect. The Immortal is limited in communication as a regular telepath is: to non-telepaths, only a briefand direct message can be sent, but real communications is possible with other telepaths.

    Limitations: As above with a 200ft (60.8m) range

    PPE: 8 points to aquire, 4 PPE to communicate, +6 PPE to deep probe

    Dark Sword

    A sword comprised of dark energy that reflects the users style. The sword reflects mental and emotional status. The weapon alsoreflects character taste (people who like big swords get them; of course this is at GM's discretion), and please do elaborate on this,

    GM's. Damage is 1d6 S.D.C. per P.P.E.pont.

    Limitations: Usable only after level 3. No more than 1 P.P.E. per level of experience.

    Duration: 1 melee per 5 ME (the weapon talent is mentally taxing and is not recommended for the insane Immortal. ) Round to nearest5, i.e. ME 11 gets it for 2 melees, but ME 14 gets it for 3 melees. Simple enough.

    Cost: 10 acquire and 1 P.P.E. per 1d6 S.D.C. each use


    A simple, yet effective, protective Talent. The Immortal alters his aura so that normal weapons (knives, guns, and such) are unable todamage him. The character also takes only half damage from falling, heavy impact (missiles, cars, etc...), and the attacks of

    supernatural creatures. Energy weapons to 1/4 damage. However magic and psionic weapons, magic spells, and psionic attacks do

    double damage.

    Limitations: None.Cost: 12 P.P.E.(TM) to acquire, 10 per minute of use.


    Looking upon a Immortal using this power can be disturbing. While moving the creature will seem to have several shadowy ghost

    images trailing after it, and when still these images will vibrate and wrap around the Immortal . The effect is to create an unnerving,sometimes frightening illusion that will distract enemies. The user also gains the benefit of slightly enhanced speed and reflexes. The

    Immortal gains a +2 bonus to defend against attacks (parry, dodge, roll, etc...), +1 to Horror Factor, +1 on initiative, and +10% to


    Duration: One minute per level of experience.

    Limitations: None.Cost: 8 P.P.E.(TM) to acquire, 4 to activate, +6 more to double the bonuses if so desired.


    The Immortal eyes (all that he might posess) turn an inky non-reflective black. While in use the Immortal gains superior nightvision.

    Anything that affects the ability to see are also ineffective, such as the Nightbringer Talent, Bio-Manipulation, Blinding Flash, Cloudof Smoke, See Aura, Eyes of Thoth, Second Sight, etc... By expending additional P.P.E.(TM), the Immortal can also see the invisible.

    Blindfolds are as effective against the Immortal using this talent as it would be against others not so blessed.

    Duration: Five minutes per level.

    Limitations: Nightvision has a range of 600 feet beyond his normal nightvision range, which can be increased by +100 feet per each

    additional 2 P.P.E.(TM) spent. Can be used by either the Facade or the Morphus.Cost: 6 P.P.E.(TM) to acquire, 4 to activate, and 2 per extra +100 feet as above. To see the invisible costs 4 P.P.E.(TM), same



    This simple Talent allows a Immortal to hide it's nature! If a character is using the ability to sense Immortal (ability or spell), the userof this Talent is not sensed by it. The use of See Aura on the Nightbane(TM) will show the character as human, but has a strange

    magical disturbance. An experienced psychic might intuit the character is hiding something. The spell Bind Nightbane(TM) is also

    ineffective against the user of this Talent.

    Limitations: Useable by the Facade only.

    Cost:4 P.P.E.(TM) to acquire, 1 per minute it is activated.


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    Shadow Matter

    A strange but very useful ability, this allows a Immortal to temporarily transform any inanimate object into an incorporeal shadow.

    The Immortal must be in physical contact with whatever his target is (i t cannot, under any circumstances, be alive, though corpses

    and undead are fair game) for a full melee round while he uses the power. The object than fades into a cloud of pure, insubstantial

    shadow. It's visual appearance is very similar to a thick, black lace curtain, only bright lights can shine through it. It has no physicalpresence whatsoever, and can be easily walked through. While in shadow form, the material retains it's original general shape, and

    outstanding physical features may still be noticeable. Immortal can cause the object to move while it is shadow and it is virtually

    indestructible, seeing as how it is not truly there. The matter remains incorporeal for 2D10 melee rounds, after which it returns to it's

    original state. Anything that was inside the shadow when it reformed is pushed out to the nearest open space.Limitations: None.Cost: 14 PPE to acquire permanently. 5 PPE per cubic foot of

    matter transformed.

    Shadowy Allies

    Immortal can use this talent to summon up combat companions out of the very stuff of shadows. Horrific, 3-dimensional shadows thatresemble the Immortal 's friend step out of whatever dark areas are present, no matter how small. The things have sketchy, indistinct

    appearances with jagged outlines that constantly arch and twist. They can do nothing but fight for the summoner. The allies can appear

    up to 50 yards away from the Immortal , and cannot move past that range once summoned. They have 2 attacks per round and do 3D6

    points of damage with each successful hit. They have an effective speed of 25. Each ally has 60 SDC. They dissipate into nothingness

    once they are slain or when 3 minutes (12 rounds) have passed. The Immortal commands them mentally and need expend only 1melee action per round to command all of them. If he fails to do so, they continue attacking whomever they were the round

    before. They stand still if their foe has been defeated.

    The exact nature of the entities summoned with this talent is unknown, even to it's users. It is believed that either they are magical

    manifestations of pure shadow, given shape by the will of their summoner, or that they are creatures that dwell in the Nightlands.

    Given the fact that they have never been encountered outside the presence of a Immortal using this talent, on any world, the former

    seems most likely.Limitations: Usable by Morphus only. Not available until 5th level. A maximum of 3 allies per 5 levels may be summoned.

    Cost: 20 PPE to acquire it permanently. 15 PPE per shadowy ally summoned

    Dark Flame

    A talent related in some ways to Dark Ice, it varies primarily in that it is better used to destroy, rather than to create. With this power, aImmortal can summon up raging fires that give heat and scorch whatever they touch, but shed no light or smoke, though they are

    easily be noticed even in pitch blackness by their glowing darkness, deeper than any natural shadow. Unlike Dark Ice, Dark Flame can

    be created away from the body, up to a distance of 75 feet. The fire simply explodes into midair or rises out of the ground, however

    the Immortal prefers it. If he has enough PPE, he can create a large inferno, as long as the entire blaze remains within range. The

    Immortal must careful however, for it can burn him as much as any. The fire does 5D6 points of damage per round to everythingwithin it. The damage can be avoided easily enough by moving out the flames, but there is nothing to prevent the Immortal from

    creating more next round save for a lack of PPE. The only real way to escape a Dark Flame attack is to move out of range or kill the

    summoning nightspawn.

    Note that the fire disappears immediately when the Immortal stops paying PPE. It cannot cause anything else to catch fire, though theburns it leaves are evident upon whatever it touches. It can reduce flammable objects to ash at the same rate as a normal fire.

    Limitations: It

    cannot be acquired until 3rd level.

    Costs: 16 PPE to acquire permanently. 5 per round for every one

    foot cube of fire created or maintained.Dark Ice

    Mystical masses of jet-black ice can be created for various purposes with this talent. The matter created most of the normal properties

    of ice, including temperature, texture, weight, tensile strength and what have you. The only major differences are it's dark, opaque

    color and the fact that when it melts, it disappears utterly. The ice usually appears simply by exuding from the character's skin.

    Usually from the hands, though it can appear to condense from steam breathedfrom the nostrils or be belched from the mouth and so forth. The Immortal can create the ice in most any shape, though fine details for

    ice sculptures are impossible. Moving parts are also beyond the power of this talent. It can be used to make weapons like ice spears or


    wicked snow balls. It can be made into shields. Armor would be difficult since the Immortal wouldn't be able to accommodate joints

    of any sort. A breast plate would be plausible, but the wearer (probably the spawn using the talent) would have to take 1D8 points ofcold damage every round he wore it. The ice can be used to coat a victim, but only one that is immobile. The unfortunate would

    probably suffocate before freezing to death. The ice object can be made to virtually any size, but at a maximum rate of one kilogram

    of ice per round. If the ice does not

    melt first, it vanishes in an hour. How long it takes the ice to melt is left to the GM.

    Any objects made with Dark Ice are assumed to have 20 SDC per kilogram. All weapons do damage equal to the normal equivalent, toa maximum of 2D6. Add +2 for cold damage. At the GM's discretion, the damage done may decrease as the ice melts.

    Limitations:. Not available until 3rd level.

    Cost: 12 PPE to acquire permanently. 9 per kg of ice created.

    Shadow Walker (Teleport)

    Myth has held stories of monsters who appeared out of

    shadow, snatching their victims who didn't even know that they

    were there. Most of those stories were caused by predators that

    had the shadow meld spell or some similar power. However, someof those victims were attacked by Immortals with the Shadow


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    Walker power.

    With this power, a Immortal can travel anywhere that he

    knows about that has a shadow. To use this power, the Immortal

    must be near a shadow that is at least as large as him The Immortal must also

    have seen the place where s/he wishes to travel to, and there must be a shadowthere that is as large as the Immortal . Within those limitations, the

    Immortal can travel almost anywhere, except within an circle of

    protection or a magic Sanctum.

    Prerequisite: The Immortal must have the Doorway and ShadowSlide powers.Limitations: The Shadow Walker power cannot be selected until 7th level.

    Cost: 20 PPE to acquire permanently, 20 PPE to activate.

    Shadow Emulate:

    The Immortal , can create a shadow weapon that has the same effects as the weapon known and desired. But only if the weapon hasbeen wielded and studied by the Immortal . Ie. If George the Bane used a Lawgiver from Judge Dredd, then tried to duplicate it, it

    wouldn't work, but if he, George, used the weapon and then took it apart and studied all(even the ammo) it's components and then

    successfully makes an Intelligence check with 3%,per point of intelligence being the case and only does it ONCE with the

    weapon,Ie..a 20 Int would give 60% chance of success. If the Bane succeeds on his roll, then the Bane can emulate it. If he fails, then

    he cannot ever duplicate the one he has, but can try another, new weapon, of same design that he has not touched.Cost: to acquire the emulate of the weapon requires a permanent expenditure of 2 ppe points at moment of success with Int check. (if

    too harsh, I disagree, for it would keep the arsenal down to a minimum.)

    Limitations: This ability can only be acquired upon Level 4.

    Cost to buy: 15 ppe

    Cost to create item: 15 ppe

    Cost to maintain created items:5 ppe/round + 2ppe/1 SDC of damage if any to duplicate weapon ie. 200 sdc LAW round wouldrequire 400 ppe(kinda keeps the weapons created minimized don't you think?)

    In a Rifts environment the weapon would not do MDC, since the weapons known to the Bane were SDC weapons, but if the Bane got

    a hold of an MDC Weapon say, a Wilks laser, it would not get out of hand. The 2ppe/1 SDC still applies("oh damn, that 2 MDC shot

    took all 400 ppe out of me!"-hehe:), it makes it so that they would instead turn to other weapons, say their Supernatural Strength, butthey sure wouldn't be out of an SDC weapon anytime soon.

    Flash Pack

    This is a talent that seems to be seen more in those Immortal who work commonly with Guardians. It allows them to create small,

    glowing balls, that can be thrown and "detonated" on command. When detonated, these packs create a blinding light for one full

    melee, nothing within 30ft will be able to see. They will be blinded for 1D4 melees afterwards (hounds, hunters, and other natives ofthe Nightlands are blinded for 2D4 melees). During the flash, everyone is reduced to half their normal number of attacks, no combat

    bonuses, and are -7 to strike, parry, and dodge. Characters blinded afterwards are (actually, they're not really blind, it's more or less

    just recovering from the shock), are -4 to strike, parry, and dodge. These balls are similar to natural sunlight, and does 5D6 damage to

    any vampire. These packs can be generated as often as once a minute (4 melees). Guardians, Immortal and the Nightbane using thetalent are immune to the effects, as are people wearing specially darkened goggles or visors (normal sun glasses don't cut it). can be

    thrown 10 feet for every point of PS and detonated mentally. (10 balls created per level of experience per pack.

    Limitations: one pack can be generated every four melees.

    Cost: 12 PPE to acquire permanently, 9 PPE to create a flash pack (detonating costs nothing)


    When activating this talent, the Immortal is surrounded by an aura of black light (easily confused with the Shadow Shield described

    below). While this aura is in effect the Immortal is utterly invulnerable to the effects of MAGIC! Any magical spells that can be

    resisted with a save will have absoloutly no effectwhat so ever on the character. The same for all other spells except those which pick

    up and object and huirl them at the character which must be dodged as per normal. The Anti-Arcane will last 1 minute/lv, at whichtime it must be reactivated.

    Limitation: None

    Cost: 15 PPE to permanently acquire it and 20 are needed every time to activate it.

    Shadow Shield

    Creates a force field of dark energy around the Immortal, providing 200 SDC/MDC per 2 PPE spent (PPE cannot exceed 400 per lv of

    experience). The Shadow Shield completely surrounds the character, protecting him form toxic gases, disease, punches ,bullets ,heat

    ,fire ,cold ,and similar dangers as long as it remains in force; it is the shield that takes the damage inflicted by such attacks

    Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience or until all the SDC/MDC is used up

    Limitations: 400 PPE or 800 SDC/MDC per levelCost: 7 PPE to acquire it permanently; 2 PPE to activate it with 20 SDC/MDC plus additional PPE to increase the level of protection.

    Soul Shield

    Protects against mental attacks/probes and the See Aura/See Truth Talent. The Soul Shield acts like a psychic mind block, preventing

    almost all means of magical or psionic probes from intruding into the Immortals mind. More importantly, while the Soul Shield is up,any spell or power that tries to control or dominate the Immortals mind will automatically Fail.

    Those who attempt to read the protected characters mind will only see a pool of utter darkness. The reader/psychic will find it

    difficult to pry himself from that darkness (a save versus psionics is necessary; roll every melee round), and until he does, he will be

    unable to do anything other than stare vacantly into space.

    Limitations: NoneDuration: 10 hours per level of experience


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    Cost: 6 PPE to acquire it permanently; 4 to activate.

    The Shroud

    This powerful talent enables a Immortal to become invisible superior and noiseless to both normal vision as well as to electronic

    devices like cameras, motion detectors, heat sensors, ect. This ability can be used selectively, enabling some people to see theCharacter while others cant. Vengeful Immortals have been known to drive a human insane by pursuing him in plain sight, invisible

    to everyone else. The victims cries for help would be useless, for nobody else could see the person threatening him!

    The power is very expensive to maintain for long periods of time (10 PPE per 100 Minutes). Also the moment the Immortal attacks

    anybody (he can threaten, scream or make gestures all he wants), the talent stops working and he becomes visible for all to see.Likewise a Immortal actively engaged in combat or other activity, or standing in plain sight, cannot activate this talent to disappear.First he must get out of sight.

    Limitations: None

    Duration: 100 Minutes per level of experience

    Cost: 12 PPE to acquire it permanently; 10 PPE to activate it per each 100 minutes/ lv in effect


    Creates a door of dark energy that leads to a specific location desired by the creator of it. Takes one melee round of concentration to

    create it. Range 1mile per 2 PPE spent. The Immortal must have been to the destination at least once in his life, or he must have a line

    of sight. It is a one way door that closes as soon as the creator passes thru it.

    Limitations: Not available until 3rd level.Cost: 15 PPE to permantly acquire it, and a minimum of 2 PPE to activate it (see above). This power can also open a doorway to the

    Nightlands, or Astral Plane or to a totally different dimension or back, but this costs 40 PPE plus 5 PPE per mile.

    Lord/Lady of the Wild

    (Animal Control)

    The Immortal gains mastery over any animal species he/she is associated with; thus, a wolf-life Immortal will be able to controlwolves and any canine animal, while a bird-like character would gain powers over all birds. The power has variable range and effects,

    depending on the amount of P.P.E. the Night- spawn spends. Simple commands like Come here, Attack this man, Go, or Make

    a lot of noise will be readily heeded. A character with this power can also make animals behave in unnatural ways, like attacking

    armed men, something most animals will never do, dance in circles, leap through a wall of fire, etc., but this will cost more P.P.E.Some guidelines are described below:

    Calling animals: Any animals of the appropriate species will come from up to a one mile (1.6 km) radius per level of experience:

    Costs 2 P.P.E. Once they get there, the animals will revert to normal unless new commands are given.

    Minor, non-dangerous actions: Like making noise, hiding, fluttering about, or acting in fairly normal ways: Costs 1 P.P.E. per large

    animal or per group of up to ten small animals (rat, pigeon-sized or smaller).Dangerous actions: Threatening humans, bite/attack, leap at, block or otherwise hindering armed humans, or behavior that goes

    against the animals normal behavior (asking a nocturnal animal to operate in the daytime, etc.): Costs 5 P.P.E. per large animal or per

    group of up to ten small animals.

    Suicidal actions: Recklessly attacking humans or supernatural beings, intercepting vehicles (a flock of birds can bring down a plane byflying into its engines), fight to the death, and other suicidal or utterly unnatural acts: Costs 10 P.P.E. per large animal or per group of

    up to ten small animals.

    Prerequisite: At least one characteristic from the Animal Form Table.

    Limitations: Not available until fourth level. Range:One mile (1.6 km) to summon, 500 feet (152 m) to control/command. Duration:

    15 minutes.Cost: 15 to acquire permanently; activation varies as described above.

    The Last (Quickening Cost: 30) This is not any one ability and is left up to the GM's discretion as to

    whether it will be used or not. This represents the abilities that certain immortals have possessed that has

    defied all explanation. (Even by the oldest of immortals) Some examples that have shown up in the

    television show and in the movies are as follows.A) Hayoka: This ability was possessed by James Koltec. With it he was able to absorb the evil of others

    into himself and thus cleanse others of much of their pain. (Something Wicked and Deliverance)i) Calm Minds-Range:120ft, Duration:3 min, Saving Throw: 16 or Better. The user can calm an enragedopponent or a group of enraged people. Everyone who fails the save cannot act aggressively for the

    duration listed. The user of this ability absorbs 1 Dark Quickening Point from every immortal this is used

    on and/or 1 Dark Quickening Point from every 5 mortals this is used on. Costs 5 Quickening to use.

    ii) Heal Minds-Range: Touch, Duration: Varies, Saving Throw: Save vs Psionics without any bonuses.With this ability an the Hayoka can cure mental damage or manipulation. Damage that has been induced or

    is temporary in nature can be cured permanently with this ability. Madness/insanity that is permanent in

    nature can be calmed for the duration of 1d4 hrs per level of experience. After the allotted time the

    symptoms of the madness will resurface. Each of the Heal mind Abilities costs 10 Quickening to use. Theuser absorbs 1d6 Dark Quickening points from Immortals and 1d4 Dark Quickening points from mortals

    that this power is successfully used on.iii) Transfer Darkness and LightRange: Touch, Duration: Instant, Saving Throw: Standard save vs magic

    without bonuses. This ability allows a Hayoka to transfer Light and Dark Quickening Points between

    himself, other immortals, and mortals. (Note: Mortals maintain a maximum of their M.E.'s in Light or Dark


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    Quickening Points depending on their alignment.) It costs the Hayoka 1 Quickening Point per point of

    Light or Dark Quickening that is transferred.iv) Exorcism: Range:30ft, Duration:3 Minutes to cast, Saving Throw; Standard This is the ability of a

    Hayoka to drive a dark spirit from the bodies of others. This can also be used to cure an immortal that is

    suffering from a Dark Quickening. If the spell is successful than the possessed person gets a +12 to save vspossession or a +9 to save vs Dark Quickenings. The hayoka that uses this power gets a +6 to save vs

    possession and +5 to save vs Dark Quickenings. This ability will absorb all of the Dark Quickening Pointsfrom an immortals and 1d6 Dark Quickening Points from a mortal. It costs 30 Quickening to use this


    B) Power of Illusion: This ability was possessed by Nakano and later Kane. With it they where able to

    create visual and audio illusions. Multiple images, illusory disguises, and certain other visual tricks where

    pulled off by these immortals. (Highlander III: The Final Dimension)i) Multiple Images: Range: Self, Duration:1 minute per level of experience, Saving Throw: Roll vs Magicat -4 This allows the immortal to create 3 copies of himself. they will all look, act and sound the same. This

    gives the user +2 initiative, +2 dodge, and +1 strike bonuses. Piercing a duplicate with iron dispels it. It

    costs 7 Quickening to use this ability.ii) Horrific Illusion: Range:30ft, Duration:2 minutes per level of experience, Saving Throw: Save vs Horror

    Factor of 14 This allows an immortal to create some terrifying illusion. These illusions are limited to

    natural things such as hundreds of snakes or raging fires. Costs the immortal 10 Quickening points to use.iii) Mask of Deceit: Range: Self, Duration:10 minutes per level of experience Saving Throw: Standard save

    vs magic at -4 This allows an immortal to create an illusory disguise about himself. With it the immortalcan appear to be anyone of any race, sex, or size. This also allows an immortal to imitate people at 20%

    +5% per level of experience. It costs the immortal 15 Quickening to use this power.iv) Apparition: Range:30ft, Duration:1 minute per level of experience Saving Throw: Standard. This allows

    the immortal to create a realistic illusion of some monster or other threat. The apparition will have 3 to 6

    attacks per melee, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +6 to dodge, and a Horror Factor of 10. The apparition will only

    be dispelled when the duration of the magic elapses or when the image is impaled with an iron rod. All

    damage that the apparition inflicts is not real; yet, any victims will seem to suffer damage. An apparition

    can send a character into shock and unconsciousness with this illusory damage. It costs 20 Quickening to

    cast an apparition.

    C) Spectral Sight: The Immortal Garrick was able to project the mental illusion of a spectral figure into themind of Duncan MacLeod (of the clan MacLeod :->). While Duncan thought it was real no one else was

    able to see what he was seeing. Garrick was also credited with having the ability to see occurrences that

    were happening miles away. He was burnt at the stake for witchcraft when he used this remote sensingability.(Shadows)i) Specter: Range: Same as Sense Quickening, Duration:4 minutes per level of experience, Saving Throw:

    Standard. This power is a combination of the Hallucination and Apparition spells. With it an immortal can

    project an apparition directly into the mind of another character. This apparition will have the same abilities

    as the ones listed above. Anyone watching a character effected by this ability will see the character interactwith empty air. In extreme cases the character may attack friends thinking they are the Specter. This power

    costs 25 Quickening points to use.ii) Second Sight: Range:5 miles per level of experience, Duration 2 melees. With this ability the immortal

    can see through the eyes of another. This ability will work as long as the subject stays with the range of this

    power. It costs the immortal 20 Quickening to use this power.

    D) The Gift: The Immortals Cassandra and her former student, Roland Kantos both possessed the ability to

    command others with there voices. With it they could make a mortal kill themselves or sap an immortals

    strength. Cassandra seemed able to stun from a distance with her scream. Cassandra also claimed to be ableto see certain aspects of the future. While this was never confirmed, you never know....Interestingly enough

    this power had no effect on the far more powerful Immortal, Kronos. (The Prophecy and Comes AHorseman)i) Hypnotic Voice: Range:60ft and line of sight, Duration: Depends situation, Saving Throw: Standard save

    vs magic. This is the power of an immortal to use his voice to compel others to do his bidding. Anyone who

    fails to resist this ability will have to do what is told of them. Victims of this ability will even kill

    themselves if told to.(Although they will receive an extra roll to save) Characters who are deaf, or for

    whatever reason cannot hear, are immune to this power. This power co

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