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Immortal Kindergarten

Book 1

Tanya Parker

Robert Selby

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© 2009, 2011 Left Side Unlimited, Inc. – All Rights Reserved

ISBN 978-0-557-13972-9

 Limits of Liability/Disclaimer Of Warranty

The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing thismaterial. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect tothe accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this book. Theydisclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for anyparticular purposes. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any lossor other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or otherdamages. This publication contains material protected under International and FederalCopyrightLaws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

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“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion

by which the physician within you heals your sick self. So therefore, trust the physician anddrink his remedy in silence and tranquility.”

~Kahlil Gibran

“To question the thought that death is inevitable is to unshackle the human mind and producea new experience of natural divinity. This experience can be perpetuated by daily practices of spiritual purification.”

~Leonard Orr

“Always, heal yourself first. This is not selfishness. This is good selfishness. You have to loveyourself first, then your neighbor. You are creating your own world. Shinto teaches that you areGod and creator. That’s why you have to love yourself first. That’s what the chant teaches. Youare God and creator, and it lasts forever.”

~Shinto Priest Hideo Izumoto

God is with me. He is the source of life, the life within, the air I breathe, the food by which Iam sustained, the water which renews and cleanses me. He is my home, wherein I live andmove; the spirit, which directs my actions, offers me Its thoughts and guarantees my safetyfrom all pain.

~ACIM Lesson 222

"It would be great if we could open people's minds. But we'd rather make some mind-blowing music."

~ BLK JKS guitarist Mpumi Mcata, South Africa

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Dedicated to the Baby Immortal, Osho Azul Maharaj

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The Eternal Sadhana—purification of the body with the elements of Fire,

Earth, Water and Air—is a well-defined set of ancient practices that help

us to settle peacefully and vitally into the physical body.

All life forms are composed of these elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth.Here is the key to these practices:

Fire purifies Fire

Earth purifies Earth

 Water purifies Water

 Air purifies Air

You may have heard of and worked with these elements previously in

some combination or another. Our goal is to assist you to complete your

understanding of how these elements function in unison, and to guide you

in the process of coming into conscious relationship with each of them.

This book will teach you how to work with each of the elements in a way

that opens your being for energy to flow as it was meant to, giving you the

opportunity to experience life as an awake and radiantly healthy being.

Our mission for this material is to provide an introduction to the simple

and pleasurable practices of purifying the energy body with the elements

of Fire, Earth, Water, and Air—or FEWA, for short.

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You have attracted this information and us into your life as a direct

reflection of your deeper spiritual destiny and desire. The transformation

that awaits you as you begin to do the practices is happening because youcalled it forward.

We are spiritual beings awakening to our divine nature, navigating the

human experience and establishing a culture of creative, awakened people.

We are committed to the purification practices and sharing the

information with everyone in the world who is interested in learning them.

We are actively creating a community of individuals dedicated to living these practices and experiencing the benefits they provide to us as

individuals and as a collective.

Our work is to help seed the vision for this community and provide the

tools that facilitate its birth.

Your work is to use the practices to become your own healer, physician,

psychiatrist, therapist, and teacher so that you can see yourself as the

whole, innocent, powerful, prosperous, creative, stylish, wildly divine being 

that you are. From that vantage point, you will be able to help us grow our

 vision for a community of radiant, liberated expressions of divinity known

as humans.

We want you to understand this: these practices are your birthright, and

they feel good. They are the missing link—and so obvious that they have

been easy to overlook. When these practices become a part of your daily

routine you will quickly see their power to work radical change in your

emotional, physical and spiritual wellness.

Have you long sensed that your health wasn’t really your doctor’s business,

or wondered if there was something else you could do to deepen your

spiritual practice?

Here is a piece of what you have been intuitively reaching out for: an

introduction to the ancient process of cleaning the energy body. Thesepractices are easy, pleasurable and available to you now, in this moment.

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Working with the practices has given us so much more breathing room and

clarity in our lives. Our energy is strong, our bodies are healthy, and our

 vision of the present moment we would like to build with you is clear.

What can you expect from doing these practices? A biological experience

of your natural divinity, harmonious relationships, greater joy, increased

 vitality, flowing prosperity, and direct access to bliss.

Your highest self has brought you this far… So read on.

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The Energy Body

Your physical body exists because of your energy body.

Human beings are orbs of energy spinning from head to toe—light beings

that have condensed into material form.

We would like to invite you to meet your energy body at the level of a deep

inner awareness.

So try this: Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Begin to feel

how your body occupies space. Feel the breath as it enters this space.

Where does the breath travel? How does it feel? We know that the actual

breath is reaching only as far as the lungs, yet the sensation of deepbreathing is felt in the entire being. Follow this sensation to experience the

contours of your energy body. It is not a fixed form, but a dynamic locus

of energy that is constantly in flux, projecting your physical form.

The breath comes in through the physical body and nourishes our energy

body, which in turn generates our physical body. This cycle is continuous

and potentially infinite. But without a conscious relationship to the energy

body, the process breaks down.

Here’s a nice definition of the energy body from “The Science of Energy


Energy body: the consciousness in charge of repair and regeneration of our body and energyanatomy. The energy body interfaces between

the conscious and unconscious mind .

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The more inner awareness you develop of your energy body, the better

 you will be able to rejuvenate it with the practices set forth in this book.

The vocabulary of the Energy Body may be new to you, but the

experience of having an energy body is not. Once you tune in and begin

working with the elements to nourish and purify your energy body, you will

find that it is like working with an old friend—a friend that has missed you

while you were asleep…

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The Elements

The majority of cultures throughout human history have embraced the

four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water in both sacred and mundane

ways. We have always sensed, intuitively, that they are the building blocks

of what we are.

Take a moment to observe the world around you. How is fire being used?

What relationship do you and the people around you have with theelement of Earth? Can you identify the Earth element in your daily life?

What about Air? And Water?

Now observe your inner world, your body. Do you feel each of these

qualities at work in your being?

We are asking you to expand your awareness around these elements

because they are the core of the practices we teach. Working with Fire,

Earth, Air and Water in a conscious way will allow you to connect more

deeply than ever with your natural divine state. You will begin to

experience the elements as intelligent allies.

These practices are not foreign to humanity, merely forgotten. Many of us

already know the value of pausing to take a deep breath, or the immense

relief that a hot bath can bring. Opening to a complete understanding of 

the power these elements have to heal, strengthen and rejuvenate our

beings is a giant step for each of us in our spiritual advancement. As we

progress in our relationship to the elements and the energy body, we live

life with more pleasure, courage, health, clarity, ease, prosperity—all the

qualities we embody when energy is moving as it should.

This is key to understanding the power of the elements: we are vessels for

energy to move through—not containers for energy to be stored in. Our

bodies are composed of fire, earth, water, and air. We can work with each

element externally to purify that aspect of our energy internally.

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Without the practice of elemental cleansing, energy has a tendency to stay

stuck. Each of the main centers of energy in our body should be free to

move, like a gear or vortex, spinning the energy through and out of us…that is when we feel the movement and bliss of life force in our beings.

When things slow down and become stagnant, our experience can turn to

disease, dullness and depression. Many people at this very moment are

living life with only a fraction of the health, joy and power that is eternally

available to them.

Clearly, our goal is to come into deep awareness of these shifts in

experience and then choose radical well-being, armed with the knowledgeat last of how to triumph in our experience of the physical body. Fire,

Earth, Water and Air are the keys to your temple, and your divinity is

waiting for you inside.

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The Philosophy

“Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first.” 

~ACIM p. 3 

What is in the energy body that needs to be cleaned?

Nothing terrible, actually. It is not the nature of the energy that affects us,it is the motion of the energy—or lack of it. Energy needs to move.

Excess energy stored in our bodies becomes damaging to us because of its

need to stay in motion.

Consider the elements for a moment. We understand that we are

composed of the qualities of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. These are forms

of energy, the flowing electrical current that forms our universe. The

nature of this energy is to encounter itself constantly, and keep moving.

Meditate on movement as it relates to each of the elements:

It is fairly easy for us to imagine what happens to water when it ceases to

circulate. We can encourage the water element within us to move by

connecting with the energy of flowing rivers, swelling oceans, and crashing 


The movement of fire expresses itself as a dancing flame, a roaring open

fire, or even the subtle aliveness of a glowing coal. Within our bodies, fire,

or Agni , generates our digestive and circulatory energy, as well as our will

and power that emanate from the solar plexus. Fire easily reveals its

preference for unconstrained motion.

Air is most noticeable when it is in movement: fierce winds, gentle breezes,

or another’s breath tickling our skin. Air is a circus of moving molecules.Contained, it quickly loses its ability to sustain life. Air needs to circulate

and revive itself by mixing with fresh air.

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So water, fire and air all easily expose their flowing nature and love of 

movement. The element of Earth is not so obvious. Earth is thought of 

as solid, supportive, unmoving, dense—like a rock, or tightly packed soil.In truth, the element of Earth requires movement just as much as the


Every vital molecule in existence has a spinning atom at its core. This is

also true of the food that grows from the earth. A green leaf of spinach, a

freshly unrooted carrot, or an almond pried from its shell can be placed

under a microscope and examined to unveil its hidden aliveness. When we

take on food in this state—spinning, alive, unprocessed and powerfullynourishing—the element of earth within us maintains these qualities.

If we were to take this same spinach, carrot and almond, but instead ship

them to a factory, grind them into a pulp, fill them with additives, expose

them to blazing heat, and then store them in a box on a shelf for several

months, we would find that the spinning, alive quality of the foods had

ceased, and that the earth element had turned into something depleted,

cold and still.

Lifeless food, precisely what most people depend on for nutrition at this

point in history, is the reason we see so many cases of obesity, diabetes,

heart disease and cancer—because the earth element is stuck. So it is

extremely important for us to begin redefining our relationship to food as

we begin to work with the earth element, understanding that—just like

fire, water, and air—the nature of earth is to keep spinning, so we must

help her to stay in motion.


For purposes of easily referring to the phenomenon of stored, uncirculated

energy, we have adopted and adapted a term originated by Leonard Orr:

EEP. EEP stands for Emotional Energy Pollution. EEP is the result of storing the absorbable, invisible information (energy) that moves between

people and things and within you. The EXCESS of energy, the “stuck-

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ness” of it, is what makes it pollution. Energy is flowing into us constantly,

and the key is to spin with it and then release it—to Flow and Glow.

The effects of EEP in the body are disease, depression, fatigue, a sense of 

separation from self and others, negativity, anger and hostility. EEP is

responsible for all of our grumpies, all of our grudges, all of our bad hair

days, all of our indigestion and all of our self-sabotaging moments. These

afflictions, these bliss blockers, are simply the result of being slimed with


The obvious solution? De-EEP. The set of practices that this book willteach you are designed to clean the energy body and keep energy in

motion. There is no EEP deep enough to withstand the purifying power

of Fire, Earth, Water and Air when they are administered with love.

Basically the excessive accumulation of EEP inhibits bliss and complicates

the experience of being in a body. Accumulated pollution turns the

physical body into an unpleasant host of symptoms. We are designed to

flow and radiate love from a place of vitality and wholeness. EEP stopsthe flow of energy. Our goal is to assist the energy to flow in alignment

with nature.

Collecting EEP is a natural part of being in a body. Cleaning our energy

body of EEP is also natural. What has long been absent from our

experience is the information on how to help this energy flow through and

out of our body. The energy needs to move. This is not a question of right

or wrong, good or evil—it is about aligning with the nature of things.

Not having this information has made it challenging to be in a body. More

than ever, we are exposed to each other’s energies as we move around the

globe. We now have the option to empower ourselves with information

capable of transforming our experience of what it means to be alive in a

physical body. Working with the elements helps us to become conscious

conductors of energy and allows us to realize our infinite potential in every


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A natural aspect of being in a body is that we encounter energy constantly.

Rather than collecting and storing this energy, we are meant to spin with

it, learn from it, interact with it, and release it. Breath (Air) andMovement (Earth) are two powerful tools for engaging with energy as it

comes into us. Fire and Water work well to help us clear energy that came

in too deeply, abundantly, or rapidly for us to stay in front of it. So a nice

long session soaking or sitting next to a fire opens the door for release.

We begin to see that these practices, rather than being a set of empty

rituals, closely resemble a martial art. They help us to become aware of 

energies and to skillfully circulate them with ease.

The practices will teach you to become aware of energy as it comes in and

flows out. They will help you move out layers of excess energy that you

have been storing since birth and finally begin to feel what it means to live

cleanly, clearly, and consciously.

Simply having awareness of Emotional Energy Pollution helps

to set it in motion.

EEP also collects in the spaces we inhabit. We can facilitate its movement

and keep our environment hospitable by maintaining a clean, uncluttered

lifestyle. Keep in mind that you are revealing your natural divinity to

 yourself, so create comfortable, beautiful spaces for yourself that

accommodate your divine nature.

As we make space in ourselves and strengthen our practice, we develop the

ability to help others in our environment process their excess energies. We

become, in effect, spiritual vacuum cleaners. With the support of the

purification practices, we can take in and release other people’s energy

pollution with no harm to ourselves. This is an excellent way to be of 

service. We also find that helping those around us to get clear improves

the quality of our interactions.

To conclude the introduction to EEP, I’d like to make the distinction that

EEP is not to be understood as some negative material on or in us that

needs to be expelled. The term EEP is a way of giving ourselves a

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 vocabulary to understand why energy feels better when it is flowing in

accordance with nature. So we can set about De-EEPing ourselves and

our world with a relaxed mind and an easy heart, knowing that all is well.

“There Is Nothing To Fear.” ACIM Lesson 48

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The Practices

Now that you have an understanding of how energy collects in the energy

body, you need to know how to begin cleaning and moving that energy. 

Working with each of the elements, often in concert with one another, is a

pleasurable and powerful enhancement to your lifestyle. We will explain in

detail how to begin this work.

“As you practice, you come back to God’s being, and you becomea more normal being. A person creates more energy for himself,

and he or she naturally happens to become more God-like.” ~Shinto Priest Hideo Izumoto

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“Three of the four elements are shared by all creatures, but 

fire was a gift to humans alone.” ~Tom Robbins

Fire is the king of the elements in its capacity to heal and restore us to

perfect health. It is also the element that must be used with the most

intelligence, as it has the power to diminish material reality to nothingness.

The Sun is the Father of Fires, a burning ball of gas that makes life on this

planet possible. This same fast-moving energy resides at the very center of 

the Earth, in her molten metallic core. We carry this energy inside of our

own bodies, and are sustained by the light of the sun’s fire that grows our

food and warms our bodies.

Many cultures and religions have maintained fire as part of their

ceremonial practices. The Zoroastrians worship fire as the visible

expression of God (Ahura Mazda). Brahmans consider fire to be the

divine and omniscient mouth of God. Many religions, however, reduce

Fire to a symbolic level, lighting candles to represent the light of the

divine. These vacant practices separate us from the real power of the fire

to heal and transform our physical bodies—imagine 12 tiny candles

huffing and puffing to clean the energy bodies of an entire congregation!

For most people, the relationship to fire is utilitarian. It is thought of in

terms of its usefulness for heating our homes and showers, for cooking 

food, lighting incense and powering factories. Even the act of smoking is

partially rooted in our intuitive connection to fire:

"Smoking cigarettes is as intimate as we can become with fire without immediate

excruciation. Every smoker is an embodiment of Prometheus, stealing fire from thegods and bringing it back home. We smoke to capture the power of the sun, topacify Hell, to identify with the primordial spark, to feed on the marrow of the

 volcano. When we smoke, we are performing a version of the fire dance, a ritual asancient as lightning."

 — Tom Robbins (Still Life with Woodpecker)

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So the practice of working with the element of Fire is about first healing 

our understanding of what Fire is and how to connect with it. We must be

clear that Fire is a divine gift that can help us to navigate the experience of being human. It is a powerful and awe-inspiring tool that we can benefit

from simply by sitting down next to a fire and letting it work its magic.

The Essene Gospel of Peace tells us that the Fire of Life is in us, in our

blood, in our bodies. It is the fire that feeds our circulation and digests our

food. We can activate and nourish our internal fire by becoming aware of 

the quality of fire within us, and by taking the time each day to consciously

relate to fire.

Fire interacts with our energy body as we sit in its presence. On an

energetic level our energy body spins into the fire, where all that is

burdening it is burned out, transformed and transmuted in the flames.

Fire removes pain and clears negative emotions. It frees us from some of 

our most constricted patterns. The positive effects of sitting with a fire can

be felt immediately, and the healing nature of fire increases as we becomemore aware of its gifts. Allow yourself to come into a feeling of deep

gratitude and appreciation for the presence of Fire in your life. Offer to

the fire the stuck, stored energy of all that no longer serves you so that it

may in turn nourish you with fresh new energy for life.

Any fire is capable of purifying your energy. The source of the flame that

 you choose is not as important as assuring that you get fire into your life

everyday in some way. Generally, the bigger the fire, the more power it hasto purify.

To improve the chances that you’ll remember to sit with fire on a daily

basis, keep candles in every room so that fire is always available. You can

light several candles while you prepare a meal in the kitchen, or while you

take a shower in the bathroom. When you wake up in the morning, you

can light a candle next to your bed to begin the day.

Purifying salt fires are a wonderful way to experience an open flame. The

salt has the additional benefit of cleansing the energy of the space you are

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in. The best container we have found for doing these fires is available at

most stores that sell kitchen wares. They are the little metal cups used for

dressings and condiments by restaurants--heat safe, easy to clean, and veryinexpensive. Here’s how we use them:

Place one of the metal cups on a clear, flat surface, in an area free of 

drafts, well away from curtains or anything else that could easily catch fire.

Fill the cup with about a tablespoon of Epsom Salts, a little less than

halfway. Pour rubbing alcohol over the salt until the little cup is full.

Carefully light the alcohol with a lighter or match, then sit back to enjoy.

If you are lucky enough to have a home with a fireplace, you will want to

go stock up on wood. The modern privilege of having a well-ventilated,

safely contained fire within the comfort of your home is not to be

underestimated. You can spend the entire night sleeping next to your

friend Fire, cleaning your energy at its deepest levels. Please take

advantage of your fireplace if you have one. If not, make friends with

somebody who does.

The alternative to an indoor fireplace is an outdoor firepit, an open

campfire or even a bonfire, if you have access to a space where they are

permitted. The open, powerful flame of an outdoor fire moves energy

with ease. Even just an hour or two spent next to a crackling fire in the

open air can work miracles. Breathe deeply while focusing on the sensation

of old energy leaving as new energy enters.

Even when the beauty of a real fire is temporarily inaccessible, a deepmeditation on fire can serve the same purpose. Simply build a fire in your

mind’s eye, as large or small as you’d like. Imagine yourself sitting close to

the flame, spinning with it. You can even picture yourself sitting within

the fire, with no harm to yourself, while you pleasurably incinerate your


Whichever source of fire you are able to access, do so with a deep

reverence for the power of fire and an intelligent concern for safety.

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The element of Earth resides in the food we eat and the ways we move

and use our bodies. The purification practices use vital sources of Earth

energy to enliven this element in our body and set it in motion.

This is where the project of spiritual purification faces its biggest challenge,

because earth can be the most difficult element to conduct. Yet it is also

the easiest element to feel moving within us, so when we direct our effortstoward freeing our earth energy, we feel the results very deeply. This is

why going for a walk can help us clear our minds—loosening the earth

element gives space to the emotional mind.

Fasting works the same way: it gives the earth element room to move, and

opens us up to receive fresh energy from the universe. Periodic fasting is

an invaluable practice for freeing our emotional bonds around food and

shifting the way we nourish ourselves.

The food we do eat needs to be filled with life force, spinning with energy.

This energy is stored in the food as it is grown by the sun, water, air and

earth. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and sprouts—these powerhouses of 

life force need no improvement in order to be eaten. They are best

consumed as close to their natural state as possible, soon after being 

harvested. As Dr. Aris LaTham of Sunfired Foods is known to say, “It is

not the food in our life, but the life in our food that nourishes us.” Heencourages culinary creativity—the artistic combination of fabulous

natural foods to awaken our taste buds and joy for life. We advise you to

dive into the earth element with both hands and make something amazing 

for yourself.

In order for a high vibration earth element practice to be sustainable for

large numbers of people over the long term, the ways we source our food

will have to shift. Ideally, everyone should have access to a garden.Community gardens are a great way to democratize access to fresh,

organic food. Growing Power, headed by Will Allen, is one organization

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that has devoted itself to expanding awareness of urban agriculture and

educating communities on how to organize gardens for themselves.

Following this example, we can create sustainable food-growing systemsand learn to feed ourselves again.

The first thing most people think when faced with the prospect of 

changing their diet is “What am I supposed to eat?” The idea here is not

to blindly follow another set of instructions, but to get very closely tuned in

to the intelligence of your own body. The way to connect with that

intelligence is to get quiet and learn the language your body uses to

communicate with you. Before you even change one thing about yourdiet, begin paying attention to the subtleties of appetite, energy, fatigue,

mood and digestion that result from the foods that you choose.

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“ S o m a n y t i m e s I h e a r p e o p l e r e s i s t c h a n g i n g t h e i r

d i e t b e c a u s e t h e y d o n ' t w a n t t o g i v e u p s o m e t h i n g  

t h e y l i k e. T h a t ' s t h e fi r s t g r e a t m y t h t o b e d i s p e l l e d .

L e a r n i n g t o e a t a s M o t h e r N a t u r e i n t e n d e d h e r

c h i l d r e n t o e a t d o e s n o t m e a n g i v i n g u p s o m e t h i n g . I t  

m e a n s j u s t t h e o p p o s i t e ! I t m e a n s g a i n i n g s o m e t h i n g  

o f g r e a t v a l u e ; a v a lu e f a r g r e a t e r t h a n t he o l d

r a t i o n a l i z a t i o n " I ' v e g r o w n a c c u s t o m e d t o i t s t a s t e . "

I t m e a n s g a i n i n g h e a l t h , y o u t h f u l e n e r g y a n d

a p p e a r a n c e , i n c r e a s e d m e n t a l c a p a c i t y, a n d a j o y i n

l i v i n g y o u n e v e r d r e a m e d p o s s i b l e . To s a y n o t h i n g o f  

t h e c l e a n , f r e s h , n a t u ra l t a s t e o f t h e f o o d y o u w i l l b e

e n j o y i n g ! ” ~ D i c k G r e g o r y, N a t u r a l D i e t Fo r F o l k s W h o

E a t 

Wherever you are with your relationship to food, becoming a conscious

eater is a giant step towards becoming a conscious being. Food mastery is

part of the human experience, and an essential part of the awakening 


Remember—You’re Gorgeous BUT! you’ve gotta GLOW. 

We understand that the issues around food are some of the hardest

energies to move—only those who are willing to take full responsibility are

going to prevail. Understand that shifting to a diet of living food is not the

end in itself—the ultimate goal is to free your energy and support its

movement so that you can experience the pleasure of being in your natural


Part of the reason that humanity has spent so long suffering through the

physical experience without knowledge of the spiritual purification

practices is due to the darkness cast over our intuition by our way of 

eating. We have learned vast lessons from this period of history, but we

now have the information we need to lift the veil and begin to experience a

higher plane of existence. We applaud you for your willingness to examine

 your way of living and ask hard questions about what needs to change.

The entire universe is behind you.

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As earth enthusiasts intent on awakening the element of earth within us,

we must also commit to a personal system of physical exercise. The body

needs fitness every day—it can’t be stored! Exercise helps to release theearth energies that we free up through fasting and nutrition. Walking,

Weightlifting, Qi Gong, Yoga, Biking, Boxing—whatever moves you, just

make sure you keep moving…AND be sure to get enough rest so you can

do it all again tomorrow.

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“To be immortal in today’s world, one must learn how tosoak.” ~Leonard Orr 

“I believe that prior to Adam and Eve water itself held theconsciousness of God -- that God's intention was put into the

medium of water, and that this was used in the creation of 

Earth and Nature.” ~Masaru Emoto

Many cultures throughout history have ritualized the bathing experience.

The Koreans, the Turks, and the Japanese developed beautiful architecture

devoted solely to the art of soaking. Many Muslims around the globe still

 visit hammams as part of their devotional practice. The Mikvah is the ritual

bath used in the Jewish faith to prepare for Shabbat. Christians use water

in the ceremony of Baptism, and are known for the epithet “cleanliness is

next to godliness”.

We have never forgotten the capacity of water to clean off the grime of 

life and help us to feel fresh and new, to deliver us into our present

moment full of purity and innocence, open to the divine. When we enter

water we are cleaning not only our physical body but our energy body as

well. When we enter the water with awareness, we are able to consciously

clean ourselves from our densest material body to our lightest etheric

essence. The nature of water is movement, and water helps us to move

energy through us and out of us. Water has the power to liquefy EEP with

a wave of its watery wand.

We can hydrate ourselves with pure, fresh, living water in abundance,

helping to rid our bodies of cellular wastes. We can soak tranquilly in

warm thermal springs, or surrender ourselves to the crashing salty waves of 

the ocean. Or…just sink into a meditative mind state and get in the tub.

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Drinking water is an amazing way to build your practice around the

element of water. Begin taking in the highest quality water that you can

find. (One beautiful practice is writing on or reciting to your water theHebraic letters ‘Vav Mem Beit’, the name of God invoked to restore water

to its original divine vibration of purity.) As you drink the water and feel it

flow into your body, imagine that it is setting into motion whirlpools of 

energy within you, stimulating your life force and clearing the way for fresh

blood and prana to move through your being.

If you live near a body of water, spend time in or around the water as

often as possible. Just being near water can refresh and restore yourenergy body.

Meditate while looking out over the sky and water, with the horizon as

 your soft focal point. Allow the vastness of the air and water elements to

blend with your energy body and share their spaciousness with you.

All of the energy that we encounter as we move through the world can be

purified with the element of water. Begin the day by getting up beforesunrise—even if you go back to sleep!—and clean your energy body with a

conscious shower, bath, or dip in a hot tub or natural spring. Warm water

is your ally for clearing away the EEP of sleep and dreams while preparing 

space in you for all that you will experience throughout the day.

Take time before sunset to repeat the process. While you are bathing,

breathe and feel the energies that you accumulated in the world as they are

dissolved and released into the water. Develop a rhythmic, ritualizedrelationship to bathing as a cornerstone of your water purification


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AIRThere are three levels to the practices that work with the element of air, all

of them are rooted in breathing. The first is simply becoming aware of 

the breath. The second is using the breath in new ways to navigate energy

throughout the day. The third is the mastery of focused breath work 

sessions known as ‘rebirthing’.

The Breath is, quite literally, the source of the body. To understand this,we must understand that oxygen and the other compounds that make up

air are the names we have given to the superfine particles that serve as the

 vehicle for prana (qi, life force, divine energy). The intangible rides in on

the tangible. Each time we take a breath we are sipping from the well of 

energy the universe makes available to us, and using that energy to create

our physical body. It is our method for continually recharging our

connection to source.

When we anchored ourselves in the physical universe by implanting in our

mother’s womb, we began to access the material world through her breath.

In addition to food, our mothers created our bodies with their breath, and

we continue the process once we leave the womb and enter into physical

reality. We build our bodies with earth and air and cleanse them with fire

and water. How can we ever feel hungry, thirsty, or alone when we have

consciousness of what is present in the very air we breathe?

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So the first level of practice, noticing the breath, is just coming into quiet

observation of how your body is relating to breath right now. As we take

notice of the breath it will usually begin to deepen right away. If youcontinue to deepen your breathing, how does that affect your state of 


How many times throughout the day do you find yourself holding your

breath or breathing shallowly? What connections are you aware of 

between your feelings and your breath? What happens to the breath when

 you are nervous, scared, angry, excited or in pain?

These accumulated breathing patterns tend to get stored in the physical

body. The breath itself is a way to sink into the patterns and stimulate

their release.

Taking a break to do a set of  deep rhythmic breaths is like walking 

through a doorway into your beautiful natural state of being—and it gets

 you HIGH—naturally high! It is the highest natural high ever, and it is

always available to you, for free, with no harm to yourself.

The 21 Breath practice allows us to integrate the element of Air into our

life with ease. It clears the mind quickly and gets things moving--making 

space inside of us for fresh, new energy. Try it when you are in a situation

that is feeling static or stressful to you, and see if you can open some room

for some ‘fresh air’ to flow. You will find that negative emotions are

reinforced by holding the breath, and that we can instead move towards a

peaceful state of mind by allowing the breath to take us there.Consistently remembering to do 21 Breaths invites miracles into our lives

by constantly making room for them in our energy and in our attitude.

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21 Breaths

• Feel free to breathe naturally during each breath, without


• Relax your shoulders and perineum.

• Inhale energy and air from every direction, pulling it all the

way in through the soles of the feet and your navel and up to your chest and crown. Allow the in-breath to open your heart.

• Relax into the exhalation without controlling the air flow. The

exhale happens naturally as you let go of the breath.

• Establish a rhythm.

• Connect the Inhale to the end of the Exhale, without pausing.

• Once you establish the rhythm and are connecting the breaths

to each other fluidly, begin counting until you reach 21.

• Welcome the sensation of fresh energy as it rejuvenates your

energy body and balances your emotional mind!

• You can experiment with altering the pattern by taking six short

breaths followed by a long one. Do this set of seven threetimes. This is a useful technique when you are short on time— 

or patience.

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The father of Rebirthing Breathwork, Leonard Orr, describes the

technique as an ‘unraveling of the birth-death cycle’. It is an utterly

transformative method for directly experiencing the higher self, connecting 

with source and awakening our innocence. There is only one solitary

instruction for your odyssey of rebirthing:

 Breathe and see what happens.

The process is designed to provide a safe, guided space for you to

completely relax into your natural breathing rhythm. The presence of a

rebirther during the session helps to create and hold this space for you.

The role of the rebirther is to gently redirect your attention to the breath

as they neutrally observe your patterns and help you to see, know and

experience yourself more deeply.

The rhythmic, connected flow of breath establishes the current of energy

needed for activating the release of emotions and memories stored in the

body. At a cellular, physical level, the body is being saturated with oxygen.

At an energetic level, you are saturating your being with prana, also

known as chi, or simply energy. Both levels serve the function of restoring 

the natural flow of life force within.

Rebirthing Breathwork is also known as energy breathing, conscious connected breathing, breathing integration and radiant breathwork . They all operate under

the principle of breathing energy along with air. You can find a rebirther

in your area online, as well as information on retreats and seminars


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“ W h a t i s r e b i r t h i n g ?

F o r m e i t i s a b o u t  

r e b i r t h o f t h e s o u l . I n

r e b i r t h i n g y o u a r e

t a u g h t h o w t o

c o n s c i o u s l y c o n n e c t t o

y o u r s o u l b y c o n n e c t i n g  

 w i t h s p i r i t u a l e n e r g ya n d d r a w i n g i t i n s i d e

y o u r s e l f w i t h t h e

b r e a t h . T h e e f f e c t s o f  

t h i s a r e i m m e d i a t e a n d

p e r m a n e n t . E v e r y

l i t t l e s t e p o f p r o g r e s s

i s i r r e v e r s i b l e a n de v e r y l i t t l e s t e p i s

i n i t i a t i o n f o r t h e s o u l .

E s s e n t i a l l y , r e b i r t h i n g  

i s a b r e a t h i n g t h e r a p y

i n w h i c h y o u

c o n s c i o u s l y c o n n e c t t o

t h e d i v i n e p o w e r o f t h eu n i v e r s e s o t h a t i t w i l l

c l e a n s e a n d t r a n s f o r m

y o u . ”

~ D e i k e B e g g

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Integrating the Practices

We have presented the practices of each element separately in order to

honor and explore the distinct qualities of each element. But just as in our

bodies and in nature, the elements exist and function in combination with

each other. Frequently, the practices will overlap, and are strengthened by

one another in turn.

When Leonard Orr developed rebirthing, he did so in a tub, soaking endlessly in water while he breathed away his unconscious death urges.

The breathing practices can absolutely be integrated with bathing to great

effect. The presence of fire when bathing enhances the sensation of 

release. For a purifying experience that completely integrates all four

elements, try the following experiment:

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S e t t h e s t a g e f o r a r i t u a l i z e d b a t h i n g e x p e r i e n c e .C l e a n y o u r b a t h r o o m u n t i l i t s h i n e s , l o w e r t h e

l i g h t s a n d s e t o u t s e v e r a l c a n d l e s . I f y o u p r e f e r ,

 y o u c a n p r e p a r e a p u r i f y i n g s a l t fi r e f o r a m o r e

i n t e n s e fl a m e . R e m e m b e r , t h i s b a t h i s n o t f o c u s e d  

o n s c r u b b i n g t h e p h y s i c a l b o d y , s o p u t a w a y y o u r  

l o o f a h , r a z o r , a n d r u b b e r d u c k y . A l l o w y o u r s e l f  t o f o c u s s o l e l y o n t h e s e n s a t i o n o f m e r g i n g y o u r  

 p h y s i c a l b o d y w i t h t h e e l e m e n t s . B e f o r e y o u s t e p

i n t o t h e w a t e r , l i g h t t h e c a n d l e s o r s a l t fi r e , a n d  

t a k e 2 1 B r e a t h s a s y o u o b s e r v e t h e fi r e a n d w a t e r .

T h e n , s t i l l b r e a t h i n g r h y t h m i c a l l y , m o v e i n t o t h e

w a t e r s l o w l y . R e l a x i n t o t h e w a t e r a n d c o n t i n u eb r e a t h i n g . A l l o w t h e b r e a t h , fl a m e a n d w a t e r t o

s u p p o r t t h e m o v e m e n t o f e n e r g y i n y o u r b o d y .

 E x p e r i m e n t w i t h g e t t i n g i n a n d o u t o f t h e w a t e r 

u n t i l y o u b e c o m e a c u t e l y a w a r e o f t h e s h i f t t h a t  

t h e w a t e r p r o d u c e s i n y o u r e n e r g y b o d y . A f t e r y o u

 fi n i s h b a t h i n g , s p e n d s o m e t i m e i n t e g r a t i n g t h es p a c e y o u h a v e c r e a t e d b y m o v i n g t h r o u g h s o m e

 g e n t l e s t r e t c h e s . H y d r a t e y o u r s e l f w i t h s o m e t h i n g 

a m a z i n g ( c o c o n u t w a t e r . . . ? ) a n d r e l a x …

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Prescription for integrating the practices into your


• Start each day with several glasses of water. This helps to carry out

the wastes your body released during sleep and clears your energy

body for fresh incoming energy.

• Welcome this knowledge into your life with gratitude and


Meditate on the elements as your new sacred friends- Fire, Earth,Air, and Water.

• Maintain an awareness of your energy body as you move through

the day, and also be aware of the energy you are taking on.

• Begin to develop a philosophy that you are more than just a body--

 you are an infinitely renewable spiritual being .

• Bathe at least twice a day—preferably before sunrise and beforesunset.

• Soak Soak Soak.

• Light a candle—or several—when you bathe.

• Step into water with awareness, move gently and pay attention…

notice how your energy body begins to lighten up as the physicalbody comes clean.

• If you have a fireplace, put it to good use- light a fire and sleep next

to it. Spend the night next to fire as often as possible.

• Breathe! Notice your breath thought the day and use the tool of 

conscious connected breathing whenever you remember.

• Breathe energy as well as air. Take in energy consciously and feel itripple through you, lighting up your cells and higher consciousness.

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• Seek out a rebirther and master the skill of rebirthing.

Get conscious around food and fitness. Living bodies require living foods—anything else just gets in the way of the energy you are

focused on moving.

• Dedicate yourself to these purification practices—They are the

highest form of self-love you can demonstrate.

• Welcome the practices with ease and pleasure—this is not about

forcing yourself into compliance!

• Relax, breathe and become completely aware of your divine

nature as you become more clear, open, conscious and awake.

• Master your own brand of Wildly Stylized Divinity.

• LOVE! Each element is a pillar that holds up the temple

of our physical body. Love is the foundation. Build your

practice so that each pillar is solid and your temple willbe strong.

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You are not alone! We are with you, committed to delivering thesepractices into the hands of awakening beings everywhere. We recognize

the forces that have been instrumental in allowing this knowledge to flow

through our awareness and into yours. So what’s next?

As the engineers, architects and midwives of this movement, we are

devoted to creating the inspiration and foundation for a renewed culture of 

Life. This includes constantly growing our community of practitioners, as

well as building the social framework and businesses needed to support thepractices in comfort, pleasure and style. (Soaking palaces, fire temples,

superfood lounges, breathing salons, meditation domes...)

Understanding the importance of spiritual community to support our

collective evolution, we authorize ourselves as visionary leaders and

encourage you to do the same. Please join us in our commitment to

creating the channels of communication and spaces so necessary for us to

connect meaningfully with each other.

You are encouraged to articulate this experience to yourself and others.

Self-reflection and conscious expression can greatly accelerate personal

and social transformation!

Tell us about your experiences in doing the practices:

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What is my understanding of the Energy Body?

Fire purifies____________ 

Earth purifies ___________ 

 Water purifies ___________ 

 Air purifies _______________ 

What is EEP and how does it affect me?

What is a spiritual vacuum cleaner?

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What are the 4 elements and how do I plan to practice with them?

















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What other education for self-improvement and spiritual mastery am Igoing to investigate?

What resources are available to me for exploring the practice of rebirthing breathwork?

Do I want to experience rebirthing breathwork?

Names & Numbers of rebirthers/breathworkers in my area:

1. ______________________________________________ 

2. ______________________________________________ 

3. ______________________________________________

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What questions do I have as I begin doing the practices?

How do I imagine this information changing my community and the


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Affirmations are life-affirming statements about who you are that you

make to yourself daily. Jot down some positive statements about yourself to

remind yourself of your divine greatness.

I am _________________________________________________ 


My life is ______________________________________________ 


I enjoy _________________________________________________ 


I am entitled to _________________________________________________ 


I deserve _________________________________________________ 


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