
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 3815 South Cedar Street Lansing MI 48910 (517) 393-3030

Sunday November 12


The foolish ones, when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them,

but the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps.

—Matthew 25:3-4

Monday the 13th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass

Alpha Dinner! 6:30 pm Parish Family Center

Financial Peace University 7 pm School Room 5 Ecell 7 pm Parish Office

Spirit & Bride Charismatic Prayer 7:30 pm Church

Tuesday the 14th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Stewardship Meeting 5:30 pm Parish Office High School Youth Group 6:30 pm Youth Center

Ecell 7 pm Church

Wednesday the 15th

Moms’ Group 9:30 am Parish Office Ecell 7 pm 2230 Delhi NE Holt

RCIA 7 pm Parish Office St. Vincent de Paul 7 pm South Cedar Street unit 7th/8th Grade Faith Formation 6:30 pm Youth Center

Thursday the 16th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Knights of Columbus 7:30 pm Parish Family Center

Ecell 7:30 pm Parish Office Ecell 7 pm 2614 Woodview Drive

Friday the 17th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Bible Study 10 am Parish Office Alpha Evening Away 5 pm Parish Family Center

Saturday the 18th

St. Vincent de Paul basket packing 8:30 am PFC

Pastoral Council Meeting 9:30 am Teachers Lounge

Alpha Evening Away 5:30 pm Parish Family Center

Sunday the 19th

Soup Kitchen 2 pm—3 pm Parish Family Center

High School Youth Group 5 pm Youth Center

Mass Schedule The Week Ahead

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Lansing, MI (517) 393-3030 Sunday, November 12, 2017

Page 2 website:

Sunday the 12th: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30 pm In Honor of our Veterans —Brian & Cathy Variano

7:30 am Antonio Ortega C. —Eloisa Ortega R. Family

9:30 am Theresa Lenhard —Verleger Family 11:30 am For the People of the Parish

Monday the 13th

8 am Ted Angers —Maria & John Fisher

Tuesday the 14th

8 am Jill Susanne Werve —Susan Epple

Wednesday the 15th

8 am Wilma Miller —Richard Miller

Thursday the 16th

8 am Lucy Spitzley —Dan Spitzley

Friday the 17th: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

8 am Jim Kelly —Cheryl Bixler

Saturday the 18th

8 am Betty Cook —Fr. John & IHM Parish

4:30 pm Clem Caron —Marge & Family

Sunday the 19th: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 am Rita McGrain —Barbara Lovejoy, Dorothy Eckelson

9:30 am For the People of the Parish 11:30 am Fred Hartsuff —JoAnn Slabonick

Readings for next Sunday

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-2, 3, 45;

1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21

Stewardship: A Way of Life…

Today's Gospel tells the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins. The five wise virgins had prepared for the wedding and were there when the bridegroom came to them. The five foolish virgins were not prepared, and had to go purchase more oil and missed the bridegroom. Sometimes we think we can take care of things, like our stewardship, our gifts, our time, our prayer, at another time. Jesus reminds us to "Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour."

Building Together with Christ Campaign:

Campaign Goal: $ 1,774,600.00

Total Pledged: $ 1,199,507.65 (68%) Cash Received: $ 1,056,825.13 Number of Gifts: 547 (47%) (1,150 families)

Reminder: “Blue” colored payment envelopes are included in your Sunday bi-monthly packets.

Parish Financial Stewardship

November 5, 2017:

Loose $ 771.95 Envelopes $ 19,279.00 Total $ 20,050.95

Previous Year Total: November 6, 2016 $ 22,273.63

Volunteers Needed St. Vincent de Paul needs parishioners to help with our annual Thanksgiving basket packing and delivery on Saturday November 18 from 8:30 to 1 pm in the Parish Family Center (after 8 am Mass).

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Sunday, November 12, 2017

517-393-3030 Website: Page 3

This is the second of four funeral related articles provided by the IHM Worship Commission as we remember our deceased loved ones in a special way throughout

the month of November.

The Funeral Liturgy For most, this is the high point of the funeral process--celebrating the Eucharist. There are occasions when the funeral liturgy will be a liturgy of the Word, without the offering of bread and wine. There are times in the Church calendar when Funeral Masses are prohibited: Christmas, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, yet these days might be the only time that all may gather, so there is the funeral liturgy outside of Mass.

The sacred rite of the funeral liturgy is full of wonderful symbolism. The ministers of the liturgy meet the body and the mourners at the door where we were met at our baptism. Then, we were asked our names and what we were seeking. We, or our godparents, answered, “Faith,” or “Eternal life.” In remembrance of this, the body is sprinkled with holy water and any sacramentals (objects that surround us in our everyday lives that help lift our hearts and minds to God, such as a cross, holy picture, Bible, prayer

book) are removed if the family wishes prior to the coffin being closed. Then, the coffin is covered with the pall, a white garment, reminiscent of our baptismal garment. The body is then taken in procession to a place before the altar, with the Easter candle standing close by. The funeral liturgy calls for Christian symbols to be placed on top of the coffin once it is reposed at the church. The examples that the ritual book gives are, in this order: a Book of the Gospels, a Bible, a cross.

All take their places and we listen to the word of God. We sing the psalm between the first and second reading and welcome the gospel with an acclamation. The homily that follows the reading is about the Scriptures’ message of hope in the resurrection, and how that was embodied in the one who has died. It is not a eulogy - eulogies were given at the vigil. Prayers are offered for the dead and for those who mourn.

If Mass is celebrated, it too continues just as on Sunday. We give thanks to God over bread and wine, offering to God all our experiences of dying and rising with the loaf and the cup. Then, God changes those gifts into the body and blood of Christ, which we share.

After communion, or after the homily if Mass is not celebrated, comes the final commendation. Signs of farewell are made to the body of our loved one: It might be sprinkled again with the holy water of baptism and enclosed in a cloud of perfumed smoke (incense) which rises to the heavens. We sing a song of farewell as this is done. Then we process to the door, and beyond, to the place of rest, for the final part of the Christian funeral.

Copyright © 2002 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago IL. Text by David Philippart. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Adapted by the IHM Worship Commission.

Anointing of the Sick On Saturday, November 25, IHM will be offering the Anointing of the Sick at the 4:30 pm liturgy.

Those wishing to receive this Sacrament are asked to arrive early and be seated in the reserved front section of pews in the Church. The sacrament will take place during Mass.


Handing on the

(through the Domestic Church) with Jen Brown

The Lost Sheep Invitation Last weekend Fr John shared with everyone that soon you will begin to see advertisements on TV inviting our Lost Sheep to come home. As we have often talked about, every single one of us is called to invite our friends and family members back to the Faith. Quite often they just need an invitation or a listening ear. Sometimes they were hurt, sometimes they were just given bad information – like because they were divorced they were excommunicated (yes, some people believe this and it is not true!).

I am reprinting an article I posted earlier this year to help you get a sense of where people are at and how you can invite them to something more. Some people’s journeys will be long, but some people’s will and can be relatively short. Are we willing to invest in them and offer them all of the faith, grace and community support that you have here at IHM? Here is a review of the Thresholds of Conversion. (from January 29, 2017, edited):

This week I offer some practical wisdom that you can use as you are praying for the Lost Sheep and considering how to approach them successfully.

The idea that people go through similar stages or thresholds, on their way to their “first conversion” that we talked about last week came from a couple of college campus ministers who wanted to see if there was any wisdom they could glean by listening closely to how people came to faith. They noticed that the young men and women that they were working with weren’t responding to the Gospel as they had in previous years. What they discovered was that, of the people who had their first conversion, nearly all of them had similar paths. Each threshold was a work of grace and it took real energy and a real choice on the part of the person making the journey.

Before I describe them, let me say this: God’s grace is at work all of the time. Even before someone decides to inquire about the faith, grace is at work. All of this is the work of God and his Holy Spirit. And know this: No matter what happens, if we say the wrong thing, if we got the timing off, whatever we think we didn’t do well, God makes all things –ALL THINGS-work for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. And what is his purpose? That we know, love and serve Christ. So, keep this in mind: God’s grace is at work.

The five thresholds of conversion are Initial Trust, Spiritual Curiosity, Spiritual Openness, Spiritual Seeking and Intentional Discipleship.

If someone is at Initial Trust, this means someone who has trust in the Church, or trust in a Christian. Trust is not the same as personal faith-just because someone trusts the Church does not mean for certain that they have a personal faith in Jesus Christ (or have had that initial conversion). It simply means that a bridge of trust between them and the Church or a Christian has occurred. For instance, there might be someone you work with who says they don’t go to Church but they like you. You are their bridge of trust. Or some people trust Pope Francis because they like what he says, but they don’t have an intention of coming to faith.

Someone who is at Spiritual Curiosity is intrigued with Christ or the Catholic faith. They still have no intention of joining so don’t overwhelm them with loads of theology just because they expressed an interest. They just might be curious. Why are you different? What is that cross thing? Where are you on a Sunday morning? Why do you have peace? I am curious about the Jewish faith and I ask a lot of questions, but I have no intention of becoming Jewish!

When someone moves into Spiritual Openness, they begin to wonder if this Jesus or this Catholic faith might be something worth considering. It is still passive, as are the first two – that is, they have no intention of joining up, but they are open to the goodness that they see. That’s it. Just open.

This journey goes from passive to active when someone moves into Spiritual Seeking. This is when they begin to seriously consider following Jesus or coming into the Catholic faith (from a Protestant faith) and are aware that there are change that they will need to make. It is like dating

with a purpose: Are you the one that I seek? They wonder deeply if they can commit to Christ and his Church.

Finally, we hope people move into Intentional Discipleship. This is the moment of “initial conversion” where people decide to “drop their nets” as Jesus’ disciples did in the Gospel last week. The goal is to invite people to intentionally follow Jesus Christ in the midst of his Church so that they have a life of peace and joy in the sacraments and learn how to be Christ’s obedient disciple.

Don’t try to memorize all this today. Just pray for hearts to be open and for you to hear who and how the Holy Spirit is calling you to invite home. You can also pick up the book “Forming Intentional Disciples” by Sherry Weddell which goes much more in depth and has been a training tool for many leaders here at the parish. For now, pray for me and I will pray for you.

Beyond Belief: Following Christ Today Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today with humor, clarity, and theological truth. In this talk, he challenges us to not settle for mediocrity and to allow Christ to change our lives. Fr. Mike goes on to explain that once we are changed by the love of Jesus, then together we can change the world.

CD’s are located in the gathering space of church, $3 per CD, place cash in the box below the display. Health Ministry News

Great American Smokeout is held every year on the third Thursday of November. This year it is scheduled for November 16th. It is a day to encourage smokers to stop smoking even for a day. The day can also be used to plan to quit or get help to quit smoking. You can speak to an expert in quitting smoking by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW. There is free and low-cost help for quit smoking medication in Michigan.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Page 5

3815 South Cedar St. Lansing, Michigan 48910 517 393-3030 FAX 393-0855

Children's Stewardship Corner

(Donations benefit a charity of the children’s choice)

Last Sunday: $ 4.00 Total to Date: $ 197.36

Children’s envelopes are available in the gathering space of church

free of charge.

Focus on Youth

Ministry to the Sick and Grieving IHM Prayer Circles pray for those who are sick or grieving. Please contact the parish office, 393-3030, to add your loved one’s name on our prayer list.

Local Support Groups:

Palmer Bush & Jensen Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Call for details, (517) 268-1000.

Estes-Leadley Funeral Home TLC Group: - For upcoming events please call 517-482-1651.

Adult Faith Formation/RCIA If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith and what the Church teaches about Jesus, please contact Leah Hinman, 393-3030 or [email protected].

After School Assistant We are looking for an energetic after school assistant who is self motivated and loves working with children. This is a part time position from 2:30-5:30 pm, 2 or 3 days a week. All candidates must be at least 18 years old, be able to assist with children ages 3-13, be creative and willing to take on the responsibilities for daily care. Please send resume to: [email protected]

Card Ministry Schedule Because of Thanksgiving, our Card Ministry will meet on Wednesday November 29 this month. (Our Card Ministry typically meets the 4th Wednesday of each month, 2 pm at the church office.) All are welcome!

Last Sunday saw over 700 teens from around the diocese come together at the Lansing Center for the Unashamed Youth Conference. A group of nearly 30 teens and adults attended from IHM. The day included Mass with Bishop Boyea! Keep the fire going with our weekly youth group!

Congratulations to Toni and Matt Watters as they welcomed the

newest member of their growing family, John Anthony Watters,

on November 6th. Pray for her

recovery and new baby.

High School Youth Group –We see new faces every week! Join us THIS SUNDAY, November 12th 5-7:30 pm in our St. John Paul II Youth Center and Tuesdays are still on from 6:30-8:30 pm.

2017-18 Confirmation Candidates- Next Candidate and Parent Session: Today, November 12th 11-12:30 pm in our St. John Paul II Youth Center! Contact Jen Brown (while Toni is on leave) at: [email protected] or call 393-3030 with questions.

7th/8th Grade Faith Formation- Join us for our next FFF session SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12th 11-12:30 in PFC. Don't forget, come hang out with other upcoming 7th and 8th graders from 6:30-8:30 pm in the youth room every Wednesday! Bring friends, Catholic or not! Contact Julie Bureau (while Toni is on leave) at: [email protected] or call 517-230-7670 with questions.

Page 6 Website: Sunday, November 12, 2017

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 3815 South Cedar Street Lansing MI 48910 517-393-3030

IHM-St. Casimir School Preschool, K — 8th Grade, 882-6631

Family Faith Formation

Preschool, K—6th Grade, 393-3030

Faith Formation 7th/8th Grades & High School

Family Formation: Thank you to everyone who attended K-8th Family Formation this past Sunday. Join us for our next gathering on Sunday, December 3rd from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in the Parish Family Center.

Are you new to the parish? Do you want your child to learn more about God and what it means to enter into friendship with Him? Don’t know where to begin. Contact the Family Formation office to learn about the many opportunities for you and your family to grow in Faith!

Children’s Liturgy of the Word and Little Lambs will not be held Thanksgiving Weekend Sunday, November 26. We will resume the following week December 3.

Adorers Needed The Holy Spirit Oratory Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open 24/7 and is conveniently located just north of the parish office on Cedar Street. This is the perfect place to enter into the Holy Presence of Jesus as He is exposed in the Blessed Sacrament for your adoration. He patiently waits for your visit. We are in need of individuals who are willing to commit to one hour of adoration each week. Please contact Jack Chan (517) 668-8113.

Thank you to all who supported our recent Adult Social/Auction. Please, please, stop by Zaytoon Restaurant and tell Sam THANK YOU! He provided food and paper products for 300 people to make our evening a wonderful success! What a generous, generous man! He does not have children in the school or have any particular connection, he just blessed us with this donation. We are so grateful. Profits for the gym/multipurpose building exceeded $28,000! Thank you to all who participated through attendance, purchases and direct donations!

Middle School students who made the goals for the Honor Roll will be acknowledged on Wednesday, November 15 after the 8:00 mass. Join us to congratulate their efforts and good use of their God-given abilities.

Grade 6 will be off-site having a Retreat together. Cristo Rey Parish has generously provided space and time for Mass with Fr. Fred to enhance their day. Please hold them in prayer that they may hear the voice of Jesus calling them during this day.

Friday, November 17 is the last Friday of the month so it is Out of Dress Code!

“Even a Winter Coat” Once upon a time a little girl sat with her friends at school while they chattered and giggled about their family Christmas plans. Unusually silent, the girl listened to them before whispering her only Christmas wish: a warm winter coat. Many families of St. Vincent Catholic Charities struggle to provide basic needs for their family. Our Adopt-A-Family campaign provides Wish Lists for a sibling group and items that will benefit an entire household. For more information on this program or others, please call Rhonda Abood at (517) 323-4734 ext. 1205.

Lansing Catholic High School Shadow Students: Is your student thinking about attending Lansing Catholic High School? Middle school or potential transfer students interested in finding out what it’s like to be a Lansing Catholic student are welcome to shadow a current student for a school day. Contact Admissions Coordinator Karen Gavin at [email protected] or 517-267-2102 to arrange a shadow day, November 19 or 26.

Application information will be mailed to 8th graders who are currently enrolled at a Catholic school in December. If you have an 8th grader who does not attend a Catholic school, but would like to receive application information, please contact Lansing Catholic’s Admissions Coordinator, Karen Gavin at [email protected] or 517-267-2102 to be added to the mailing list.

Save The Date!

Rosary Makers Fall Gathering: Sunday, November 12 following 11:30 Mass in the IHM Parish Family Center. Bring a dish to pass for the Pot-luck luncheon. Speakers will be Stephanie Satoh who will present updates on the new organizational changes for our group and Jack Chan will speak about the benefits of Eucharistic Adoration and rosaries for the Philippines. Everyone is welcome! Thanks to all who support our mission!

Long-Term Care Planning: Thursday, November 16, 6 - 7 pm, MSU Federal Credit Union Farm Lane Branch, 4825 E. Mt. Hope Road, East Lansing. Call 517-333-2424 to register or online:

Holiday Heaven Arts & Crafts Sale: Saturday, November 18, 9:00 am to 4 pm, St. Martha Catholic Church, 1100 W. Grand River Okemos, Parish Hall.

“Open Doors” Tutoring Program: St. Therese Parish (on Lansing’s north side) is home to “Open Doors”, a free tutoring center for children, grades K-6. Children from all over the city are being helped with reading and math skills by volunteer tutors, Mondays and Wednesday, 4 – 6 pm. We are looking for more people who would like to be part of this rewarding ministry. If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please call the St. Therese Parish Office at 487-3749, or stop by the tutoring center for a visit any Monday or Wednesday. There are two requirements:·Take the Virtus Training ( and have a criminal background check (Through Sue Benjamin at the St. Therese Parish Office). We would love for you to join us!

Married Couples Weekend December 1-3, at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt. Spend a weekend away with your spouse to connect with Gods Grace as a couple. The weekend includes a social hour, special dinner, and bonfire. Register at: or call 517-669-8321. Registration fee is $300 per couple with a $50 deposit. Refer another couple, and receive $50 off your weekend fee if they attend.

A Eucharistic Advent Retreat will be given December 8th at St Francis Retreat Center from 9:00 am-3:30 pm. It will be co-directed by Louise Pare and Tony Sperendi. Louise brings a wealth of professional experience from her many years in Catholic Publishing and her unique vocation as a Consecrated Virgin in the Diocese of Lansing. This retreat promises to inspire and deliver practical ways to make this Advent memorable to you! Contact the retreat center for more information at: or 517-669-8321.

Divine Life in the Parish Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am

Weekday Masses: Monday - Saturday at 8 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3 - 4 pm, and after 8 am Masses (except for Wednesdays). Also by appointment.

Sick and Homebound: Call the parish office to request a hospital visit, sacrament of the sick, communion, or prayers.

Infant Baptism: Please arrange through the parish office in advance. Preparation class is required.

Sacrament of Marriage: Please make arrangements with the pastor or deacon at least nine months in advance of the proposed wedding date.

Welcome New parishioners! Please register by calling or stopping by the Parish Office. We encourage you to be an active member by attending Sunday Mass weekly and supporting your parish in gratitude for what God has given you.

Mission Statement: As a Christ-centered, Spirit-led faith community, fed by Word and Sacrament,

we bring the “Good News” of God’s love into all areas of our lives, that we may lead others to Christ.

Parish Staff Contact Information Parish Office/Staff: 517-393-3030 FAX: 393-0855 Rev. John Byers, Pastor [email protected] Rev. George Daisy, In Residence Deacons: Bill Fudge & John Cameron

IHM-St. Casimir School…………..……...…….……......882-6631 Angela Johnston, Principal [email protected]


Business Mgr: Barry Marsh [email protected] Bookkeeper: Ann Schadler [email protected] Secretaries: Anita Sandel [email protected]

Barb Smith [email protected]

Coordinator of Evangelization & Discipleship…...393-3030 Jennifer Brown [email protected]

Family Faith Formation Director ……………..…....393-3030 Aaron Epkey [email protected]

Faith Formation 7th/8th grades/High School/Young Adults: Jay Jong (Youth Group) [email protected]…...393-3030 Toni Watters (7th/8th, Confirm.) [email protected]

RCIA for Adults, Leah Hinman [email protected]

Adult Faith Formation, Leah Hinman…………….....393-3030

Liturgy & Music, Dave Wiseman: [email protected]

Social Ministry/Health Ministry (Barry Marsh) ........393-3030

Restorative Justice/Change of Heart (Bob Heriford) ...243-8605

St. Vincent de Paul: Don Quillan…...…………..…....393-3030

Knights of Columbus: Paul Mapes, Grand Knight…...281-9546 website: email: [email protected]

ICAP: Counseling Assistance Program…………...393-3030

Rosary Makers: [email protected]…….393-3030

Adoration Chapel, Jack Chan………………..……….668-8113

Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday: 8:30 - 5 pm, Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30—7 pm, Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Saturday: 9 am - noon Page 7

Website: ihmpar ish lans

Helen Kavanagh is recovering from her fall and has moved up state to live with her daughter. She would like to share her new address for anyone interested:

8775 N. Homestead Circle Irons, MI 49644

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