
Jllontana VOLU:\IE XXIV.

17 Advanced ILIBRARY OBTAINS IAgs Prepare !STOKAN DELEGATE Social Rules 1

IMPROVEMENTS ON Freshmen To Students To MANY NEW BOOKS! For Contest \OF TA12_!ETA Pi i Outlined For CAMPUS INCREASE Renovate M

Seek Degree ! \"olu.:·:.:- ll~r: .:~oc~I~\ :;~:n.~c;~,~·e,ts; At p 0 rtlan d I II 11~11~:.:::~'": ~~:n":.~.~o:·.: ~~·~;;:. of II Sch 00 l year II o~;' l~:c :~:~~~~:~c~t~:~.~:: B~~~~IOll • --- During ::..:.: :\t onth s \ ___ / 111 1<ton Tl11s \\ eek Done Gr.iduall y On Mt. Baldy

R, . , en ta th es F r 0 m Th reel 'lam· nC\' bvoks have been addc I Lh·estock Team of Five Men I The ~lontana Stat<• cnlle1<e chapter General Program of Acth•itv ~everal forward st.1de" ha\C been First Year Students lo Do .\n-~~~~e: and 1\\.0 Foreign Coun- to. the. lib ,ff~ durmi.!' the !'iummct J Leaves Today for Pacific 0~ Ta~ BetrPtr~~t0"~! 1h0n:ra~·~>~.~~\ Remains Same As In Pre,rious. I taken rn tht· 1a ... t iew yea1:-; to\\a1d nual .\utumn Ta....;k of \Vhite-month~ Tnc--e nll'lude mo~ll:. teehni· International Exposition gm~~m11, t;a e t ),· l . ; t I f y . f C II r a beltc1 campus at .\Jon'ana Stat~ trit::-- .\fter :\-laster's Degree llal tt·xh and n•fere11et?- work"' . A 1

sen a le na iona .con~en 1011 ~ ears O O ege college. Ea1.:h )ear seb ':'>ome ne\\ washing and Repairing ••;\]'" I partial li"t or the new book~ is .ls I that m·gan.1z3;t10:1 m \\ a"'hmgt~n, n --- f< rm of rettcation equipment 01 soml

JS RECORD E:\'ROLLi\IENT folio"'' I 3 TE.\MS TO COM PETE ~hoof;F:'l3o;:~;;n b§u~J'.;~?'r~ ~~~ek;o NEW COMMITTEE form of beaut ficat10n added to .om< L.\RGEST IN WORLD hng-ation Pr nciple~ and f'radll'es ___ h t 1 , Th , · t h l-1 1;a t of the g1ouncls . . J..;en 0 \V. Ime .. tm'" lll \Yag-es. t e cap1 o city. e conven ion eac --- In 1931 there \\Cle three projec:t .. fn 10

'"'1 ae \. L. a~d ;\orum,.., ll K.: Lt• .\ (!ronom) and Dairy Products Jud g- quarter:::i will b~ at the Hotel Ro,ose-1

Stud ent s Ca uti oned to \dher<' to Four under \\ay nt about the --ame lime \\ ork \\di Be Done \\ cdnesda.\ l n-( andutate~ for llii.:,hc>r Standin~ (".me."'"· -1 · t' ll· , velt with the Un1vers1ty of 1'Ja1vam I 1 h . th• l t G tt F \1 . (' lie re or Cal, lfunll't> and Po ~euc:te. ? ncthl I m g Grou 1>s to Be Chosen Soon. chapter and the \Va5htn "ton aiumn1 ;\l<IJOr Hegulaton Pro,hsions , e"e we1c c comp. e wn oI a or. ..,, er) BJ Or 0 Jt Piei re Im ~pil'J!<'l der f;p1 O.l e, • • . • h ""' h · I• ield, the bu1ldm!f of the 11"1s v.ardl·t Montana State BerJ!m'ann Karl, lhstoiy and SUJ\C'~ Competttaon Keen association as_the osb tot e v1s.1t1n;.:. of Pact and the mstallat10n of th1ee ne\\

less \\ eathcr Interferes. l J>peir-

___ of Al'_''O\ln~ann. Sch\\ l'ltzer. Albc1:t: - -- ~~~~!10~a~~ L~~r~~~~<lc~~: I ___ \tenms courts. . . ... .. . , . Amt'' Ila::: Tomorrcrn, Furna:..(. ( .. C ach Roc;,~ :\Jiller of the A. Tl. de- . , ' .. d , bl . • S , · 1 . h . During- the ~ear ,he \t..,1011 of the Si::\cn·pen giaduatL" -.tudenb, npre- Le C d ).l t~-Cristo Duma-. o · h 1

. t ·k \e1y mtenstmg an enJO)a e p10 • o ... 1a act1v1t1es on t e campus a1e iris garden c:ame true anrl it stand" tv On \\"edne,da~. Octob1;;1 1.!, 0 l .. (•ntllli." thiee state .. ~md t\\u torei:::n , od1~e e ·on • \rartment ha" 5'ele~_teJ t ~ "~ 5 0~ gram of entert.amment for t.hen \nO\\ \H•ll _de\Ploperl for the c:ommg dav as one of the mv.:.t blaUt.ful !<.llut frc-.h men \\Jll Le~m then· tad ona ountnc \\ 11 bE"; l 'tndi<l·nc,., foi ati-1 ·.\.lex.111 le. Juclgmg- team that \\ 111 make the ti 1P !_.."llests mcludmg a ~lght-seemsr tom fc1ll and \\ mter sea..,ons. 1• the ca u a "'a ult a,rnin~t the barn·n l11 J ~ tmed -dc",Jecs th'b t~mmg- :ii.eai Annl)tH:al :.\le1..·hamc" for ~tudent"lto the Pacific lnternat10nal h\:esto<k of Washington with a v1s1t to t.hl· :.\Jr::; Ethe:~n C. Harrhon. ~oc1al di- ci ('at~on "~;el;i \\a dedu:atel m the )lount Bald) ror the purpos< of 1c~o­'J.)H:-.e stud~nb an: :molled in l:,eiy of Physics and E1~~11:1c~r~n'.!, !)adu.ur- expo~1tion at Porll~ml. Th.~. men \Vh1te H ouse and a po5s1ble call 01· recto1, annnum:es that all social func- s rTi~rr of rn:H to~. Gattont. one of i.:attng the college ".\I". the l~1rgt muJuI t ollege in thi .... m~titutton. 1an. I[. :\1 ; Pr~mo ~1 ~c.1er~t1~7 :.'il.t~, the tea~1 at c Ash<:taft, A)!. e~ Pi·es1dent. Hoover, a smoker and dan<"e t1on;;;. "hall e< 1~1c under thl: ,.,oc:1al ad- t~e ~en who \\ ent) to 1 1 unce from lelltT al its t) pe 111 the v.orlu h l'hl· li-..t indudl•,.. the follow in).!' men a}.!'l'mt•nt, G lbHth, E. 13. , Ex<!c:ut1Re Dyer, Ganna'' ay and Ta h, '; 1t at the Umvers1ty of ;\lar) land, and n '1ustments \\h1ch wc1e adopted Ja-.t I:\ ontana State c: llegt• elm in' the \\al poor ''eat he p1e\ tnb --uch "V.u, K, "' ·rn,l \\omen Bu:- ne-. ... Law. Toulmm. H A : ,t>- illor-.e as alternate. The t<.:am e~t football game. A v1:s1t to Washm.I!"- sca~on and which wo ktd out \ery \\·ith ·r ~(>\\: fo 0

tbali fieltl ~ w track 11.;nt~ will be 11ot1fied b)' th1"' re:.! 1la · • Eu..!ene Arthur Bctiei-B. s. 111 ~1 ~.ea•rh in Bu,.inu;,., Educa~.on . Hayne~. early th1s mormn:r by auto and :'' 1~ t?n also b of especial mtere"'t. at this ~at1sfactonh . These adju,,.unent" and fieW (;::( mp~tent nnd u~ce-.sitll .vr.i~tit.;3, otherw1st-. the \\hl Lie \\Jli E .. , 1 :-... t'. l~) l, Bozeman. ::\lont, B. R. and Graham, .J. . spend \Vednesda~ at the R~t~ 10, time sm~e this year is the b:eentl>n \\ere. adopted by the soc1ul committee 1 "llktn'l' ... a~e it hi m<lecd ~umc'h n e blo\\n at 7 o'd( to sll!'.11° ~ a candidat::. for :.\l s. m J.leehankal Pet:-.onal ll~g.t·ne Apphed, \\1l-1Stock fari_ll5 at SpoJ,ane. One d~t~ \\~} mal anniversary of George "a~hmg- consisting of five faculty _and five to be ProEd 0 : holiclaJ. Engmcl'Iing-. Iiams. J F.; }.laking ya ms P~)-'. be spent m 1udg-mg ch\..;~~s at."a .. -1ton's birth . . . student rcp1c~entatn·c,., ;v1th :\hs. lne tenni~ <.'~urb wen· not cntireh In 01de1· to :-;ee that the ,.,urk 1s c II-.Judith Jane Bdden B s in H. E1.:.. Claa:;~en, c .. J.; :.\lode1n Economir So- mgton _Stale c:ollegc at I ul;mcrn and 1 Tau Beta P1. 1s c_ompo:-;ed of JUmor Ilar11scn as l'hairman . fhe other\com kted duimg th::- year but m th.t ied on properly and .. o keep thL la~ \l.~.(, .June. ti-"J~. Roundup. \lont. cietr. Stichter, s. JI., An Introdudl(ln the Umver~1ty of Idaho a .. }.losf.o'\ and sem?r engmeertng students and I" me hers wll'e :.\t 1 B<1rt Hansen, :\Ii I Ha: follo\\lng Vlll' ot the be-.t seh of .. a cl t1e~hmen at \i,:ork, tne ~an~ l amhdatt.:" for }.J .'. m Homl' f:, to v1e l"-.e of Genl•ralized Coordinate ... The co~te~ts will be ~eld m Pot ~rn.\ '\Cry active on the tampu~ . Each :,ea. Edwa1d Dye. Dean Ilam J·on! ;i11.""' iLnnl:-. court~ \\Us opened ~u the en- \\Ill be there \\Ith the i trad t oral Goi<lun l omdd Bachdor of '.\ll'ch m )lechanJe-.;; anrl Ph) sic~. Byerl:.. \\. 1 Oct. 1<>. The followmg-. team,., f' J. they present an engraved slide1 ule to Lecra Hapncr, Ray Buzzett1, Jim thu~iastic tenni~ pla, Cl!'> at the c:ol- ad<llt!> 1.,f a h ghl~ non-re .. i tant t. 11.: l-;ng .. F of :\lmne-.ota, l~J30, ti1ea E. compct.e with )!~nta_na; lJl O' (alia~l'· the highest raking frc.:shman engineer-\ Gann_awa~-, :.\lary LO\\Tity. HE!rbt•rt legc. · " · · All workc1s are ur~~d to \Har 0111 J all ... }.[ont. c.wd1date 101 :\I. :--. tn Th<' l1ntted State,., After the \\'orld I ma. U of \\) omm..,.,. l · o:. Id, 0· mg student, and each, 5P' mg sponsor Arc:h1Lal1l anJ .~nna Lee John~. I Jn the full of l932 a move wa"' lotl"!es and brm,! broom::- anJ tub .. .:\lel·hamc:al En::!'llll'l'l"lllg. \Yar. :\Ialin .. J C.; The Tlistor:, t'f Wa~hm~on State, Oregon Sta~e, and the annual Engm~e1..; ball at which Th ts cc work~ a~ a body started for a :skating rink on the lo- T'he e \\ 11 be the uo:.ual ample ~upplJ, ~ami \\'afa DaJani -.13. S. in Chun- .. Depi l:',., 8 ; 0 n..,, LiJ?httH:''. o. [ , Br1t1sh Columbia U. time the Engmeer s queen 1:; chosen and no mrhv1dual member may i\Ct catwn of tht· old foot hall field. \\~i!h 'f lune to pam~ the hu,.:~ emblem ot

1,t1 y, .:\I;-: c, .June, 1~1:}2. J1.::ru-.alem .Jobs. )foth ne,., and ca1,1talism, Dahl-' Competit10n has na1TO\\ eel do\\ n to Pre~entat1on of the sli<lc-rulc and :u~- authoritat1vel) . The srrout;:s o; ind - 1 the aid and looperation of the ,tu- :.\Iontana State colle~E:. I 8 10 i;11ne:. c~mdulate for :.\I. :-\. m hen!'. Ar•hur; A Hi-.toir of Enl!h:-.h 1four men for the .a1!"rono1,:ny JUdg n nouncement of the pledge-. for this v;duals \\ho may ha\c o ca::;10n to dt'nt bodv the woik \\a:-. finbhe Lur:ich \\Ill be ::iened at 1 o"c:lo.k hy c'. Literatuie. Heidltr. J. B. and Peck- 1 team, Ges;;ner, ~1,·en, \ oelker and f~ll \\111 take place some time m bring- matters, before th1:-. committee rapidly aficl \\hen cold \\eatheT in hl Som:) to all men and ,.,onwn o. '.\lary .E::.tht:"r E\ans-B. S m IL Ee. ham, H. II Blakely, acco1ding to Coach Reitz. November. should under-..and that all. matt<•rs I the r.nk was lomrlete the frc:shmen cla~ ...... Eat:-. \\ 'I e e. ,1f \\bcon~in, un1. Ouskan), ~- The Hin·h School Pnncipal a~ Ad- Three of these men \\Ill be chostn tor will be handled by the committee and La:.-.t sp· the faculty ground-. 1.:nea1.,' :::;ay the Spurs. , , Y. candidate 101 )l. S. m lloml' Ee. . ... t t l'"'. S pel'\'hOI' and Director the team sometime tlus week. Th.s not by the dean of \\On.en and th~ IC( mnuttei= had tlowers and shrub:- Iu melLately atter the ·~I 1:-; Robert B. Ed\\ anl:-.-B. s. 10 E. E • "}ml.Eat ~I. clll l'lCUla'r Act1v1t1es team will leave the 18th/ then· con- Prexy Tells dean of mt:n, as nrnnr :;turlents believe planted on tht.· green oval n f1 ont o' r amted, the en~1re group \\ill adjuurn )J ~.C', June, rn.-:2. Anaconda. :\iunt. ~ b t'x 1

: C n 1 D .;1Pr :E :\l · test bem~ held the 20th and 21st. All matters ha\'e been hand~ed m the pn ... t :.\Iontana Hall. Onl:r t~e ;pr,nn- sun- to one of the danct' hall,., for he IC l anriidate for )I. s. in ~lect11~al, Eng. ~~-~c~~t H·o~--~k~ .n~' or ~House- of the men are close at present, and . The .. adJu~tments \\ h1ch are m ef- shine and rain can brm!! ~ut the lla 1 ma.nde ~f the afternoon . \\ e·.::ley c. Funh ll :::; m E E., :\!. h

11 E ineenn r f..redeuck }.lrs. prospects are good for recaptunnc. the I .

1 teet a~ the pl e~ent tune and \\ h1ch beauty of thi;:, ln-.t piece of fin:shed Adm1:-.s1on \\: 11 be t_•x~lu l\ e fo1 S.l", June. H.13~. Hozl•man. )lont. Can- C~l:J<:;.tin~J! g, ' I lau1els lost to the U. of Idaho last D t Of must be ~tru.:tly adhered to hy all :-.tu-I work: 1 hosh and th" 1· ang,. and ~pu1:-i. Un-chda_te for :\1: ~. m Electitca\ En.g. I D~un· ('attle F'ecdm~ an<l :\Ianage- year. . e a1 s l<le:nt otgnmznuons ~le - ~~ foll~\\~' :\ow W(' nn• fronted \\1th the I Il\ led gue-.t-- \\lll b: b1uta~ly e~te1-\\ ilhnm \\all ace Barnt)·- B. S. m I ' l L . . (' '" and Putnev F '. Three men will be picked foi the I (These I ule"' ate sttbJ(Ct to i e' i:uon p opos1t1on of n Stucknt l nion bu1IJ ta1ned is the \\at n n_ sen ct! t) the Ind. t ht:m., .:\l ~-l . June, lll.12, -~na- men ' ai -.on, ..:._ __ ·' dairy products Jll<l.~dng team nexl u • Pl :my tune the com~littee ~ee~ Ht to fl'- mg to add more to our campus.11' ang 5. (: nda. lilont. ( .md1date for }.L :-;.. m I Eleano1 Haner is taking- pO!<>t 'Wednesday,_ from .. the foilOWing'' 1!1x- n1on an y~se tht;m and UC\\ Jules mh) be add:_<2 Thursday th"'S week will ~ee the out- . ---. .

~axon B :--.. m Bot. & Bact., Briggs according to Coaches >.:el~on a ) ) .... OC! \ \DJl"S1 , 1 ~ -;r 1mpro\ ement takincr place.

( henH--lly. . I ::paduate work at }.1. S. C. son, Cummings, !Skmnc.r. Brence and I ~ /~e committee eems t em nece come, for or n~ain-.t. thb up-to-date \\ .. \ .. \. 10 sPO. SER J.\ ''BO REE )1.S l'. 19 ,:!. Ana<unda. )loot. l an- and S~nds . Compet1tmn is keen and ___ 8 · L ~ ·' c...... - °' ---duiate for }.I. s. m Botany & ilact. s . l n· t Jf the men can do as \\ell at Poi tland .., . . The social l'O l mlttee. composed of The anni..;al . Jambo1ee,'


spon'-'ored Bl~lnH:e ).°on is B. s. m Aprhed I oc1a 1rec or as thev have in prac:t.1ce, iiontana Serie of Questwns and Answers five faculty and the ,.,tudent repre- E ll t Has by the \\omens Athletic as .... ociat1on .\1t' ~r.s.c' l~J'~O. Helena, ~ton:. should ·have a wmnm~ da11y team Made to Show .Advantages -en ... atl\·ec;,, ha\e 1ec:ommenJe_d the fol-I nro men () }.lontana .State tolle}!e, Is fot ('andalate for )I. s. m Botany & Bad. c t• D . The group will leave Oct. 13 bv autc. I f p. d B "Id. hn\mg- :set of_ rule",. \\h1eh were "le n .zht of October:?:~. \\ tlham . ormnn o~ .. ald-B. s. ltt on 1nue s ut1es and will \'isit noted dair1e~ and. 0 I oµose Ul tng adopted and cntorcul la4 ~ear by th~ s1· ht D ~ta1y Altce \\"ilson _IS the cha rrnan (C.Ont..nued on Page Four) I ranches on their WU\" to the coa ... t. I :-ocial comm1tte1 ,..houlcl be ("arefull)'. t 1g· ecrease >1 th: .. rarty which 1-. g" nn for all I The animal husb~ndry clera1tmen 14 E '8ENTIAL"l DISCUSSED ~~a~~i;~.tnJ follo\\ed dunn.?; the year he member> of W A. A

R d• B d t 1· :\lrs. Ethel)n Harrison Enters Second this year is also sending a c:atluad ofl 1 l·ralay and Saturday evemngs, a IO roa cas Yea r .\ s Leader of .:\l ontana ll\'estock to be entc•ed m the open Election \\ill Be Held Tomorrow or and on (:\'enmgs pre\"lOUs to a holl- :\lontana State Collej!e Hegis tration F1.rst Year Class classes at.the show A group of n Ill J da\· ie.tularl\ announced bv the col- Dro1>~ iH Students From J>re\ JOUS

Features Montana State .\ ctn ities . steers will be entered . Thirteen j Thur:-.da) to Decide Student lcg-e autho Jt·:e,.,, all ..,0 c,al · fundion,.,

\\·ethers w11l make the trip. mch;1dm!? Opinion 011 :\latter .. hall be conduded by l:! o'clock mid- Year's l'ellk of 1.0il7

I the foll~\\ Ing b1eeds. Rarntouillets I I night. UIHI (• \\Omen :--hall bei in Elect1·ons Soon Mrs. Ethelyn C Harn.;:on b -.tart Hamp:,lllres. Southdown~. and l ros,... thl'1r dwt.>lltnJ!:::; by 1~.uU a. m --- mg her second .. \'ear as social d1redor breds. They ate the Lest balance<l The proposed <;: tuden t un ion 2 Collt•J!e \\O!lltm shall be 111 then Latest enrollment figmes is,.,ued State a nd Co1lej!e Songs \\"o, en Into at ).fontana State college. (_onun bunch of !Jve!>tock. throughout, that but1ding, plans for "hich n ere dwellmrr" b\ U·l5 p m Sunday t~ve- f om the reg1~trnr's olf1ce 1ilace tl11 .. 1 \lusical 'lelodrama B.' :\'. B. C. here last fall to act as so::ial <l11e~t.o.1 has e\en been ~cnt f1om ~Jon~ana b) Pre ... ident ,\t kin..'ion mnl!'s . ,..Thi~ doe.:. not' aµj1Jy to Han11l- yt:ar':; :--.tmlent l'nrollmLnt .n .\lontana J>o:l:-. \\ill :\ot Open l-nhl Frtda~ durmg the ab--ence of Dean Ile nck State college to the Portland show. at the a-. ... cmblr la"'t \\ t>ek, ha.." 111 _ • State college at 111:-.. lhis 1-. a drop

friendships of all the c:olleg-e ~tuclento:. J the camirn'-. n ea t .ting need < f :-. milar tmw Inst ~ear. Ccm letE:

Oll~ 11: p., ::\omrnee~ l'or ')ffice::. Selected I

she ha~ WO\'en her,.,elf ,.,o firmly mto I it :at('-d a storm o. ::Ji .. cussicn 00 lU:mtmued on Page Four) l t.Ji 1i1 from the peak of lO:l7 at a

She returns thi,.. fall a.;; 5ocial d1rectoi M th Qf D more information than he "as p k I t\gu1 ts n:s to enrollment in da~-.e .. }.llntana ~tudenb \\ilO were not for :Montana Stale college 0 er ave able to ghe in his brief explana- rominent Spea er and col11.:l'"'es hn\e not ~et been com-theorizmg- on science or el·onom11.::=. :\Irs. Hanison is a graduate of tht tion then, Dr .. \ tkinson has pre- I l eteJ but n wet:k ago they stood as Fro ... ~ r\l .. ~ dee ion-. \\;II be helJ •• .11nuc.i.> enn,ng, uctvt.u :J. 1 robabl} Unh·ersitv of )linnesota \\he1e sh< Rivenes Succumbs d h f 11 C • T M S C wllows ac:l·crdrn~ to cla~ses: nL r the l"nd of t:lc \\e-er.. ..\-. hlaICI the (iene1al .\lotur-., l ro<"l am wa!> sociil direct()l" for sen~1al ... ear~ :~~:tio~s ean3 ac~~~~!r.s.(;~\t:~~~ ~~ om1ng 0 • . • Freshm~n H-1. soi: hot.ore.:: 22'1 (a.,., lllU!<>t elap-.t• bt•t\\Cl'll the ll• nm-l,\ (! th~:'\ KC. nl't\\ork on .ton:ana. She war;. also dean of women 3.t ~t belie,es covers e .. er~ point that IJUillO s 15;), «emors lo~ and post at.ln ... and l•lect;on. the polls \'lilll not tat~ <::.nd Cnl\ :-on~:) we1e su~ ... Cloud College, ~Imne~ota. for two Mrs. Regna R1n·nes, rnother u mij?ht be brought up in re1.?ard to .. racluat<:.!> 81. OJ <TI unt'l Frida:,. an I hbtc;rical c\ cnL:) \\ere \\O\ ln .JlL• j years. Com mg heTe last fall 1t \\U' I Dave Rtvenes editor of the J.lon'anan I the nen union h!.1 ldin,:r. The e lec- _J.fontana's \\ell known stockman A~cc.rd ng tG> rolle~e". a_11c:ultm al . .\t a :;hort ml et ng of the 11 l.'::-hmcn a mus1ca1 mdotll i.ima through her untirmir effort~ that and a promm~nt membc• of the JUnlO' tion to decide '' hethcr or net th" "\\ allau:i H~mlekoper, of tht• American <:< llege i:3;l, en::mu.:er.n,! tolle~e :m-1. da~s on 1' t ,day the nomm~l on-. we1e The bn acka"t, "The Parade uf the\ social actn·1ttes have bee!l placed up( n class and S . A. E . di.ed 111 1 lelena s tudent s ,\ is h to µay the r.roi;.o l i 1 anch at 1 wo Dot. will spt:ak to1 the I hou8ehold and urt:-. :?~'i. 11 ade .\1 t ..\) lT"', pres1dent of the Statt::-. • ded1c:atcd to :Oiontana, ~ea - a sou!1d basis. As chairman of the where she had been visitin~ hci tno-dollar member~ h ip fee <a(h ~tudenb and 1acult) at a geneia as-•ed -.c em·c 21~' .en ore a,,., ... , pre,.Jded. and .Jim Gan-Uttd 1'0,,,a1ty. ic1me1Jy of G1eat committee of social ad)u~tmenb hl daughter for the past ~ix weeks. 1he quarte r \\ill be held in 'lain Hall. st·mbly. 0 tobt:r 3l, on the beef catth:\ \Vord1ecei\·edfromHelenamd.cates na\\ay. 11 e-.ident of the .\•:..oeatt>d Fall~. tenor gue"'t art1~t. and u Hiuc:e has promoted a scheme where a brn1y body was taken to Glendn·e for buria " "ed nesda), Octobe r 12_ If .. " .. ndu~try. h fi that other ,.,tate m--titutions abo a i:: tudent::.. ua1ton lriout<' to .\.lontana.'' The I of interested faculty member-. .mrl. an beside the grave of her husband who Day fa ll s on that date. thC' elcc- Huidekoper 0''!1S one ,oft e nest expt:riencmj! a dedme m t•nrollmen~.j .\.ter an c i1l~m.1t10n of tht: o1,..ani-ft llo\\tn~ pro,?.1am \\as gl\en. equal number ~f student membe s died seven years ago. t10n "di be held the next d.1 ), ianl'h~:; m the l mtccl ~tate::> and I' 1he State ::-\lJJ!Hal :.t.:hool at Dillon .::at1on 01 the ~tuden.'s a"~oc.at1011 b\ ).1i..::-:.1c:al S1,..'1la~urc Orchestra .t'OVern the social act1\1t1es or thel l\lrs . Rivenes was bo•n tn Non,a, Tlrnrsclay, OctoLer 13. ~ne o!.thl' ~l•st P epa1ed men i.n tHhe1sh0\~5 a}h:op fro~ ~l~ students lastlGnnna\\ny ~1ml an l'nume1.it1011 o.f ~tale an! Lolll',..e ~on .. :--. . eampus. and came to :\Iontana a numlcr c..f Questions prepared by D1 . Atk.n ttuntl) to t~tlk u1:on th1:s ,.,ub]ed e Ylnt to )lb this )ea1. ~cmw or the cC1lle~e trac11t1on-. b) .. . U1d1e ... ua and Lhoru'" \\ ith. her wo1k the. Imlepen- '-'ears ago. After he1· husband's cl•ath son and his answer" are a-. folio\'"" is one oJ t~e fe\\ ienw mng p1onec-1 -- - - ..\)eis. the nomination-. \\en· in or ier. I

d t o e 'fl Ira11tson ' e pe<> , ' s.uckmen ol the state. and ha, been F \LL !)(!\\I \TI C !'RODL"CTIO-; U t1 \ 1r,.:1ma L.ty c:n \\ m n .. s . . s s - she mo\•ed to Bozeman where her 1. \\"hat. will the build nz do fo1 emmently ..;ucce-.:;ful i.1'"' a 1.:attle:nan . . - . Tho"e • nom.nuted \Hr~ pie den~: John I'vl'"'a1 ty an I (ho u-. ally com.m~nded . c.nder her d1rN·t~c~n daughters, Yallborg and Soh eig. anu tho student~., throu~h good and bad time-... Bud Rnte . .Joh~ Robm-.on, )1 Ht: Tht· Huttle of the L.ttle rl1;.., ltorn they .enJo:,:ed man\ del.ghtful "oual her son Alfred attcndeJ )I ~ . C' The chief value _of a stu1~ent union Ile Is a collc~e graduate and a bnl- Professor Bert Han..,en hns sounded Keller. -~rt r ... ·rkm; \1,n~ rrt·-.Jl.ent Otche:-.tra functions and be('ame a \\ell on an-] )11 s. Rr~ encs 1:. 'sm vive<l by th1 ee b?lldmg 18 lhe facilities which it T. 1"'1 J1ant ~1 eakl'l l'oncermng :\tr ] ltude- thu first enll tor debut('l's for the <:Om- J I~on :.\kt,1 e:i. Jam~:s B.ll k. shir.e.~ CLnt Jal '.'1otot"' tnliutt to :.\lon' ana ized group The Independent women 1 daughters and three sons :i. trs \V ·1lte1 VHles fol' student gnthermgg. rhe kt per Prof( ~so· \"mke ol the\ mg forensw sen~on . J E;,t:-..l n, (~t·orge ~1111~;' Hi: I l tai) : Bili ( o\\Lcv~ .\.II .Jl n F1,garty,and this ye~r can look forward to cxl'el-1 (Sol\'elg) Sales of :\Lott, X D; ' ... rs . acl\•anta_j?e of the~w gatherm"s bu,.,bamlry <leJartment ha,., the tollo\\- A meeting has been 1.:alled. fm 1 Ea le. lat, GlaJy ... \l ,C e:.l <hc1u~ P1elucle to ..\et Ill, ·Lo- lent guidance under :'ilrs Ha1n:::on \Y L (Yallborg) Popham f \Ya h- shown _m the umfym~ effe<:t on stu- me- to ~•n· "'l\e se<·n him hol<l a Thm·.;:dav evening, O~to'ic i:~. a~ 111\.ay Bu~c:h. )lar) Ellen Bcen;)t'r-ht·no:z1 i:' Orche-t a )lrs. Han-1son has charge ol thr t . D ~C . ::\I. Rt ·h . ~ H 1 « s dent life . Per:-ons "ho go th1 ouoh CIO\\d spCllLound at llav1·e -for t\\ o o'clock for nil those interesteJ in de- t~·casurer: \\in fred Bll'\\~1. l~tt . . John F''J::!C.P"t). C1 hbtra and Chorus housing and employment o: colle_l H!r~rJ of C'a~n~~-ig1; c.:1D1. oAJfr~J"~· college gam ~he advnn+a!e of the1h ms \\hilt' he talked uplln th~ iBeef batt, b"th U!J,eu.:la":-.\cn nnd fn~h- L!lr lll. .. c.r. J.rn1a )l~y .laXL) lharle :\lu c:a. :0-t)..naturc Orche~t al~~~l: =~:c:s0sf:{ t.~~'"'ssoe:i~Jmdn~~~0~.e~1, Chicago, and Daval ~f B~zc:man class room trai_nmg, and the:. also ln ILattle lndustn· in :\h~ntana''' I men. The debate prog-H\m for th~ ~.L"S an.I \\allac.:e lole.

F St d t . ~Iontana State college, l\lrs. llarnson The student body of the colle,..e lX- JOY the. contmunn<e of hfe-1011! - - -------- year will be planned and d1scusstd m- T l'tails of pamt.n: the •':.\I" \\Cl or mer u en has met w1th tomplete succe:s and tends its sympathy to Dave m hi~ friends~ip~ and the memo~·y O( plea·- IIarol l Gremel, populnily knO\\ll on. formally nt a general •ountl table · lXJ la1ne1l to tlH ~ll·sh!l en nl-.o. Montana State college is looking for- be1eavement. ant socinl contacts. A union bu ld•n I ihe eampu ... as ··11i·• and a :\I. S. C Plans arc to be made for the -- -- -Receives Honor ward to her directorship for the com- is a coin-ement and .attract"·~ plar·p alumnu~, 1s now tcnchmc: s,hool. "lll'' freshman-sophomore debate a~ \\ell a mg year. J.lartha Johnson Hames, who re for the_ hml.dinst UP of fne_nc!~h1ps :.~nd l!.raduatul m the fJh:.·s1cal educatwn foi: other met>ttngs durmLt the quarter. p K A Exonerated cei,·ed he

11 aster's degiee last yeai the widening- of Ul'quain<aneesh1p .. lllll"e aml 1..; no\\ head coach of the The debate que:.t1on \\htch JU!<>t a • • •

h f h amon~st student~ . . B· cadu" l11L!'h school athletic:; . Ile 1:- r1,·ed i~ on the can ... ellauon of All.ed B f t C · 1 Che<=t('l' Huntll \' is now attendrn Bet Pope Ii; as:.1stant manager 0 n ome Cl'OnOmll:i, is teach mg at Big A b Id I t bl y r a 0unc1 the to1nish SchOol of At<· at the heme managemlnt house. Timber office~nf~~ st~de~l~trotd~~'11~:~10~~~ a.\~ also teaching chemistry. war debts. N.·at tie on a s<·holarsh1p he secured the nurn bers m the student boch· 111-du1 ng- the -.ummer 22 M S C C d T h H crease. the need of proper office" and "l h(!t" leU\('S ~fontana Stat(;' w1lh a • • • a et I eac ers ave work toom~ for stUdLnt org~mizatwn~ vei \ c..nnable n•cord. Du1 lllJ!. his three becomC>~ more important. and the·<' \NI;, attendance here, he ha' taken Part In Bozeman School System will be pro\•ided in the un1on bu•!Jin" Un acuve pa t m Jramatit· and for- The union bu1ldmg will 111clude rec

Phat De Frate, One- Time Bobcat Quarterback, Now ls Rugby Star

cms1e actn 1t1e-. lle \\ill he rcmem- reation rooms with l"C'C"<•at1on.\I fal'1i beJ ul a.; the leadm.! man m "}.lan it1es. and O'ames. It Will also ln"iurlr " h .. D F.. • . th It I I· h . . ' ·d d sh n-· R· Ro-.e," "Granite,' and "The Periett Twenty-two semon; are th·:-i year instructing in En~hL·h I ; George Hn'.f barber -.hop and likl' facilities. In the· .:.\us:tn P. n~ e 1•1t.c, one of ~ l .t 0 ·~ a lil' ).n_i ct • a •

1 ns · \I b1.'" Ile alsf> directed "The diieetmg the \\Ork of clas..;e,.. rn the man and Glen )[u('how also of Boze- buildin ther will }r;, 1 f , It lb11;.rhtcst stars m Lhe. h1man1lnt o ham lounJ! l . a _touchdo\\n da h o :\Ionkey', Paw," which \\as \'\ell re- county histh !'chool and the Holv Ho"- man, Dorothy Kruger 'or Plain"', ann club r:oms, ~vh1<'h \~illo P:.~,·icl~· uth~ :.\!ont.:1na State <·oll~i!l~,. loot~all hel'Ol'"'· 00 y~rds ~tramst :-\.e~l n:ska, an 1_ n~~rn·

t: 'Ptl last s1,rmg. a1 y parochial school, as I art. 01 the Beatn('e Nelson of Bozeman, m t·huq{l' opportunity for enlar~ecl fa<"t1lt\' J'.'I..; hS: gt.1} 1 11ni:nu~actt !~g tom.l~d?t 11 ~ t" otlJe1 \du~_hdo;' ns aHj

1 . -.h~l~\t 1

1 '+'~"" llunqLy \\as pHs1dent of Alpha Psi p1eparation requ11ui to se~Ul'e the l of Amencan history clas~es . sociations and tlw opportunitv foi is \\t' 110\\ll ~1 "' 101\ nc.:co!l l!lg 0 n ac lion ° menrn e1Jng: .11nut ' (ml' a. chnmat;(' fraternity, and oi teachers' certificates. They havC' been Agncultme dasse~ are bemit tau"'ht ""tudents ;md facult,· to mtntrle. mor<' word tTC'l'l~ed bh ~fbal'i~ Sh~~e ~r~dw ffpr~l.n·ons,ll De Y,rate \\a-.tla ;\d" nt J fi l\n ra Deita. fo•en..;1c honorar:,.: working since Sept. fi, \\hen thn by Leona1d Burns of Shelby, farm frequently ma sol'ial wa\·. i:cccn y. s a a al' m e a·~ma, • 1 exec enl't'. \\'lllnmtr lt•:.._ ~a<

11(• ,,,, .. d in th .. student , .. n·•te "•' ·h I· cl . n I , .. ,·11 com1 lett· the sho1> I and farm •hop [J bv EJw1n Tl h . b th . .· . f t' :.:askatche\\an , team, hl' has }llll\l'll du:-.h in the state met·t in lH~l .. ... .. ._. •.• sc ou"' opene . a l .. • , • • as een e cx1w11ence o 111" 1- h If f 11. a capabl at the C·rn-


u mm,., ioner of fo1l'ns1c:- and placed semester, \\hich end" m micl-.January. Ge .. sner, Bozeman; ag-ronomy by ('hf-1

tut1ons "ith un1on huildint!'5:. tlwt th· 11mse f u ) ff l.t>· ll l' • . • DH 11n \XXEC \X \\ 111 \'ITE XD in lhl' finals of th(• national oratoncal Profe5<sor Leora )1. 1L1rne of th· ford Hughe~, l~a1rfield, agncultura. enjovment of student~ i~ lll('l'f':t ,, l 'ac ian Ol!ll 0 00

<1 us

111 oui trnn · > • • • • ' • ~' ~. ronl•St sJ'"nso1ecl la:::it yt'ar by P1 department o( education ha,., 12<.ne1allar1thmct1c by \Vmren Leland, Re.llwhiIC they a•·e in <·ullege and th1·1bra .. ncl . CO:\"FEHE7\C'E OF \ \ . l '. \\. l\.ap1a Pelta lie ;.._ a member ot charge of this wol'k, being- as~·ste I h:ii. LodKe, and a111mal husband y by memorie~ whkh romC' out of the ..;o ·iul 1o ~1uote f1om a Rl•gma new~} a' l'I' ~~ ·~mn. ..\lpha 1-:psli<m ~ot1al frater-\ Miss Id a Davis, m ac:aclemi< subje"l"' Clarence Popham, \'1l·tor . co'.1tnc:ts 1n the union. building n1f' "Aust1~1 De F1.a~e .• Rn~~rnu::, nl:\H-.;;LI Dr Clad)" Rranez::in. p1C'sident of nitv. :.n~s Iva Blo~ser m ho:-re el·on11mll For the fir~t month home econom1<'" pnzed by students alter the-.,• lea\l' find ftom the \\huit fi_cld"., Jlllned thl· :Jlontann ~tate d1\1~1<•n of .\ .. \. \\"hl'n P1of. Elbe•t R Lovejoy wa:sland )Ir. R. TI Palmer and :'if D L classe~ \\e1e conducted br )tr~. Ethel tho institution. · the backbo_ne of the ·~idc•rs attac:k, l' \\" .. will attend thl• third b1ennml ., P-0 n .... n !:isl ~ummcr It ok:n!{ fo1 ).Jae Donald on agriculture I Sales. Mary Pattee, and D()l"I~ Rt\' Cost to Student.: and established l~ 1 m"l'll a" a tripl..!-- l"C nfet'Cnl'l' to bl~ held in Gn•at I all:-;, d·amat.1.: n atcr1al for talk101! pict- A student to do prad1 e te'.\ch'n all of Bozeman, and )tartan En('k ... on 2. Wh nt will 1t l'ost per <o!tUdC'nt ., tl~reat man De I<Jate bull' the lnunt J.lont .. 0 toher 1·~-ll, Hl:l:!. 111 ~ he intenll•\\Ul Huntley. It was must be a «emor or g-1aduatc nncl Butte. At p1esen t these classes ~\re rn The students are bt->in(r asked to pa) ol tl_1e 'rlflers' kiekrng ar~tl forwa d The top•C",., a1hl s1wnku~ hrt\C hl'C'n

The committee. Ph fes~ors Sheppard, l'h:.u• 1111111, t h.1llL1n· der and Cotner. appomtt·d to "ettl the Pt Kappa ..\lphn-intt-1 fratu n.t dulicult~ last \\eek rc1.·omtnl'll•k.l th.1 P1 Kappa Alpha be not nqu1 eJ t pay the ~100 tme that bt•cn pro· posed an thnt they bt:' a• nstntl<'<l 1 tht• Jntl•r-F1att>l'llll\ l'OUill 1. Th l'omnuttee cdme to th ... ('tin lu-u 11 th.1 P1 h .. ..\ hnd al·tccl m ~uod f.\,th .. •11 had prm:eedecl p1 opt•rl) on the inftH 11 nt1on furnhhL I to them b\ ln~t \ t•a ' Inter-Fin·l·rn1t\· eounc1l. · ·

Dunngo tlw sl'a,on of snt n .. J art1r last ) ... ·ar tht• qubt.on aro"t o-ver hnu«•Iet \\ h.lh the l·ounril lOntt>ntle \\as a favor proi:ram. l>1fft•rcnct:-. 1

opinions betWl't'n thp P1 Kapp Alph .. i's and the Jntl•I - F1atcrmt <'Olllll'll h.~tl to the \\ "thd1a\\nl of th P1 Kappa ..\lpha f1 om t ht• <·omw1 \\hen 1t ''a" dt•udecl that tht~Y muc:: pny n ~100 finl• for ha\ .ng- ; fa\'oJ progl'am. 1:,r t•I:. ·hrough his rnflu{'ntP that. tho must have Imel a good r<:cord of (' ha1 g-e of Mary Ba1tktt, Box EldC'r, a member sh ip of six dollars per yPal' passing and w.~s one of the mam chc<=en \\Ith the idea of sdtm~ forth ·hi htt .. hir. to nm• of th('- finc ... t dra- scholarship in the subject he is tench- Anne ll arrlnJ?ton, .\nacomla Ruth or is two dollars per quarll•r, grouncl-~amers. . ' 1 me .. tfli<' nnd lO(«ll ('tlucat1onal prob- L)dia Ronwrs·\ 1:-:; at "al er Rl·r n·,itic- .. chool~ in the country was mg-. he pre:;ent rrrnup include'<: Nelson of P ark City and Evel)'.n which doe~ not contemulate an\ rn- De Fr~lle i~ l!enernlh rero""mztd a lem·· whu:h \H1uld help in formulat 11 b ·t~l in \\~u-.h·n ton. n. ( . dom e ure l. Constance Holm. Bozemrin, ::inrl Flee~e. Bozeman. I crease m the membership fee in fut- the gnmtest <1pen field runnu· en• a rrrtment and e'ieltl\(' prozrnm of tfiL•tetll'"' \\ork. "C"hl'.'t' \\as 1tcently marle stag-c ~Iar,e:aret Reed, Opheim, who t a•·h At the parochidl school \\' nltC'r ure years. developed at )Iontann State. ~<,mt of work. -----111: natrc:r of the s1.;hool. Il e 1s also commercial gcog-raphyj Doroth:. \Duncan has a clas:;: in phys1t~. while 1 a \V11l 1t ever fnll back on taxa- his notable' feats mclude an b8 vard ~lls~ BtnnC'l.!'nn will p1l'~ide O\"Cr lhC' Eun: .. t' Campl~ll ::;. tl'achm•• h1"' i la\ ·ng thP leading- role m the newest Miller, Helena, and Virg111.a BohUJ l l\Iild1 ed \\'lute j5 teaching a t:la5s 111 \ tion 7 I kickoff return for a louchdO\\ n ac:amst bu' mes"' scs:-10n on Thursday as well/ <'rrnomics m tht! L-ew1stow~ hi~

1.Jay now bemg produced. . and Helen Rushing, both of Bozeman, General Science. ( Contrnued on Page Three) Utah State; a 65 yard jaunt against as the banquet on Friday. school.



and what a dance. Complete even to an old time fiddler and hauling out the ancestral chariot. And now we ask you-didn't Dave look tricky decked out in those long- yellow curls?

Continuance of Weekly Exponent, and of :\lonlhly Exponent, Founded 1895 Just remember you a~piring military prh·es-you clon"t look one bit better

.Published eve:-y Tuesday of the college year by the Associated Students of than the other fellow in that monkey suit.

Montana State college, Bozeman, ~lontana

Subscription rate: $2.00 per school year

From the look5- of last week end"s dates-this is surely g-oing to be a tough year on the upper clas$ wmnen. BelieYc me tho!'e frosh (!iris do appeal.

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided !or in Section The biggest problem fal.'ing the 0 . B.s for a 'vhilc seemed to be whether to 1103, Act of October 3, 1927, authorized February 17, 1919 become Phi ~igmn Kappa before rush week and impress the rushees with

Telephone for Exponent On Monday after 1 P. M.-80 n new national or to let the rushees get a thrill out of being a charter member.


Asso<:iate Editors ~ports Editor

:\E\\'~ STA FF


\Yilliam Schenk, Lewis. Allison \\'allace Harrity

.\Iom and Pop surely must lul\"e beaten something- into their fond offspring­thb year. Did you l'\"Cr see en•rybody studying so hard before or so much worr~·inl! about tu ming up at clas~ '! Only the first week too. Don't tell me we're actuaily going- to 1:0\lcgc lo be educated this year'?

.\ th leti r Good>< ~ta tion ery

H auseman & McCall's C.\ TERS TO STL' DE:\'T T H.\ DE

Tn1ewriters Gift :\'o,·elties

!l g ~ ~ !l !l E !l


~ ~ !l So(:iety Edit1lr :'\ina Davis

Featul'e \.\"riters .Rachel Egbert . .Jlary :\l. Lowney. Clara Hoat. And then just as WC' had foqrotlcn all about him, the old weather man

had to turn up just in time to ruin the Art picnic and remind us that. Bozeman isn't. yery far from Canada. Time to !!cl out those red flannel undies and mend the old hot wate!' bottle.

;::::::::::::::::::::::::.~::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::=::: :--..:::::::::::::m::::::::::-.::::::::::u:::::::

Re110rters Btlh String-ham. Leolyn Howard. Basil Ashcraft, Walter .fac(\hy. Dean Stebbins. Gladys .JicCrea. Bernard Copping. l\lar­g-uerite Ro~cot.:, Sani Ea,l!le, Hilda Halonen , :\laurice Schiffman. George Co11kson, Ed .:\11.'Pherson. Ben Law, Dorothy ~liller. Dorothy Olson. ~Iary +·- · - -- - - -- ---- ··- -·-t

i ! u1·s1:-:Ess sn r.F l Notices! j Manager ............ James \Vaters i-- ·- ----· _.,_ .. __ .. _ .j. Circulation .:\1anag-cr .......... ~lelvin Matsen I . r-r , . \ TE AJ\"crt ising ~Janaj?er. . Robert ::\Iunzenrider ST DE:N S&.'i · Busines::- A~:-;.i:-;tants Jack :\larron, Ed llaagenson. Bill Nelson, T here will be a mel'ting er th <'

C'lemt•nt !-:chmitz, Leonard Eliason. Edward \\"e,!!man . Gretchen Thaler !!ltude nt scnat ('. T hursday af tc r-Stenot.traphers ... Cynthia Hopkins, i\lonlana Vegas, noon a t 5 o'clock.

Eileen Cummings, ;:\lar;raret \\"il5on, Thelma Loberg. Proof Reader .. Betty Bolinger

Courier P rint Bozeman, Montana


" 'hen the Yole on the Student Bui lding is counted, it is the hope of the Exponent that the dctor~· is not only a majority for the building but an enthusiastic plurality. Becau~e of the meaning of this building to ~Iontana Slate enry

student should personally see that all his friends cast their ballots. A Student l.:nion Building al this time is the choice of a life­

time. ire must lake this opportunity \\·hile it knocks.


That ~Ionlana State does not bend to ath letic commercialization ~an be clearly seen by the withdra\\·al from school of another star member of our football team for lack of funds to pay his tuition. This fact is particularly significant \\·hen promising athletes from all O\'er ~Iontana enter state institutions of higher learning with no greater financial backing than any of our men \\·ho "·ere forced to withdraw from college. j

How do athletes in other schools get their tuition? Surely, their method _is legitimate. Graduate managers and enterprising I coaches fmd Jobs for them around the schools and in the to\\·ns where the co llege fa located . i

There are a number of ambitous young men employed in our l!'ym, but there are not enough positions for all \\·ho must ha,·e ;obs to continue in school. Consequently. we must look to the outs ide for aid. Bozeman residents at all times ha\·e cooperated with the students and there should be business enough in the city to give \\·orth,· students aid in earning their tuition. It would be for the good of our footba ll team, the benefit of our institution, and the advancement of Bozeman.


It is the accusation that college student are not political mind­er!. With elections coming off next month e,·ery student should weigh the candidates carefull y. lt is not so important "·hether ,·ou \'Ote for eith<'r Hoowr of Rocsen•lt, \Jut it is ,·ital that you know ho\\ you are going to Yote and \\'hy.


If students persist in taking more than one Exponent, the paper,· will ha\·e to be distributed individually on Tuesday morn­ings. A vast number of students don 't rece.i\·e their papers be­cause others take more than one. P lease get your own paper and let your friends or you r frat brothers or your sorority sisters get their

The big- question before us now i~ which one of the Pi Kap's pledge5 is oin)! lo be class pre~i<lC'nt and whkh pledges are the Amigo's training for ssociatcd • tndc:nts' president .

And when they huild these new block sorority houses along- with the Union uilcling, won't it be convenient for lhe girls? They can just lean out the indow to ~ee how many date!' the other hou:-;e~ are having that night, and

·hat new rushce the enemy is dragging into camp.

And about that Union building. they surely seem determined to have a arbcr ~hop-what's the matter? don't they think we keep our hair cut and ur whisker~ trimmed?

Pan-Tlcl put~ her foot firmly down on favors, but what can !'he do when e guests earry off the table decorations?

The Sig Alphs surely began lhcir ::.ocial 5eason-a bang an<l n barn danC"e-



. \ T $29.50 Look them over a nd be condnced

PHILLIPS BOOK STOR E I ~ I Ji Agents for Royal Typewriters

i,....,.-..-.-.. ....................... """"" .................... . ... ~--- --- • .,,...,,...,.._., ..... . .,.....,, •• I

~10:\ T.\ N.\:\S .\ \' .\I L.\ BLE

Did vou iret your l!l:l2 ;\l on· t anan ? ·1 will be in the ~ l ont.n na n o tTice at th e follo"fng hours in o rder that t hose "ho did nut get t he ir a nnu a l las t spring m ay do so:

\\~e<l nesday-9 to 10 a. m. T hu rsda y- 10 to 11 : 2 t o a:aO .

J ohn · P arke r , t 9:~2 edi tor .


All st udents i nt c r~t ed in de· bate meet in :\l onta na ll a ll . Tltursday eYening-, October t :L at 7 o'cl ock.

Prof. Bert Ha nse n.


Freshm en dues of 25 ('Cnt~ will be collec ted from a ll fi rs t ~ea r students at t he ~ l tomorro" ."


F ang mectf n Jr in H err ick Ha ll T uesday cvenin )!" a t j o'doch.


Activi t y t icket s must be C:\.·

ch anged for tickets t o the Butt~ ga me. E xcha nges must be made fo r admission. Th is w ill be done in t he gy m s ta rting T hursday of this week . October 1:3, a nd e ndi ng on Sat urday, Oct ober 1.;.

T ickets fo r the public will be t~n s ale at l\l cCii.. Irs at t he sa me ti me. T he 1>rice " ill be $2 inc ludi ng the tax.


?ilecting of Secretar ia l Cl ub at 7 :30 p. m. , Th ursrlay, Oct. t:t Math bu ilding. ..Prog no..i;;;t ication o ( the comJn~ election,"' led by .l\lary Lowney a nd Geo rge H off . ma n. All secreta ria ls come!


Delta Phi Delta meeti ng to be held T hursday i n the lectu re room at Her rick Il a ll a l 5 p. m.


. A ca nd y locker is t o the OJ)Cncd In the a rt depar tment : n He rr ick H a ll today. De ll" l' hi Delt a is again sponsor ing i t. The ca nd ,· locke r " .. m be open c ' cr y morri· ing fr om 10 to lJ a nd e \' e r ) af ter· noon from 2 :30 until :3 :30 o'clod ..

E!JRODE Ll'l 1 J Al\

E urodelphia n meet ings a.rc to be held e,·ery first a nd third \\·ed nc.:; ­day this year. Nex t meeting to be Octobe r 19 at 7 :30 p. m., in t he fire pl ace room of Her r ic k llall.

Dor othy ~'L )I iller , pres.


Secrctary-Pa ullne \\·irak and Dorothy .Miller. E lec ti on to be held in ~l ai n ll a ll F'r id a , Octobe r I ·I. · ' · '


Meeting of ll ome Economics club T hursday Octobe r 1:t F ire­place room in ll ('r r ick l-l tt ll at 7 :30 o"c!ock.


T here is a n . opening for the posi ti on of a ·s1s ta nt in t ra mu ra l ma nag-c r. Thos<' " h~hing to a ppl v see H a rry E llis at once at the gy m.


.'\nyo!1c des iring to try out for a pa r t Ill the fa ll play, report to ) I :. ll a n•'en a t his dfice. some da\' tlus " cek. -

NOT ICE r 1ms 11 ~1E'I

T ryouts in d rn nrn t ics "ill be held fro ~1 1 to il o'clock, T hu rsday and F'rrd:l) a f t l' r noons, in the Litlle Th catrC'. ..Come 1ircpa red to read or recite a pa rt from an) play de:/ red. If\ t•u ha' e had a n.\. pre ,· ious ex 1?eri~n ce in cJ ra . ma t 1cs. h<' s ure a nd tu rn out. Ir nc•t. t ry out a n)·way. 1'hC' next play may ha ,·e a par t for , ou " dcd ared Ber t ll a n ... -.;en, dirC.ct o~. If able t o ~ in g-. re1>ort t o ;\ I r . ll a n~en on Thu risday or F' riday a fter noon~ . T he s prin g 1>la) i'"i to be n mu~·ca l com eel) .

(Continued on Paire Throe)


Optometrist and ;\ lfg . Opticia n

Broken Lenses Replaced the Same Day

20 S. Bl a r k A' o. Phone 8 12-J

De$pile the \~ather of Thurs· 1 89 A ~~}~y~~;~be:;ic6~i~heat.\1 ~~~~1~13~1eldlto~ ~''''-'-' ~ .. _ .. ,,...._, ~ ~~'\ ,~ Spring>. After the picnic supper and ~ Olh·er-S to ul Implement Co. ~ a great deal of fun, a short bm::ine$S I ~ _ .- ~ meetinc of the rlub "'"' held. Cy1 ii '1 ,,_ Shelf a11d Ilea\·.v Hardware ~ Conrad was elected to fill the otfitl' i ~ ), of vice president and the Art bazaar ~ - .- f ~""'· di.cussed. All decided to make ~ 26 iY. l\Iain P hone 182 ~ it bur!!er and better than ever. There ~ ~ were'" about 80 present at lhe pic:nic. ~~~"'-..X~""'-.~'-.~'-.~~""'-~'~""'S'

.- -----------~


For a F irs t Class Haircut

come to

TWEED TROUSERS Get the ne\\' College pant fo r spor t \\'ear-just the t hing to wear \vith Blazers. S"'eater s. etc.



1 West Main S tetson Hals ~obb) Caps

ET!:dEio~nl!,~rd I - ~I ~ .... - ........ • . ................................................... --;: 1

I - - I

~ Kodak Finishing ~. :


~ HEATING g ~\~ Enlarging ~ GAS AND g : ~ ELECTHIC.\ L


I ~ \ i · Tinting ~ ~

I -.- I 1 D.H. BUDD Co. ! ~ Linfield / P hone 300 ~ ~ ~ )! )! ,~....._ ........ .......,.,. .... ~ .. ~-.....,,.,... ... ~



11 ~ ~ - -- ---::::::::::-=--~ 1 , ............................ .._ ............... _._.._._ .......................................................................................................... .... ~ HA YE YO U TASTED ~

I ~~~>N!~ml~~,~~~t~• I ~ The Bungalow ~ ........................................................................ _._.._ ............................................................... .._ ................. .._ ...

~~ .... ""'~''~''-~""'-'-'-""'-~'-''''-'-~'-'-'-~~''-''-'-'-~~~ ~ ,


A good haircut acids t he f in ishing touch to a \\·ell ~ groomed appea rance ~


~ Under Gallatin Trust & Sa\'ings Bank ~ ~ , ~~~'-~"S..~""-U..""'-'-~''~'''-'~''""'-''-~~''''''~'~



Bozeman. l\lonl ana

. Enclosed find One Dollar and F ifty-cents ($1.50 for \\·h1ch ~end me The :IIonlana Exponent fo r t he current year.



TRANSPORTATION TO and from the College


On calls class d<W -for classes only. An)' \\ here be­! ween the collel(e campus and 600 block on nort h side of city on pa\'cd st ree ls

FARE l Oe PER PASSENGER When calls are filed at ta'<i office 25 minut es before the

hour. IJassenger_ "ishing to r ide on this rate mus t be on the fo ll owing hours.

To t he College From the College

7:40 a. m. 8:10 a. m.

11: J.) a. m.

12 :30 p. m.

I: :;op. m.

7:50 a. nl . 9:0:; a. m.

12 :00 noon

A l~o rates to students in groups


,; :03 p. m.

25c tax i se rvice alway. Tax i"s fo r hire fo r coun try t ri ps

Erickson Taxi Service PHO:\' E 31-1-W

" YES, I LIKE to smol,,c Gra nger. I lHwe tried all kind ~ oftobacco;lmt, frank!~· - I b ave n cn ' r found a nr other th a t is as good as Granger .

" I think I k now somethi ng nhout tob acco, a ml I sh ould say that G rangl' r i s the o n e tob acco thnt is made j us t r ight for p ip es."



Fl! .ITEll:\'ITIES OflGA:\' IZE

Late Thursday C\·ening representa­tives of the nine fraternities on the campus met at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house for_ the _Purpo!'e ~f forming a cooperatl\·c. buymg- organi­zation. There has long been a nu.•d of such an organization but until thi!:i year nothing had been done: \\' this end in mind they orj!aniz<.>d UH Hou~e )lanag-ers' assoc:ation w'.th Herbert An:hiba1cl as presidlnt and Charles \\~ood a:o' secretary. The as­sociation will be able to make material through buying- in qu~rnlitie:­and should so be of permanent nattirc>.

:-.·onrE Fl!E."IDIE:\'

There ·:-; room on the m a na~er­i:.d !'-taff for seH•ral freshmen footl.a ll a .... sistants .. \JI men who an· :nu re$"led in t hi:-o actidty a r c url!l'd to r ep< rt to .John P. Parke r f•r to Felton \dam' at the Gym an) nigh t ... oon.


PREXY TELLS DETAILS institutions with union buildin~s 1 BU ILOING clearly shows that there is ad-OF UNIO vantage to the coll ege community m

having- such a bui lding- . We won't (Continued PaJ?C One) ~~,?o~!dicl~e~ b~1;0~.:l~~~~~7fi ~~ i~~~t.~

~o. These proJ:<:l .... are :-;dt -hqui- advantage of the experience whil'h datmg. anti th~ la\\ fot ba.h. ~he u:se of they have ~ained . any mo~ey raised .b::.-, L~lxatio~. .

1 i:t Do student organ ization~· really

4. "111 the_ bui lchn~ be ~.elf:::sup- need better offices? poi ting and still repay the prlllctpal? Yes. W ith the passin_g- of the \·ear~.

Yes. The proposal f~r the loa_n there is need for more space foi· stu·

I from _the ~cconstruc:ti~n l'. 1 ~rnnc:e cot- dent 0t·ganization rec:ords . and with porat10n will have. t~ !:-hO\\ a plan un- the growth of the ~tuclent bod\' wh:c·\i

I <ler wh~ch the bu1ldi~g 1.11 ~Y .b~ ~elf- is certain to take place <lurin~ the supporting, nml the P11nc11Ml ie.urneil !years ahead , there will be need for , I to the governme nt. J more space.

:: :-: :: :: :: :-: :: :·: :·: :-: :: :i· :-: :: :-: :: ·-~ ALPHA DELTA pr Duration of Pa yments 14. Will t he faC'ulty pay the mem-- The nwmbers of Alpha Delta P i1 5. H ow long will :-;tuuent:-i han• ll I bership fee of $2 a quarter? :: SOCI \L C.\LE:\'D \R :: youngest national soro1ity on lh'? pay? . . . They probably_ wi~l ~~ it is thr \ :: i tampu:-;, arc now Jidng in the ne-..\·1 if the money is borrowed at :~ pct C'u::-tom 1!1 mo~t mst1tut1ons that hava i! Oct. 13 Fang--~pur dance. :: I home at .tO.) South I· 11th avenue. The cent. 111 te1e:-;l, and the debt is pauJ o!f umon bmld111~s. :: Oct. 13 .:\ l. S l'. \':-; \\'yommsr at :: gi1ls f01111erly ll\·ed at 72G South Sixth at the 1ate of 3 per cent a yea · 1t.1 ---------------.:::: •• Laiamie. :: 1avenuc i\h~ .. \ lpha Shule1 . former!:, ~voulcl be a:~ yea rs befo1:c the bui ld- -,--··- - - --- - --------!! Oct. 22-Bobt:at-Gnzzly game at •• of llelem1, 1• chaperon mg the )!I oup. 1 mg was entirely pa.<l fol . I D I X O , S I !:: Butte. :: I Alrh~1 Delta Pi 1s the olde:st -.oc:ial 1 6. Will the sen•1('es offered, like J I ' ... C. at Bozeman; f'ht Delta Phi :: having bn•n ~tat led in 1K>l 1 he e at1.: plice m Bozeman., 1 Paint Shop I






:: Oct. :W :\lontana :\Imes vs :\IS. !·: f1::i.te n.t;:. for \\Omen m ex1stcm·e, I the barber shop .md caflll'rla, cftc<: • I . .. danc:e. :·: 56 acl1\·c cha1lte1 ~- The lot al Alpha.lelt These act ivtltcs \\ 111 ha\ c to be sel [-11 · !·! i\'o\'.;; A.O. Pi fall party ::l"a~ sta1ted at :\lontana State collcp:c hqu1da t111g, so 1t \\Ould he tau to ex- 17 S Tracy Phone2861VI ! I r-_....,..,..._ .. .,.. ..... ,... .... ,,,. .. w_..._,..,.._.._ .. _..J" ............. ~ :: :\o\·. 11· ~It. St. Charle~ v:. :\I S.:: 1n ~lay. 19:11 . and was 11~ stalled. into pect that the pr1<:e~ would he \:lJ\ I! · · - 1 > - C. al Bozeman. •• 1 n~t1onal Alpha Delta P1, April 2.~., similar to tho~e m Bozeman. . -· - ·- · _ .. _ ,._ . ---·- _ - · _ _ _ < C \NTERBERRY :: :\ov. 12- Sigma Chi party. :: rn: 2. The patrone::-:::e:-; tor the group ocial Sco\]c

> · l ~ :; ::'\ol". ~.J-Thanks~iving- Da;·. '.'. are: )I~»: I•. -~'· \~·mson. ~[·. s. ·'- lJ. 7. W hat will be the effect of a "''-"'~'''"'·''"·''"'-''"''''''""S' ~ CHOCOL \ TES : ... •• •• _ ......... •• ............. ;: I l!eE.tde~ ~~'. :\fl :s. ' : · J. J?un~an_. :\Ii~- union. ~mlding on the fratumt1e~ an ta 1: ~ \ · -·••••••••• •••.••.••.•• • •• •••••••t~ ,(. J .. J,1cho ~. ~Its Lotns \ mke, n<<Jsoror1lies? '• STAR HAMBURGER I ~ AT I - Sar~h J.1..nning-s set\•ed as facu lty I The union building- would ha\·e n< I\ t 11 Pi Beta ~hi. . . adnsor tor the g-r oup last ycai · SJ,><:C ial effect on sor oriUcs and frate - :: SHOP •' 'J h.athermct Bmh wu..; a ~hnner gue'tl . mltes. Il would prO\'ldt' a pleasan' l :• 0 osite ~ :• of MarJon<! B1·own and Anna Lee I Al pha Ont cron Pi. I plac:e for them to have the.r iormal ,• PP ~ ' •: Johns last )fonday. Alpha Onucron P1 ente'lamed \\.th ai tl(s, lor tnbc are nut ~cmg held \ i\Iontgomery " ard's \ :• Kl ' h 'dt & C Pt Bet.a Phi entertamed )h~~ :\la1) a fireside at the chapter holl"e 01 at their houses I\O\V :\lembe1 s OI o - J ~----_..._ . ..,,... ... _..._.._ ......... -_..._.._..._ .. _.._._..._.._.._._ .. ~ :: e1nsc ml 0. .. Smith at dnmer Tues<la) ('Yenln!!. Saturday e\emng. o ... tobcr 8 antics and fratcrn1hc~ \\OUid enJOY

'. ::\Iary Ro:;)e \\~olfc> and .Jerr) 8nyde Alpha Phi of Alpha Omicron Pi lhc wider contacts without in am· wa:, ----:! "For The Idle Hour" ~ took lunch at the P1 Phi house Sutut-1announces the formal ple<lg: in g on interfenng with then· own a:'SO:'..'la A new low-cost ~ day. Sunday morning. Octobu· H. 01 tht tions in their houses. -~..-.-..-........... .....,. ... _.. ....... .-. ........ -..... .....-... ·.-..·-~ .:\lis:s Grace DaYis wa~. a guts~ of followmJ:r girls : :\lai:)' Ellen l:Sielen- \\'hat is the rea

5on for bu.lclin~ at

)fargaret Johnson for dmner :::-atur- berS?", Esther Blake. h .. athleen Bowm.. this time? ~!day e\'ening. Cooley Carrut_h, Jean Canuth, Loi:- The emergenc:y reli(>~ and con~trul'-!2 . _ Eames. Eugeme Jncl·ar•i. Hden :\lu.i-. tion act passed by con~rt~s in. i n·:~ Q r haµ 1.a Delta. • \ -- I is for t he purpose of the g "E CATER TO COLLEGE S1g·ma 0Mel'.a of l~appa . Delta A ir-ha. Gamma Delta. use of material a nd employment 01.·

I I w1she:s to. announce the .PledJ:ring of Alpha Gamma Delta announces the workmen during th~ period of the de STUDENTS Helen Solh<l,_ putto~.: Alice John~on, formal pledging- of ) lary Smith 01 pression. If conditions we"c prosper· lower. and 1- '.teda Chnton of :\Ianhat- Billimrs. ous and busincsP. acth·e. the g-o\'etn-

Ea t At tan._ making a t?tal of. 12 pledf,te~. . The following were )londa).· <linnet ment would not be loaning money for Eiken lum:i1mj?.:-:. ".as t~e dumci guests at the Alpha Gamma Delta projects in this way.

g~c:-;t of Btrmce :\01T1!"., I• r1da,y e\·e- house : Alice Swisher, Phyllis Sulli\'Hll \\'ould Collect Rent nmg-: . Barbara \Vhi te and \·iola . cox. . fl. If the Exponent, :\lontanan. and Cigarette~ .H:~~ ~~eora !-lapner ga\·e a delight- Alpha Gamma Delta other student ors;rnniz.ation offices arc ful p1('ntC at ~orth Cottonwood to the the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity F1"da) in the union building-, would they have :Magazines members of h.appa Delta.

1 eveninp:. Other guests included Dori~ to pay r ent? g I h.a1_ipa D~lta annourn:t•s the .ro_rmai !ten, Una Barbara and \"iola Cox. Yes. Reasonable r ent would he

I Candies rl~dgmg- at Gladys Boyer.; --- charged for offices and club 1oom~ in

Alice Du• f('e. He!L:na; Ethel Gil~cr- Alpha Delta Pl'.. the union building, as this is the onh Q so:i. Bcz?~nan ; Ah.ce ~ohns~n, P~~\':r; Doris Roys was a dinner ~ucst Sun manner in which th_e. buildin!t could

A t' c £ Q F!·1eda ( lmton, ~lan~attan . :\lat ... ,,uet day. be made self-supporting. The rate tn r S a e 1

1" ell>, Dou~la>, Ariz.; ~lary Ellen Beta ~Iu of Alpha Delta Pi heir be charged would be mo:lo•t. and S~oaf. \\"hite~sh; !?earl Da\;!'; , l'ark formal pledging Sunday tor Clar~. would not be more than the!'e organi· City: I!de!1 \an \\ mkle, Helena. and Atkins, Bozeman; Lulu Conley, Boze· zations could reasonabl:,· pay. (Xe\.t Door to \Yestern l "nion) Helen Solhd o~ Dutton, Sunday aiter-Jman; Emy Graf, Bozeman. llildt. 10. \Vill the f acu lty be charged for noon. at a::~~ o clock. .

1. Halonen, Twin Bridge~ . their club rooms? Yes. Rent would

Q Fric<la Clmton was a dmner f!Ue:'t --- ha\·e to be paid for facult).· club _room~ ~ Saturday. I Chi Omega. just the same as other rooms m the ------------------------------ 1 F ormal pledgin_g- was held Sunda) building.

morning for the followinj!' g-irb : Edit 1_1. Do we not need a new ::\lathe Allport Billings; \\· inifrecl Bre\\ r matics-'t>hysics buildin~ or a n addition Bozemdn; )lary Brooke, Butte; Jlelc1 to the Chem istry building mo:e than Ephland, Billings; Dorothy d"Autre- a union building ?

Fang-Spur Dance mont, Roundup; Lillian Greiner, Ther e is need for these teachin_i? Butte; Mary :'.\lcCall. llarluwto·\ n buildings, but the;:.- could not be mack Glad\'s :'\IcCrea, Great Falls; :\lat- self-liquidatimr, and must. therefo e garei ::\Ju rray, Gla:sgow; Bern1n be prO\rided by the taxpayer::.. Smerud Flaxiield. 12. Do we ha\·e to keep pace with

I Lillia~ Greiner was a Friday dinner other in~titution~ where there arc

Saturday, October 15

BAXTER HOTEL Admission 75 Cents

9 :00 P. 1\1.

Slfi'S ORCHESTRA E,·erybody Welcome


1 p:-uest at the Chi Om_ega house. union buildings? ~o. H owe\•er, the experience of

Beta Epsilon. Beta Epsilon wishes to announ~c Rognas of Bozeman. Elwood \Yil:"on

the pled1?'ing of Louis Brewer of Gal- of Butte. and \\~illiam Curran of D ;:.·-latin Gateway. . creek .

.:\fr. C. G. Cr_ane was a d111nc t!Ues~ I .Jack Kaiserman spen: the weck-enr Saturday e \·ening. . with his parcnb in Living:-ton.

Charles Anderson. Arthur Ferkms, Donald Xauck was l'alle<l to LiY· Sa muel Rhynees and 01:Iancb E:"Ctm. tingston Sunday mornini.! by the unex­w~re guests of B_eta Epsilon at d.nnet peded death of his father. : '\"\ ednesday evenmg. . Curtis Howard of '\\·orden was a I

)~r. George G,oble of llarr1l-!on was week-end gue:-t at the Kappa Sigma a dmner guest Thursday. hou se.

Lambda Chi Alpha. Paul :\IcAdams. '82. wa~ a week-end

guest at the chapter hou~e.

Sigma .:\ lpha Epsilon. Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces lhl

I pledging of Ben Cra in of Sioux Cit)·, Iowa.

Frida,· nia-ht 31. D. Rolland of Libby w'as a dinner i:ruest .

Henry Gardiner, '28, was a dinner guest Sunday. I . -

.-..-.•.•.-..-••• -.-..-.. -.-...... •.•..-.•.•.•.·.-.-..-.·.···········-·-·..-.. • .. •.-.. •.·..-.•.·.•.•.•..-.•.•.-..-.---. •• "'\ 'S~~C:.ia y guests at the . .\n1i1!0 hou~· ~o--::-=o--::--:===========~=~~==.._- ~ were Ralph II odge, '2. from Denq• ---...... i Larr~~ )falmborg of :'\Ianhattan, and

.I/ D a n c in g th e D 0' r:, .' , ~~ I ~~~::: ~::~~er _of_Bu_tto.

-______ _::::_ __ J_n __________ ·_' _r_ ... __ ,• J ess )1as~ and Charles Kram~::; w<' 1·r 1 > \Yednesday dinner gue~ts o[ Orne2a

rhis lovely



;. I Bei,a~1c£ta Bela entertained the Alpha I ~ Gamma Delta active c·hapt.<>r at a :• fireside. Thur~:clay c\·eni ng. 1\1r. anti •: :\[1·s. Rtua!'t A,·e'ry \\.l'l'C cha~rones. ;. I Sunday dinner g-uest~ we·e :\fr. and •' :\Irs. Geor1?e Baxter and :'.\1r. and :\lrs. '. \Vayne E. Richards.

~ A lpha Gamma R~ ;. I Alpha Gamma Rh o announcr~ th<' ,• nledgint!' of Enos Ander~on of Colum­•: bu s, Philli ns Boyd of \\'yola. Lo\'cll :• Davis o( Bozeman. •' \ Roy Lewi:-; and Burl lfoa'?'lan<l "f thr < Dillon Xormal football team vi~:itcd at :• the house FTida y evening . •: I Charles Blake):,r spent the week -end '• I with his folks in Butte. :• J oseph (\unmings spent Sunda)· in ~ Li vingston.

~ Pi Kapi:a Al1>ha-. -•, Pi Kappa .-\l nha announces the in­i itialion of Nitk Bi elenben.~. Thomas

movie camera using low-cost film

CINE-KODAK EIGHT is not only surprisingly inex.

pensive to buy, but also radicall y economical to use. lt costs bu1

29.50, and cuts film expen~e oeady two-thirds.

A newly-developed film·s <iv· ing principle is responsible. Four images appear on the film in the usual space of one. Price

2.25 a roll. Cine.Kodak Eight is equipped wi th a Kodak An· astigmat/. 3 .5 lens that requires no focusing ... and bas many other refinemencs . Come in and let us show you.

Yolot' Pay No Tax; Eastman Pays f l

ALEXANDER ART CO. "1\laster Photo Finishers"







Paid for By 7\Ionaghan For Congre~s Club Ji.-______________________ _

I :::::::::;~."··•··'·"···-··'·-'-'"'""·"'''""'"'":::::;:::::::::.-::=::::::::::::::::::::: :: ff


g Phone 79 g I fi g I a :: 1g g 1i! Gallatin Laundry g

I i "Expert Dry Cleaners" I ==·=-ttt:t I --=.:=:::r.:=-~t:!!....-:!::::t:!'!!~1!,, ., . ....,

- In h e r glistening "a tin gown fah·ly dri1•1•in g about s ll111 dust.:y anl.:les. Has she i.tocJ.: ings on or is it s un­burn~ ,Yo, it's jus t her dull s urfaced

>,.; ~~;1ki;i~t:1~~'. .James Sy monds and Ambrose Shea spent the weck-('nrl

•: at hb home in Butte. :• Dinner guest~ during- the past W<"'"'l.· •: J were Arthur F c-rki n!', Charle~ AndC'1·­•, son, .John En ~strom, Dan iel Brl'nn '• man and .Joe Laison.

Chesterfields are Milder, They Taste Better Jlolcproof ex tra sheers In "E1·enin;;·", that tawny brown color oJ' her glorious tan. Onl~' l.9ii, too.

il.sJ.: for lYurnber '1063

HOSIERY-Main Floor


~ Sunda:r dinner l!Uesh: wp1·c ::\lr:-i \ Bielenbe?·g- and J ohn Biclenber'! of i Deer Lodge, ~l ary Ellen Bielenberl!. I ~ I Eel Dillon, J ess i\ l as~ ;md G eo~·.c-<· ~ Houlcl , 1a2. __ _ •: l\appa Sigma. '• Delta Lambcla of I< ap.-:a Si""lll"' .,., i nounce the p l edg-in ~ of Ha n~ '\lchn ~ o( H arlowton a nd Elwood Wil~cn o I ,• Butt.e. •: Mr. and Mrs. Mai·k F erri s of lfelen:l ALWAYS RELIABLE :• were d inner guests at the Kapp:!

BOZEMA _ _ _ MONTAN A ~ \8iJ<ma hou.e Saturday eve nin o: ..

:: Ke~fe~d:~c1dJ~h~r ~~~~\~o~~·te~·co [1~l~~~· . ......,_._.._. • ._._.....,.._.._.. ............... _. ............... _.. ... _.. ...... ......,..............., • .,.._.._._.._..,,,..,,...I"....._..........,...,.~ Charles Kremis of Hamilton, Dick

-the things smokers want most in a cigarette

I N CIJESTE HFI ELD there is no h::u-shness-no bitterness. They are made fro1n ripc~s" ec t Do1ucstic tobaccos and the

right amount of'l' urkish . T he tae.t<' a nd a ro1ua are just right.






\\·edne.•day and Thursday


Friday and Saturday


ro:111. 'G Sl'::\'DA y ''DOCTOR X"

Thursday and Friday

"THE :IIIRACLE ;\L\::\'"



If You Want Quality Buy From The

West 1Side, Grocery

Staple and Fancy Groceries

Price:; Rig-ht

Phone 266 410 \\'. Curtiss I I I G II I I I I I I ' I I I II II I I II I I

Hecommended by the Env.lbh Department of ~IO:\'T.\:\ .\ ST.\TE COLLEGE

Hotel Baxter Fountain Room

The Home of

t IU: \:\I\' '1 \LTED .\llLKS \:\0 OTHER GOOD

FOll::\'T.\I:\ DHl::\'h.S

Frosh Anticipations


Thut sda~ morn - ... . !-it.?pl. 2~i. ::1 10:.l:> o\·loi .. +. a p· up 0 1• s:x Pir!.;: frum ~liss Sh'\Yart :> a11\·ant'L'd .,.,\.:m m·n~ l'itt."'se·- l'nt .. rta:ned thl freshnwn Wllnlt•n lur a half hour wit a :-.\\in -min { and diYill..!' exhib:ti~n . Th£> ptir­i:o:-:e <•f the l'Xh'.bit wa.; to rit re t '.hP nC'wC'11mns in swimmin" a('tl\' ti :o oi­fe•ul by tlw t·ollC' .L'. and ln show thl'lll what ran Le U\ ·omplishcJ m on~ year\ l'tfvrt

Edith .Tohns11n. p!"l'!o:rh·n· l'i' \\° .• \. A .. ~an.• a short tar\, Wl·komin ~ th· girl:-:. <!?ld l'Xpla~n:n~· t}ll' f'b.n• th1tl \Y .. \. A. hoH .. Pll thf' t·a:11pu:<-. ~ht• al· o ~tltf"' I thai wimming" \\a:-" to ht> one of the- m~J~r sport for rb t 1is yea:-.

Thl• ;lr,1· am \\".I or- an!l'.L'd to show tht• :-"'nndal'd ,.,{ st·os.C'~. in rrogre~~ion frorl Lht most s.:npl~. to the mo1e aJ.~rncetl. A ·h..,~t d;v.n t·xh1bit!un, in t dt r t , -.:how tht• dl­glTCS or di.t'il'ult). wa~ I n·sent~d. TlH' L'llt•~rt:·inml'nt de- d wit~1 a l'rl'\\" rat't'. with thret• sw'.m1111:i-s tu L'al'h c:rait.

Tht• part:d11at:nC" wonl('n wt•l't' He ris R!!ctor .. \nn Ila rin~tun , )lal'y ..\n1lt•rsi.n, llilda llal11n.:11, )-Jaudt• :'.\lill' s and )fodl•"la )Jtinforton.

lll•kn OliH•r i!" employed by thl· re ar,·h cnl<lllolo~y d<'l''"''lllclll of I :\!(.ntana Statl• l'ollt•.:.:c. . .


Cf'ontinue-d from Pt1!!:e On~) I ton I I all. \\ ht'l'l' · hl~ for fn·sh-1 man '\omen is !J::JO Surnlay l'\'l' 1 .>. :--1.:n nadt::- may IJl' :<pon--~irl'd by :-ooeial g-roups u11tlcr tht: followin·~ regulation!-':

a. ~t>ne1:ad •. ~hall not bl• J!i\"­L·n un ~unday

h. Tlwy ~hall not Lt: on·r one hou1 's dunHion.

l'. The llllll' of s(>rf'nnch•s ..-hall hl· 10:1:> lt) 11 :I.1 c n n1;.:::ht:- whl!n ..;tudy hours til'L' in l'ffL'l'I, and un Fnday und ~aturilay nh:hL..: sk1I: tL·rminu'l' nut lalL·r thun l2::;o a. Ill.

I. Tiw sm·: a 1 J;! t"ou ps not nt1 sl·holar:<hip prohati1 n shall hl~ .:dlow(•d to 1.rin· unt.• formal p:1· t · clurin}! L'lll'h quartL·r. lh1.• dalL' for whi h must lJL~ :-.l•t·un•d lt·om the social dn·t·tt ir's of­liC('. and t't't·asional fin· :1h ~ whil'i1 will not r1.qu:re t'l':.n:-t td datr For (' ma tartit·~ and tin·sidl'S , I:st~ or -

.\1 lceal Plac, for Thl'atre Parties

Af!l-r thl' Show •

C'ha l'l'Olll!s mus! liL• till•d w:th tlw .;:ot· al clirl!clor's offitl' bl· io• l' thC' - --:•,;;.::.:;:,a:;;,,.:::.i~:::•..::=1110:.::::::.m~:=o•:.::::~ event.


Coming Fra,· With The ~tatc t •nhcrsih. Indicates That

the Gri~1Jie,.; ll<ne Odds


MASSACRE uNamrc in the Raw"-as porlTa)·ecl b)' chc arcisc, N. C. " ')·erh ••. inspired by the heartless treachcr)' of a band of t·iciou.s i\(iami Indians, u .. ho massacred chc settlers tuith inhuman ferocity •••

August 15, 1812.

-and raw tobaccos have no place in cigarettes

They arc 11ot present in Luckies . the mildest cigarette you ever smoked

W E buy the finest, the very finest tobaccos in all the

world-but that does not explain '\\ hy folks every­where regard Luck)' Strike as the mildest cigarette. The fact is, \ve never overlook the truth that "Nature in the Raw is Seldom Mild" - so

these fine tobaccos, after proper aging and mellowing, are then given the benefit of that Lucky Strike purifying process, described by the words-"Ir's toasted". Thar's why folks in every city, town and hamlet say that Luckies are such mild cigarettes.

" If .i ma n u ritt .1 bt1t(r IHJDk, pre 1.h .i htlltr Jirmon, ,,. 11:,1l:t a har,r mouJt·/r,1p th.; 11 hs neighbor, tho ht hm/.!J·ihMitln tht U ';(IJJ, t/...1 U'Ct'f.! r. tf/ .. 1,1l:.to1 br.itm J1.11b to hudoor. "-RALPH \\"ALDO EMERSON.

Docs nor tl11s cxpl..lin the world-wide .iccepranct: and approY.'.11 ofl.ucky Strike?

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