


Barbara Philip - 2008 3

What about characters?

Who was a teenage orphan that lived with their Aunt and Uncle in a desolate and isolated place?

Barbara Philip - 2008 4

Meet the characters

Barbara Philip - 2008 5

Other characters

Barbara Philip - 2008 6

Meet the characters

Barbara Philip - 2008 8

Symbols that protect and guide

Barbara Philip - 2008 9

LUKE: Look at him. He's headed for that small moon. HAN: I think I can get him before he gets there...he's almost in range. BEN: That's no moon! It's a space station. HAN: It's too big to be a space station. LUKE: I have a very bad feeling about this.

DOROTHY: Come on -- let's get out of here! Look -- Emerald City is closer and prettier than ever!

VOICES: You're out of the woods You're out of the dark You're out of the night Step into the sun Step into the light Keep straight ahead for.... ...The most glorious place --

Barbara Philip - 2008 10

…the similarities go on and on

Barbara Philip - 2008 11

What about the ending? Do you remember?

Barbara Philip - 2008 12


Star Wars IV: A New Hope . Dir. George Lucas. 1977. DVD. 2oth Century Fox, 2004.

The Wizard of Oz. Dir. Victor Fleming. 1939. DVD. Warner Brothers, 2005.

Simogene. Star Wars and the Wizard of Oz... one and the same story? 9 Mar. 2008     <>.

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