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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010



Name of Company: Integral Group Consultant

Training Period: 19th May 2010 to 6th October 2010

Student’s Email Address: [email protected]

Course/Year: New Media, Year 3

Name of Student: Elizabeth Lee ShiXin

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010






A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a better prospect in the NEW MEDIA industry


Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin

Under the esteemed guidance of

Mr. Eugene Soo Director, Integral Group Consultant, Singapore.

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As I sum up draft of my study, I appreciatively reminisce the contribution of all those people without whose support and help, this course of study would have never taken its present form. I thank Republic Polytechnic, School of Technology for the Arts (STA) for giving me the opportunity to do my internship at Integral Group Consultant, Singapore. I deem it my pleasure to convey the deepest of my heart-full thanks to the management of Integral Group Consultant, which has given me permission to apply academic experience in the design field to commercial practice. My sincerest thanks to Mr.Eugene Soo, Director of Integral Group Consultant, Singapore, for guiding me a long way and for successful completion of my internship within the time frame, who has given me the initial orientation about the organizational activities, whose patience and faith in my abilities always boosted my confidence. And lastly, for also providing me with timely and valuable suggestions for all my design works.


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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As a part of my school curriculum in Republic Polytechnic, I have done my internship training at Integral Group Consultant, Singapore. In this report, I am going to share my experiences working in this company for the period of 5 months from 19th May 2010 to 6th October 2010. During my course of internship, my role was to design corporate identities and materials, or specifically, to brand projects. Being a part of these projects, I provided some suggestions and recommendations to my supervisor about designs that worked best for the company. My graphical design of the logo, typeface and name of the company was used on letterheads, envelopes, forms, folders, brochures, websites, etc.

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010



















APPENDICES (Sample forms are available for download at


a) Company Report Clearance Form

b) Training Log Sheet Form

c) Student Feedback Form

d) Company Feedback Form

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

INTRODUCTION One of the requirements of the course of 3 Year Studies at Republic Polytechnic is to complete an internship in the field of the student’s choice. During that time, students will be required to complete a management and leadership report outlining how he/she spearheaded a change or managed a project/process through to completion. This report also outlines how the student has met the competencies required by the Industry Experience Programme. I have been working as a corporate designer at a highly dynamic corporation for 5 months; and as a result, I have been fortunate enough to complete a number of design projects. During my course of work, I was tasked to brand a project, which is inclusive of designing materials for electronic direct marketing, corporate brochures, newsletter, booklets, envelopes, post cards, posters, company logos and personal profiles. Therefore, this report chronicles my experiences over the past as a corporate designer for a financial consultant corporation – the projects and courses I have worked on, the obstacles I have faced and what I have learned from it all.

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF ORGANISATION Integral Group Consultant is a licensed financial advisory organization. The company’s focus is in the area of providing the best-of-class services and support platform to serious financial consultants. The guiding principle of the company, towards their consultants, is to develop and augment their life long practice through their consultations. At Integral Group Consultant, their staffs put the right consultants at the centre of everything they do. They ensure success to the right consultants, helping them become truly distinctive. The financial advisors believe in the value of long term planning. The company’s aim is to make sure all the consultant’s end clients can achieve their long-term goals without compromising their short-term and mid-term needs.

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

THE TRAINING ASSIGNMENTS Most of the assignments that I did handle were projects that had just started not long ago and they were at the early stages of their development. Professional Investment Advisory Services: In my course of work with PIAS, I took care of the envelope design, html mailer interface, electronic direct marketing for seminar invitations, etc. This was also the main partner company working alongside Infinity Prestige. Infinity Prestige: This is a new company and my task was to brand the project which included assignments like designing brochures, personal profiles, envelopes, letterheads, corporate logo, posters, postcards, etc. Fundamentally, I covered the entire project on my own since the very beginning of my internship; from creating different graphics and designs, to coming up with various corporate write outs for brochures and personal profiles, to initiating comments and suggestions to all my works. The Mortgage Specialist: This is another company new project altogether. I designed their staff’s evaluation form, envelope, letterhead and company html mailer. Integral Group Consultant: I only handled the overall re-designing of the seminar booklet for this company. This was because much of my time was spent working on the other companies. However, I managed to accomplish this task within a short span of time. I handed in all my assignments on time. Therefore enabling the working staffs to meet deadlines. I also handled company emails, calls and meetings with print clients from Malaysia to discuss about the type of prints materials I would want to publish for the company booklets, envelopes, brochures, etc, which I have designed. In addition, I informed them on the placements of the company logo to be embossed on the company folder and wine holder. The publications benefited a lot from my comments. Most of which were directly incorporated into the publications.

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

REFLECTIONS I am grateful to have this rare opportunity to be able to put in the knowledge and skills that I had acquired from Republic Polytechnic. I was able to apply critical thinking and creative processes to develop good communication practices with clients and creating fine corporate designs using computer softwares. Career-wise, the internship programme undoubtedly enriched my curriculum vitae (CV). Also, having sufficient basic exposure to the creative industry, I have had an insight on how to shape my career towards a design job in the near future. The internship programme gave me a chance not only to work with Integral Group Consultant, but also a chance to learn and experiment with different types of creative designs that would communicate best with different recipients. This would reflect much onto my experience.

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

CONCLUSIONS To conclude, I can state that my internship at Integral Group Consultant was a rewarding experience and have provided me with some new perspectives that I did not come across during my studies back at Republic Polytechnic. I also have to stress that my supervisor, who was also my sole colleague during my course of internship, had contributed greatly to making my job a very enjoyable one. His faith in my abilities was a real source of motivation to date. Through the work that I used to do, my experiences with corporate designs and social interactive skills with people and clients from all over were largely broadened. I know how to communicate and make relationships with clients better now. One of the most significant aspects of this internship was meeting a network of people from outside the company as well. This allowed me to listen to people with ideas and opinions that I had never before considered, and helped me to develop new ways of thinking about the same problems I had previously been thinking about.

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010

REFERENCES Staff Eugene Soo Director Contact Eugene Soo at 97373776 or [email protected]

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Elizabeth Lee Shi Xin STA-DNM 83502

Internship Report Nov 2010


C2) Internship CompanyReport Clearance

C3) Internship Training LogSheet Form.

C4) Internship StudentFeedback

C5) Internship-FeedbackForm.doc

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