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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper

Issue 26 March 2011 FREE

Di Mario Audino

Rosa Romano è nata il 4 febbraio 1931 a Portigliola, un piccolo paese che is affaccia sul mare Ionio nella provincia di Reggio Calabria; una famiglia abbastanza numerosa: due fratelli : Leonardo (tottora a Crotone) e Domenico (a Winnipeg), e sei sorelle: Maria, Rosa, Giuditta (attualmente residente a Roma), Immacolata, Concetta (deceduta a London, Ontario) e Natalina.

Da giovincella nel paese natio ha imparato a fare un po’di tutto specializzandosi in lavori di ricamo, macramè ed uncinetto, come pure al telaio diventando esperta nella tessitura di coperte, lenzuola e tovaglie. Inoltre, aiutava anche i suoi parenti nello svolgimento di lavori nelle loro rispettive campagne. Alla giovane età di 19 anni, il 1950 ha sposato un paesano, Carmelo Alecci, con il quale ha avuto quattro figli : Dino, Anna Maria, Elisabetta e Rita. I figli avevano rispettivamente 8, 6, 3 anni, e 7 mesi, quando la famiglia decise di emigrare in

Donna dell’anno / Woman of the YearRosa (Romano)Alecci

Canada. Infatti, il 20 gennaio dello stesso anno, sono arrivati a Winnipeg dove già si trovavano la sorella Maria ed il fratello Domenico.

La storia di Rosa è molto simile a quella di tanti altri emigrati. Il viaggio più o meno lo stesso : nave (Olimpia in questo caso) per la traversata atlantica; tre giorni e due notti di treno da Halifax a Winnipeg. Subito dopo il suo arrivo a Winnipeg, Rosa, mentre di giorno prendeva cura dei suoi figli e, molto spesso, anche quelli di altri, di sera faceva lavori di pulizia in svariati uffici e, man mano che i figli crescevano, intensificava le ore di lavoro fuori casa; infatti ha lavorato presso la Winnipeg transit per circa 28 anni.

La prematura ed improvvisa morte del marito nel 1987 l’ha naturalmente scioccata e profondamente avvilita. Ciononostante, si è presa di coraggio ed ha continuato le sue responsabilità di madre e, quindi, di capofamiglia.

Attraverso quasi tutti gli anni della sua permanenza a Winnipeg, Rosa

Alecci ha svolto migliaia di ore di volontariato nella nostra comunità al servizio di svariate organizzazioni ed istituzioni : Villa Cabrina, Chiesa del SS. Rosario, Casa d’Italia, Centro Caboto, Donne Azione Cattolica. Da segnalare, fra l’altro, la sua partecipazione a numerosi eventi e programmi : Folklorama (padiglione italiano), sfilate di moda, gruppo anziani, rappresentazioni teatrali, ed esposizioni culturali su importanti aspetti dell’artigianato e della cucina.

Rosa’s volunteer work continues to benefit many organizations and institutions. Currently, she regularly visits, on a weekly basis, many of our community sick at home or in hospitals; she connects with many of our shut ins, whether in person or by phone; provides faith and spiritual service through her Eucharistic ministry at Holy Rosary Church; is an active member of the Catholic Women’s League; volunteers for Alzheimer Society, Addictions Foundation of Manitoba, Rady Centre Stay Young

Seniors Group, Villa Cabrini Seniors Residence, Knights of Columbus, Centro Caboto Centre, All Seniors Care Living Centres. She has exhibited her artistry and homemaking expertise at Folklorama (Italian Pavilion) over the last 11 years; and she has always been one of the first to fund-raise for relief efforts in support of survivors from several earthquakes in Italy.

Donna dotata di massima integrità personale e costantemente sorretta da una profonda fede, visita gli ammalati in ospedale o nelle varie case di cura e porta loro l’ostia consacrata che lei distribuisce anche in chiesa ogni domenica.

Ormai ottantenne, e nonna di Sabina, Pasquale e Chelsia, continua il suo volontariato con smisurato entusiasmo e sorprendente assiduità. Se si dovesse o volesse identificare un prototipo di vero e sincero volontario nella nostra comunità, Rosa Alecci, a mio avviso, sarebbe la prima in classifica. Sì, è proprio lei che,

con il suo innato desiderio di aiutare il prossimo e di donare il suo tempo senza ricompensa alcuna per qualunque motivo o qualsiasi situazione, riesce a far tutto con una spontaneità e schiettezza che veramente commuovono e servono da buon esempio a tutti gli altri.

Ben meritato, quindi, il riconoscimento che la Lupa di Roma Lodge ha deciso di conferirle con il titolo di Donna dell’anno per il 2011 in seno alla manifestazione annuale che tale organizzazione celebra nel contesto della Giornata Internazionale della Donna, ufficialmente fissata per l’otto


Well deserved the recognition of Rosa’s accomplishments and good deeds, as the Lupa di Roma Lodge has honoured her with the “Donna dell’anno” award, which was presented to her at a luncheon held on March 6th at the Caboto Centre.

Auguri e ringraziamenti a Rosa Alecci, volontario per eccellenza e valido membro della nostra comunità! Thank you, Rosa, for being such an exemplary volunteer!

Rosa Alecci

New Attraction at Winter Carnivale Page 3

150 Anniversario Unita D’Italia Page 9

150 Homes SOLD In 2009

“95% of our clients are referred”

Frank Zappia

Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

It was meant to be a special evening honouring the three founders of the Italian Canadian Foundation of Manitoba and featuring a number of Verdi’s famous arias. It turned out a smashing success by all standards, as all components came together in a harmonious and meaningful spectacle: delicious food prepared and served by Caboto Centre’s staff ,

outstanding live performances by students of the U of M School of Music, superb ambiance created by the magics of Rick Mayew, the presence of the Lieutenant Governor His Honour Philip S. Lee and the Honourary Vice Consul of Italy Mr. Stan Carbone.

Significant and moving was the recognition and appreciation of the three Foundation’s

founders: Tony G. De Luca, Adriana Lombardini and Dr. Sam Loshiavo who were each presented with a commemorative plaque and a fabulous illustrated book about Italy and its cuisine.

All in all it was an effective and emotional way to celebrate the Foundation’s 20th Anniversary in the context of the 150th Anniversary of the

13th Annual Evening of Light Opera -A smashing Success

As a teenager growing up in the 60’s in the West End of Winnipeg, I often accompanied my parents as the regularly visited their friends, usually on Saturday evenings or on Sunday afternoons. At the time these social visits were a ritual in our community as the new immigrants sought comfort and support from each other and to celebrate their achievements and special occasions.

Long lasting friendships were fostered with those house visits. Marriages of their young adults were

nearly always the topic of conversation, as well as discussions on the next “compare e commare” for their newborn’s upcoming baptism. Christenings and marriage engagements were events to be celebrated and to consolidate new family relationships.

When visiting each others’ homes it was always necessary to bring a gift, often a fancy bottle of Galliano liqueur, Vecchia Romagna brandy, box of Baci or even better, a bottle of homemade wine, which became the first topic of conversion as

everyone sat down to a hot meal. Often the fancy bought bottles would circulate several times before they were finally opened and consumed.

This custom of gift giving was an expression of well being on the part of the donor, of respect, of friendship and of appreciation for the hospitality that was enjoyed.

Today, these back and forth social visits between friends are by enlarge happy memories of the past. Italians in the West End, as they became more affluent, resettled in the City’s suburbs, families became larger, and the 24/7 work life for many of us, made the social visit unrealistic. In fact making time to get together is now so difficult that even planning to have our children over for regular Sunday dinner has become a major undertaking.

The foresight to build the Centro Caboto 13

years ago was for the Italian community a very important and timely decision. Since then the Centro has become the focal point of our community and it is now the gathering place where we celebrate all our important traditions and special occasions. Many of our annual traditions are preserved such as La Festa del Carnevale, La Festa del Vino, Il Giorno dei Defunti e dei Caduti in Guerra, La Festa della Mamma, La Festa della Madonna, Il Ferragosto, Il Capodanno and many others. It is at the Centro that we congregate for those special Feast days that identify us as a unique people unlike any other, irrespective of where we or our ancestors came from in Italy.

As well the Centro has become for many the new home for social visits. Friends meet regularly for lunch, to exercise, for a game of bocce, to play cards, watch

Italian soccer on the big screen, watch a movie or to simply have a drink and mingle, particularly on those cold winter evenings in which the alternative is to sit by ourselves at home. When I walk into Café 13 on a typical evening I’m delighted to see the place full of life and laughter. This is the way it should be and it is the way it was meant to be. For many, Café 13 has become a home away from home.

The Centro welcomes all of us to participate and to become involved. It takes a tremendous amount of commitment by a cadre of dedicated staff and volunteers to run the facility. Our most valuable supporters are our members and donors, who understand this and take pride in this crown jewel that is the envy of every ethnic group in our City. For the price of a bottle of Galliano or for less than a tank of gas, you too can share in the pride by taking

League President’s Corner

Unification of Italy.

The event, which took place on Sunday, February 27th at the Caboto Centre, was enjoyed by 235 appreciative guests. “Absolutely

splendid evening, the music was incredible, beautifully served food, the atmosphere was just festive and wonderful, happy, and everyone getting along in the sense of comradeship and

happiness for the occasion…it was just the most wonderful evening I’ve had and I sincerely look forward to next year”, said Claire Colman.

Left to Right: Mario Audino, Tony G. DeLuca, Dr.Sam Loschiavo and Adriana Lombardini

Erminio Caligiuri

out a membership at the Centro and contribute in a meaningful way.

If you have already renewed your membership for 2011, we thank you for being an integral part of the Centro family. For those that have not done so, we ask that you consider taking a membership not only for its tangible benefits, but as a gesture of solidarity and pride for belonging to the Centro family. To paraphrase the words of the late John F. Kennedy “Don’t ask what (the Centro) can do for you, ask what you can do for (the Centro)”. Proud to ask, proud to give.

By Maria Rossol

The Centro Caboto Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for supporting our 3rd annual Winter Carnival.

Upon entering the Caboto Centre, one was completely immersed into carnival mode. The smell of popcorn, a clown face painting,

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

By Maria Rossol

The Centro Caboto Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for supporting our 3rd annual Winter Carnival.

Upon entering the Caboto Centre, one was completely immersed into carnival mode. The smell of popcorn, a clown face painting,

Winter Carnevale 2011

and the sounds of excited children playing games. Entertaining the crowd was strolling minstrel Gary Rossol playing accordion, accompanied by Mario Audino on the clarinet, and joined by vocalist Natasha Rossol, completed the carnival experience.

The newest outdoor attraction along with skating and

tobogganing was a horse-drawn sleigh ride. This was a big hit with children and parents alike, as it was an opportunity for families to enjoy a ride together, and children were encouraged to give the horses a treat after the ride.

We would like to thank all of our volunteers for their role in helping make this event a success!

A special thank you to our sponsors:Mary and Tony Pesce and Family, GG Gelati, Hon. Anita Neville, P.C., M.P. and the Mignacca Family

Centro Update

Summer Camp Employment OpportunityThis July the Centro Caboto Centre will be running an Italian summer camp and is looking for a camp coordinator and camp leaders. The camp coordinator would start in June and plan and prepare the camp starting in July.

Requirements: a student who has a strong grasp on the Italian language. Experience working with children is a definite asset. If any of these positions interest you, please send your resume to Mariella DiSanto at [email protected] or to 1055 Wilkes Ave, Winnipeg,MB R3P 2L7.

3rd Annual FashionShowThe hottest fashions of the spring and summer will again be hitting the runway at the 3rd Annual Fashion show hosted by the Centro Caboto Centre.

Join us on Sunday, May 15th for an af-ternoon of fun, filled with new fashions, great food, and an original shopping

experience provided by local businesses.Tickets are $40 for adults and $20 for children 12 and un-der (lunch included).

For more informa-tion, contact Diana at 487-4597 ext 30.

The bingo sessions will be held at the Club Regent Casino. All volunteers must be 18 years or older, ID is required.

Please contact Maria Rossol at 487-4597 ext 34 or [email protected] if your group can help run a bingo session or if any further informa-tion is required. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Notize dal Centro CabotoVolunteersNeeded

the Italain Canadian centre of Manitoba Inc. is lokoing for volunteers to assist with one or more of the four bingo dates and would be most greatful if any of the clubs are willing to find seven volun-teeers to work any particular bingo.

The dates are as fol-lows:

Wednesday, April 6,6:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.

Tuesday, May 24,6:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.

Sunday, June 5,9:00 p.m. - 11:45p.m.

Monday, June 20,6:00 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.

“BAARIA”Friday, March 18th @ 7:00 p.m.Cafe 13 - Centro Caboto Centre

1055 Wilkes Ave.FREE ADMISSION

Notice of Centro Caboto Centre

Annual General


Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 Registration: 6:30p.m.

Meeting: 7:00p.m. Centro Caboto Centre

Galleria 1055 Wilkes Ave.

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19) This month your social life is more active than usual. Visit friends on the 9th, 11th, and 25th of the month as these are the best days for friendships and romance. Workplace conflict and tension are possible both early in the month and late in the month.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) This month Taurus’ experiences a wonderful energy and intuition as well as sharper networking and leadership skills. Social life and romance will be wonderful with the New Moon in Pisces on the 4th and the Full Moon in Virgo on the 19th. It is a great time for visiting and socializing with friends. You will find yourself favored in the work place as well.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20) This month favors overseas travel, higher education, publishing and an interesting career project for you.  Be patient and smart. Insist on more freedom in your existing relationship. Flirtation with a boss or peer is possible.  Increase your circle of friends and get more involved with networking groups.  Have fun and don’t let money issues get in the way.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22) Relationships at workplace may come under stress but creatively you are on a roll. The lunar energy this month prompts travel, probably to your favorite location or a new place. Meeting and communicating with people will be easy. Family income may be on the rise. You may even begin a new phase in your career, but don’t change only for the sake of it.

March 2011 Horoscopes

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22) Avoid traveling this month as delays, cancellations and lost luggage are on the cards. Vehicles and appliances may pose mechanical problems. Look inward this month for self worth and creative endeavors. People will be more receptive to you and your ideas and your circle of influence will widen. You may feel an irresistible attraction to someone. Money matters are accented and you or your partner could benefit from family bank accounts.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) March could be a month of mix-ups for you. Check financial information and statements carefully, pay bills early. You will see great achievements this month. The Full Moon on March 19 should bring news or insight into your professional and personal life. Relationships may take on a deeper level of commitment and some of you may get engaged. Work pressures will ease a little and you will get recognition, raise, bonus or a gift. Communicate clearly and avoid confrontation.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) March continues the cycle for relaxation and you will enjoy one of the most creative and romantic times all year. People consider you attractive and look to you as the mediator. Pay particular attention and be cautious of relationships as you may feel impatient with business or romantic partner. The job front will be successful and you will have the self confidence to accomplish what you desire.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) This month your work routine and home life tends to run more smoothly. Family life is pleasurable. Social life will include romance and friendship as people find you attractive, charming and imaginative. Rapid and unpredictable change is likely in your career front this month.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) Friendships and dating relationships may pose a challenge due to money and values. Domestic scene will be appealing and you will have that extra charm about you and with the way of your words. Enjoy downtime and sign up for regular exercises. Career-wise, the Full Moon on March 19 could usher in new professional opportunities.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan19) Your hands will be full with domestic and career responsibilities and you will find yourself in a balancing act and feel restless and impatient. This could lead to short tempers and misunderstandings. Romantically your passions are strong and you may be forging new romantic and creative paths this month. On the career front the New Moon on March 4th ushers in opportunities to show off your communications skills and to set things in motion.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) This month you have that extra dose of intriguing charisma and charm around you which will increase your attraction power. One of the best times all year for your love life. Near the end of the month relationships may pose challenges going forward. Monetarily you will have a windfall or a kick at a great bargain. Financial decisions will be difficult for you later this month and next.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20) The New Moon on March 4th ushers in new opportunities in your personal life and career path. Emphasis will be on incredible imagination, terrific intuition, sweetness and charm. Dreams and fantasy provide fodder for all your creative endeavors. Life gets interesting, romantic and sexy.

Famous People Born In MarchBernardo Bertolucci:Born March 16, 1940 One of the top ten film director and screenwriter in the world. His films often deal with sex, politics and psychology. Several of his well known films include Last Tango in Paris, The Conformist, the Dreamer and the award winning The Last Emperor, which won nine academy awards including best picture and best director.

Emma Bonino: Born March 9, 1948 Italian politician, former member of the European Parliament and current member of the Italian Senate. She is a leading member of the Italian Radicals, a political party that supports economic and social libertarianism and human rights.

Jennifer Capriati: Born March 29,1976 Italian-American, is a former professional tennis player and one of the first women “power players”. Ranked number one in the world for a short time, was the winner of three women’s singles championships in Grand Slam tournaments. In her debut in the French Open she became the youngest ever player to crack the top 10 at age 14.

Ornella Muti: Born March 9, 1955 Italian actress and model appearing in numerous European and American films. In 1994 she was voted “the most beautiful woman in the world” by a worldwide poll of the magazine Class. In 2008 Ornella opened her own line of jewelry opening shops in major world cities and insured her breasts for $350,000.

Pietro Rizzuto: Born March 18,1934 Born in Italy, he came to Canada at age 20. In 1963, he founded a construction company in Montreal. In 1976 he was appointed to the Senate of Canada by Pierre Trudeau becoming the first Canadian of Italian origin to be appointed to the Senate. He was awarded the Order of Merit of the Republic by the Italian Government. He died in 1997.

Sabrina Salerno: Born March 15, 1968 Italian singer, television host, model, actress, record producer and songwriter, well known throughout Europe

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2


This is my Mom’s version of meatloaf- Italian style.  

Do not over work the meat or it will be heavy.


2  garlic cloves minced 2 tbsp freshly chopped Italian flat leaf parsley ½ cup freshly grated Parmesan Cheese ½ cup soft breadcrumbs 8 oil packed sun-dried tomatoes, finely chopped 1 tbsp fresh basil, chopped 2 large eggs, slightly beaten 1½ lbs ground chicken or veal ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp freshly ground pepper 3 tbsp olive oil

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

In large bowl, combine garlic, parsley, Parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs, sun-dried tomatoes and basil. Whisk in eggs. Add ground chicken

or veal to the mixture and form into two small loaves. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes (you can omit this step if you are in a hurry

and place the mixture into a 8 x 4” loaf pan).

In a large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium high heat. Add meatloaf and brown all sides. Remove and place on a baking sheet.

Cover and bake for 15 – 20 minutes or until a skewer feels hot when inserted in the centre. Remove from heat and let loaf stand 5 – 10

minutes. Cut into thick slices and serve with your favourite chunky tomato sauce.

Humour Italiano

Sono Commosos...Domani la mia fidanzata fa la cresima

Se Berlusconi cadesse da una torre. Non si farabbe niente. Prima di toccare terra cam-bierebbe la legge di gravita.

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

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Health & Wellness La Salute

Ask The Doctor: Osteoporosis

Dr.Christina Raimondi

I just spent the night in the emergency with my mom who fell and broke her hip. I am so worried about her; maybe she won’t be able to be as independent as she was. Now I am thinking – I don’t want this to happen to me or my sister. Isn’t this problem hereditary? The doctor in the ER says she should have been taking vitamin D and calcium and something to strengthen her bones. I didn’t even know she had osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis means

that bone density or strength is lost, making your bones more easily breakable. Hip or vertebral (back bone) fractures especially increase the risk of death after the fracture quite significantly. We call a break due to minimal trauma in osteoporotic bone a fragility fracture. In Canada, 80% of all fractures in women over age 50 are fragility fractures.

It is never too early to start thinking about your bone health. Taking vitamin D and Calcium can help keep your bones strong. Vitamin D comes from a chemical reaction in

our skin when it is exposed to sunlight. As Manitobans our skin is sheltered from the sun for many months in the year, making most of us deficient in this essential vitamin. But it is important to note that YOU DO NOT NEED VITAMIN D TESTING! This is only indicated in specific cases when osteoporosis is already diagnosed, at the discretion of your doctor. Vitamin D can easily be supplemented with 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D daily.

Other things that you can do to keep you bones strong are: don’t smoke,

minimize alcohol intake, get regular weight bearing exercise, and maintain a healthy weight.

Some risk factors are out of our control. Osteoporotic fractures do run in families. Some medical conditions and medications also can increase your risk. Examples include celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory arthritis, and some hormone imbalance conditions. Being on steroids like prednisone is also a risk.

Being a menopausal woman is a big risk. After menopause,

women lose estrogen, and this causes the bone loss to be accelerated. Menopausal women should supplement with vitamin D and take 1200mg of calcium daily. Usually, more women break bones due to osteoporosis then men, but when men break bones it usually leads to more severe consequences. I don’t want to forget about the men!

Once bone loss has occurred you really can’t get it back – so PREVENTION is key. Testing early is not going to help you prevent the bone loss. Testing the right people at the right time can

certainly prevent fragility fractures. Osteoporosis testing is only offered to people over 65 or who have significant risk factors.

Once osteoporosis is diagnosed, there are medications that are available that can slow the progression of bone loss, prevent a fracture and consequences of pain, loss of independence or even death. Talk to your doctor about these medications, whether testing is appropriate for you, and what you can do to prevent this from happening to you.

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

By Brie McFarlane -Human Nutritional Science Student

The gluten-free diet seems to be the diet that everybody is talking about or giving a try, but what is the gluten free diet? What’s its purpose? Why are people avoiding this so called “Gluten”?

Gluten is the general name for a specific peptide fraction of proteins called prolamins. Gluten is found primarily in wheat to which the peptides; glutenins and gliadins are avoided; rye (secalinus) and Barley (hordeins). Oats are often another grain eliminated in the gluten-free diet as oats tend to be made in a facility with other gluten-containing products, therefore contamination with gluten may occur. Gluten is commonly found in flavourings, seasonings and used as a binding ingredient in pharmaceuticals. Therefore reading labels is a common practice when following the gluten-free diet.

Grains/Flours and starches that should not be consumed in the gluten-free diet are Barley, Bran, Cous Cous, Durum flour, Kamut, Rye, Semolina, Spelt, Triticale, Wheat Germ, and basically anything with the wheat should be avoided. Grains/

Flours and starches that are suitable for those following the diet are Arrowroot, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Flax, Corn (Maize), Legume flours (Garbonzo/Chickpea), Millet, Nut flours (almond), Quinoa, Rice, Potato starch and flour, Seed flours (Sesame), Sorghum, Soy, Tapioca, and Teff. Now that we know a little bit about gluten, who is required to follow this diet?

Individuals with celiac disease, gluten intolerance and those with wheat allergies follow the gluten-free diet. Celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy) is an autoimmune inflammatory response which destroys the villi in your small intestine. Villi are vital for the absorption of nutrients from your food. Celiac disease has a genetic predisposition, and is often diagnosed after the age of 60. Common symptoms of this disease are abdominal pain, bloating/cramping/gas, indigestion and nausea, weight loss, constipation, vitamin deficiencies, lactose intolerance, anemia, bone/joint pain, menstrual irregularities, depression, however only about 50% of those with celiac disease have these


Those people with gluten intolerance have similar symptoms as celiac disease, however are not medically diagnosed with celiac disease. People with gluten intolerance may at times find only certain grains containing gluten to cause symptoms similar to celiac disease, however other grains may still be tolerable for example Kamut and Spelt flours. Natural health products are available to assist those with gluten intolerance such as Gluten Relief by the company Natural Factors. Gluten Relief is specially formulated with digestive enzymes to eliminate the intestinal discomfort caused by gluten.

Those people with a wheat allergy; a histamine response to wheat, similar to a peanut allergy also follow a diet similar to the gluten-free diet except only wheat products are eliminated. Grains such as rye and barley may still be consumed by some individuals.

Those with a wheat such as rye and barley may still be consumed by some individuals. Those with a wheat allergy often have to avoid beauty products containing wheat or the wheat protein

therefore gluten free beauty products are available such as the Canadian company Green Beaver’s new Gluten Free line. This new beauty line consists of shampoo, conditioner, lip balm, body wash and lotion.

If you find discomfort from eating wheat, barley or rye the gluten-free diet may be a consideration for you. Consult a health care practitioner if you have any health concerns in regards to celiac disease, gluten intolerance or a wheat allergy.

Information provided by : Mahan, K.L., Escott-Stump, S.Krause’s Food & Nutrition Therapy. St.Louis, Missouri; Sanders Elsevier, 2008.

Are you Gluten Free?

Gluten Relief by Natural Factors

Gluten Free Line by Green Beaver

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

Notize dall’ ItaliaNews from Italy

L’on. Gino Bucchino, sulla situazione dei consoli onorari, ha inviato una lettera al Sottosegretario Sen. Alfredo Mantica, il cui testo è parzialmente riportato come sgue:

“ti scrivo per richiamare la tua attenzione su una situazione di drammatica attualità riguardante la rete degli uffici consolari di seconda categoria, che da tempo integra utilmente l’attività dei nostri consolati, oberati da crescenti carichi di lavoro. Una situazione destinata, purtroppo, ad aggravarsi in conseguenza della riduzione dell’intervento

Bucchino a Mantica ‘‘Per i Vice Consoli Onorari Siamo Orami All’Emergenza

pubblico in questo campo, a seguito delle scelte di contenimento finanziario adottate negli ultimi anni.Non ho bisogno di ricordare che i titolari degli uffici di II categoria, rispondono direttamente delle spese effettuate e ricevono dal Ministero Affari Esteri unicamente il rimborso per le spese postali, telegrafiche e telefoniche effettivamente sostenute e contributi per le spese di ufficio e di rappresentanza.Si tratta, in sostanza, di incarichi onorari, che tuttavia comportano un impegno notevole prestato per puro spirito di servizio a

favore delle rispettive comunità.Questa preziosa integrazione della rete consolare ha subito un duro colpo dal punto di vista delle risorse finanziarie dal momento che le disponibilità previste per il 2009 in 1,7 milioni di euro sono state quasi dimezzate nell’anno successivo scendendo a 935.000 euro.Solo per fare un esempio significativo, nel mio Canada la riduzione delle risorse è stata del 65%, dal momento che si è passati da circa 140.000 euro a meno di 50.000. Eppure stiamo parlando di un paese nel quale diverse nostre comunità distano dal

consolato di riferimento da cento a oltre mille chilometri, con la difficoltà di contatto che si può facilmente immaginare. Su questa questione, a metà dello scorso mese di dicembre ho presentato, assieme ai colleghi Porta, Fedi e Garavini, un’interrogazione che non ha ricevuto ancora risposta. Poiché da medico, caro Sottosegretario, so bene che talvolta accade veramente quel che comunemente si dice, cioè che mentre i medici discutono il malato muore, mi sono indotto a scriverti la presente sollecitazione per cercare di guadagnare tempo.Dobbiamo tutti tenere presente che i vice consoli onorari

debbono anticipare le somme occorrenti, con il rischio realissimo di non recuperarle. Uno di loro, ad esempio, mi diceva che a fronte di un fabbisogno consolidato ammontante a 35.000 euro all’anno, di fatto per il 2010 ne ha ricevuti solo 5.000. Credo che converrai che se è lecito richiedere a queste persone sacrificio e spirito di servizio, non altrettanto lecito chiedere che ci rimettano di tasca propria per supplire a carenze dell’amministrazione.Affido a te l’impellente esigenza di modificare questa situazione, che tra l’altro non comporta l’impiego di risorse insostenibili neppure

nell’attuale momento di difficoltà, con la speranza che tu voglia e possa fare qualcosa di concreto per superare questa emergenza.Intanto, ti ringrazio per l’attenzione e ti saluto cordialmente.

- Gino Bucchino

Gino Bucchino

Al secondo ed al terzo posto si sono rispettivamente classificati : Emma Marrone e i Modà con « Arriverà »

Roberto Vecchione : Vincitore del Festival di Sanremo 2011 con la canzone « Chiamami ancora amore ».

ed Albano con « Amanda è libera ».

Per il grupppo Giovani, con la canzone “Follia

d’amore”, ha vinto Raphael Gualazzi, il quale rappresenterà l’Italia il 14 maggio 2011 all’Euro Song in Germania.

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Sunday, March 13th, 2011 Café 13 - Centro Caboto Centre

1055 Wilkes Ave.

Check In : 3:30 P.M. Tournament Start Time: 4:00 P.M.

To Register Contact Maria Rossol: 487-4597 ex: 34 Registration Deadline: Friday, March 11th, 2011

$40 Buy In Cash Prizes




Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

Notize dall’ ItaliaNews from Italy

Eccezionalmente per i 150 anni dell’unità d’Italia.

Il Regno d’Italia venne ufficialmente proclamato il 17 marzo del 1861 dal primo parlamento della storia unitaria d’Italia.

Per ricordare quella data che de jure segna la nascita dell’Italia come stato unito, anche se ancora “incompleto”, lo Stato italiano ha deciso in via del tutto eccezionale di

proclamare solo per il 2011 il 17 marzo Festa Nazionale, nel contesto delle velebrazioni del 150° anniversario dell’unità d’Italia; 17 marzo 2011 quindi Festa del tricolore, Festa nazionale

Festa Nazionale il 17 Marzo 2011

ma solo per l’anno corrente, il 2011, che poi dall’anno prossimo ritornerà un giorno come un altro.

Inno Nazionale ItalianoI versi dell’Inno Nazionale Italiano vennero scritti nel 1847 dal giovane poeta e patriota genovese Goffredo Mameli (1827-1849) e musicati da Michele Novaro (1822-1885). Il brano è stato adottato come inno ufficiale italiano nel 1946, dopo la sconfitta del fascismo e la fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Quello che segue è il testo completo del poema originale scritto da Goffredo Mameli; tuttavia l’inno italiano, così come eseguito in ogni occasione ufficiale, è composto dalla prima strofa e dal coro, ripetuti due volte, e termina con un «Sì» deciso (cantato). Il resto del poema richiama episodi rilevanti della lotta per l’unificazione dell’Italia.

Inno di Mameli / Fratelli d’Italia

Fratelli d’Italia

l’Italia s’è desta, dell’elmo di Scipio s’è cinta la testa. Dov’è la vittoria? Le porga la chioma, che schiava di Roma Iddio la creò. Stringiamci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte, l’Italia chiamò.

Stringiamci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte, l’Italia chiamò!Si!

Noi fummo da secoli calpesti, derisi, perché non siam popolo, perché siam divisi. Raccolgaci un’unica bandiera, una speme: di fonderci insieme già l’ora suonò.Stringiamci a coorte,


Uniamoci, amiamoci, l’unione e l’amore rivelano ai popoli le vie del Signore. Giuriamo far libero il suolo natio: uniti, per Dio, chi vincer ci può?Stringiamci a coorte,


Dall’Alpi a Sicilia Dovunque è Legnano, Ogn’uom di Ferruccio Ha il core, ha la mano, I bimbi d’Italia Si chiaman Balilla, Il suon d’ogni squilla I Vespri suonò.Stringiamci a coorte,


Son giunchi che piegano Le spade vendute: Già l’Aquila d’Austria Le penne ha perdute. Il sangue d’Italia, Il sangue Polacco, Bevé, col cosacco, Ma il cor le bruciò.Stringiamci a coorte,


Napolitano: 17 Marzo Sia Occasione Per Una Riflessione Seria

Soddisfazione per la decisione di fare del 17 marzo una festa nazionale celebrativa dei 150 anni dell unità d’Italia è espressa dal presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano in una lettera pubblicata da Repubblica.

Ritengo che lo spirito della decisione presa sia apprezzabile. Quello che conta è che ci sia piena e attiva consapevolezz, a tutti i livelli istituzionali, del significato delle celebrazioni di questo storico anniversario:

e cioè, della necessità di farne occasione di riflessione seria e non acritica, e insieme di decisa valorizzazione di tutto quel che ci unisce come nazione e ci impegna come Stato unitario di fronte ai problemi

e alle sfide che ci attendono. Nelle celebrazioni cosi concepite confido che potranno riconoscersi tutte le forze politiche, sociali e culturali, potranno aver spazio tutte le sensibilita .

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

SportsL’anglo dello Sport

Di Adriana Lombardini

Eh, sì, è arrivato di nuovo il momento di affilare…le carte e partecipare al Torneo della Briscola fissato per venerdì 11 marzo al Centro Caboto, organizzato come sempre dal Gruppo Sportivo Italiano.

La Briscola, come sapete, è un gioco tradizionale Italiano, ma, sembra che sia originario dell’Olanda dove si sarebbe diffuso verso la fine del XVI secolo. La Francia l’adottò successivamente, così come l’Italia, ma nel nostro Paese subì talmente tante modifiche che può essere considerato a tutti gli effetti un gioco tipico Italiano. Oltre ad essere il gioco più popolare d’Italia, è anche molto semplice da apprendere. Si gioca con un mazzo di 40 carte napoletane

Ragazzi Si Gioca!in un numero di giocatori che varia da due a sei.

Lo sapevate che nella briscola in quattro è lecito lo scambio di informazioni? Ma per non avvantaggiare gli avversari, i giocatori si scambiano dei segni muti per capire le carte del compagno ed impostare la giocata. I segni che abitualmente vengono usati sono: per l’asso stringere le labbra. Storcere la bocca per il tre. Alzare gli occhi per il re. Mostrare la lingua per il cavallo. Alzare la spalla per il fante. Una mano sul petto per il sette….ma se lo sanno tutti come si fa a non avvantaggiare l’avversario?

E lo sapevate che su ogni asso delle carte da Briscola c’ è un detto?

• Sull’asso di danari: «Non val saper chi ha fortuna contra»

• Sull’asso di spade: «Il gioco della spada a molti non aggrada»

• Sull’asso di bastoni: «Molte volte le giocate van finire a bastonate»

• Sull’asso di coppe: «Una coppa di buon vin fa coraggio e fa morbin»

La serata del GSI per soli 20.00 dollari include: un’ottima cena coll’ormai tradizionale menù di salsicce e pasta e fagioli; le gare di briscola a premi la cui iscrizione costa 5 dollari, ed anche un mini-torneo di bocce che i membri del GSI giocano con molto entusiasmo anche in Messico :

Vincitrici del Torneo di Bocce di Manzanillo due squadre:

La prima con Pina Princi, Concetta

Caradonna, Salvatore Curcio e la sottoscritta.

La seconda con Paolo Caradonna, Tony Maione, David Mikula e Mario Perrino.

Si fanno già progetti per i tornei « marini » dell’anno prossimo, non mancate di informarvi col direttivo del GSI!!!

Per ulteriori informazioni chiamate Beatrice all’ 832 – 6350.

Bocce di Manzanillo, Mexico

And Then There Were ThreeItaly’s loss is Germany’s gain: Serie A loses its fourth Champions League spot, but is it justified?By Carlo Garganese

Taken from the article “Italy Deserve To Lose A Champions League Place, But Germany Don’t Deserve It” by deputy editor Carlo Garganese.

Barring a few miracles in London, Munich and Donetsk, 2010-11 will probably go down as the worst continental season in Italian football history. Since Milan won the big-eared trophy in 2007, only Inter have made it past

the quarter-finals and just once did any other Italian team progress to the last eight; Roma in 2008. Based on this evidence, Italy do not merit four Champions League slots. But neither does Germany, whose record in Europe’s premier club competition (even taking into account the fact they have had one less team) – as demonstrated below in an extract taken from a more in-depth feature on the subject - is significantly inferior to Serie A:

2006/07 - Only one German team, Bayern, got out of the groups. FC Hollywood were beaten in the quarters by Milan. Three Italian sides reached the last 16, two reached the quarter-finals, and one won the competition – Milan. 2007/08 – Only one German team, Schalke, got out of the groups. Schalke were beaten in the quarters by Barcelona. Three Italians reached the last 16, one reached the quarter-finals. 2008/09 – Only one German team,

Bayern, got out of the groups. Bayern were beaten in the quarters by Barcelona. Three Italians reached the last 16, and all were eliminated. 2009/10 – Two German teams reached the last 16, one of whom was eliminated. Bayern progressed to the final where they were beaten by a Serie A side. Three Italians reached the last 16, two of whom were eliminated. One won the competition - Inter 2010/11 – Two German teams reach last 16, three Italian

teams reach last 16.

Considering the above, how can the Bundesliga be worthy of this fourth place? Germany have treated Europe’s lesser competition with a respect offered by very few other top nations, especially Italy, whose clubs have often fielded reserves and youths. Resulting in: 2006/07 – Only one Italian team reaches last 16, two German clubs in last 8, one in semi-finals. 2007/08 – One Italian team and one German team make semis, but four German squads in last 16, to Italy’s one. 2008/09 – One Italian team in

quarters, two German sides in semis and one in final. 2009/10 – Only one Italian team reaches last 16, two Germans in last 8, one in semi-finals. 2010/11 – No Italian teams progress past last 32, one German side reaches last 16.

What is for certain, though, is that while Serie A can have no complaints about losing a Champions League place; they have every right to moan about losing it to a League they have overwhelmingly outperformed over the last 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, or - as is relevant in this discussion - five years.

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Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 2

Cari amici,

questa volta vorrei parlarvi della storia del nostro ufficio INAS. Come sapete la comunità italiana di Winnipeg si compone approssitivamente di 20.000 persone. Sono rappresentate quasi tutte le regioni italiane con maggior numero di calabresi, abbruzzesi, siciliani e via di quest’ordine.  La maggior parte di noi è emigrata verso la fine degli anni 50 e inizi degli anni 60.

L’ufficio pensioni INAS è nato ufficialmente verso la fine degli anni 80; prima di questa data sono stati i vice consoli in carica ad occuparsi delle pratiche di pensioni

A Winnipeg, l’INAS ha avuto la prima residenza nella “Casa d’Italia” al 556 Notre Dame Avenue, il primo centro culturale italiano, con la nostra amata e sempre rimpianta Miriam Foianesi. Nel 1995, per causa di salute e successiva scomparsa di Miriam, ho preso il suo posto. Nel frattempo la “Casa d’Italia” è stata chiusa in attesa dell’apertura del nuovo centro culturale “Centro Caboto Centre” e di conseguenza l’ufficio INAS ha trovato sede alla “Villa Cabrini”. Allora avevamo solo pochi fascicoli che ho potuto portare al nuovo posto in una scatola di scarpe. In quel tempo l’ufficio era aperto solo il mercoledì. Nel corso degli anni, sempre pieni di attività ed incontri con la comunità, i giorni di lavoro sono aumentati gradualmente da uno a cinque e così

il numero di assistiti e il bisogno di avere più spazio per collocare il materiale d’ufficio ed i fascicoli dei pensionati.

Nel 2007 abbiamo traslocato di nuovo. Il nuovo ufficio adesso si trova su Sherbrook Street in una strada centrale accessibile a tutti con i mezzi pubblici e con un ampio parcheggio. La stanza è piena di sole e di piante e, molto importante, vi trovano posto tutti i materiali necessari per il buon funzionamento dell’ufficio. (Non devo più portare a casa fasci di carte per mancanza di spazio. In media ho a che fare con circa 5.000 persone all’anno che vengono in ufficio o che io incontro nei luoghi di residenza, ospedali e case di cura.

I servizi offerti dall’ufficio INAS sono innumerevoli. Oltre alle pratiche per le domande di pensione italiane, ci occupiamo delle pensioni canadesi Old Age e CPP, riversibilità, disabilità; prepariamo domande per le pensioni svizzere, tedesche, francesi, inglesi, belghe, statunitenzi e via dicendo. Riceviamo inoltre richieste da persone che si sono trasferite in Italia o in altri paesi dopo avere lavorato in Canada e con il raggiungimento dell’età pensionistica vogliono fare la domanda di pensione canadese.

I nostri pensionati hanno diverse esigenze che non riguardano necessariamente solo le pensioni italiane o di diversa origine o accrediti su conto correnti, ecc..Il nostro ufficio è

un punto d’incontro dove trovare una persona di fiducia a cui esporre i loro problemi ed esigenze. È anche un posto dove incontrare amici e parenti nella sala d’aspetto e scambiare quattro chiacchiere in in ambiente sereno, sicuro e riservato.

Alcune volte per alleviare lo stress della vita fa bene parlare con una persona di fiducia e in questo modo si creano ottimi rapporti umani, anche quando mi ritrovo ad andare negli ospedali o negli ospizi e anche nelle città satelliti a trovare i nostri pensionati che altrimenti sarebbero incapacitati a venire in ufficio per le lettere che ricevono dall’INPS  e che non capiscono. Quasi tutti hanno questo problema; mi dicono spesso che, vivendo in Canada da tanti anni, hanno dimenticato la lingua italiana e non hanno neanche appreso bene la lingua inglese. Hanno poca fiducia nei figli che l’italiano lo conoscono poco o niente. Allora, incontrandosi con me, è per loro un modo per sentirsi fiduciosi e in controllo dei loro affari.

In collaborazione con il Vice Consolato, i nostri uffici sono sempre in contatto per il disbrigo delle modalità richieste dal governo italiano, dalle pensioni ai certificati di esistenza in vita, certificazioni, ecc.. C’e` una buona intesa e comunicazione tra i due uffici.  Sono molto onorata di avere la possibilità, attraverso l’INAS, di servire la comunità italiana di Winnipeg

Friday, March 18th, 2011Event: Movie Night Location: cafe 13 - Centro Caboto CentreOther Info: The featured film is Baaria. Come enjoy a movie, glass of wine or beer and a slice of popcorn for $10. Movie start at 7:00P.M.

Saturday, March 19th, 2011Event: Sons of Italy Annual Gala Location: Winnipeg Convention CentreSponsor: Order of Sons of Italy - Garibaldi LodgeOther Info: This year marks the 25th Anniversary, for more informa-tion visit www.sonsofitaly.calbuygala

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011Event: Roma Society 100th Anniversary Dinner & DanceLocation: Centro Caboto CentreSponsor: Roma SocietyOther Info: Tickets are $75; children 6-12 $25; for more information contact Assunta Longobardi at 261-9862.

Friday, April 8th - Sunday, April 10th, 2011Event: Spring Bocce Tournament Location: Cafe 13 - Centro Caboto CentreSponsor: Cafe 13 Bocce LeagueOther Info: Tickets are $25 and includes dinner and one complimen-tary glass of wine on Sunday, April 10th. For tickets contact Maria at 470-4708.

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Com’ è nato l’ufficio pensioni I.N.A.S

Manitoba’s Italian Community Newspaper IL NUOVO SOLE March 2011 21 12


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