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Integrated Marketing Communication PlanForBelo Whitening Soap


Group 6Daya, HexeneMorales, JodySantiago, MariaTobasco, RamonWakui, Jenica


Professor Bong R. Osorio1. WHERE ARE WE1.1 MOTIVATIONThere are different factors that motivate a consumer to purchase a product. The tables below show the different factors that urge the consumers to buy the product.

Figure 1. Motivation for Purchasing Belo Soap

Respondents were asked to rank their motivation in buying beauty soaps from most important to least important (1-most, 3-least). Figure 1 shows that the most important factor for buying whitening soap is that it repairs damaged skin. The least important factor is that it helps whiten their skin.

Figure 2. Consumers who buy beauty soaps

In Figure 2, out of the 100 respondents of our survey, only 69% buy and use beauty soap and 31% do not purchase any brand of the product.


Figure 3. Whitening Soap Brand Awareness

Figure 3 shows the brand awareness among the respondents. The most popular brand is Dove, garnering 85%. Belo Whitening Soap is second with 73%. The least popular brand is Camay, with only 45% of the respondents being aware of the product.

Figure 4. Consumers who buy Belo Whitening Soap

Figure 4 shows how many people actually buy Belo Whitening Soap. From the 73% that know about the product in figure 3, only 13% buy it.

Figure 5. Awareness of Belo TaglineFigure 5 shows the percentage of people who are aware of the Belo tagline, Only Belo touches my skin, who touches yours? It shows how effective their campaign is, only it doesnt necessarily translate into sales.

Figure 6. Advertising Mediums

Figure 6 shows which advertising medium is most effective when it comes to the dissemination of the brand to the consumers. The chart shows that 88% of the consumers found out about Belo Whitening Soap through television ads, while 41% saw billboards about the product. 36% of the respondents say that they came to know the product by word of mouth, while 19% and 18% saw advertisements through the newspaper and Internet ads, respectively.


Figure 7. Brand Preference

Figure 7 shows the preference of the respondents of each brand. The chart shows that 59% of the respondents are more likely to buy Dove. From the 100 respondents, only 5% prefer Belo Whitening Soap.


According to the June 2013 Euromonitor International of Bath and Shower in the Philippines, whitening is still a dominant feature in batch and shower. Producers compete in pricing to make sure that their products can appeal to the buyers. Companies like Proctor & Gamble and Unilever give a certain discount when buying packs of three for their soaps. Bar soap is has the largest share of sales, having 60% share of the value sales in bath and shower. Bar soap still remains the top choice for local consumers. In the Euromonitor, it states that the key platforms for competition are price, brand popularity, perceived benefit and the strength of advertising. Most products focus on whitening since the perception of beauty in the Philippines is connected to fair complexion.

Figure 8. Sales of Bar Soaps

Figure 9. Top 5 Company Shareholders in 2012

Figure 10. Top 5 Brand Shares in 2012

Figure 9 and 10 shows the top five companies and brands that control most of the bath and shower market. The product, Belo Essentials is not even on the list which means that the brand is lacking in market shares.


1.4.2 PLACEBelo Essentials are found in most leading supermarkets, groceries, drug stores and convenience stores.



4. HOW DO WE GET THERE4.1 Creative Brief: Belo Essentials Whitening Body BarThe Philippines is a country that suffers from poverty, making it hard for Filipinos to allocate money for beauty and wellness. More often than not, people who splurge themselves on lavish beauty products are ridiculed, after all why would you spend so much on yourself if there are so many of your Filipino brothers dying from hunger. Vicki Belo, founder of the Belo Medical Group has a vision of making every Filipino beautiful thus giving birth to the Belo Essentials Products. Belo is deemed ambitious for having this dream but by strategizing properly, this dream may be achieved.This brief capitalized on Belos vision and the perception of the mass and their acceptance towards the concept of beautification.


1. To garner interests among consumers and as well as the non-consumers2. Establish a long and lasting image for the Belo Essentials Products especially the body bars section3. Increase brand awareness and consumer demand 4. Advocate BEAUTY as something that can be achieved not only by having fair skin but also by possessing a kind and helpful nature.

4.1.3. TARGET MARKETThe working class under the B, C, and upper D, socioeconomic brackets. Generally Filipinos, regardless of sex who wants to achieve a beautiful and fair skin.

4.1.4. CREATIVE STRATEGY BENEFITBelo Beauty Bars are specially formulized for the Filipino skin under the expertise of dermatologists led by one of the best dermatologist in the country, Vicki Belo herself. The beauty bar does not only deliver a fair skin but also moistures, remove dead skin cells, exfoliates, and has skin agents that will make the skin absorb the nutrients that the beauty bar carries. SUPPORTFrom the roster of Belo Beauty Essentials, there are two variants of the beauty bars namely: Moisturizing Whitening Body Bar with Nourishing Skin Vitamins and Smoothening Whitening Body Bar with Exfoliating Microbeads. The variants are strategically made for different types of Filipino skin thus giving the consumers a chance in choosing something that will suit their needs.

4.1.5. KEY CONSUMER INSIGHTLike any other part of the Filipino work force, I want the fruits of my labour to be worth it. I am looking for products that commit to its promises. Every day, I go home tired from work but I still want to have time to take care of myself. I want a product that will not only make me noticeably and visibly fair but a product that will also cleanse and rejuvenate my skin however, I cannot use so much of my money on beauty products.

4.1.6. DESIRED TARGET RESPONSEBelo Beauty Bars are a great investment in my groceries. It commits to its promise of a fair skin and it makes me feel special because Belo is a trusted name in making celebrities achieve their beautiful skin. It also gives me a chance to pamper myself because of its relaxing scent. I trust the products under the Belo Essentials line and will continue patronizing it. It makes me glow inside out!

4.1.7. TONE and MOODEffective, Fair, Elegant, and Trustworthy.



The original tag line of the Belo Essentials campaign Only Belo touches my skin, who touches yours is actually great however, Belo is associated with expensive plastic surgery treatments that only the likes of her endorsers could only afford. To tap into a wider market we will invent the concept of being Belo beautiful.Being Belo beautiful means being keeping a calm and kind attitude despite of the entire daily ruckus that an average person has to go through. May it be the crowded MRT or noise at EDSA. It also means to highlight the beauty of Filipinos kindness and achievements. It will highlight an aspect of beauty that is different among its competitors. Beauty that wades away through what its competitors is implying, beauty that is actually uplifting and empowering not only women but as well as men. Being Belo beautiful means being good at what you do, being smart, being kind, and inspiring others to do good, and do well every time.


4.4.2. The campaign will start off by highlighting the kindness and good-doings of the Belo Essentials Product line, no other than Vicki Belo herself. Belos charity works lack publicity, it is a good image for her because it gives a message that even if she capitalizes in a luxurious business, and she still gives back to her fellow men. She herself will be the grounding for Belo Beauty.

Social media exposure of Belos charity work will be strengthened. Below are photos of her past charity works. Blog Features

Screenshots from: (

Blogs like so will make it easy for people to search what Belo foundation does. It will also be recommended for the client in whole to establish a web site solely dedicated to her foundation namely Ike and Nena Belo foundation, named after her parents. It will show Belo being beautifully and genuinely helpful towards the needy. PR Efforts

Screenshot from: (

The press should also be tapped for a better reach in public in order to be sure that the message of Belo being charitable, being a good role model among her colleagues will reach our target market. The press will be a good priming agent for the campaign; people will also associate the name Belo, not only in dermatology or plastic surgery but in charitable works as well.

4.4.3. The next step of the campaign is the re-launching of the Belo Essentials with the integration of the concept Belo Beautiful. This part of the campaign will use multiple non-traditional media vehicles such as special events. Lifestyle launch

Major broadsheets and magazines will be invited to the re-launching of the Belo Essential line with the integration and emphasis of the Belo Beauty. It will be a night of enjoyment and special celebrity guests will also be invited over. The event will be held in a hotel ballroom. The event will give a clear image of what Belo Beauty is about and how every Filipinos could be Belo beautiful.MANILA BULLETIN

4.4.4. The last phase of the campaign will be the highlighting of the Belo Essentials Beauty Bar.

The product will be endorsed by Filipinos who are renowned for their talent and are beautiful. The new theme will make itself if unique among its competitors.Television, radio, print, and out-of-home advertisements will be utilized in order to highlight the beauty bar. PartnershipsThe beauty bar will reach every assigned target market. A partnership with various beauty boxes such as the B.D.J. or Belle de Jour beauty box will be established.

The B.D.J. beauty box is an effective way of making people experience the beauty bar. It is a box filled with various products such as cosmetics and skin care protection. Users also have a portal for evaluation of the products online.

B.D.J. box review column.



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