Page 1: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

www.ani tabronwynto i .com

If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations, beating yourself up, guilting, shaming and wasting all of your precious energy thinking

about food and eating then this is for you, from me with love x

Page 2: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

www.ani tabronwynto i .com

Enough! I don’t recall the exact day that I decided to never go on another diet. It was somewhere in between the fifteen years of life that I was always on a diet of some kind and the rest of my life to date which I am happy to report have been far superior in all ways and completely ‘diet’ free. There wasn’t so much a specific moment that enraged me to the point of ‘ENOUGH!’ It felt more like a gradual awakening. A much slower process that in the end involved saying ‘no’ to the whole damndiet industry, the fashion industry, the media’s portrayal of female beauty and the fitness industry’s version of how health should look. All of these had been interfering with my self-perception for years. Finally I understood how it all fits together to create the perfect cocktail of ‘not good enough’, capable of completely eroding one’s sense of worth. I was finally awake! Maybe it was one of those moments where you are staring up at the night sky realising the incredible scale of things. How teeny we are in the whole cosmos and how insignificant the size of our bum is to any other living thing. Those are the moments to seek out my friends!  

It's time to say NO to diets and YES to Nourishment

Page 3: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

www.ani tabronwynto i .com

What I came to understand is that health is a journey and a process, not a destination. We are always growing, changing and ageing, dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static.   We can only work with the aspects of health that we do have control over. Moreover, doing something once or reading it in a book does not make much of a difference. We all have knowledge at our fingertips but; Health is found in the repetitive, mundane stuff we choose to do over and over, daily, weekly, monthly.  Health comes from the repetition of making decisions that support us. Choosing to put water into your body instead of caffeinated and sugared up energy drinks. Choosing to walk to the next bus stop on a sunny afternoon after work. Closing your eyes and resting when you are tired and putting time into the meaningful relationships in your life. These are choices that move you towards health.  You have not arrived when the scales hit a certain number or you cando 100 push-ups or fit into that outfit. A healthful body is a daily choice. 

A healthy body is a journey not a destination 

Page 4: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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We’ve all heard the saying ‘beauty comes from within’ or ‘you just have to love yourself and everything will be okay’. There is some truthto this. Loving and appreciating yourself from the inside makes everything better in life (trust me) however don’t be fooled that this isall you need to live a happy, healthy, drama-free life. Self-love is a wonderful seedling that we all need to water regularly but not at the expense of a reality bypass. If there are aspects of your daily habits that are harming your body these require some practical outer work and action to change. The inner work is to develop self-compassion during this process of change and bring your thoughts into alignment with the actions. When inner thoughts and outer actions are a match you have a winning formula.  One of my favourite quotes by Maya Angelou “do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better". Working on your inner world will help the changes that need to happen in your outer world to unfold with less resistance. Remember though, changing habits is always hard. It takes patience, persistence and hard work. There is no magic pill. 

The Process of being healthy requires both inner and outer work

Page 5: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

www.ani tabronwynto i .com

We live in bodies, some call them meat suits, I personally don’t enjoy the visual so bodies it is. These incredible vehicles require nourishment from food (and other things which I mention in due course) in order to function optimally.  I have yet to meet my first breatharian (please hook me up if you know one) but I have sat with several dying loved ones and witnessedthe way bodies shut down incrementally and cease to function once food is eliminated. We decide what we put into our bodies, unless we are very young, very old, in full time care or incarcerated. For the majority of readers,just let the ‘we decide’ part sink in. Then ask yourself how aware are you of having the privilege of this choice?  How conscious is your food intake? Is your nutritional intake coming from an intentional place or is it simply filling a void? Do you feel satisfied, healthy, vibrant, excited by food and at peace with what you’re putting into your body?

We get to decide 

Page 6: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

www.ani tabronwynto i .com

If not, chances are you’re feeling tossed around like a tiny boat at sea; * Confused by the ever changing and often conflicting information bynutritional experts. * Deflated by the media and fashion industry’s impossible standards of beauty (literally impossible, the whole idea is to keep people striving and buying). * Exhausted by the fitness industry’s loud incessant shouting about programs, boot camps and meal replacement shakes, not to mention the excessive visual assault of fluro! If you're like me and all of this infuriates you, know that you have the power to turn your back on all of it. I know it sounds radical at first but did you ever really stop to question the authority or the background motivations of these so called 'experts' that you are giving your power away to?  Remember though, it takes both inner and outer work, you may require support along the way and it takes time, not a set time, just asmuch as you need.

Making Things harder

Page 7: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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I know what it's like to exist in a world where you hate your body and don't trust yourself around food. You eat for all the wrong reasons, torebel, to punish, to starve, to numb. All of this hatred, angst and worry takes up your vital energy for doing amazing things in the world. It robs you of being fully present for others and feeling energised, switched on, creative and alive. As I've mentioned, there is no magic formula but these are some of the things that have helped me on my journey towards health and happiness. I hope they may support you on your journey too. 

Let's turn this ship around together

Page 8: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

www.ani tabronwynto i .com

Seedlings destined to grow into beautiful plants cannot thrive when given coke, solo, beer, cordial or anything else that comes in a bottle and has a colour. If you have been in the habit of using these, do what you can to stop or reduce.  Note, if you are consuming highly caffeinated beverages or sugary beverages, reduce very slowly to avoid nasty withdrawal side effects.  Make changes gradual and know that a little discomfort is normal buttemporary.  Eventually you will notice that your body begins to crave more water, feels increasingly energised and your mind has more clarity.  My Favourite ways to Hydrate; * First thing in the morning a glass of 1/3 cold water with 2/3 boiled water, lemon juice. This wakes our digestive fire and give the liver a boost.  * Mineral water (not soda or tonic) with ice and fresh mint leaves on a hot day * Herbal teas, especially made from quality dried herbs steeped until drinking temperature

Start with Hydration

Page 9: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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Putting the best fuel you can afford into your body gives your body the best chance to function well for you. Reducing toxic pesticides, herbicides and antibiotics (in factory farmed meats & non-organic dairy) is a sure way to relieve the body of an excessive burden and frees it up to absorb and process nutrition as is its job.  I hear people complaining that organic is expensive and yet they spend a great deal on packaged and processed supermarket foods or on coffees or alcohol. Be honest about this and do some investigationin your locale to improve the quality of your food. I get a weekly organic box delivery that costs me $50 and is worth every cent for the quality and nutrients. By supporting local ethical farmers you are not only doing your body a favour but also the environment and your community.   Look for a local Farmers Market, fantastic places to mingle and talk directly to the producers of your food. You can usually get a great coffee or chai latte while you wander in food heaven and you don't even have to own Birkenstocks, although they may enhance the experience. 

Prioritise the quality of your food

Page 10: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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A big issue when we've been in diet land for some time is that food becomes so bland. Our ideas, creativity and thinking about food often becomes bland too. Something that works for me when I'm uninspired is to do the opposite of Coco Chanel's advice (take one thing off) and add something in or on. I did warn you I was shunning the fashion industry here too.  Try adding something extra to every meal that will increase its nutritional density and turn your average meal into a superfood extravaganza. Use your creativity but here are some ideas; * Oatmeal Porridge - add one or more; coconut cream or yoghurt, banana, blueberries, raspberries, almonds, brazil nuts, grated ginger *Pumpkin Soup - add one or more; natural yoghurt, sea salt, coriander, parsley, drizzled olive oil, roast garlic, chopped spinach, watercress * Scrambled eggs - add one or more; tomatoes, olives, feta, goats cheese, parsley, chervil, basil, chopped bacon, chilli, parmesan cheese

Add some zing and some bata bing

Page 11: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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Omnivore, Herbivore, Carnivore, Fruitivore, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Paleo, Vegan, Raw-Foodist, Food-Nudist, Atkins.... Can we just please stop?  Why do we feel the need to fit perfectly into any of these? Why must we declare on our social media profiles the way Aussie and Kiwi backpackers need to sew flags on their packs when it's already obvious at 100 feet.  Some swear it's not a diet, it's a philosophy. I've met people whom are genuine about this and then I've met folks who use it as an excuse and underneath lies a great deal of fear, insecurity and issues with control.  I also get the attraction of belonging to a tribe. However, be aware of the flip side. Once you've made that kind of declaration you hand over individual freedom in exchange for the rules of that tribe.  Does this feel like a liberating decision (some prefer narrowed options) or a constraining one? Be deeply honest with yourself about your motivations and just know that you have permission to throw it off if it doesn't sit right in your gut, both literally and metaphorically.

Remove the label and come back to YOU

Page 12: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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Basing your food ideology on a desire to belong to a particular tribe isfine as long as you acknowledge that sometimes your body may want different things. When this arises you will need to deal with a conflict of interest.  When I was in practice as a naturopath I had several female clients whom were practicing vegetarians or vegans until suddenly, they found themselves craving red meat in a borderline obsessive way when pregnant or breastfeeding. I had to help them deal with guilt and torment about following the physical urges of a body that was growing another human. I wish it had been so easy as to have them understand 'its no problem, listen to your body' but it can be a real self-imposed struggle.  I also had a client who was following a very meat heavy diet/ food philosophy but was diagnosed with haemochromatosis. It was then difficult for them to 'digest' the fact that the ideology she'd adopted as a 'cure all' was actually harming to her particular body.  Life is much simpler when you accept yourself as a human animal who eats food. Start there. Let go of rules and regulations and come back to basics from where you can begin to tune in to your unique body. 

Some examples of a conflict of interest

Page 13: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

www.ani tabronwynto i .com

Sometimes we think we want Tim Tams when actually we want a cuddle. We think we want twisties or vegemite toast when actually we want sunshine and fresh air. When the cravings hit, be sure to take a moment and run through this list to be sure you are not deplete in any of these. If they are all nicely topped up and you still want the Tim Tam then have the Tim Tam and enjoy it! And stop when you are no longer eating for the enjoyment of the humble Tim Tam (I know, that takes practice) Here are the other things; Sunshine and Fresh Air A gentle breeze blowing across your face and sunshine on your skin. These are necessary to feeling good. If we don't get enough sunlight our vitamin D stores run low and this will snowball into a whole hostof health problems that may be avoidable just by taking your cup of tea out into the sunshine everyday.

Humans in bodies need other kinds of nutrients

Page 14: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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In case you just read that and though 'cool my 12th floor apartment has a north facing balcony I'm sorted', earthing your body to the ground is also something that we need regular doses of. The practice of grounding helps us to feel less anxious, more calm, stable and solidin our bodies, more connected.  It can be done quickly by standing on the earth (bare feet if you wish to fast track to expert grounder) and becoming really aware of the soles of your feet connecting to the earth. Take a minute or two to feel into this experience. Eyes closed works nicely here unless you get dizzy or have to watch for bag snatchers. 


Page 15: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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Have you moved your body today? We were born to run. Well, Bruce Springsteen thinks so anyway. So without offending 'The Boss' allow me to rephrase.  We were born to run, walk, dance, leap, stretch, skip, paddle, swim, climb, ride, balance and lift. Any expert in anatomy will tell you this. Our bodies need to move in a variety of ways. Just look around you atthose that do move regularly compared to those who don't. More importantly than the appearance alone, is the feeling that movement gives us. It creates a whole host of feel-good chemicals so bring it on. Choose one thing from that list that you can do today to allow your body to move the way it wants to. 


Page 16: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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Babies left alone without it perish. We need human connection to survive and isolating ourselves from being in healthy relationships with other humans is extremely detrimental to our health. That's why solitary confinement is such agrave punishment. Look closely at the people around you and I mean really around you in a tangible sense. Insta friends don't count and don't get me started on social media, it drives me crazy with concerns about how we are connecting (or rather disconnecting from one another). Instead, think about who you could reach out to today just to tell them what they mean to you and get a hug, or a warm fuzzy feeling down the phone. If this feels embarrassing to you then seek out one of your people for an inspired conversation about something you're passionate about. Do what you need to and 'get in touch' again. Nourish yourself with REAL human connection. 

Touch, love, companionship& connection  

Page 17: If you've had enough of deprivation, rules and regulations ...dealing with whatever life throws our way. Nothing stays the same. There is no finish line where things remain static

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I hope this has given you some ideas and inspiration for small steps you can take on your personal road to health and wellbeing. I also hope its given you some reassurance that there is another way, a gentler way full of self kindness that yields far better results in the end. It may feel like the approach of the tortoise rather than the hare. It will require that you give up the idea that six weeks of meal replacement shakes will get you over some magical line and fix all of your problems.  The tortoise takes the slow road, enjoys the journey and arrives at theend feeling satisfied that he ran a good solid race at his own pace. Don't be fooled by the media, social media, the quick fixes and fancy programs or promises. You are smarter than that!  Finally, I encourage you to; Practice self kindness and of course kindness to others Make changes slowly - pick one thing to work on only and nail it Know that you have everything you need right now  Know that support is here for you if you need it 

Final Thoughts

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